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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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You would never even know he had anything done. He never missed a beat with food or playing. One of the trainers saw him the other day and said he needed to put on some weight. He is now eating

4 cups a day. Hopefully with the extra food and his "boy op", he

can put on some weight. It's great that you went to the class

and got to meet some of the folks and their pups. It helps to build

a network when you become one of the walkers. Good Luck!!



Glad to know Davis is fine! "We" are still working at losing weight here, one of us is down about 5 pounds, the other is still working on it!!!LOL!

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Glad to know Davis is fine! "We" are still working at losing weight here, one of us is down about 5 pounds, the other is still working on it!!!LOL!


I found a great way to loose 5 pounds. I had the flu for the past week.

Took the weight right off. Now that I'm starting to feel better, I don't

want to gain it back. I need to loose some more before my cruise next month.

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Must be busy! Mine came through almost instantly but then you're all still sleepy byebyes when I'm up and about in the morning!


Now Nancy, if you need help with the trivia question, you can always "post" a friend! lol! ;):D


THANK YOU SO MUCH for taking the time and trouble to vote for Diana! She watches that web page constantly to see the vote tally grow. Also she says thanks to all of you for your generosity and kindness.



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I found a great way to loose 5 pounds. I had the flu for the past week.

Took the weight right off. Now that I'm starting to feel better, I don't

want to gain it back. I need to loose some more before my cruise next month.



Thank goodness you're feeling better, that's a horrible weigh (!!) to lose weight!


I know how you feel, I'm always starting my healthy eating "next week", problem is "next week" never seems to come around!

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THANK YOU SO MUCH for taking the time and trouble to vote for Diana! She watches that web page constantly to see the vote tally grow. Also she says thanks to all of you for your generosity and kindness.





I hope everyone reading your post votes for Diana ... It's so easy to do, but when I did it last night, I got the question wrong! :mad: So just one vote from me last night, anyway, I've got the DH to vote as well, and I've set an alarm in my iPad, so we just do it after supper. :).

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Beckie: I am very frustrated. Remember the other day, I didn't get a password in my email. Went to work, when I got home I checked again, still no email. So I try to join again and it tells me my email is already taken, if I need my password click and they will send it. Did that and still no email. Now I can't re-register and can't get a password. Of course I am busy as all get out. Working and have to take hubby to a doctor apointme that is 125 miles away. So, don't have the time right now (or patience) to try and get it settled. Maybe tonight. Sorry, I wanted to get my vote in. :mad:

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Also wanted to ask if anyone on here would be interested in voting on the Mobility Awareness Month website to help my daughter Diana try to win an accessible van. Each email address can register and vote once a day until the contest ends next Month. And if a trivia question is answered correctly the vote counts as two that day. I have asked all my current and former co-workers, and Diana has enlisted all of her friends as well as her computer literate grandparents. (My folks don't own a computer, nor do they even know how to turn one on.) At any rate, if you would like to help the website is: http://www.mobilityawarenessmonth.com/entrant/diana-stocksdale-blue-springs-mo/.

I registered and got a password (and voted today). But how do I change my password? I'll never remember the one they gave me. :eek:

Beckie: I am very frustrated. Remember the other day, I didn't get a password in my email. Went to work, when I got home I checked again, still no email. So I try to join again and it tells me my email is already taken, if I need my password click and they will send it. Did that and still no email. Now I can't re-register and can't get a password. Of course I am busy as all get out. Working and have to take hubby to a doctor apointme that is 125 miles away. So, don't have the time right now (or patience) to try and get it settled. Maybe tonight. Sorry, I wanted to get my vote in. :mad:

Maybe it went in your spam?

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Nancy, thank you for trying to vote! I don't know what is happening with your registration. When I click on my original link for that page my computer has saved the log-in details so I never have to actually log-in since the first day. One of my very funny co-workers is voting from all of her various email accounts. Not sure how she keeps track of all of them, I have trouble with the one at work and the one at home. Too many passwords...


Diana really appreciates all the efforts everyone is putting in. She sends the daily trivia question answer out each day to all the folks she knows are voting. Today's answer is false. (Over 18 million people in the U.S. and Canada have mobility issues)


Thanks again for your support!

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Beckie, when I first tried to log-in, it showed my email address and then ***** for a password. Of course I had no idea what that password was, but when I clicked to log-in, it told me the password was wrong! Had a very colorful conversation with the computer, something like this "You &*^% you are the one that put the password in!"So that didn't work either. Maybe tonight after work I can try and figure it out. I get OCD about it and WANT (need) to get it fixed! :o

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Beckie, when I first tried to log-in, it showed my email address and then ***** for a password. Of course I had no idea what that password was, but when I clicked to log-in, it told me the password was wrong! Had a very colorful conversation with the computer, something like this "You &*^% you are the one that put the password in!"So that didn't work either. Maybe tonight after work I can try and figure it out. I get OCD about it and WANT (need) to get it fixed! :o


Nancy, I get the same when I click the orange LOGIN button! it shows two boxes -




Password xxxxxx


I got a bit confused with this initially, as it looks likes it has filled the password box in for you, but you need to overtype the xxxxx in the password box with your own password from the email. (I also had to fill in my username as I do log out each time from the site.) Hope this makes sense. :)


Dobiemum, I looked to see if I could change the password to something I would remember but there doesn't seem to be a function to do this. I kept the original email and copy and paste the password.


Gibson's Grammie - thank Diana very much for the tip off for the question, I appreciate it as I would be guessing at US statistics.


Roz, where are you? Are you still "recovering" after your cruise???;):)

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Welcome back Roz! This board is not the same when you are away. Even we lurkers notice a huge difference. We love all the stories you bring back with you!


Also wanted to ask if anyone on here would be interested in voting on the Mobility Awareness Month website to help my daughter Diana try to win an accessible van. Each email address can register and vote once a day until the contest ends next Month. And if a trivia question is answered correctly the vote counts as two that day. I have asked all my current and former co-workers, and Diana has enlisted all of her friends as well as her computer literate grandparents. (My folks don't own a computer, nor do they even know how to turn one on.) At any rate, if you would like to help the website is: http://www.mobilityawarenessmonth.com/entrant/diana-stocksdale-blue-springs-mo/.


Everybody have a great week!



Thank you so much Beckie. I love you guys. I'm on my way to the hotel to register guests for our event tonight. We have Josh Malina speaking and it promises to be a fun affair. Then, it will be our EL Caballero Country Club Golf Tournament. This is my 17 year working these events......when is this old girl going to retire? As long as I have my dog beside me....I'm going to keep right on working. I'll be the oldest, darn person doing my job but you should see the youngsters trying to keep up with me! :rolleyes:


I promise to vote and I hope that Diana gets what she needs and that all her dreams come true!

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Welcome home Roz and Horton. So glad you had a lovely time and I did laugh so much when I read the story of the woman in the elevator - it was the "okay" from you, I can just imagine how it was said! LOL!!! :D



Puppy kisses - oh yes, lots of them! I went to a Guide Dogs for the Blind coffee morning, and oh my I met so many very nice people and their dogs from young puppies, about 8 weeks old (delicious yellow boy and beautiful but shy black girl Labradorsl), to puppies half way through their puppy walking (about 7 months old German Sheperds - very big dogs!:eek:), to working guide dogs with their person and then a couple of retired dogs - all grey muzzles, but so couthy (gentle, kind) and happy to lie down under a chair and just watch the puppy shenanigans going on! They had gone back to their original puppy walkers when they retired.


We met other puppy walkers (raisers) and they made us so welcome, some of them were on their 10th puppy! So I've a long way to go! :eek: They invited us to go along to a regular class where the puppy walkers in the area come together and work with their puppies of all ages - they were so encouraging and I am so glad we went along to this event - it makes me even more keen to work with them. Can't wait! :)


Thank you! I'm as nice as I can be when people are rude to my boy!


It sounds like you're getting closer and closer to being a full-fledged member of our club!!!!

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Welcome Back Roz!!! Glad you had a great time.


I've been very busy with John home this week. He's back to school today. :D


Thanks! I did have a good time. Geezz, I love cruising. I can't get enough of it. It's really a sickness; that I don't ever want to be cured of!


Give John a smooch from me!!!!!

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Hey Everybody! Here is today's message from Diana regarding the trivia question. Thanks again for all your help!


Good Morning All!


Today's question is: What equipment can help a driver compensate for decreasing strength and range of motion in the driver's hands and legs?


Answer: Hand Controls




Thank You!

Diana & Gibson

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I got a bit confused with this initially, as it looks likes it has filled the password box in for you, but you need to overtype the xxxxx in the password box with your own password from the email. (I also had to fill in my username as I do log out each time from the site.) Hope this makes sense. :)[/color]

Which brings me back to the original dilemna, I didn't get any emails from them. I was hoping the xxxxx filled in would be their password, but alas, it was not to be. Still haven't had a chance to check it out further. This weekend for sure.

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Okay.....I've worked my tush off this week "catching-up." So, now I can share with all of you some of the issues we had onboard the Crown.


We had a Mini-Suite, with a wrap-around balcony......I don't think I'll be able to cruise any other away in the future. This was the "sweetest suite I've ever seen!"


It had two flat screen T.V.'s. One in the bedroom and one in the living room. The ceiling in the bedroom had that beautiful recessed lighting. The bar was huge with lots of room for all our stuff and Horty's too. There was lots of cupboard and drawer space for all our stuff and the closest was huge. My only complaint was that the drawers were so hard to open. They certainly make for safe travels on rough sea days but getting into them is a b!@#*!!!!! :(


The bathroom had a huge tub/shower with a large sink and storage area. The "Lotus Spa" accessories" was very nice and the upscale towels/wash rags was such a plus.


I have the same cabin [only on the Port side] for my September cruise and I know I won't be disappointed.


Now for the ugly: The potty box was way down the hall in a crew closet. No way was I going to walk the halls in my PJ's [not even for Horty!] :eek:


I had them move the box within the first hour of our arrival and then we tried to relax and enjoy our cabin before the ship sailed and there was a constant knocking sound right beneath our cabin, which went on forever. I called the front desk and told them. They sent an engineer to confirm the sound and he said that they were repairing some rivets. We had to leave the cabin, it was so bad! That was the last day that we heard that sound.


Apparently, when you have these types of cabins the Captain comes into your room [over the loud speaker] to remind you that he's fueling-up [so you don't go out on your veranda and do anything untoward!] Well, I don't like announcements in my cabin.......it's so Carnival!


As long as I get this type of cabin, I will have to put up with the guy over the loud speaker - Is what I was told!!!!


The crew was 99% wonderful. I did have a run-in with a server who wasn't very happy about his job!!!!!


Our Cabin Steward was the best I've ever had, ever!!!!!!


The stupid woman with her overweight Pug, in the stroller, was over-the-top embarrassing to someone like Horton and me! FOLKS IF YOU WANT TO CRUISE WITH YOUR PET, BUY A BOAT!!!!! :mad:

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Sorry, I had to take a work break.


Now, to the really important stuff, the food: We ate in Traditional Dining, honestly, it was hit and miss at times. Debi's steak was so bad [tough and tasteless] that she couldn't wait to go up to the buffet later and have another meal. Complaining about the food is not my thing. There's so many choices onboard a cruise that if you're not happy about one place just go to another and try something else.....it always works for me.


I like the buffet food onboard Princess and can ALWAYS find something in the International Café to enjoy. Debi loves, loves, loves Princess Pizza and couldn't get enough of it! Morey also loved it! I'm not much of a pizza fan myself. We were so busy everyday we never made it to the Afternoon Tea, of which I love!


The entertainment was EXCELLENT. There was so much to see and do, we couldn't go to every venue so I'm saving some of it for September.


The weather was PERFECT. The seas going from San Francisco to Santa Barbara were the roughest I've ever been on. OMG! Thank goodness for those tightly closed drawers, or we would have had everything, everywhere! Personally, I think our Captain was a bit of a "Cowboy" when it came to the speed that he was going. John Foster [the Captain], I'm looking for a word with you!!!!!! :cool:

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Hello again everyone, and happy Friday! I came across this story about a service dog walking with his person at her graduation. It has a couple photos too with them both in cap and gown.




Roz, I hit send before your stories popped in. My family loves all your adventures. Please keep them coming.



Edited by Insuregal
Thank Roz for the cruise story.
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Hello again everyone, and happy Friday! I came across this story about a service dog walking with his person at her graduation. It has a couple photos too with them both in cap and gown.




Roz, I hit send before your stories popped in. My family loves all your adventures. Please keep them coming.




Thanks Beckie. I love stories about Service Dogs.......they're my favorite kind of "furry-folks!"

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For me, every cruise I take is so different, even if I go to the same venue. The cruise is different because the other people onboard with me are always so different.


This last cruise had a wonderful mix of senior/middle agers/young adults and kids. We didn't have a lot of folks in wheel chairs and walkers but there were some.


The Crown is a huge ship with over 3,000 onboard with us. The only time you really felt the crowd was when you wanted an elevator. The Crown has the slowest elevators I've ever experienced on the high seas.


Horty, Debi and I did the stairs a lot and that's okay, except Debi has a really bad knee and she was starting to feel it after a while. I made up my mind that I'd make a new friend every time we had to wait for a ride up or down! It worked.....I made so many new friends. And even some people who really didn't like Horton. Horton is a very, very big dog. When he's standing up his tail hits the person who's waiting in the elevator clear across to the other side. It's hard to stop that thing from wagging! We had a few [now, mind you, there's over 3,000 onboard with us] and, only a very few of our fellow passengers who were absolutely irate at sharing an elevator with this, gentle giant [not me, the dog!]


Some got off the elevator, some asked us to get off and some would see him in there when the doors opened and wouldn't get on! So funny! It used to upset me [years ago], not anymore. I'm immune to people's comments and could care less if they don't like me and my dog! I'm a matched set.......I travel with a wonderful dog......I rarely am seen with him by my side, if ever! He completes me!

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Have you actually gone through the registration process? If not that would need to be done first before you can actually log-in and vote.

Again, thank you so much for trying!


Beckie, that's the thing, it did say my registration was complete and the password would be sent via email. But after the first time and I didn't get the email, I tried to register (again) in case I missed something and it told me my email was already used. So, the email info went thru correctely or it wouldn't have caught me trying to register again, but the email from them with a password never came thru. I will work on it here, hopefully this weekend. Of course I come home from school today and my right eye is killing me. I thought maybe some blowing dirt got in it. Unfortunately I think it is the dreaded P-I-N-K eye. Just say the words and I get it. Working with elementary school children is not an ideal situation to avoid it. I hope it feels better tomorrow.

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