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Why Do Some Cruisers Act Like a Pack of Wolves When Faced with a Buffet?


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This is one of my biggest pet- peeves ever! When people feel the need to pile everything onto their plate, take one bite, and then throw it all away. I usually find this to be popular with the younger children...but I've seen adults do it too. It just really ticks me off. Someone cooked this for your pleasure and I highly doubt they wanted you to take one bite and throw it away!


Anyways, I never eat breakfast at the buffet. My parents always make me come with them to the dinning room and they insist it's better. We very rarely use the buffet in general. Lunch we don't "pig out”, instead we just go get a bit of pizza and a salad. Then dinner is always in the dinning room, no matter what. The only time I get a lot of food is when my parents go out to the club area or casino and I watch my sister. Then I go to the buffet, grill area, etc, come back to my cabin, and spend rest of the night eating and hanging out with my sister. But at least we take what we are going to eat.


As far as manners go, oh gosh! It's chaotic. Its just food, it's still going to be there, and it's not a life or death situation if you didn't get the pasta salad you wanted. I always think one day there is going to be a mosh pit in the buffet area and I can see people fighting for the lobster or whatever "special" thing they are serving that day. :eek:


The bottom line is don’t be rude, use your manners, and most importantly, take what you are going to eat.


Very well said!

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We ate at the buffet a few times but there was little or no line so no problems.


The jewellry sales in store on the other hand were nuts... people pushing and grabbing things out of your hand. I just gave up, I will never be that desperate to buy a cheap sale item.

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I just got back from my 4th Carnival cruise and I enjoyed it(I always do), but I've noticed something that really aggravates me. I'm a fairly young guy, but I've got manners, and apparently this is a rare trait in people these days.

What really aggravated me the most was the people in line for the buffet. I rarely eat buffets, as the food is NEVER as good as when it is served to you immediately, but other than that, I have discovered why people gain 15 or 20 pounds on a cruise. The majority of these people seemed to think the food was going to run out--They stampeded when the buffet line opened, they piled their plates as high as possible(sometimes higher than wasn't possible, hence the spilling of food on the line, the floor, themselves, etc), they were pushy, rude, and crass. My girlfriend and I finally just stepped out of the way, disgusted, and waited till the line died down some. In the future when I miss my seating in the dining room, I will eat from the slim pickings offered on the room service menu rather than to witness the gluttony from the slobs at the buffet(not all of the diners, but a good many...I was very surprised). I actually lose weight on a cruise, because I do not find the food, no matter what dining venue I eat in, all that great. Some of it is good, but I can eat way better at almost any non-chain restaurant in New Orleans. I go on cruises for the relaxation, the visiting of ports, the romantic aspects of it---NOT for the food.



I have only seen this at the buffet on our one Carnival cruise. :rolleyes:

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When I see people pile on the food like its the end of the world it makes me lose my appetite. I end up not eating and finding something else to do until dinner later in the dining room or supper club.


It is the one fact of going on a cruise that I cannot stand to see, also it is clear to me that the people doing it are completely oblivious to what they are doing. It is the people that dont eat in that repulsive manner that see it.Just my opinion and how I was brought up I guess.......

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I am astounded at the lack of manners in the buffet line. I could care less how much people eat, but I was really appalled last year when a lady in front of me scraped the onions out of a bowl with her bare hand. I had no clue what to do or who to complain to. It really made me think about eating at the buffet again.

I remember feeling sorry for the Lido Deck crew on my Carnival Victory cruise a couple of years back. This obnoxious teen dropped his plate of burgers and fries onto the deck....you know what he did? He shrugged his shoulders and walked away. I wanted to slap this kid. One woman decided that her family should have the last of the jambalaya, so she EMPTIED out the tray and put it on about five or six different plates, her rotund daughters helping her. Of course, there was no more jambalaya after that.


Maybe North Americans are fatter, but we have better hygenic practices on the whole. I've been to Brussels, Koblenz (Germany) and Luxembourg, and some of the things I've seen (and smelled) are enough to make me hurl projectile vomit. So go ahead some of you - bash the US (I do it too sometimes:D ), but at the risk of sounding like a yahoo, I think we are cleaner on average.

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I get disgusted by the same behavior at Costco. People descend upon those sample tables in hoards as though they have never eaten before.


You're right about that! It's like excuse me people, but can I please get some shopping done??!!

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I am going on my first cruise in September on the Ecstasy, so have not experienced the cruiseline buffets, but have definitely experienced others and I believe that this is just an offshoot of the entitlement mentality that seems to prevail these days.


I just turned 47, so am not an old fogey, but remember when people used to be brought up with better manners. It seems like people seem to become more and more self-involved and want to make sure they get what they are entitled to whether that is because of they price they paid, the thought that they may miss out on something, or just for convenience - no matter how it effects others.


One day, a few years ago, I was invited to go out with 2 coworkers of mine to a Chinese buffet. Both women had 2 children each, all under 6 years old. I was appalled and totally embarrassed when these women continued to allow their children to go to the buffet unsupervised and take whatever they wanted, knowing they wouldn't like or finish it all. We ended up with a multitude of plates on the table with wasted food on them. I thought it was a very poor example to set for the children at such a young age, and I admit I should have done more than just bite my tongue. I can't imagine what the staff thought of us.

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I just got back from my 4th Carnival cruise and I enjoyed it(I always do), but I've noticed something that really aggravates me. I'm a fairly young guy, but I've got manners, and apparently this is a rare trait in people these days.

What really aggravated me the most was the people in line for the buffet. I rarely eat buffets, as the food is NEVER as good as when it is served to you immediately, but other than that, I have discovered why people gain 15 or 20 pounds on a cruise. The majority of these people seemed to think the food was going to run out--They stampeded when the buffet line opened, they piled their plates as high as possible(sometimes higher than wasn't possible, hence the spilling of food on the line, the floor, themselves, etc), they were pushy, rude, and crass. My girlfriend and I finally just stepped out of the way, disgusted, and waited till the line died down some. In the future when I miss my seating in the dining room, I will eat from the slim pickings offered on the room service menu rather than to witness the gluttony from the slobs at the buffet(not all of the diners, but a good many...I was very surprised). I actually lose weight on a cruise, because I do not find the food, no matter what dining venue I eat in, all that great. Some of it is good, but I can eat way better at almost any non-chain restaurant in New Orleans. I go on cruises for the relaxation, the visiting of ports, the romantic aspects of it---NOT for the food.



LOL. I think some of the passengers ought to put on feed bags.

Hey uptown guy, you've been spoiled. We know well all of the great hangouts uptown. We particularly like Dante's and Jacques Imo's for casual, and of course Commander's for a nice dinner. There's also a nice Lebanese restaurant on Carrollton. We are glad to see that things are returning to a modicum of normal in sections of the city, as our children and grandchildren live uptown as well.


Actually we're kind of glad that the food is decent but not outrageous, as if it were something on the level of Restaurant August (on Tchopitoulous) or Brennan's Steakhouse, we'd come back with 20 pds. excess on our butts!!


But yes, in some sectors common courtesy and decency with respect to behavior towards others has gone the way of the dodo. This is especially true of those who need feed bags who have hit the various watering holes on board first. A general rule is that as the consumption of foofoo drinks and beer goes up, manners go down.


Room service can be a good alternative, and so can going to the dining room and requesting that your server pack what you order to take back to your cabin.


BTW, our favorite afternoon hangout in NOLA when it gets way to hot and humid in the afternoon is Deanie's on the corner of Iberville and Dauphine in the Quarter. Nothing like three dozen or so oysters on the half shell and a pitcher of ice cold Abita.



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I get disgusted by the same behavior at Costco. People descend upon those sample tables in hoards as though they have never eaten before.


ROTFL. I think they have radar. They hone in on those little tidbits as soon as they come out of the microwave. Unbelievable. I think some people use their Costco cards and go in around noontime when there are several sample tables and have a moveable lunch for free.

Of course the intent of Costco is to make people buy the stuff they are giving away. I've seen people hover for ten to fifteen minutes in eager anticipation of a small piece of frozen prepared in some factory somewhere piece of eggplant parmegian.



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The funny part is I've cruised on every big cruiseline and some of the smaller ones...It's always the same.....It is like these people are never going to eat again (at least for the next 5 minutes) It is just amazing.

I saw an old fellow push a young lady (20 or so) out of his way to get a muffin or something. It was really funny when he was walking away and the young ladies drink just happen to spill all down his leg.;)

I learned a saying from an very nice bartender I used to know.....Someone would bang a glass or hollar at her for another drink.....she'd say.....

"IT AIN'T A PINT OF BLOOD"...I always thought that was funny.....:D :D

I don't get it


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I don't get it either, glad you said it first. : )


The only thing I can think of is that the bartender is trying to make a point that if the customer does not get their drink or refill as quick as perhaps they'd like; it is not a life or death situation; such as it would be if someone were in need of a pint of blood.


So in other words, the bartender is saying 'be patient and I'll get to you!"


I could be wrong though..

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I get disgusted by the same behavior at Costco. People descend upon those sample tables in hoards as though they have never eaten before.



*LOL* I must confess I enjoy the samples at Costco as much as anyone, but I will be darned I will stand there in the middle of a traffic jam of shopping carts staring at and waiting for a microwave to "DING" *LOL*



Reminds me of an old Joan Rivers joke:


Liz Taylor is the only woman I ever saw stand in front of a microwave oven yelling "HURRY UP!!!!!!!" :)

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I agree with all the comments about piled high food. How appetizing is that???


On our recent Med cruise I saw a nicely dressed woman, probably in her 50's, sitting at a table with 3 other people drinking the milk from her cereal bowl as she lifted the bowl to her mouth. Reminded me of a cat or dog drinking from the bowl. :eek:


She did this repeatedly and thought nothing of it. A small child might get away with this but is there any reason for an adult to not use a spoon?

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The only thing I can think of is that the bartender is trying to make a point that if the customer does not get their drink or refill as quick as perhaps they'd like; it is not a life or death situation; such as it would be if someone were in need of a pint of blood.


So in other words, the bartender is saying 'be patient and I'll get to you!"


I could be wrong though..


That is exactly what it means...


I cannot for the life of me figure out why that would be so difficult to figure out, LOL... You know, when people say "it's not brain surgery", they really aren't talking about brain surgery :D

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I was brought up take all you want but eat all you take. I saw two women take all the snow crabs from a tray just brought out. I just wanted a couple of them ,they were gone. Two selfish people that probably could not enjoy all they took.

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I was brought up take all you want but eat all you take. I saw two women take all the snow crabs from a tray just brought out. I just wanted a couple of them ,they were gone. Two selfish people that probably could not enjoy all they took.


And probably left half of them on their plate to be thrown away...but darn it, they got all of 'em...they were not to be denied!

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My DH is a sausage fanatic. He doesn't get to eat it at home. On a cruise, or any venue with "all you can eat", if sausage is involved, he'll pile his plate high, and eat every bite. Now he doesn't shove people down to get to it, and he patiently waits his turn, but on vacation, he's the sausage king. Me on the other hand....BACON RULES!


I'm with your hubby...sausage rules! Although, bacon aint too bad either!! : )


Nutrition you say? Heck, I'm on vacation! : )

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Longhorn -


I don't think anyone has a problem with taking and enjoying all that you want; it's the people that pile it on, and then leave most of it to waste. For me, it's the waste that gets me going. As long as one eats/enjoys what they take; no problem at all! : )


Oh gees...seeing that brought me to near tears when we cruised the Mexican Riviera in May! Seeing the horrendous poverty in the outskirts of PV, then to return to the ship and witness the amount of food wasted in both the lido dining area and main dining room made me literally sick to my stomach! How anyone can think it's ok to leave plates stacked high with food untouched, only to be thrown in the garbage, is beyond me. And knowing that most of the crew come from some pretty impoverished countries...it must sicken them, too.

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I agree with all the comments about piled high food. How appetizing is that???


On our recent Med cruise I saw a nicely dressed woman, probably in her 50's, sitting at a table with 3 other people drinking the milk from her cereal bowl as she lifted the bowl to her mouth. Reminded me of a cat or dog drinking from the bowl. :eek:


She did this repeatedly and thought nothing of it. A small child might get away with this but is there any reason for an adult to not use a spoon?


Perhaps she has carpal tunnel syndrome.





Either that or she's just a slob.

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On our recent Med cruise I saw a nicely dressed woman, probably in her 50's, sitting at a table with 3 other people drinking the milk from her cereal bowl as she lifted the bowl to her mouth. Reminded me of a cat or dog drinking from the bowl. :eek:


She did this repeatedly and thought nothing of it. A small child might get away with this but is there any reason for an adult to not use a spoon?


.....if she had left the milk in the bowl instead of 'drinking it like a dog', would you have complained that she was wasting food?



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OH MY GOOODNESSS...............

I like to sit in the buffet dining room and watch people.....

Not how much that they eat,,,,,,,,just people

watching,,,,,I sit there drink my coffee share my table with

other passagers,,,,,,,

I do'nt care how much people eat............


What gets me,,,,,,people sneezing and coughing in their hands and then touch

the plates and serving spoons ECT:::::.....GROSS...........

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