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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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I hope everyone is doing good. Please fill me in on the important things that have happened. And any trouble Nancy and Roz have caused. :D


Alot going on here but I won't bore you my first day back. :)


Love you guys and missed all my doggies!!




Well, coming from Princess Pony Pants, I am not surprised at her slanderist comment! Bahahaha. Welcome back Sista! I have been in the FBI recluse program, myself. I guess it takes a special comment to get me here! I am a closet lurker now a days. Also computerless, get to us the kids computer while he is at school and I'm not working!

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Hush now!!!! When my men [be they little or big] need me......I'm like Mighty Mouse......I'm here to save the day!!!!






Oh well my news for the day ..... Off to the Vet nice and early this morning, turns out Ruby Four Paws in still in phantom pregnancy mode! So she's got medication to help sort it out and we go back next week for another checkup. So poor DH has postponed his holidays for another week!



But the best news of the day, we went to puppy workshop and she was so good! First of all when we arrived and she jumped out of my car, the trainer was there and he smiled and said "she's looking great"! And she listened to me during our exercises and responded really well, so we are coming out of this "no" "shan't" phase - well for today anyway! We had a good long chat yesterday, me and Ruby Four Paws and I told her that I did not want any embarrassing refusnik behaviour at class! :rolleyes:;)


Apparently all of her litter mates are doing really well, and so hopefully when she finally gets to school, she will do well too. They (the Guide Dogs) are very, very happy with the pups from this breeder.


And little Draco was there for his first puppy class - I promised you a photo - here he is.


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I'm backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!! We finally got a computer! Yay!!


Hello to everyone old and new! I have missed you all. It's been a long time. Our neighbor decided to get rid of her computer so we bought it. It's even got a mouse. :D I hated not having one. John had the laptop but it was only here at night and he was always on it. Only thing I've done was fb, cuz it was easy.


I hope everyone is doing good. Please fill me in on the important things that have happened. And any trouble Nancy and Roz have caused. :D


Alot going on here but I won't bore you my first day back. :)


Love you guys and missed all my doggies!!




Welcome back Cindy! :D

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Oh well my news for the day ..... Off to the Vet nice and early this morning, turns out Ruby Four Paws in still in phantom pregnancy mode! So she's got medication to help sort it out and we go back next week for another checkup. So poor DH has postponed his holidays for another week!



But the best news of the day, we went to puppy workshop and she was so good! First of all when we arrived and she jumped out of my car, the trainer was there and he smiled and said "she's looking great"! And she listened to me during our exercises and responded really well, so we are coming out of this "no" "shan't" phase - well for today anyway! We had a good long chat yesterday, me and Ruby Four Paws and I told her that I did not want any embarrassing refusnik behaviour at class! :rolleyes:;)


Apparently all of her litter mates are doing really well, and so hopefully when she finally gets to school, she will do well too. They (the Guide Dogs) are very, very happy with the pups from this breeder.


And little Draco was there for his first puppy class - I promised you a photo - here he is.


He gots ta grow into dem ears!!!!

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Pee S: Our internet stinks!



Not as much as the poo poo dumped quite ceremoniously this morning at puppy class!!! I swear to dawg that pup had a big smirk on his face when he watched us all immediately running with our emergency clean up stuff from our bags! Then the little boogar did it again! His puppy walker was mortified! :eek:

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I'm backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!! We finally got a computer! Yay!!


Hello to everyone old and new! I have missed you all. It's been a long time. Our neighbor decided to get rid of her computer so we bought it. It's even got a mouse. :D I hated not having one. John had the laptop but it was only here at night and he was always on it. Only thing I've done was fb, cuz it was easy.


I hope everyone is doing good. Please fill me in on the important things that have happened. And any trouble Nancy and Roz have caused. :D


Alot going on here but I won't bore you my first day back. :)


Love you guys and missed all my doggies!!



Cindy, I missed you so much!!!! I'm so glad you got another computer! Love those little mouses!


I've been so busy at work, I haven't been on as much as I would have liked, but now I'm back too.


Davis is off to "big-boy school" and Aruba is priming up to go. Nancy has been busy, some of us are still waiting to join Team Training and others have lots of wonderful pictures to share. Quam is still correcting most everything I say, keeping us all on our toes!!!!


We've definitely missed you and your input. When's your next cruise?

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Oh well my news for the day ..... Off to the Vet nice and early this morning, turns out Ruby Four Paws in still in phantom pregnancy mode! So she's got medication to help sort it out and we go back next week for another checkup. So poor DH has postponed his holidays for another week!



But the best news of the day, we went to puppy workshop and she was so good! First of all when we arrived and she jumped out of my car, the trainer was there and he smiled and said "she's looking great"! And she listened to me during our exercises and responded really well, so we are coming out of this "no" "shan't" phase - well for today anyway! We had a good long chat yesterday, me and Ruby Four Paws and I told her that I did not want any embarrassing refusnik behaviour at class! :rolleyes:;)


Apparently all of her litter mates are doing really well, and so hopefully when she finally gets to school, she will do well too. They (the Guide Dogs) are very, very happy with the pups from this breeder.


And little Draco was there for his first puppy class - I promised you a photo - here he is.


What the heck! Stop stalling "Ruby Four Paws!" I thought I was the "Queen" of long good byes. Actually, Morey used to call me the "Babe Ruth of good byes!" It takes me forever to leave a party........I have to kiss everyone [including the canary!] :D

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Well, coming from Princess Pony Pants, I am not surprised at her slanderist comment! Bahahaha. Welcome back Sista! I have been in the FBI recluse program, myself. I guess it takes a special comment to get me here! I am a closet lurker now a days. Also computerless, get to us the kids computer while he is at school and I'm not working!


Thanks for all the welcome backs. I will never catch up so I'll just start fresh.


Speaking of fresh, Nancy!!!!! Glad you could come out and play! ;) Slanderist comment? Just speaking the truth. I can't remember what Roz and your names are. I only know my own princess name. :D

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Oh well my news for the day ..... Off to the Vet nice and early this morning, turns out Ruby Four Paws in still in phantom pregnancy mode! So she's got medication to help sort it out and we go back next week for another checkup. So poor DH has postponed his holidays for another week!



But the best news of the day, we went to puppy workshop and she was so good! First of all when we arrived and she jumped out of my car, the trainer was there and he smiled and said "she's looking great"! And she listened to me during our exercises and responded really well, so we are coming out of this "no" "shan't" phase - well for today anyway! We had a good long chat yesterday, me and Ruby Four Paws and I told her that I did not want any embarrassing refusnik behaviour at class! :rolleyes:;)


Apparently all of her litter mates are doing really well, and so hopefully when she finally gets to school, she will do well too. They (the Guide Dogs) are very, very happy with the pups from this breeder.


And little Draco was there for his first puppy class - I promised you a photo - here he is.


Just adorable!!

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Cindy, I missed you so much!!!! I'm so glad you got another computer! Love those little mouses!


I've been so busy at work, I haven't been on as much as I would have liked, but now I'm back too.


Davis is off to "big-boy school" and Aruba is priming up to go. Nancy has been busy, some of us are still waiting to join Team Training and others have lots of wonderful pictures to share. Quam is still correcting most everything I say, keeping us all on our toes!!!!


We've definitely missed you and your input. When's your next cruise?


Missed you too Roz! I know about Davis, but wasn't sure if Aruba would be gone or not. As far as Quam goes, I have no idea what you're talking about. :confused:


We are actually not going to take a cruise this year. I think we are going on take a road trip with the kids to one of the Carolinas. I've been looking for houses to rent. We would probably go in April. We figured we should have the new van by then.

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Marcia, I don't know if you get the CCI Magazine but Horton wasn't in it, Roz wasn't in it.......YOU were in it. They were showing pictures from the Haute Dog event and the runway and because you had the best seat in the house.....there you were! Very cute picture! I'd try to copy and put it on here.....but, you all know how lame I am at sending pictures.


I finally got a new phone.....I couldn't answer the darn thing yesterday and do you think I can figure out if someone left me a message.....not hardly!


At work we have an IT Dept. just in case I push the wrong button! Lord knows how I get through life!!!!


Have a great weekend everyone.....Horty and me are sleeping in! All my major events are done at work and I can't wait to do NOTHING!!!! Exciting, eh!!!!

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OK...last one till we get him, I promise.



Now don't you dare make promises you know - and I hope - you won't keep!!! LOL! :D:D


Ah he's gorgeous - I needed cheering up this afternoon, this has done the trick! :D. You are gonna have your hands full with that boy - just look at that face! And those chunky paws!

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Don't make that promise! I want to see more photos!


Oh, what a cutie. And yes, he's got big paws that he's going to grow into. Those eyes...that face....


I think I'm gonna have to keep this promise. We leave on vacation this Wednesday and come back on the 10th. We pick Sutter up on the 11th. Then there will be more pictures!

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Exactly my thoughts, thephantomsgirl!


Well we are going on a cruise about 6 weeks after Aruba goes, that is if she goes in July! I've told her she has to go, August at the latest, as I'm not postponing another holiday! ;) :rolleyes:


I know that other puppy walkers in our group when they found out their pup was going into school in August, went and booked a cruise for a few days after she goes and another, when her pup went in, she flew immediately out to visit her daughter.


It seems they don't want to be in an "empty" no pup house - and I can truly understand that! Thank goodness I've got Max and Poppy here!


So,DKD, when you get back, you will get the report you've been waiting for about how Davis is getting on? I'm going to be terrible wanting to know how Aruba is doing, I just know it! I will have to be patient!


I must tell you this quickly - my DH has bought one of those tiny GoPro cameras and he's also got the dog harness attachment for it - so we had great fun yesterday trying it on all the dogs. All of them were quite happy to wear it as they are all used to harnesses and of course, Aruba wears her coat. He got some film from Poppy's "eye view", so I am going to practise with it on Aruba and try and get a film from a Guide Dog Puppy's view of life. It was quite strange seeing our house and around our garden from a dog's eye level! And what Poppy looks at when she sits for ages staring out of the front gate - absolutely nothing!!!

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But there are two whole days until Wednesday!


I have to wait for the breeder/caretaker to send new pics in order to post them here. Not much chance of that happening in the next two days. She has her hands full with the final training she does. She also has to make sure they are all prepared to go back to Santa Rosa to fly out.

fairborne, we will get our next report on Davis on June 24th. It always comes the last Wednesday of the month.

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Exactly my thoughts, thephantomsgirl!


Well we are going on a cruise about 6 weeks after Aruba goes, that is if she goes in July! I've told her she has to go, August at the latest, as I'm not postponing another holiday! ;) :rolleyes:


I know that other puppy walkers in our group when they found out their pup was going into school in August, went and booked a cruise for a few days after she goes and another, when her pup went in, she flew immediately out to visit her daughter.


It seems they don't want to be in an "empty" no pup house - and I can truly understand that! Thank goodness I've got Max and Poppy here!


So,DKD, when you get back, you will get the report you've been waiting for about how Davis is getting on? I'm going to be terrible wanting to know how Aruba is doing, I just know it! I will have to be patient!


I must tell you this quickly - my DH has bought one of those tiny GoPro cameras and he's also got the dog harness attachment for it - so we had great fun yesterday trying it on all the dogs. All of them were quite happy to wear it as they are all used to harnesses and of course, Aruba wears her coat. He got some film from Poppy's "eye view", so I am going to practise with it on Aruba and try and get a film from a Guide Dog Puppy's view of life. It was quite strange seeing our house and around our garden from a dog's eye level! And what Poppy looks at when she sits for ages staring out of the front gate - absolutely nothing!!!


By the time Aruba's REALLY ready to go......you'll be kicking her out the door after all the anticipation! She's really the BABE RUTH of goody-byes!


I'd love to see life through Max/Poppy and Aruba's eyes! It's always a curiosity when I see Horton just staring at the couch or the wall or the floor......what the heck is he staring at and what is he thinking?

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Well I'll probably bore you all with photos in the next couple of days. Jagger is packing his overnight bag, and will come stay with me tomorrow! Not sure how long I get him for, hoping it's at least for two days.


That's how my organization likes to do it with placed dogs. Ease them in. Fortunately Jagger knows me well as I get to see him every weekend.


A Go-Pro....hmmmmmm


I am pretty sure I may have told you all, Jagger has his own FB page. Just search for "Jagger the Service Dog". This month, the organization is doing a dog-of-the-day with their theme song. Not sure when Jagger's day will be. Today is his friend Tabbris who is a very "smooth" (hint) yellow lab girl. (a very big girl - LOL)



Edited by thephantomsgirl
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