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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Let her file a complaint. You have the ADA on your side. Maybe that is what it will take to get your employer to actually follow the law. What's next, no wheelchair accessible bathrooms?


Honestly! My employer would like it if I made it as easy as I could for them. Although I've ALWAYS been a team player and will get my hands dirty to get the job done......I feel I'm making too many concessions this time.

I can't tell you how many times I've had to walk out of the women's bathroom with Horton because the only stalls available were too small for Horton and I to go into because my colleagues love the spaciousness of the HC stall. I go back to my desk, leave Horton there, and then re-enter the bathroom. Once, a young woman was walking ahead of me into the HC stall, while there were two other stalls available and I asked her if she would mind using a regular stall so that Horton and I could use the HC one. She actually rolled her eyes at me and said disgustedly, "well, okay!" Very interesting world we're living in these days!

Although, I must say, there are many more thoughtful and caring people than there are selfish and non-caring ones! Thank goodness!

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I'm with you, Roz. The workplace needs to fully make the same reasonable accommodations per the ADA that they have made for you in the past. The other people can use other parts of the building if they are unable to cope with a dog. Do those complaining people assume they are within their rights to force their apartment buildings to refuse dogs? Tell airlines to remove service dogs on board any of their flights? Instruct restaurants they'll have to first remove any Guide Dogs so they can enter and eat? Of course not.

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UPDATE: Apparantly the Bahamian government has changed their address for the Import Certificate - but have NOT updated it on the website main page!!!


The new address is:


Director of Agriculture

Department of Agriculture

Darvilles Business Complex

Gladstone & Munnings Road

PO Box N 3028

Nassau, N.P., Bahamas

FAX # 242-325-3960


I sent for one in August to the old address but never received it. Tried again late September. Still no luck. So just sent an International Money Order for them to fax it to me (eFax). Also sent a fax to them for snail mail. Hopefully ONE of them will come by January....


Thanks, Holly. How were you able to unearth this, by calling them? I think this is different than on the APHIS website, which is also a different address than what I used a couple of years ago. Who can keep up???

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I'm with you, Roz. The workplace needs to fully make the same reasonable accommodations per the ADA that they have made for you in the past. The other people can use other parts of the building if they are unable to cope with a dog. Do those complaining people assume they are within their rights to force their apartment buildings to refuse dogs? Tell airlines to remove service dogs on board any of their flights? Instruct restaurants they'll have to first remove any Guide Dogs so they can enter and eat? Of course not.


Thanks Chris, excellent interjections!

I have to tell you, sometimes it just gets so tiresome to have to worry about my Service Dog, his health, his moods, his behavior, his work ethic, his Vet care, his grooming, his training and his bodily functions.....But, then I have to worry about the public and how they perceive all of the above!

Lord, give me the strength!

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Thanks, Holly. How were you able to unearth this, by calling them? I think this is different than on the APHIS website, which is also a different address than what I used a couple of years ago. Who can keep up???


Thanks Holly, after I'm back from Hawaii, I'm going to only travel on the "Mainland" until next year. I don't have any energy left for more......except for picking up a "Foo-Foo" drink, with an umbrella in it, while sitting on my veranda! ;p

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So Roz, old addy for this year's card?


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Yes, that would be good. I'll be coming back from the cruise on Sat., Dec. 17th and I'll return to my old office on Tues. December 19th to pack up the rest of my stuff and move to the new address on December 21st. I sent the new address to John's email address.

Cindy, I packed Horton's tux that you sent him when I first got him. It's still like brand new. He's so handsome in it.

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Roz - maybe some lawyer folks can jump in...but perhaps this is the person you should be talking to/:


The CEO has decided to close the smaller office and has asked me to come to work in the main office. I accepted and Horton and I are packing up 20 years worth of "Rozzie stuff!" and moving to the big city..

He/She has extended you an offer - HR has to make it work now...I wonder if the CEO even knows what is going on?


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I was reading through a thread on the Celebrity Board ranting about fake Service dogs and read the following quote:


"I have been on 2 Celebrity cruises where someone had a true service animal. They could be in close proximity and you wouldn’t even know they were there. Wonderful animals!"



We were on one of the sailings she is referring to and Henri was the only Service Dog on board - its nice to see someone post something complimentary about her!




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As most of you know, I work for a HUGE non-profit agency that has been around for over 100 years and has offices all around the world.


Our main office is located on Wilshire Blvd, in Los Angeles right on the border of Beverly Hills. A really lovely location. I've been working in one of our smaller offices, about 26 miles from there, because it's closer to where I live. The CEO has decided to close the smaller office and has asked me to come to work in the main office. I accepted and Horton and I are packing up 20 years worth of "Rozzie stuff!" and moving to the big city........Got to pay for traveling with the kids!


Well, two people in the main office went to HR because one states that she is deathly afraid and allergic to dogs and the other says she's just very allergic. The HR Rep. called me and asked if I could go to the ladies room, kitchen and employee lounge without Horton. So, without thinking I answered "yes!" Also, they are going to try and move these two people as far away from Horton as possible.


I brought this up in a CCI Forum and they said this is a classic case of discrimination [against me and Horton] and I should be the one complaining, after all, they can take a pill for their allergies, I can't for my disability. They also mentioned that if a poll was taken as to how many of the 650 people who work in the building, have pets at home it would probably be close to 90%. Those folks are bringing in more dander and pet hair on their clothes and in their hair than Horton could ever expose them to. And, unless everyone is bald and naked, they should re-think their complaints.


I don't like going where I'm NOT welcomed. Geezzz! The folks here are ALL madly in love with my boy.......I'm going to have to walk around, with armor on both of us. Doesn't feel good. And, unless they put a gate on our cubicle or put me behind closed doors Horton will come looking for me if I take too long in the bathroom, or in a meeting where the two "allergies" might be. And, what if I decide I might like to visit the staff lounge.......and, by mistake I take Horton with me? I should be able to take Horton wherever I go, that's why he's called a "Service Dog!" Otherwise, I might as well get a pet to keep under lock and key at my desk!!!!!

My having a Service Dog with me was cleared in 2000 with more paperwork from CCI, my doctors and me than the U.S. Government needs for me to join the Army or the CIA.


What's your thoughts?




I am shocked and appalled that any HR person would ask a disabled person to leave their durable medical equipment at their desk while using the restroom, public meeting rooms, and break rooms! Horton is durable medical equipment, and both of you are protected under the ADA guidelines. Was this approach by the HR person to you off the record? Seems to me that it needs to be put on the record. Totally unprofessional and unacceptable to bring this to you at all! They are more concerned about an EEOC complaint from someone who is afraid of or allergic to dogs? What about your option for an EEOC complaint? Would it be the same response if the complainers were afraid of power wheelchairs or scooters? Same issue.


What happens to you and to Horton if there is an earthquake, fire, or armed intruder event while he is at your desk, and you are in one of those "off-limits" places alone? And you cannot get back to him? He is your ears to the world! You are a team and should never be separated except under extreme circumstances!


Sorry for the rant, but this is not a precedent that should be allowed to go on without objection.


Thanks for listening! (Have a wonderful cruise to Hawaii!)


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Note to all planning to take their service dogs to the Bahamas: We called the Bahamas Dept of Agriculture people today, and they said the OLD address (Box N-3704) as it appears on the current import permit application is STILL valid. They added, however, that it now takes EIGHT WEEKS to process applications. No idea why.

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Yes, that would be good. I'll be coming back from the cruise on Sat., Dec. 17th and I'll return to my old office on Tues. December 19th to pack up the rest of my stuff and move to the new address on December 21st. I sent the new address to John's email address.

Cindy, I packed Horton's tux that you sent him when I first got him. It's still like brand new. He's so handsome in it.

Awesome Roz! Hope to see a pic with him wearing it.


Sent from my Pixel XL using Forums mobile app

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I am shocked and appalled that any HR person would ask a disabled person to leave their durable medical equipment at their desk while using the restroom, public meeting rooms, and break rooms! Horton is durable medical equipment, and both of you are protected under the ADA guidelines. Was this approach by the HR person to you off the record? Seems to me that it needs to be put on the record. Totally unprofessional and unacceptable to bring this to you at all! They are more concerned about an EEOC complaint from someone who is afraid of or allergic to dogs? What about your option for an EEOC complaint? Would it be the same response if the complainers were afraid of power wheelchairs or scooters? Same issue.


What happens to you and to Horton if there is an earthquake, fire, or armed intruder event while he is at your desk, and you are in one of those "off-limits" places alone? And you cannot get back to him? He is your ears to the world! You are a team and should never be separated except under extreme circumstances!


Sorry for the rant, but this is not a precedent that should be allowed to go on without objection.


Thanks for listening! (Have a wonderful cruise to Hawaii!)



Beckie, goosebumps galore for me. You said it all and so eloquently. Did everybody read Beckie's words? They're very, very important for ALL of us who have a Service Dog.

The person who asked if I could leave Horton behind in these various areas is actually an attorney and in charge of the HR Department. What she said was definitely in an "informal" setting and on the phone! I have nothing in writing as to her words to me but it's all very true. I did respond to our phone conversation with an email as to how upsetting her requests were to me.

I'm not a whiner or complainer but lines were definitely crossed. She did NOT respond to my email and, I've decided to include Horton in all that I do and where I go. If someone is unhappy about his presence that's their problem, not mine! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU!

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Note to all planning to take their service dogs to the Bahamas: We called the Bahamas Dept of Agriculture people today, and they said the OLD address (Box N-3704) as it appears on the current import permit application is STILL valid. They added, however, that it now takes EIGHT WEEKS to process applications. No idea why.


Henry, thank you for this information. It's very helpful.

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Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

I'm leaving tomorrow morning for 15 days on the ocean and in Hawaii with my Horton and my beautiful daughter Lisa. Honestly, I don't think I've ever needed a cruise more than this one.

I will be a mermaid on the sea and let the winds and waves and carefree days TAKE ME AWAY!!!!!

I love you all and will talk to you again on the 19th. Take care of each other please ♥ :*

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...I will be a mermaid on the sea and let the winds and waves and carefree days TAKE ME AWAY!!!!!


I love you all and will talk to you again on the 19th. Take care of each other please ♥ :*

Roz, you and Horton will have a wonderful sailing and will enjoy Hawaii.
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Roz, have a great cruise.


I have been reading the comments about your work. Everyone is making wonderful comments. I have limited WIFI and haven't been able to comment. Becki said things wonderfully. Just know I am supporting you also.


We took Halo to the beach, for the first time. It was a no pets beach, so we kept him on a leash and in his vest. As walking past another "service" dog, the comment was made, "oh look another that has learned to put a vest on and get their dog in places". This from the family with the dog that lunged and barked at Halo and wouldn't listen to the handler. As Halo glanced at the dog and kept walking with us, no sound, no pulling, etc. Good thing I didn't hear the comment, might have gotten an earful. I don't think it was a real service dog, but I don't know and it is not my place to say so.


We have been traveling for 3 weeks now. I have seen several service dogs, only 1 has not lunged and barked at Halo. Wow, I would be so embarrassed if my service dog behave like those.


Linda and Halo

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Roz, have a great cruise.


I have been reading the comments about your work. Everyone is making wonderful comments. I have limited WIFI and haven't been able to comment. Becki said things wonderfully. Just know I am supporting you also.


We took Halo to the beach, for the first time. It was a no pets beach, so we kept him on a leash and in his vest. As walking past another "service" dog, the comment was made, "oh look another that has learned to put a vest on and get their dog in places". This from the family with the dog that lunged and barked at Halo and wouldn't listen to the handler. As Halo glanced at the dog and kept walking with us, no sound, no pulling, etc. Good thing I didn't hear the comment, might have gotten an earful. I don't think it was a real service dog, but I don't know and it is not my place to say so.


We have been traveling for 3 weeks now. I have seen several service dogs, only 1 has not lunged and barked at Halo. Wow, I would be so embarrassed if my service dog behave like those.


Linda and Halo


Thanks Linda, my first SD, Brenda, had a horrible habit of lunging at other dogs.......I had a difficult time with her doing this and would shy away from places that I knew would have other dogs in it.

The trainers at CCI tried to give me all kinds of suggestions to help her stop but it didn't always work. As she got older she stopped, thank goodness. Horton NEVER lunges, he's so huge he'd pull me off my feet if had that bad habit!

Every dog has their bad habits. It's our job to continuously work with our dogs to keep them from making those bad habits too much to bear!

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Thanks Linda, my first SD, Brenda, had a horrible habit of lunging at other dogs.......I had a difficult time with her doing this and would shy away from places that I knew would have other dogs in it.


The trainers at CCI tried to give me all kinds of suggestions to help her stop but it didn't always work. As she got older she stopped, thank goodness. Horton NEVER lunges, he's so huge he'd pull me off my feet if had that bad habit!

Every dog has their bad habits. It's our job to continuously work with our dogs to keep them from making those bad habits too much to bear!


Even if I may question, in my head, I never say it outloud, if the lunging, barking dogs are truly trained service dogs, I don't know a person's disability and just keep walking.


Halo's bad habit is groaning when he is tired of working or not happy with a situation. Pretty distracting when in a quiet meeting.


Linda and Halo

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