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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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I am really enjoying this thread and learning a lot about traveling with Service Dogs.


I have a small miniature poodle who I am training to be a service dog for me with help from some professional trainers who train therapy dogs. Unfortunately, there are no trainers for service dogs in our area, so I am doing a lot of research and getting her the best training I can so that we are a appropriate team.


I feel I have to explain a little more about her. I got her from a rescue at 1.5 years to just be my pet. She and God have had other ideas. I have a tremor disorder that I don't know when it will hit and it can affect my ability to walk and talk at times. As I said, she was not meant to be a service dog when I got her, in fact I never even had any thoughts as to that until I started noticing her acting strange each time I had a episode. She would whine and paw at me and not let me out of her sight when this would happen. She is also not a barking type dog. She would only bark when I fall down. When I mentioned this to our trainers and to my doctors, they both said to see if you can train her to be your service dog. Since then she has stepped up her training in various scenarios and is doing well.


I am going on a cruise in January, but Ellie will not be with me for she is just not ready for that kind of thing yet. I do not take her into things until she has passed certain milestones that are outlined in a training book about training service dogs written by a training organization.


I think it is great that you all travel with your dogs and I look forward to it when Ellie is ready. She just turned 3, but is doing great. She is a very good girl and is learning everything that she needs to fast! She will be graduating from her first round of testing soon. We can't wait!


p.s. With her being such a small dog (6lbs) and being a poodle we do get looks when we are out training that she can't be a service dog. I have even had people comment that she is not a true service dog. Service dogs are always big dogs like labs, and goldens. Just shows how much they know!

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Many of the alert dogs and hearing dogs are smaller breeds! :)


Welcome to the thread to both you and Ellie. Sounds like you are going through things the best way possible. Training, training, and more training! Poodles are known to be smart. (and they don't shed like the labs and goldens...) :rolleyes:

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Dianne, thanks for the update from CCI! Placement truly can be so overwhelming and exhausting. Taking that leash is like getting car keys when you are a teenager....so much power on the other end that you are afraid of screwing up. Scary and fun at the same time.


You have the right attitude (that a problem must be your error instead of finding fault with the dog), and that means you'll have a successful service dog partnership however it all works out.


Can't wait to learn more about your partner when it is finalized!

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You have the right attitude (that a problem must be your error instead of finding fault with the dog), and that means you'll have a successful service dog partnership however it all works out.


Can't wait to learn more about your partner when it is finalized!


It will be so exciting to hear all about it when she can post!



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Hi All from CCI team training.


I have been matched with a dog and have been working with her since Wednesday. I am not allowed to say anything else about her or post pictures until final placement. There is so much to learn. There are ups and downs and all the information can get a little overwhelming at times. The dog is a jewel, when there is a problem it is my error. I hope she sticks with me!


DKD - I said hi to Flora and she send her regards.




Thank you Dianne


She is a great trainer. And don't get flustered. You will be fine.

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I tearfully want to inform you all that my girl passed away today. :( Heartbreaking isn't even the word for it. A couple of you here, like Roz, understand, unfortunately. I wish dogs lived for as long as we do!!! :(


Oh! Quam, I'm so very, very sorry for the loss of your wonderful girl. I do know how much she meant to you and how she will forever be that tear that sheds at any given time that she crosses your mind. I still get weepy at the very thought of my beloved Brenda.


They both did so much for us and will NEVER be forgotten. Please know that my arms are around you as I try to comfort you in this overwhelming loss in your life. She did what she needed to do, she lived a wonderful life that you gave to her, in the many travels and experiences that she so enjoyed with you.


Their lives are far too short for the wonderful beings that they are. She will never be forgotten.

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Hi All from CCI team training.


I have been matched with a dog and have been working with her since Wednesday. I am not allowed to say anything else about her or post pictures until final placement. There is so much to learn. There are ups and downs and all the information can get a little overwhelming at times. The dog is a jewel, when there is a problem it is my error. I hope she sticks with me!


DKD - I said hi to Flora and she send her regards.




Dianne, it's so good to hear from you. Isn't it exhausting. There's so much to learn and to remember. I promise it will get easier and easier. Before you know it you'll be one!!!! It's an amazing marriage of a hero dog and a human. It will never cease to amaze me!


I'm thinking about you. Get lots of rest! Have fun!!!!

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I am really enjoying this thread and learning a lot about traveling with Service Dogs.


I have a small miniature poodle who I am training to be a service dog for me with help from some professional trainers who train therapy dogs. Unfortunately, there are no trainers for service dogs in our area, so I am doing a lot of research and getting her the best training I can so that we are a appropriate team.


I feel I have to explain a little more about her. I got her from a rescue at 1.5 years to just be my pet. She and God have had other ideas. I have a tremor disorder that I don't know when it will hit and it can affect my ability to walk and talk at times. As I said, she was not meant to be a service dog when I got her, in fact I never even had any thoughts as to that until I started noticing her acting strange each time I had a episode. She would whine and paw at me and not let me out of her sight when this would happen. She is also not a barking type dog. She would only bark when I fall down. When I mentioned this to our trainers and to my doctors, they both said to see if you can train her to be your service dog. Since then she has stepped up her training in various scenarios and is doing well.


I am going on a cruise in January, but Ellie will not be with me for she is just not ready for that kind of thing yet. I do not take her into things until she has passed certain milestones that are outlined in a training book about training service dogs written by a training organization.


I think it is great that you all travel with your dogs and I look forward to it when Ellie is ready. She just turned 3, but is doing great. She is a very good girl and is learning everything that she needs to fast! She will be graduating from her first round of testing soon. We can't wait!


p.s. With her being such a small dog (6lbs) and being a poodle we do get looks when we are out training that she can't be a service dog. I have even had people comment that she is not a true service dog. Service dogs are always big dogs like labs, and goldens. Just shows how much they know!


Welcome, first thing you learn when you walk or wheel with a Service Dog is to take all comments and stares with a "grain of salt!" If you think Junior High was tough on your psyche, it doesn't hold a candle to what you may have to go through when you're going through life with a SD.


Never mind what the "know-it-all's" have to say. You will soon learn, when Ellie is ready to face the world, that what goes on between you and her takes precedence over EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY else in your life!


I want to wish you the very best of luck in getting Ellie to becoming your Service Dog. Poodles are brilliant in learning new skills and she will soon prove to you that she's ready to face the world with you!

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Thank you all for your kind words and condolences! Sorry for not replying individually, but I do appreciate everyone's posts!


It has been tough for sure. The house is way too quiet without the noise her tags made when she shook (even though they had the rubber noise stoppers on them), the sound of her paws walking across the floor, the sound of her breathing, etc. I even miss the barking habit she started after retirement, like she was an old lady who must have her way (usually in regards to food)! I have caught myself several times about to call out her name, like when I came out of the half-bathroom and was just about to do my normal thing of calling her name and expecting to see her lying on the sofa and hear her wag her tail after I say her name. I miss seeing her dog bowls on the floor. I miss giving her rubbies and cuddles and telling her how I love her - and getting kisses in return. I miss singing to her, especially our song, "You Are My Sunshine", which I always followed with a short song I made up for her saying I love her. Alas, my sunshine has been taken away.


I do not regret a thing about her life, as she lived a full and wonderful life and did more than many humans don't get to do in their (longer) lifetimes. I cherish the memories I have of her and I will never forget her nor ever stop loving her. She is my heart dog and always will be. She cannot be replaced - each dog is their own - and I told her so.


I have had tons of kind words from family and friends, some who have also cried, yet you know none of them truly understand the magnitude of this grief because it isn't the same as losing a pet. Thankfully, there was only one person who said they understand, and they are not a friend but just someone on Instagram. I finally brought myself to read the article about losing your service dog that I bookmarked a long time ago - I never wanted to read it until I had to go through it. It was helpful and now I want to get the book it mentions ("Working Like Dogs") that has a section on losing your service dog. This is the article: http://www.newmobility.com/2014/11/grieving-service-dog/


I am glad that I got my next pup (who is still at the trainer's) while my late girl was still around (and working) because I could never think to do it anytime soon right now!! I am glad that bringing her home is still a month or two off, as I need this time to grieve.


I am certain that I have many more tears to shed, especially during the burial (not sure yet when that will be, but the cemetery is supposed to call tomorrow), but also in the weeks to come. I hate the tears, but I guess they show how much I loved my amazing girl - well, not really, or I would never stop crying until the end of time! But amazing she truly was. ❤️


I feel the same way as you......NO REGRETS. My Brenny lived a rich and full life.....I miss her EVERY DAY! That will NEVER go away. Quam, if it's not too late get a paw-print if you can. It's been very comforting to touch Brenny's paw-print that the Cemetary prepared for me. It's on a plaster cast and I touch it all the time.......it feels so good to know that she touched it!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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... if it's not too late get a paw-print if you can. It's been very comforting to touch Brenny's paw-print that the Cemetary prepared for me. It's on a plaster cast and I touch it all the time.......it feels so good to know that she touched it!


Roz, what a great idea. I wish we had done that with our pooch's predecessors but we definitely will do it now. What a powerful remembrance! Thanks.

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Roz, what a great idea. I wish we had done that with our pooch's predecessors but we definitely will do it now. What a powerful remembrance! Thanks.


It is powerful. I had not taken her to the groomers for a while and I always had them cut her nails. She just wasn't up to being fussed with and I never cut their nails for fear I'd make them bleed [the black dogs are so difficult to do.] So, when they were getting the paw print her nails were extra long and show very vividly on her casting......I love it. They put her name down the side of it and I keep it on top of her urn.


When I walk by it, in my bedroom, I put my hand on her paw and tell her how much I loved her......it's so comforting for me! There's a picture of her and the Rainbow Bride Poem in back.


She will ALWAYS be my little darling!

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You know in my missive [i'm tearing as I write this] about Brenda, I didn't mention Horton who came into my life 5 months before Morey passed and 15 months before Brenda passed. He had to witness a lot of changes but always staying true to being the "hero" that he would turn into. He had to witness mood swings and such deep sadness, all the while staying calm and sometimes trying to make me laugh by being the clown that he is.


He was very young [a little over 2 years old] and the losses that occurred right after his arrival were huge for me and certainly confusing to him. I NEVER made him leave my side. He and I would form a bond that truly NO ONE can come in between.


CCI has taught these amazing beings to get used to changes and boy, do they! From one household to another and from one person to another until they finally land and the dust settles. These dogs don't know if it's safe to fall in love and become comfortable. We sure want them to feel that way.


He's comfortable now, he's a great partner and a wonderful friend! Thank you, Horton Jeffrey! ♥

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In December Horton and I will be on a 14 day cruise. For those of you who have not done a longer cruise with your Service Dog......that's all it is.....a longer cruise. You'll have twice the fun, so don't hesitate to book a longer cruise for you and your fur-partner.


Reminder: You have to bring more food, supplies i.e. vitamins, chews, medicines and the all important grooming supplies. It's important that you remember that brushing is vital especially if you're visiting a lot of foreign ports. You want to make sure that you're checking him/her for strange critters that may try to stow away on your dogs fur. They won't live long with the anti flea/tick stuff that you use but still they may try to hitch a ride! Don't forget to check your dogs paw pads for any debris such as: Pebbles, sand, rocks, etc. And, please be aware of the hot concrete/asphalt and pool decks that your dog may be asked to walk on.


Because most of us use Labs or Goldens remember to check their ears too!


Have fun!!!!

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A good advice indeed, thanks!


What you write about the strong connection between service dog and handler is so true! At this very moment I'm experiencing it - again. I have been in bed for a day and a half now because of a severe migraine that caused me to be dehydrated. Joy prefers to be with me instead of with my parents (I'm staying in their home as long as I'm ill), although today I'm no fun at all to be with. She could be in the backyard and enjoy lying in the grass, play ball, be with more energetic people... But she prefers being with me. Incredible.


Dianne, good luck on your (possible?) new friend! I don't know how CCI works, but I wish you a lot of success and fun!

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A good advice indeed, thanks!


What you write about the strong connection between service dog and handler is so true! At this very moment I'm experiencing it - again. I have been in bed for a day and a half now because of a severe migraine that caused me to be dehydrated. Joy prefers to be with me instead of with my parents (I'm staying in their home as long as I'm ill), although today I'm no fun at all to be with. She could be in the backyard and enjoy lying in the grass, play ball, be with more energetic people... But she prefers being with me. Incredible.


Dianne, good luck on your (possible?) new friend! I don't know how CCI works, but I wish you a lot of success and fun!


I'm so sorry that you're not feeling well. I know how OUR brains think [got to take our dogs out, got to run, play, explore, etc. etc.] Our Service Dogs don't think like this. They go into places that most "pets" will NEVER see in their lifetime. Each dog is unique in their personalities and they just love being by your side......wherever that might be.


Brenda hated shiny floors in the market, mall and restaurants. She would walk extra slow and feared the occasional slip and slide. Horton doesn't walk on the floors, he prances. He's not a bit fearful of the slippery floors and it's so much easier to go shopping with him.


Our dogs have been raised to wait in a crate in between training duties so being out and about, whether at work with you, in an office or sitting in a classroom or at home watching TV with you.....they're pleased just to be with you.


Horton is not with other dogs very often. I try to make play dates for him so he can have the opportunity to "express himself" with other dogs but he always spends little time with them and then starts looking for me. He could care less about water or playing in it. He doesn't much care for getting wet....whereas Brenda loved to play in the pool and when we'd go to the beach she couldn't wait to get out of the car. She was PuppyRaised near the Sacramento River and would get the chance to play in it often before she went to formal training. Horton looks at the water and then leans into me, as if to say, "can we go now?"


CCI calls it "Team Training." You're asked to attend for 2 weeks. It used to be 3weeks but no one could be away from their families and jobs for such a long period. After the first 2-3 days they match you with a dog and then observe you working with the dog - Hoping that their instincts, interview and just getting to know you made them wise enough to match you with your forever partner.


Their training facilities are like one of the nicest college campuses filled with dorm rooms that you'll ever go to. The dorm rooms are really lovely, with laundry facilities/a common large kitchen with lots of cupboard space for your own personal items. There are usually 2-3 beds in every dorm room, in case you're bringing a facilitator with you. There's a TV, phone and linens. You'll have your own private bathroom and everything is handicap accessible. The only draw back is everything is on concrete and if it's cold, the floors feel like a slab of ice. When I was going for Team Training, for my Successor Dog, Horton, I remembered to bring my own throw rugs for my room. You can bring your own linens and towels if you prefer.


I love CCI and automatically have money withdrawn from my checking account every month for them. I'll forever be grateful to them!

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Hello everyone, been a very long time! Roz ! I miss you !!!!! I am so sorry to have read above about Brenda . Quam i'm so sorry to hear you lost your beloved friend as well. They never live long enough !


OK I'm seeking answers and I'm sure Roz can probbably tell me.

Sailing 14 nights on the Disney wonder May 1 through the 15th panama canal - Cozumel Cardagsna columbia cruising the panama canal (not stopping) Cabo puerto and last stop home -

Question is this ... Do I need a USDA endorsement on my health certificate?

I've written the embassies but I figured I'd get a quicker answer here since you've probably already done this cruise . Anything else I should know? No the regular stuff like vaccines and tape worm and flea treatment etc.


Roz let's connect !!!!! I moved and I'm no longer on the horse ranch . I'm close to an Amtrak and can take it up your way and be there in an hour and a half ! Let's have dinner or lunch and catch up :-) I will leave you with a picture of my current guide dog dodger - hopefully they attach

Hugs and tail waggs


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Hello everyone, been a very long time! Roz ! I miss you !!!!! I am so sorry to have read above about Brenda . Quam i'm so sorry to hear you lost your beloved friend as well. They never live long enough !


OK I'm seeking answers and I'm sure Roz can probbably tell me.

Sailing 14 nights on the Disney wonder May 1 through the 15th panama canal - Cozumel Cardagsna columbia cruising the panama canal (not stopping) Cabo puerto and last stop home -

Question is this ... Do I need a USDA endorsement on my health certificate?

I've written the embassies but I figured I'd get a quicker answer here since you've probably already done this cruise . Anything else I should know? No the regular stuff like vaccines and tape worm and flea treatment etc.


Roz let's connect !!!!! I moved and I'm no longer on the horse ranch . I'm close to an Amtrak and can take it up your way and be there in an hour and a half ! Let's have dinner or lunch and catch up :-) I will leave you with a picture of my current guide dog dodger - hopefully they attach

Hugs and tail waggs



Hi Cari, how's Denver? I think about you and him often. I know that you and Dodger must be an amazing team. How is Denver taking being left behind?


When Brenda, Morey and I took our Panama Canal cruise we left out of L.A. and returned to Ft. Lauderdale. I'll be doing it again in Nov., 2016 and the ship is leaving out of L.A. and returning to L.A. Morey would have loved this one. We hated the flight home, we were exhausted. Not anymore.....we come home to L.A. and I love that!


I did exactly the same thing that I ALWAYS do for my Mexico cruises for the Panama Canal. I had an exam with my Vet who is USDA approved. He filled out the APHIS Form 7001; along with a copy of my Vet visit with all that was done. The Vet Invoice has my dogs Vaccination Status. The Vet attaches an Animal Health Statement which has all Vaccinations on it and a paragraph that states: I hereby certify that I have examined the above described animal and find same to be clinically free of infectious, contagious or communicable disease. Last examination date: And, the Vets signature.


I also include the Rabies Vaccination Certificate with the Vets signature. The local city License, Avid Microchip Cert., copy of CCI Permit Card., copy of my Drivers License, Heartworm Antigen test results and Spay & Neuter Cert.


The paperwork is copied in triplicate so that I can hand out copies if they want it.


I think the overwhelming certification of health and up-to-date status of his immunizations along with accompanying paperwork satisfies any questions they may have about my dog. I have NEVER been rejected for my paperwork on my dogs.


I hope this helps. And, I'd love to see you and Dodger.

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Hi roz

So you did not have to go get it usda endorsed ? Just the health cert from the vet ? No usda stamp correct?

I will write more when I get time headed out the door in a rush love you much

Hope to see you within the next few months


HOLLY !!!!!!! Hi :-)


I don't know if it mattered but my Vet is USDA Approved/Accredited Vet and he signed everything.

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