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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Does your Lucy think the frogs are drowning and in need of a rescue? Or is it that she doesn't appreciate trespassers in her swimming pool?

Gibson has taken to chasing down the toads in our yard, but he would chomp them down. So we have to be vigilant, don't want him upchucking toad on the carpet. YUCK!




Beckie, OMG! The visual of our dogs upchucking toad is so, sooooooo disgusting. Horton loves to catch flies and an occasional poor cricket that makes its way onto our patio.......Horton will bring it indoors [by a poor leg or wing] and throw it into the air and then trap it like he was a hunter on the Serengeti plains, looking for Lions and Rhino's. He's a fierce trapper! But, I hate to see him kill anything. I try to catch the poor thing and I let it fly free!!!!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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You are welcome Dianne!


We had a good day at class today. We took most of the dogs to the local mall. This was my second real outing with Jagger. I gave my camera to the event coordinator so she could take photos for us. Here's the link - everyone should be able to see them if they choose as I made them public:




And in other good news, I have been told that Jagger and I can have an overnight visit within the next two weeks!


Good for you. It's so exciting isn't it? You're doing really well on your journey with Jagger!

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Thank you all for your well wishes. Friday was indeed a rough day. The good news is that Davis walked down the hallway with his tail wagging and he never looked back. Here he is all dressed up in his matriculation cape.



The good news is that we come home from vacation on June 10th and we pick up Sutter II on June 11th. Why...because we are crazy!! He is a Male, Yellow LGX. Let the games begin!! He is five days old here.



Big tears in my eyes for you, you crazy man!!!!


Sutter is so cute.....I want to hug and kiss Davis GOOD BYE, SAFE TRAVELS AND THE BEST OF LUCK IN FORMAL TRAINING.......And then kisses and hugs for that cute little, pudgy Yellow Lab who is going to be so lucky to have you as his Foster Dad! Congratulations! You really are quite a guy!!!!!


I just love you for what you're doing for another lucky person!!!! THANK YOU, from the bottom of my heart! ♥

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People, how many times has MaMa Roz told you to have 2-3 copies of your dogs paperwork with you. Make copies, carry them and when asked for them......you've got them.


Princess is very good with our dogs. You'll hear from their Special Needs Department where they will tell you everything that you will need to get into Alaska: Aphis 7001 form with all the information from your Vet about immunizations. Current on all injections, heartworm meds and flea & tick abatement. Your Vet will stipulate that your dog has a chip and will give the chip number on the form.


In Vancouver and other areas of Canada don't expect your dog to be welcomed. They don't follow the ADA but are becoming more and more informed of Service Dogs and therefore more welcoming. We were asked to leave the Gardens and a few stores and restaurants were not so welcoming a few years ago. Hopefully, they've become more wise.


Alaska, and all its environs were very welcoming and NEVER refused or balked at all at my Service Dog. We did the train/boat and tram excursions and always felt very welcomed.


Onboard Princess I prefer my cabin on Deck 8, Aft. And, I like using the stairwell, near my deck for the potty box. Otherwise, they will put it in the most obscure area on Deck 7. Don't be afraid to suggest a crew area closer to your cabin, if you don't like the stairwell.

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In Vancouver and other areas of Canada don't expect your dog to be welcomed. They don't follow the ADA but are becoming more and more informed of Service Dogs and therefore more welcoming. We were asked to leave the Gardens and a few stores and restaurants were not so welcoming a few years ago. Hopefully, they've become more wise.


MaMa Roz is quite right (of course!) I tend to expect things to be the same in Canada as in the US when obviously their laws are different.


A friend - who was traveling full time in an RV with her Hearing Dog and her husband - never had any issues until she had a very unpleasant encounter at an RV park in British Columbia. The owner refused to allow the dog to stay there and rudely challenged her to prove she was deaf (hmm, what?) and needed the dog. They left and stayed elsewhere but it upset her greatly that he was not legally bound to accommodate her disability.

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MaMa Roz is quite right (of course!) I tend to expect things to be the same in Canada as in the US when obviously their laws are different.


A friend - who was traveling full time in an RV with her Hearing Dog and her husband - never had any issues until she had a very unpleasant encounter at an RV park in British Columbia. The owner refused to allow the dog to stay there and rudely challenged her to prove she was deaf (hmm, what?) and needed the dog. They left and stayed elsewhere but it upset her greatly that he was not legally bound to accommodate her disability.


As you walk and wheel through life with a Service Dog you grow a TOUGH SKIN....It's very organic and just feels "right" when it's done! You learn what needs to be sloughed-off and what needs to be taken to heart and seriously!


Most importantly and always FIRST is the safety and security of your dog/partner and you.


I have learned to go EVERYWHERE with my dog. If I'm allowed in than so is he!!!! If I'm in a foreign country [where ADA rules do not apply] I NEVER push myself and him on anyone. I just move along and try to have the very best time I can.


ALWAYS check-out where you're planning on going and let them know that you have a Service Dog [sometimes this isn't always convenient-Like when you're taking a train from Montreux, Switzerland to Zermatt!] Thank goodness Brenda knew to be on her very best behavior or I'd still be walking home from that outing-As the conductor gave me a very big "stink-eye" because I'm not blind!!!!!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Today was my LAST [for the Campaign year] major event......I'm free, I'm free.......Oh! There's still work for Horton and me to do but this closes the major part of our campaign season..........I'm happy, I'm happy!!!!!


Let the cruising began!

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Aruba has been with us for one whole year! Can you believe it! I remember the excitement and anticipation before she arrived and the sleepless night the night before she actually arrived! She's now almost 15 months old and looks likely to be with us until July. So with her having a late first season, this current phantom pregnancy, she is stringing out her time with us! I'm not complaining though! :D.


DKD - how are you and the family doing?


Roz - I feel your excitement - maybe a transatlantic eastbound to these far distant shores? ;):D One of these days, eh?

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Aruba has been with us for one whole year! Can you believe it! I remember the excitement and anticipation before she arrived and the sleepless night the night before she actually arrived! She's now almost 15 months old and looks likely to be with us until July. So with her having a late first season, this current phantom pregnancy, she is stringing out her time with us! I'm not complaining though! :D.


DKD - how are you and the family doing?


Roz - I feel your excitement - maybe a transatlantic eastbound to these far distant shores? ;):D One of these days, eh?


Things are getting a little better fairbourne. We have our upcoming vacation to think about and then the new pup coming.

Davis is still missed. I can't wait for his first progress report which we should be getting on May 27th. You learn a little more with each new pup. We already know some things we will do differently with Sutter.

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In Vancouver and other areas of Canada don't expect your dog to be welcomed. They don't follow the ADA but are becoming more and more informed of Service Dogs and therefore more welcoming. We were asked to leave the Gardens and a few stores and restaurants were not so welcoming a few years ago. Hopefully, they've become more wise.



While Canada doesn't have a federal service dog law, there are laws in at least some of the provinces. Vancouver is in British Columbia, which has had access laws for a long time and this fall will have newer laws. Here's some info. on how to obtain certification for B.C. under the current law: http://www.pssg.gov.bc.ca/guideanimal/


It is always a good idea to research for any access laws in countries you are visiting before you go.

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Aruba has been with us for one whole year! Can you believe it! I remember the excitement and anticipation before she arrived and the sleepless night the night before she actually arrived! She's now almost 15 months old and looks likely to be with us until July. So with her having a late first season, this current phantom pregnancy, she is stringing out her time with us! I'm not complaining though! :D.


DKD - how are you and the family doing?


Roz - I feel your excitement - maybe a transatlantic eastbound to these far distant shores? ;):D One of these days, eh?


I will NEVER say NEVER! Something to truly look forward to.


In terms of your PuppyWalking I know that sometimes dragging out the inevitable only makes it much, much more difficult. We are all here for the time when you and us will have to say goodbye to our Aruba. I can still remember the day that you made us all try and guess her name. We blinked and the time slipped-away!


Here, in the states, they make what can be a very emotional process a bit easier by allowing the PuppyRaiser to be as involved as they want to be in the whole process. I know overseas that the puppy is given to the trainers and you hear very little about it. That's so hard on everyone!!! Either way, it's difficult to say the least.


My heart goes out to you, hubby and your furbabies! ♥

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Things are getting a little better fairbourne. We have our upcoming vacation to think about and then the new pup coming.

Davis is still missed. I can't wait for his first progress report which we should be getting on May 27th. You learn a little more with each new pup. We already know some things we will do differently with Sutter.


Again, Congratulations on a job very well done! Lucky Sutter will have such a wonderful start just like the puppies before him.

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In the organization I am getting Jagger from, since it's a mostly local agency, at least the trainers still see their trainees. Sometimes people move, and it's hard.


Still, even though the dogs still are around, it has to be tough. At graduation there are so many tears, even though it's a happy event.


We will be here for you. And as so many have stated, the fact that there are wonderful people like you out there, makes it possible for people like us to benefit from these wonderful dogs!

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I will NEVER say NEVER! Something to truly look forward to.


In terms of your PuppyWalking I know that sometimes dragging out the inevitable only makes it much, much more difficult. We are all here for the time when you and us will have to say goodbye to our Aruba. I can still remember the day that you made us all try and guess her name. We blinked and the time slipped-away!


Here, in the states, they make what can be a very emotional process a bit easier by allowing the PuppyRaiser to be as involved as they want to be in the whole process. I know overseas that the puppy is given to the trainers and you hear very little about it. That's so hard on everyone!!! Either way, it's difficult to say the least.


My heart goes out to you, hubby and your furbabies! ♥


Ah thanks for your words and support Mamma Roz - and thePhantomsgirl - we've just got to accept she's going , so I am looking upon these few extra weeks as a real bonus and enjoy the joy this girl gives to us and everyone she meets!


Today we met a lovely, chatty lady who was in a wheelchair and her two year old daughter who was in a bassinet attached to the wheelchair - they both wanted to say hello to Aruba and madam sat and said hello very nicely which I was relieved and glad as the lady was quite small and I didn't want Aruba jumping up on her chair or up to the toddler. This lady told me that her friend has a "helper dog" (never heard that expression but I quite liked it!) and it was originally going to be a guide dog for the blind but didn't quite make it, so had a career change. I asked her if she would ever have a dog and she said she would love to, but she had her hands full with her two year old.


One thing is for sure, over the past year I have had more conversations with complete strangers than I ever have in my life - and it's all because of this beautiful girl.


Gosh Roz, I've just heard on the news that you are running out of water in California - sounds very serious!

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Fair bourse, very interesting about the conversations with strangers. I've experienced it, too, especially on cruises when people have time to be chatty and friendly. It's a nice way to met people.


And a great side benefit of a service dog because people with disabilities often are treated differently that others - and can become isolated. The dogs bridge a gap.

Edited by Caribbean Chris
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Ah thanks for your words and support Mamma Roz - and thePhantomsgirl - we've just got to accept she's going , so I am looking upon these few extra weeks as a real bonus and enjoy the joy this girl gives to us and everyone she meets!


Today we met a lovely, chatty lady who was in a wheelchair and her two year old daughter who was in a bassinet attached to the wheelchair - they both wanted to say hello to Aruba and madam sat and said hello very nicely which I was relieved and glad as the lady was quite small and I didn't want Aruba jumping up on her chair or up to the toddler. This lady told me that her friend has a "helper dog" (never heard that expression but I quite liked it!) and it was originally going to be a guide dog for the blind but didn't quite make it, so had a career change. I asked her if she would ever have a dog and she said she would love to, but she had her hands full with her two year old.


One thing is for sure, over the past year I have had more conversations with complete strangers than I ever have in my life - and it's all because of this beautiful girl.


Gosh Roz, I've just heard on the news that you are running out of water in California - sounds very serious!


We've been in a serious drought here in Cali for many years. We have had very little rain in so long, I can't remember. Our mountains have hardly any snow-pack on them and some of our farmers have had to give up their crops. We use special flushing toilets, take shorter showers and use drought resistant plants in our gardens. There is talk of the Governor fining folks who misuse water by running their sprinklers, etc. It's very sad. We all have to be aware of water waste in our everyday lives, in this desert called Los Angeles.


On a brighter note; I've met some of the nicest people because of my wonderful Service Dogs! ;)

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I know I post a gazillion photos...but here are more.


We had service dog class yesterday at the campus of the local university. The dogs wore Red, White & Blue in honor of Memorial Day.


The event coordinator was nice enough to take my camera and get tons of photos. Hard for me to do class and photograph at the same time. Also, she makes sure to get photos of Jagger and me. (hmmmm, really got to work on that diet...LOL)



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