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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Our Guide School has decided to retire my darling, darling Oz, due to age. It goes without saying I am beyond heartbroken. He has been at my ankle 24/7 for the last 11 years, become a frequent flier, been on 14 long cruises and visited 25 countries. It is almost like we think as One....in anticipating every move.


I know I will live through this, as others on the Board have done so, But, Damn, it hurts. Of course Oz, should enjoy his last years kicking back, relaxing, vegging and being a cherished pet...........But, there is that But again. I will so, so miss him on all future adventures.........he has made me really what I am, in keeping me safe, in allowing me to face the world as an equal member of society, embracing the same challenges and opportunities as the rest of society. When someone would say "a deaf person can't do that," well we did and with gusto!!


On a much happier note, my daughter is getting married this evening........what a joy that will be and I get a fantastic new son in law.




Oh! Colleen, I totally understand, I truly do. I hope that Oz will be staying with you to live out his years with you and, hopefully, your Successor Dog [when that day comes!]


I know how it feels and your emotions are so torn. Brenda faced the hardships, rewards and difficulties right by my side for almost 11 years too!


It all goes so fast and the future looked so bleak until Horty came along and took the shadows away!!


I wish Oz a restful and joyful retirement and wish you the best of luck on your new horizons.


Will you be offered another dog quickly or will you have to be on a waiting list?


Good luck Colleen and don't worry. Hopefully, you and Oz will be enjoy and living life to the fullest again! Just in a different way!

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You have been truly blessed to have had such a special boy with you all this time, through all your adventures - I almost don't want to ask this but does Oz retire away from you? I know from reading on here that different organisations have different ways of doing things and your obvious distress makes me think this is the case. I'm sorry I don't mean to upset you even more, I too would be totally heartbroken. But, I'm sure like the wonderful people like Sunshine and her husband who puppy raise and then "hand over" their precious charges, there must be equally wonderful people who will look after these precious charges when it comes full circle and time for them to retire. It can't be easy for any of you. Our animal companions, whether they are in service to us, or not, truly do leave footprints on our heart and we are so lucky to have them in our lives for the time that we do.


Well, lets lighten the mood .... by the time you read this you will have a new son-in-law. :) Congratulations - that's lovely news and sending the happy couple best wishes and all the happiness in the world for their future together. :)


It's very difficult to watch your Service Dog age and have to retire. CCI offers volunteer homes that actually take retired SD's and see them into death! I think that Puppy Raisers are the true heroes of the Service Dog Orgs. But, the families who take the retired SD are really an amazing breed of humans!!!!! I adore these people with all my heart!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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It's very difficult to watch your Service Dog age and have to retire. CCI offers volunteer homes that actually take retired SD's and see them into death! I think that Puppy Raisers are the true heroes of the Service Dog Orgs. But, the families who take the retired SD are really an amazing breed of humans!!!!! I adore these people with all my heart!


Roz, thank you for sharing this .... When I re-read my post to Colleen, I was thinking oh no how insensitive of me to raise this .... I hope I didn't upset you Colleen. :). I think everyone involved with working with these dogs is amazing.


Years ago when I was working for a hotel we opened a new bedroom and ballroom extension, and we had a big promotional lunch. We asked all the guests who came to a lunch to donate whatever they thought the value of the lunch was so hopefully we would have enough money to sponsor a guide dog for the blind. Well, we succeeded, helped very much by a couple who were puppy raisers and their current 16 week old yellow person who was very happy to "donate" cuddles! :D.


Have a great weekend everyone!


PS - Roz are you all packed yet? ;):D

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You all have been wonderful and no where else would a group be so understanding and supportive.....some of you have "been there and done that", so you know the pain.


It is still being worked out where Oz will retire. I am doing my ALL, so he can retire into my home....but, this is not the norm for our guide school. If I am unsuccessful in convincing his school he should be with me, my best friends lives 3 miles away and I get to make the choice where he retires...so if worse comes to worse, he will live with them and I will have 24/7 visiting rights.


I go back to school on 7 November to train with a new guide dog for a few weeks. So where will I be the morning of 7 November........I will be getting off my cruise ship in Charleston SC to fly to Toronto and get a ride to Oakville Ontario and start training immediately. I had to get permission to leave the ship early.


The cruise leaves Quebec City on 26 October and it goes to each Canadian Provinces and all the US eastern States.......


Of course, when I made these plans, Oz was going to be with me and all those arrangements were made.........so..............now I cruise alone for this one cruise only.


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You all have been wonderful and no where else would a group be so understanding and supportive.....some of you have "been there and done that", so you know the pain.


It is still being worked out where Oz will retire. I am doing my ALL, so he can retire into my home....but, this is not the norm for our guide school. If I am unsuccessful in convincing his school he should be with me, my best friends lives 3 miles away and I get to make the choice where he retires...so if worse comes to worse, he will live with them and I will have 24/7 visiting rights.


I go back to school on 7 November to train with a new guide dog for a few weeks. So where will I be the morning of 7 November........I will be getting off my cruise ship in Charleston SC to fly to Toronto and get a ride to Oakville Ontario and start training immediately. I had to get permission to leave the ship early.


The cruise leaves Quebec City on 26 October and it goes to each Canadian Provinces and all the US eastern States.......


Of course, when I made these plans, Oz was going to be with me and all those arrangements were made.........so..............now I cruise alone for this one cruise only.


That is one of the most endearing and charming photos I have ever seen of someone with their four legged pal - just send your guide school this photo - how could they split you two up? :(. Ah I do hope you get your wish to have Oz at home with you, we will put our angels to work on it straight away! :).



Talking of angels, I haven't seen any posts from Trudy lately. I just thought of her and her beautiful feather paintings.

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Roz, thank you for sharing this .... When I re-read my post to Colleen, I was thinking oh no how insensitive of me to raise this .... I hope I didn't upset you Colleen. :). I think everyone involved with working with these dogs is amazing.


Years ago when I was working for a hotel we opened a new bedroom and ballroom extension, and we had a big promotional lunch. We asked all the guests who came to a lunch to donate whatever they thought the value of the lunch was so hopefully we would have enough money to sponsor a guide dog for the blind. Well, we succeeded, helped very much by a couple who were puppy raisers and their current 16 week old yellow person who was very happy to "donate" cuddles! :D.


Have a great weekend everyone!


PS - Roz are you all packed yet? ;):D


Fairbourne, in no way were you insensitive. Although it is one of the most heart wrenching topics to discuss. You were very kind and careful.


I've started packing Horty's stuff; all his collars, toys, chewies, grooming supplies and emergency meds. I like to make sure he's all set first, then it's my turn. He goes to the Vet on Monday for his Rabies shot and any other immunizations that he needs catching-up on. I'll also pick up his Vet signed paperwork and he's done!!! He goes to the groomer on Wednesday with Brenny.


I'll call Princess "Special Needs" Dept. and make sure they contact the Star to ensure that Horton's potty box is placed in the aft stairwell before my arrival. Traveling with your SD is a job all in itself! But, it's so worth it! It's like traveling with a 2 year old wherever you go. Only this 2 year old is dedicated in helping and assisting in any way he can! :)

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Colleen: All paws crossed that Oz will get to stay with his mama. If there is anything we can do to help you, just ask. I would shoot out a letter in a heart beat. :(


Every organization has their own set of rules to follow. CCI leaves it up to the graduate as to whether they can handle keeping the retired dog and the Successor Dog together and still be a successful team. It's an amazing amount of work to sustain two dogs. If I were in a wheelchair and alone I don't know if I'd be able to handle the needs of both dogs.

In the beginning it was a daunting task to see to both their needs.....now, it's become second nature and I adore the challenge. Oh! Sometimes I feel like my sanity is at stake but then I look into Horty's amber eyes and Brenda's warm dark brown eyes and I'm hooked!!!!! I'll do anything for their happiness and comfort!!!!!

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I can't believe that you cannot keep your dog that has been with you all these years. I'm sorry but I think that is horrible to have to give your best friend up just because they are retiring. I could understand if you can not take care of it, but to give it up because it's their "rule" is ridiculous. I realize that two dogs is tough, but if you have a family I see no reason to give it up. I wish you the best of luck and hope that little Oz stays where he belongs.

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Every organization has their own set of rules to follow. CCI leaves it up to the graduate as to whether they can handle keeping the retired dog and the Successor Dog together and still be a successful team. It's an amazing amount of work to sustain two dogs. If I were in a wheelchair and alone I don't know if I'd be able to handle the needs of both dogs.


In the beginning it was a daunting task to see to both their needs.....now, it's become second nature and I adore the challenge. Oh! Sometimes I feel like my sanity is at stake but then I look into Horty's amber eyes and Brenda's warm dark brown eyes and I'm hooked!!!!! I'll do anything for their happiness and comfort!!!!!


You are right...each org sets its own rules. Apparently our org. use to allow hearing ear dogs retire into the home of the handler, but it was not that successful.......not sure why and no one working there was there when the rule changed.....hopefully they will allow me to do it and I would be more than happy to share with them the challenges and successes of the change. I know it would not be for everyone, based upon their disability, energy level and willingness to have two dogs in maybe a very small space. I sure will let you all know. As I may have said, I didn't know about this rule and to find out sure promoted a lot of tears.


And, if I am not successful in getting permission to keep Oz, there will be a whole lot more tears.


I am going to do a Scarlett O'Hara and think on that tomorrow.:) Today, I will continue to celebrate with family the marriage of our daughter last night.


All you folks are wonderful.

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You are right...each org sets its own rules. Apparently our org. use to allow hearing ear dogs retire into the home of the handler, but it was not that successful.......not sure why and no one working there was there when the rule changed.....hopefully they will allow me to do it and I would be more than happy to share with them the challenges and successes of the change. I know it would not be for everyone, based upon their disability, energy level and willingness to have two dogs in maybe a very small space. I sure will let you all know. As I may have said, I didn't know about this rule and to find out sure promoted a lot of tears.


And, if I am not successful in getting permission to keep Oz, there will be a whole lot more tears.


I am going to do a Scarlett O'Hara and think on that tomorrow.:) Today, I will continue to celebrate with family the marriage of our daughter last night.


All you folks are wonderful.


Why was I congratulating you on the marriage of your "son?" Oh! Well! Congratulations, you just gained a son. ;)


Separating you and Oz will cause so much stress, sadness and unhappiness, why would any Org. want to do that? Doesn't make any sense.


Is Brenny a complete distraction to Horton [when we're at home?] Sure!

Is taking care of both their needs completely overwhelming at times? Sure!

Would my life be easier and less complicated with just one dog? You bet!


None of this matters because Brenda is part of my family and until she's ready to leave me....she'll ALWAYS be one of my number one priorities and will always be part of me!

My heart is with you and I hope that Oz will ALWAYS be by your side in your journey for a Successor Dog.

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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That is one of the most endearing and charming photos I have ever seen of someone with their four legged pal - just send your guide school this photo - how could they split you two up? :(. Ah I do hope you get your wish to have Oz at home with you, we will put our angels to work on it straight away! :).

I agree, how adorable! Wishing all the bes for you and Oz. :)

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Roz-----this made me think of you.


Hello everyone----have not been here for awhile-----hope all is happy in your part of the world and I have to get looking at the new posts. I have been having some medical problems, that I hope are solved now. Think of all of you often and do lurk at times .

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Roz-----this made me think of you.


Hello everyone----have not been here for awhile-----hope all is happy in your part of the world and I have to get looking at the new posts. I have been having some medical problems, that I hope are solved now. Think of all of you often and do lurk at times .


Trudy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have missed you!!! I'm so sorry to hear you are having some medical problems. Sending some hugs and my prayers your way. :D

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We had a very busy weekend. Saturday was "town day". It's a day where they close down the main street and have kind of a fair. All the businesses come out and set up booths, selling food, goods, and all kinds of information. We maned the disability commission booth. Wexler was the main attraction. Many people came over to pat him and learn about him. Saturday night, my friend from CCI was here with her fiance and we had dinner with them. Sunday we headed into Boston for the abilities expo, where John and Wexler did a demo. Poor Wex was exhausted. Very busy weekend for him, so many people touching him and John making him do commands. He was a trooper all the way!!! He did great and he got rewarded with a prime rib bone last night. We will need a week to recover. :eek:


I just went in a looked and our flight has gone up 100.00 pp. Geez I'm glad I had a feeling and booked when I did.

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We had a very busy weekend. Saturday was "town day". It's a day where they close down the main street and have kind of a fair. All the businesses come out and set up booths, selling food, goods, and all kinds of information. We maned the disability commission booth. Wexler was the main attraction. Many people came over to pat him and learn about him. Saturday night, my friend from CCI was here with her fiance and we had dinner with them. Sunday we headed into Boston for the abilities expo, where John and Wexler did a demo. Poor Wex was exhausted. Very busy weekend for him, so many people touching him and John making him do commands. He was a trooper all the way!!! He did great and he got rewarded with a prime rib bone last night. We will need a week to recover. :eek:


I just went in a looked and our flight has gone up 100.00 pp. Geez I'm glad I had a feeling and booked when I did.


Well done Wexler - you truly deserved that prime rib bone! :D

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Roz-----this made me think of you.


Hello everyone----have not been here for awhile-----hope all is happy in your part of the world and I have to get looking at the new posts. I have been having some medical problems, that I hope are solved now. Think of all of you often and do lurk at times .


Hi Trudy - sorry to hear you've not been too great, but hope you are now on the path to better and well days. :)

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Thanks Cindy and fairbourne-----I am feeling better now. Cant be sick for the cruise on Oct 5.


Sorry that picture didn't come out Roz-----it was so for you. It was a picture of a lab and the words were so for you and Brenda at this time in your lives. I tried to go back and redo the picture but I couldn't find it. Have a wonderful cruise. Another step forward.


Wex-----so glad they gave you a bone. XX OO Tell mom and dad hello too. :D


Well Everyone have a great day and a better week.

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Thanks Cindy and fairbourne-----I am feeling better now. Cant be sick for the cruise on Oct 5.


Sorry that picture didn't come out Roz-----it was so for you. It was a picture of a lab and the words were so for you and Brenda at this time in your lives. I tried to go back and redo the picture but I couldn't find it. Have a wonderful cruise. Another step forward.


Wex-----so glad they gave you a bone. XX OO Tell mom and dad hello too. :D


Well Everyone have a great day and a better week.


Trudy, I'm sorry you've had some challenges.....does this mean you can get a Service Dog? I hope not! Or, I hope so! Just be well!!!!!!

What did the picture say? Thanks for thinking of me and my "boo-boo!" That's what I call her!

Yesterday Horton had a huge visit at the Vet. He had 3 shots. He did so good and the Vet was amazing in how quickly he gave the shots so Horty didn't even know he was getting them. I was a mess.....I was the same way when my kids got shots. It hurt me worse than them!!!!

You start your cruise when I'm finishing mine. Have a wonderful and restful cruise! I plan to do the same!!!! :)

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We had a very busy weekend. Saturday was "town day". It's a day where they close down the main street and have kind of a fair. All the businesses come out and set up booths, selling food, goods, and all kinds of information. We maned the disability commission booth. Wexler was the main attraction. Many people came over to pat him and learn about him. Saturday night, my friend from CCI was here with her fiance and we had dinner with them. Sunday we headed into Boston for the abilities expo, where John and Wexler did a demo. Poor Wex was exhausted. Very busy weekend for him, so many people touching him and John making him do commands. He was a trooper all the way!!! He did great and he got rewarded with a prime rib bone last night. We will need a week to recover. :eek:


I just went in a looked and our flight has gone up 100.00 pp. Geez I'm glad I had a feeling and booked when I did.


You, John and Wexy are a wonderful team! When you set your mind to doing something you go all the way! Great planning on the airfare!

Wexy, good job big boy!!!! I know he made John and you proud!

I'm packing all Horty's stuff for our cruise and everytime I see the hansome Tux I think of you!!!

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I have to share this photo of my daughter and Gibson on our first outing to the symphony. She ordered him a special tux bow tie. The staff at Helzberg Hall told us that Gibson was their first service animal since the building opened. He was so good, just laid down next to her and rested through the whole program. (Only one time did he get up to sniff the back of the two folks seated in front of us. They were really nice about it though, a lady and her 7 year old grandson.)

Thanks! Beckie

Our Trip To The Symphony.pdf

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I have to share this photo of my daughter and Gibson on our first outing to the symphony. She ordered him a special tux bow tie. The staff at Helzberg Hall told us that Gibson was their first service animal since the building opened. He was so good, just laid down next to her and rested through the whole program. (Only one time did he get up to sniff the back of the two folks seated in front of us. They were really nice about it though, a lady and her 7 year old grandson.)

Thanks! Beckie


Beckie, what a beautiful picture. Gibson looks so much like my Horty [only smaller!]

Thanks so much for sharing it with all of us.

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So, Horty and I went to the market yesterday. I'm walking along and a woman is walking towards me. The woman sticks out her hand to touch Horton and, he lunges forward to sniff her hand [never missing the opportunity to get food from someone!] He nearly pulls me off my feet, I give him a quick "correction" the woman notices it and quickly turns down another aisle.

Horton should have NEVER lunged forward, the lady should have NEVER reached out for him. Had I not been stable on my feet, I would have gone down. It could have been a tragic accident!

Will there be people in the market, in the movies, in the deparment store who will try to touch our dogs, you bet! Even just eye contact with a Service Dog can turn into a dangerous situation for the handler & the dog.

PLEASE, if you see a miracle worker [service Dog], resist the urge to touch or have eye contact with the dog. He's doing an important job and he's just a 2 year old child [in his mind]; he's easily distracted and always looking for a snack. He has a lot to think about and needs to focus on the task-at-hand. YOU can help us by just ignoring him!

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