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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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[quote name='fairbourne']I am so sorry you're not sleeping ... Reiki would certainly be of benefit - it's been my saviour for many years now. I do also love going for massages ... especially on board a ship ... Double The Enjoyment!

Sending you big hugs. :)[/quote]

[COLOR=indigo][B]Thanks for the hugs, I can always use them! :)[/B][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=indigo][B]To our friend "Sunshine" and her dear husband Rich, we wish you a continued good recovery on your lung transplant. It's been over a year and you've been through so much. [/B][/COLOR]

[COLOR=indigo][B]Rich, I hope your feeling stronger every day. [/B][/COLOR]

[B][COLOR=indigo]We wish you the very best in good health and healing, much love to you both, Roz, Brenda & Horton.[/COLOR][/B]
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Sorry you can't sleep Roz. I am one of the lucky ones who rarely has trouble sleeping. John on the other hand is lucky if he sleeps good a few times a week.

Our weather has been so beautiful here. High 70's low 80's and NO humidity!! It's like heaven!!!

My son came up for the weekend. His birthday is in a couple weeks, so we took him out to dinner. Wexler was very happy to see him, especially cuz Lee is his "professional bellyrubber" as we like to call him. He layed in front of him upside down for 2 days. He was in his glory! On the cruises they take naps together in the afternoon. It's so cute!
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[quote name='rangeley']Sorry you can't sleep Roz. I am one of the lucky ones who rarely has trouble sleeping. John on the other hand is lucky if he sleeps good a few times a week.

Our weather has been so beautiful here. High 70's low 80's and NO humidity!! It's like heaven!!!

My son came up for the weekend. His birthday is in a couple weeks, so we took him out to dinner. Wexler was very happy to see him, especially cuz Lee is his "professional bellyrubber" as we like to call him. He layed in front of him upside down for 2 days. He was in his glory! On the cruises they take naps together in the afternoon. It's so cute![/quote]

[COLOR=indigo][B]So cute! Wish Lee a Happy Birthday from the west coast![/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][B]I slept well last night, with my arm laying on Horton. Such a great dog. He's so comforting and has such a good sense of just how I'm feeling.[/B][/COLOR]
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[quote name='wizard-of-roz'][COLOR=indigo][B]So cute! Wish Lee a Happy Birthday from the west coast![/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][B]I slept well last night, with my arm laying on Horton. Such a great dog. He's so comforting and has such a good sense of just how I'm feeling.[/B][/COLOR][/QUOTE]

Well done Mr H, you just know what Mama needs .... :D Roz, glad you had a good night's sleep. :)

Rangeley - your "picture in words" of Wexler and his two day belly rub spa break with your son, really brought a smile to my face - and those delightful afternoon naps on the ships, I sure could do with one of those today especially with a goofy boy dog! :eek:
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[quote name='fairbourne']Well done Mr H, you just know what Mama needs .... :D Roz, glad you had a good night's sleep. :)

Rangeley - your "picture in words" of Wexler and his two day belly rub spa break with your son, really brought a smile to my face - and those delightful afternoon naps on the ships, I sure could do with one of those today especially with a goofy boy dog! :eek:[/quote]

[COLOR=indigo][B]Isn't it wonderful how easily we can fall asleep onboard a cruise ship! One of my most favorite things to do, in afternoon, is to take a nap right before we go down to afternoon tea and sandwiches. ;)[/B][/COLOR]
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[quote name='wizard-of-roz'][COLOR=indigo][B]Isn't it wonderful how easily we can fall asleep onboard a cruise ship! One of my most favorite things to do, in afternoon, is to take a nap right before we go down to afternoon tea and sandwiches. ;)[/B][/COLOR][/QUOTE]

LOL! I think we need those naps after all it is such HARD work what with breakfast, mid-morning coffee and snack, lunch, afternoon tea (we usually skip this but on our last cruise I discovered they made the most delicious scones, thankfully only in the second week! :eek:) and then dinner!

Long live elasticated waistbands I say!!! LOL!

Hope everyone is well. :)
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[quote name='fairbourne']LOL! I think we need those naps after all it is such HARD work what with breakfast, mid-morning coffee and snack, lunch, afternoon tea (we usually skip this but on our last cruise I discovered they made the most delicious scones, thankfully only in the second week! :eek:) and then dinner!

[B][COLOR=red]Long live elasticated waistbands I say!!! LOL! [/COLOR][/B]

Hope everyone is well. :)[/quote]

[COLOR=indigo][B]Boy, aint that the truth!!!!![/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][B]I have to share this with everyone. I took Horton in to get weighed because CCI wants to make sure he's not gaining weight. He now weighs 85 lbs. He's one big/tall/lean dog. The Vet thinks he's perfect. He then asked me how Brenda's dealing with her loss of Morey. I told him how she's so much more vocal now than she used to be. That she'll bark at me at the weirdest times. And, that it was definitely directed AT me! She'll look right at me and just give a quick bark, for no reason. He explained to me that it's a common expression of grief for dogs. He went on to tell me that sometimes when a mother dog loses a pup they'll bark or howl at odd times.[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][B]I'll be sitting in my chair, watching T.V. and she'll come over, sit in front of me and just bark at me. Horton, has always been vocal.....he'll bark if someone walks by the front door or if he hears a sound near the driveway and he'll continuously bark, where I have to tell him "quiet", she'll just give a bark or two and then stop on her own. Their barks are distinctly different.[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][B]The Vet suggested just comforting her rather than admonishing her is the best way to handle it. He suggested getting down on the floor with her and just comfort her. Poor little girl. She misses her buddy as much as I do!!!![/B][/COLOR]
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[quote name='wizard-of-roz'][COLOR=indigo][B]Boy, aint that the truth!!!!![/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][B]I have to share this with everyone. I took Horton in to get weighed because CCI wants to make sure he's not gaining weight. He now weighs 85 lbs. He's one big/tall/lean dog. The Vet thinks he's perfect. He then asked me how Brenda's dealing with her loss of Morey. I told him how she's so much more vocal now than she used to be. That she'll bark at me at the weirdest times. And, that it was definitely directed AT me! She'll look right at me and just give a quick bark, for no reason. He explained to me that it's a common expression of grief for dogs. He went on to tell me that sometimes when a mother dog loses a pup they'll bark or howl at odd times.[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][B]I'll be sitting in my chair, watching T.V. and she'll come over, sit in front of me and just bark at me. Horton, has always been vocal.....he'll bark if someone walks by the front door or if he hears a sound near the driveway and he'll continuously bark, where I have to tell him "quiet", she'll just give a bark or two and then stop on her own. Their barks are distinctly different.[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][B]The Vet suggested just comforting her rather than admonishing her is the best way to handle it. He suggested getting down on the floor with her and just comfort her. Poor little girl. She misses her buddy as much as I do!!!![/B][/COLOR][/QUOTE]

My Horton is lean - our big boy last weigh in 45 kilos! 99 of your pounds or mine in old money! LOL! He needs to go on a diet along with his Mum!

Oh poor Miss Brenda, I really feel for her - she's telling you she misses her papa, and she knows you do too! I think they really do know how we are feeling and I'm sure her barking is her "human" way of communicating that especially with you, if that makes sense! :)

Our girl dog is "the barker" in our house, but the boy dog is so laid back he just lets her get on with it. It's a case of "wake me up if you need me"! But when he does rarely bark it's one of those very loud, deep from the chest barks that would scare anyone if they don't know he's the biggest softy in the village! And I like that especially if strangers come around.
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[quote name='fairbourne']My Horton is lean - our big boy last weigh in 45 kilos! 99 of your pounds or mine in old money! LOL! He needs to go on a diet along with his Mum!

Oh poor Miss Brenda, I really feel for her - she's telling you she misses her papa, and she knows you do too! I think they really do know how we are feeling and I'm sure her barking is her "human" way of communicating that especially with you, if that makes sense! :)

Our girl dog is "the barker" in our house, but the boy dog is so laid back he just lets her get on with it. It's a case of "wake me up if you need me"! But when he does rarely bark it's one of those very loud, deep from the chest barks that would scare anyone if they don't know he's the biggest softy in the village! And I like that especially if strangers come around.[/quote]

[COLOR=indigo][B]99 pounds! What a big boy!!!!![/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][B]Horton's bark scares me to death. The first time I heard him bark, I got goosebumps. I know exactly what you mean about it coming from his chest. So deep!!!! Brenda's bark is so "girly-girl!" I used to think that she was so big.....until Horty came into my life![/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][B]Yes, I know she's missing PaPa.....she lays by his bathroom waiting for him, still...I keep the door open so she can see in and see that he's not hiding from her. Such a lovely, wonderful dog. Her love goes very deep!!!!![/B][/COLOR]
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[quote name='wizard-of-roz'][COLOR=indigo][B]Boy, aint that the truth!!!!![/B][/COLOR]

[COLOR=indigo][B]I have to share this with everyone. I took Horton in to get weighed because CCI wants to make sure he's not gaining weight. He now weighs 85 lbs. He's one big/tall/lean dog. The Vet thinks he's perfect. He then asked me how Brenda's dealing with her loss of Morey. I told him how she's so much more vocal now than she used to be. That she'll bark at me at the weirdest times. And, that it was definitely directed AT me! She'll look right at me and just give a quick bark, for no reason. He explained to me that it's a common expression of grief for dogs. He went on to tell me that sometimes when a mother dog loses a pup they'll bark or howl at odd times.[/B][/COLOR]

[COLOR=indigo][B]I'll be sitting in my chair, watching T.V. and she'll come over, sit in front of me and just bark at me. Horton, has always been vocal.....he'll bark if someone walks by the front door or if he hears a sound near the driveway and he'll continuously bark, where I have to tell him "quiet", she'll just give a bark or two and then stop on her own. Their barks are distinctly different.[/B][/COLOR]

[COLOR=indigo][B]The Vet suggested just comforting her rather than admonishing her is the best way to handle it. He suggested getting down on the floor with her and just comfort her. Poor little girl. She misses her buddy as much as I do!!!![/B][/COLOR][/quote]

Wow 85lbs., that Horty is a big boy! Thats so wierd about Brenny. Glad you found out why she was acting that way. Dogs feel the same stuff as us, they just express it in different ways.

Wexler is a very noisy dog. But he doesn't bark at all. But he grunts and grunts and grunts. I have never had a dog that makes
noises like he does. And it's loud at times, especially if he is waiting for some kind of food. He also grunts when he's getting bellies. He is very strange!

Roz did you get the email from CCI about the fake service dogs? They are collecting signatures to send to the ADA. Everyone please go to CCI at their website or on facebook and you can sign the petition. We need to stop fake service dogs.
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[quote name='fairbourne']My Horton is lean - our big boy last weigh in 45 kilos! 99 of your pounds or mine in old money! LOL! He needs to go on a diet along with his Mum!

Oh poor Miss Brenda, I really feel for her - she's telling you she misses her papa, and she knows you do too! I think they really do know how we are feeling and I'm sure her barking is her "human" way of communicating that especially with you, if that makes sense! :)

Our girl dog is "the barker" in our house, but the boy dog is so laid back he just lets her get on with it. It's a case of "wake me up if you need me"! But when he does rarely bark it's one of those very loud, deep from the chest barks that would scare anyone if they don't know he's the biggest softy in the village! And I like that especially if strangers come around.[/quote]

99lbs??? Holy crap!! Thats huge.

Oh and put me down for a yes for elastic waistbands!!! ;)
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[quote name='rangeley']Wow 85lbs., that Horty is a big boy! Thats so wierd about Brenny. Glad you found out why she was acting that way. Dogs feel the same stuff as us, they just express it in different ways.

Wexler is a very noisy dog. But he doesn't bark at all. But he grunts and grunts and grunts. I have never had a dog that makes
noises like he does. And it's loud at times, especially if he is waiting for some kind of food. He also grunts when he's getting bellies. He is very strange!

Roz did you get the email from CCI about the fake service dogs? They are collecting signatures to send to the ADA. Everyone please go to CCI at their website or on facebook and you can sign the petition. We need to stop fake service dogs.[/quote]

[COLOR=indigo][B]I love the noises that these dogs make.....they're so highly trained and yet they come up with their own forms of communication.[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][B]Again, I fell asleep last night with my hand on Horty's back. Love that dog so much! He's such a "people dog!" He's such a comfort to me![/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][B]I did get the email from Cory at CCI and I already signed the petition. I wish I could sign it again and again. Hopefully, it will be CCI who gets these imposters to quit selling the fake stuff!!!! [/B][/COLOR]
[B][COLOR=#4b0082]Thanks, Cindy, for encouraging EVERYONE to go to the Canine Companions for Independence website and signing the petition on behalf of all of us!!!!![/COLOR][/B] Edited by wizard-of-roz
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[quote name='wizard-of-roz'][COLOR=indigo][B]I love the noises that these dogs make.....they're so highly trained and yet they come up with their own forms of communication.[/B][/COLOR]

[COLOR=indigo][B]Again, I fell asleep last night with my hand on Horty's back. Love that dog so much! He's such a "people dog!" He's such a comfort to me![/B][/COLOR]

[COLOR=indigo][B]I did get the email from Cory at CCI and I already signed the petition. I wish I could sign it again and again. Hopefully, it will be CCI who gets these imposters to quit selling the fake stuff!!!! [/B][/COLOR]

[B][COLOR=#4b0082]Thanks, Cindy, for encouraging EVERYONE to go to the Canine Companions for Independence website and signing the petition on behalf of all of us!!!!![/COLOR][/B][/quote]

I just think passing off your pet as a service dog is just wrong. And I don't know how these people walk around with barking biting dogs and think people are going to believe they are service dogs. Three people that know us and Wexler have done it with fake jackets and ID cards. It's just sickening. :mad:
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[quote name='rangeley']I just think passing off your pet as a service dog is just wrong. And I don't know how these people walk around with barking biting dogs and think people are going to believe they are service dogs. Three people that know us and Wexler have done it with fake jackets and ID cards. It's just sickening. :mad:[/quote]

[COLOR=indigo][B]I so agree with you. I could NEVER do that. I told you about the Shih Tzu onboard the Sapphire Princess that attacked Horton in the waiting area before we were boarding, on my last cruise with my SIL Debi; the dog growled, lunged and nipped at Horty until I had to move our seats to clear across the area for it to shut-up!!!![/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][B]When I got to know the woman, while onboard, she told me her true story; she said she can't go anywhere without the dog and it was really for her. She begged me not to tell anyone. Her brother was a doctor and wrote a letter for her which stated that her husband has high blood pressure and the dog alerted him when his pressure went too high. She said she bought the Service Dog vest from the internet. She would walk around the ship holding the dog, while her DH napped. Didn't she think people were going to doubt her story when she did this?[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][B]When I got home Princess called me and asked about the woman and the dog because other passengers had complained about its barking. I had to tell them the truth. The Special Access Dept. said that her name would be flagged and she'd never be allowed to board another Princess ship. Too bad!!!! [/B][/COLOR]
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[quote name='wizard-of-roz'][COLOR=indigo][B]I so agree with you. I could NEVER do that. I told you about the Shih Tzu onboard the Sapphire Princess that attacked Horton in the waiting area before we were boarding, on my last cruise with my SIL Debi; the dog growled, lunged and nipped at Horty until I had to move our seats to clear across the area for it to shut-up!!!![/B][/COLOR]

[COLOR=indigo][B]When I got to know the woman, while onboard, she told me her true story; she said she can't go anywhere without the dog and it was really for her. She begged me not to tell anyone. Her brother was a doctor and wrote a letter for her which stated that her husband has high blood pressure and the dog alerted him when his pressure went too high. She said she bought the Service Dog vest from the internet. She would walk around the ship holding the dog, while her DH napped. Didn't she think people were going to doubt her story when she did this?[/B][/COLOR]

[COLOR=indigo][B]When I got home Princess called me and asked about the woman and the dog because other passengers had complained about its barking. I had to tell them the truth. The Special Access Dept. said that her name would be flagged and she'd never be allowed to board another Princess ship. Too bad!!!! [/B][/COLOR]

What amazes me is that she would tell that story to someone who has a real service dog!!!! :eek: Our BIL did the same thing. He took his dog on a plane, got questioned by the flight attendant, went home and got an ID from the internet. Then he had the nerve to tell us the story and show us the ID. What is wrong with these people.?:mad: My neighbor who we were not speaking to for an unrelated incident, had gotten her dog a vest and ID. I had heard she was using it when she went out . Now we have made up and are friends again. I saw the vest once in her apt and have never seen it again. I think she was shamed into not using it. But I saw it!!! I never said a word to her about it cuz I never saw her use it. One day when we were watching the dog, his collar was on and I saw an ID for service dog on it. I checked it out on the internet and she had paid 250.00 for it!! Edited by rangeley
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I don't know why anyone would want to take their pet dogs with them on a cruise, or any vacation for that matter. We are taking an extended weekend trip in November. We are flying. I'm trying to figure out if we could pack only carryons. We could probably do it if not for the dog food.
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[SIZE="3"][COLOR="SeaGreen"]I signed the petition. It is a sad state of affairs when nothing is sacred. Anything can be falsified and these people actually substantiate it in their minds that it is ok and they deserve it. I have no words to describe the feeling it gives me. Pathelogical liars comes to mind. Then if they would lie about something like this, what else? [/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[quote name='rangeley']What amazes me is that she would tell that story to someone who has a real service dog!!!! :eek: Our BIL did the same thing. He took his dog on a plane, got questioned by the flight attendant, went home and got an ID from the internet. Then he had the nerve to tell us the story and show us the ID. What is wrong with these people.?:mad: My neighbor who we were not speaking to for an unrelated incident, had gotten her dog a vest and ID. I had heard she was using it when she went out . Now we have made up and are friends again. I saw the vest once in her apt and have never seen it again. I think she was shamed into not using it. But I saw it!!! I never said a word to her about it cuz I never saw her use it. One day when we were watching the dog, his collar was on and I saw an ID for service dog on it. I checked it out on the internet and she had paid 250.00 for it!![/quote]

[COLOR=indigo][B]We go to CCI and get a $50,000+, highly trained Service Dog, [which I might add sometimes takes in excess of 2 years to wait for], then we must provide; medical management, hygiene management, physical management, etc., etc. And, some moron pays $250.00, buys equipment on the internet; exposes our Service Dog to their pet, who can be considered dangerous because sometimes it bites, attacks, growels, barks, etc., etc. [/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][B]Come-on folks, it's difficult enough to go through this life with our issues, do we seriously have to deal with the people who abuse the system?[/B][/COLOR] :mad:

[COLOR=indigo][B]I applaud CCI for all they're trying to do to STOP this!!!!![/B][/COLOR]
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[quote name='cjborne2']I don't know why anyone would want to take their pet dogs with them on a cruise, or any vacation for that matter. We are taking an extended weekend trip in November. We are flying. I'm trying to figure out if we could pack only carryons. We could probably do it if not for the dog food.[/quote]

[COLOR=indigo][B]Honestly, I don't know either. It's so much work. But, without my Service Dog, I'm lost!!!!! The difference they make in my life can not be measured by dollars.[/B][/COLOR]

[B][COLOR=#4b0082]Now that I have Horton, who is twice the size of Brenda, my packing is also twice the size!!!![/COLOR][/B]
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[quote name='S.S. Cruisers'][SIZE=3][COLOR=seagreen]I signed the petition. It is a sad state of affairs when nothing is sacred. Anything can be falsified and these people actually substantiate it in their minds that it is ok and they deserve it. I have no words to describe the feeling it gives me. Pathelogical liars comes to mind. Then if they would lie about something like this, what else? [/COLOR][/SIZE][/quote]

[COLOR=indigo][B]Thank you Nancy for always being such a wonderful support system for us!!!! I appreciate it more than I can tell you.[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][B]I can promise you that I will not be so kind to anyone I run into in my life, whether it be in a store or on a cruise ship, who I know is bringing their "pet" along because they can't live without it!!!!![/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][B]Not to be callous and unfeeling, I totally understand and get-it!!!! I know how wonderful it is to have the support of your dog. It goes without saying how much pleasure and sustained love and warmth a dog can bring to our lives. But, unless the dog is well trained and socialized to go into the public venue.....it can actually be a danger and a nuisance. [/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][B]Just imagine a small child walking up to a dog who has not been socialized to accept ALL types of disturbances.......The dog is sleeping, the child approaches without warning; a dog who is not well trained can bite the face off this little intruder, without anyone being able to stop it!!!!!!! :mad: [/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][B]Sorry for the drama but it's a reality that we who walk with these amazing dogs are more than aware of!!!! And, it both sickens and saddens me to see folks bring a yapping, nipping dog into the public with a fake vest on!!!![/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][/COLOR] Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Would one of you please post the link to the petition you are talking about? I'm happy to share it on a couple of other boards I spend a lot of time on (my LL board for one) and I'm sure it will get signatures from more than people with SDs.
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[quote name='Algebralovr']Would one of you please post the link to the petition you are talking about? I'm happy to share it on a couple of other boards I spend a lot of time on (my LL board for one) and I'm sure it will get signatures from more than people with SDs.[/quote]

[COLOR=indigo][B]Barb, type [SIZE=3]Canine Companions for Independence[/SIZE] in your web search. The first page that comes up will have the link to go to for voting.[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][B]Please, everyone - VOTE!!!!!![/B][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=indigo][B]Here we are sitting around, Horty laying on my bed and Brenda laying at the front door [she wants to make sure that Horton and I are not going out without her!] Today, we're staying home with her. We're going to keep her company and let her know how much she's loved every minute of every day!!!!![/B][/COLOR]
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