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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Just wondering if any of you have had a chance to watch the puppy cam. It is for the Warrior Canine Connection. My daughter will tune in on her computer during the day or in the evening when she has trouble sleeping. (Today they are having a ribbon cutting ceremony.) Normally though you have a view of these delightful yellow labs, and one golden retriever, all bouncy and full of energy. The website is http://www.explore.org. Misty's Pups - Nursery Cam is how you can find it. Last night one of the family came into the puppy enclosure wearing a furry dog costume, more training to get them used to everything. We laughed our heads off watching.


Have a great day!

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Horton goes to the Vet tomorrow for his International travel Certificate and his Vet-check and immunizations. I'm not good with shots and my dogs. I have to leave the room......I'm such a chicken. I know it doesn't hurt, it's like a tiny sting.....I know, I know but I can't stand to see my babies getting hurt in any way. It will also be the first time my big lug gets a shot with me as his Mommy! :eek:


I was going to take Brenny too but there's so much they don't do on a senior dog. We're going to give her a break and wait until it's closer to her birthday, which is on June 20th. She'll be going into her 14th year then and we'll see what he wants to do with my very favorite, adorable Black Lab.


What a wuss you are. :D


When I clicked on this thread I saw "it's my service dogs 6th cruise". I was thinking that I couldn't believe it has been that long since Brenny was on number 6. Then I saw that Brenny is going to be 14!!! OMG I can't believe it. You are a very lucky lady.

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What a wuss you are. :D


When I clicked on this thread I saw "it's my service dogs 6th cruise". I was thinking that I couldn't believe it has been that long since Brenny was on number 6. Then I saw that Brenny is going to be 14!!! OMG I can't believe it. You are a very lucky lady.


And, to think that when she retired she had finished her 15th cruise.....A lot of good times between the time I started this thread to when she became a couch potato and Horty came into our lives..

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Just wondering if any of you have had a chance to watch the puppy cam. It is for the Warrior Canine Connection. My daughter will tune in on her computer during the day or in the evening when she has trouble sleeping. (Today they are having a ribbon cutting ceremony.) Normally though you have a view of these delightful yellow labs, and one golden retriever, all bouncy and full of energy. The website is http://www.explore.org. Misty's Pups - Nursery Cam is how you can find it. Last night one of the family came into the puppy enclosure wearing a furry dog costume, more training to get them used to everything. We laughed our heads off watching.


Have a great day!


I have to look for that website when I'm home, this weekend. It's sounds like so much fun.

You have a wonderful day too. Horton has a doctor's visit and I get as nervous about it as I used to get with my kids. :p

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Qaum, I've been thinking about this a lot! What would I do? As long as Horton was allowed to go to his potty box and we were never separated, I don't see too much of a problem. If Morey were with us, it would be impossible. Morey can't walk stairs and would be rendered to one floor with his wheelchair.

The staff have an enormous responsibility in taking care of handicapped folks who can't walk or manage stairs.

I had a dream two nights ago that Horton fell into the ocean while I was onboard a cruise and everybody was screaming. I knew he had his life jacket on and I kept yelling at the Captain to stop the ship, stop the ship.......I made myself wake up because it was so disturbing! :(


But do you normally pack an extra four (or however may days it was) days of dog food? I know I don't, so unless I was planning to continue my trip on land after the cruise, I would only have a tiny bit of extra food with me (I carry a little extra, but not several days worth). What would you have done for food for him? Food for the humans was scarce and not always something dogs could have eaten (onion sandwiches, coleslaw, etc.).


Some people need their meds to be refrigerated. Some people only bring enough meds for the length of their trip (I always bring my whole pill bottle).


The stabilizers were off, so I am sure I would have gotten seasick, too. And I would not have had enough nutrition drinks, as I only bring enough for my trip, plus they need to be refrigerated.


I think I would have gone crazy with boredom and frustration, too!!


Sorry to hear about your nightmare! Thankfully, it was just a dream.

Edited by Quampapetet
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But do you normally pack an extra four (or however may days it was) days of dog food? I know I don't, so unless I was planning to continue my trip on land after the cruise, I would only have a tiny bit of extra food with me (I carry a little extra, but not several days worth). What would you have done for food for him? Food for the humans was scarce and not always something dogs could have eaten (onion sandwiches, coleslaw, etc.).


Some people need their meds to be refrigerated. Some people only bring enough meds for the length of their trip (I always bring my whole pill bottle).


The stabilizers were off, so I am sure I would have gotten seasick, too. And I would not have had enough nutrition drinks, as I only bring enough for my trip, plus they need to be refrigerated.


I think I would have gone crazy with boredom and frustration, too!!


Sorry to hear about your nightmare! Thankfully, it was just a dream.


Unless it happened towards the end of the cruise, of which this did not, I would have stretched his food by cutting down on the portions and I ALWAYS bring 3 extra days worth of food.


I also bring Virbac Chews which I cut into thirds [on our electric cutter at work], onboard a ship you can ask the Purser's desk to cut them with their papercutter [something I've done before] to help stretch them out. The chews are great for their teeth and gums and are wonderful for keeping them busy! They're a bit pricey so maybe I'll cut them into fourths just for cruising.


This is a great wake-up-call to all of us who travel with our dogs; pack extra food & doggie snacks; pack extra meds [including meclazine for the chance that the stabilizers will be off]; protein bars; something to drink and my tridominoe game. We've all learned now: BE PREPARED!

We can't depend on ANYONE to feed or care for our dogs like we do.

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Horton is such a rock star when it comes to the doctor's office. He behaves and presents himself like a true Service Dog. He is such a big and majestic looking dog and he holds his head high and so proudly.....I love walking with him. He's really faking people out because we all know what a "goof-ball" this boy really is!

He doesn't lunge out at other dogs....he doesn't even go for that "secret sniff", when you're not looking. He just stays by my side and makes me look so good! Brenda was impossible to bring around other dogs...she had to check them out and she'd pull me in every direction and it was impossible to walk a step without tripping over her! She NEVER got over this poor behavior and retired still doing it.

Thank goodness, Horton doesn't need to check every dog out he's happy to just be adorned from afar!

Dr. Kunin loves Horton, he said that his weight; 86lbs is perfect for his body type [CCI wants him to weigh 75], the doctor said, "no way!" "I can feel his ribs!" It's tough to be torn between my Vet and the demands of the training org.

Horton's records show that he's not due for his immunizations until August and the doctor wants me to wait until then, yippeee!!!!

CCI's paperwork was filled-out, I'll send it in and I got the Intl. Travel Cert. I picked-up a box of Heartguard [with two dogs using it every month, I make sure that we don't run out.] While we were there a dog who was suffering with heartworm disease had to be carried out to his masters car on a stretcher [it brought me to tears to see how weak and helpless this beautiful dog looked.] If you do nothing else for your dog.......PLEASE PUT HIM/HER ON HEARTGUARD MONTHLY.

I'll contact Allison Muff, in the Princess Access Dept. [the Monday before I cruise.] I'll remind her of where I want the potty box to be set-up. We've got all our paperwork in order and we're ready for our cruise.

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Unless it happened towards the end of the cruise, of which this did not, I would have stretched his food by cutting down on the portions and I ALWAYS bring 3 extra days worth of food.


I believe the cruise was to end the next day or day after that, as the people who were on the next cruise were already heading for the port city and the cruiseline was calling them to tell them there would be a delay in boarding. I read complaints of people who paid to get to and stay in the port city prior to being called.


This is a great wake-up-call to all of us who travel with our dogs; pack extra food & doggie snacks; pack extra meds [including meclazine for the chance that the stabilizers will be off]; protein bars; something to drink and my tridominoe game. We've all learned now: BE PREPARED!

We can't depend on ANYONE to feed or care for our dogs like we do.


I use meclazine just to cruise WITH the stabilizers! :p Next time, I'll definitely bring extra snacks for myself. I travel with a box of Saltines for my nausea (part of my health issues), too. I bring bottled water on the ships for my dog and myself (and my dog had to drink bottled on our Bahamas trip, too, due to all the chlorine in the water that you could strongly smell, ick!).

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I travel with a box of Saltines for my nausea (part of my health issues), too. I bring bottled water on the ships for my dog and myself (and my dog had to drink bottled on our Bahamas trip, too, due to all the chlorine in the water that you could strongly smell, ick!).


When Morey cruised with me we had to bring bottled water because he drinks NOTHING else. When he stopped cruising, I went to the ships water and Brenda and Horton both seem to do well with it. I never had a problem with chlorine......that would be awful!

Boy, this Carnival thing certainly is changing my packing plans. And, I'm glad I'm not flying anywhere so I can bring as much extra as I want to. :)

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This is going to sound horrible, but forgive me, it is not meant to be. Thank goodness it happened to another cruise, so that you had a heads up to start bringing extra just in case. I would have never thought of the cruise ending up 4-5 days longer! We were delayed from disembarking on a RCL cruise until around 2-3 o'clock the same afternoon and that was bad. We were all out of our rooms and in the public areas. They had closed all the vendors up, but ended up opening some of them for beverages and snack. Prior to that, I looked in my bag and still had a hostess cherry pie for hubby. He finally ate it before he got mugged for it!


In the middle of the ocean, on one cruise we were told they were out of the wine we drink. Funny 2 days later they had it and we had not been to port and we did not get a shipment "dropped"! I guess someone got off their duff and uncovered a case of it! One other time, we had the bestever waitress, yes as in female server for dinner. I can't remember what happened with our purpolsion but it was really slow. So we had minimal electric, etc. The bottled water went quick, but our waitress always had bottled water for us. She was tipped well for her efforts. She was going for Maitre' D. Don't know if she ever made it.

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Nancy, you reminded me of some incidents that happend to us onboard the Carnival Elation, Diamond Princess, Sun Viking and Norwegian Star.....From delayed debarkation, to a riot, to a rogue wave to burning my hand on a serving spoon in the buffet.


We've all had "stuff" happen in our lives. Who we are through it all speaks volumns about us!


The amazing crew members are usually always the true heroes in the cruising disasters.


I hope they were compensated very well for all that they did for the thousands who were inconvenienced onboard the Triumph.

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Absolutely, Roz. Most will complain that they didn't do enough, but we know they did all they could do. I heard some were being transferred to other ships and some were going home. Must have been close enough to the end of some of their contracts. I cannot think of one instance of a crew member that I had a problem with, so they must not have been any. We have had situations come up, but the crew did their best to resolve it.


I will never forget the 2nd or 3rd cruise we went on. It was on RCL, one of their oldest ships. We got in our room which was way forward. It was a big room, because of the configuration of the ship and where it starts to curve in. Anyway, first thing hubby did was look for the TV. We couldn't find it. He tells me, go find the room steward. Sure enough they did not have TV's in every room back then. I thought hubby was going to jump over board before we left the dock! But alas, he made it for the 7 days and we had a blast! I remember the Crow's Nest was on the aft of the ship. The elevator held like 5 people, the bar had 2 tables and I think like 8 stools. They also had a stair case from the outside up to the bar. Hubby could still walk good then and we would take the stairs. One night we were having a good rain, lightening and thunder storm. Absolutely the most amazing thing I have ever seen out on the open ocean. Anyway, us fools were running up the outside stairs laughing our fool heads off. I am sure glad the lightening didn't strike us!


Ah the good times! :D

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Horton is such a rock star when it comes to the doctor's office. He behaves and presents himself like a true Service Dog. He is such a big and majestic looking dog and he holds his head high and so proudly.....I love walking with him. He's really faking people out because we all know what a "goof-ball" this boy really is!


He doesn't lunge out at other dogs....he doesn't even go for that "secret sniff", when you're not looking. He just stays by my side and makes me look so good! Brenda was impossible to bring around other dogs...she had to check them out and she'd pull me in every direction and it was impossible to walk a step without tripping over her! She NEVER got over this poor behavior and retired still doing it.


Thank goodness, Horton doesn't need to check every dog out he's happy to just be adorned from afar!


Dr. Kunin loves Horton, he said that his weight; 86lbs is perfect for his body type [CCI wants him to weigh 75], the doctor said, "no way!" "I can feel his ribs!" It's tough to be torn between my Vet and the demands of the training org.


Horton's records show that he's not due for his immunizations until August and the doctor wants me to wait until then, yippeee!!!!


CCI's paperwork was filled-out, I'll send it in and I got the Intl. Travel Cert. I picked-up a box of Heartguard [with two dogs using it every month, I make sure that we don't run out.] While we were there a dog who was suffering with heartworm disease had to be carried out to his masters car on a stretcher [it brought me to tears to see how weak and helpless this beautiful dog looked.] If you do nothing else for your dog.......PLEASE PUT HIM/HER ON HEARTGUARD MONTHLY.


I'll contact Allison Muff, in the Princess Access Dept. [the Monday before I cruise.] I'll remind her of where I want the potty box to be set-up. We've got all our paperwork in order and we're ready for our cruise.


86 lbs??? Wow he must be alot bigger than he looks in pics, and I don't mean fat. CCI always wants them scrawny. When we got Wex he was so skinny his bones were sticking out. I like a dog with some meat on them. I think he is somewhere around 71 or 72 maybe, CCI wants him between 66 and 70. So we are not that far off.

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Nancy, I loved your cruise tale. Everything was so much more fun when I had the energy to do a heck of a lot more and when Morey was right by my side, enjoying every moment.

Cindy, I can't believe how much Wexy weighs, he too, looks much bigger [and, I don't mean fatter] in pictures. I am really going to rethink the amount of extra food I bring Horty in March. Lesson learned!

Yep, Horty is a big boy. And, he makes me really smile when he stretches out on my bed and takes up the space of both Morey and me with his long, long body.

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Or the time we took a 10 day cruise down to Mexico. We stayed over night somewhere (can't remember where and it doesn't matter! :D) Anyway, they of course had to tie the ship up at the dock. Well in the middle of the night we start hearing something that sounded like someone was pounding on the side of the ship with a sledge hammer. It was the last cruise for the ship before it went into dry dock and they had started doing alot of the repairs and rehab while we were on the cruise. So, hubby figuered it was some ya-hoo doing work. He called the front desk and they said they would send someone. Tap, tap, tap. The pounding continues, nothing. Calls again and they finally send maintenance. We were the last room, aft and behind us was an open little deck that was only accessible by staff. So in maintenance goes. A little while later they come out, the pounding is still going on. Hubby whips the door open and starts chasing the maintenance guy down the hall. Of course hubby was in his undies! What a sight that was! :D:eek:Well the out come was, it was the rope and where we were tied up at the dock, the ship had floated enough to make the rope really taunt and it was slapping against the ship. Same cruise, the workers decided to cut some new tile, out on the deck behind our room. The tile cutter was up against our rooms wall. We were, key word "were" trying to nap. Zip, zip, tile going thru machine. I could go on, but I am sure we all have some ship tales to tell.

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Or the time we took a 10 day cruise down to Mexico. We stayed over night somewhere (can't remember where and it doesn't matter! :D) Anyway, they of course had to tie the ship up at the dock. Well in the middle of the night we start hearing something that sounded like someone was pounding on the side of the ship with a sledge hammer. It was the last cruise for the ship before it went into dry dock and they had started doing alot of the repairs and rehab while we were on the cruise. So, hubby figuered it was some ya-hoo doing work. He called the front desk and they said they would send someone. Tap, tap, tap. The pounding continues, nothing. Calls again and they finally send maintenance. We were the last room, aft and behind us was an open little deck that was only accessible by staff. So in maintenance goes. A little while later they come out, the pounding is still going on. Hubby whips the door open and starts chasing the maintenance guy down the hall. Of course hubby was in his undies! What a sight that was! :D:eek:Well the out come was, it was the rope and where we were tied up at the dock, the ship had floated enough to make the rope really taunt and it was slapping against the ship. Same cruise, the workers decided to cut some new tile, out on the deck behind our room. The tile cutter was up against our rooms wall. We were, key word "were" trying to nap. Zip, zip, tile going thru machine. I could go on, but I am sure we all have some ship tales to tell.


Very funny......sort of! My most favorite "tail" is when my SIL opened the cabin door and Horty zipped out the door, down the hall and was heading for the open elevator when a young man stopped him. The stairwell was right across the way from the elevator......I'm so thankful that my "bad boy" didn't see those!

He was so insecure and felt so confused, he had that "fright and flight" thing down pat!

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I actually came over here to post about dialysis being available on certain sailings - but saw the service dogs....


They are all lovely! We are thinking about raising a seeing eye guide dog puppy, we live near the headquarters, once our youngest child is 10 (one of the requirements). It would be hard to return her or him, but both my kids and I feel it would be such a gift to help someone with.


I know they are there for other purposes, but I'm glad to see these dogs bring so much joy to your life!

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Good thing the guy wasn't afraid of the big tall black dog, on a cruise ship charging him! :eek::eek:


I got a verbal lashing [rightfully so] by a woman who was scared to death of ALL dogs, let alone this giant furry thing coming at everyone in that hallway!

Well, by the time we took our next cruise, which was 6 months later, he was markedly different; more relaxed, more confident, less afraid of changes.


When Horton is "on task", he MUST bow first [his own habit] and then do the task. It can be a bit annoying for me but so entertaining to anyone watching. If a stranger starts talking to him, first he'll bow than he'll eye-contact.


Like I've said before Horton is so weird but so wonderful!

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I actually came over here to post about dialysis being available on certain sailings - but saw the service dogs....


They are all lovely! We are thinking about raising a seeing eye guide dog puppy, we live near the headquarters, once our youngest child is 10 (one of the requirements). It would be hard to return her or him, but both my kids and I feel it would be such a gift to help someone with.


I know they are there for other purposes, but I'm glad to see these dogs bring so much joy to your life!


mommaof 3: Welcome to our world!!!! :) You said it so well; our dogs do bring a lot of joy into our lives and then some!

I was watching my DH last night as he and Brenda [my retired SD] were laying on our bed. Brenda had her head on his chest and he was stroking her. She was looking at him with such love and he looked so relaxed and happy [brenda worked with me for over 10 years as my partner and best friend] and, now she's Morey's furry-medicine. God bless her!

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I got a verbal lashing [rightfully so] by a woman who was scared to death of ALL dogs, let alone this giant furry thing coming at everyone in that hallway!


Well, by the time we took our next cruise, which was 6 months later, he was markedly different; more relaxed, more confident, less afraid of changes.


When Horton is "on task", he MUST bow first [his own habit] and then do the task. It can be a bit annoying for me but so entertaining to anyone watching. If a stranger starts talking to him, first he'll bow than he'll eye-contact.


Like I've said before Horton is so weird but so wonderful!



I swear we have the same dog Roz. Wexler also has to bow before he gets something. Rangeley used to do that too, bow , stretch, choke, scratch, whatever he could find to do instead of picking something up.


John did a demo with Wex today at a very expensive private school. They were 3rd graders and so well behaved. They are studying differences in people. The boys did a great job. John puts Wexlers picture book up on the computer and projects it on the big wall screen. He goes through the book and talks all about CCI and what Wex does. The kids were silent through the whole thing. Then John answers questions and a million hands go up. At the end, John has him bow and bark. The kids loved it. Their only request was that they got to pat Wexler at the end. I handed out CCI bookmarks and every single kid said thank you. The teacher already asked him back for next year. She said the kids were talking about it all day. So cute!!!


Oh and more darn snow this weekend :mad:



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I swear we have the same dog Roz. Wexler also has to bow before he gets something. Rangeley used to do that too, bow , stretch, choke, scratch, whatever he could find to do instead of picking something up.


John did a demo with Wex today at a very expensive private school. They were 3rd graders and so well behaved. They are studying differences in people. The boys did a great job. John puts Wexlers picture book up on the computer and projects it on the big wall screen. He goes through the book and talks all about CCI and what Wex does. The kids were silent through the whole thing. Then John answers questions and a million hands go up. At the end, John has him bow and bark. The kids loved it. Their only request was that they got to pat Wexler at the end. I handed out CCI bookmarks and every single kid said thank you. The teacher already asked him back for next year. She said the kids were talking about it all day. So cute!!!


Oh and more darn snow this weekend :mad:




Cindy, thank you so much for sharing John's day at the school with us. I loved it!

Horton is in no way ready to do demo's. Since I worked in a building that had kindergarden classrooms, I was always asked to bring Brenda in for demo's and she was amazing! I'm afraid Horton would get distracted and head for some kids lunch pail or crotch!!!!! :eek:


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Cindy: Warms my heart. Working with these kids makes me understand just how important "things" are to them!


Roz: As for lunch pail, crotch monster, LOL. Reno was a crotch dog. Spent most of our time apologizing! But they are what they are and we love them with all our heart and more.


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