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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Haha, that reminds me of when my girl throws a doggy tantrum, as she will sit her bottom down loudly on the floor, and if she doesn't get her way, she'll raise her bottom up a bit so that she can sit loudly again! :p She only does this at home when not working, of course, but it makes me laugh 'cause who knew dogs were as bad as kids and throw tantrums?!

That's so funny! But so annoying and true. Brenda was the head butter.....she would come over to me and consistently butt her head on my leg, knee, arm or whatever to get my attention. Horton does the head shake, I finally got the tag holder thing and wrapped all his ID in it and now all that makes noise are his elephant ears as they're smacked against his head, it looks like he's going to shake his head off! :eek:

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Sounds like you had the same weather we had in the Med. That's why we love TAs, they are so relaxing and the Atlantic has always been kind to us - it's just the best feeling to relax and watch the sea drift by - I can never quite believe just how calm the Atlantic can be, like a mill pond.


You would hate cruising on the Pacific, it can be so rough, especially when it's headed northbound. One of the reasons we don't see Alaska cruises out of L.A. That'll be the day when ships take that route....:eek:

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That's so funny! But so annoying and true. Brenda was the head butter.....she would come over to me and consistently butt her head on my leg, knee, arm or whatever to get my attention. Horton does the head shake, I finally got the tag holder thing and wrapped all his ID in it and now all that makes noise are his elephant ears as they're smacked against his head, it looks like he's going to shake his head off! :eek:


So glad you mentioned the tag holder...didn't know that existed. I just now bought one on eBay.


Raylene has a lot of bling ...and makes a tag-racket in restaurants and in quiet theaters (National Park Visitor Centers and similar) when she's bored and stands up, ready to move on. I'm going to give it a try. (Can't do much about the Lab ear-flapping, though!)

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So glad you mentioned the tag holder...didn't know that existed. I just now bought one on eBay.


Raylene has a lot of bling ...and makes a tag-racket in restaurants and in quiet theaters (National Park Visitor Centers and similar) when she's bored and stands up, ready to move on. I'm going to give it a try. (Can't do much about the Lab ear-flapping, though!)


Mine is called "Quiet Spot" and I just love it. The same thing would happened with Brenda when I'd bring her out from under a table at meetings or in the Library and it was so embarrassing. It also would draw a lot of unwanted attention and I hated that. Once I found the "Quiet Spot" waahlaah! No more noise!


Buy a few of them because they do wear out!

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Tap, Tap on the microphone. Can you hear me? Thought I better check in. No posts since 11-21? I hope everyone is just busy, busy, busy. I know I am. Have a great week. :)

I've been busy... eating. ;):D Had a Thanksgiving dinner with our little church group last Thursday, then Thanksgiving dinner with DH's family on Saturday. The next one is at DD's house on Friday. :D:D


I think my furbaby has a bladder infection :( so I'm taking her to the vet today.

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Tap, Tap on the microphone. Can you hear me? Thought I better check in. No posts since 11-21? I hope everyone is just busy, busy, busy. I know I am. Have a great week. :)


I had a conference in Palm Springs last week - guess I was pretty close to Roz and Horton?


Got back in to Charlotte at 10:00pm Friday and reunited with our lab Lucy - then got up at 6:00am to put a 24# turkey in the oven, and fry 3 more for our annual cul-de-sac Pre-Thanksgiving party we have every year.


Tired...but we had a great time.

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Tap, Tap on the microphone. Can you hear me? Thought I better check in. No posts since 11-21? I hope everyone is just busy, busy, busy. I know I am. Have a great week. :)

Oh! My! We stay away for a few days and you're all over us! We had 80 mile an hour winds this weekend and a palm tree fell on Horton's potty box. :eek: He was so upset. He kept coming over to me and bopping me on the knee and arm to tell me something was wrong over and over...I finally said, "Lassie did Timmy fall in the well"? And, he just stared at me.....so, I got up and took a look outside and sure enough there it was.


Who do you think was going to move that tree? You guessed it.....MaMa Roz! Normally, it would have been the "man of the house" but Horton's the man of this house......and, well, we know who he thinks should move it......ME!


What a palm tree does to a manicure.....don't ask! Okay, okay so it was a very small palm. :rolleyes:


All's well now and the north forty is back to it's pristine condition!

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I've been busy... eating. ;):D Had a Thanksgiving dinner with our little church group last Thursday, then Thanksgiving dinner with DH's family on Saturday. The next one is at DD's house on Friday. :D:D


I think my furbaby has a bladder infection :( so I'm taking her to the vet today.


Poor darling! All that turkey stuff and stuffing too! I'm off to the California Adventure Hotel on turkey day to be with family and friends. Then they're all going to Disneyland........I promise I'll tell you where the documents are hidden if you don't make me go to that Mickey place! :(


I hope your furbaby feels better. What symptoms did she display?

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I had a conference in Palm Springs last week - guess I was pretty close to Roz and Horton?


Got back in to Charlotte at 10:00pm Friday and reunited with our lab Lucy - then got up at 6:00am to put a 24# turkey in the oven, and fry 3 more for our annual cul-de-sac Pre-Thanksgiving party we have every year.


Tired...but we had a great time.


It's about 3 hours from me, depending on the traffic. I bet the weather was good though!

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Poor darling! All that turkey stuff and stuffing too! I'm off to the California Adventure Hotel on turkey day to be with family and friends. Then they're all going to Disneyland........I promise I'll tell you where the documents are hidden if you don't make me go to that Mickey place! :(


I hope your furbaby feels better. What symptoms did she display?

We're going off-roading on T-Day. Don't need to eat more turkey! ;)


When we were camping last week, Roxie urinated 4-6 times in a row on both mornings. Didn't notice anthing abnormal during other times of the day. When we came home I think she was fine. Then yesterday she had an accident in the house. She's never done that, poor thing. When I shooed her outside she squatted at least 10 times (I couldn't see when she went around corners). But she didn't seem to be running a fever, she didn't cry when urinating, and her appetite was the same.


So this morning I got a sterile specimen cup and followed her around the yard when she went out. You should have seen her face: Mom, can I please have some privacy? :D But I was quick and did manage to get a bit. The vet thought the sample had some blood and was sending it to the lab. She gave her a shot and some meds for home. I need to call tomorrow for the results. She seems to be better already. :)

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We're going off-roading on T-Day. Don't need to eat more turkey! ;)


When we were camping last week, Roxie urinated 4-6 times in a row on both mornings. Didn't notice anthing abnormal during other times of the day. When we came home I think she was fine. Then yesterday she had an accident in the house. She's never done that, poor thing. When I shooed her outside she squatted at least 10 times (I couldn't see when she went around corners). But she didn't seem to be running a fever, she didn't cry when urinating, and her appetite was the same.


So this morning I got a sterile specimen cup and followed her around the yard when she went out. You should have seen her face: Mom, can I please have some privacy? :D But I was quick and did manage to get a bit. The vet thought the sample had some blood and was sending it to the lab. She gave her a shot and some meds for home. I need to call tomorrow for the results. She seems to be better already. :)


You are a good mom.........I aint following Horton around with anything short of 10 gallon drum!!!! :D

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Poor pup, Dobiemom! Hope Roxie's fine soon.


When our Dogs for the Deaf trainer Carrie was here for a week bringing Raylene, we reviewed the contents of a first aid kit for Raylene. She told me to get a ladle to catch pee with ("and you'll only use it for that," she said solemnly.) I still crack up when I think of that instruction and the vision of chasing Raylene around the back yard - with my silver gravy ladle?


Luckily I happened to have an extra old soup ladle which now lives in "Raylene's closet." (Now that I think of it, though, doesn't that unsterile ladle defeat the point of using the sterile cups? Thoughts for a Tuesday.)

Edited by Caribbean Chris
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He kept coming over to me and bopping me on the knee and arm to tell me something was wrong over and over...I finally said, "Lassie did Timmy fall in the well"?


Laughing! I have to remember that line when Raylene gives me her "faux taps" when I'm working that actually mean, "Quick! I want to play!" (DFD's Hearing Dogs are trained with the command "tap" to alert to the microwave beep, door bell, name call, dryer buzz, etc.)


Way to go, hoisting the mighty palm, MaMa Roz! Horty's a lucky pooch.

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Hi everyone especially Aunty Nancy fancy pants!


Oh Dobiemom, I hope Roxie gets better soon, poor girl.


Roz - oh my you have no idea the vision I have of you chasing Horton around with a 10 gallon drum - if he's like Max that boy can wee for England!


Oh Chris, a soup ladle, that's too funny - gawd I hope you never forget and remember when you're serving up some delicious carrot and coriander! LOL!


Now about getting your attention ... Miss Poppy chest butts us if we are eating something that she would really like some of. For example if we are having a Tray supper, then she will sit close, then a bit closer, and stare, that girl can stare! And then if all of that fails, she starts chest nudging, just a soft little nudge to start with and then the front paws start getting agitated and start a little dance, and then she bounces herself off your leg! By this time, the drooling has usually started as well and either your leg, trouser leg or chair arm is soaking wet! Solution, no tray suppers - but what do you do when it's cold outside and it's lovely and warm in front of the fire? We're having very few tray suppers these days with missy Aruba around and not teaching her any bad habits, like begging for food!


So yesterday Aruba and I met with our PW supervisor and did a long walk around the town. He wanted to see how she was doing with walking - in a straight line on the short working lead - managing her stands before crossing the road, and in taking general commands from me. Thankfully we both did just fine. He walked her for a while so I was able to watch her walking and he corrected a couple of things and I admit I had a wee tear in my eye as she walked proudly along with only a couple of sneaky glances back to make sure I was coming behind and hadn't totally abandoned her!


We went into a couple of shops and she was very good and sat while I did want I needed to.


We met a man in the supermarket who told us he had a fine young man in his family who is autistic. This young man has a buddy dog who helps him when he needs some extra help and he feels anxious or needs "some time out" - as the older man told me - the dog calms him, gives him a cuddle, and also goes to school with him, something that always made him very anxious and on some days not able to go. I love hearing about these dogs who are so amazing and make such big differences to so many lives, in ways that we would never believe - and sometimes, it's as simple as just being there.


I told our PWS about Aruba recognising her Aunty Fab in spite of the blue fancy dress outfit and he said "she's a smart girl this one". Well, of course, WE all know that already, don't we? LOL!


We have not one, but two Puppy Christmas Parties to go to - so far! So I'm wondering whether to get Aruba a fancy head-dress or not. They're Guide Dog pups only, so I'm sure it would be ok, no-one from the public to "comment" if you know what I mean! I'll maybe get one and see if she will actually wear it, and then I can decide whether or not to put it on for the parties! Apparently Father Doggy Christmas is coming - that's pawsome! Can't wait! LOL! Or maybe Aunty Fab could make her something? I'm away to ask her right now! :D

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Poor darling! All that turkey stuff and stuffing too! I'm off to the California Adventure Hotel on turkey day to be with family and friends. Then they're all going to Disneyland........I promise I'll tell you where the documents are hidden if you don't make me go to that Mickey place! :(


I hope your furbaby feels better. What symptoms did she display?


Don't even tell me you don't like Disney!! :mad: We are Disney addicts.

Disney World is the first place we took Orson after we got him. CCI is always taking pups in advanced training there. You need to take Horton to see Mickey and Goofy. :D

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Poor pup, Dobiemom! Hope Roxie's fine soon.


When our Dogs for the Deaf trainer Carrie was here for a week bringing Raylene, we reviewed the contents of a first aid kit for Raylene. She told me to get a ladle to catch pee with ("and you'll only use it for that," she said solemnly.) I still crack up when I think of that instruction and the vision of chasing Raylene around the back yard - with my silver gravy ladle?


Luckily I happened to have an extra old soup ladle which now lives in "Raylene's closet." (Now that I think of it, though, doesn't that unsterile ladle defeat the point of using the sterile cups? Thoughts for a Tuesday.)


What a great idea......I can't wait for my sister to come over and make her famous soup and accidentally use the wrong ladle......Whooops! :eek:

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Laughing! I have to remember that line when Raylene gives me her "faux taps" when I'm working that actually mean, "Quick! I want to play!" (DFD's Hearing Dogs are trained with the command "tap" to alert to the microwave beep, door bell, name call, dryer buzz, etc.)


Way to go, hoisting the mighty palm, MaMa Roz! Horty's a lucky pooch.


Like I said, it was a small palm.....Tee Hee!!!!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Don't even tell me you don't like Disney!! :mad: We are Disney addicts.

Disney World is the first place we took Orson after we got him. CCI is always taking pups in advanced training there. You need to take Horton to see Mickey and Goofy. :D


Oh! Gawd! I was so very afraid you'd see this........I knew what you'd say! Isn't the hotel at [$588 per night] enough? What the heck is in this room, gold-lined mouse droppings? Okay, I'll stop! It's a California Adventure!


Seriously, who doesn't love Mickey, Goofy, Pluto, et.al. Far be it for me to express a negative tone towards any of the above........but, at the prices of the coveted hotel room......I plan on spending some quality time, with Horton, there.....of which I know won't be long because we all have to go to turkey dinner in the dining room very early! Then everyone's heading to Disneyland, which is in easy walking distance of the hotel. Whilest everyone [well, not everyone] is feeding Disney's coffers.......Horton and I shall go to our room for a long winters nap! :p

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Thought I better check in and wish you all a HAPPY TURKEY DAY.


I have been lurking here really quickly, don't find the time to sit and enjoy. Pepper sure keeps me busy. Does anyone have an idea how to keep her from eating so FAST. I put her food in a cupcake pan, so she slows down a little. I need some puppy training. :eek: She surely has us trained. lol


We are back in Barefoot Bay now, for a few months. And in a couple of weeks we go on a cruise.


Today I am not feeling so good, coming down with a cold, I think. As long as it is gone in two weeks.


Love reading all your news and I love the ladle idea. It sure is hard trying to get it in sandwich bags. :D


Keep well every and enjoy your holiday and stay happy and safe.



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oh! Gawd! I was so very afraid you'd see this........i knew what you'd say! Isn't the hotel at [$588 per night] enough? What the heck is in this room, gold-lined mouse droppings? Okay, i'll stop! It's a california adventure!


Seriously, who doesn't love mickey, goofy, pluto, et.al. Far be it for me to express a negative tone towards any of the above........but, at the prices of the coveted hotel room......i plan on spending some quality time, with horton, there.....of which i know won't be long because we all have to go to turkey dinner in the dining room very early! Then everyone's heading to disneyland, which is in easy walking distance of the hotel. Whilest everyone [well, not everyone] is feeding disney's coffers.......horton and i shall go to our room for a long winters nap! :p


Bah Humbug! :>0

Edited by DisneyKidsDad
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Hi everyone especially Aunty Nancy fancy pants!


Oh Dobiemom, I hope Roxie gets better soon, poor girl.


Roz - oh my you have no idea the vision I have of you chasing Horton around with a 10 gallon drum - if he's like Max that boy can wee for England!


Oh Chris, a soup ladle, that's too funny - gawd I hope you never forget and remember when you're serving up some delicious carrot and coriander! LOL!


Now about getting your attention ... Miss Poppy chest butts us if we are eating something that she would really like some of. For example if we are having a Tray supper, then she will sit close, then a bit closer, and stare, that girl can stare! And then if all of that fails, she starts chest nudging, just a soft little nudge to start with and then the front paws start getting agitated and start a little dance, and then she bounces herself off your leg! By this time, the drooling has usually started as well and either your leg, trouser leg or chair arm is soaking wet! Solution, no tray suppers - but what do you do when it's cold outside and it's lovely and warm in front of the fire? We're having very few tray suppers these days with missy Aruba around and not teaching her any bad habits, like begging for food!


So yesterday Aruba and I met with our PW supervisor and did a long walk around the town. He wanted to see how she was doing with walking - in a straight line on the short working lead - managing her stands before crossing the road, and in taking general commands from me. Thankfully we both did just fine. He walked her for a while so I was able to watch her walking and he corrected a couple of things and I admit I had a wee tear in my eye as she walked proudly along with only a couple of sneaky glances back to make sure I was coming behind and hadn't totally abandoned her!


We went into a couple of shops and she was very good and sat while I did want I needed to.


We met a man in the supermarket who told us he had a fine young man in his family who is autistic. This young man has a buddy dog who helps him when he needs some extra help and he feels anxious or needs "some time out" - as the older man told me - the dog calms him, gives him a cuddle, and also goes to school with him, something that always made him very anxious and on some days not able to go. I love hearing about these dogs who are so amazing and make such big differences to so many lives, in ways that we would never believe - and sometimes, it's as simple as just being there.


I told our PWS about Aruba recognising her Aunty Fab in spite of the blue fancy dress outfit and he said "she's a smart girl this one". Well, of course, WE all know that already, don't we? LOL!


We have not one, but two Puppy Christmas Parties to go to - so far! So I'm wondering whether to get Aruba a fancy head-dress or not. They're Guide Dog pups only, so I'm sure it would be ok, no-one from the public to "comment" if you know what I mean! I'll maybe get one and see if she will actually wear it, and then I can decide whether or not to put it on for the parties! Apparently Father Doggy Christmas is coming - that's pawsome! Can't wait! LOL! Or maybe Aunty Fab could make her something? I'm away to ask her right now! :D


I can just picture you walking behind her and her looking back at you......Awwwww! Tissue please!


If Aruba doesn't like stuff on her head then get her a fancy collar. Horton has his Turkey Day and Christmas collar all ready. They don't mind the fancy collars as much as something on their heads.


CCI has just turned out a Yellow Lab named Aruba. She helps her handler who's in a wheelchair. I thought of our Aruba immediately.


Have fun on Thanksgiving and enjoy your wonderful furfamily.

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Thought I better check in and wish you all a HAPPY TURKEY DAY.


I have been lurking here really quickly, don't find the time to sit and enjoy. Pepper sure keeps me busy. Does anyone have an idea how to keep her from eating so FAST. I put her food in a cupcake pan, so she slows down a little. I need some puppy training. :eek: She surely has us trained. lol


We are back in Barefoot Bay now, for a few months. And in a couple of weeks we go on a cruise.


Today I am not feeling so good, coming down with a cold, I think. As long as it is gone in two weeks.


Love reading all your news and I love the ladle idea. It sure is hard trying to get it in sandwich bags. :D


Keep well every and enjoy your holiday and stay happy and safe.




Hi Trudy, do you know what slowed down Horton's eating- Salmon Oil. I squirt it on his food and he gets so interested in licking it off each kibble he slows himself down. Then he runs his tongue down his long legs to get the oil off his tongue. There's no bad smell and it's so good for him. I use pure Alaskan Salmon Oil. Maybe it just works this way for Horton. It's worth a try.


Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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Hi Trudy, do you know what slowed down Horton's eating- Salmon Oil. I squirt it on his food and he gets so interested in licking it off each kibble he slows himself down. Then he runs his tongue down his long legs to get the oil off his tongue. There's no bad smell and it's so good for him. I use pure Alaskan Salmon Oil. Maybe it just works this way for Horton. It's worth a try.


Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Hey Roz that sounds like it might work for Lucy - Labs love to eat don't they?


I've been giving her a fish oil tablet each day so i will switch to the Salmon Oil.


thanks for the tip.

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