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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Giney and Chewy get along well, but Chewy is jealous. Ian is in love with Giney. Its weird how he treats her different. Chewy was his "brother" but Giney is a "princess" Seeing my son choose pink is so funny


Awwwww! How cute is that! :p


One of my biggest; I guess you could call it a "fear", is retiring Brenda. I know the day will come and I pray that it's a few years away! She's now almost 10. She's not nearly ready, yet! Thank goodness!!!

I do want her to retire being well and enjoying her time with PaPa but, I'm not nearly ready for her NOT to be by my side......Not yet!

Boy, will I need you guys when that day comes!!!!! :(

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I hope training camp is going well. Today is day 2 and i believe matching began. I have some favorites at camp this year and am psyched to see how it all works out. Off to take our foster pups out tomorow. They had a great time last week. My regular trainer is leaving me some things to do while she is at camp. I'll keep y'all posted and someday I'll post some pictures. In the mean time. If you go to www.milkbone.com you can see the journey of Noble, one of the youngest pups on the property. He has a sister named "Bea" and brothers named Dalton and Barnes. Being a book lover, I love this theme.

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I hope training camp is going well. Today is day 2 and i believe matching began. I have some favorites at camp this year and am psyched to see how it all works out. Off to take our foster pups out tomorow. They had a great time last week. My regular trainer is leaving me some things to do while she is at camp. I'll keep y'all posted and someday I'll post some pictures. In the mean time. If you go to www.milkbone.com you can see the journey of Noble, one of the youngest pups on the property. He has a sister named "Bea" and brothers named Dalton and Barnes. Being a book lover, I love this theme.


Me too!

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I called my area USDA office yesterday and they told me I cannot set up an app't for health certificate endorsement until two weeks before the date I want because they don't know the vets' schedules until then. That's crazy! My vet knows my vets' schedules for at least up until my cruise, as I was able to make my date for getting the health certificate. And what happens if they don't have a schedule that fits the day and time that I need?! I might call a little more than two weeks beforehand just to make sure they put somebody on at the day and time I need in order to get the import permit for Grand Turk.


On another note, I trimmed down the K9Grass to make the width fit the 3.5' cruise balcony width (I had to trim it 1.5' 'cause that's how much I was sent). I rolled both pieces up (it is in two pieces) and made sure they fit in my carry-on rolling suitcase. I also made sure the potty pads would fit under it. Now to make sure she knows to use it.... :)

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Mornin' all:

Giney and Chewy get along well, but Chewy is jealous. Ian is in love with Giney. Its weird how he treats her different. Chewy was his "brother" but Giney is a "princess" Seeing my son choose pink is so funny

It has to be a guy thing! Hubby treated Reno the same way, big, tough boy, must behave. Now little "Princess" Jezzy Lou is up on the table on the patio:eek:, in papa's lap, on top of the couches and all is so cute! I'm loving her too, so I guess our thinking is different as we get older and also that she is a small dog, not my big ole lug boy at 110 lbs!

Jezzy Lou was standing on the end of the recliner, as I sat in it. I was calling her telling her I wanted hugs and cuddles. She stood their wagging her tail and then "leaped" on my chest. I didn't 20 lbs could feel like a million! I was laughing though. She is so cute.

Everyone have a great day. I am remembering all our military personnel that do such a good job of keeping us safe. I got an incredible email of a song that was never released because they thought it was too political. It talks about God and being in our every day lives. The Pledge, on our money, etc. If anyone would like to hear it, it has a beautiful video with it, let me know, I will forward it to you.


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Hi All, Looks like I'm not the only one who couldn't get in here. It's been a few days since I've been able to get on here. We finally recieved our permit to enter the Bahamas. Woooooohoooooooooo We finally heard back from the Turk vet. Now all we have to do is figure out what to do about getting the health cert and sending it before we go. Wexler has had all the shots the Bahamas requires except the coronavirus. I called our vet and they don't even have the shot. They told me it is nonexistant in our area. And they don't give that shot. I guess we will just hope no one notices. Neither form says anything about having the USDA stamp. I don't know what we will do about that. Both dogs were finally having normal stools until yesterday. Wex had another diarrhea. But today he went fine :confused: We don't know whats going on. Our puppy raiser said she has heard that dog food can go bad sitting on the shelf so now we are wondering if that could be it. Anyone else ever heard of this? They were fine on the rice and chicken and a day or two after putting him back on the food, he went again. She seems to be ok so far. It is a pretty new bag of food they are eating. Now this morning he went fine. They are not going extra, just when they do go sometimes its runny. They are both eating and acting fine. If he goes again we are going to bring samples to the vet for testing. Sorry if I am grossing anyone out.



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It sounds like you're pretty well set as far as traveling....make sure to make at least two copies of everything. One to keep on you; one to give to the Purser's desk [they will give it to immigration] and one to give to registration, when you board [sometimes just getting on the ship can take forever, as they go off to make copies of all your paperwork, just tell them they can keep it, it makes the process go 1-2-3]. ;)

At CCI ,in Oceanside, we were not allowed to go on their grass, one year, because a certain type of flea or larvae, living in the grass, was causing a lot of the dogs to get sick. Same scenerio that you're experiencing with your dogs. They called in an exterminator who treated the grass and after one week, all was well again and, the dogs went out, on the grass and no more sickness.

If that's no help......I would get rid of all the dog food and start fresh. I know this can be costly but it sure beats the potential Vet bills.

Good luck and I hope that they both are feeling strong and well.

You're almost on the ship.....tell everyone to be healthy and stop stressing you!

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Hi All, Looks like I'm not the only one who couldn't get in here. It's been a few days since I've been able to get on here. We finally recieved our permit to enter the Bahamas. Woooooohoooooooooo


So glad you got it! :D I bet it makes the trip seem all that much closer, too!


We finally heard back from the Turk vet. Now all we have to do is figure out what to do about getting the health cert and sending it before we go. Wexler has had all the shots the Bahamas requires except the coronavirus. I called our vet and they don't even have the shot. They told me it is nonexistant in our area. And they don't give that shot. I guess we will just hope no one notices.


Call around to other area vets. It is not a core vaccine, nor does AAHA recommend it, but if he's never had it, you might not get into the Bahamas and Grand Turk (moreso Grand Turk since there will be knowledgeable ppl looking over the stuff you send in before they will issue an import permit, whereas on the Bahamas private island there might not be somebody who knows everything to look for). If he has had it in previous years, do a titer (blood test) for it, if you can, or else just try to see if they'll accept that older date written on the health certificate - ask the Grand Turk guy if that would be acceptable.


Neither form says anything about having the USDA stamp. I don't know what we will do about that.


The USDA stamp is for Grand Turk, not for the Bahamas. You need to look up the info. for your local USDA office and see how you send in the paperwork to get the health certificate endorsed.


Both dogs were finally having normal stools until yesterday. Wex had another diarrhea. But today he went fine :confused: We don't know whats going on. Our puppy raiser said she has heard that dog food can go bad sitting on the shelf so now we are wondering if that could be it. Anyone else ever heard of this? They were fine on the rice and chicken and a day or two after putting him back on the food, he went again. She seems to be ok so far. It is a pretty new bag of food they are eating. Now this morning he went fine. They are not going extra, just when they do go sometimes its runny. They are both eating and acting fine. If he goes again we are going to bring samples to the vet for testing. Sorry if I am grossing anyone out.




Have you called your vet? They might have a virus. Like you said, it also could be the food. You best spend the money taking them to the vet now than not being able to go on your cruise later due to an ill dog!

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Mornin' all:

Hubby said he read/heard or whatever that a "doctor" said white rice to a dog is like sugar to kids. It hypes them up. He wants me to take Jezzy off the rice. I say, "No" because every time I do, she starts getting real soft stools. I am down to feeding her only 1/4 c. mixed in with dry and wet food, twice a day. I think the mix is working perfect, so am not going to fix it. Her hyperness is from her Terrier heritage! not rice.

By the way, Denver has some great photos on facebook of his Disney cruise with mom (CarI) Hope she doesn't mind I told ya'll! He is on his down time in the middle of a bunch of people, on his back getting belly rubs galore. I wanted to reached out and hug a bug him! She had some issues while at Disney World that they told them Denver could not be in the building. Well our little Miss shy Cari, took care of that! I think I heard her from Florida. People can be so ignorant, (Not Cari), the idiot that told them to take Denver out. Could he not see how handsome our boy is? That should have been the deciding factor! All kidding aside, it is just one more thing you guys have to deal with. Wouldn't it be nice to just go somewhere, once, and not have any issues with the furbabies?

Roz: I have been thinking about the incident at the store where the guy kept whistling at Brenny. We had that happen in an RV park with Reno. It was upsetting because he would get pretty hyper around people anyways. I would try and keep him under control but it was difficult, he wanted to go meet those people so bad. The guy would whistle and call Reno by name. He had heard me call Reno, that was how he knew his name. It was all inocent on his part, but stressful for me.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.


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Nancy, how long has your pooch been having the poopy issues? If it has been more than a few days, take him to the vet to get checked out.


I have never heard that rice is like sugar to kids; my favorite vet recommends rice (with plain boiled chicken) for dogs when they are sick. That vet is very good and wouldn't recommend something that isn't good for dogs (that clinic titers instead of vaccinates yearly as a matter of practice; most vets vaccinate yearly unless you say otherwise for your particular dog. They also are a 24/7 emergency center).


BTW, canned pumpkin (NOT pumpkin pie filling) is another thing that firms up dog stools.

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Quam: Jezzy is now regular and her stool is firm, not hard. She does not struggle to go potty, so I am just going to leave well enough alone. Her doctor also gave us the recipe, typed up and everything for the rice. At that time she was throwing up everything. I think that is because she is a vacuum cleaner outside and puts everything in her mouth. That was awhile ago and she has been fine since then. I keep a close eye on her and whether or not she is eating properly. I did not know pumpkin did basically the same thing.

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You might want to think about putting a muzzle on her when she goes outside - the type that she can't eat things through, but that won't affect her breathing or keep her from opening her mouth and all. I know some folks this has worked for.


Glad she is doing better! :)


Also, a bee pollen supplement is good for such issues, plus it does lots of other healthy things (it is the most powerful super food for both humans and doggies). I feed an organic bee pollen granules supplement from The Wholistic Pet (http://www.thewholisticpet.com).

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Hi All, Friday we took a stool sample to the vet. Bailee went again so we figured we would have it checked just to make sure they didn't have parasites. When i give Bails the rice and chicken it really works. She finally went this morning and it was fine. So both are doing ok and we will hear back from the vet today. We think they just had alittle bug. Hopefully! I will be going home to CT, for a few days. I'll let you know what happens when I get back.



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I hope Cari posts about her trip, with us......Denver is truly a handsome Lab.....he's got the most beautiful Lab face and a great disposition [very much like Cari, herself!]

Cari is the person you really want along with you, if you're having any access issues. Disney is the one place you would NEVER expect to have problems with admitting your Service Dog! I'm sure Cari took care of it.....but, it still can take the wind out of your sails when you're on vacation and you get stopped and questioned!!!!!!!!

I called my Vet about the "rice thing", he said there is no such thing as equating rice with any type of sugar issues. Unfortunately, Brenda can't handle any "meat" products, in the whole form! We can mix the broth from the chicken but not the meat......it makes her sick! Strange!

Cari: Please share your Disney cruise and land experiences with us all! We've been thinking of a Disney cruise in our future!

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I'm looking forward to hearing from Cari as well. Plus, I always like seeing pictures of handsome Denver.


I hope all my four footed friends tummies are better soon.


I had a 1 year golden out with me yesterday, while I have been enjoying lot's of puppy time lately, it was nice to have an older dog out. Visited the Children's Hospital and made some kids and parents very happy. The hospital we visit(and where I work) has recently obtained a facility dog from CA. Casper is so handsome and really is making some difference in some of the patients. Also the staff love him and I say making the people who take care of your kids less stressed and happy is great too.


I walked next to a young girl re-learning how to walk. She was using a walker and I had my dog walk next to her. My dog seemed a bit anxious with this(think it was the squeaky wheel, plus I was asking her to walk on my right side which she is not used to) but she powered thru it and I was very proud of her.


I'm off to do a lunch outing with my foster pup today, since he has some issues in the stores I am going to an outdoor mall and practice going in and out of lot's of stores, but for quick trips. I really don't think he is fearful, think it is more of a power struggle. He sure is smart and is going to be a great service dog when he grows up.


Graduation tomorow. So excited that my "flat-coat" retriever has been matched up and is graduating!!

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I'm looking forward to hearing from Cari as well. Plus, I always like seeing pictures of handsome Denver.


I hope all my four footed friends tummies are better soon.


I had a 1 year golden out with me yesterday, while I have been enjoying lot's of puppy time lately, it was nice to have an older dog out. Visited the Children's Hospital and made some kids and parents very happy. The hospital we visit(and where I work) has recently obtained a facility dog from CA. Casper is so handsome and really is making some difference in some of the patients. Also the staff love him and I say making the people who take care of your kids less stressed and happy is great too.


I walked next to a young girl re-learning how to walk. She was using a walker and I had my dog walk next to her. My dog seemed a bit anxious with this(think it was the squeaky wheel, plus I was asking her to walk on my right side which she is not used to) but she powered thru it and I was very proud of her.


I'm off to do a lunch outing with my foster pup today, since he has some issues in the stores I am going to an outdoor mall and practice going in and out of lot's of stores, but for quick trips. I really don't think he is fearful, think it is more of a power struggle. He sure is smart and is going to be a great service dog when he grows up.


Graduation tomorow. So excited that my "flat-coat" retriever has been matched up and is graduating!!


I love these success stories, thank for sharing them.

A Brenda tail: We had a "black-out" in our building, on Monday, [we live in a condo, on the top floor], of course it had to happen right before I was getting ready for work. [Getting dressed; doing my hair and putting makeup on, in the dark, can be a very interesting experience!] :D

The elevator was out and that meant going down the stairs. Brenda hates stairs.....I don't know what ever happened in her past to create such a fear, but bring her to the top of a stairwell and she thinks she has to "bolt" down them!!!!!!! Needless to say, I'm no where near capable of running down stairs with this 70lb Lab in tow. No matter how many directives I give her, she wants to "race" down them and get to "flat" land immediately!

This time, I just dropped her leash and let her go [we're totally enclosed, no danger for her]......otherwise it was going to be me on top of her, at the landing [not a pretty picture!] :rolleyes:

Once, onboard the Golden Princess, we were headed down to the dining room and, well, don't ask!!!!!!!:eek: I didn't want to let go of her leash because there were lots of people at the bottom of the stairs, waiting to get into the dining room, I held her leash; stopped at every third step; asked her to sit; and then attempted 3 more steps........it was so frustrating...and, then there were the people who also had to hold onto the handrail, behind me! Not to mention, the glass of wine I was carrying that ended up somewhere down at the bottom......so embarrassing!!!!:o

We NEVER attempted the stairs again, on that voyage or any others since......it's elevators at all times!

Sometimes, I wonder how Brenda ever graduated with all her phobias......Until I watch her working; being so diligent about doing each task and completing them. Listening, when I give her commands; looking at me and wanting to do the right thing! Her work ethic is what got her through training, I'm sure! And, her ability to gather-up all the other dogs and make them behave is uncanny!


Her refusals to "walk" down stairs and to not get "hyper" when she see's other people or other dogs are her "issues" exclusively, she came to me with them.....I have fallen madly in love with this "goofy", "quirky" Service Dog, with her amazing personality and gorgeous, big, brown eyes!!!!!!!!

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Thanks for sharing Brenda's own issues. Gives me encourgement with my little guy. It was rainy today(so much for the sunny forecast), but I put on my raincoat and we perservered. He was doing well outside, then I put on his service pack and he started this nonsense of just sitting and looking at me...This time I was able to get him up and moving, now having some forging issues, but that is better than balking. Needless to say with all the wet I chose not to go into any stores, maybe tomorow. We left the outing on a positive note.

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Thanks for sharing Brenda's own issues. Gives me encourgement with my little guy. It was rainy today(so much for the sunny forecast), but I put on my raincoat and we perservered. He was doing well outside, then I put on his service pack and he started this nonsense of just sitting and looking at me...This time I was able to get him up and moving, now having some forging issues, but that is better than balking. Needless to say with all the wet I chose not to go into any stores, maybe tomorow. We left the outing on a positive note.


I have to remember those words......LEAVE ON A POSITIVE NOTE! :)

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A Brenda tail: We had a "black-out" in our building, on Monday, [we live in a condo, on the top floor], of course it had to happen right before I was getting ready for work. [Getting dressed; doing my hair and putting makeup on, in the dark, can be a very interesting experience!] :D

Oh my! I hope you came out looking okay!!! ;)


The elevator was out and that meant going down the stairs. Brenda hates stairs.....I don't know what ever happened in her past to create such a fear, but bring her to the top of a stairwell and she thinks she has to "bolt" down them!!!!!!!

Unless she is trembling in fear or something, I doubt she has a fear of stairs. Dogs just naturally bound up and down stairs at high speeds. Maybe it is easier for them or something, I don't know the reason, but that's just what they do.

Sounds like your pup never was trained to do stairs properly or she has forgotten the training. I don't know if your program sends out trainers to help or not (I know some guide schools do), but if they don't, you can prob'ly get a local trainer to help you out if you can't do it on your own (either training-wise or safety-wise).

If your dog is for mobility, she should be taking each step one at a time and bracing to help you down the stairs (depending on what level of help you need, that may mean she stops after each step or she just goes at your pace). If she doesn't help you balance/walk, she should be taking the stairs at the same pace you are, heeling at your side just like she does at all other times.

It isn't that hard to train.

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Oh my! I hope you came out looking okay!!! ;)






Unless she is trembling in fear or something, I doubt she has a fear of stairs. Dogs just naturally bound up and down stairs at high speeds. Maybe it is easier for them or something, I don't know the reason, but that's just what they do.


Sounds like your pup never was trained to do stairs properly or she has forgotten the training. I don't know if your program sends out trainers to help or not (I know some guide schools do), but if they don't, you can prob'ly get a local trainer to help you out if you can't do it on your own (either training-wise or safety-wise).


If your dog is for mobility, she should be taking each step one at a time and bracing to help you down the stairs (depending on what level of help you need, that may mean she stops after each step or she just goes at your pace). If she doesn't help you balance/walk, she should be taking the stairs at the same pace you are, heeling at your side just like she does at all other times.


It isn't that hard to train.


First; some of you have met me.....I wear my hair...1950's style...and blonde.....If we're in a crowd you won't lose me! We all of have a signature, our own personal style, mine is my hair!:p Coming into work, on Monday morning, I got different opinions on the new "do!" When you wear this hairdo, you MUST have a sense of humor.


Quam: I'm telling you, Brenda has had every formal training class including private classes......[she was kept at CCI for an extra 6 month's before she was matched with me], she's such an "Alpha" dog and very, very stubborn, with the weirdest sensitivities. When she's assisting me, she's ON the mark! When we come to stairs and when she first sees another dog or people, she loses "it!" She "shakes." She must be given "commands" to "stop", "sit" or "down", and, this is just to stop her from going forward and "greeting" everyone.....other dogs aren't just greeted, she likes to put them in a submissive state first.

Before she was placed into Team Training and matched, I think CCI was seriously thinking of taking her out of the program. But, she's so smart and loves to work and one of the trainers "Jo", in Santa Rosa, recognized how amazing she was when she was working with her. They used her to train the other classes and to teach the "newby's!"

CCI knew that if she were kept in the kennels that she eventually would become depressed and that she needed to be placed in a very exculsive home...one without other pets; one without many distractions and one that would recognize her "special" work mode and ethics!

"Hello Roz"; along came an Alpha woman [me] with just a PaPa at home.....Brenda would get all the positive attention, work and love that she needed to become a successful Service Dog!

I know her foibles and her weakness's.....she's perfect when she's supposed to be.....she passes's the necessary testing to allow her in the public venue, with a lot of correction's from me. She's almost 10; she was just re-tested and got a "3 year certification!"

Does she "drain" me? Sometimes! I sometimes feel that I'm her "Service Person!"

I know that one day she won't be here and I'll go back to CCI for a successor dog......that dog will probably do everything "perfectly" without the "specialness" that Brenda brings.......There will NEVER be another Brenny!!!!! :p

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Dogs are funny. Even with excellent training and follow up some just have their quirks. I'm glad that CCI stuck with Brenda and didn't just release her as a pet(although that is not such a bad life). It sounds like she is the perfect match for you.


Sometimes the really bold dogs can be challenging, as can the timid dogs, and yet both can power thru and make good service dogs. It is all about the match between recepeint and dog.

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Dogs are funny. Even with excellent training and follow up some just have their quirks. I'm glad that CCI stuck with Brenda and didn't just release her as a pet(although that is not such a bad life). It sounds like she is the perfect match for you.


Sometimes the really bold dogs can be challenging, as can the timid dogs, and yet both can power thru and make good service dogs. It is all about the match between recepeint and dog.


Well said! "Beautifully, bold, Brenda!"

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I think service dogs have more quirks than regular dogs. Take Rangeley for instance. We used to call him "Mr. Country Clubber". That dog actually had the attitude that he was better than other dogs. He knew he was special and let everyone know he was. And he thought wherever we went that everyone was there for him. If he was in the mood he would say hi to people. Sometimes he would just walk by them. If he saw you pet another dog in the building, he would ignore you for a week or two. He was to the point of being snotty! John and I would just laugh. As they get older you will also have to be more patient. Sometimes John would ask him to do something and he wouldn't even pick up his head to look at him. They get very stubborn. And it's not that they don't understand or hear you, they just don't want to do it. He still behaved in public, most of the attitude was at home.



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I think service dogs have more quirks than regular dogs. Take Rangeley for instance. We used to call him "Mr. Country Clubber". That dog actually had the attitude that he was better than other dogs. He knew he was special and let everyone know he was. And he thought wherever we went that everyone was there for him. If he was in the mood he would say hi to people. Sometimes he would just walk by them. If he saw you pet another dog in the building, he would ignore you for a week or two. He was to the point of being snotty! John and I would just laugh. As they get older you will also have to be more patient. Sometimes John would ask him to do something and he wouldn't even pick up his head to look at him. They get very stubborn. And it's not that they don't understand or hear you, they just don't want to do it. He still behaved in public, most of the attitude was at home.




So funny and annoying, all at the same time! I love when they're strong and sure of themselves.....what I don't like is when that stubborn thing appears.....She'll just look at me like I'm crazy and what was I thinking in the first place, to ask such a thing!!!!!

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