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Why a set curfew for teens?

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Why does Royal Caribbean have a set curfew for teens?


enforce some sort of discipline on them if they are caught doing anything like that



The thing is, enforcing the discipline is where the parents should be coming in. I think the curfew is set because some parents would not set those limits for their kids. Unfortunately, we live in a society where many people want to be friends with their kids or believe their kids do no wrong. I understand that there are many kids that are respectful and reliable and plain good kids, but it's the bad seeds (and their parents that do indeed ruin it for everyone)




AMEN!!! While I agree there are rude & obnoxious adults, in my own experience, there have been 4 times as many rude & obnoxious kids on many of the cruises I've been on the last 4-5 years.

At least the drunk adults don't typically run up & down the passenger hallways yelling and banging on doors, or jump in the elevators and push all the buttons, and gather in the stairwells congregating so nobody can use the stairs.

Too many parents these days get on a cruise ship and turn their kids loose to do whatever they feel like (it's "their" vacation, too! :cool: ). I don't see anything wrong with giving them a curfew......too many dark, deserted and dangerous places on a cruise ship after midnight for children to be raoming anyway..........They can always get up early the next morning and hang with their new friends all day long.

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As a teenager, I am also obviously peeved by the curfew. For one thing, it is very early. I had been on two cruises as a teen before this ridiculous curfew was instated. All my friends and I would do would be to sit in the card lounge or cafe promenade. Honestly though, on my last cruise we did have this curfew, and I found that if you just stayed out of the way, no one would send you back to your room at 1:01.


I know that sometimes the crew chooses not to enforce the curfew at the start of the cruise, but if there are problems from kids, that they will start enforcing the curfew. We had that happen on our 6/2001 Rhapsody cruise. For the first 2-3 nights, no curfew. But after several incidents regarding teens, they announced over the loudspeakers that starting that evening, the curfew for teens was going to be in effect. And as a late-nighter myself (although my days of being a teen are long gone) I did see teams of security scouring the ship and sending teens back to their cabins. Some teens were escorted, others were just sent. So, basically, if you stay in out-of-the way places and are peaceful, you may be able to escape the curfew. And if you see other teens misbehaving, you might want to try to coax them to stop. Remind them that they could get the curfew exacted on everyone if they don't stop.

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Activities do exist for the kids that want to participate. Alcheme, you might not think things close down at 1am but I know from experience that they don't. Where are you getting your information about activities and facilities for teens?


To be honest, I've not sailed with a teen, so I haven't paid that close attention to it. I was taking the OP and others' word for it that there was a 1am curfew for teens. I know the majority of the adult spots are closed down by 1 am as well, though, unless that has changed recently. In the past, it's been just the casino and Viking Crown, and maybe one other spot, open beyond 1am. The other bars/lounges always tended to close either at midnight or 1:00. Of course, the adults don't have a curfew, so they are free to be out and about at any hour, regardless of whether there is anything open or not, but adults don't generally require supervision. (I know, I know . . . some of them probably need it more than some of the teenagers.)

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We have a 16 y.o. son who has cruised with us as a 12 and 13 y.o. and will again on Explorer this summer. WE made sure when he was younger that he was in his cabin (that he shared with 2 older brothers) by 11 or 12. This summer, 1 or before is the right time for him to be in his cabin. We will have many early shore excursions that he needs to be awake for. He will also have to check in with us during the day and after our late seating dinner every so often. Last summer, my husband and myself went on a cruise on Grandeur out of Baltimore for a 9 night Western Caribbean cruise. Our sons were not with us as we were celebrating our 30th anniversary. There were some teen boys that were complaining one night in a hot tub to us about the curfew and that on Carnival and Celebrity, they hadn't had curfews. They were maybe 14 or 15. They got out of the hot tub and got their cigarettes and proceeded to smoke in the hot tub. I was disgusted by this behavior as I don't like the smell of smoke as well as these teens being way too young to legally smoke. We got out of the hot tub because of this behavior. I would have also gotten out if there were adults smoking in the hot tub, too. Later in the week, we were walking on deck later at night and smelled marijuana coming from a group of teens on an upper deck. When they heard people coming, they moved away from where we could see them. I don't know if it was the same group or not. Later in the week at Bingo, the boys from the hot tub were sitting behind us. Their family was way across the theater. These boys were talking about how drunk they had been getting on the cruise every night, etc. These actions are why the cruise line has instituted a curfew. There are many more well behaved teens, but the ones who cannot follow the rules cause the others to suffer. I suspect that the teens in question came from families where the parents assumed they were on vacation and didn't need to parent their children. These same parents may also be the ones who have less than acceptable adult behavior, too. If you are going to bring teens on a cruise, you are responsible for them. Please make sure they are not getting into trouble. If you have alcohol in your cabin, hide it so that your teens cannot find it. Set times to meet up to make sure they are behaving. These behaviors bother the rest of the passengers - it didn't ruin our cruise in the least, but I was upset that these kids were not being watched by their parents.

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Quick thing- for those of you who are making posts mocking me when I say that us teens are paying customers just like yourselves, how do you know if I pay or not? Both of my parents never wanted to cruise, however, I always did. Instead, I always saved up my money from Christmas/Birthdays/Job, etc, to pay for a cruise with myself and my Grandparents. I know that they always appreciated the fact that I would save all of my money to take them on a great vacation. Same thing goes to the person who made the comment about who pays for college. How do you know I am not paying for college myself?

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Quick thing- for those of you who are making posts mocking me when I say that us teens are paying customers just like yourselves, how do you know if I pay or not? Both of my parents never wanted to cruise, however, I always did. Instead, I always saved up my money from Christmas/Birthdays/Job, etc, to pay for a cruise with myself and my Grandparents. I know that they always appreciated the fact that I would save all of my money to take them on a great vacation. Same thing goes to the person who made the comment about who pays for college. How do you know I am not paying for college myself?


I would be willing to guess that at least 99.9% of teenagers are having their cruises paid for by someone else, usually the parents. Good for you, if you're paying your own way, but that has to be rare and not particularly relevent to overall discussion.

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Quick thing- for those of you who are making posts mocking me when I say that us teens are paying customers just like yourselves, how do you know if I pay or not? Both of my parents never wanted to cruise, however, I always did. Instead, I always saved up my money from Christmas/Birthdays/Job, etc, to pay for a cruise with myself and my Grandparents. I know that they always appreciated the fact that I would save all of my money to take them on a great vacation. Same thing goes to the person who made the comment about who pays for college. How do you know I am not paying for college myself?


You may do that but you have to admit that you are definately in the minority. Most of the teens that are on cruise ships are there because their parents/grandparents, etc. have paid for them to be there. There might be some who work for or save to have spending money but I seriously doubt that there are many who pay for their cruise fare much less for someone else like your grandparents. The same goes for college, there are some who pay for college themselves but the majority do not and depend upon parents or others to do that for them.

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Did it occur to anyone that perhaps the unruly drunken adults are the parents of the unruly teens?


Otherwise, where are these concerned parents if their kiddos are off roaming at all hours? They are probably not the parents who went to bed after bingo. Maybe monkey see, monkey do?


And scholastic achievement (as in my kiddo's a straight A student) has nothing to do with the kiddo not getting into trouble. Sometimes they are the ones who think they are smarter than everyone else. Just look at some of our past and present "scholarly" politicians, Wasn't it a Rhodes Scholar who got caught with the bimbos?

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I would be willing to guess that at least 99.9% of teenagers are having their cruises paid for by someone else, usually the parents. Good for you, if you're paying your own way, but that has to be rare and not particularly relevent to overall discussion.


Yes it is true that most have their parents/grandparents pay, etc. I'll even admit that now my parents pay for the cruises. I paid for my first first three cruises before my Mom or Dad would even think about going on a cruise (which is why I used to go with my Grandparents). I just wanted to mention that whole thing that you think is not relevant because some of the posters are saying that I did not ever pay my own way, when really I have before.

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You may do that but you have to admit that you are definately in the minority. Most of the teens that are on cruise ships are there because their parents/grandparents, etc. have paid for them to be there. There might be some who work for or save to have spending money but I seriously doubt that there are many who pay for their cruise fare much less for someone else like your grandparents. The same goes for college, there are some who pay for college themselves but the majority do not and depend upon parents or others to do that for them.


I'll also admit that I'm not paying for college and that my parents are, however, I just wanted to make a point that people on this website come to conclusions so easily before they even know anything about the situation.

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Geeze this is still going on!!!! I have mentioned before that the parents are the one who have to control the kids. I honestly feel that if teens meets friends on the ship and want or need to stay out after the 1 am curfew to chat, then the parents should be with them. Many of cruises I have sat in the Library with my now 15 yr old GD who met friends and didn't want to go back to the cabin yet. I took a book to the Library , while the teens sat and chatted quietly, sometimes until 3:30 am. I have also sat with them on the promenade deck while getting something to eat after 1am. I cruise as a family vacation, not to see how plastered I can get! I enjoy being around GOOD teens and learning how their generation is changing from when I was a teen. For me to sit with them, (not babysit, ) or to sit by them, for them to enjoy their time together is worth every minute knowing that they are safe. I walk each one back to their cabin when the group is ready to break up. There are times when the teen room has extra activites that run later than 1am, and I am always waiting outside the teen room to meet my GD and return her back to the cabin safely. Maybe if all the parents took it upon themselves to monitor and control the behavior of their children when cruising, this teen issue wouldn't have gotten out of control!

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Geeze this is still going on!!!! I have mentioned before that the parents are the one who have to control the kids. I honestly feel that if teens meets friends on the ship and want or need to stay out after the 1 am curfew to chat, then the parents should be with them. Many of cruises I have sat in the Library with my now 15 yr old GD who met friends and didn't want to go back to the cabin yet. I took a book to the Library , while the teens sat and chatted quietly, sometimes until 3:30 am. I have also sat with them on the promenade deck while getting something to eat after 1am. I cruise as a family vacation, not to see how plastered I can get! I enjoy being around GOOD teens and learning how their generation is changing from when I was a teen. For me to sit with them, (not babysit, ) or to sit by them, for them to enjoy their time together is worth every minute knowing that they are safe. I walk each one back to their cabin when the group is ready to break up. There are times when the teen room has extra activites that run later than 1am, and I am always waiting outside the teen room to meet my GD and return her back to the cabin safely. Maybe if all the parents took it upon themselves to monitor and control the behavior of their children when cruising, this teen issue wouldn't have gotten out of control!


That couldn't have been said better! You are a fine example!

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Ok ive read a lot of this stuff on here about curfews and the back and forth debate about the issue and even the posts about RCL can impose a curfew if they choose to due to unruley behaivor..... But my question is there really a normal curfew or only one imposed if need be? I have been on two other cruise and several family memebers have as well and I have never heard of a curfew until now when reading these posts the past few weeks.

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I was on Mariner last week with a group of 14-17 y.o. girls and parents. The curfew was not enforced on any of our girls, nor on anyone else that I could see. By Thursday, the ship was crawling with teens late at night. Maybe RCI only enforces the curfew for teens behaving badly? Personally, I didn't see any behavior that was disruptive, dangerous or otherwise objectionable by any teen on the ship.


I don't think a curfew is a terrible idea, though, even if it's not enforced. It sends the message that there are some limits, and that's never a bad thing where kids are concerned.

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Its funny to me how you can fight and die in a war as a teen, but staying up late, at 56 I can still remember my teens regards



That's not quite true, but I'm sure you were trying to make some point. You have to be 18 to enlist in the service and at 18 you can stay up as late as you want on a cruiseship.

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That's not quite true, but I'm sure you were trying to make some point. You have to be 18 to enlist in the service and at 18 you can stay up as late as you want on a cruiseship.


I'm glad you posted that. I was thinking the same thing myself, but figured if I posted it, someone like yourself would accuse me of just wanting to be argumentative. ;)

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Quick thing- for those of you who are making posts mocking me when I say that us teens are paying customers just like yourselves, how do you know if I pay or not? Both of my parents never wanted to cruise, however, I always did. Instead, I always saved up my money from Christmas/Birthdays/Job, etc, to pay for a cruise with myself and my Grandparents. I know that they always appreciated the fact that I would save all of my money to take them on a great vacation. Same thing goes to the person who made the comment about who pays for college. How do you know I am not paying for college myself?

Please tell us how a teen earns enough money to pay for himself, his parents and grandparents to go on a cruise AND pays for college! I may be looking for a career change.


I'd be willing to bet that on a typical ship, half the teenaged cruisers have paid nothing and half have provided their own spending money. I suspect it's a rare, rare teen who's paid for the trip himself.

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That's not quite true, but I'm sure you were trying to make some point. You have to be 18 to enlist in the service and at 18 you can stay up as late as you want on a cruiseship.

It's also worth noting that the cruiseline has no rules about how late teens can stay up -- the rules are about being in public areas after certain hours without adult supervision. Teens can congregate in cabins (assuming their parents allow that) as late as they want.

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Please tell us how a teen earns enough money to pay for himself, his parents and grandparents to go on a cruise AND pays for college! I may be looking for a career change.


I'd be willing to bet that on a typical ship, half the teenaged cruisers have paid nothing and half have provided their own spending money. I suspect it's a rare, rare teen who's paid for the trip himself.


I started making good summer money working with my father when I was 13. Babysitting made me some more good money. By 16 I had a good bank account. I made several thousand a year as a teen. It can happen. :)

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That's not quite true, but I'm sure you were trying to make some point. You have to be 18 to enlist in the service and at 18 you can stay up as late as you want on a cruiseship.
why are we talking about teenagers then, some adults are fools some teenagers also, would we put a curfew on stupid adults, who exhibit drunken behaviour or rely on security to sort it out, the same should apply to teens, not blanket bans to placate a certain type of cruiser regards
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why are we talking about teenagers then, some adults are fools some teenagers also, would we put a curfew on stupid adults, who exhibit drunken behaviour or rely on security to sort it out, the same should apply to teens, not blanket bans to placate a certain type of cruiser regards


Obviously you are a teen who doesn't like rules. Get over it, they have a curfew and you can argue all you want, but it won't change anything.

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MaryZ said: Honestly if I were designing a cruise ship, I would have a spacious area for kids that had game tables (ping-pong, air hockey etc) with their own pizza/sandwich place that offered trivia games, music etc for sea nights till 2am. This way they could have teen counselors there and the kids would be doing constructive fun.


That would be great ... but I would add an area just couches & floor cushions where they could just hang out and talk with their friends. At all hours ... maybe they would need to have permission from parents, or sign in with their Seapass, but they really do need their own space, and most of them certainly deserve it!! I know that any time my two sons have spent an entire day with hubby & me, no matter how much fun we've had, they want to stay up and on their own afterwards.

Don't places like this exist on most of the newer ships, or is it just the ones I've been on?


The problem is that the very kids who need to use these facitlities are exactly the ones who don't use them. They don't want the supervision. Unless you lock them in the facility, you are not going to keep them from roaming about at all hours.

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Obviously you are a teen who doesn't like rules. Get over it, they have a curfew and you can argue all you want, but it won't change anything.
obviously you cant read I stated that I am 56yrs of age and you seem to fit "that certain type of cruiser" I can remember my teens can you give respect and you will get it, I wish all adults were like my teenage nieces and nephews my daughter is a teen no more "get over it" how adult regards
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obviously you cant read I stated that I am 56yrs of age and you seem to fit "that certain type of cruiser" I can remember my teens can you give respect and you will get it, I wish all adults were like my teenage nieces and nephews my daughter is a teen no more "get over it" how adult regards


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