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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Those of you going on a Disney cruise need to check out this Captain Mickey ribbon that this online shop attaches to nylon for dog collars! It is I think third from the bottom in the second row on this link of photos of all their ribbon choices: /64/"]http://greatlakespetshop.com/ribbons/#7315prettyPhoto[gallery]/64/ The online shop is Great Lakes Pet Shop and I found out about them on Instagram. If I were going on a Disney ship, I would soooo get this collar! It has a red background and has a repeating pattern of the three-circle Mickey head, the big face circle made out of a white life preserver ring, with a captain's hat on it.


Very nice ribbons. Thanks for the information. Susan

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Thank you for the welcome!


My username comes from the fact that I am a Phantom of the Opera fan.


I am getting a program dog. I started researching service dogs before I started looking at programs. Then I started looking at programs. I knew I wasn't in the position to owner train one.


After researching programs throughout the country I decided it would be better for me to have a program I could more easily travel to. Then from there it was finding one that would train in the areas I need.


I ended up finding a program that is reasonably local. I started attending the puppy training classes many, many months ago for several reasons. One, I really wanted to make sure that this was the right decision for me. Two, I wanted to see the program in action and how they treated dogs and people. Thirdly, I figured it would help me learn instead of trying to cram it all into a partner training. Of course I still will have to go through partner training.


It's been great, I've learned so much! I've ended up volunteering for them as well.


I hope to have my dog in the next few months, but of course that could change. A former client could need a dog, or any of the upcoming dogs might not be able to do the skill sets I need. Or they might not bond. What I like about this program is that they want the dog to pick the person.


So, we'll see. I've already contacted Disney Special Services. Actually they contacted me right away as my TA put that I might be traveling with a SD. Very helpful. I'm only doing a four day that goes to Nassau and their private island. Have no intention of getting off in Nassau. Probably will at their private island, Castaway Cay.


The ribbon collars are great. The program I'm associated with makes Martingale collars in various ribbons to raise funds. They've done a LOT of Disney Cruise collars. I laugh as I already have a Mickey Head collar and I don't have my dog yet.... ;)


Well this is long-winded already. I am going to go back to reading 600+ pages...

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Back again.


I am just LOVING this thread. I am laughing and crying and being amazed. Thank you all so much for all of your time, effort and information.


Some of the nicest people I've ever met has been through my journey in finding a SD.


Wait, it just gets better and better. I, too, have met some of the nicest people in the world, not only through CCI [Canine Companions for Independence] but through my cruising with my dogs.


Most of us, on this thread, have been friends the entire time the thread has been going, for 8 years and some of us have even cruised together.


We've shared in life, death, sickness and in health. We're just like a marriage. We've had our disagreements, our successes and some failures. We share it all with each other and we truly care about each other. Some folks come for a while, stay and then leave for whatever reason.


Some of us live near each other and some of us live in Europe, Canada and all over the U.S.


We look forward to hearing about you getting your miracle worker and sharing your stories, travels and experiences with us.

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Wow, this looks like it will be an informative thread. It's 667 pages long so will take me awhile to read it.


I'll be cruising on Disney in December, and should have my service dog in the next few months. Hopefully there will be enough time to get the proper documentation for travel.


Just wanted to jump in and say "hi". Have a LOT to read. :)


Hi Phantom - I am waiting to receive a service dog too. You have come to the right place; you will learn a lot on this thread.



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Evenin' all:

Welcome Phantomsgirl. I am probably the lone wolf that does not have a service, does not puppy raise, but we had a very awesome yellow lab that has since crossed the Rainbow Bridge, that first brought me to this thread. I do have a disability, but not one that requires a service dog, at this time. I am not even sure how many years I have been following these crazy people around, but they have tried to shake me through, I believe at least 2 complete thread deletes! This is the third thread that has been continued. Roz is our Queen of Queens, she is the big sister and Matriach of the group. Without her, there would be no "Cruising with a Service Dog......Everything you every wanted to know" We have also added "Even some stuff you didn't want to know, but were drawn into our little web!" Do not feel "afraid" to ask a question. If it has been asked and answered before, guess what? These awesome people step up to the keyboard and answer it again. They don't make snarky comments like "That is what the search button is for!" I only visit one other area on this board on a regular basis any more and that is in the Floataway Lounge under "Anybody else an animal lover." Another pawsome group, no judging of people just a genuine love for animals and those that love them too. Jump in with both feet, the water is fine. :D

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Here's a Canine Companions For Independence article on what they are doing with service dogs for Wounded Warriors coming home with PTSD.




Yes, PTSD dogs are wonderful. Our Pedro's job is PTSD service. It's truly amazing to watch him work. When he goes into action, he becomes a big super dog, instead of the little guy he normally is. When an episode starts, I can see it coming and Pedro feels it. He literally jumps into action until he gets my husband to engage with him. The last one happened in a Best Buy while we were buying a new computer. Someone came up to us and started talking about a tragedy in our city that set him off. Pedro sensed it and got in his face and forced my husband to pay attention to him instead of reverting inside his head. Once Pedro got him, the tears started to roll and he was back in this world once again. For the last five cruises, he's had an episode, one lasting three days. With Pedro along, I am hoping for a much easier time.


Pedro may be small, but he's mighty. :)



Edited by tvaud
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Something that I forgot to mention when it comes to snacks for our dogs:


RICE CAKES.......Horton loves his rice cakes. Two every evening before he goes to bed. I also bring them when I'm cruising.


I use the ones that are lightly salted [and I sometimes put a smathering of peanut butter on for a special treat.] I've also used the ones with no salt and he loves them too.


I notice that they're very satisfying to the dog and they don't put any weight on.




I'm not sure if Pedro would eat rice cakes...although, I like them.:) He actually likes fruit. I make my low fat, low cal pineapple chicken a lot, and he gives me the weepy eyed look until I give him some of my pineapple. He also likes melon. Yes, I know, he's weird...lol...but we love him.


I do want to get some of the salmon oil you use. Where do you get it? Online or store?



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Here's a Canine Companions For Independence article on what they are doing with service dogs for Wounded Warriors coming home with PTSD.




That's too short of an article; it would be nice to know what tasks they will be training. There are, sadly, several scam programs out there that pass off pets/emotional support animals as service dogs and give them to soldiers with PTSD. So sick for people to take advantage like that!!


I guess they will be giving the emotional support animals basic training? They can't bring those dogs into public like they can with service dogs in training, plus emotional support animals aren't trained tasks. Emotional support animals are allowed on planes, as long as the human has a letter (and gives a copy to the airline at least 48 hours in advance of the flight) from their doctor stating they are under his care and have a mental disability listed in the DSM-IV, among other requirements, including that the letter is not more than one year old. People with psychiatric service dogs (such as the PTSD service dogs) also need this letter to bring their service dogs on planes. Emotional support animals are allowed in no-pets housing with a doctor's letter, as well. People with all types of service dogs can be required to have a doctor's letter for housing, too, of course.


Emotional support animals can be any pet, trained or untrained, and any species, not just dogs.

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Quam: You had me scared for a minute. I have been giving Jezzy Lou pumpkin in her food for about a year now. Was giving her rice until I found out (since the label doesn't indicate it) that the rice has arsenic in it. I know it is a minut amount, but she is only 15 lbs and didn't want to feed her that. Anyhow, the pumpkin has been wonderful. She loves it. I went and checked the can, as I did not know that there was different kinds of canned pumpkin. Anyway, hers says 100% pumpkin. I also have been putting the coconut oil on her food. Another thing she loves. Momma doesn't need to clean her dish near as often BOL. ( I really do still wash it out with warm water) just no hard left over debris.


Love the ribbons/collars. Lots of cute ones.:D


Glad you have been getting the right kind! I think the problem with the "pie filling" cans is that different spices are added to it. Since those spices could hurt a dog's tummy, the cans to buy are the "pure pumpkin" ones.


My girl loves coconut oil, too, which I have gotten from The Wholistic Pet - I just don't like the mess of warming it up! I suppose I could try what I have read, which is to store the coconut oil in a glass jar and use a candle warmer to heat it up, but I don't have such a warmer, so haven't tried it. My trainer uses coconut oil (I am sure for herself, as well, since they eat ultra-healthy), but I have never asked how she warms it. I don't want to just give my dog a soft-solid chunk of it from the measuring spoon (but I hate the taste of coconut, so can't imagine just putting a chunk in my mouth). Do you warm yours? If so, how do you do it?

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Wow, this looks like it will be an informative thread. It's 667 pages long so will take me awhile to read it.


I'll be cruising on Disney in December, and should have my service dog in the next few months. Hopefully there will be enough time to get the proper documentation for travel.


Just wanted to jump in and say "hi". Have a LOT to read. :)


Exciting! Do be sure to tell us all about your new best friend when you get him/her!! :D


What ports are you going to?

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I hope to have my dog in the next few months, but of course that could change. A former client could need a dog, or any of the upcoming dogs might not be able to do the skill sets I need. Or they might not bond. What I like about this program is that they want the dog to pick the person.


So, we'll see. I've already contacted Disney Special Services. Actually they contacted me right away as my TA put that I might be traveling with a SD. Very helpful. I'm only doing a four day that goes to Nassau and their private island. Have no intention of getting off in Nassau. Probably will at their private island, Castaway Cay.


The ribbon collars are great. The program I'm associated with makes Martingale collars in various ribbons to raise funds. They've done a LOT of Disney Cruise collars. I laugh as I already have a Mickey Head collar and I don't have my dog yet.... ;)


Sounds like you found a good program! I hope you get your dog soon!


The Bahamas is easy to import a service dog into, so don't worry! Your dog will almost assuredly already have the vaccinations needed (though maybe not the Leptospirosis one, especially since that one does need to be boosted yearly if you have to get it for travel or live in one of the few places in the States that it would be wise to have it), so you will just need an international health certificate from a USDA-approved vet (it does not need to be endorsed by the USDA office) and an import permit from the Bahamas (write "service dog" on your application because it is free for your service dog, so they will know why you didn't send in the $10 they otherwise charge for it). Since you are on a cruise, you don't have to fulfill the requirement of seeing a Bahamian vet within 48 hours of arrival, as you would have to do for a land trip.


Why do you not want to get off at Nassau? There's lots to do!


I am pretty sure most, if not all, of us did some "nesting" before we got our dogs! It is normal! :D I know I got a bunch of stuff before my current service dog came to me (before her training, as I use a private trainer) and got a duffel bag full of stuff for my puppy in training (it was hard to even wait to buy anything until she was born, but I think I forced myself to do so!), who is living with the trainer until she is fully trained (and it was hard to have to limit myself to buying since I didn't want to send too much stuff to fill the trainer's house). And you will DEFINITELY be buying stuff after you get the dog, for the entire life of the dog!! :D


Just wait until you get to go to Disney World with your service dog - and I heard Disney is bringing back their line of dog and cat items!! :D

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I'm not sure if Pedro would eat rice cakes...although, I like them.:) He actually likes fruit. I make my low fat, low cal pineapple chicken a lot, and he gives me the weepy eyed look until I give him some of my pineapple. He also likes melon. Yes, I know, he's weird...lol...but we love him.


I do want to get some of the salmon oil you use. Where do you get it? Online or store?




My girl loves fruit, too - and even crunchy lettuce! (She hates soggy lettuce, though, and spits it out if it isn't crunchy enough for her liking!! :rolleyes: Who knew a dog could be so particular?!) For Christmas, she got a bag of watermelon doggy treats from Fruitables (the brand name) and is loving those! I do caution everyone to stay away from bananas, though, as they can cause cavities in dogs' teeth. Do be sure to brush your dog's teeth daily, too! (I recommend the C.E.T. brand toothpaste.)


I don't know where Roz gets her salmon oil, but I get mine from The Wholistic Pet (I order online, but their products are available in select stores, too). I get the capsules because liquid salmon oil (albeit I never tried TWP's liquid) is horrible to travel with. If you are an IAADP (International Association of Assistance Dog Partners) USA member, you can get Welactin (liquid salmon oil) for free and I used to do that, until I had salmon oil all over the inside of and contents of my dog's bag on one trip! :eek: That wasn't fun. I decided that paying for the capsules (which are from an organic company, so better quality) was worth it after that! http://www.TheWholisticPet.com

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Hi Phantomgirl - May I add my welcome to you too from Scotland! I've been around these folks for a wee while now and was so encouraged by them that we've now got our very own first puppy Aruba who we are puppy walking for Guide Dogs for the Blind - well she's a big puppy now! LOL! We all got excited before she arrived and I'm grateful for the advice and support I get on here as we go through her training journey. I'm going to be heartbroken when she goes, in the late spring this year but I know, also in my heart, that when she finishes her formal training and qualifies as a working Guide Dog (I'm being very confident here!) that she will be a fantastic and loving companion and helper for her future special person. And I can come on here and cry my little heart out and I just know everyone will know how I'm feeling and be here for me with some cyber hugs!


So a very warm welcome and just to say we always love photos around here ....... So we will look forward to seeing your new SD when he or she arrives.

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Here's a Canine Companions For Independence article on what they are doing with service dogs for Wounded Warriors coming home with PTSD.




I had a good read of this and clicked on all the links on the page - I was interested to read of the prison programme where "inmates" train/puppy raise the pups. I'd never heard of that before, but why not, if it's done in the way it seemed to be done, it seems to be a success for all.


I also was having a good read of the training tips too! It's always good to have more tips! LOL! Especially right now!!! With Madame Aruba!


We've had some very high winds the last few days and it's so funny to see the dogs out with their ears horizontal ready for take off! Especially ruby four paws as she has the biggest ears! LOL!

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We've just booked a cruise for next year and I chose a new travel agent. I'm not going to name them, but I just have to tell you why I chose to use them - their owner has a lovely black boy lab called Bentley and his favourite ship is the QM2! They have kennels on board. I don't think he's a service dog but he has travelled to New York and has his own QM2 coat! He loves New York apparently because of all the fire hydrants!!! LOL!

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Glad you have been getting the right kind! I think the problem with the "pie filling" cans is that different spices are added to it. Since those spices could hurt a dog's tummy, the cans to buy are the "pure pumpkin" ones.


My girl loves coconut oil, too, which I have gotten from The Wholistic Pet - I just don't like the mess of warming it up! I suppose I could try what I have read, which is to store the coconut oil in a glass jar and use a candle warmer to heat it up, but I don't have such a warmer, so haven't tried it. My trainer uses coconut oil (I am sure for herself, as well, since they eat ultra-healthy), but I have never asked how she warms it. I don't want to just give my dog a soft-solid chunk of it from the measuring spoon (but I hate the taste of coconut, so can't imagine just putting a chunk in my mouth). Do you warm yours? If so, how do you do it?

Quam, I do not warm Jezzy Lou's up. Being in our warm climate, it is not hard, but rather soft. I just put it in with her kibble, small amount of wet food, pumpkin and stir it all up. I make sure I smoosh all the chunks! What about in the microwave for like 10 seconds or less?

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I just saw a rather interesting cruise itinerary. It is 15 days, leaves from Vancouver and goes down to Acapulco then back to Los Angeles. After leaving Vancouver, one stop is in Oregon. In fine print it says, when the ship stops at it's first American port after leaving a foreign port that one must debark the ship and report to customs. You may or may not get the same stateroom! I have never seen that before. I have seen where it is broken up in segments and you can debark (by your choice) but this shows as one continuious cruise. Even if you get the same stateroom, I am not sure you would know and would have to pack everything up anyway?

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Again, thank you all for such a warm welcome. I had stayed away from some of the cruise forums...one other one in particular... This thread is wonderful, and I'm really liking all of you.


I didn't use the multi-quote function so if I forget anything asked, I don't mean to.


It is an exciting journey. I'm in Central Florida and there are several programs near here. The one I found really resonated with me. I went out and observed classes each weekend long before I applied. Now that I have applied they let me work with a dog during the classes. Ha ha - I've jumped from puppy class to the level just before final training. (my thinking was I was still a puppy) It is a lot more challenging but they said it would be more realistic now as that's near the level of dog I'd work with in partner training.


I so admire the people who raise and train the dogs. The organization (who I refer to "we" often as I now volunteer with them) will be having this year's graduation with the official "passing of the leash". I'm told it's a very moving event, and I can understand why. I'm on the graduation committee and I know they bring like 15 boxes of Kleenex!


Photos. You might be sorry you said that - I love photography and it's a hobby of mine. I photograph many of the classes, and I'll be the photographer at the graduation. Of course whatever dog I get will probably soon be putting their paw up and saying, "no more photos!"


Disney. I love Disney - both Disney World and DCL. (although I have been on other lines and would again) On my cruise coming up in December, I'll likely have a bunch of Disney collars. ;)


I know Disney is great about service dogs. I used to work at Epcot years ago before I was disabled. They couldn't go on the ride I worked for (Soarin') but there are several things that a dog can go on. One of the puppy trainers takes her dog to WDW almost every weekend. She (the dog) loves the boat ride in the Land. She also has a slew of Disney collars, especially the princesses.


Nassau. I've been there a few times so really don't care much about getting off. I have a friend who is sailing on the same cruise with her husband. We're talking about splitting a cabana on Disney's private island. That way my dog will have some shade, water easily available and so forth.


Scotland. Hello! My town is a sister town to one in Scotland called Forres. I've met a couple from there on one of my cruises.


I know I am getting long-winded...easy for me to do on subjects I love! I do have a question though:


Do you bring hearing protection for the muster drill for your dog? Those horns are loud! They get me even though I've got reduced hearing.


I know I will probably end up getting RuffWear boots as the pavement in Florida is scorching. Will try to go out at cooler times, but still might be worthwhile.


I've talked enough for now. Back to reading! :)

Edited by thephantomsgirl
Post got messed up...need more coffee!
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Evenin' all:

Welcome Phantomsgirl. I am probably the lone wolf that does not have a service, does not puppy raise, but we had a very awesome yellow lab that has since crossed the Rainbow Bridge, that first brought me to this thread. I do have a disability, but not one that requires a service dog, at this time. I am not even sure how many years I have been following these crazy people around, but they have tried to shake me through, I believe at least 2 complete thread deletes! This is the third thread that has been continued. Roz is our Queen of Queens, she is the big sister and Matriach of the group. Without her, there would be no "Cruising with a Service Dog......Everything you every wanted to know" We have also added "Even some stuff you didn't want to know, but were drawn into our little web!" Do not feel "afraid" to ask a question. If it has been asked and answered before, guess what? These awesome people step up to the keyboard and answer it again. They don't make snarky comments like "That is what the search button is for!" I only visit one other area on this board on a regular basis any more and that is in the Floataway Lounge under "Anybody else an animal lover." Another pawsome group, no judging of people just a genuine love for animals and those that love them too. Jump in with both feet, the water is fine. :D


We love and adore our Nancy. You've been a wonderful support for us and have added so much.

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Yes, PTSD dogs are wonderful. Our Pedro's job is PTSD service. It's truly amazing to watch him work. When he goes into action, he becomes a big super dog, instead of the little guy he normally is. When an episode starts, I can see it coming and Pedro feels it. He literally jumps into action until he gets my husband to engage with him. The last one happened in a Best Buy while we were buying a new computer. Someone came up to us and started talking about a tragedy in our city that set him off. Pedro sensed it and got in his face and forced my husband to pay attention to him instead of reverting inside his head. Once Pedro got him, the tears started to roll and he was back in this world once again. For the last five cruises, he's had an episode, one lasting three days. With Pedro along, I am hoping for a much easier time.


Pedro may be small, but he's mighty. :)




Thanks Cindra for sharing this with us. Your little guy is a true hero for both of you and truly makes your husbands life so much better!

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I'm not sure if Pedro would eat rice cakes...although, I like them.:) He actually likes fruit. I make my low fat, low cal pineapple chicken a lot, and he gives me the weepy eyed look until I give him some of my pineapple. He also likes melon. Yes, I know, he's weird...lol...but we love him.


I do want to get some of the salmon oil you use. Where do you get it? Online or store?




Cindra, when you're first trying the rice cakes [which are so easy and clean to pack when you're traveling] put some of Pedro's favorite "stuff" on it, it'll encourage him to try it. And, then you can give it to him plain and he'll probably like it more.


I get the Pure Alaskan [liquid] Salmon Oil from entirelypets.com.....they also sell the CET Virbac Chews [which are very expensive and not easy to find] at a much cheaper price than I've found anywhere else.


Their shipping is extremely efficient. I ordered from them yesterday morning and got delivery this morning. If you spend $85 or more you get free shipping [that's easy to do!] Their doggy toys are also really reasonable.


I love how he eats fruit. My Labs do not like fruit.

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Hi Phantomgirl - May I add my welcome to you too from Scotland! I've been around these folks for a wee while now and was so encouraged by them that we've now got our very own first puppy Aruba who we are puppy walking for Guide Dogs for the Blind - well she's a big puppy now! LOL! We all got excited before she arrived and I'm grateful for the advice and support I get on here as we go through her training journey. I'm going to be heartbroken when she goes, in the late spring this year but I know, also in my heart, that when she finishes her formal training and qualifies as a working Guide Dog (I'm being very confident here!) that she will be a fantastic and loving companion and helper for her future special person. And I can come on here and cry my little heart out and I just know everyone will know how I'm feeling and be here for me with some cyber hugs!


So a very warm welcome and just to say we always love photos around here ....... So we will look forward to seeing your new SD when he or she arrives.


Not to worry, we'll be crying right along with you! :(

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I had a good read of this and clicked on all the links on the page - I was interested to read of the prison programme where "inmates" train/puppy raise the pups. I'd never heard of that before, but why not, if it's done in the way it seemed to be done, it seems to be a success for all.


I also was having a good read of the training tips too! It's always good to have more tips! LOL! Especially right now!!! With Madame Aruba!


We've had some very high winds the last few days and it's so funny to see the dogs out with their ears horizontal ready for take off! Especially ruby four paws as she has the biggest ears! LOL!


When I go to CCI Workshops, which are so helpful for learning training tips and how to rid your dog of bad behaviors [like stealing things and destroying them], can't wait to learn this. My next workshop is in June.......I'll share what I learn, if you can wait.


I love when I meet a new CCI friend and they tell me that their dog was PuppyRaised in a prison. What a great program for the inmates. The dogs have no idea where they are......Feed me, love me......that's all they care about! ;)


I can just picture the ears flapping in the wind.......so adorable and goofy!!!

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We've just booked a cruise for next year and I chose a new travel agent. I'm not going to name them, but I just have to tell you why I chose to use them - their owner has a lovely black boy lab called Bentley and his favourite ship is the QM2! They have kennels on board. I don't think he's a service dog but he has travelled to New York and has his own QM2 coat! He loves New York apparently because of all the fire hydrants!!! LOL!


I've heard about this. But, the dogs can not leave the deck they're boarded on, they're kept in crates or cages and it's very expensive. Unless, of course, it's a Service Dog.

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