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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Beckie, Diana and Gibson, It was my pleasure voting for such a confidant, uplifting young lady and her hero service dog. You are right, only 4 could win and you were in that category for a chance. I believe the voting probably counted for getting to the semi-finals, but then it was up to the judges to decide the winners. So, our voting definately was not in vain. I hope they do have another contest. Please don't hesitate to call on us for help. Hugs and puppy kisses. :)

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Did anyone else see the article yesterday about an American plane that needed to make an emergency landing because of a service dog? Apparently the plane was flying from the mid-west to the west coast.


The dog must have eaten something really, really bad or had a case of the nerves..........he/she had runny you know what three times in the aisle. The crew ran out of paper towels.


The plane landed somewhere other than its original destination, the hasmat team came on board etc.


The dog looked like a labadoodle with no jacket.

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Colleen, I checked the forum guidelines. I think it is permissible to provide info on a place you stay to recommend (but not names or links for travel agents.)


I'd be very interested in your Rome recommendation. Any other tips? For example, how receptive are the restaurants and taxi drivers? I love Rome after three visits and would enjoy a return visit.


Chris, google Trip Advisor for Navona Garden Suites or Navona Galley Suites.....one in the same.....check the pictures and you will see why I stay there. There is a secure garden where my retired guide dog for the deaf and now my current guide dog for the deaf can play.


I have had no problem eating out with my guide dog in downtown Rome. Not sure about taxi drivers........I use a car service.

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Nope, Roz, I haven't met the Esch family, but happy to know they got Horty off to a good start. He really got around, didn't he?, before landing on the West Coast in his forever home. Whereas my Hearing Dog was the reverse - started on the West Coast as a Guide Dog puppy in CA, trained in Oregon, and flew to the East Coast for her new life.


Boy, talk about "meant to be!" I feel so lucky to have been the recipient of a CCI dog. But, this dog.....he's such a great being!

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Nancy (and all of you dear friends) copied in below is a message from Diana and Gibson. Thank you again for voting!



Good Morning,

I wanted to take the opportunity to let you all know that I did not win one of the vans given away in the NMEDA wheelchair accessible van contest. This has to be the hardest part for me...telling you all this news. Everyone has so been excited and simply wonderful in their enthusiasm and support. I hope none of you will feel that your votes were in vain, due to me not winning. Rather, they were my ticket to the semi-finals! I would never have been considered without them.

My appreciation cannot be put into words. The overwhelming support of family and friends along with the kindness of strangers is something I will never forget.

It's good to remember that every single entrant was in need of the same thing, accessible transportation and only 4 could go home with it. I'm sure it was very difficult to choose the winners. They will announce the names of the winners (which have already been contacted) next week on the website and the NMEDA Facebook page. Congratulations to those that won!

Thanks Again to all of you that supported me by voting and got me to the semi-finals. Not very many of the entrants got that far. So you see, we did real good. Everyone should be proud. Perhaps there will be next year.

With Love and Appreciation,

Diana & Gibson Stocksdale


"Wearing purple will brighten your day!"


Dear Diana,

You are a winner! You have made so many new friends who keep positive thoughts for you and Gibson. You were on my mind much of the time we were all voting and I'm not the only one who was thinking of you. You have lots and lots of friends all over the United States and the world because you allowed us into your world.

I wish you happiness and good health and hope that next year you try to win again.

Love & Licks,

Roz & Horton

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Did anyone else see the article yesterday about an American plane that needed to make an emergency landing because of a service dog? Apparently the plane was flying from the mid-west to the west coast.


The dog must have eaten something really, really bad or had a case of the nerves..........he/she had runny you know what three times in the aisle. The crew ran out of paper towels.


The plane landed somewhere other than its original destination, the hasmat team came on board etc.


The dog looked like a labadoodle with no jacket.


Oh! No! Poor dog! The owner obviously didn't know the guidelines for air travel with a dog i.e. no feeding/watering before the flight or the dog got air sick or somehow got traumatized and just plain old got sick. Too bad, for all concerned.

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Thank you all for the warm welcome. I am so looking forward to getting my dog. My interview was in January and I was waiting on pins and needles to find out if I had been accepted into the program. I was put on the waiting list in February and so I think it will still be a while before I go to training. In the meantime, I will be able to learn so much from all of you on this forum. I live in Northern California and I will be going to Santa Rosa for training.

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Thank you all for the warm welcome. I am so looking forward to getting my dog. My interview was in January and I was waiting on pins and needles to find out if I had been accepted into the program. I was put on the waiting list in February and so I think it will still be a while before I go to training. In the meantime, I will be able to learn so much from all of you on this forum. I live in Northern California and I will be going to Santa Rosa for training.


You lucky dog. That's where I went for Team Training and where I Graduated from. I love the trainers and all the folks who work there. I interviewed at Santa Rosa and Oceanside, they're both wonderful campuses.


Did you interview with Ken or Lauren? I know there's new people there, it doesn't matter they're all wonderful. I go to the Workshops in Santa Rosa, if I can. We may have the opportunity to meet one day.....I hope so!


You're going to love it when you get mail from them. Their logo became the most wonderful sight every time I got something in the mail from them an automatic smile came over my face.


You have us to wait right along with you, you won't be alone!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Thank you all for the warm welcome. I am so looking forward to getting my dog. My interview was in January and I was waiting on pins and needles to find out if I had been accepted into the program. I was put on the waiting list in February and so I think it will still be a while before I go to training. In the meantime, I will be able to learn so much from all of you on this forum. I live in Northern California and I will be going to Santa Rosa for training.


Welcome from "across the pond" to you Dutravel.


I know exactly that pins and needles feeling ... I had it waiting to know if I'd been accepted as a puppy walker (raiser).


Isn't this forum the best! I snuck in for a while some time back, really with no reason to be here other than our mutual love and respect for our dogs, working or not. I was made so welcome, learnt so much, and in the end because of these dear folks on here, I am a new puppy walker!!! :D. I have a lot to thank them for, I'm having great fun with Aruba, am meeting lots of new people and it's given me and our two middle aged labs a new lease of life!


CarribeanChris - if you fly on way north after Rome, you may have a chance to sneak in a cuddle! ;):)


Colleen - Misty is the cutest wee girl, I have ever seen - no wonder she was spoilt, and deservedly so by your cabin steward - what a joy to look at that photo. :)


Diana - you are so gracious in your writing - and just you shout if you need any help from us, even from us over here, I'll hear you! :D


Happy Sunday to everyone and we are enjoying a lovely sunny day today, should be as it's 1st June!


No news yet from Cindy ......



Max and his little sis.


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Chris, google Trip Advisor for Navona Garden Suites or Navona Galley Suites.....one in the same.....check the pictures and you will see why I stay there. There is a secure garden where my retired guide dog for the deaf and now my current guide dog for the deaf can play.


I have had no problem eating out with my guide dog in downtown Rome. Not sure about taxi drivers........I use a car service.


Thanks, Colleen -this is great information, and I have copied it for future reference. Looks like a lovely spot, great location. Your experience is encouraging me to try a transatlantic cruise again in a year or two. My Hearing Dog did quite well on her coast to coast flights with the trainer, so I think crossing the big pond is do-able.


Traveling with an assistance dog is a whole new experience for me. I travel by RV around North America a lot because I write about motor home travel destinations for a magazine. She's adjusting very well to that, as I expected. But cruising and/or flying to other countries is going to require much more advance planning.

Edited by Caribbean Chris
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You guys have got to hear what she did.....She actually gave an envelope to the crew member [who was handling the tender for our ship], asked him to please deliver it to Morey and me, while she was on a different ship on the dock. When we got back to our cabin the envelope was in the mail holder next to our cabin door. She had no idea what cabin we were in and trusted that the crew member would follow through and sure enough, he did.


Remarkable! It's something I will never forget.

It was actually kind of easy... I just asked the officer if he'd seen a black lab with a big-haired blonde lady on his ship and of course he had. ;) :D

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Having just been edumacated on how to post pics, here are a couple!


The first one is my therapy (not service) dog, Elmer, a plotthound. The second one is my therapy dog Oscar, and my crazy cat Snowball, who's not a certified therapy animal but who goes to visit a nursing home every month along with the dogs.


Oscar goes with me to a hospice every week and he and Elmer also go to an assisted living facility for severely developmentally disabled adults.



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Did anyone else see the article yesterday about an American plane that needed to make an emergency landing because of a service dog? Apparently the plane was flying from the mid-west to the west coast.


The dog must have eaten something really, really bad or had a case of the nerves..........he/she had runny you know what three times in the aisle. The crew ran out of paper towels.


The plane landed somewhere other than its original destination, the hasmat team came on board etc.


The dog looked like a labadoodle with no jacket.


Our local news here in Kansas City indicated that the airplane had sat on the tarmac at least two hours due to fuel problems before it took off from LA. If that is the case poor Truffles couldn't hold it any longer.



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Welcome from "across the pond" to you Dutravel.


I know exactly that pins and needles feeling ... I had it waiting to know if I'd been accepted as a puppy walker (raiser).


Isn't this forum the best! I snuck in for a while some time back, really with no reason to be here other than our mutual love and respect for our dogs, working or not. I was made so welcome, learnt so much, and in the end because of these dear folks on here, I am a new puppy walker!!! :D. I have a lot to thank them for, I'm having great fun with Aruba, am meeting lots of new people and it's given me and our two middle aged labs a new lease of life!


CarribeanChris - if you fly on way north after Rome, you may have a chance to sneak in a cuddle! ;):)


Colleen - Misty is the cutest wee girl, I have ever seen - no wonder she was spoilt, and deservedly so by your cabin steward - what a joy to look at that photo. :)


Diana - you are so gracious in your writing - and just you shout if you need any help from us, even from us over here, I'll hear you! :D


Happy Sunday to everyone and we are enjoying a lovely sunny day today, should be as it's 1st June!


No news yet from Cindy ......



Max and his little sis.


I love the pictures.....you're being so good to keep us all in the loop.


What you did, dear heart, was come along on our journey's, given us all your support and then you gave us all the biggest gift of all; you became a Puppy Raiser. Without people just like you we wouldn't have our amazing Service Dog hero's in our lives.


I'm so thrilled that with your love and assistance another person will have the opportunity to have an independent life. Go Aruba, Go!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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It was actually kind of easy... I just asked the officer if he'd seen a black lab with a big-haired blonde lady on his ship and of course he had. ;) :D


I save letters/cards/pictures and found the letter that you sent via a crew member. I still have Brenda's picture in the frame that you sent. It hangs in my office and reminds me of you and my dear Brenny.

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Having just been edumacated on how to post pics, here are a couple!


The first one is my therapy (not service) dog, Elmer, a plotthound. The second one is my therapy dog Oscar, and my crazy cat Snowball, who's not a certified therapy animal but who goes to visit a nursing home every month along with the dogs.


Oscar goes with me to a hospice every week and he and Elmer also go to an assisted living facility for severely developmentally disabled adults.


Thank you for sharing these delightful pictures with us. And, thank you for all that you and your "fur-team" do for others.


Aren't these dogs/cats absolutely wonderful in the joy and peace that they bring to ours and other's lives.


And, I love the names! ;)

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Our local news here in Kansas City indicated that the airplane had sat on the tarmac at least two hours due to fuel problems before it took off from LA. If that is the case poor Truffles couldn't hold it any longer.




This had happened to us on a flight to Florida from L.A. I had requested that an Airline Assistant please take Brenda off the plane and to the tarmack so that she could relieve herself.


There is a solution for such instances when they occur. They won't let you off the plane but an airline employee can disembark the plane with your dog and assist in helping the dog get some relief.


Travel with a Service Dog means that you have to have your "thinking cap" on all the time. It's our job to keep our dogs comfort at the top of our "to-do" list. It's just like traveling with a two year old. You have to be at the top of your game most of the time. No room for being "lazy" when you travel with your dog!

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My brother was a pilot for United. He told me that he had taken service dogs a few times down the stairs beside the plane to go pee. Especially if there was a short connection time for the service dog Team.


He didn't mind and he knew other flight crew who have done it.

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My little Angel. Valentine was the best traveler.we would lea e early in the am and not get to the Rome port until e enigma g. She. Could hold e erytbing till we put her spotty pan Dow. I. Our room for the.night. No straw ge spotty s for her..n.


Sorry I ha.ge 't been on..mu h. After she left my heart. Broke and I still. Cry for her. I m. Not getting another serviice dog. I do have Bella and I love her. But she is my pet and therefore does. Not travel with. Me.




I. Can never let that happen. Again. I still. CRy for her daily


I am a lurker and e joy your. Omraxiery. N not spell. All the. Es people and dogsthiz is a gteat group with all the a seers. Quake I'm sorry your dog ks sI ck. Ut doing. Better.


Love to all




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My brother was a pilot for United. He told me that he had taken service dogs a few times down the stairs beside the plane to go pee. Especially if there was a short connection time for the service dog Team.


He didn't mind and he knew other flight crew who have done it.


Love the flight crew. It's a good idea to teach your dog to go "hurry" [as CCI calls it], wherever they are offered and this may include asphalt/cement/gravel, etc., etc. It can make for a much easier travel experience for both of you.


Unfortunately, Brenda had to be ready to explode before she'd go on tarmack but she finally did. Say the "key" word and your Service Dog should immediately relieve itself. She and Horton would NEVER go #2 unless I insisted, NEVER! And, I would never challenge them by feeding them right before we were to travel either.

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My little Angel. Valentine was the best traveler.we would lea e early in the am and not get to the Rome port until e enigma g. She. Could hold e erytbing till we put her spotty pan Dow. I. Our room for the.night. No straw ge spotty s for her..n.


Sorry I ha.ge 't been on..mu h. After she left my heart. Broke and I still. Cry for her. I m. Not getting another serviice dog. I do have Bella and I love her. But she is my pet and therefore does. Not travel with. Me.




I. Can never let that happen. Again. I still. CRy for her daily


I am a lurker and e joy your. Omraxiery. N not spell. All the. Es people and dogsthiz is a gteat group with all the a seers. Quake I'm sorry your dog ks sI ck. Ut doing. Better.


Love to all





Oh! My Dear Barbara' date=' It's so good to hear from you. I know how much you loved and adored your darling Valentine. We all loved her too. I'm crying as I write this to you. I cry everyday for my Brenny. Nothing will ever replace her. She was my sweet, sweet love and I don't think I'll every get past missing her. I totally understand what you're feeling and what you're going through. Please know that I think about you and Valentine and Bella often. Please tell Hubby that I send my love to him too![/b']


I didn't think I'd be able to go cruising or enjoy life again after my Morey and My Brenny left.....I thank goodness everyday for Horton. He doesn't replace Brenny and no one could ever replace Morey but I'm moving forward and my need for a Service Dog and love for travel drives me forward.


I hope one day you will be able to have another Service Dog in your life and that you will enjoy traveling again. Valentine will always be in your thoughts and heart.....I know and totally understand it.


Be well and know that your friends think of you.

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Having just been edumacated on how to post pics, here are a couple!


The first one is my therapy (not service) dog, Elmer, a plotthound. The second one is my therapy dog Oscar, and my crazy cat Snowball, who's not a certified therapy animal but who goes to visit a nursing home every month along with the dogs.


Oscar goes with me to a hospice every week and he and Elmer also go to an assisted living facility for severely developmentally disabled adults.


What joy these three gorgeous little peeps are - I just love Elmer's smile and I could cuddle all three of them - cats are crazy aren't they, but we just love them and their funny feline ways! We had a head to head butting session with the new pup and one boy cat called Oscar! it was lovely to see - Oscar has been building up to it all week and he's been coming closer and closer and Aruba has learnt not to chase him if she wants a bit of feline loving going on!!! :eek:


I've never heard of a plotthound - were they originally bred for hunting?

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Love the flight crew. It's a good idea to teach your dog to go "hurry" [as CCI calls it], wherever they are offered and this may include asphalt/cement/gravel, etc., etc. It can make for a much easier travel experience for both of you.


Unfortunately, Brenda had to be ready to explode before she'd go on tarmack but she finally did. Say the "key" word and your Service Dog should immediately relieve itself. She and Horton would NEVER go #2 unless I insisted, NEVER! And, I would never challenge them by feeding them right before we were to travel either.


We are already working very hard on the toileting. Aruba is going pretty much on command for a "busy", and of course there is that rushing out when she gets out of her crate and I can spot the long legs starting to straddle and waddle a mile off now, so only one teeny weeny accident yesterday - too excited with a new toy! She's going pretty regularly for the other which we have to call "Big Busy", but personally I think that's too similar wording and is confusing for the young pup - as when I say it trying to get her to go, she does a "busy", so I've started just saying "Big". I'm going to discuss it with the puppy supervisor this week.


This poor dog must have been desperate, as we all understand on here. It takes a lot of work and patience to train a dog to go on command. Maybe the owner didn't want to cause a fuss, it's hard enough anyway I imagine travelling with a service/assistance dog as some ignorant people would kick up simply at the sight of the dog! And we all know how "good" airlines are at keeping passengers advised of the true length of any delay!!!


I read on the Guide dogs website that a bunch of puppy walkers were invited to visit their local airport. They walked around the terminal and went through a security check (more I think for the security guys to have a cuddle with the pups!) and then they got to board an aircraft, the old way up the steps and then sit at a seat. I think it was also used as a training exercise for the airline people as well. Great idea, hope we can get to do something like that in our training.


So today we have had our first worming tablet since she came, so sound asleep, morning nap right now, but I'm keeping a close eye as I have no idea how her bottom is going to react (telling you this as we are on bottom issues!:eek:)

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