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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Just a quick update on Our Aruba.


The trainer called me and she's doing quite well, a bit of "what on earth is happening and where the heck am I" but settled down. Then there were a couple of toileting issues or lack of them! Not a big concern but Aruba was used to going out to do whatever she had to do with one of us, supervised and going on command, in the garden or in the courtyard at home in designated spaces and always before she went out "to work" or even just for a walk. No pooping on the job as it were!


However, at the kennels they are supposed to go in their run (any time they like I suppose or on command if they are going out to work) and it's taken Aruba a few days to work this out, so she's been holding it in until she's actually taken out of her run and then of course she wants to go - I can totally understand as going in her run would be to her like going in her house! Well, almost. So the trainer has had to train Aruba that it's ok to go in her run and that that is her spot. She's a very clean girl so it must be very confusing for her and not to be let out to another spot to do her toilet. But they've worked on it and last I heard it was all as it should be!


She's also been out and about to another small town and baulked a bit at getting into the trainers car, and then when she did the trainer said she started whining a bit. Ah well, that's no whining, that's just Aruba singing as she settles down for a nap Mrs!!!


The trainer seems really nice and Aruba is getting lots of cuddles (Not that I'm jealous or anything!) and she will go home with the trainer for sleepovers which I just know she will love. The trainer has two dogs of her own, so she will absolutely love that! Can't wait till September to see her though!

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Thanks all for your warm welcome and for the compliments on Joy! I too think she's beautiful, but I'm totally in love and definitely not objective :D I feel very blessed to have her: she is a wonderful, smart, loving dog with a great will to please <3


Fairbourne, fantastic that Max has proven a great help for your guide dog pup. I can imagine that makes you feel really proud of him!


Caribbean Chris, thanks for your helpful information! I'm Dutch indeed, your friend is right about the translation ;) (hulp=help, hond=dog). I guess that Joy will prefer the grass sod because she is used to relieve herself on grass. Hopefully, she will use the box just as easily as Raylene did!


Thephantomsgirl, may I ask where you use the Tinkle Turf box? I tried a box on my balcony, but since Joy considers that her territory she won't use it.


Because you liked the pictures, here are some more photos of my sweetie dog:


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Great photos!


I have been putting the tinkle turf outside the patio door. So far our little dog is the only one using it. At least we could bring it on the patio when it rains as he's a picky dog who hates getting his little paws wet. Our patio is a large "birdcage" type area.


As for Jagger anytime he does his "thing" I have been really praising him. Sometimes I imagine he looks at me like I'm nuts when I do that - LOL.


I'm not sure where I'll have the relief box when I cruise. They have a relief area that is gated off and out of the elements. However I just upgraded to a veranda and could have that option too.


There will be another dog on the cruise, Cari's guide dog Dodger. If it's like Cari's last cruise that had another dog, they gave two boxes. She said she had to get on them to clean them more often, but they did do that after she asked.

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Thanks all for your warm welcome and for the compliments on Joy! I too think she's beautiful, but I'm totally in love and definitely not objective :D I feel very blessed to have her: she is a wonderful, smart, loving dog with a great will to please <3


Fairbourne, fantastic that Max has proven a great help for your guide dog pup. I can imagine that makes you feel really proud of him!


Caribbean Chris, thanks for your helpful information! I'm Dutch indeed, your friend is right about the translation ;) (hulp=help, hond=dog). I guess that Joy will prefer the grass sod because she is used to relieve herself on grass. Hopefully, she will use the box just as easily as Raylene did!


Thephantomsgirl, may I ask where you use the Tinkle Turf box? I tried a box on my balcony, but since Joy considers that her territory she won't use it.


Because you liked the pictures, here are some more photos of my sweetie dog:



Dayspring & Joy, welcome, welcome, welcome to our world. Joy is absolutely beautiful, I love her face and those eyes.....Oh! My!


We don't see many Chocolates as Service Dogs only because there just aren't so many of them. It's truly wonderful to have one on this board.


And, you sure know how to display pictures well. I could learn a lot from you!


The Rotterdam is one of my most favorite cruises ships. She's stunningly beautiful. And, HAL knows how to treat Service Dogs with the respect that they so deserve. They use a little smaller box than I like and they like to use grass sod. They will place the box on a passenger deck that you can access easily. They will wash down the deck very early in the morning [something I wasn't crazy about because it made the deck slippery for me and made my dogs paws wet.] I requested that they wait until she had her morning potty break before they washed the deck and they were very nice to wait until after 8:30am.


The doors that you will access to take Joy potty are electric and can be maneuvered by a wheelchair.


You can start teaching Joy how to use a potty box by putting one together and placing on a deck or in the yard and while she's on leash taking her to the potty box, giving her the command and then rewarding her each time she uses it. My dogs only use a potty box, both at home and at work.


Does Joy have a microchip? You will want to make sure that she has one [you can get it from her Vet.] The Immigration officials will check for this when they look through your paperwork. Speak to your Vet about getting all of Joys paperwork done. Immunizations/microchip and anything else that your Vet recommends should be done in a timely fashion before you cruise.


Please consider taking Joy with you. She'll love it and the precedence that you'll be setting with her will be important to both of you; that being, wherever you go - She goes!!!!! I am NEVER separated from my dogs EVER! That's just me......if it's necessary that you go without her, YOU are the one who needs to make that decision. I would just love to see you try it once.


If there's ever a question about taking Joy off the ship into a specific port.....You can just stay onboard with her and enjoy each other's company while you have the ship all to yourselves.


I used to find an empty lounge, bring my dogs favorite toy or ball and let them just run their hearts out. Sometimes some of the crew will join me and take turns throwing the ball, they're missing their own pets left at home, or other passengers come in and play with us.


You will love cruising with Joy and she will love it too!

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Just a quick update on Our Aruba.


The trainer called me and she's doing quite well, a bit of "what on earth is happening and where the heck am I" but settled down. Then there were a couple of toileting issues or lack of them! Not a big concern but Aruba was used to going out to do whatever she had to do with one of us, supervised and going on command, in the garden or in the courtyard at home in designated spaces and always before she went out "to work" or even just for a walk. No pooping on the job as it were!


However, at the kennels they are supposed to go in their run (any time they like I suppose or on command if they are going out to work) and it's taken Aruba a few days to work this out, so she's been holding it in until she's actually taken out of her run and then of course she wants to go - I can totally understand as going in her run would be to her like going in her house! Well, almost. So the trainer has had to train Aruba that it's ok to go in her run and that that is her spot. She's a very clean girl so it must be very confusing for her and not to be let out to another spot to do her toilet. But they've worked on it and last I heard it was all as it should be!


She's also been out and about to another small town and baulked a bit at getting into the trainers car, and then when she did the trainer said she started whining a bit. Ah well, that's no whining, that's just Aruba singing as she settles down for a nap Mrs!!!


The trainer seems really nice and Aruba is getting lots of cuddles (Not that I'm jealous or anything!) and she will go home with the trainer for sleepovers which I just know she will love. The trainer has two dogs of her own, so she will absolutely love that! Can't wait till September to see her though!


Fairbourne, thanks for the update. I think she's doing really well, don't you? The potty thing sounds like a simple fix and not going potty in her run,....she's such a smart girl, not wanting to make her home dirty!


Horton is the noisiest dog I've ever seen, like grunting when I ask him to get up and then he grunts when I ask him to lay down. I swear he's cussing at me! If the trainers at CCI didn't keep him back for this surely a little bit of whining on Aruba's part isn't going to keep her back.


And then he gives me a "dirty look" when I wake him up and ask him to come to me.......I swear, it's a "dirty, doggy look!" With those big, Black Lab eyes that look more like a hound dog's eyes and the cocking of his head, as if to say; "whaaaat, you calling me?"


Aw! Miss Aruba is settling in. Keep us in the loop!


And, Diana should be in Team Training this week and next. How exciting. Tomorrow she should be matched with her dog and then the real fun begins.

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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More like Miss Smarty Pants! ;):p:D.


Ha! I will take that name as a badge of honor!:D:D:)


Glad to hear the report on Aruba. She must be thinking sometimes, "Wot? Where's my Mum Fairbourne?"but our doggies are so good to readily adapt to all that comes their way. And I guess that's a trait of a good service dog.

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Horton is the noisiest dog I've ever seen, like grunting when I ask him to get up and then he grunts when I ask him to lay down. I swear he's cussing at me! If the trainers at CCI didn't keep him back for this surely a little bit of whining on Aruba's part isn't going to keep her back.



I loved this! One of the first things Raylene did when the Dogs for the Deaf trainer arrived at my house with her was to let out a LOUD groan. Even I could hear it!


Carrie explained, "she's a groaner," and it's really funny now sometimes if she's under the table and people don't know she's there. Maybe they think it's my commentary on the situation.

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I loved this! One of the first things Raylene did when the Dogs for the Deaf trainer arrived at my house with her was to let out a LOUD groan. Even I could hear it!


Carrie explained, "she's a groaner," and it's really funny now sometimes if she's under the table and people don't know she's there. Maybe they think it's my commentary on the situation.


Yep! I can hear him groan at every situation.......he hates to be woken up from a snoring sleep and when I do he'll groan at me.....Love it!!!!


After a long walk and before he lays down in his bed he'll let out a LOUD GROAN! If he were a man he'd be the guy sitting in his recliner, a beer can in one hand, his hands down his sweat pants, yelling at the TV, watching a football game!!!!! That's my Horton!!! :D

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Ha! I will take that name as a badge of honor!:D:D:)


Glad to hear the report on Aruba. She must be thinking sometimes, "Wot? Where's my Mum Fairbourne?"but our doggies are so good to readily adapt to all that comes their way. And I guess that's a trait of a good service dog.


Wear that badge with pride! :D:p


Yes Aruba is the "Queen of Wot"! I miss her but I'm excited for her too to be learning new things and I can't wait to see her working.

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Dayspring - really enjoying the photos of your Joy! You will have to give us a master class on how to display and post photos like you do. ,I've just about mastered one photo at a time thanks to DisneyKidsDad (DKD to his friends! ;)) and it's great to have someone else on this side of the big pond. :).


Actually speaking of DKD - DKD how was your week with Davis? How's Sutter doing?

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Yep! I can hear him groan at every situation.......he hates to be woken up from a snoring sleep and when I do he'll groan at me.....Love it!!!!


After a long walk and before he lays down in his bed he'll let out a LOUD GROAN! If he were a man he'd be the guy sitting in his recliner, a beer can in one hand, his hands down his sweat pants, yelling at the TV, watching a football game!!!!! That's my Horton!!! :D


Oh my goodness, I need to stop reading your posts while having my coffee!!

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As Horton would say........"GROAN, GROAN, GROAN!!!"


What was CCI thinking when they gave me this BIG BOY! I wouldn't say I was a "senior" even though my age is somewhat leaning in that direction and they match me with a dog with more personality than the entire cast on SNL.


He is so funny and such a character. He makes me laugh everyday. He will do the goofiest things then stand there and wait for me to comment. If I laugh he'll do more, if I ignore him he'll come over and push my arm or place his head on my lap encouraging me to say or do something. Who is this dog? And, what planet did he come from?


His latest thing is to stay in his bed in the living room when I go off to bed in the evening. He used to go with me now he'll wait until I've turned off the light, next to my bed and then he'll come onto his bed and go to sleep. I wish I could ask him why he's changed his behavior.......Dog behavior can be so complicated and yet so simple!


You know how people say that their dogs are their best friends. Horton and I are NEVER apart from one another, where I go he goes! EVERYWHERE! I'd say, without a doubt, Horton is my very best friend! ♥

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We are driving down to South Carolina tomorrow morning to visit friends that are splitting their time between there and NJ. Cindy knows who they are. They are puppy raisers too. We are driving back up on Sunday. Nothing like two 12+ hour drives in four days. :(

Oh! My! Safe travels!

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Great photos!


I have been putting the tinkle turf outside the patio door. So far our little dog is the only one using it. At least we could bring it on the patio when it rains as he's a picky dog who hates getting his little paws wet. Our patio is a large "birdcage" type area.


As for Jagger anytime he does his "thing" I have been really praising him. Sometimes I imagine he looks at me like I'm nuts when I do that - LOL.



That's clear, thanks! Yesterday, when I walked Joy, I gave her the command for pee and 'forced' her to do it on an imaginarily edged square metre in the grass next to the sidewalk. It took some time because in her opinion it wasn't the right spot :D but after a few minutes and lots of spinning and twirling she did it! I joyfully cheered and treated her with her favourite treat, while ignoring possible strangers' looks ;)

On the next walks, it took less and less time and this morning, she almost immediately squatted to pee on the spot that I had in mind when I asked her to. Good girl!!

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Dayspring & Joy, welcome, welcome, welcome to our world. Joy is absolutely beautiful, I love her face and those eyes.....Oh! My!


We don't see many Chocolates as Service Dogs only because there just aren't so many of them. It's truly wonderful to have one on this board.


And, you sure know how to display pictures well. I could learn a lot from you!


The Rotterdam is one of my most favorite cruises ships. She's stunningly beautiful. And, HAL knows how to treat Service Dogs with the respect that they so deserve. They use a little smaller box than I like and they like to use grass sod. They will place the box on a passenger deck that you can access easily. They will wash down the deck very early in the morning [something I wasn't crazy about because it made the deck slippery for me and made my dogs paws wet.] I requested that they wait until she had her morning potty break before they washed the deck and they were very nice to wait until after 8:30am.


The doors that you will access to take Joy potty are electric and can be maneuvered by a wheelchair.


You can start teaching Joy how to use a potty box by putting one together and placing on a deck or in the yard and while she's on leash taking her to the potty box, giving her the command and then rewarding her each time she uses it. My dogs only use a potty box, both at home and at work.


Does Joy have a microchip? You will want to make sure that she has one [you can get it from her Vet.] The Immigration officials will check for this when they look through your paperwork. Speak to your Vet about getting all of Joys paperwork done. Immunizations/microchip and anything else that your Vet recommends should be done in a timely fashion before you cruise.


Please consider taking Joy with you. She'll love it and the precedence that you'll be setting with her will be important to both of you; that being, wherever you go - She goes!!!!! I am NEVER separated from my dogs EVER! That's just me......if it's necessary that you go without her, YOU are the one who needs to make that decision. I would just love to see you try it once.


If there's ever a question about taking Joy off the ship into a specific port.....You can just stay onboard with her and enjoy each other's company while you have the ship all to yourselves.


I used to find an empty lounge, bring my dogs favorite toy or ball and let them just run their hearts out. Sometimes some of the crew will join me and take turns throwing the ball, they're missing their own pets left at home, or other passengers come in and play with us.


You will love cruising with Joy and she will love it too!


Thanks for your nice compliments on Joy :)


In the Netherlands, chocolate labs aren't that rare. Yet, there are not so many chocolates as service dogs; at least, I don't see them often. Maybe, that's because chocolates are said to be ADHD-like energetic. Joy is not that kind of labrador. She is sensible, smart and calm when at work. Not boorish at all!


I sailed twice on the Rotterdam before -without a service dog- and will be on her again in a bit more than two weeks (counting the days before I leave!). The upcoming cruise, Joy will stay with my parents. When I booked this cruise, it wasn't even sure if she was suited to be a service dog; she still needed to have the obligatory medical and behavioural tests. I don't like leaving Joy behind, but I know she will be taken good care of (my parents love her and she loves them back) and it is 'only' for a week. In May 2016, she will join us at our cruise!

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Dayspring - really enjoying the photos of your Joy! You will have to give us a master class on how to display and post photos like you do. ,I've just about mastered one photo at a time thanks to DisneyKidsDad (DKD to his friends! ;)) and it's great to have someone else on this side of the big pond. :).


Actually speaking of DKD - DKD how was your week with Davis? How's Sutter doing?


Okay, here's my masterclass ;):

1. Install the PhotoGrid app. This app enables you to make nice photo collages.

2. A collage is saved as a single photo. Upload this photo in Photobucket, change its size if necessary, save it, copy the IMG-link and paste it here.

3. Done!

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That's clear, thanks! Yesterday, when I walked Joy, I gave her the command for pee and 'forced' her to do it on an imaginarily edged square metre in the grass next to the sidewalk. It took some time because in her opinion it wasn't the right spot :D but after a few minutes and lots of spinning and twirling she did it! I joyfully cheered and treated her with her favourite treat, while ignoring possible strangers' looks ;)

On the next walks, it took less and less time and this morning, she almost immediately squatted to pee on the spot that I had in mind when I asked her to. Good girl!!

That's a great start. Remember, the potty box will be a step up situation and sometimes HAL makes them 4 x 5 which is a bit tight, but Joy will be on leash and you can just keep using her command and walking her over the box. She's smart, she'll get it!


Neither of my dogs have ever had an accident onboard a cruise........except for Brenda's very first cruise when the Diamond Princess didn't know where they put the box.......I walked her all over the ship and finally after an hour and a half and a crew member looking with me, I took her to deck 7, at the rear of the ship and told her to just go potty.......she did and a crew member came running with a bucket and a mop.


They were using a cardboard 5 x 5 box, not lined, with sand in it. Don't ask........It was on Deck 7, very aft, near the area where the crew took their breaks. They would throw trash, cigarette butts, cans and whatever else they had into the box. After a lengthy discussion with the Hotel Manager, they moved the box, lined it and filled it with the same stuff that they used for their live plants - It was a mulch of one kind or another. It was certainly better than the sand that had to be cleaned out of her webbed-toes and was being tracked all over the deck, when she was done.


Princess has come a long way since our first cruise.....and, I'm a lot smarter!

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Thanks for your nice compliments on Joy :)


In the Netherlands, chocolate labs aren't that rare. Yet, there are not so many chocolates as service dogs; at least, I don't see them often. Maybe, that's because chocolates are said to be ADHD-like energetic. Joy is not that kind of labrador. She is sensible, smart and calm when at work. Not boorish at all!


I sailed twice on the Rotterdam before -without a service dog- and will be on her again in a bit more than two weeks (counting the days before I leave!). The upcoming cruise, Joy will stay with my parents. When I booked this cruise, it wasn't even sure if she was suited to be a service dog; she still needed to have the obligatory medical and behavioural tests. I don't like leaving Joy behind, but I know she will be taken good care of (my parents love her and she loves them back) and it is 'only' for a week. In May 2016, she will join us at our cruise!


You're very lucky to have your parents to help you with Joy. Have a wonderful cruise!


You'll be able to test out yours and her skills on your next cruise.

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And we'll love to hear all about your experience on your cruise with (and without) Joy.


My biggest fear is that Jagger will not want to use the potty box. On a 14 day cruise he'd better! But to be proactive, I will practice with the tinkle turf and box.


Oh, and thanks for instructions on how to do those great photo collages!!!!



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