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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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We are wonderful support for each other, and I do believe we've influenced a few to become more involved in the Service Dog world and that's a very good thing!!!! I treasure all of you!!!!

Hi everyone. My assignment as a Host, as most of you know, is to deal with a variety of issues from assisting newbies to dealing with CC guideline issues. However, although I'm not an owner of a service dog, my appreciation for everyone involved in the field has grown enormously as this thread has continued.


Sadly today, because of serious illness, this afternoon we will have to put down one of our two miniature schnauzers after the long and happy life she has made for us since we became her guardians. Her name is Pinot Noir based on her unusual black color and she's been one of the sweetest dogs we've ever owned.


Although it doesn't make things easier, over the years there have been superbly written remembrances by several of you who have had to endure the same emotional pain that we are going through right now. Those remembrances are providing us comfort today as we say our very difficult farewell.


My gratitude to you all just for being so caring of your service dogs and for being so open and positive about the bonds you have created with your canine-heroes and with all of us who have participated in this thread.


Thank you for giving me a place to release a little of my personal pain. And yes, real men do cry.

Edited by Host Walt
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Please don't change this tread from an information thread to an advocacy thread for or against emotional support dogs.


We are all about providing information here and welcome questions. Our ongoing topic is service dogs, not emotional support dogs, however you originally presented this question to this forum:

Just curious, will upscale cruise lines, e.g. Silversea allow a 14 lb. registered emotional support dog on board for a voyage that is totally within U.S. and Canada? Does the law require them to accept such licensed service dogs?


Since you defined emotional support dogs as "licensed service dogs" we answered your question that they are not the same thing, by law. No one here is concerned with 'legal showmanship,' but you did ask a question about laws and we answered.


The cruise lines that many of us have traveled on are clear that pets and emotional support animals are not allowed, but passengers with service dogs that meet ADA criteria are welcome. If someone who answers the phone at Oceania defines the two types of dogs as the same, we are trying to help you avoid future problems by recommending that you get it in writing.


...So each business decides their own policy. As customers, we ask the business owners whether we are welcome. Each business owner must have gone through many arguments and decided their policy over the years....


Indeed, you are right that businesses do decide their own policy about pets, emotional support dogs, therapy dogs, and other companion animals and of course you can ask them whether yours are welcome. However, they do not decide their own policies regarding service dogs - the United States Congress made that decision more than 25 years ago by creating the ADA which introduced laws now enforced by the U.S. Justice Department.

Edited by Caribbean Chris
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Scooter update time!


He did awesome at the hotel. I told him to lay on his rug and stay, and he did a good job of staying there for the night.


Until, that is, about 5 this morning. I woke to him on the bed, pushing me with his nose to wake me up. I woke up and he started pawing at my knee. Now, we've been teaching that when he senses me shifting he should paw my knee, so I took stock. Yep, things were about to go bad.


So, I took meds and he curled up next to me and we went back to sleep for a couple of hours.


I woke up again and realized that while I'm not perfect, it could be a lot worse, especially since I have to fly home late this afternoon.


This is why I am going through all of this work. Wow. Go Scooter!


I just finished a presentation at my conference. Can you imagine if I had just woken up a few hours later? I likely would not have made the presentation.


Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk


I can't imagine what may have happened had Scooter not been there. Very impressive!


I'm so proud of both of you. You worked so hard and it looks as if it's paying off for both of you!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Barb, it sounds like Scooter is really doing well! So glad he is already helping you by doing his job. I remember Raylene's trainer putting her (and me) through her paces for testing the ADI standards, and they are quite stringent, so congratulations are due for you both that Scooter has passed.

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Hi everyone. My assignment as a Host, as most of you know, is to deal with a variety of issues from assisting newbies to dealing with CC guideline issues. However, although I'm not an owner of a service dog, my appreciation for everyone involved in the field has grown enormously as this thread has continued.


Sadly today, because of serious illness, this afternoon we will have to put down one of our two miniature schnauzers after the long and happy life she has made for us since we became her guardians. Her name is Pinot Noir based on her unusual black color and she's been one of the sweetest dogs we've ever owned.


Although it doesn't make things easier, over the years there have been superbly written remembrances by several of you who have had to endure the same emotional pain that we are going through right now. Those remembrances are providing us comfort today as we say our very difficult farewell.


My gratitude to you all just for being so caring of your service dogs and for being so open and positive about the bonds you have created with your canine-heroes and with all of us who have participated in this thread.


Thank you for giving me a place to release a little of my personal pain. And yes, real men do cry.

Oh! Walt! I'm so sorry about the loss of your dear Pinot Noir. I totally understand and do sympathize with you and your wife in saying goodbye to your dear little girl. She was so lucky to have you in her life to show her such love and devotion and, in turn, how lucky you were to have her!


Nothing and no one can touch our souls [the true depths of them] like a dog! They ask only for our love and kindness and give us the same in return! How easy, pure and withstanding is this love.......without regard for who we are, what we do or what we look like.....they accept us!


Please accept this cyber hug from me and Horton and know that you have our love and friendship to help you through this difficult time.

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Dear Walt and family - sending you sincere condolences from our family over here in Scotland. We are united on this wonderful thread with our love of cruising but most of all with our love for all our dogs be they service, assistance, emotional assistance, in training pups or our dearest animal companions. So we truly do feel your pain with the decision you've had to make. It's heartbreaking. I know it won't be much comfort today but it sounds as though dear Pinot Noir had a truly wonderful happy life with you and your family. Cyber hugs winging their way to you.

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We are all about providing information here and welcome questions. Our ongoing topic is service dogs, not emotional support dogs, however you originally presented this question to this forum:



Since you defined emotional support dogs as "licensed service dogs" we answered your question that they are not the same thing, by law. No one here is concerned with 'legal showmanship,' but you did ask a question about laws and we answered.


The cruise lines that many of us have traveled on are clear that pets and emotional support animals are not allowed, but passengers with service dogs that meet ADA criteria are welcome. If someone who answers the phone at Oceania defines the two types of dogs as the same, we are trying to help you avoid future problems by recommending that you get it in writing.




Indeed, you are right that businesses do decide their own policy about pets, emotional support dogs, therapy dogs, and other companion animals and of course you can ask them whether yours are welcome. However, they do not decide their own policies regarding service dogs - the United States Congress made that decision more than 25 years ago by creating the ADA which introduced laws now enforced by the U.S. Justice Department.


Chris, thank you so much for your clarity. There's not much any of us can do when folks keep pushing the laws that are made to protect the Service Dog and it's handler. Except, when we are witness to a poorly behaving dog in the public venue.....it is our duty to CALL THEM OUT!!!!! I do and I will continue to do so if they're anywhere near me!!!!

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I came across this story yesterday on the BBC news online. I hope this link works and you can watch it. Made me spit feathers.




Fairbourne, thanks so much for sharing this news article with us. It brought tears to my eyes for many reasons. We who walk or wheel with a Service Dog know what it feels like to have our lives changed forever either by accident or sudden illness.


This brave young man is going to be okay.....I know, it just takes a fighting spirit, a trusted Service Dog and the will to make it all work for you.

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Scooter update time!


He turns 13 months next week, and meets the minimum recommended standards from ADI, so he goes everywhere with me now. He is doing so well!


Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk


Good job Scooter!



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Hi everyone. My assignment as a Host, as most of you know, is to deal with a variety of issues from assisting newbies to dealing with CC guideline issues. However, although I'm not an owner of a service dog, my appreciation for everyone involved in the field has grown enormously as this thread has continued.


Walt - I am so sorry, my heart goes out to you.



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I came across this story yesterday on the BBC news online. I hope this link works and you can watch it. Made me spit feathers.




This also brought tears to my eyes, it is so sad to see. When I see something like this, I have to remind myself that there are a lot of kind people in this world too.



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.... The cruise lines that many of us have traveled on are clear that pets and emotional support animals are not allowed, but passengers with service dogs that meet ADA criteria are welcome.... .


Can you specifically name which cruise lines, with proof?

And we are talking only about voyages with ports of call in the U.S.



Edited by meow!
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Can you specifically name which cruise lines, with proof?

And we are talking only about voyages with ports of call in the U.S.




We are always glad to share service dog travel information on this forum from our own experiences, and the search function is a great tool, too.


One recent example of a line I sailed on with my service dog to American and Canadian ports on an Alaska cruise was Holland America Line, part of the Carnival Corp group of lines.


Upon being notified that a dog will be accompanying a booked passenger, HAL's Access Department always emails a letter welcoming service animals. It includes a form spelling out its policies - to be filled out, signed, and returned - and the passenger must provide information such as the tasks the service dog performs for its handler (which is of course the definition of a service dog). Other documentation is also requested, which can be scanned and emailed, but originals need to be brought to the ship.


Written communication like HAL provides is important for both the line and passenger to avoid misunderstandings. No, I do not have samples of such forms from all the cruise lines that sail to U.S. Ports to give you, which is why I recommended you communicate in writing with your own line of interest.

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But I do not see that "emotional support dogs" have actually been declined. I want actual examples of "emotional support dogs" being declined. Most cruise lines practically consider "emotional support dogs" as "service dogs" as they provide a service. They use the terms loosely, not as you interpret.


Besides the incident in San Diego, I must tell you that while in the Port of Miami, on our way to Brazil for a 21 day cruise, a woman tried to board the Costa Magica with a Llaso Apso that wouldn't stop barking at my Service Dog. Finally, Immigration and the cruise line authorities approached the woman and asked her about her "barking dog" and the woman literally fell apart. She admitted that she can't go anywhere without her dog and that the dog has no formal training to do any specific task.......it was the saddest thing I've ever seen.


I approached the woman, without Brenda, because the sight of my Service Dog made her dog go ballistic, and I asked her how she got this far. She said, "she lied, with the help of a doctor friend!" All the while she couldn't stop crying!!!! She was eventually escorted to a private office and we NEVER saw her or her dog again.


Just imagine if everyone who had a "feel-good" dog did this.....It would be pure insanity!


Dogs that are NOT formally trained are capable of acting badly at any given moment and for any given reason.


And, MOST CRUISE LINES DO NOT CONSIDER "EMOTIONAL SUPPORT" DOGS SERVICE DOGS! And, the term "emotional support" is NOT used loosely, as you imply!

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Hi everyone. My assignment as a Host, as most of you know, is to deal with a variety of issues from assisting newbies to dealing with CC guideline issues. However, although I'm not an owner of a service dog, my appreciation for everyone involved in the field has grown enormously as this thread has continued.


Sadly today, because of serious illness, this afternoon we will have to put down one of our two miniature schnauzers after the long and happy life she has made for us since we became her guardians. Her name is Pinot Noir based on her unusual black color and she's been one of the sweetest dogs we've ever owned.


Although it doesn't make things easier, over the years there have been superbly written remembrances by several of you who have had to endure the same emotional pain that we are going through right now. Those remembrances are providing us comfort today as we say our very difficult farewell.


My gratitude to you all just for being so caring of your service dogs and for being so open and positive about the bonds you have created with your canine-heroes and with all of us who have participated in this thread.


Thank you for giving me a place to release a little of my personal pain. And yes, real men do cry.

Warm cyber hugs for you and your family Walt. These fur children are as special as the human ones.



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Scooter update time!


He turns 13 months next week, and meets the minimum recommended standards from ADI, so he goes everywhere with me now. He is doing so well!


We flew to see the in-laws over the holidays and he did well. We did learn he is not a fan of flying. He managed the 3.25 hour flight though. The rest of the visit was easy.


This week, I'm traveling with him alone for the first time. The flight was only about an hour, and he still hates the flight, but managed. His attitude when we boarded and was put into down was almost a "okay, I will, but don't like what is coming."


He did awesome at the hotel. I told him to lay on his rug and stay, and he did a good job of staying there for the night.


Until, that is, about 5 this morning. I woke to him on the bed, pushing me with his nose to wake me up. I woke up and he started pawing at my knee. Now, we've been teaching that when he senses me shifting he should paw my knee, so I took stock. Yep, things were about to go bad.


So, I took meds and he curled up next to me and we went back to sleep for a couple of hours.


I woke up again and realized that while I'm not perfect, it could be a lot worse, especially since I have to fly home late this afternoon.


This is why I am going through all of this work. Wow. Go Scooter!


I just finished a presentation at my conference. Can you imagine if I had just woken up a few hours later? I likely would not have made the presentation.


Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk

Way to go Scooter! You are destined for greatness!

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Have a good weekend everyone. Walt, I know that your heart is hurting and please know, you are not alone......we ALL stand beside you in that most horrible of places; the loss of one of our fur-babies. I send my love.

Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts and support. The finest thing you can do for me is to give your special "fur-baby (ies)" an extra hug and kiss and fully appreciate their unconditional love.

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Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts and support. The finest thing you can do for me is to give your special "fur-baby (ies)" an extra hug and kiss and fully appreciate their unconditional love.


Walt, I know that truly broken hearted feeling of that deep, deep loss and I will hug my Horton a little harder today and look into his soft brown eyes and tell him how much I love and appreciate him.


"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them and every new dog that comes into my life gifts me a piece of their heart. If I live long enough all of the components of my heart will be dog and I will become as generous and loving as they are.".....Anonymous.

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