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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Yes, Carnival should have given the tour company that info. You didn't have any way to contact them yourself! Carnival is to blame. They knew you were taking the dog off the ship since you had the import permit, not to mention it should always be assumed the dog is with the handler. Did they reimburse you for the taxi?


I've only done third-party excursions, no cruiseline ones, so haven't come across this issue. Usually third-party excursions are cheaper, plus you can customize them, too. I do tell them (or have the group leader I'm with tell them, since she set the tours up) in advance about my service dog if there is no access law in their country.


Yes, we were reimbursed but the time we lost with our family dealing with this was worth more than the $50 we got back.


Another thing that bothered me (and maybe foreshadowing of what was to come) was that the guest services person handed us an application for the import permit when we got on the ship. I handed her the copy of the paper I sent along with the completed stamped permit back, along with all the other necessary papers. I know I faxed copies of papers to them. I'm not sure if the permit was one of them. I don't know if that would have made a difference or not.


We fired off a 3 page letter last week. We shall see what results. I doubt much of anything.

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Roz, sorry to hear about Brenda's decline! :( I hope she stays with you for a while longer! Did you call your vet? They might want to give her pain meds to help, at the very least.


Thanks Quam. I had a conversation with my Vet yesterday. He did suggest pain meds and he will do a house call if needed. That's so good to know that I don't have to schlep her out and expose her to any more discomfort than necessary. Because of her labored breathing he said he would like to hold-back on any meds right now, as long as she seems more comfortable.


She had a much better night, last night. She was not wobbling and was getting off and on her couch without my assistance.

No more long walks and even trips in the car. It's too exhausting for my girl and seemed to have brought on her problems!

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Wheeww, Big Sis, with the Big Hair. Through tears I will try and write something profound to comfort you. Ms. Brenny has had the bestest life ever. She was your constant companion for many good years. She is a bit "Snooty" from your description or would "Prim and Proper" better describe the Grand Dame? Anyway, she will let you know when she is ready to make that journey to be with Papa. Follow her lead, like you done for many years. Give her as much love and hugs as possible (knowing you already do) Know that we are here and have walked in your shoes before. It never gets easier, it never goes away.

Love ya! Sending prayers and thoughts your way.


So tired of this computer changing my color and font midway through a post! Might have fixed it.

Oh yay, fixed it alright!


Thanks Nancy. She's such a dear, sweet dog. She deserves the very best of care and love and I will give her all I can.

She seems to be more comfortable and is using her potty box, eating and drinking today. She got so excited when she saw Horton last night....it's so cute to see her hug and kiss him hello!!!! [i swear, she's actually hugging him with her muzzle and kissing him hello!] It's pure joy to watch them together!

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Awww Roz, We are so sorry to hear about Brenny. You will do the right thing when it's time. I'm lost for words big sis. Unfortunately we have all been through this and are here for you. I cry for her like she was my own. We will get you through this like you got us all through it.


Love you my friend.




Cindy, when it came time in our lives with our dogs Morey was ALWAYS the one to help them "move on" into death. I couldn't do it, I would hug and kiss them goodbye and he would take them to the Vet's office.

It's going to be me doing everything......Boy, talk about putting on your "big-girl-panties" and doing what needs to be done. Morey really sheltered me [more than I realized!]

Thank you so much for your wonderful support. I love you!!!!

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Cindy, when it came time in our lives with our dogs Morey was ALWAYS the one to help them "move on" into death. I couldn't do it, I would hug and kiss them goodbye and he would take them to the Vet's office.

It's going to be me doing everything......Boy, talk about putting on your "big-girl-panties" and doing what needs to be done. Morey really sheltered me [more than I realized!]

Thank you so much for your wonderful support. I love you!!!!


I'm so happy to read that Miss B is doing so much better today ... As for you and your "big-girl-panties", well I am trying hard not to have that vision!!!!! LOL! :p:D.

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Roz, So glad to hear Brenny is feeling better. :D Wexler sends his love to Auntie Brenny.


When it came to the animals, I was a single mother so I was the one who had to help them "move on" as you call it. Five times to be exact. :mad: So I guess you will have to put on the big girl panties (not getting a visual) like I did. I don't want to be a big girl anymore!




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Roz, So glad to hear Brenny is feeling better. :D Wexler sends his love to Auntie Brenny.


When it came to the animals, I was a single mother so I was the one who had to help them "move on" as you call it. Five times to be exact. :mad: So I guess you will have to put on the big girl panties (not getting a visual) like I did. I don't want to be a big girl anymore!





You could teach me a lot about survival! I don't blame you for not wanting to be "the big girl any more!" Sometimes it just feels good to be taken care of! You're a great friend and wonderful resource for all of us.

Although Morey and I were a great team, he really did take care of the dirty work; the not-so-pleasant stuff, that I mostly took for granted!!!!

I know how lucky I was to have had Morey in my life for so long and I'll be forever grateful for the way he took care of me and our children. We helped each other and through it all he was a devoted husband, father and friend!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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How is everyone today? We are not so hot, but have that horrible humid wet weather now and the midges!!! the little beggars bite me but I since I started using Avon Skin So Soft (original spray) the little beggars leave me alone! I used this Avon on our Alaska cruise and I never got one bite! And when you're in the middle of ball play and the dog charges back with her prized ball surrounded by a cloud of midges, I am forever grateful to whoever told me about this Avon stuff!


Talking about stuff .... I recently put Aloe Vera gel on the girl dog's paw - you know those little nobbly scabs/bare patches they get on their legs and they just love to lick and make worse? Well I had used it on the boy dog's ears, on the outside when they were a bit hot (he has those gungy ears that need cleaning out every other day) with him scratching and it did the trick to soothe them. I tried it on madam and it stopped her licking and the scab healed quickly. I did tell the vet I was doing this and she said "fine".


Anyway, how is everyone?


Roz, how is Miss Brenda? I know you are very busy but her Scottish Cyber Auntie would like to know! :)


I imagine by now you will all know we had a new Royal Baby - Prince George Alexander Louis. I wish I had put a bet on as I was sure he would be a "George" I think it's a great solid name and I know a lovely lab called George who is very capable. It was so nice of them to call him after George the lab! :eek::D

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How is everyone today? We are not so hot, but have that horrible humid wet weather now and the midges!!! the little beggars bite me but I since I started using Avon Skin So Soft (original spray) the little beggars leave me alone! I used this Avon on our Alaska cruise and I never got one bite! And when you're in the middle of ball play and the dog charges back with her prized ball surrounded by a cloud of midges, I am forever grateful to whoever told me about this Avon stuff!


Talking about stuff .... I recently put Aloe Vera gel on the girl dog's paw - you know those little nobbly scabs/bare patches they get on their legs and they just love to lick and make worse? Well I had used it on the boy dog's ears, on the outside when they were a bit hot (he has those gungy ears that need cleaning out every other day) with him scratching and it did the trick to soothe them. I tried it on madam and it stopped her licking and the scab healed quickly. I did tell the vet I was doing this and she said "fine".


Anyway, how is everyone?


Roz, how is Miss Brenda? I know you are very busy but her Scottish Cyber Auntie would like to know! :)


I imagine by now you will all know we had a new Royal Baby - Prince George Alexander Louis. I wish I had put a bet on as I was sure he would be a "George" I think it's a great solid name and I know a lovely lab called George who is very capable. It was so nice of them to call him after George the lab! :eek::D


Okay, I'm guessing but I bet a "midge" for you is a "gnat" for us.

Brenda is truly rallying.....she's feeling much better and acting perky. She's eating, playing and sleeping well. She doesn't appear to be in pain and is not heavy breathing as much. I'm not exercising her anymore. No more long walks or trips in the car. She does best when I let her play in the house and outside at her own pace. No more pushing her!!!!!

I love every single moment I have with this wonderful girl.....she's such a sweetheart and I feel so blessed to have had her in mine and Morey's life.

You know I do believe that when we die our souls live on.......and, the fact that this new baby of "yours" was born on the 100th day of Morey's passing makes me start to think.......Just saying!!!!!! ;)

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How is everyone today? We are not so hot, but have that horrible humid wet weather now and the midges!!! the little beggars bite me but I since I started using Avon Skin So Soft (original spray) the little beggars leave me alone! I used this Avon on our Alaska cruise and I never got one bite! And when you're in the middle of ball play and the dog charges back with her prized ball surrounded by a cloud of midges, I am forever grateful to whoever told me about this Avon stuff!


Talking about stuff .... I recently put Aloe Vera gel on the girl dog's paw - you know those little nobbly scabs/bare patches they get on their legs and they just love to lick and make worse? Well I had used it on the boy dog's ears, on the outside when they were a bit hot (he has those gungy ears that need cleaning out every other day) with him scratching and it did the trick to soothe them. I tried it on madam and it stopped her licking and the scab healed quickly. I did tell the vet I was doing this and she said "fine".


Anyway, how is everyone?


Roz, how is Miss Brenda? I know you are very busy but her Scottish Cyber Auntie would like to know! :)


I imagine by now you will all know we had a new Royal Baby - Prince George Alexander Louis. I wish I had put a bet on as I was sure he would be a "George" I think it's a great solid name and I know a lovely lab called George who is very capable. It was so nice of them to call him after George the lab! :eek::D


We never had a problem with bugs in Alaska. I only had one mosquito land on me. At first I thought it was a hummingbird! :eek:

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Okay, I'm guessing but I bet a "midge" for you is a "gnat" for us.

Brenda is truly rallying.....she's feeling much better and acting perky. She's eating, playing and sleeping well. She doesn't appear to be in pain and is not heavy breathing as much. I'm not exercising her anymore. No more long walks or trips in the car. She does best when I let her play in the house and outside at her own pace. No more pushing her!!!!!

I love every single moment I have with this wonderful girl.....she's such a sweetheart and I feel so blessed to have had her in mine and Morey's life.

You know I do believe that when we die our souls live on.......and, the fact that this new baby of "yours" was born on the 100th day of Morey's passing makes me start to think.......Just saying!!!!!! ;)


Phew that's a relief about Miss B .... :D.


Yes a midge is just the same as a gnat, sort of, they are very small and they don't whine like a mossie, or at least I should say a female mossie!


DKD, you were lucky, we did see a few mossies but not nearly as many as I thought we might when it was damp. I got a few bites on my head - they must like sweet brains .... LOL! so maybe that's why you were ok just like my DH??? ;):p LOL!

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Okay, I'm guessing but I bet a "midge" for you is a "gnat" for us.


Brenda is truly rallying.....she's feeling much better and acting perky. She's eating, playing and sleeping well. She doesn't appear to be in pain and is not heavy breathing as much. I'm not exercising her anymore. No more long walks or trips in the car. She does best when I let her play in the house and outside at her own pace. No more pushing her!!!!!


I love every single moment I have with this wonderful girl.....she's such a sweetheart and I feel so blessed to have had her in mine and Morey's life.


You know I do believe that when we die our souls live on.......and, the fact that this new baby of "yours" was born on the 100th day of Morey's passing makes me start to think.......Just saying!!!!!! ;)


So glad to hear that Brenny is doing better!! :D

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How is everyone today? We are not so hot, but have that horrible humid wet weather now and the midges!!! the little beggars bite me but I since I started using Avon Skin So Soft (original spray) the little beggars leave me alone! I used this Avon on our Alaska cruise and I never got one bite! And when you're in the middle of ball play and the dog charges back with her prized ball surrounded by a cloud of midges, I am forever grateful to whoever told me about this Avon stuff!


Talking about stuff .... I recently put Aloe Vera gel on the girl dog's paw - you know those little nobbly scabs/bare patches they get on their legs and they just love to lick and make worse? Well I had used it on the boy dog's ears, on the outside when they were a bit hot (he has those gungy ears that need cleaning out every other day) with him scratching and it did the trick to soothe them. I tried it on madam and it stopped her licking and the scab healed quickly. I did tell the vet I was doing this and she said "fine".


Anyway, how is everyone?


Roz, how is Miss Brenda? I know you are very busy but her Scottish Cyber Auntie would like to know! :)


I imagine by now you will all know we had a new Royal Baby - Prince George Alexander Louis. I wish I had put a bet on as I was sure he would be a "George" I think it's a great solid name and I know a lovely lab called George who is very capable. It was so nice of them to call him after George the lab! :eek::D



OK here's my wierd Royal Family story. Princess Diana and I got married the same year, we were the same age, we were pregnant at the same time, my son born in August and Harry born in Sept. Then I got divorced, and she followed a few years later. Her husband was a cheater just like mine. :D I always admired the way she chose to break tradition and raise her kids differently and do her own thing. I was thinking about how proud she would have been to see how well her kids turned out. Well Harry has had a few probs which he never would have done if she was still alive.

Edited by rangeley
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Phew that's a relief about Miss B .... :D.


Yes a midge is just the same as a gnat, sort of, they are very small and they don't whine like a mossie, or at least I should say a female mossie!


DKD, you were lucky, we did see a few mossies but not nearly as many as I thought we might when it was damp. I got a few bites on my head - they must like sweet brains .... LOL! so maybe that's why you were ok just like my DH??? ;):p LOL!


Ok! A "midge" is a "gnat" - A "mossie" is a "mosquito!" I've got it, Blarney Stone I've got it!!!!!! :D ;)

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