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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Roz, we are not on that cruise, but that would be so much fun! It must be very popular, it looks like it is sold out. As of now, our next cruise is a 2016 Panama Canal.




I know, it sold out so quickly. I got very lucky to get onboard.


I'm sorry you won't be there too. The fun things that your lucky dog will be doing with you. Wait til you see how your life will change. All for the better.


I must admit that owning a Service Dog is a lot of work: Exercising, grooming, feeding, walking, Vet visits and keeping up with the various meds for heartworm and fleas & ticks. But, what he gives me back is so worth everything I do for him........he pays me back twice-fold every single day!


I can't imagine my life without a Service Dog in it. Oh! And, dog hair.......what would I do without that Lab/Retriever Dog Hair? :eek:

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Just hopping in here over lunch to ask if any of you have seen the story about the guide dog who jumped in front of a mini school bus to protect his handler? (They call Figo a service dog, but he is probably a guide dog. I'm not an expert.) It was playing on our local news this morning, so I went to grab a link to post here. Looks like they will be okay, but what a horrible trauma for them both.





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Just hopping in here over lunch to ask if any of you have seen the story about the guide dog who jumped in front of a mini school bus to protect his handler? (They call Figo a service dog, but he is probably a guide dog. I'm not an expert.) It was playing on our local news this morning, so I went to grab a link to post here. Looks like they will be okay, but what a horrible trauma for them both.






What was so sad is that when the owner was taken away in an ambulance they separated them and took the dog in a fire dept. vehicle to a Vet [which was probably the best thing to do] but, still they said that "dogs" are not allowed in ambulances. And, the dog acted so well and allowed people to attend to him even though he was so upset at being separated.


The handler/owner was injured pretty badly but will be okay and the dog had to have surgery on his leg.


The bus driver obviously was not looking, while driving.


The dog is a guide dog and was protecting his handler. Such a brave boy.


This happened in New York.

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Yes, Beckie - I saw it too! What a good doggie Figo is (and aren't they all?), risking his own life for his owner. I am SO sorry it happened for both of them, with the resulting pain and recovery needed, but the small silver lining is that the incident is reminding lots of people why these dogs are so important to their handlers/partners.

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Our Service/Working Dogs are trained to "suck-it-up" [i'm not crazy about the terminology but it's the facts.] They're trained to be supportive/protective/helpful and non-reactive. To stay calm and cool and be "there" for their partner!


This dog exemplifies all of the above and proved that he was NOT going to let his handler take the full blunt of the vehicle.....he was going to help in any way he could and he did.


Everyone involved should be very proud of this dog. I know, I am! ♥

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The week is over......It's time for the weekend. Horton and I have some work to do. We have to clean PaPa's closet. I've been putting it off for a very long time and keep promising myself to wait until daughter-Lisa comes down from Oregon to even approach it.


Well, she's coming down on Thursday with my Granddaughters for our cruise on the 20th and rather than wait until then I thought I'd start it-or not! We'll see how brave I get by myself.


Also, Horton's starting the "refusal" thing in getting into my SUV. He needs a lot more coaxing than he used to. He's 6 years old and I'm watching him closely for signs of hip or joint pain....it doesn't seem to be that because when we walk or I throw a toy and romp with him he's as lively and quick as ever.


Brenda didn't start balking at jumping into my car until she was 9 years old. he doesn't even have to jump in he just has to step-up because he's so tall. Again, I'm going to keep my eye on him.


I have Brenda's ramp and will start using it if need be!


Have a fun weekend everyone! ♥

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It is so hard when our friends have trouble jumping up or getting into things. Bear is 14 and we have to lift him for some things, as well as help him down.


Give Horton a big hug from me and Jagger.


Jagger and I have had a fun week. He's such a goofball. Sadly, I have to take him back to the ranch today. But hopefully he'll be back next week. I have to go to an event tomorrow and it is too soon for that much of unorganized chaos.


How is everyone else doing? In Florida here it is so darned hot and humid. It really gets to me. I'd just been telling my Mom about two weeks ago that I was doing pretty well. Then comes the heat and humidity and I'm really off-balance again. Oh well, it could be worse and others have it much harder. I've had lots of smiles this week with Jagger and his antics. I need to try and video him chasing his tail...


Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend. :)

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It is so hard when our friends have trouble jumping up or getting into things. Bear is 14 and we have to lift him for some things, as well as help him down.


Give Horton a big hug from me and Jagger.


Jagger and I have had a fun week. He's such a goofball. Sadly, I have to take him back to the ranch today. But hopefully he'll be back next week. I have to go to an event tomorrow and it is too soon for that much of unorganized chaos.


How is everyone else doing? In Florida here it is so darned hot and humid. It really gets to me. I'd just been telling my Mom about two weeks ago that I was doing pretty well. Then comes the heat and humidity and I'm really off-balance again. Oh well, it could be worse and others have it much harder. I've had lots of smiles this week with Jagger and his antics. I need to try and video him chasing his tail...


Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend. :)


I'm so glad that you and Jagger are enjoying each other.


Here, in L.A. we've had sprinkles every day and during the summer months you know what precipitation and heat means.......HUMIDITY! [Not that LA. can't use the sprinkles, but that's all they are, not enough to make any difference in our drought conditions!] I so agree with you about humidity, it's not my favorite weather either. I don't mind the heat but only if it's dry.....hard to work, hard to breathe, hard to have any fun!


Oh! Wait! Horton and me will be on a cruise to the heat and humidity capital of the world next weekend.....MEXICO!


I step outside, if I start to sweat I go right back inside.....Air conditioning, my favorite kind of weather condition in the summer and especially when we're onboard a cruise ship.

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ok question.... Anyone ever hear of a "hearing service parrot?" This guy in our building claims his parrot is a service animal grandfathered in the ada. He's a con artist and an idiot. But I'm trying to find out if there is such a thing. Of course the ada doesn't recognize the parrot now. but he says its trained and certified. And we all know there is no certification.



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ok question.... Anyone ever hear of a "hearing service parrot?" This guy in our building claims his parrot is a service animal grandfathered in the ada. He's a con artist and an idiot. But I'm trying to find out if there is such a thing. Of course the ada doesn't recognize the parrot now. but he says its trained and certified. And we all know there is no certification.




Cindy, the guy is full of Parrot droppings!!!


There is no such thing as a "Hearing Parrot!" If he's trained the bird to alert him, that's great but the ADA, DOJ do not recognize his parrot. I wish they did. I think some of these birds are brilliant and I'd love to see them out in public.


My brother had a Parrot that had lived 30 years and could do almost anything. He was so much fun to talk to and to watch.

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The week is over......It's time for the weekend. Horton and I have some work to do. We have to clean PaPa's closet. I've been putting it off for a very long time and keep promising myself to wait until daughter-Lisa comes down from Oregon to even approach it.


Well, she's coming down on Thursday with my Granddaughters for our cruise on the 20th and rather than wait until then I thought I'd start it-or not! We'll see how brave I get by myself.


Also, Horton's starting the "refusal" thing in getting into my SUV. He needs a lot more coaxing than he used to. He's 6 years old and I'm watching him closely for signs of hip or joint pain....it doesn't seem to be that because when we walk or I throw a toy and romp with him he's as lively and quick as ever.


Brenda didn't start balking at jumping into my car until she was 9 years old. he doesn't even have to jump in he just has to step-up because he's so tall. Again, I'm going to keep my eye on him.


I have Brenda's ramp and will start using it if need be!


Have a fun weekend everyone! ♥


Good luck with the closet Roz. It took me six years to clean out my mom's house and sell it! It's hard to get started, but once you do it will be easier. Having your cruise with your family to look forward to will help.



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It is so hard when our friends have trouble jumping up or getting into things. Bear is 14 and we have to lift him for some things, as well as help him down.


Give Horton a big hug from me and Jagger.


Jagger and I have had a fun week. He's such a goofball. Sadly, I have to take him back to the ranch today. But hopefully he'll be back next week. I have to go to an event tomorrow and it is too soon for that much of unorganized chaos.


How is everyone else doing? In Florida here it is so darned hot and humid. It really gets to me. I'd just been telling my Mom about two weeks ago that I was doing pretty well. Then comes the heat and humidity and I'm really off-balance again. Oh well, it could be worse and others have it much harder. I've had lots of smiles this week with Jagger and his antics. I need to try and video him chasing his tail...


Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend. :)


That must have been so nice to have Jagger with your this week. When will he be finished with training and coming home with you permanently?


Very strange weather here in Northern California - 100 degrees one day and raining the next (not complaining about the rain, wish we had more).



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ok question.... Anyone ever hear of a "hearing service parrot?" This guy in our building claims his parrot is a service animal grandfathered in the ada. He's a con artist and an idiot. But I'm trying to find out if there is such a thing. Of course the ada doesn't recognize the parrot now. but he says its trained and certified. And we all know there is no certification.




There's no grandfather clause in the ADA. The bird is a pet, plain and simple. Some states are behind the times and still have laws stating service animals can be any animal, so if he is in a state with such a law, he might have access with his bird (if it fits all the requirements of said state law, which might only recognize animals from programs or not include hearing alert animals, etc.) while in that state. The bird is not under the ADA, though.


He probably just bought fake IDs from a Web site.

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You're right, Cindy, it's a con. No such thing as "certified hearing parrots."


Reminds me of an email our family got a while back from a distant relative by marriage who announced that her 5+ year old pet dog was going to be "board certified" as her service dog.


Ummm, like a brain surgeon?


The woman is driving me crazy, putting a vest on a pet after one lesson and taking it places...Then a few weeks later, buying a young border collie puppy and immediately putting a vest on it, out and about to restaurants and hospitals. Relatives tell me she is extremely defensive saying she has PTSD and quoting the ADA in detail about her rights.

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Fake service dogs drive me nuts.... Florida did pass the bill to make it a misdemeanor to fake one.


Our little Bear is looking all around for Jagger and wondering why he isn't here. I should be able to pick him up next week, probably on Tuesday. He still needs his advanced training. Right now we are doing the bonding and the trainer transference.


After that he needs to learn the tasks for which I need him for. Picking up items, balance/brace, etc. He won't really do any real brace work until he's two. I kind of prefer to mostly do balance help, rather than any heavy duty bracing.


I have been teaching him to help pull me out of a chair. This dog loves to tug and he's super strong. I can still get out of a chair, but on a bad day it is difficult.


Then a few hearing dog commands. I cannot tell where sounds are coming from at times, so hopefully he can alert me to where things are actually coming from.


I'm still shaking my head over the service parrot. I did Google it and they have been used for therapy purposes. But a full "certified" service parrot. Ha ha...nope.


Dianne, I bet you are counting the days!

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About Hortons hesitation getting in the van, I'm very surprised he is doing that at six. You had a ramp for Brenny, do you still have it? I'm glad the new van will have a ramp. Believe it or not Wex will be 8 next month. The ramp will be alot easier and less stress on his body.



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Fake service dogs drive me nuts.... Florida did pass the bill to make it a misdemeanor to fake one.


Our little Bear is looking all around for Jagger and wondering why he isn't here. I should be able to pick him up next week, probably on Tuesday. He still needs his advanced training. Right now we are doing the bonding and the trainer transference.


After that he needs to learn the tasks for which I need him for. Picking up items, balance/brace, etc. He won't really do any real brace work until he's two. I kind of prefer to mostly do balance help, rather than any heavy duty bracing.


I have been teaching him to help pull me out of a chair. This dog loves to tug and he's super strong. I can still get out of a chair, but on a bad day it is difficult.


Then a few hearing dog commands. I cannot tell where sounds are coming from at times, so hopefully he can alert me to where things are actually coming from.


I'm still shaking my head over the service parrot. I did Google it and they have been used for therapy purposes. But a full "certified" service parrot. Ha ha...nope.


Dianne, I bet you are counting the days!


Sounds wonderful. Isn't it amazing what these dogs can do for us.


I have a friend who is suffering with terrible anxiety, depression and fear. She's going to apply at CCI in Oceanside, CA. Hoping to receive one of the dogs that are being trained for our service men & women. She will finally be able to go out and enjoy life again with her service dog by her side.


She's afraid to leave her home and also afraid to return home for fear that someone is lurking inside to hurt her. Her Service Dog will go inside ahead of her and let her know that all is clear and she may enter. It would be a miracle for her life to begin again!

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You're right, Cindy, it's a con. No such thing as "certified hearing parrots."


Reminds me of an email our family got a while back from a distant relative by marriage who announced that her 5+ year old pet dog was going to be "board certified" as her service dog.


Ummm, like a brain surgeon?


The woman is driving me crazy, putting a vest on a pet after one lesson and taking it places...Then a few weeks later, buying a young border collie puppy and immediately putting a vest on it, out and about to restaurants and hospitals. Relatives tell me she is extremely defensive saying she has PTSD and quoting the ADA in detail about her rights.


Never ceases to amaze me!

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Good luck with the closet Roz. It took me six years to clean out my mom's house and sell it! It's hard to get started, but once you do it will be easier. Having your cruise with your family to look forward to will help.




Guess what? I didn't even open the doors. I just can't!!!


My daughter is coming in on Thursday to cruise with me on Saturday, maybe she can get started......I won't expect much!

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About Hortons hesitation getting in the van, I'm very surprised he is doing that at six. You had a ramp for Brenny, do you still have it? I'm glad the new van will have a ramp. Believe it or not Wex will be 8 next month. The ramp will be alot easier and less stress on his body.




Wexy is going to be 8......where did the time go! I remember when you were waiting for him! Geeeezzzz!!! Someone slowdown the clock, please!!!!


Yep! Horty is starting with the refusals.....not all the time but always when I'm in a hurry. Yes, I have Brenny's ramp, it's laying in the back of the SUV. I guess it may be getting closer to the time that I'll need to start using it for him. I'll hold off starting as long as I can! He doesn't really "jump" in he just steps up....he's so tall! We'll see!

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We have six parrots and the only thing they are certified to do is drive you crazy, at times. They scream at the top of their lungs at certain times of the day. They are extremely smart though. A service parrot? For hearing? If he has difficulty hearing, how does it alert him...bite him? Hit him with a wing? Peck him to death? I don't buy it either.


Sorry for my absence of late. I've been running around a lot lately. Haven't been checking in either. Did I miss anything? Do you ever go through those stages where you just don't have anything to say, or just aren't in the mood to type? It happens to me sometimes.


We have booked another cruise for January of 2017. We have a friend who likes to book early, and she was wondering if we wanted to join them...so we are. She takes several cruises a year and usually has at least two years of cruises booked in advance. This time, it will be a 14 day b2b...and I already checked. No issues where Pedro is concerned. He can get off in all of the ports with us.


We are at about the six month point for our next cruise, time to review the port requirements. I remember reading that one of them requires a test done six months prior...I just can't remember which one. Time to call the vet.



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