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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Evenin' all:

Cindy: Sorry you had the flu, but glad it is over. It has been going around here and it lingers.


Roz: As always, we are here to support you. It seems like after awhile I would find myself crying over the silliest little things, then beat myself up for being such a baby. Every once in awhile something will trigger a crying jag. I had one the other day for my Daddy. He has been gone 8 years. It was happy memories, still made me cry.


There's nothing wrong with a good cry. I cry at anything. My dad has been gone 11years this November. I think of him all the time. He was the best guy I knew. I miss him dearly.

Hope everyone is hanging in there, that is all we can do. My mom is slowing down, quite a bit. I can see it in her when I go see her. They asked me if it would be okay to contact Hospice just so they could spend more time with her. I said, "Of course." It makes me happy that someone other than me will be able to just sit and chat with her. Although she wasn't very chatty the other day. Bracing myself. She is 91 years old.


My mom is 88 and is losing it too. They are having trouble regulating her sugar and I think it's effecting her mind. We go out but she asks if we have gone to a store that we just left. Just watching her fade is so so sad. My aunt is 90 and she is still pretty sharp. She broke her hip in April and had to have surgery. She can walk but not for long periods of time, she is still recovering. I have an old wheelchair of Johns that I leave in my car so she can go shopping with us. But taking the two of them out each week is exhausting. I am mentally drained after my day. But of course I wouldn't have it any other way.

Edited by rangeley
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Yep! I don't remember what sect of people do this but when the "end" comes near they're taken to a mountain top, by their family, with just enough supplies to last them and die there in the beauty of the sky and surroundings by themselves.....I may have some of the details wrong! :confused: Doesn't sound so good when I actually write it down!

Okay, all you folks with highly trained Service Dogs......Please come and pick-up Horton and take him home with you!!!!! Talk about a "knucklehead!"

THE SCENE: I'm at my front door last night, with Horton. I unlocked the door and took off his collar [i usually open the door and he runs in and greets Brenda], NOT THIS TIME! My neighbor, who is an east Indian gentleman, was walking outside at the same time [apparantly, in his country, the fear of dogs is rampant!] He saw Horton, started to scream, flailing his arms and running [he's 23, 6'3"]! He looked and sounded like game or prey to me.....as it did to Horton; who proceeeded to bolt after him, making him SCREAM and FLAIL even more with such gusto, it sounded like he was being killed, with a huge, black, gangly-legged, excited Horton chasing after him. [Neighbors are out to observe the rucous], I'm walking calmly towards Horton, with his leash in my hands and all I can picture in my head is ME grabbing him and dragging him home!!!! DON'T ASK!!!!!!

Once I've gotten Horton's attention, I use the "sit" command, he does and I put his collar and leash on. I swear, I wanted to strangle him!!!!!

By now, Brenda has come out to see where her boy has run off to and why.......she is sauntering down the walkway and just wants to be near him.......NOT ME, him!!!!! Now I've got him in-check and she sees him walking back but she keeps going, pays no attention to me calling her name and I only have ONE LEASH!!!!!! I grab her collar, and I'm literally dragging her on one side and walking Horton on the other. No one is helping me because I look like a crazy woman, with "two-too-many" dogs!

Usually when I get home, they both get a "chewy" and then later on a rice-cake for a treat. NOT this night. I'm so disgusted and exhausted by both of them.......When we got inside, I slammed the door and told them both how angry I was at both of them, I waved them away from me and told them to "go to your beds, now!" They retreated to their beds and I ignored them the rest of the night.......You bet they knew I was angry.

I don't care what the trainers say about, "dogs don't hold grudges", "dogs don't plot and plan against us", "dogs live in the moment!" Guess what, these two dogs had better live in MY MOMENT, NOT THEIRS!!!!!!!!

I know, the neighbor a young and strong, man did over-react to the sight of Horton but Horton should have NEVER taken off! I WILL NEVER HAVE HIS LEASH OFF OF HIM, IN PUBLIC, AGAIN!!!!!!! I'm going to buy some cookies and leave them, with a nice note on this man's doorstep, with a promise that this will NEVER happen again. I tried to explain that Horton was just reacting to his excite but he was so busy crying, in fear, he couldn't hear a word I was saying. He kept saying that in his country the fear of such a big dog is huge!!!!! Poor guy!!!!

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Yep! I don't remember what sect of people do this but when the "end" comes near they're taken to a mountain top, by their family, with just enough supplies to last them and die there in the beauty of the sky and surroundings by themselves.....I may have some of the details wrong! :confused: Doesn't sound so good when I actually write it down!


Okay, all you folks with highly trained Service Dogs......Please come and pick-up Horton and take him home with you!!!!! Talk about a "knucklehead!"


THE SCENE: I'm at my front door last night, with Horton. I unlocked the door and took off his collar [i usually open the door and he runs in and greets Brenda], NOT THIS TIME! My neighbor, who is an east Indian gentleman, was walking outside at the same time [apparantly, in his country, the fear of dogs is rampant!] He saw Horton, started to scream, flailing his arms and running [he's 23, 6'3"]! He looked and sounded like game or prey to me.....as it did to Horton; who proceeeded to bolt after him, making him SCREAM and FLAIL even more with such gusto, it sounded like he was being killed, with a huge, black, gangly-legged, excited Horton chasing after him. [Neighbors are out to observe the rucous], I'm walking calmly towards Horton, with his leash in my hands and all I can picture in my head is ME grabbing him and dragging him home!!!! DON'T ASK!!!!!!


Once I've gotten Horton's attention, I use the "sit" command, he does and I put his collar and leash on. I swear, I wanted to strangle him!!!!!


By now, Brenda has come out to see where her boy has run off to and why.......she is sauntering down the walkway and just wants to be near him.......NOT ME, him!!!!! Now I've got him in-check and she sees him walking back but she keeps going, pays no attention to me calling her name and I only have ONE LEASH!!!!!! I grab her collar, and I'm literally dragging her on one side and walking Horton on the other. No one is helping me because I look like a crazy woman, with "two-too-many" dogs!


Usually when I get home, they both get a "chewy" and then later on a rice-cake for a treat. NOT this night. I'm so disgusted and exhausted by both of them.......When we got inside, I slammed the door and told them both how angry I was at both of them, I waved them away from me and told them to "go to your beds, now!" They retreated to their beds and I ignored them the rest of the night.......You bet they knew I was angry.


I don't care what the trainers say about, "dogs don't hold grudges", "dogs don't plot and plan against us", "dogs live in the moment!" Guess what, these two dogs had better live in MY MOMENT, NOT THEIRS!!!!!!!!


I know, the neighbor a young and strong, man did over-react to the sight of Horton but Horton should have NEVER taken off! I WILL NEVER HAVE HIS LEASH OFF OF HIM, IN PUBLIC, AGAIN!!!!!!! I'm going to buy some cookies and leave them, with a nice note on this man's doorstep, with a promise that this will NEVER happen again. I tried to explain that Horton was just reacting to his excite but he was so busy crying, in fear, he couldn't hear a word I was saying. He kept saying that in his country the fear of such a big dog is huge!!!!! Poor guy!!!!


You said it right Roz. As they told us at CCI, at the end of the day, no matter how trained these dogs are, they are STILL dogs. You can control your dog. You can't control other people. You learned a valuable lesson and nobody got hurt.

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I'm sorry, but that was TOO funny! I know that some people have a fear of dogs (I couldn't get mail delivery to my house for over a year until the mail carrier retired or got re-assigned), but wow! People are afraid of Roxie when they see her but most figure out right away that she just wants you to pet her... because obviously she doesn't get enough attention at home!


My dog pouts: Since I have been off work (furloughed), Roxie has been in the front room with me in the mornings, sometimes in my lap (don't tell my DH). Last Wednesday, DH left to go camping and didn't take her. She was whining and pacing and whining and pacing, so I yelled at her to stop. After breakfast she refused to be with me in the front room and stayed/pouted in the bedroom until noon. :eek:

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You said it right Roz. As they told us at CCI, at the end of the day, no matter how trained these dogs are, they are STILL dogs. You can control your dog. You can't control other people. You learned a valuable lesson and nobody got hurt.


The voice of reason.......True, true and more true! Love you!!!!!

Oh! Wait! What do you call a worn out, frazzled older woman who walks with a Service Dog?......"Horton's Handler!"

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I'm sorry, but that was TOO funny! I know that some people have a fear of dogs (I couldn't get mail delivery to my house for over a year until the mail carrier retired or got re-assigned), but wow! People are afraid of Roxie when they see her but most figure out right away that she just wants you to pet her... because obviously she doesn't get enough attention at home!


My dog pouts: Since I have been off work (furloughed), Roxie has been in the front room with me in the mornings, sometimes in my lap (don't tell my DH). Last Wednesday, DH left to go camping and didn't take her. She was whining and pacing and whining and pacing, so I yelled at her to stop. After breakfast she refused to be with me in the front room and stayed/pouted in the bedroom until noon. :eek:


Honestly, it was hysterically funny! It was something you'd see on Modern Family.......I'm a sitcom waiting to be written!!!!!

At the end of the walkway is a woman who thinks that Halloween means that you put everything on your front door stoop for everyone to pick through. Well, peanut butter cups just sitting there for Horton to peruse is just too much for "Jughead" to handle!!!! He must check them out, he just must!!!!!!!

It's the diversion he needs EVERYDAY that we have to walk by her front door to go home!!!!!

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Roz, I am so glad I'm not the only one who thought this story was funny! Has your hair recovered yet??? LOL! ;)


And I'm delighted Brenda joined in .... Fun in the old gal yet! LOL!


Our girl dog was born on Halloween - she's a bit of a witch at times! ;):D


I'm gathering my wits today.....I'm plotting and planning, I'm remembering every moment of yesterday and most importantly.....I'M NOT LIVING IN THE MOMENT!!!!! I'm going to eat a chocolate chip cookie, I'm going to say bad words to a woman in the next cubicle and I'm going to hug a very tall, East Indian man!!!!! Whether he likes it or not!!!! ;) :p

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Roz, I am so glad I'm not the only one who thought this story was funny! Has your BIGhair recovered yet??? LOL! ;)


And I'm delighted Brenda joined in .... Fun in the old gal yet! LOL!


Our girl dog was born on Halloween - she's a bit of a witch at times! ;):D

I am so sorry, Big Sis, but I chuckled to myself, only because I was glad it wasn't me! :eek: No LOL's though. The two co-conspirator's! I have a great visual.

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Laugh all you want......LAYW!!!! The lesson I really learned out of my mis-adventure with my hairy buddies.......Is, when I get really angry with them, they do pay attention and I think they both know when I'm "DONE"......They need to retreat!

I was ready to ship those puppies back to CCI [actually, I was going to leave them in a basket on their doorstep!] :eek: Kidding!!!!!

Opinions please: How many of you would rather eat in the buffet than go to the dining room for dinner and why?

DKD: How's your pup doing? Is he going to advanced training? Or, is he already there waiting for a match?

Marcia: Is your furlough over.....now that our Gov. is not closing down is that good news for you?

Fairbourne, Nancy and Cindy: You can stop laughing now! Auntie Roz is right on track! And, I've changed my "do!"

Sunshine: When's your cruise?

Colleen: How are you doing?

Chandler: Are your feet back on the ground?

Trudy: I think you're cruising now.....let us know how it went.

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Laugh all you want......LAYW!!!! The lesson I really learned out of my mis-adventure with my hairy buddies.......Is, when I get really angry with them, they do pay attention and I think they both know when I'm "DONE"......They need to retreat!


I was ready to ship those puppies back to CCI [actually, I was going to leave them in a basket on their doorstep!] :eek: Kidding!!!!!


Opinions please: How many of you would rather eat in the buffet than go to the dining room for dinner and why?

DKD: How's your pup doing? Is he going to advanced training? Or, is he already there waiting for a match?


Marcia: Is your furlough over.....now that our Gov. is not closing down is that good news for you?


Fairbourne, Nancy and Cindy: You can stop laughing now! Auntie Roz is right on track! And, I've changed my "do!"


Sunshine: When's your cruise?


Colleen: How are you doing?


Chandler: Are your feet back on the ground?


Trudy: I think you're cruising now.....let us know how it went.


I eat at the buffet for lunch and the MDR for dinner. It's nice to be waited on for dinner.

Ocho is going up for advanced training on November 8th. :( We are sending all our turn-in paperwork in tomorrow. We also have to send in pictures of us and Ocho for the matriculation slideshow at graduation. We have a friend coming over tonight to take a picture of all of us with Orson & Ocho. That's one of the pictures they want that we don't have. Got plenty of pictures of Ocho though. :D

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Our dog hates pomeranians. He once ran out the front door to go after my neighbor who was walking the dog. It was a lesson for us. When we have the front door open, the storm door is locked!


Dobiemom, glad your back to work! My husband, and therefore the dog, was out too. It was not a fun 16 days.

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Opinions please: How many of you would rather eat in the buffet than go to the dining room for dinner and why?

MDR or specialty restaurant. Like DKD, I like to be waited on for dinner.


BTW: On HAL, I eat breakfast at the buffet. They have about 10 different kinds of eggs benedict. I LOVE Eggs Stanley... instead of Canandian bacon it's crab meat. Yum! (They don't serve it in the MDR... I asked.)


Marcia: Is your furlough over.....now that our Gov. is not closing down is that good news for you?

Yes, the furlough is OVER, thank goodness! I received phone calls last night (at 10pm) on my house phone and blackberry, and an email telling me to return to work. :)


Dobiemom, glad your back to work! My husband, and therefore the dog, was out too. It was not a fun 16 days.

No, it was not fun. I was told if there was an emergency I would have to report in 2 hours. And when the government was funded, I would report the next working day. So I couldn't go anywhere for very long (like a cruise!). Hopefully, this will not happen again in January! :eek:

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I eat at the buffet for lunch and the MDR for dinner. It's nice to be waited on for dinner.

Ocho is going up for advanced training on November 8th. :( We are sending all our turn-in paperwork in tomorrow. We also have to send in pictures of us and Ocho for the matriculation slideshow at graduation. We have a friend coming over tonight to take a picture of all of us with Orson & Ocho. That's one of the pictures they want that we don't have. Got plenty of pictures of Ocho though. :D


When Morey and I cruised and when I'm cruising with friends and relatives we go to the MDR too! I love the way they treat us. When I'm dining alone I tend to go to the buffet for lunch and dinner, I eat breakfast in my cabin [room service]. The crew in the Horizon Court are so wonderful. They're so helpful [and they love watching how well behaved Horton is!] They should only know! ;)


It's Nov. 8th, it's really getting closer.....I know you must be a bit sad and happy all at the same time! Can you share that picture of all of you with all of us.......I'm the worst with sharing pictures but I know you're good at it!

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I promised on my last cruise that I would do this! Like I told you guys, I had so many people who came over to me and said that they read our thread on Cruise Critic, that they really enjoy it, know all of us by our name and follow us every week but don't write.

HELLO LURKERS.....Especially Sheila & Hubby, Mike and Betty and all of you who read and learn!

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Our dog hates pomeranians. He once ran out the front door to go after my neighbor who was walking the dog. It was a lesson for us. When we have the front door open, the storm door is locked!


What is it that he doesn't like? Poms are so cute! A bit "yappy" but so cute!!!!

Horton and I were in Petco last night and a baby Yorkie wanted so badly to play with him. He kept picking up his little paw and waving it at Horty. This is where Horton truly shines......he's such a gentle, loving big-boy! He just walked over [after I asked the owners if he could say hello] and he stuck his nose in the little pups face......so adorable. The puppy loved him! Not a bit afraid and did an adorable little dance for my gentle giant! I swear, if they had asked me if I could take him home.....I would have! S-U-C-K-E-R!!!!!

See what a short memory I have!!!!!!! :rolleyes:

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Our dog hates pomeranians. He once ran out the front door to go after my neighbor who was walking the dog. It was a lesson for us. When we have the front door open, the storm door is locked!


What is it that he doesn't like? Poms are so cute! A bit "yappy" but so cute!!!!


Horton and I were in Petco last night and a baby Yorkie wanted so badly to play with him. He kept picking up his little paw and waving it at Horty. This is where Horton truly shines......he's such a gentle, loving big-boy! He just walked over [after I asked the owners if he could say hello] and he stuck his nose in the little pups face......so adorable. The puppy loved him! Not a bit afraid and did an adorable little dance for my gentle giant! I swear, if they had asked me if I could take him home.....I would have! S-U-C-K-E-R!!!!!


See what a short memory I have!!!!!!! :rolleyes:



That's because Yorkies think they are the size of a Great Dane. I know, we have one. His name is Chaos. :eek: He's the one outside at night guarding the back yard while the big Labs are sleeping on the couch.

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That's because Yorkies think they are the size of a Great Dane. I know, we have one. His name is Chaos. :eek: He's the one outside at night guarding the back yard while the big Labs are sleeping on the couch.


Wow!!!! A guard Yorkie! I hope he's got a really scary BARK! One day, I'd like to have a Yorkie friend. :)

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Oh Roz! I had to laugh at your tale of the Indian man and naughty Horton!

Of course, Horton was a bad boy, but the Indian man was an idiot.


My son and his family are living in India right now - an 18-month contract for his work. Yes, you do have to be wary of dogs in India, because of rabies. The family all had to be immunized against rabies, except for the littlest one, who was too young (you have to be at least two years old).

They have had to teach their daughters not to approach or touch any animal in India. It's not just dogs who can carry rabies.


That said, there are dogs roaming the streets in Delhi. No one touches them, and everyone ignores them. But no one runs screaming from them. That, of course, would provoke a dog into chasing them.


OF course you must see your neighbour and apologise to him, but I wonder if a series of meetings (and explanations) with Brenda (maybe not so intimidating as Horton?) might help him not to panic when he meets a dog?

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Oh Roz! I had to laugh at your tale of the Indian man and naughty Horton!

Of course, Horton was a bad boy, but the Indian man was an idiot.


My son and his family are living in India right now - an 18-month contract for his work. Yes, you do have to be wary of dogs in India, because of rabies. The family all had to be immunized against rabies, except for the littlest one, who was too young (you have to be at least two years old).

They have had to teach their daughters not to approach or touch any animal in India. It's not just dogs who can carry rabies.


That said, there are dogs roaming the streets in Delhi. No one touches them, and everyone ignores them. But no one runs screaming from them. That, of course, would provoke a dog into chasing them.


OF course you must see your neighbour and apologise to him, but I wonder if a series of meetings (and explanations) with Brenda (maybe not so intimidating as Horton?) might help him not to panic when he meets a dog?


I tried....When Horton calmed down I invited him to touch him and to watch him at work and see how smart and well trained he was [even if he did chase him, he didn't mean any harm!] I encouraged him to come over and visit with Brenda [you know, the "Betty White" of the dog world!] She's 96 years old, there's not much harm she can do except "stare" or "snore" you into boredom!

I haven't seen hide nor hair of this man since the encounter. He's probably in a psyche ward somewhere taking heavy-duty drugs!

I'm prepared to grovel and plead Horton's case......even if he stands as tall as a pony and looks scary enough to envelope a small child......he's a wimpy, loving, trained and adorably funny dog!!!!! He's "Marmaduke" in Black Lab/Golden Retriever clothing!


Aw! Heck! I'm in love with the lug and all his bad habits! I'lll keep a tether attached to him when he's out and about and watch him and all his antics when he's free in his home.

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Well, Roz. You tried! You're not responsible for that man's phobia. All you are responsible for is Horton's and Brenda's behaviour - and you have taken measures to correct that.


I guess phobias just aren't rational. I know that if a big, hairy spider came after me, I wouldn't run away screaming. I'd just die on the spot! LOL

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A possible reason for his reaction,may be that he belongs to a religious sect that considers dogs to be unclean.I know someone who if he touched or was touched,or worse than that licked by a dog would have to undergo a ritual cleansing.

We may consider that odd,given our relationship with canines but I would guess that that may be correct.

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A morning full of laughter!!! Hortan the Menace and the Yorkie Gaurd. Sounds like a great kids story!!.


Our cruise is April 16th on the Island Princess. We flew to Texas last week to visit our daughter. What a wonderful weekend.


I dreamed about "Cooler" last night. Dreamed that she had been sent back and I was working with her:eek:. "Cooler" has a wonderful recepeint in Pasadena and is doing very well. I guess I must be missing her a bit. :rolleyes:

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Laugh all you want......LAYW!!!! The lesson I really learned out of my mis-adventure with my hairy buddies.......Is, when I get really angry with them, they do pay attention and I think they both know when I'm "DONE"......They need to retreat!


I was ready to ship those puppies back to CCI [actually, I was going to leave them in a basket on their doorstep!] :eek: Kidding!!!!!


Opinions please: How many of you would rather eat in the buffet than go to the dining room for dinner and why?


DKD: How's your pup doing? Is he going to advanced training? Or, is he already there waiting for a match?


Marcia: Is your furlough over.....now that our Gov. is not closing down is that good news for you?


Fairbourne, Nancy and Cindy: You can stop laughing now! Auntie Roz is right on track! And, I've changed my "do!"


Sunshine: When's your cruise?


Colleen: How are you doing?


Chandler: Are your feet back on the ground?


Trudy: I think you're cruising now.....let us know how it went.


Roz, I laughed myself silly reading about the poor frightened man and your adventuresome dog.........too funny.:D


I leave for my cruise next Thursday and then leave the cruise two days early in Charleston SC to go to guide school to be partnered with a new dog. My darling, darling Oz ...the light of my life will be adopted by my friends who live two miles away. I can't even think about next Thursday without Oz. He is an awesome little dude.


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