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Permanent makeup


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My mother has been getting this done for years (13) and I was so shocked the first time I heard her say that she was going to have it done. She doesn't have any tattoos and only one ear piercing from many moons ago so I thought it was so weird she was even considering it. She went and had her eyebrows done bc she only has like six hairs on each and has always had to pencil them in or she looked funny. Mom says it itches her later in the evening of the same day she has it done on but it looks great. So great in fact, I have an appt. to get mine done soon! I have to admit I am a bit scared it will hurt like hell!:o

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I work with one nurse who did her lips and they look FABULOUS!! She said it hurt like hell though. The color is just a tad darker than normal lips... they just look so damn sexy all the time.

Then again, I work with this other nurse who had her eyebrows tattooed in VietNam and she looks like a freak. Tall, thin arches... a bit like Olive Oyle. And I have never figured out where her natural brows went?? Its almost as if she shaved them off or something?

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I love my permanant makeup. Actually I just have a thin line eyeliner top and bottom exactly how I would do a pencil. I also have eyebrows, which is great as I had very light almost nonexistant eyebrows. They are great, and add just a bit of drama to my face. Not having eyebrows sucks..lol

It is very expensive and was a bit more painful than I expected but worth it. I had it done at a very high end salon, so they were very good at it. I would love lips...hmmmm lips or a cruise? guess I will pass..lol

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I have seen warnings on the internet about what can go wrong with permanent makeup, but so far any firsthand reports have been positive. The lady who would be doing mine has several years experience at a reputable spa.


I have 2 main concerns:


1 - What happens when my skin sags further? (Thinking more of the eyebrows than the eyeliner with this one)


2 - Allergies to the inks used can develop any time, even years later, so testing for allergies at the time means nothing. Removing the ink would be difficult and expensive.


I have even heard that the ink can shift under the skin. :eek:


Sure, these things may be unlikely but they can happen to anyone.


Thanks to everyone for helping me along with my decision. I really want them badly but am scared!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had my eyeliner done two years ago. I was 20 at the time. It's very subtle and provides just enough definition to my eyes that I feel like I can jump out of bed without putting any other makeup on before going shopping. I still need to apply darker eyeliner on top when I do use makeup.


As far as the pain--the lady that did it for me put a bit of numbing creme (smelled like the stuff they put in your mouth at the dentist) on a cotton swab. It wasn't the pain that bothered me, it was having to keep my eyes wide open as a needle is coming at you. And the drops that she put in during the procedure.


The only pain that I felt was the next day. The creases of my eyes were a little sore. It felt almost like when you are sick and you wake up with gook in the corner of your eyes. And when you open them, it burns a little? That's how it felt to me. No big deal at all. I went back one time for a touch up, but feel no need for any additional touch ups at the moment. Worth it to me :)

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  • 1 year later...

I love my permanent make-up, too. I've had eyeliner, both upper and lower, eyebrows, and full lips done. I've even gone back for fuller eyeliner, and have another appointment for a touch-up on everything.


The lips are most painful, and I suggest getting your appointment when you can stay home for a couple of days. The colors are starker and darker for the first two weeks or so, then settle down.


My advice is to really know the technician and their work. Look at their before and after photos. I have seen some real botch jobs in pictures. The eyebrows are a true art to get to look normal, not like Olive Oil as someone mentioned earlier. They have to feather them, make individual hairs rather than a solid to make them look real. I have even heard of them using two or three colors in combination.


How can eyebrow color sag? Only if your eyebrows sag, in my opinion. The color will always be wherever your eyebrows are.


It is so nice, as mentioned here many times, to be able to go out without any make-up if you so desire. And you can add to it for a "heavier" look.

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I love my permanent make-up, too. I've had eyeliner, both upper and lower, eyebrows, and full lips done. I've even gone back for fuller eyeliner, and have another appointment for a touch-up on everything.



It has been a year since I did my research on permanent eye makeup. I went in for 2 patch tests, and on both occasions I experienced some itchiness in other parts of my body (feet and hands). Very strange that it was not on the spot of the patch, but an odd coincidence that I developed itchiness on both occasions. I feel that I cannot risk having the procedure done, although I still long to do it. :( The cosmetician agreed that I was not a good candidate. I am so very disappointed.

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I have had my full face done, too. (Full face is eyebrows, upper and lower eyelids, and full lips.) My cosmetician told me that a full 50% of her business is fixing bad jobs done by others! She also covers scars and permanent birthmarks. She told me that there is a henna product for those who are allergic to the dyes. Maybe that would work for you, brum.


I have not regretted getting mine done; don't know if you can tell from my avatar. My lip color is not too bright; looks like a natural lip color. (At least natural before age washed out my lips!) I'm going in for a touch-up next month, going a little brighter this time since it's so slight now.

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I have had my full face done' date=' too. (Full face is eyebrows, upper and lower eyelids, and full lips.) My cosmetician told me that a full 50% of her business is fixing bad jobs done by others! She also covers scars and permanent birthmarks. She told me that there is a henna product for those who are allergic to the dyes. Maybe that would work for you, brum.


I have not regretted getting mine done; don't know if you can tell from my avatar. My lip color is not too bright; looks like a natural lip color.[b'] (At least natural before age washed out my lips!)[/b] I'm going in for a touch-up next month, going a little brighter this time since it's so slight now.



Your makeup looks terrific in the photo. :)


I'll have to check into that henna option. Thank you for the suggestion.


The lady I had chose to do my makeup works with a team of plastic surgeons. I found that comforting. ;)

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I would never consider getting permanent makeup. To anyone who thinks it will improve physical appearance: you don't look as bad without makeup as you think. We are our worst critics. ;)


And to those who think it saves time getting ready, well, it takes me a whole afternoon to plan my outfits! So taking an extra 15-20 minutes (I'm lying...it takes longer ;)) to apply my makeup is nothing. :D

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One of the best things I've ever done. I'm not a big make up wearer, but I did a think line of eyeliner below and above the eye. People are shocked when I tell them that I had it done and would never know the difference. Although I wouldn't have thought twice about leaving the house without makeup before, it's an even better feeling now. It's great for the pool and beach....and no smudging. The pain really was not that terrible. I don't have any other tattoos, so I have nothing to compare it to.

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My eyebrows just vanished about 4 years ago. I had new ones tattooed on and they have been perfect for me. The pain was not so bad and went away within hours. They do itch for several days as the skin heals around the insertion points. A&D ointment helps a lot. I would highly recommend it for anyone with a similar problem!:)

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I've been talking with a local lady about having it done. I'm not sure if I'm ready yet or not, I've wanted the eyes done for years because of how easily my eyes tear up, but now the older I get the more my lips disappear. The lady I've been talking to has pics and has people that come to her from out of state to have it done.


I think its the pain thing that worries me. She says she uses a topical anesthetic for the eyes and can use it for the lips as well. But she has a deal worked out with a local dentist to use novacaine to numb the mouth. You make an appointment with the dentist for 1/2 hour to 1 hour before your appointment.


If I go through with it I may have a glass of wine to relax before I start too. I feel like I'll be really tense and I'm sure tensing up woul only make it hurt worse.

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My eyebrows just vanished about 4 years ago. I had new ones tattooed on and they have been perfect for me. The pain was not so bad and went away within hours. They do itch for several days as the skin heals around the insertion points. A&D ointment helps a lot. I would highly recommend it for anyone with a similar problem!:)


I also have disappearing eyebrows and don't leave the house without penciling them on. .... otherwise I look a bit "alien-like"!:o (ha! even this emoticon has more eyebrows than I do!)


Please tell me more! Did they do hair strokes or a solid shape? Did you draw on the shape or did they? How much has it faded? What color did you use and how similar is it to your hair color? Any other info? Seriously considering, but very wary. There's no room for an "oops" when it is permanent!

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I will try and answer your questions! The operator, a licensed Instructor and RN, used individual strokes (insertions); she drew on the eyebrow and picked the color which is lighter than my hair and looks great. After a year there was a touch up. The touch up was mainly because I swim in a pool frequently and forget to coat the brows with vasoline before hand. I am very, very pleased. I do not know where you live, but I live in MD and there are various operators who do this. Check carefully and use someone connected to a dermatologist or cosmetology school. I found the pain minimal.

Good Luck:)


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I also have disappearing eyebrows and don't leave the house without penciling them on. .... otherwise I look a bit "alien-like"!:o (ha! even this emoticon has more eyebrows than I do!)


Please tell me more! Did they do hair strokes or a solid shape? Did you draw on the shape or did they? How much has it faded? What color did you use and how similar is it to your hair color? Any other info? Seriously considering, but very wary. There's no room for an "oops" when it is permanent!



You really have to check out the different artists in your area- and don't go near anyone who doesn't know how to feather in hair strokes. That takes far more technique and experience. The lady who would have done mine used 3 different colours, too, for shading. I spoke with 3 women in her waiting room who had pm done and they looked incredible. One had the prettiest lips, and she showed me the artist's book that had her "before" picture where you couldn't see her lips at all. They now look full and have a very natural tone, the colour of the inner lip. That was the most miraculous change. It made me want to do my lips when I had not considered it before.


Another place I went to, I asked the lady about her experience and she said "2 weeks." :eek: I know they have to get experience somewhere, but it won't be on my face. She herself had her brows drawn in a solid shape. While it was a pretty shape, it did not look natural. Next place!


Each place I went to (I checked out 4) had me take in my favourite makeup colours. They would then draw something on me to show me what they would like to do.


And of course, you check out the photos of work they have done. Some claim that they can do hair strokes, but in the photos they just look like phoney lines drawn in. Really ugly!


The lady who does my nails has the prettiest shaped eyebrows I have ever seen, but they are just drawn in solid and look fake. Whoever did her had a great eye but no technique.

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After a year there was a touch up. The touch up was mainly because I swim in a pool frequently and forget to coat the brows with vasoline before hand. I am very' date=' very pleased. I do not know where you live, but I live in MD and there are various operators who do this. Check carefully and use someone connected to a dermatologist or cosmetology school. I found the pain minimal.

Good Luck:)



A couple of the places I checked out said that a one year touch-up is included in the price. Usually people start very conservative, then some decide they want a slightly bolder look. They get the chance to make any minor changes they want once they get used to the new look.

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Thanks, ladies! The place I go for laser treatments re: rosacea are the people who suggested it. It is part of a plastic surgeon's office, called an "aesthetics center". The lady that does it is an RN. I haven't actually looked at her before and after photos b/c I haven't gotten brave enough to seriously consider it. The nurse that does my laser treatment told me that she has permanent eye liner and I would have never guessed it! Even after she told me, I couldn't tell... so subtle! I'm going to look into doing it in the fall. Thanks for the information. I know it was not meant as encouragement to do it, but it is encouraging!

Edited by 5326jan
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The person who really convinced me that permanent makeup was a great idea was a lady approx 75-80 years old. She said that she did not have a stitch of makeup on and she looked very, very pretty in a natural way.


This lady had just come out of the hospital after a fairly lengthy stay, and all the nurses and doctors were commenting on how healthy she always looked.

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I had eyeliner done years ago and it has faded into oblivion, in part because I had the lines done so thin (due to changing styles, etc).


I had my full lips done in a natural color, and it hurt so much I almost punched the girl in the stomach. I'm glad I did it though, now my lips are visible rather than blending into my face.


I have seen many eyebrow jobs and not one of them looks natural. I wouldn't do full eyebrows, it would probably be best for a little color fill in. I've seen blusher and eyeshadow and there's usually an issue with blending the edges (you don't want color blocks).


Good luck!

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I have been asked at many high end salons who shaped my eyebrows. My daughter is in the beauty publishing business and many of her friends and models have asked me. You just have to research your operator and trust them. Ask to see pictures or to talk to previous clients. Go for it!:)


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  • 2 months later...

I had my eyebrows and eyes lined on the top and bottom about 10 years ago. I love it all. Everything looks so natural and I am done with the smudges. My brows are in small strokes and you have to get right up on them to see that they are not real hair. Of course I wear glasses so you don't see them that much anyway. I would love to get my lips done, but that is supose to be alot more painful than the eyes...and the eyes did hurt but I lived lol... there was swelling on my eyes the next couple of days. Good luck to those who do it....finding the right person will make you happy for years to come.



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