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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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OK here's my wierd Royal Family story. Princess Diana and I got married the same year, we were the same age, we were pregnant at the same time, my son born in August and Harry born in Sept. Then I got divorced, and she followed a few years later. Her husband was a cheater just like mine. :D I always admired the way she chose to break tradition and raise her kids differently and do her own thing. I was thinking about how proud she would have been to see how well her kids turned out. Well Harry has had a few probs which he never would have done if she was still alive.


So, Princess Cindy.....you are the trend setter that I thought you were!!!!

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Who's the next one to cruise? I don't go until September 29th. Is anyone going before that?


My girlfriend reminded me yesterday of all the things that I'm doing as "firsts" as a single person.


Life is so different.


I had my car serviced without Morey's input, for the first time in my life. The Ford dealer was so helpful and I have complete trust in them. Thank goodness because as long as it starts and runs is all I know about my car!!!!


Shopping for food and household necessities [for one] is a lesson in don't over buy! I'm learning. Morey used to do all the household shopping and he didn't like when I went with him.....he said I used to spend too much money. He would ask me to make him a list. I miss that!!!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Who's the next one to cruise? I don't go until September 29th. Is anyone going before that?


My girlfriend reminded me yesterday of all the things that I'm doing as "firsts" as a single person.


Life is so different.


I had my car serviced without Morey's input, for the first time in my life. The Ford dealer was so helpful and I have complete trust in them. Thank goodness because as long as it starts and runs is all I know about my car!!!!


Shopping for food and household necessities [for one] is a lesson in don't over buy! I'm learning. Morey used to do all the household shopping and he didn't like when I went with him.....he said I used to spend too much money. He would ask me to make him a list. I miss that!!!

Have a great weekend everyone!


You're beating me to the next cruise!


Gosh you had quite the husband :) ... Most wouldn't even know where the supermarket is!! Don't all husbands tell us we spend too much money!!! If they only knew the real truth ..... LOL!


It will take time Roz, as your friend says its all now again a lots of "firsts". But you know what I'm sure in that long list of "firsts", there will be some that will give you pleasure, and it won't always make you sad or heavy with a sigh at past happy memories - if that makes sense :)


Hope Miss B and Mr H are well and you too have a great weekend! :D

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OK here's my wierd Royal Family story. Princess Diana and I got married the same year, we were the same age, we were pregnant at the same time, my son born in August and Harry born in Sept. Then I got divorced, and she followed a few years later. Her husband was a cheater just like mine. :D I always admired the way she chose to break tradition and raise her kids differently and do her own thing. I was thinking about how proud she would have been to see how well her kids turned out. Well Harry has had a few probs which he never would have done if she was still alive.


I think she would have been so proud also. They have done so well and seem like really nice young men, down to earth and well balanced. And if Harry does go off the rails a wee bit, it's just such a shame that the media are watching the whole time.

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Who's the next one to cruise? I don't go until September 29th. Is anyone going before that?


My girlfriend reminded me yesterday of all the things that I'm doing as "firsts" as a single person.


Life is so different.


I had my car serviced without Morey's input, for the first time in my life. The Ford dealer was so helpful and I have complete trust in them. Thank goodness because as long as it starts and runs is all I know about my car!!!!


Shopping for food and household necessities [for one] is a lesson in don't over buy! I'm learning. Morey used to do all the household shopping and he didn't like when I went with him.....he said I used to spend too much money. He would ask me to make him a list. I miss that!!!


Have a great weekend everyone!



I remember when I got divorced and had to do everything myself. I was terrified and scared to be alone, especially when Lee would leave for the weekend. But I had my big chocolate lab to protect me and keep me company. I learned alittle about cars and learned how to fix many things by myself. It was really hard. That seemed to come in handy now later in life. I am now an expert in quadriplegics and wheelchair repair. :D And I agree with Morey, I hate when John goes shopping with me. He drives me nuts and always wants to buy things.


I know I am not the next cruiser :( Looks like you are it Roz!

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Mornin' all:

Roz: You have us with you at all times too! Just think to yourself what would my CC buddies do? If it is on the edge of being naughty, then by all means DO IT!


As for the grocery store, Keith hasn't seen the inside of one in at least 30 years. His famous comment is, "Why didn't you buy such and such, how much could it be 99 cents?" Then his next comment is "How did you spend that much at the store? I don't get it." To which my reply, under my breath of course is, "No, you don't get it!" When he retired, way before me, he was going to do the grocery shopping. But with his disability he is not able to. Although it would probably be a better idea if he did. He would only be able to get so much into the scooter basket. That could save us money. "Pop" light bulb, idea.


Not much going on here. Just waiting for the scorching sun to settle down and this darn Mid West/ East Coast humidity to go away! We live in the desert, it's supposed to be a dry heat! Crabby pants, I know. Everyon have a great day.

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Here I am ! Just so much going on, I didn't make time to sit down and say Hello.


I get on here and read quick and then it off and getting things done.


Thinking of all of you.


So nice that most everything is going OK. Roz----you are in my thoughts and I see that you are getting along alright. I know there will be set back but you will be fine, in time. Glad that Brenda is doing well right now. Hopefully she will be with you for a long time to come. It is hard when they get on in age. We take for granted, so many things, but in the long run, we can do them also. I know it isn't easy, to have to take care of everything. You were blessed to have had Morey in your life but I don't think God gives us anything that we can't take care of. It might seem hard at the time , BUT, We can do it. Lots of hugs going your way.


Cindy, thanks for wondering where I have been. Glad that John is feeling better and I thought it might have been his apendix all along. But I'm not the doctor.:eek: Hope that you are good also and Wex too.


Hello to everyone else. Hope that you are all healthy----I didn't get to read all the updates. So glad the Alaska trip was great. And the coming up one also.


Roz---you said you were sailing in Sept. I sail on October 5th and I am ready for some rest. The Estate of my friend is not settled yet but it shouldn't be long now. DH has been going to the chiropractor for a week now, he hurt his back. It seems to be getting better but slowly. Since we are staying at the acquired house, right now, we have been doing painting and little things that need to be fixed, hence the bad back.:eek: I am doing OK now but that darn caugh that I had didn't want to go away, it has been over oa month. But it seems to be going away, finally.


Well, take care all and hopefully I will get back sooner. Hugs to all of you.


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Here I am ! Just so much going on, I didn't make time to sit down and say Hello.


I get on here and read quick and then it off and getting things done.


Thinking of all of you.


So nice that most everything is going OK. Roz----you are in my thoughts and I see that you are getting along alright. I know there will be set back but you will be fine, in time. Glad that Brenda is doing well right now. Hopefully she will be with you for a long time to come. It is hard when they get on in age. We take for granted, so many things, but in the long run, we can do them also. I know it isn't easy, to have to take care of everything. You were blessed to have had Morey in your life but I don't think God gives us anything that we can't take care of. It might seem hard at the time , BUT, We can do it. Lots of hugs going your way.


Cindy, thanks for wondering where I have been. Glad that John is feeling better and I thought it might have been his apendix all along. But I'm not the doctor.:eek: Hope that you are good also and Wex too.


Hello to everyone else. Hope that you are all healthy----I didn't get to read all the updates. So glad the Alaska trip was great. And the coming up one also.


Roz---you said you were sailing in Sept. I sail on October 5th and I am ready for some rest. The Estate of my friend is not settled yet but it shouldn't be long now. DH has been going to the chiropractor for a week now, he hurt his back. It seems to be getting better but slowly. Since we are staying at the acquired house, right now, we have been doing painting and little things that need to be fixed, hence the bad back.:eek: I am doing OK now but that darn caugh that I had didn't want to go away, it has been over oa month. But it seems to be going away, finally.


Well, take care all and hopefully I will get back sooner. Hugs to all of you.



Oh! Thank goodness you're just living your busy life, that's what you're up to.

My Brenny is hanging on. She has an occasional breathing episode where her eyes get the size of saucers and the sound is magnified 10 times and her tongue is desparately hanging out of her mouth, hoping to catch any and all air in the room. Scares the bejeebers out of me and Horty. We both stop what we're doing and stare at her and she stares right back, with her big, brown pleading eyes!!!!! So scary!

I go over and rub her back and encourage her to breathe slowly and she actually listens and slows her breathing and lays her head down and relaxes to where she can catch her breath and relax. It's not as if she's been exercising or walking or done anything to excert herself. It's just the labored breating of a 91+ year old woman. God love her!!!!!

I sail onboard the Star Princess on September 29th, out of San Pedro. It will be a definite "first" for me. I'm going to push myself to go and Horty will be by my side to give me courage and do his job! It will be the first time I've cruised leaving on a Sunday out of San Pedro. Usually it's a Saturday. So, there's another first for me!!!! I plan on having a relaxing and lovely cruise.

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Well, I have to renew my driver's license on August 12th. I have to take the written and eye exam. It's been about 10 years of automatic renewals, since I've done either. The state of Calif. wants to be sure I haven't fallen completely apart!

I'd rather part with my last born child [my first born is my best friend] than not have my driver's license. It's my card to freedom. Especially living here in L.A., you can't do much here without a car. Although we do have rapid transit [that's a joke], trains and taxi's;they're definitely not as efficient as other big cities [because we're so spread out!]

I can't imagine not being able to drive to the cruising dock myself! Heaven forbid!!! :eek: :o

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Get out the Heartguard.....go to Vet and buy some!!!!! Hey, am I alone here???? Where is everyone? This is getting creepy guys!!!!! :confused:



Here I am ..... :D


It's wierd isn't it when we go quiet for a couple of days, especially when I think we all usually have plenty to say! LOL!


It's cooled down a bit here, but those blasted midges! Perfect weather for them, cool and damp!


Roz, we don't have to renew our driving licence here in the UK until 70 and then it's mostly down to your eyesight - or if your GP advises otherwise i.e. you have a medical condition which prohibits driving. I know some people who are not nearly that age who shouldn't be anywhere near a car! Let alone drive one! ;)


I know what you mean about the car being your lifeline, we live in a tiny community so we have to drive to get to "civilisation" and shops etc., but I wouldn't swap it for living in the city again, ever! We do have a bus - twice a day!


How's Miss B doing? I think they all love their massages, it really does calm them down, so that's great it's working for Miss B to calm her breathing! Has anyone ever tried Reiki for their dogs?


Sounds like Mr H is keeping an eye on both of you - well done Mr H, you are a star and a gentleman!


I just noticed we missed a milestone the other week, or I did! - 6 years since you started this thread! :)


Hugs to all and hope everyone is well.

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Just saw your message when I logged in from work this morning.


My Missouri commercial drivers license renews next year. However, since Missouri is trying to get lined up with federal DOT regulations they are requiring that I show up at the DMV with a medical evaluation from my physician if I want to renew my CDL next year. Otherwise it will drop back to a standard operators license. The notice gave me sixty days to report to the DMV with my proof of health. So will have to get this done, unless I get really lazy.


I am not driving commercially at this time, actually have an office job, but since it is so much effort to get a CDL I don't want to let it go. What if I need to go back to driving a school bus some day? (Hopefully never!)



Diana and Gibson's one year anniversary of being a matched service dog pair is tomorrow. So we are having a family party, just the four of us and Gibson. I ordered a small cake for the humans and got a "sundae" from Three Dog Bakery for Gibson. When I got home from work last night he could smell his treat and tried to convince me he should have it then. I had to tell him that Grammie bought it for his party on Friday. Did I ever get the sad look.


Have a great day!


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Just saw your message when I logged in from work this morning.


My Missouri commercial drivers license renews next year. However, since Missouri is trying to get lined up with federal DOT regulations they are requiring that I show up at the DMV with a medical evaluation from my physician if I want to renew my CDL next year. Otherwise it will drop back to a standard operators license. The notice gave me sixty days to report to the DMV with my proof of health. So will have to get this done, unless I get really lazy.


I am not driving commercially at this time, actually have an office job, but since it is so much effort to get a CDL I don't want to let it go. What if I need to go back to driving a school bus some day? (Hopefully never!)



Diana and Gibson's one year anniversary of being a matched service dog pair is tomorrow. So we are having a family party, just the four of us and Gibson. I ordered a small cake for the humans and got a "sundae" from Three Dog Bakery for Gibson. When I got home from work last night he could smell his treat and tried to convince me he should have it then. I had to tell him that Grammie bought it for his party on Friday. Did I ever get the sad look.


Have a great day!



Hello Gibson's Grammie


I just had to say I did laugh out loud - we all know that "sad look"!! :D


Happy first anniversary to you all! :)

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Here I am ..... :D


It's wierd isn't it when we go quiet for a couple of days, especially when I think we all usually have plenty to say! LOL!


It's cooled down a bit here, but those blasted midges! Perfect weather for them, cool and damp!


Roz, we don't have to renew our driving licence here in the UK until 70 and then it's mostly down to your eyesight - or if your GP advises otherwise i.e. you have a medical condition which prohibits driving. I know some people who are not nearly that age who shouldn't be anywhere near a car! Let alone drive one! ;)


I know what you mean about the car being your lifeline, we live in a tiny community so we have to drive to get to "civilisation" and shops etc., but I wouldn't swap it for living in the city again, ever! We do have a bus - twice a day!


How's Miss B doing? I think they all love their massages, it really does calm them down, so that's great it's working for Miss B to calm her breathing! Has anyone ever tried Reiki for their dogs?


Sounds like Mr H is keeping an eye on both of you - well done Mr H, you are a star and a gentleman!


I just noticed we missed a milestone the other week, or I did! - 6 years since you started this thread! :)


Hugs to all and hope everyone is well.


Weird is right!

Brenda is so, so adorably sweet and cute. Yesterday when Horty and I came home she usually greets us at the door.....I thought, "Oh! No! Brenny where are you?" I slowly crept into the house, into the kitchen, past the dining room, into the living room [so scared of what I'd find] and, there she was standing at the back door, looking so confused. You know what? I think she was truly having a "senior moment!" She looked like she wanted to go out but then remembered that the front door was the other way!

Horton was looking for her too and when he came upon her he jumped with glee and started poking her with his nose, as if to say, "hi, girly, girl, I missed you, let's play!"

She reacts to Horton like he was Justin Bieber.......she kisses his face and smells his body, just enveloping him with caresses.....it so sweet!!

I know that her being with us is so time-limited and I keep trying to prepare myself for the emptiness of that loss.


I still remember the time when Cindy lost Rangeley in Aug. of 2008 and when we lost Nancy's, Reno and Barbara's, Valentine.....We all cried together and were there for each other and I know I have your strength and love to support me when it happens. For now, I'm going to love every day we get!!!!!

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Just saw your message when I logged in from work this morning.


My Missouri commercial drivers license renews next year. However, since Missouri is trying to get lined up with federal DOT regulations they are requiring that I show up at the DMV with a medical evaluation from my physician if I want to renew my CDL next year. Otherwise it will drop back to a standard operators license. The notice gave me sixty days to report to the DMV with my proof of health. So will have to get this done, unless I get really lazy.


I am not driving commercially at this time, actually have an office job, but since it is so much effort to get a CDL I don't want to let it go. What if I need to go back to driving a school bus some day? (Hopefully never!)



Diana and Gibson's one year anniversary of being a matched service dog pair is tomorrow. So we are having a family party, just the four of us and Gibson. I ordered a small cake for the humans and got a "sundae" from Three Dog Bakery for Gibson. When I got home from work last night he could smell his treat and tried to convince me he should have it then. I had to tell him that Grammie bought it for his party on Friday. Did I ever get the sad look.


Have a great day!



Beckie, please tell Diana "Congratulations" from Roz & Horty! I know how important and memorable my graduations were. They're truly "watershed" moments in my life.

You're the best Grammie ever!!!! A big congratulations to you for all the assistance, kind and loving encouragement you give to your child and her Service Dog!


Diana & Gibson would be nothing without YOU!!!!

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We received a less than satisfying answer from Carnival today. (Not that we really expected anything other than what we received). Again, it sounded like the blame was ours for not following through with shore excursions to ensure transportation was set for Nassau. My blind attorney husband fired back letter number 2. Will keep you posted.

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Here I am ! Just so much going on, I didn't make time to sit down and say Hello.


I get on here and read quick and then it off and getting things done.


Thinking of all of you.


So nice that most everything is going OK. Roz----you are in my thoughts and I see that you are getting along alright. I know there will be set back but you will be fine, in time. Glad that Brenda is doing well right now. Hopefully she will be with you for a long time to come. It is hard when they get on in age. We take for granted, so many things, but in the long run, we can do them also. I know it isn't easy, to have to take care of everything. You were blessed to have had Morey in your life but I don't think God gives us anything that we can't take care of. It might seem hard at the time , BUT, We can do it. Lots of hugs going your way.


Cindy, thanks for wondering where I have been. Glad that John is feeling better and I thought it might have been his apendix all along. But I'm not the doctor.:eek: Hope that you are good also and Wex too.


Hello to everyone else. Hope that you are all healthy----I didn't get to read all the updates. So glad the Alaska trip was great. And the coming up one also.


Roz---you said you were sailing in Sept. I sail on October 5th and I am ready for some rest. The Estate of my friend is not settled yet but it shouldn't be long now. DH has been going to the chiropractor for a week now, he hurt his back. It seems to be getting better but slowly. Since we are staying at the acquired house, right now, we have been doing painting and little things that need to be fixed, hence the bad back.:eek: I am doing OK now but that darn caugh that I had didn't want to go away, it has been over oa month. But it seems to be going away, finally.


Well, take care all and hopefully I will get back sooner. Hugs to all of you.



Glad to hear you are doing ok. I was getting worried about you. Tell Ed we hope he feels better soon.

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Well, I have to renew my driver's license on August 12th. I have to take the written and eye exam. It's been about 10 years of automatic renewals, since I've done either. The state of Calif. wants to be sure I haven't fallen completely apart!


I'd rather part with my last born child [my first born is my best friend] than not have my driver's license. It's my card to freedom. Especially living here in L.A., you can't do much here without a car. Although we do have rapid transit [that's a joke], trains and taxi's;they're definitely not as efficient as other big cities [because we're so spread out!]


I can't imagine not being able to drive to the cruising dock myself! Heaven forbid!!! :eek: :o


Geez I'm glad we don't have to take any test. I would probably fail. :eek: Mass is in the top 5 or so for having the worst drivers in the country. I just go and hold my breath!!

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Weird is right!


Brenda is so, so adorably sweet and cute. Yesterday when Horty and I came home she usually greets us at the door.....I thought, "Oh! No! Brenny where are you?" I slowly crept into the house, into the kitchen, past the dining room, into the living room [so scared of what I'd find] and, there she was standing at the back door, looking so confused. You know what? I think she was truly having a "senior moment!" She looked like she wanted to go out but then remembered that the front door was the other way!


Horton was looking for her too and when he came upon her he jumped with glee and started poking her with his nose, as if to say, "hi, girly, girl, I missed you, let's play!"


She reacts to Horton like he was Justin Bieber.......she kisses his face and smells his body, just enveloping him with caresses.....it so sweet!!


I know that her being with us is so time-limited and I keep trying to prepare myself for the emptiness of that loss.


I still remember the time when Cindy lost Rangeley in Aug. of 2008 and when we lost Nancy's, Reno and Barbara's, Valentine.....We all cried together and were there for each other and I know I have your strength and love to support me when it happens. For now, I'm going to love every day we get!!!!!


Awwww poor Brenny. Hey I have senior moments too! :eek: It's so funny when you tell stories about the dogs and it is like I'm telling them about Bailee and Wex. Same exact thing! And these boys just sound so much alike, it's wierd!!

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We have been checking out Canada/New England cruises. John wants to go all the way up the St Lawrence river. The cruise goes either Boston to Montreal or the opposite way, which we would probably do. Fly to Montreal and end the cruise in Boston. Here's the info. Hint Hint Ms Roz!





















































Port Notes:



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