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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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The whole group looks so relaxed ....

I wondered what the wrappings were for. I can only imagine the wonderful energies in that room ...... I'd have been asleep! Good work going on - are you a Reiki Master/teacher? I'm sure the answer is yes! :)



The wrappings are done in T-Touch. The principle is very similar to acupressure. Certain wrapping styles accomplish different things like instilling confidence, calmness, hind-end awareness, etc.


I was aware of T-Touch but am not schooled in it. Now, Reiki - yes I am a Reiki Master/teacher.


I've long used it on animals. I even attuned (how one receives the Reiki energy to pass it on) one of my cats. This cat just naturally "laid paws" on me.


You do! Tell us more if you can ..... Congratulations! :D


Well, I can tell you it's a "he". He is the dog I may have talked about on here before - the one I fell in love with. It's clear he is bonding with me.


When he sees me he comes running. He's one of these "always happy" Goldens. A bit goofy when just playing. He's 14 months old so he's got a ways to go. But he's super smart and already seems to be suited for the tasks I'll need.


We are going to start doing Rally classes this coming week. If you don't know what Rally is - it's an obedience course, but it is set up to be fun and instill teamwork. There is a course laid out with different signs. Each sign will have a command(s) and the dog and trainer do those before moving onto the next sign.


Fortunately for me, I live close enough to the program ranch to see the dogs each weekend. Since I volunteer it's often more than that. I've been going to the training classes each weekend to learn as much as I can.


It helped me at first to make sure I was making the right decision to go with a service dog. Let's face it, some people don't realize what it involves.


Then I found I made so many friends, and also found my passion: Volunteering with them.


There is a dog or two coming ready sooner, but when you feel that bond and know that dog is "the one" - that's what matters.


So as long as training continues to go well and some hitch doesn't arise - he's it! :)


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PhantomsGirl, so exciting! We will all be interested in the progress.


I think it is great you are close enough to be involved with your program. Mine (Dogs for the Deaf) is in Oregon, so it will take a cross-country journey for me to someday see the training facility and meet all the people in person.


We do get opportunities to be "Ambassadors" if we choose (not mandatory), which can involve things like interviewing recipient candidates at their homes, giving interviews, and speaking to organizations.


Last week we went to a chapter meeting of HLAA (Hearing Loss Association of America) and I gave a talk - "Is a Hearing Dog Right for You?"


What you said is so true - some people don't realize what it involves to partner with a dog! Really takes a lot of careful thought about the commitment.

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The wrappings are done in T-Touch. The principle is very similar to acupressure. Certain wrapping styles accomplish different things like instilling confidence, calmness, hind-end awareness, etc.


I was aware of T-Touch but am not schooled in it. Now, Reiki - yes I am a Reiki Master/teacher.


I've long used it on animals. I even attuned (how one receives the Reiki energy to pass it on) one of my cats. This cat just naturally "laid paws" on me.




Well, I can tell you it's a "he". He is the dog I may have talked about on here before - the one I fell in love with. It's clear he is bonding with me.


When he sees me he comes running. He's one of these "always happy" Goldens. A bit goofy when just playing. He's 14 months old so he's got a ways to go. But he's super smart and already seems to be suited for the tasks I'll need.


We are going to start doing Rally classes this coming week. If you don't know what Rally is - it's an obedience course, but it is set up to be fun and instill teamwork. There is a course laid out with different signs. Each sign will have a command(s) and the dog and trainer do those before moving onto the next sign.


Fortunately for me, I live close enough to the program ranch to see the dogs each weekend. Since I volunteer it's often more than that. I've been going to the training classes each weekend to learn as much as I can.


It helped me at first to make sure I was making the right decision to go with a service dog. Let's face it, some people don't realize what it involves.


Then I found I made so many friends, and also found my passion: Volunteering with them.


There is a dog or two coming ready sooner, but when you feel that bond and know that dog is "the one" - that's what matters.


So as long as training continues to go well and some hitch doesn't arise - he's it! :)



I'm so happy for you, can't wait to meet your chosen one, mind you it sounds like he has very much chosen YOU! :D


I'm a Reiki Master/Teacher also - I know exactly what you mean about cats "laying their paws on" ........ Sometimes I'm not sure who is giving who Reiki! :)

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I'm so happy for you, can't wait to meet your chosen one, mind you it sounds like he has very much chosen YOU! :D


I'm a Reiki Master/Teacher also - I know exactly what you mean about cats "laying their paws on" ........ Sometimes I'm not sure who is giving who Reiki! :)


Thank you! That's how they said they like to do things - have the dog choose the person. :)


I miss my Reiki cat!

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PhantomsGirl, so exciting! We will all be interested in the progress.


I think it is great you are close enough to be involved with your program. Mine (Dogs for the Deaf) is in Oregon, so it will take a cross-country journey for me to someday see the training facility and meet all the people in person.


We do get opportunities to be "Ambassadors" if we choose (not mandatory), which can involve things like interviewing recipient candidates at their homes, giving interviews, and speaking to organizations.


Last week we went to a chapter meeting of HLAA (Hearing Loss Association of America) and I gave a talk - "Is a Hearing Dog Right for You?"


What you said is so true - some people don't realize what it involves to partner with a dog! Really takes a lot of careful thought about the commitment.



Even considering walking speed with the guide dogs ..... Who would have thought? No good partnering a sprinter of a dog with someone who likes to take things steady! Or vice versa! There is so much involved in training everyone, it's incredible really.


You all know how I'm dreading "the day" when it comes around ..... Well when I hear stories like this, I know my tears will be worth it! We met a lady at lunch today who told us she'd been in a shoe shop and a young lady came in with her friend, who as it turned out was blind. She didn't have her dog with her but was with her best friend who was her sighted guide. They got chatting and the young lady told this lady that she had had her guide dog for a few months and that prior to this she had not been able to live independently, didn't venture out much, waiting for someone to take her places and so on. Well, all this changed when her new guide dog partner arrived and nothing stopped her now, from getting her own flat, being able to go places without waiting for someone to take her and when the lady we met looked around, the whole shop had stopped and all were listening to this tale. The lady we met said she felt very humbled at hearing how this young lady's life had changed.


So, I'm heartened when I get told these stories and it truly makes me hope more than anything that Aruba will be someone's life changer too! I'm still going to blub though!


Oh and we met a delightful family who couldn't believe they'd met a dog called Aruba as Aruba is their favourite holiday destination! LOL! Everyone wants to talk to you, actually they all want to greet the pup! Who took it all in her doggy stride! Well with her bum slapped firmly on the floor, as she should, when asked, and as she refuses to do at Puppy workshop! But I forgive her as she does it when it really counts! :)

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Well with her bum slapped firmly on the floor, as she should, when asked, and as she refuses to do at Puppy workshop! But I forgive her as she does it when it really counts! :)


They all have their own personalities. I see this so often at training when you hear "but they do it perfectly at home!" Or the moment another person works with them for a bit - they perform perfectly. It's that momentary, "nope, ain't gonna do this". Yet when needed - they do exactly what they should.

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The wrappings are done in T-Touch. The principle is very similar to acupressure. Certain wrapping styles accomplish different things like instilling confidence, calmness, hind-end awareness, etc.


I was aware of T-Touch but am not schooled in it. Now, Reiki - yes I am a Reiki Master/teacher.


I've long used it on animals. I even attuned (how one receives the Reiki energy to pass it on) one of my cats. This cat just naturally "laid paws" on me.




Well, I can tell you it's a "he". He is the dog I may have talked about on here before - the one I fell in love with. It's clear he is bonding with me.


When he sees me he comes running. He's one of these "always happy" Goldens. A bit goofy when just playing. He's 14 months old so he's got a ways to go. But he's super smart and already seems to be suited for the tasks I'll need.


We are going to start doing Rally classes this coming week. If you don't know what Rally is - it's an obedience course, but it is set up to be fun and instill teamwork. There is a course laid out with different signs. Each sign will have a command(s) and the dog and trainer do those before moving onto the next sign.


Fortunately for me, I live close enough to the program ranch to see the dogs each weekend. Since I volunteer it's often more than that. I've been going to the training classes each weekend to learn as much as I can.


It helped me at first to make sure I was making the right decision to go with a service dog. Let's face it, some people don't realize what it involves.


Then I found I made so many friends, and also found my passion: Volunteering with them.


There is a dog or two coming ready sooner, but when you feel that bond and know that dog is "the one" - that's what matters.


So as long as training continues to go well and some hitch doesn't arise - he's it! :)



That is great that you found the perfect fit for you. When will this dog be finished with training and when will you be able to take him home?


I am expecting to get my dog anytime between now and next February (hopefully it wont be that long).



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That is great that you found the perfect fit for you. When will this dog be finished with training and when will you be able to take him home?


I am expecting to get my dog anytime between now and next February (hopefully it wont be that long).




It's hard waiting isn't it? I hope you get yours very soon.


He needs to do more training as he's only 14 months old. Much also depends on my health (as in whether I need surgery).


Here's a photo of him when he was just a little boy:



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It's hard waiting isn't it? I hope you get yours very soon.


He needs to do more training as he's only 14 months old. Much also depends on my health (as in whether I need surgery).


Here's a photo of him when he was just a little boy:





Oh! What a cutie pie!!!

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Cindra - beautiful photo - I just love Pedro's outfit - he's a classy boy! :)


Don't laugh, but last week, while I was browsing Pinterest, I stumbled upon an outfit Pedro just had to have in his cruising wardrobe. It's a captain's tuxedo! Let me see if I can post it.





Check it out and let me know I am not totally crazy.:p I found it while looking for a Christmas tuxedo for him. Our next cruise will be over the Christmas/New Year holiday. I wanted him to look festive. What do you think?



Edited by tvaud
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It's hard waiting isn't it? I hope you get yours very soon.


He needs to do more training as he's only 14 months old. Much also depends on my health (as in whether I need surgery).


Here's a photo of him when he was just a little boy:




Oh my DAWG, what a gorgeous, gorgeous boy - my hands are itching for a cuddle! LOL! I'm sure he's grown up to be a very handsome chap with all the girls twisted round his big paw! :D.

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That is great that you found the perfect fit for you. When will this dog be finished with training and when will you be able to take him home?


I am expecting to get my dog anytime between now and next February (hopefully it wont be that long).




Dianne - hope you hear soon about your new partner, have you had any "clues" at all? It all takes time, I'd no idea before I took this on, just how much work goes on not just with the dogs, but with the humans involved with their training and of course training their future human partner too! As soon as she or he arrives, all this waiting will be more than worth it! :)

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Don't laugh, but last week, while I was browsing Pinterest, I stumbled upon an outfit Pedro just had to have in his cruising wardrobe. It's a captain's tuxedo! Let me see if I can post it.





Check it out and let me know I am not totally crazy.:p I found it while looking for a Christmas tuxedo for him. Our next cruise will be over the Christmas/New Year holiday. I wanted him to look festive. What do you think?




Cindra - I love it! Captain Pedro! Fabulous! You're definitely not crazy, just a loving "Mum"! He's a very lucky boy. :D

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OK...So now I don't feel so left out in the cruise world. Disney Cruise finally came out with their summer 2016 cruises. And Alaska was there!! My wife called up on Thursday to find out how much out of pocket cash it would be for the cruise after our DVC points. When I got home I called Disney Cruise and found out if the accessible, balcony cabin we wanted was available. It was and we booked it. It's so nice to have a cruise ticker on here!!

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OK...So now I don't feel so left out in the cruise world. Disney Cruise finally came out with their summer 2016 cruises. And Alaska was there!! My wife called up on Thursday to find out how much out of pocket cash it would be for the cruise after our DVC points. When I got home I called Disney Cruise and found out if the accessible, balcony cabin we wanted was available. It was and we booked it. It's so nice to have a cruise ticker on here!!


Hooray! The accessible balconies on the Wonder are great! Have a wonderful cruise. :)

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Don't laugh, but last week, while I was browsing Pinterest, I stumbled upon an outfit Pedro just had to have in his cruising wardrobe. It's a captain's tuxedo! Let me see if I can post it.





Check it out and let me know I am not totally crazy.:p I found it while looking for a Christmas tuxedo for him. Our next cruise will be over the Christmas/New Year holiday. I wanted him to look festive. What do you think?




No, you are not crazy. I'm sorry Cindra, but laugh out loud I did when I saw that outfit! You better be careful or Pedro is going to be a better dressed cruiser than you and your husband. :) Love it!


Thanks for posting the link!


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OK...So now I don't feel so left out in the cruise world. Disney Cruise finally came out with their summer 2016 cruises. And Alaska was there!! My wife called up on Thursday to find out how much out of pocket cash it would be for the cruise after our DVC points. When I got home I called Disney Cruise and found out if the accessible, balcony cabin we wanted was available. It was and we booked it. It's so nice to have a cruise ticker on here!!


Sorry DKD, could not resist the John Wayne movie reference... Now we are all super jealous! So glad you were able to get the cabin you want/need. Way to go!



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Now one of my big things is going on a whale watch. I am almost positive that someone on here did one with Orca Enterprises with someone in a wheelchair and a service dog. If your out there, you can't hide. Speak up and let me know how it went. Thanx!!

DKD, I tried to search for the post you were talking about but couldn't find it. Hope that person is listening and will respond. Over on Trip Advisor someone whose handle is budgetqueen out of New York mentions how good the service was on Orca Enterprises for a wheelchair, but no mention of a service dog.




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