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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Then next month we are taking Orson back to Disney World for a week.

All the cast members love to see him. They are used to seeing CCI dogs

because of the Orlando campus.


We just found out that our CCI puppy raiser friends are coming to Disney World with us next month. They will have their now ten month old CCI puppy with them. These are the people we do all the CCI fundraising with. In fact, the day after we get back we have a fundraiser at our local

AAA baseball team's game (Lakewood Blueclaws). Then in Sept. we have

another street fair. Then on Saturdays betwen Thanksgiving and Christmas, we do "free" gift wrapping at a Borders Books for donatations.

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Our daughter has a service dog, Whitney, from Canine Assistants and we are going to take her on a cruise to Alaska on the Holland America Rotterdam on July 23rd. All the ports are in Alaska except for a stop in Victoria B.C.


Whitney is up to date on all her vaccinations, but I have no idea what I need to do next....


Do I ask her veterinarian for a "health certificate" and a copy of her rabies vaccination? Do I need to get any type of certificate from the USDA?


I am worried that I do not know exactly what I need and will have some type of problem with the ship, but I really do not trust advice from the ship...


Would someone who has taken an Alaska cruise before with a service dog on Holland America please tell me what I need to do?



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Mornin' all:

Good news about Tiger. I went to pay the fee and his adoption fee. She was glad he is neutered and said she had a guy in just the other day. She was going to look up his info and call him. She said if not, she would still have him a good home within a week. Don't know if she was just telling me that, but really don't care, it is what I needed to hear. She says he has settled down and is just meowing, not yawling. So, my big guy with the beautiful yellow eyes will be taken care of. The end.


Hope everyone has a nice Friday. Glad this week is over.


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Nancy, I'm so glad things are working out for the kitty. It seems he is going to have a home pretty quick. I hope it works out.


DKD, You are a very busy family. Any money for CCI is awsome!!! Have a great trip to Disney.


Austin Family, Welcome!! As you will soon find out, we have a terrific volunteer for Canine Assistants on this board. We have taken our service dog on Holland America, but not to Alaska. They were great. I think all you need is the international health certificate. We have not been to Canada, but I'm sure someone here has been. I think the health certificate will be fine for there, but someone else will comment on that for you. Have a great trip!



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Cindy: What a great picture of Bailee! What a sweet neighbor you have. Wexy will be the hit of the show! Big handsome boy that he is.


I just had to make the tough decision and take mom's cat to the shelter. He has been holed up in her trailer since she went to the nursing home. It is getting way too hot in the trailer. It took me days to catch him. He was way smarter than the trap. He would stretch his neck out, drink the water and eat the food without stepping on the plate that makes the door shut. I finally had to put gloves on, a denim jacket and take a towel and pull out of the cubby he was hiding in. I would have tried to let him live with us, but I haven't even seen him in the year and a half that mom lived there. Jezzy and Travis would terrorise (sp) him. I have been crying all morning and feel like throwing up. I feel so guilty.




Nancy: You are such a loving and caring person to all. I'm sure any decision you made was for the very best. You would NEVER harm or do anything that wasn't in the best interest of this cat.

Stop beating yourself up for doing what had to be done. Had you called animal control I promise you they wouldn't have been so gentle.

I'm sorry you're feeling so distraught about it. It's so difficult to make these decision on the behalf of others but something had to be done. It would have been much worse for this cat had she been left to just die.

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We set sail from Brooklyn, New York on the Caribbean Princess. When I last called to ask about the bathroom location, they said there was one on every deck. Our room is near the back of the boat so I hope the bathroom is on that end - yikes if it is not. :rolleyes:


I promise you there NOT a potty box on every deck for your dog. When you board check with the information desk [Purser's Desk] and ask where they placed the box.

If you are close to a stairwell [at the end of a hall], they can place the box there. It's so convenient [out of the weather and away from other guests], the worst part of this type of location is the heavy door that must be maneuvered by you in order to get to the box. But, you can go in your pj's. It's my favorite location.

Brenda will be on her 14 cruise soon and the majority have been with Princess and this is where they place the box for us. Tell them this......maybe it will help.

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We have been looking at this cruise for awhile. It looks like a great itenerary. Hope you all have a great time. I am partial to Princess myself.

Be sure to come back and let us know how the trip went. Even though I am around service dogs all the time, people still don't realize they can go on a cruise with their dog. (service dog that is). So I usally share some of what I learn from all of you who do cruise with your four footed furry friends and companions.


Thank you for telling others about cruising with their Service Dogs. It's such a wonderful and easy way to vacation.

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Hi All, Again I want to thank everyone for their kind words. You don't know how much it means to me. I am still trying to get through this, and I know I will be just fine. We live in an apartment building and it is handicapped/elderly. They all love the dogs and we always had to stop so they could all say hi. Today I saw one of the ladies who had taken care of Bailee and Rangeley a few times when we had an emergency. She is the sweetest woman in the world! She is from Germany and told us stories how her and her family had to escape from there when the war was going on. She happened to be one of Bailee's favorite women. And when I saw her she hugged me and cried, and of course made me cry. She called Bailee one of her best friends. It was so sad. Its amazing the affect these animals have on so many people besides ourselves. Anyway....... We have that museum thing this weekend, so that will keep us busy. Wex will stay with me on Friday so he can have a bath. Like I said we will be manning a table and hopefully we might get a few donations. Once they see Wex in action, they will be falling over eachother to give us money! ;)




Also I changed my avatar to honor my Baby!:)


I love that picture of our Bailee, she was your baby.......I love that tongue! She had such a personality. I never touched her and I loved her through you. I'll miss her too! Thanks for sharing her and Rangeley with us.

The story of your neighbor is so sweet. Brenda has so many friends in the building where I work, who come up to her to hold her head and pat her tummy and don't even know my name and sometimes even call me "Brenda", I don't mind, it makes me so happy when people love on her! When I go to the restroom [i don't take her with me, I hate the bathroom floors], and, inevitably, someone will ask me, "where's your dog?" I have no identity without her! That's okay.....I feel as if my life truly came alive the day she came into it! It sounds so weird to say that....afterall, I do have a husband, kids and grandkids....but, Brenda has asked for NOTHING in return other than my love and respect [how simple is that!]

Raise lots of money for CCI, afterall, they brought Brenda and Wexy into our lives. I'll be grateful to them for the rest of my life!

Take care, lots of love and licks,

Roz & Brenny

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We just found out that our CCI puppy raiser friends are coming to Disney World with us next month. They will have their now ten month old CCI puppy with them. These are the people we do all the CCI fundraising with. In fact, the day after we get back we have a fundraiser at our local

AAA baseball team's game (Lakewood Blueclaws). Then in Sept. we have

another street fair. Then on Saturdays betwen Thanksgiving and Christmas, we do "free" gift wrapping at a Borders Books for donatations.


Wow! You and "Orson" are becoming the face of CCI, in your neighborhood.

Good luck with all your adventures, let us know how it goes.

Unfortunately, we live in L.A. County [Northridge], there is no CCI presence near us. The closest is Oceanside [which is far], not as far as Santa Rosa but those are the only two here in California. They are trying a pilot project for two years in L.A. to open an office in Westwood, [very close to us, only a half hour drive away.] Hopefully, they'll have some events or other stuff for us to do there! I think they're only going to use this office for interviews and such.

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Mornin' all:

Good news about Tiger. I went to pay the fee and his adoption fee. She was glad he is neutered and said she had a guy in just the other day. She was going to look up his info and call him. She said if not, she would still have him a good home within a week. Don't know if she was just telling me that, but really don't care, it is what I needed to hear. She says he has settled down and is just meowing, not yawling. So, my big guy with the beautiful yellow eyes will be taken care of. The end.


Hope everyone has a nice Friday. Glad this week is over.




Yeh! Sounds great!

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Our daughter has a service dog, Whitney, from Canine Assistants and we are going to take her on a cruise to Alaska on the Holland America Rotterdam on July 23rd. All the ports are in Alaska except for a stop in Victoria B.C.


Whitney is up to date on all her vaccinations, but I have no idea what I need to do next....


Do I ask her veterinarian for a "health certificate" and a copy of her rabies vaccination? Do I need to get any type of certificate from the USDA?


I am worried that I do not know exactly what I need and will have some type of problem with the ship, but I really do not trust advice from the ship...


Would someone who has taken an Alaska cruise before with a service dog on Holland America please tell me what I need to do?




You will love Alaska. And, as long as you have your Certificate for Interstate or International Movement of Small Animals, signed by a Vet. This certificate has all the information about your SD that Immigration will need. You will be all set to travel to Alaska and Canada. I recommend that you attach your dogs city dog license certificate, your Rabies Vaccination Certificate [signed by your vet], a copy of your last Vet visit invoice, My Vet also gives me a Animal Health Statement, identifies Brenda, mentions me as the owner, states her vaccinations & testing procedures and then has a statement, at the bottom which reads: "I hearby certify that I have examined the above described animal and find same to be clinically free of infectious, contagious or communicable disease." He signs it and then writes the date of her last physical examination.


I believe if every Vet would provide this for our SD's, access to foreign countries would be much less difficult and complicated. Talk to your Vet about giving you such a Health Statement.


***Remember, if you are getting off the ship in Canada [their access laws for Service Dogs to enter restaurants/shops, etc., are different than the U.S.] They do not have to allow you into some of their public places. Just be ready to show your paperwork and hopefully, you won't run into problems.


We brought Brenda into the Gardens, in Victoria and dined in a lovely Hotel. Everyone was very kind but a bit hesitant, at first, until I showed all her paperwork!

Have a wonderful cruise and please come back and tell us all about it!

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Our daughter has a service dog, Whitney, from Canine Assistants and we are going to take her on a cruise to Alaska on the Holland America Rotterdam on July 23rd. All the ports are in Alaska except for a stop in Victoria B.C.


Whitney is up to date on all her vaccinations, but I have no idea what I need to do next....


Do I ask her veterinarian for a "health certificate" and a copy of her rabies vaccination? Do I need to get any type of certificate from the USDA?


I am worried that I do not know exactly what I need and will have some type of problem with the ship, but I really do not trust advice from the ship...


Would someone who has taken an Alaska cruise before with a service dog on Holland America please tell me what I need to do?




How exciting! A Canine Assistant dog has finally made it to cruise critic. I don't know Whitney, how long have you had her. I've only been volunteering at CA for about 3 and a half years, so there are a lot of dogs out there I haven't met. Some of my fellow volunteers have been around longer and will be excited to hear that Whitney is going on a cruise!!! Some of the posters here (Roz, Quam,... ) are real experts in the world of cruising with a service dog, so pay attention to their advise. Good Luck and post some pictures if you can!!

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Our daughter has a service dog, Whitney, from Canine Assistants and we are going to take her on a cruise to Alaska on the Holland America Rotterdam on July 23rd. All the ports are in Alaska except for a stop in Victoria B.C.


Whitney is up to date on all her vaccinations, but I have no idea what I need to do next....


Do I ask her veterinarian for a "health certificate" and a copy of her rabies vaccination? Do I need to get any type of certificate from the USDA?


I am worried that I do not know exactly what I need and will have some type of problem with the ship, but I really do not trust advice from the ship...


Would someone who has taken an Alaska cruise before with a service dog on Holland America please tell me what I need to do?






All you need for Canada is the int'l health certificate and rabies certificate. The health certificate doesn't need to be USDA-endorsed (stamped and signed), but does need to be from a USDA-certified vet (chances are, at least one vet at the vet hospital you go to is USDA-certified to do health certificates). I recently posted a link to the Canadian regulations in this thread for another poster, so here's the post that was in: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?p=24474246&highlight=canada#post24474246


You should already have a copy of the rabies certificate, but in case you don't, you'll definitely want a copy of it for your own records (as well as for future int'l trips).


You're right that the cruiselines don't really know the requirements for all the different countries and it is up to you to do the legwork on that.


Do you know what kind of potty materials your cruiseline is putting out for the dog?

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Hi All, We went to the Eric Carle museum of picture book art on Saturday. We had a table set up with all CCI information and video. There were 3 dogs there, Wex and 2 puppy raisers with their dogs. John did 2 demonstrations with Wex and he was the hit of the place! I heard from someone that works there that people were calling up just to see when CCI would be doing their demos. They put a reading rug on the floor and all the kids sat there. John had them mesmerized, they loved it! Him and Wex were so awesome. After they were done, he let the kids ask questions and all their little hands went up. Alot asked if Wex would bite. We were mobbed by people all day. Wex would just lay on the rug and kids were patting him all day. Of course the parents were facinated too. We were a big hit and will be asked back next time they do the dogs in picture books. There was also about 7 or 8 authors of the childrens books there, signing a book if you bought one. John being a teacher and he was one of the people who actually help set up the library, he knew alot of the books. Beautiful place and the staff was great. It was alot of fun. Last week of school for John, and he can't wait til it's over. He will be doing photos for the field day on Tuesday and he needs to have someone take Wex so he will be coming home to CT with me for a few days. My son needs a dog fix, and I am thrilled to have Wex for a day or two. I'll be back on Wednesday so I'll talk to you then.



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Mornin' all:

Cindy: That is awesome about Wexy and John. Like we wouldn't know any better. I can just visualize all the kids sitting around, not a peep, big eyes and all on John and Wexy! I am glad you will get some alone time with Wexy and will again have a traveling companion. Be safe and we will hear from you later in the week.

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Hi All, We went to the Eric Carle museum of picture book art on Saturday. We had a table set up with all CCI information and video. There were 3 dogs there, Wex and 2 puppy raisers with their dogs. John did 2 demonstrations with Wex and he was the hit of the place! I heard from someone that works there that people were calling up just to see when CCI would be doing their demos. They put a reading rug on the floor and all the kids sat there. John had them mesmerized, they loved it! Him and Wex were so awesome. After they were done, he let the kids ask questions and all their little hands went up. Alot asked if Wex would bite. We were mobbed by people all day. Wex would just lay on the rug and kids were patting him all day. Of course the parents were facinated too. We were a big hit and will be asked back next time they do the dogs in picture books. There was also about 7 or 8 authors of the childrens books there, signing a book if you bought one. John being a teacher and he was one of the people who actually help set up the library, he knew alot of the books. Beautiful place and the staff was great. It was alot of fun. Last week of school for John, and he can't wait til it's over. He will be doing photos for the field day on Tuesday and he needs to have someone take Wex so he will be coming home to CT with me for a few days. My son needs a dog fix, and I am thrilled to have Wex for a day or two. I'll be back on Wednesday so I'll talk to you then.




Sounds wonderful. I know when Brenda and I do a demonstration the kids first question is, "will she bite?" It's wonderful for them to get to see what amazing work these dogs do.

I bet it was great to have Wexy all to yourself. He needs that "down" and "alone" time too!

Stay well.


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A very close friend and coworker has been diagnosed with ALS. It is progressing very rapidly and she is now in hospice care. It is so heartbreaking and yet inspiring watching her grace and courage as she faces her life and death these past few weeks. I have been visiting her often with and without dogs. With dogs I get a bright smile and a glimpse of her old spark. Without dogs, she struggles, but always manages to ask me how "crackers" is doing. She has heard his ups and downs over the past year and has grown to love him as I do. It took him to visit, and asked her if she really wanted him on her bed. She indicated yes and next thing you know she had a "crackers" blanket on the bed with her. He just knows how to snuggle quietly next to a person, and to avoid all the tubes and machines that make noise. Her hand just stroked him and all the nurses had to come in to see such a big dog lie so quietly and gently on the bed. The power of canine love. The hospice has a pet friendly policy, so many that visit bring their pets as well. She just loves it. But so far the favorite has been the big golden retriever. Most can't believe he is only one year old.


The other thing to share: the hospital I work with has had CA dogs visit for animal therapy for several years. Recently they also have an assigned facility dog provided by CA. While this wonderful dog just wasn't quite making it thru the service dog program, he glows at the hospital. Going to work every day, visiting children, staff.... So, last week the staff on the unit I was working on were really struggling. Our friend had a very rough night, and we all struggle along with her. A call to volunteer services brought up not only Casper, but two other AAT dogs that were in the building at the time. Watching our nurses just hug and snuggle the dogs was so special. It made me so proud to be a part of the service dog movement.


Thought you guys might like to hear the story.

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A very close friend and coworker has been diagnosed with ALS. It is progressing very rapidly and she is now in hospice care. It is so heartbreaking and yet inspiring watching her grace and courage as she faces her life and death these past few weeks. I have been visiting her often with and without dogs. With dogs I get a bright smile and a glimpse of her old spark. Without dogs, she struggles, but always manages to ask me how "crackers" is doing. She has heard his ups and downs over the past year and has grown to love him as I do. It took him to visit, and asked her if she really wanted him on her bed. She indicated yes and next thing you know she had a "crackers" blanket on the bed with her. He just knows how to snuggle quietly next to a person, and to avoid all the tubes and machines that make noise. Her hand just stroked him and all the nurses had to come in to see such a big dog lie so quietly and gently on the bed. The power of canine love. The hospice has a pet friendly policy, so many that visit bring their pets as well. She just loves it. But so far the favorite has been the big golden retriever. Most can't believe he is only one year old.


The other thing to share: the hospital I work with has had CA dogs visit for animal therapy for several years. Recently they also have an assigned facility dog provided by CA. While this wonderful dog just wasn't quite making it thru the service dog program, he glows at the hospital. Going to work every day, visiting children, staff.... So, last week the staff on the unit I was working on were really struggling. Our friend had a very rough night, and we all struggle along with her. A call to volunteer services brought up not only Casper, but two other AAT dogs that were in the building at the time. Watching our nurses just hug and snuggle the dogs was so special. It made me so proud to be a part of the service dog movement.


Thought you guys might like to hear the story.



Made my day......Thank you so much for sharing this!

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Afternoon all:

Sunshine: I truly believe in the power of the pup. What a great couple of stories.

I asked Shogun to put up some updated photos of his pup. Its in "Floataway Lounge" "Any body else an animal lover". What a cute pup he has. His/her face is radiant.

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I remember when Shogun passed away [very suddenly] and then, it was so freaky his sister got ill and died! Overwhelmingly sad!


The new puppy is certainly beautiful and hopefully will fill everyone's aching hearts with joy!

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Thank you so much for posting this news and the links to the photos.


My heart broke for Shogun when his two precious dogs died so suddenly and so close together. I am so glad that he has another furbaby to love!



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Mornin' all:

Shogun also updated that they did leave the pups name as Shogun. He is 7 months old now.

I am dreading having to leave my babies for 3 weeks. I don't know how my little Jezzy Lou will react when we come home. I am literally upset about it, but this trip is a must do. Travis will get to see his brother and sister and hubby will get to see his brother. Leann Emily will be fine, but my little growler monkey will miss her mom and dad.

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Mornin' all:


Shogun also updated that they did leave the pups name as Shogun. He is 7 months old now.


I am dreading having to leave my babies for 3 weeks. I don't know how my little Jezzy Lou will react when we come home. I am literally upset about it, but this trip is a must do. Travis will get to see his brother and sister and hubby will get to see his brother. Leann Emily will be fine, but my little growler monkey will miss her mom and dad.


Nancy, have a safe trip. It's so different for us who have our SD's, who NEVER leave our side and go EVERYWHERE with us.

Who will she be with?

I hope everything works out for Jezzy and she relax's enough to enjoy her time away from "Mommy!"

I know you'll be stressing about her the whole time [nothing I'll say will take that away]. Try to turn some of the time into a "mini-vacation!"

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Roz: She will be staying with an Auntie. But she hasn't met this Auntie. Reno always stayed with her. But Jezzy Lou is different. She sleeps with us and doesn't leave our side. Papa was always home with her, where as Auntie works, but only until noon. I know she will be fine, it is mommy that won't........

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