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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Carnival does use the paper pellets. I asked that they cover them because Labs have webbed toes and the pellets can be painful to step on. They covered them with wood shavings from their woodworking dept.....it worked out perfectly.


They accepted the 3 year rabies for Mexico and did ask for a copy to be kept by TSA.


I did NOT have to meet with anyone from Immigration at any time while onboard. Carnival made it so easy for me. They accepted the same paperwork that I had used in April for my cruise onboard the Crown Princess. My paperwork was very complete; Horton acted impeccably and all was good.


I did not bring a bag of mulch or artificial sod with me [although it would have been very easy to do!] Carnival also moved the potty box from another deck to my veranda [because I had a very large space, a suite and it worked out perfectly.]


Horton was given ships water [he's a very big water drinker] and had no ill effects from it. If this water is treated the same as is given to our US Navy, I figure it's good enough for Mr. Horton.


Happy sailing and I hope some of this helps!

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Yes, that helps. We got the ocean suite because it was cheaper than getting two rooms and slightly bigger for us wit the dog. I will have to see if they will put his box there on the veranda. I wonder what size bag did Roz bring? I don't know if Hoovy is going to like the pellets but we will give it a shot and see in another month. Sometimes, once he has seen and felt something, he is perfectly fine with it.


I agree with the water. I just can see us pull up luggage, twenty gallon jugs, a dog, a bag a dog food and his own packed bag. Good grief, they will tell us to turn around and go back home!LOL!


I did get a response back from one of the tours Kate wanted to take. They are more than happy to accommodate her! One less thing down. I am hoping this helps her realize that it may take a little prep work, but she can still do everything she wants and have Hoovy by her side. We both feel better after reading on how other people take the service dogs on cruises and have a great time, that we can pull this off without fear that something will happen to Hoovy. I think we just have to get past this initial first time cruise and we will be OK.

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Roz and anyone else who uses a "relief box" for your service dog at home, what size do you have? My husband is going to build a box in our back yard and we wanted to know what would be a good size. We are thinking of making it 4 x 4. I think that is the size they have on the cruise ship.


thanks, Diane

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Roz and anyone else who uses a "relief box" for your service dog at home, what size do you have? My husband is going to build a box in our back yard and we wanted to know what would be a good size. We are thinking of making it 4 x 4. I think that is the size they have on the cruise ship.


thanks, Diane


I'd like to know this too - good question Diane. I'd like to practice a bit before taking Jagger on a cruise, especially a 14 day one.



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Roz and anyone else who uses a "relief box" for your service dog at home, what size do you have? My husband is going to build a box in our back yard and we wanted to know what would be a good size. We are thinking of making it 4 x 4. I think that is the size they have on the cruise ship.


thanks, Diane


Horton's box at home is 5x4, filled with cedar mulch. His box at work is 5x5 [filled with grass sod.] It comes every two weeks from "Doggy In The City." Great company, very reliable and clean. I'd use them at home too, I just haven't gotten around to setting it up with them. I think a 4x4 is a bit too small for a 90lb lab. Remember to keep the litter thick. As the dog turns to go potty the litter will displace.


I buy the cedar mulch at Lowe's. It comes in a really packed square bag. When you open it, look out, it almost explodes. Not really! But it sure is packed tightly.


I swear by doggy litter boxes.

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WARNING: On the wood shavings.....I forgot, they do track them into the cabin and they can blow around if they're on your veranda.


If I would of mixed them better with the pellets, they wouldn't have blown around as easily.


I gave the cabin steward a nice tip for having to sweep them up at the end of our cruise.


Normally, they would have put the potty box on a different deck out of the wind. I requested that we utilize our veranda, since it was so huge.


I really do prefer the stairwell [this is what I use on Princess] and it works really well for me.


I'm sure Carnival must have a stairwell [especially since our cabin was in the aft of the ship but I didn't want to start with locating it and then hearing from them that they couldn't do it and on and on!]


I'll be in a forward cabin onboard the Pacific Princess for a two week cruise in December, it should be very interesting where they'll place the box. I'm hoping for a stairwell near my cabin, again! We'll see. As the cruise gets closer I will call the Special Needs Dept. and question them about it.

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I am going to try this:




I figure I've got almost 10 months to work at training him. I liked the sounds of the service you use Roz, but that's only in CA.


So I'll try this. Will get the extra turf pad for easier cleaning. My Mom wanted to try it for Bear as he'll often not go out in the rain and we could put this on the patio during those times.

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I am going to try this:




I figure I've got almost 10 months to work at training him. I liked the sounds of the service you use Roz, but that's only in CA.


So I'll try this. Will get the extra turf pad for easier cleaning. My Mom wanted to try it for Bear as he'll often not go out in the rain and we could put this on the patio during those times.


It's exactly where Brenda and Horton's pottybox's are placed. Of course, since Ms. Brenny passed I've had hers removed but Horton's sits on the patio, out of the elements except for the morning sunshine and fresh air.


When family and friends come over they're amazed at the ease in which Horton goes out to use his pottybox.


Once trained to use it, he doesn't think twice about it. And, has NEVER had an accident.


I immediately pick up the solids with toilet paper and flush it. Every two weeks I rotate the mulch and pick up the artificial turf every few days to air it out.

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Horton's box at home is 5x4, filled with cedar mulch. His box at work is 5x5 [filled with grass sod.] It comes every two weeks from "Doggy In The City." Great company, very reliable and clean. I'd use them at home too, I just haven't gotten around to setting it up with them. I think a 4x4 is a bit too small for a 90lb lab. Remember to keep the litter thick. As the dog turns to go potty the litter will displace.


I buy the cedar mulch at Lowe's. It comes in a really packed square bag. When you open it, look out, it almost explodes. Not really! But it sure is packed tightly.


I swear by doggy litter boxes.


I don't know the size of my dog yet, but I am thinking he/she will be on the larger size because of some of the things that I requested that he/she be able to do. So it sounds like we should go with 5x4 or 5x5. The one's that I saw on Amazon looks like they would be too small.



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Sorry I haven't been around much but my daughter has been ill since we were in Disney. She has developed a UTI that we haven't been able to cure. But now it seems like we have a handle on it.

On a lighter note...here is a picture of Davis at his forever home. The family that has him are thrilled and it looks like Davis feels the same way.


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Sorry I haven't been around much but my daughter has been ill since we were in Disney. She has developed a UTI that we haven't been able to cure. But now it seems like we have a handle on it.

On a lighter note...here is a picture of Davis at his forever home. The family that has him are thrilled and it looks like Davis feels the same way.



I hope your daughter gets better real soon - thanks for the update on Davis! He does look happy doesn't he?!

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Davis looks very happy and I imagine you are very happy he's settled into his forever home so well. And he's got a ball! I don't know if he was like Aruba and not allowed a ball (chasing it is the issue!) while he was in training?


Our Poppy wasn't allowed a ball either until she decided she didn't want to be a gun dog! And now she loves her red ball and it is the first thing she goes and looks for when she comes back from her holidays at the kennels! As for Max, well he could care less about chasing a ball or even a frisbee, much preferring to lie in the shade - lazy boy!


DKD - sorry to hear your daughter is still unwell, please send her our best wishes and a cyber puppy hug, if that will help, from Aruba! :)

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I don't know the size of my dog yet, but I am thinking he/she will be on the larger size because of some of the things that I requested that he/she be able to do. So it sounds like we should go with 5x4 or 5x5. The one's that I saw on Amazon looks like they would be too small.




When I got my first SD Brenda, I thought of the potty box and Morey built me one starting with an oil drip pan from an 18 wheeler [which he bought at an auto parts store.] He filled it with kitty litter, at first, and Brenda soon learned how to use the pan but would track the litter everywhere.....it was a mess! The sides of the pan were not deep enough.


He then built Brenda a 4x4 box, with taller sides, she was 60lbs. I stopped using the kitty stuff and we started using actual sod that I would purchase once a month at a nursery. [That was a mess to shlep home.] Finally, I started using mulch with artificial turf on top and it's what I've stuck to with Brenda and now Horton [Horton is 90lbs and requires a bigger box than 4x4.].


The artificial turf keeps the mulch in place and also gives the box a nice, clean look. I wash it down every couple weeks and it always looks nice. The dogs love it.

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Oh! Davis, you handsome boy! I'm so glad that DKD gave you an amazing start to your forever home. Some beings were just not cut-out to be worker-bees! You look like a playboy to me. Have fun big fella, have a long and healthy life filled with joy and laughter.


Brenda had to eat, sleep, lay and play with tennis balls ALL THE TIME! :p I swear I was supporting the tennis ball industry all by myself! Horton could care less about them and would rather have a toy that squeaks or honks so that he can promptly tear it apart. He can't wait until we get into our cabin onboard a cruise ship because he knows Mommy has bought him a new stuffed, squeaky toy or two!


DKD, I'm so sorry about your daughter's health issues. One of my children suffers terribly with UTI's and now takes Cranberry capsules with her cranberry juice at her breakfast. Since she started this doctor recommended regime of cranberry's she's been UTI free for over a year now. I wish your daughter good health.

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DKD, sending good thoughts for your daughter to bounce back.


Sweet Davis has lost all traces of the "worried Lab" look, now that the weight of the world has been lifted. No need to have a job - Some of us were just meant to be an ornament to society. Such a happy guy!

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I wish the potty box was a bit larger, but I think the cruise lines' boxes aren't too big - more like 4x4.


Figured it would be best to get some experience with one first. Then once I know how that goes, I can decide on what material works best. Disney offered me either mulch or sod. If he uses the box I bought, I can always bring some of that material to place on top of what ever DCL does.


There likely will be two boxes as Cari's dog, Dodger will be on the same cruise. She just recently went on one that had another dog and they had two.



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I wish the potty box was a bit larger, but I think the cruise lines' boxes aren't too big - more like 4x4.


Figured it would be best to get some experience with one first. Then once I know how that goes, I can decide on what material works best. Disney offered me either mulch or sod. If he uses the box I bought, I can always bring some of that material to place on top of what ever DCL does.


There likely will be two boxes as Cari's dog, Dodger will be on the same cruise. She just recently went on one that had another dog and they had two.




For some reason, Raylene liked the Celebrity mulch in the box better than the Holland America sod. Go figure. At home she uses either or both.

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I wish the potty box was a bit larger, but I think the cruise lines' boxes aren't too big - more like 4x4.


Figured it would be best to get some experience with one first. Then once I know how that goes, I can decide on what material works best. Disney offered me either mulch or sod. If he uses the box I bought, I can always bring some of that material to place on top of what ever DCL does.


There likely will be two boxes as Cari's dog, Dodger will be on the same cruise. She just recently went on one that had another dog and they had two.




Holly, how lucky you will be to be cruising with Cari & Dodger. We've been very lucky to have spent some time with Cari and her first dog Denver. She's a great gal, give her a big kiss from me!


Cari is an amazing dog handler. If you want to see genius in action watch Cari and her dog interact with one another.......it's pure magic!

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DKD, sending good thoughts for your daughter to bounce back.


Sweet Davis has lost all traces of the "worried Lab" look, now that the weight of the world has been lifted. No need to have a job - Some of us were just meant to be an ornament to society. Such a happy guy!


"Ornament to society", yep that's Horton Jeffrey. A "working ornament!"

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Holly - you and Jagger still having lots of fun? I imagine he's got "Grannie" wrapped round all 4 paws by now!!! :D;)


Oh YES, Grandma is a pushover. He figured that out real quick.


"Ornament to society", yep that's Horton Jeffrey. A "working ornament!"


OMG, good thing I had nothing to drink in my mouth or it'd be all over my monitor. I LOVE that expression. (and will steal it at some point...:rolleyes:)


I am so looking forward to cruising with Cari and Dodger. We haven't met yet, but she may be coming to go to Disney World this fall. I live reasonably near there. (i.e. an hour away)



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My Darling Aruba,

I know it's been a while since I've written but I've been very busy cruising with my Mom and family. Boy, did I get touched a lot! I met a little friend who was no taller than my head and every time she'd see me she'd call me "oweee" and then try to stick her fingers up my nose! What the heck......no one saw what she was doing, they were too busy with their "foo-foo" drinks and stuff! Seriously, how much patience can one guy have? Finally, my Mom noticed it and stopped her!


Then my Mom took me out to the pools......I'm really not that fond of water, I know, I know......somewhere in my lineage I'm supposed to love water and hunting and chasing birds. I hate all of it......anything that requires me to do more than is necessary, to me, is completely unnecessary! And, anything that disrupts my sleeping patterns is utterly useless, as well!


I know our time together is drawing to a close, on the 21st, and I just wanted to make sure that I told you how proud I am of you and the work that you, hopefully, will be doing. Aruba, don't stress over leaving your Mom, Dad and brother and sister........they will be in your heart and head for the rest of your life! They're imprinted on your soul. You'll always remember your joyful and happy moments, as well as your learning and mistake times.


When you're feeling lonely and even sad just bring your family into your head and think of them and all the love they gave you.


You won't believe it but you're going to have a new family. Someone else who will love and depend on you so much that you'll become their "life saver!" You'll be their partner, they will depend on you to show them the way! You'll be so very important and so loved!


Your Mom will let us all know how you're doing and hopefully we'll have pictures of you and your new family.


I'll always think of you and remember the wonderful stories that your Mom shared with us.


I'll love you forever and for always,

Your friend,

Horton Jeffrey

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