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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Oh Ms. Aruba, you are cute not matter which way Mum posts your picture! But, I can't tell what the red thingy is, of Dad's, that you chewed on? Small things happen, as long as you are trying really hard to be a good girl, I think you will do just fine. That is so exciting about the train! I wish I could take a spin. I have never been on a train. Hummm, just realized that. I always visualize what it would be like, but have never gone. That will be put on my bucket list.


Everyone have a good day. We are in for a scorcher. 111+ degrees. Ugghhh.

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Oh Ms. Aruba, you are cute not matter which way Mum posts your picture! But, I can't tell what the red thingy is, of Dad's, that you chewed on? Small things happen, as long as you are trying really hard to be a good girl, I think you will do just fine. That is so exciting about the train! I wish I could take a spin. I have never been on a train. Hummm, just realized that. I always visualize what it would be like, but have never gone. That will be put on my bucket list.


Everyone have a good day. We are in for a scorcher. 111+ degrees. Ugghhh.


Hi Aunty NancyFancyPaws


The red thing is a plastic watering can which I just love to chew!


We are buying a new metal watering can for Dad so I don't chew it - that's what they think! hahahaha!


I think I'm excited about going on the train, my Mum doesn't go on trains much either, but she likes them.


It was warm here today too, but not as hot like you have it. Don't think I would like it so hot! I was panting like an old dog coming back up the hill from my walk this afternoon - mind you Mum was panting too!!!


Puppy kisses Aunty N xxxx

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Just her screen name tells us that in Susan's world every vowel & syllable must be used to identify yourself! :rolleyes:


I actually used the names of 2 of my previous cats and my present cat to get my screen name. I used Freckles =frec my present cat; General a gorgeous russian blue =gen; and Swirls =swl. So since I usually read the board about the service dogs first, that's how I chose my name. Fairbourne thanks for all the information about Aruba and the pictures. And thanks to everybody that posts on here. Susan:)

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Hi Aunty Roz - mum thought you would like to see this photo - I'm a good girl really and I'm trying very hard to learn all the new things every day. Do you like my new red collar? I've had a chew on that red thing I love to sit by (in the photo) and Mum tells me off, so now we have to buy Dad a new one. But shhh don't tell Mum I'd been chewing it for a few days before she noticed! :D:D It wasn't a big chew, not really, only a few teeth marks, but I've not to do it again! Well, I will try! :p


I went to the railway station again and did my stair work, I have to work on it Mum said! Mum and me met Dad and we had some "lunch" - well they did, all I got was a bowl of water from the very nice lady at the coffee shop there. We sat outside and I truly was a good girl and lay under the table like I'm supposed to, but it was nice and it was out of the sun, so I managed a little snooze.


I watched all the people come and go and then a train came. I heard Mum ask the train driver if next time we come, we could just get on and walk through the carriages and get off. He was really nice and came and said hello to me and said it would not be a problem and they would be happy for us to go anytime. Oh Aunty Roz, it's big and noisy, but Mum always talks to me and tells me it's alright and she's right there with me, so I've not to worry. Everyone was so nice, we even met a politician, whatever that is. We have this big vote coming up in Scotland in September to decide whether we want to leave the United Kingdom or not, so this lady was out speaking to people about it. It's a big hoo haa at the moment.


The lady who runs the coffee shop told Mum that it was a favourite place for other guide dog puppies to come. We didn't meet any other guide dog puppies but Mum says we will be back. I liked that lady, she was kind and didn't mind when I had an excited wee just as we were leaving! Thank puppyness we were sitting outside!


Thank you everyone for reading about my adventures, Mum says you are all a great support. :)


Puppy love and kisses to everyone.


Love Aruba xxx


PS - I didn't get THEM up last night - so I was a good girl.:D


Dobiemom - could you sort my photo for me, Mum is clueless and this one is posting sideways!


Love, Love, Love Aruba's adventures! [That would be a great name for a book!]


Keep up the good work Aruba and give Mum and the rest of the gang a big lick from me. :p

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I just had to share this with you.


The Guide Dogs for the Blind are currently raising a petition to ask David Cameron, our Prime Minister, to do a blindfold walk along Downing Street (number 10 Downing Street is his office and home) to see for himself how dangerous it is for not only blind or partially sighted people to have to walk around cars parked on the pavement (sidewalk), but also for wheelchair users, prams etc. if they then have to walk out into a busy road. The aim is to make it a bigger offence under road traffic legislation - bigger fines etc. to try and stop this selfish act.


When I got home yesterday I could have kicked myself as I should have mentioned this to the politician we met, but would you believe it, we were heading out of our village last night, and here she was with her team canvassing the area! Talk about "meant to be"! What are the odds of that happening?


Anyway, I then told her all of the above and asked if she would support this petition and if she would be agreeable to do a blindfold walk locally to raise awareness - she said YES! She said send her the details of the national petition and they would all sign it and raise awareness. We swapped phone numbers, so I will definitely be doing some work on this issue but I will have to speak to the Guide Dog PR people first. When I googled her I discovered she has worked at Downing Street as a Special Adviser to the current government, so maybe she might be able to have a word in a certain Prime Minister's ear as well! I'm so excited - hopefully we can make a small difference.


So you just never know who you may meet. I firmly believe things happen for a reason as NancyFancyPants always says too! :D


That's wonderful. You're going to make a difference in more lives than just one........you've turned into quite a good citizen. We're very proud to know you! :)

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Oh Ms. Aruba, you are cute not matter which way Mum posts your picture! But, I can't tell what the red thingy is, of Dad's, that you chewed on? Small things happen, as long as you are trying really hard to be a good girl, I think you will do just fine. That is so exciting about the train! I wish I could take a spin. I have never been on a train. Hummm, just realized that. I always visualize what it would be like, but have never gone. That will be put on my bucket list.


Everyone have a good day. We are in for a scorcher. 111+ degrees. Ugghhh.


So hot! Stay cool and take care!

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Just her screen name tells us that in Susan's world every vowel & syllable must be used to identify yourself! :rolleyes:


I actually used the names of 2 of my previous cats and my present cat to get my screen name. I used Freckles =frec my present cat; General a gorgeous russian blue =gen; and Swirls =swl. So since I usually read the board about the service dogs first, that's how I chose my name. Fairbourne thanks for all the information about Aruba and the pictures. And thanks to everybody that posts on here. Susan:)


Very clever and very cute! Thanks for telling us the meaning of your name.....it's fun to hear how folks have arrived at the names they use.

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Listen to this..................I took my Granddaughter to the airport [burbank Airport] this past Saturday. Upon checking in, they saw Horton and just wanted to know if he was flying, I said "no" but I'd like to accompany her to the gate since she is a minor, I was given a "pass", we ventured towards the TSA agents and, that's when the saga began.


The first TSA Agent we encountered wanted to check my I.D., my Granddaughter's I.D. and do a visual on Horton.


The next TSA Agent wanted me to hold on to Horton and go through the scanner with him, another TSA Agent said "NO, drop the leash, walk through, by yourself and call him to you!" I asked, "you're asking me to separate from my Service Dog, leave him unleashed and go on the other side of the scanner?"


Another Agent came over and said, "the dog and the person should never be separated!" Another agent [they were agent enriched!], said, "some things wrong with this picture!" No dah!!!!!!! :rolleyes:


If I had not given Horton the command to sit, walked through the scanner, and then called him to me [of which he did brilliantly], I would still be at the airport waiting for Laurel & Hardy to make up their mind as to what should be done.


It was a joke, a stupid, stupid joke to watch all of these agents going in circles and not one of them using their good sense and following any good procedures!!!!


When I directed Horton to "sit", and then I walked away, he was constantly watching me, we had eye contact the entire time.....it was magic to see! I asked a fellow passenger to please play "back-up" for me. I asked him to please grab his collar if he looked like he might bolt! I knew he wouldn't, he was so focused on me!!!!! It was a dance, a beautiful dance between me and my Service Dog!!!!!

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I must reiterate to those of you who have not traveled with your Service Dogs but are planning to: Fly, take a train, bus or ship. Be prepared. Make sure that you and your dog have practiced the "sit", "down", "stay", command. NEVER LOSE YOUR COOL, keep calm. I'm telling you; these TSA Agents were so nervous, so ready to "jump" and just react. I know that had I reacted any differently they would have treated me badly. They didn't know what to do.


One wrong move on Horty's or my part and we would have been spending time in L.A.'s finest downtown!!!!!:eek:

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I can understand why the TSA wants to check everyone and everything, but they don't seem to have any set procedures or common sense. Every time I fly they do things differently. I can't get out of my wheelchair to walk through security and so they have to search me by hand. Sometimes it can take 20-30 minutes depending on how long it takes them to find a female agent. Once I receive my service dog, I can only imagine how long the whole procedure is going to take. Glad you were able to handle the situation calmly.

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I can understand why the TSA wants to check everyone and everything, but they don't seem to have any set procedures or common sense. Every time I fly they do things differently. I can't get out of my wheelchair to walk through security and so they have to search me by hand. Sometimes it can take 20-30 minutes depending on how long it takes them to find a female agent. Once I receive my service dog, I can only imagine how long the whole procedure is going to take. Glad you were able to handle the situation calmly.


One thing that TSA needs to learn is how to "profile." Anyone whose ever flown on EL AL Airlines knows exactly what I'm talking about. They see an older woman [blonde/green eyes] with a Service Dog. They're more curious about the dog than the woman; what does the dog do? They pat him down too! Burbank NEVER ASKED about Horton and simply assumed! Don't send me through the scanner, send me to the side to a female "pat down." Don't separate me from my dog. It would have been faster and more efficient. They should watch me interact with my dog. They profile me, my dog, my attitude, etc. They can see and spot a "problem" and their efficient and thorough!


We have a lot to learn. I pray we never have to challenge these TSA folks, they're so confused and discombobulated!!!!!!

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Roz, i actually take wexler through security. They shuffle john off to a seperate area and i take wex through. I go through first, make him sit and call him through the detector. That is the way we have always done it. I have no fear that he would leave me.

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I see absolutely no reason why whoever is taking the through couldn't go through first, still holding the leash (they are long leashes, right?) having the pupper sit until you call them through. Any thing can happen that might make the dog take off. I just would not be comfortable letting go of the leash and leaving them sit on the "other" side. Mind you I haven't been in an airport or through a scanner for about 4 years. But as I recall, the scanner was not that big or long. It seems like the next passenger was close to my patootie! Just my -2 cents.

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Roz, i actually take wexler through security. They shuffle john off to a seperate area and i take wex through. I go through first, make him sit and call him through the detector. That is the way we have always done it. I have no fear that he would leave me.


That's exactly what I did. He did so well! Horty and I have not done a lot of flying, like Brenny and I did. And, there was Morey to always be there to help me. I'm really a novice at the flying thing with him but I want to try and do more and more so I guess I better get my flying shoes on [or off!]

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That's exactly what I did. He did so well! Horty and I have not done a lot of flying, like Brenny and I did. And, there was Morey to always be there to help me. I'm really a novice at the flying thing with him but I want to try and do more and more so I guess I better get my flying shoes on [or off!]


I guess flying off the handle doesn't count. Just kidding. Don't go flying off the handle! :D:D:D:D

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I see absolutely no reason why whoever is taking the through couldn't go through first, still holding the leash (they are long leashes, right?) having the pupper sit until you call them through. Any thing can happen that might make the dog take off. I just would not be comfortable letting go of the leash and leaving them sit on the "other" side. Mind you I haven't been in an airport or through a scanner for about 4 years. But as I recall, the scanner was not that big or long. It seems like the next passenger was close to my patootie! Just my -2 cents.


Nancy, I think TSA is trying to get you to go through without setting anything off......if I were to hold the leash [through the scanner], the bells would be going off. I get it. I agree with you that it's a very precarious position to put our dogs in. What if someone or something spooked the dog? The way Horton was staring at me......he was so focused, while I was so scared that he might bolt. He was so good!!!!


There is a leash that doesn't have metal on it, made specifically for these scanners [so as to not set them off], I'm going to look into getting one.


The TSA at the docks allows me to walk through the scanner with Horton attached and then pats me down, after the scanner always goes off! On one cruise an agent said, "put both your hands at your side, close to your body" and the scanner didn't beep at all. And, I didn't have to be pat down. I have to remember to try that again! :rolleyes:

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We all take turns. This way it doesn't put too big a burden on any one person. Besides, then they get all the fun. :D:eek::D


Eating a hardboiled egg and DKD's comments do not mix! I swear I spat that dang egg all over my computer, my blouse, my keyboard......what a mess! You have the quickest mind! You are so funny! Love this man......:p

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