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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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[quote name='dobiemom'][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=Indigo]Love is... following your dog around in the morning dew's wet grass to get a urine sample. (I need a soup ladle. ;)) [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/quote]

[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=3][FONT=Comic Sans MS]You need a NEW soup ladle. :p[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[quote name='Caribbean Chris']We talk here sometimes about fake service dogs. Yesterday, someone I know via a younger relative's marriage emailed around some photos of herself and her son at a football stadium with her little family pet wearing a leash that said "service dog."

I do not judge a troubled, unfortunate person who has told people she has emotional problems and sees a therapist. There are many kinds of disabilities and I am sorry for her problems. She decided (apparently after seeing me last summer with my professionally-trained Hearing Dog) that her existing dog would make a good service animal for her panic attacks.

What I do have an issue with is local trainers who charge a lot of money and (if she is truthful) encourage the idea that, with a few lessons, an older pet will be just dandy for public access. For all I know they gave her the leash, or she bought it online.

She mentioned proudly that she and her pooch had had two lessons already during the past month (they have gone every other week and in between she is "working with the dog on her own" because it costs so much for a lesson). She found this trainer through a local dog training company in her city with an impressive-looking website. She says they told her the dog "won't need a lot of lessons."

I hardly knew how to respond because this woman is emotionally fragile but did tell her my dog was required to spend many months of daily training (and forever followup) to be certified for public access, plus intense training and testing with me.

I just think this type of "quick and easy" encouragement (for the right price) is getting very common and will lead to many more incidents in public that cause problems for well-trained service dogs. This is already happening, of course. I think it will lead to state or national certification requirements for public access. Not a problem for most of us.[/QUOTE]

[COLOR="Indigo"][B]Isn't this frustrating. You know that's exactly what's happening with these folks who bring their; whining, nipping, barking, poorly behaving dogs onboard cruises. The handler has no idea what to do with their dog who is reacting to seeing a fully trained SD and handler. Horton just stares at the dog and I start with the dirty looks and comments!!!!! :mad:

Again, if you see a dog acting badly in the public venue.....don't let them get away with it. CALL THEM OUT!!!! Tell them that you're going to go to management and report them. That you will see that they are removed from wherever they are because poorly trained pets should NOT BE ALLOWED IN PUBLIC!!!

If enough of us STOP turning a blind-eye to these morons and call them on it, maybe it will stop. The work that it takes to bring my Service Dog onboard cruises with me and just to go out in public with is huge.....thankfully most of these people are way too lazy to keep up with it!!![/B][/COLOR]
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[quote name='DisneyKidsDad'][COLOR=Blue][SIZE=3][FONT=Comic Sans MS]You need a NEW soup ladle. :p[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/quote]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=Indigo]I'm going to get a couple of soup ladles from the dollar store. Not going to wash them after use, just toss 'em! :eek:;):D[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[quote name='dobiemom'][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=Indigo]I'm going to get a couple of soup ladles from the dollar store. Not going to wash them after use, just toss 'em! :eek:;):D[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE]

[COLOR="Indigo"][B]One of my daughter's loves to make soup when she comes visiting. I will [U]NEVER[/U] look at a soup ladle the same ever again!!! [/B][/COLOR]:eek:
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[quote name='wizard-of-roz'][COLOR=Indigo][B]One of my daughter's loves to make soup when she comes visiting. I will [U]NEVER[/U] look at a soup ladle the same ever again!!! [/B][/COLOR]:eek:[/quote]

[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=3][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Does she make [COLOR=Yellow]PEE [COLOR=Blue]soup?[/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[quote name='wizard-of-roz'][COLOR=Indigo][B][COLOR=Red]One of my daughter's loves to make soup when she comes visiting. [/COLOR] I will [U]NEVER[/U] look at a soup ladle the same ever again!!! [/B][/COLOR]:eek: [/quote]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=Indigo] Didn't Morey like to make soup? Maybe that's where she got it from. :) [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[quote name='DisneyKidsDad'][COLOR=Blue][SIZE=3][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Does she make [COLOR=Yellow]PEE [COLOR=Blue]soup?[/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE]

[COLOR="Indigo"][B]EWWWWWWW! :eek: STOP! I love pea soup.......at least I used to. One of our favorite things to do when we're traveling North, on Interstate 5, was to stop at Pea Soup Andersen's.........I may have to re-think this!!! :([/B][/COLOR] Edited by wizard-of-roz
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[quote name='dobiemom'][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=Indigo] Didn't Morey like to make soup? Maybe that's where she got it from. :) [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE]

[COLOR="Indigo"][B]Yes! That's exactly where she learned it from. He loved to make soup. My poor kitchen was never the same. I'd find his fixings on the walls, ceilings and all over when he was done!!!! But it was so good!

You have such a good memory![/B][/COLOR]
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[quote name='Caribbean Chris']Good one, DKD![/QUOTE]

[COLOR="Indigo"][B]Oh, my, my and a big tsk, tsk....you are not encouraging him? You know it doesn't take much.......and, he's off and running!

Today someone, who hardly even knows me, called me a "firecracker!" I must be tired because I can't figure out if it was an insult or not![/B][/COLOR] Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Thank you all for your kind words about my girl feeling better! She is doing well and eating well. :D The treats I ordered for her from Healthy Hound came a few days ago and she LOVES them!! You have to keep them in the fridge to keep them fresh (though you can also keep them out of the fridge, loosely covered, but the fridge is best) since they have no preservatives in them, but they don't get hard or anything in the fridge. She has been enjoying the carrot mini muffins, tiny pizza slices, beef and chicken twists, and carob-dipped biscotti. (I placed the order before the oncology appointment, so got a lot because she wasn't eating her regular food and I thought I would lose her soon.)

My puppy is also doing well in training, already good at the off-leash recall and doing great learning the soft-mouth retrieve. She is five months old now and growing! :) I am looking forward to seeing her again in February!!
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Caribbean Chris, that's horrible about the faker you know! A service dog definitely cannot be trained in just a few lessons/weeks! Tasks take a while to train fully (distraction-proof) and public access takes a while, too. A good rule of thumb is IAADP's requirements for members' dogs of a minimum of six months or at least 120 hours of training. (For puppies from birth, it takes 18 to 24 months until they are solid.)

If you want to be disgusted by such fakers, check out Instagram #servicedog. :eek:
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[quote name='tvaud'][B]I just finished reading your previous post on "the process." I'm already exhausted just reading it.:p I'm so confused too. Now, not only do I have to get the international health certificate from the vet, but it has to be sent in to the local USDA office for the official seal. Then I have to get import forms filled out for each port. Do those have to get sent in to for a seal? How long does this usually take and when should I start for our 2/16/15 cruise? I'm starting to get overwhelmed. Each country's embassy should be able to provide these import forms? Do I need anything to get the dog back into the US when we return?

Thanks in advance for your help.


Not necessarily. Each country has their own regulations on importing dogs. Some require you to get the health certificate endorsed (stamped) by your regional USDA office while others do not require that (you just have your USDA-approved vet fill it out). Some have import permits while others do not. Some have fees while others do not. Some waive the fees for service dogs while others do not. Some require a rabies titer with a six-month wait after it while others require two rabies titers or do not require any rabies titers. Some require that you deworm the dog just before arrival while others do not. You get the picture.

So, start as soon as you look for cruises to see what each country requires so you can make an informed decision about which countries work for you. I did one (group) cruise with a country that required the titer with the six-month wait and, thankfully, I had just enough time to complete that before the cruise. So, start now to find out what the requirements are. (If you can't fulfill a country's requirements, you can still go on the cruise, but the dog cannot get off the ship at that port.)

For coming back into the States, you just need the health certificate.

BTW, be sure you also bring your rabies certificate with you even though the rabies vaccine is listed on the health certificate! One time, I didn't realize that my vet forgot to put on the health certificate that the rabies was the three-year vaccine and we were in the second or third year. Thankfully, I had the rabies certificate with me so I could prove it was the three-year quickly and easily, no international call to my vet needed.
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[quote name='rangeley']Hi All, just letting you know that I'm still alive and kicking. We still have no computer. John brings home his school laptop but it seems I never get a chance to get on it. For some reason this site is really hard to navigate on my tiny phone. Our cruise is in 2 months and I dont even know whats going on on the HAL boards. I love you all and miss all this. Hopefully I will be back someday.

Have you tried using the board with the Tapatalk app on your phone?
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[quote name='Caribbean Chris']So glad she's doing better! I thought of you yesterday when I was reading "Your Dog," the newsletter from Tufts University's Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine. There was a good article about palliative care for dogs with cancer. The January issue will have an article about nutrition, feeding dogs with cancer.[/QUOTE]

Interesting! I will have to see if I can get ahold of those issues - thanks!! :cool:
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[quote name='wizard-of-roz'][COLOR="Indigo"][B]One of my daughter's loves to make soup when she comes visiting. I will [U]NEVER[/U] look at a soup ladle the same ever again!!! [/B][/COLOR]:eek:[/QUOTE]

My vet gives a package for urine collection that includes the sample jar, rubber gloves, and a rectangular cardboard container that looks just like the ones they used to serve (and maybe still do) French fries in. :eek: I will never see those the same anymore!!

P.S. It is a lot easier to catch the sample when your pup is using a potty box instead of a whole yard. At the very least, use a leash for limited movement.
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[quote name='Quampapetet']My vet gives a package for urine collection that includes the sample jar, rubber gloves, and a rectangular cardboard container that looks just like the ones they used to serve (and maybe still do) French fries in. :eek: I will never see those the same anymore!!

P.S. It is a lot easier to catch the sample when your pup is using a potty box instead of a whole yard. At the very least, use a leash for limited movement.[/QUOTE]

First soup, now French fries! What a hoot.
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OK - here is the cutest little pup - just for oohs and aahs today - we met him at the puppy party last week.

His name is Wilbur and he is just 12 weeks old. I just love his little wrinkly worried brows .... "what is that lady pointing at me?"

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And this is my Max, our Goofy Boy and Aruba's bestest friend! I just totally love this boy for coming for his holidays nearly 8 years ago and deciding he wanted to stay with us and Poppy!:D

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[quote name='Quampapetet']Thank you all for your kind words about my girl feeling better! She is doing well and eating well. :D The treats I ordered for her from Healthy Hound came a few days ago and she LOVES them!! You have to keep them in the fridge to keep them fresh (though you can also keep them out of the fridge, loosely covered, but the fridge is best) since they have no preservatives in them, but they don't get hard or anything in the fridge. She has been enjoying the carrot mini muffins, tiny pizza slices, beef and chicken twists, and carob-dipped biscotti. (I placed the order before the oncology appointment, so got a lot because she wasn't eating her regular food and I thought I would lose her soon.)

My puppy is also doing well in training, already good at the off-leash recall and doing great learning the soft-mouth retrieve. She is five months old now and growing! :) I am looking forward to seeing her again in February!![/QUOTE]

Quam - that sounds like a lovely canape buffet - doggy style! :D Just as well I'm a long way away! Glad she's doing so well.
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Hi Caribbean Chris - have a wonderful, fantastic cruise - happy times too! :D


I'm not sure if you are away over the holidays, so in case you are, Aruba and me wish you and Raylene a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year with all the happiness in the world to both of you.


Thanks Fairbourne! We'll be home just before Christmas Day! Lovely photos of Max and sweet little Wilbur (reminds me of little-no-more Aruba!)

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