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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Trudy, I could NEVER get Brenda to act like a puppy. To roll on the floor with me and wrestle....NEVER! If I picked up a tennis ball and threw it she'd be the first one to run and bring it back.....she ewas obsessed with that. But, she would not "play." She was dedicated, true and my darling but she was not a playful girl. Now, let's talk about Horton; he's the most playful, impish and fun loving dog......to a fault sometimes but always ready to make me smile and get down and dirty with me!







Maybe it has something to do with their pasts. Brenda had a rough past. She had graduated and lived with an elderly woman, in a wheelchair , who consistently ran into her with her chair [poor little girl came to me with all kinds of nicks on her back elbows.] When I asked about them the trainer told me her story. Finally, the woman would leave Brenda in the parking lot as she put herself in the car first. The trainers saw this and Brenda's fearful behavior around the woman and suggested that Brenda might do better in a different home [after 3 months with her.] Brenda was the oldest dog in the class but once they moved her from Oceanside to Santa Rosa she started to do very well. After I graduated with Brenny, there was a time when I wanted to hunt-down this woman, believe me! CCI could have pulled Brenda out of the program but with the right trainer and a change of occupation, she became the perfect dog for me.


I really think that Brenny's past experiences made her who she was and I loved her all the more.


"Hunt down this woman" remind me never to cross you!

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"Hunt down this woman" remind me never to cross you!


Honestly, can you read the newspapers now,: "Woman in a wheelchair attacked by a big blonde, with a Black Lab!" :mad:


All I have to say is she's darn lucky I never met up with her at a CCI event....she'd get an earful from me! :mad:

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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"Hunt down this woman" remind me never to cross you!


And, tell me you wouldn't do the same if you saw someone [wheel chair, or not] who was treating a dog badly.......wouldn't you step right up. Okay, maybe you wouldn't bop her on the head, like I would, but surely you'd let her have it!!!!!


I can watch a person being beaten but don't ever show me an animal being hurt......I start to unravel!!!! :eek: Heck, I get tears in my eyes when I see an ant being smooshed!!!

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Trudie - I'd never heard of a black mouth cur, so of course google is my friend! She's going to be a big girl, if she isn't already, and so beautiful with the black mouth - just keep her away from any cows, eh! ;):D


Aunty Roz, we love you for your passion and I'm right there with you against any animal cruelty or mishandling. I'm afraid these days what my neighbours must think when I'm trying to "encourage" the Tink to walk forward. I'm told I need to use a firm voice with little emotion to get her to walk and then use the encouragement! This is hard for me to not try and have encouragement in my voice all the time .... And sometimes you have to use a really firm voice that truly means business .... If anyone didn't know this drill, they could think I was being horrid to this sweet little pup .... Yeah right, the sweet little pup who refuses to budge totally sat in the middle of the road!


We are off to the hairdressers this morning and honestly it's like going on holiday:


Checklist: poo sacks, plastic gloves (for me to pick up if I need to), baby wipes, floor wipes, kitchen roll, anti-bacterial wipes, toys, blanket, lunch (for pup), water, bowl, treats (extra kibble) and anti-bac hand stuff for me! Anyway, the bag sits packed all the time, but these days forget the handbag for me! lol! It's a bag with all of miss Tink's stuff in it! Hopefully I won't need most of it!


Photo - the look I get after an "Aruba no, Aruba NO, Aruba NOOOO!":D


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Fairbourne: I think she is saying "Are you still talking?" Naughty little girl! I don't think I could do it. I would cry for having to correct her! :o


LOL! oh probably Nancy!


Photo - but this is what she had just done!!!! Pulled up the rug and was about to chew on it! Little Tink indeed! :eek:



Btw. Nancycleverclogsfancypants - I had a look at the 107 things to do with a pallet - my dawgness, I can't believe some of the things people make - quite inventive really! Not that I'm going to attempt any any time soon! LOL!


Edited by fairbourne
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We had a very good trip to the hairdresser, Aruba behaved impeccably and just had a quick look around to check everything out, didn't "borrow" anything off the hairdresser's cart thingy, then just settled down and fell asleep. So I was very pleased with this as this is very good indeed for her future work.


Photo: Just checking you've got Mum's next appointment booked in Mr hairdresser! :D


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Trudie - I'd never heard of a black mouth cur, so of course google is my friend! She's going to be a big girl, if she isn't already, and so beautiful with the black mouth - just keep her away from any cows, eh! ;):D


Aunty Roz, we love you for your passion and I'm right there with you against any animal cruelty or mishandling. I'm afraid these days what my neighbours must think when I'm trying to "encourage" the Tink to walk forward. I'm told I need to use a firm voice with little emotion to get her to walk and then use the encouragement! This is hard for me to not try and have encouragement in my voice all the time .... And sometimes you have to use a really firm voice that truly means business .... If anyone didn't know this drill, they could think I was being horrid to this sweet little pup .... Yeah right, the sweet little pup who refuses to budge totally sat in the middle of the road!


We are off to the hairdressers this morning and honestly it's like going on holiday:


Checklist: poo sacks, plastic gloves (for me to pick up if I need to), baby wipes, floor wipes, kitchen roll, anti-bacterial wipes, toys, blanket, lunch (for pup), water, bowl, treats (extra kibble) and anti-bac hand stuff for me! Anyway, the bag sits packed all the time, but these days forget the handbag for me! lol! It's a bag with all of miss Tink's stuff in it! Hopefully I won't need most of it!


Photo - the look I get after an "Aruba no, Aruba NO, Aruba NOOOO!":D


Girl, you're not going into surgery......you're walking a dog! :p

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We had a very good trip to the hairdresser, Aruba behaved impeccably and just had a quick look around to check everything out, didn't "borrow" anything off the hairdresser's cart thingy, then just settled down and fell asleep. So I was very pleased with this as this is very good indeed for her future work.


Photo: Just checking you've got Mum's next appointment booked in Mr hairdresser! :D



I love how people love our dogs! Such a cute picture. And, what that little stinker was going to do to your carpet.......We all know! You got lucky!


Brenda ate the siding off of her Puppraisers garage. :eek:

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Girl, you're not going into surgery......you're walking a dog! :p


Checklist: poo sacks, plastic gloves (for me to pick up if I need to), baby wipes, floor wipes, kitchen roll, anti-bacterial wipes, toys, blanket, lunch (for pup), water, bowl, treats (extra kibble) and anti-bac hand stuff for me! Anyway, the bag sits packed all the time, but these days forget the handbag for me! lol! It's a bag with all of miss Tink's stuff in it! Hopefully I won't need most of it!


That's about what we carry in a small backpack with the young pups.

When they are old enough to start going out but not exactly potty trained.

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Checklist: poo sacks, plastic gloves (for me to pick up if I need to), baby wipes, floor wipes, kitchen roll, anti-bacterial wipes, toys, blanket, lunch (for pup), water, bowl, treats (extra kibble) and anti-bac hand stuff for me! Anyway, the bag sits packed all the time, but these days forget the handbag for me! lol! It's a bag with all of miss Tink's stuff in it! Hopefully I won't need most of it!


That's about what we carry in a small backpack with the young pups.

When they are old enough to start going out but not exactly potty trained.


I was only kidding. My friends at work make fun of all the stuff I carry for Horton, going off to work with me. He has a bag all his own. I totally get it!!!! And, he's a teenager, fully trained. You just never know, when you're taking your dog out for the day, what they will need! I know, I know!!! ;)


It's like taking a toddler out for the day! :rolleyes:

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Good Morning ,

We had our first trip out with Rose-----had to go get her a shot. She did good in the car but then didn't want to get out. She was a real good girl. But last night was different-we had a bad storm and she didn't like that at all. She ran and got in the cat's bed--she sure looked funny----47lbs in a little cat bed.


Hope all of you have a great day---back to my painting---I have been slacking off.

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Good Morning ,

We had our first trip out with Rose-----had to go get her a shot. She did good in the car but then didn't want to get out. She was a real good girl. But last night was different-we had a bad storm and she didn't like that at all. She ran and got in the cat's bed--she sure looked funny----47lbs in a little cat bed.


Hope all of you have a great day---back to my painting---I have been slacking off.


Awww! Rosey! You're safe now, dear heart! You have your forever home and MaMa Trudy will take good care of you!


Trudy, I just love that picture of my Brenny, you captured the true essence of her in those eyes. ♥

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Cindy======I found you e mail---sent an answer.


Roz----thank you so much. Glad Brenny was a good likeness, I tried hard to make it that way. And yes, Rose will have a good home----hopefully she will come around and be a more happy dog. I do see a change in her already, some good and some bad (she is afraid of lightening and I am sure the fireworks will bother her also.) She was so funny getting into the cats bed last night. This morning she took the toy away from the stray cat, that visits and took it our on the grass. So, I took it from her to see if she would chase it and SHE DID. All of three times and she does sit before I give her her dinner and she gave me her paw once. :) So, all of that is good.

Have a good evening everyone and a Happy 4th. Don't eat too many hot dogs.


bye for now.

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Today we went to meet the puppy trainer for a spot of "recall" training - Aruba, not me! :p


The day started off lovely and sunny, not too warm, just a nice summer day .... but by the time I drove the few miles to meet the trainer, the heavens opened and yeah, you've guessed our training was to take place in the park! Ok girls, you can imagine, got my hair done yesterday, still looking OK today, I was not best pleased at the thought of getting soaked! I did have an anorak with me but no hood! :eek:


Anyway, any thoughts I had of trying to do something else were soon dismissed, so off we trudged, in this rain (you know the kind that's not too heavy, but it really soaks you to the skin) to the park. So from sleek blow dried locks I quickly turned into a Misty lookalike - all curls! (Sorry Misty, you have lovely doggy curls and they look great on you!:))


Aruba was soaking wet too, however, on we ventured! He wanted to see how she would be off the lead. Right, on you go then says I! Lead off, she just didn't really react, just kept walking around and between us as we kept walking - we were not obviously looking or watching her (but keeping an eye on her). She wandered off into the bushes a couple of times, thought she would take off with a man walking by, and then thought better of it, but really kept close to us most of the time, and came when she was called (most of the time!). When she comes back she has to come back and sit right in front of you, not 3 feet away, literally right in front, as a blind or visually impaired person would not know where she was if she didn't do that. Some guide dog owners put bells on the dogs collar so they can hear where they are. Luckily we didn't meet any other dogs - I'm sure she would have been fine unless we met a grumpy old west highland terrier!


He was happy with her, she walked very well, no parking of bottom on the pavement, kept moving and walked in a relatively straight line (walking in a straight line is very important for her future work).


As soon as we got back to the car, the rain stopped! Aaaargh!!! never mind! As my aunt says, if you don't do something because of the weather in Scotland, then you would never do anything! So if you come over here on a cruise, pack layers and lots of them, you just never know what the weather is going to be like!


Back home, dried off with a fluffy towel, cuddles, nap, lunch, playtime, cuddles and nap before dinner - it's a dog's life, it really is! ;):D


Have a great weekend everyone and Happy 4th of July!!!

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Honestly, can you read the newspapers now,: "Woman in a wheelchair attacked by a big blonde, with a Black Lab!" :mad:


All I have to say is she's darn lucky I never met up with her at a CCI event....she'd get an earful from me! :mad:


I can picture it! lol

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Mornin' all: Survived the fireworks, barely. Jezzy Lou is getting more and more scared each time. She paced around panting and shaking. Wouldn't let me hold her. Went in Trav's room for awhile, which was good, his TV,computer and fan muffled some of the noise. She slept under the bed most of the night.


It is Leann Emily's birthday, today. She is 7. She is getting to be more and more cuddly and huggy. She has also been sleeping with us. She didn't do it for the longest time because Jezzy use to growl at her. Now she ignores Jezzy and says "She was my mom first". Then she shows Jezzy that cute little paw and curls up asleep!


Fairbourne: Little Ms. Aruba knows when she needs to behave and get her work done! Sorry you got rained on. We could only hope for that here. Haven't had any sizable rain storms or like wise for years. The weather says scattered showers, as I look out the window and it is clear blue skies! The air is so thick we could cut it with a knife.


Everyone have a wonderful weekend.

Edited by S.S. Cruisers
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Today we went to meet the puppy trainer for a spot of "recall" training - Aruba, not me! :p


The day started off lovely and sunny, not too warm, just a nice summer day .... but by the time I drove the few miles to meet the trainer, the heavens opened and yeah, you've guessed our training was to take place in the park! Ok girls, you can imagine, got my hair done yesterday, still looking OK today, I was not best pleased at the thought of getting soaked! I did have an anorak with me but no hood! :eek:


Anyway, any thoughts I had of trying to do something else were soon dismissed, so off we trudged, in this rain (you know the kind that's not too heavy, but it really soaks you to the skin) to the park. So from sleek blow dried locks I quickly turned into a Misty lookalike - all curls! (Sorry Misty, you have lovely doggy curls and they look great on you!:))


Aruba was soaking wet too, however, on we ventured! He wanted to see how she would be off the lead. Right, on you go then says I! Lead off, she just didn't really react, just kept walking around and between us as we kept walking - we were not obviously looking or watching her (but keeping an eye on her). She wandered off into the bushes a couple of times, thought she would take off with a man walking by, and then thought better of it, but really kept close to us most of the time, and came when she was called (most of the time!). When she comes back she has to come back and sit right in front of you, not 3 feet away, literally right in front, as a blind or visually impaired person would not know where she was if she didn't do that. Some guide dog owners put bells on the dogs collar so they can hear where they are. Luckily we didn't meet any other dogs - I'm sure she would have been fine unless we met a grumpy old west highland terrier!


He was happy with her, she walked very well, no parking of bottom on the pavement, kept moving and walked in a relatively straight line (walking in a straight line is very important for her future work).


As soon as we got back to the car, the rain stopped! Aaaargh!!! never mind! As my aunt says, if you don't do something because of the weather in Scotland, then you would never do anything! So if you come over here on a cruise, pack layers and lots of them, you just never know what the weather is going to be like!


Back home, dried off with a fluffy towel, cuddles, nap, lunch, playtime, cuddles and nap before dinner - it's a dog's life, it really is! ;):D


Have a great weekend everyone and Happy 4th of July!!!


Thanks for sharing your day with us. It figures the rain would have to come just then.......it's Murphy's Law! :rolleyes:


It sounds like Aruba is really coming along. What a good girl! I'm so proud of both of you!


Fairbourne, it's going to be so amazing to watch this journey and have your little girl be someone's "freedom!"

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I love their little faces........I could scrunch them all with huge puppy hugs and kisses.


If you visit the grounds of CCI sometimes you get really lucky and watch puppies at play........Makes me smile all over!!!!!!


Thanks for sharing this Marcia.

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Mornin' all: Survived the fireworks, barely. Jezzy Lou is getting more and more scared each time. She paced around panting and shaking. Wouldn't let me hold her. Went in Trav's room for awhile, which was good, his TV,computer and fan muffled some of the noise. She slept under the bed most of the night.


It is Leann Emily's birthday, today. She is 7. She is getting to be more and more cuddly and huggy. She has also been sleeping with us. She didn't do it for the longest time because Jezzy use to growl at her. Now she ignores Jezzy and says "She was my mom first". Then she shows Jezzy that cute little paw and curls up asleep!


Fairbourne: Little Ms. Aruba knows when she needs to behave and get her work done! Sorry you got rained on. We could only hope for that here. Haven't had any sizable rain storms or like wise for years. The weather says scattered showers, as I look out the window and it is clear blue skies! The air is so thick we could cut it with a knife.


Everyone have a wonderful weekend.


Awwww! Jezzy, I'm so sorry that the noise scares you. It's so darn loud.


Horton sleeps right through it! This year it's really loud and it's lasting much longer than last year.


I feel so badly for the animals that are frightened by it.

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