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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Hi all! We are on the cruise and trying to have a good time. We requested sod in our potty box as its Wexlers favorite and requested it on our huge balcony. When we got on we asked about the box.


Ugh - so stressful! I really don't understand why this is so hard for the cruise lines. It is very simple to put a 4x4 or 5x5 box on a balcony and fill it with the material that best suits your dog. It is such a pain to have to fight with the cruise line each and every time. I have researched the heck out of this area of the law, and there is no specific law prohibiting placement of the box on your veranda.


I am glad to hear that you are having a good time even with having to deal with the box issues.



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Cindy, I hate this! It makes me so angry. A Tupperware plastic container? USDA law?? What law?? And to call you two liars is beyond the pale. What I hate most is that they created stress - so very needless! - for you both...when you really needed a good vacation and paid good money to be relaxing in the sunshine.


How hard can it be to bring on a little slab of sod from the state of Florida? My husband picks them up at Lowes all the time. Yet Celebrity also failed to produce a tiny square of sod I requested months in advance when they have entire top decks covered in the stuff!! (But heaven forbid your dog were to pee up there - strictly prohibited. I don't go near it.) Meanwhile their website continues to promise sod as an option.


Your experience certainly makes me want to avoid NCL. After our six cruises, the only ones that were fairly free of stress with the relief box situation were on Holland America.


It's hard enough to go through life with a disability. And dedicated people worked very hard to make the ADA into the law of the land. But getting a very simple "reasonable accommodation" in order for us to be assisted by our dogs is sometimes so hard. So unnecessary.


Ok, now that I've vented - I'm glad you are able to have fun and that the kids are enjoying it.

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Ugh - so stressful! I really don't understand why this is so hard for the cruise lines. It is very simple to put a 4x4 or 5x5 box on a balcony and fill it with the material that best suits your dog. It is such a pain to have to fight with the cruise line each and every time. I have researched the heck out of this area of the law, and there is no specific law prohibiting placement of the box on your veranda.


I am glad to hear that you are having a good time even with having to deal with the box issues.




Dianne, I asked a lawyer [he works with the Coast Guard and their legal issues], he said he's never heard of any law that stipulates that you can't have a "potty box" on your veranda for your dog. If it's an issue of "not enough space", for safety; they could always remove a deck chair or table to allow for the box.


The aforementioned has ALWAYS been my argument when I spend the extra money for a veranda and ask for the convenience of having the box on my veranda!!! I will NEVER settle for less and will argue with whomever comes at me, with; "we can't do it, or it's a legal issue, or a health issue!" I DON'T BACK DOWN!!! And, they have always come through......it may take some time to get the box on my patio but it does get there.


I make sure that Horton has relieved himself before we get onboard, just in case there's a delay in placing the box.

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This makes me so sad. :( They wasted far more time telling you how/why they couldn't do it than the amount of time it took to just get it put on the veranda. As for the filling, they all act like this is the "first" dawg that has been on board. What a shame. Then to call you guys a liar. I would have kept going up the chain until I hit the Captain if that is what it took. No excuse for her behavior. Maybe she should reconsider her career choice. Hope the rest of the crew is enjoyable.

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So it is with great sadness that I have to tell my Cruise Critic family that we had to say goodbye to my daughter's amazing service dog Orson III on Monday. The strange part was that it wasn't the cancer that ended his life. It was his heart. He collapsed early Monday morning and was out for a few minutes. he finally came to and seemed better. We rushed him to the vet and the vet said his heart didn't sound right. They were going to take x-rays but before that could happen, Orson had two seizures. The vet said he most likely had a tumor at the base of his heart and the sack around his heart was filling with blood. There was nothing they could do. So we all made the hardest decision but the kindest one. Orson drifted off to the Rainbow Bridge. It will take some time to get back to normal at my house. I still think I see him out of the corner of my eye and hear him.

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So it is with great sadness that I have to tell my Cruise Critic family that we had to say goodbye to my daughter's amazing service dog Orson III on Monday. The strange part was that it wasn't the cancer that ended his life. It was his heart. He collapsed early Monday morning and was out for a few minutes. he finally came to and seemed better. We rushed him to the vet and the vet said his heart didn't sound right. They were going to take x-rays but before that could happen, Orson had two seizures. The vet said he most likely had a tumor at the base of his heart and the sack around his heart was filling with blood. There was nothing they could do. So we all made the hardest decision but the kindest one. Orson drifted off to the Rainbow Bridge. It will take some time to get back to normal at my house. I still think I see him out of the corner of my eye and hear him.

OMG I am so sorry DKD - please accept condolences on behalf of myself and everyone here. Orson lived a life more fulfilling than that of most humans. I think all of us feel as though we knew him; I cannot imagine what you and your family are going through right now.

Roz and the others here who have been through this will hopefully have better words than I do.



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So it is with great sadness that I have to tell my Cruise Critic family that we had to say goodbye to my daughter's amazing service dog Orson III on Monday. The strange part was that it wasn't the cancer that ended his life. It was his heart. He collapsed early Monday morning and was out for a few minutes. he finally came to and seemed better. We rushed him to the vet and the vet said his heart didn't sound right. They were going to take x-rays but before that could happen, Orson had two seizures. The vet said he most likely had a tumor at the base of his heart and the sack around his heart was filling with blood. There was nothing they could do. So we all made the hardest decision but the kindest one. Orson drifted off to the Rainbow Bridge. It will take some time to get back to normal at my house. I still think I see him out of the corner of my eye and hear him.


Oh! No! I can hardly see the screen, I'm so deeply saddened for all of you. I'm so sorry that Orson's time with you and your family has ended.


You do see him around every corner, you do hear his nails clicking on the floor, you visualize him laying in his bed and turning his head to hear your voice and see your smile! You do, and you will forever have him near you.


I know your pain and feel your hurt and I send my love and warm hugs to all of you.


I don't think I cried or hurt so hard as I did the day I lost my Brenny. These Service Dogs are such kindred souls and so much a part of our every day lives. They eat, sleep, walk, work and travel right by our sides 24/7.....It feels like you actually lose one of your limbs when they pass!!!!


He had to go.........Please take care of yourselves and know that we all are thinking of you at this very sad time!

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DKD, I just had to add; We've never met but over these many years of writing on this thread I've gotten to know you and I, like so many others, have fallen in love with your stories and your amazing wit.


I've loved how you shared your travels and dilemma's with Orson and your Pups In Training. I've loved how you shared the bond between your daughter, you and Orson. He brought great joy to your life and you his. You showed him unconditional love and understanding, of which he returned 10 fold.


Orson did what he was meant and so well trained to do. He fulfilled and completed your daughters life, and while doing that, he enriched yours and your wife's.


You were lucky to have known him as he was to have known you.


Take care of yourself, this is a very fragile time for all of you.

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Oh DKD, I am so so very sad to read this news that your beautiful dear Orson III has gone ..... He's been such a big part of our lives here on CC and the stories you've shared with us have gone all around the world. I well remember my DH's colleague meeting you and your family and of course Orson, on an Alaskan cruise a few years ago - so he will be upset too to hear this news. His meeting you meant I had almost met you as well!


It was you and Orson who really put the first thoughts in my mind to go and find out about puppy walking - and your encouragement to this novice puppy walker was priceless. I'm sure Orson will also be remembered as a great mentor dog to all the young pups raised with your family.


We all wish we were there to give you our condolences in person but please accept our cyber hugs and our sincerest wishes to you and your family, and thanks for sharing Orson III with us over the years.


May he sleep in peace dear boy. I'm off now to light a candle for him.

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So it is with great sadness that I have to tell my Cruise Critic family that we had to say goodbye to my daughter's amazing service dog Orson III on Monday. The strange part was that it wasn't the cancer that ended his life. It was his heart. He collapsed early Monday morning and was out for a few minutes. he finally came to and seemed better. We rushed him to the vet and the vet said his heart didn't sound right. They were going to take x-rays but before that could happen, Orson had two seizures. The vet said he most likely had a tumor at the base of his heart and the sack around his heart was filling with blood. There was nothing they could do. So we all made the hardest decision but the kindest one. Orson drifted off to the Rainbow Bridge. It will take some time to get back to normal at my house. I still think I see him out of the corner of my eye and hear him.



Our thoughts and warm cyber hugs are headed your way from Kansas City. My keyboard here at work is filling up with tears that just won't stop. Please give our love to your whole family. You all had a wonderful life with Orson, and he will stay in your hearts forever.



Beckie, Gibson and Diana

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As a family that has just lost two of our closest and most loyal pooches who were family members (the first died on a Thursday and the second, Shadow, in her sleep on the following Monday. The vet and others are convinced that our dearest Shadow died of a broken heart after losing her best pal Pinot Noir.) let me add our sincerest condolences.


We're still in the grieving stages and still can't get over the loss of both of them so close together. Our veterinarian gave us this:


The Rainbow Bridge


Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies

that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.


There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.


There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm

and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.


The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.


They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers.


Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs

carrying him faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your

special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again.


The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.


Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together



Edited by Host Walt
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As a family that has just lost two of our closest and most loyal pooches who were family members (the first died on a Thursday and the second, Shadow, in her sleep on the following Monday. The vet and others are convinced that our dearest Shadow died of a broken heart after losing her best pal Pinot Noir.) let me add our sincerest condolences.


We're still in the grieving stages and still can't get over the loss of both of them so close together. Our veterinarian gave us this:


The Rainbow Bridge


Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies

that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.


There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.


There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm

and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.


The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.


They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers.


Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs

carrying him faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your

special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again.


The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.


Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together




Dear Walt, I'm so sorry that you lost Shadow, as well! Too much, dear heart, just way too much to bear!!!! Please know that we understand your pain and loss far more than our words can express! Shadow and Pinot Noir are together again.


Thank you for sharing those wonderful words by Dean Koontz. He's a very, very generous donor to CCI in Oceanside, CA. I will be forever grateful to people like him who make our Service Dogs available to us.


You take care of yourself and your family.

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Dianne, I asked a lawyer [he works with the Coast Guard and their legal issues], he said he's never heard of any law that stipulates that you can't have a "potty box" on your veranda for your dog. If it's an issue of "not enough space", for safety; they could always remove a deck chair or table to allow for the box.



That's what we all have to do - insist on reasonable accommodation for our dogs - someday they will get it right (I hope).



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So it is with great sadness that I have to tell my Cruise Critic family that we had to say goodbye to my daughter's amazing service dog Orson III on Monday. The strange part was that it wasn't the cancer that ended his life. It was his heart. He collapsed early Monday morning and was out for a few minutes. he finally came to and seemed better. We rushed him to the vet and the vet said his heart didn't sound right. They were going to take x-rays but before that could happen, Orson had two seizures. The vet said he most likely had a tumor at the base of his heart and the sack around his heart was filling with blood. There was nothing they could do. So we all made the hardest decision but the kindest one. Orson drifted off to the Rainbow Bridge. It will take some time to get back to normal at my house. I still think I see him out of the corner of my eye and hear him.


Sitting here literally with tears. Your daughter's heart must be broken (and all of your family). Godspeed Orson.



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As a family that has just lost two of our closest and most loyal pooches who were family members (the first died on a Thursday and the second, Shadow, in her sleep on the following Monday. The vet and others are convinced that our dearest Shadow died of a broken heart after losing her best pal Pinot Noir.) let me add our sincerest condolences.



More tears - so sorry to hear that you have also lost Shadow Walt.



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Oh, Walt, so hard to lose both of them. I'm sure it is true that Shadow had a broken heart. Thank you for sharing the Rainbow Bridge story. All our dogs have such an innocent sweetness and wholehearted love that we can't help but love them right back the same way, unconditionally...but that just makes it so hard to say goodbye. We lose them way too soon and we never do forget them.

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From all the lurkers here - I hope you all know how much we enjoy following along on your journeys. We are truly inspired by all of you and your wonderful Dogs - most of us have Dogs of our own and we can kind of envision them being Your Dogs - but of course they are not, and not remotely trained to be. They are just our friends, and in my case Lucy is the best and truest friend I have ever had.


Any way this is a really cool video from our friend Ricochet's Mom; and I hope it makes you feel as good as you can at this time...DKD please tell Kim we are all thinking of her:




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From all the lurkers here - I hope you all know how much we enjoy following along on your journeys. We are truly inspired by all of you and your wonderful Dogs - most of us have Dogs of our own and we can kind of envision them being Your Dogs - but of course they are not, and not remotely trained to be. They are just our friends, and in my case Lucy is the best and truest friend I have ever had.


Any way this is a really cool video from our friend Ricochet's Mom; and I hope it makes you feel as good as you can at this time...DKD please tell Kim we are all thinking of her:





Keith, the video certainly brought a smile to my face!!!


Brenda loved to pick things up for me and always smiled with her eyes [so proud] while she was doing it. Horton, on the other hand, loves shoes too and we actually have a "shoe jail" in our home so that if you remove yours and you don't put them in the jail then they belong to him. Horton doesn't have a proud smile, he has a "glint" in his eyes of "I picked it up for you, now where's my treat?" Or, "I got your shoe, how fast are you?"


To live my life without my dogs is to not truly live!!!!!


I know that DKD is going to get another Service Dog and he will love and adore that dog but the hole that Orson has left will take lots and lots of time to fill. As it will take time for Walt to mourn his loss.


If I didn't have Horton at the time of Brenny's death, I don't know what I would have done.....He brought her and the death of my beloved husband, Morey, even closer to me and certainly helped me sustain my sanity.

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Thank you all for your kind words. They really do mean alot. Each day is getting a little better. We did have one bright spot during this. Tuesday morning CCI called us and asked if we would be willing to "foster" a six month old puppy. His puppy raisers are having some medical issues and can't raise him for a while. He is a full black Lab.

We said YES!! We may be picking him up on Saturday or wait until February 10 when we drop off Sutter.

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Walt, I'm so sorry that your dear Shadow has gone over the rainbow bridge too to be with her beloved Pinot Noir. What a beautiful Rainbow Bridge story to share with us - not a dry eye in this house!


Keith - Thank you for sharing the video - more tears! I just loved the way those big burly UPS guys were so good with the pup and the elderly dog. What is it with dogs and shoes? Our Aruba loves her "trophies" - mostly shoes, but if I drop anything, pretty much guaranteed it will end up on Aruba's bed! She's so quiet about it - sneaky even! We have hard floors throughout our ground floor, so wear slippers and then take them off when we go upstairs but we have to hide them as they just would not be there when we come back down! Like Roz we have a shoe jail - but the little (actually not so little) tink sneaks in and helps herself! Usually her dad's walking boots but she does like my sandals too! She doesn't chew them, they're just a bit doggy soggy when you retrieve them!


I've just had an update on Bonnie - I keep in touch with Aruba's trainer and I just texted her this morning to ask her to look out for Bonnie and to please give her a big cuddle from me. So immediately she arrived at the training centre, she found her, cuddles were delivered and she sent me a lovely photo of Bonnie. She looked fine, a tad worried with wrinkled brows, but I think it was more of a "Who are you Mrs Trainer person, giving me cuddles and then taking my picture!" Haven't heard how's she's doing with her assessment yet. Now I'm not very techie minded but I'll try and work out how to save the photo and post it here. It might take a while! ;):)

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Thank you all for your kind words. They really do mean alot. Each day is getting a little better. We did have one bright spot during this. Tuesday morning CCI called us and asked if we would be willing to "foster" a six month old puppy. His puppy raisers are having some medical issues and can't raise him for a while. He is a full black Lab.

We said YES!! We may be picking him up on Saturday or wait until February 10 when we drop off Sutter.



Oh don't tell Aunty Roz, she'll be right there for puppy cuddles! Especially a full black lab!


A wee message from the chap you met on the ship - he sends his sincere condolences and was pleased to have met you all when he did.

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