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Tell Me About Satelitte Phones?

vacation fool

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Vacation Fool--


Were you able to find out anything more on this or make decision on which route to go? We will be on the Coral in this itinerary in December and I also have a need to keep in touch with home, so am interested in the results of your research.



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Vacation Fool--


Were you able to find out anything more on this or make decision on which route to go? We will be on the Coral in this itinerary in December and I also have a need to keep in touch with home, so am interested in the results of your research.




Hi there-glad this thread resurfaced, hadn't seen it it a while:)

The international cell that everyone refers to-mobal.com-is great for most countries but does NOT have service in panama or costa rica or at sea. There are 4 sea days plus the 2 days in panama and costa rica. Way too many to be out of touch. So i am going to rent the satellite phone. Most rentals are $9 a day. They will sell u a prepaid package of minutes at a lesser cost than if u paid as you used them. Also they will give you a U.S. number vs a UK number for a small fee so the people calling you are not calling long distance. There are many companies www.globalsatphone.com being one that i spoke with. For the future, i am going to purchase the mobal international cell which works in 150 countries (not panama or costa rica) which i think is a good deal for $49 and then u only pay for minutes when u use it. It does not work on the ship though. Let me know if u rent it and how it worked as your cruise is first! Thanks

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I don't understand the point of this. I travel all year round as I work on ships, and I have an 'unlocked' GSM phone. Unlocked means I can insert a sim card from any carrier and it will work (most companies who sell these phones lock them so you cannot do this). When I spend a lot of time in the US I use my pre-paid T-Mobile sim (cost $25 to buy) which I top up whenever needed. If I am in Mexico I use my Mexican sim. etc. etc. This way you pay much less for local calls and in most countries you don't pay for incoming calls to your phone (even Mexico). If I'm just pasing through somewhere I leave my UK sim in.


So living in the US and having a phone number from the UK as your friend does seems pointless to me apart from the gimmick of having an 'international' phone number. Only when he leaves the US would he need to remove his US sim as they don't usually work outside (again unlike most other sims from other countries which will work). IN the UK most mobile (cell) phone users use pre-paid so they have more features such as international service.


If you are in Europe a lot, call costs of UK mobile phones have dropped dramatically recently because of new laws that limit call costs. So it would be beneficial if travelling extensivly there, maybe that's what your friend doe


It may be that you prefer one number, and if you need to be reached then maybe that works for you. However a text message to all who need to know can be sent if needed. It will save much money in the long run. Maybe I am just in a very rare situation with my job???

-------------------------------------------MY 2 CENTS------------

I agree....I have a tri band phone which I purchased when we lived in England. It works fine and provides us with adequate coverage whenever we travel in Europe (we switch our sim card between our US att/cingular phone). I dont understand the obsession of being in constant contact with everyone, however. I keep in touch with family, friends, and work (on my terms) when travelling but have never been a slave to the phone as many seem to be (picture those who drive with the phone always on their ear). What did everyone used to do when cell phones were not in vogue (I used to travel around my New England territory (1500 miles/week).... I personally used the time to think and reflect)?


As far as work goes, you will be missed as long as it takes for the water in a pond to fill that removed by a bucket (no matter what you think).


Personally, time spent rejuvinating the body and mind and more valuable than regaling your friends with tales of where you are, or spent in making sure relatives "know" where you are in case aunt Bessie (twice removed) kicks the bucket.


Guess I'll get off my soapbox since no one reading this really cares about my opinion.

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-------------------------------------------MY 2 CENTS------------

I agree....I have a tri band phone which I purchased when we lived in England. It works fine and provides us with adequate coverage whenever we travel in Europe (we switch our sim card between our US att/cingular phone). I dont understand the obsession of being in constant contact with everyone, however. I keep in touch with family, friends, and work (on my terms) when travelling but have never been a slave to the phone as many seem to be (picture those who drive with the phone always on their ear). What did everyone used to do when cell phones were not in vogue (I used to travel around my New England territory (1500 miles/week).... I personally used the time to think and reflect)?


As far as work goes, you will be missed as long as it takes for the water in a pond to fill that removed by a bucket (no matter what you think).


Personally, time spent rejuvinating the body and mind and more valuable than regaling your friends with tales of where you are, or spent in making sure relatives "know" where you are in case aunt Bessie (twice removed) kicks the bucket.


Guess I'll get off my soapbox since no one reading this really cares about my opinion.


You are right about getting off your soapbox:) You would be surprised to know that i barely use my cell phone, maybe 50 min per month, and i do not care about being in contact with work while i am away. This is not meant to be a flame at you, but assuming what the op situation is not a good thing. You have no idea as to who I want to be in touch with and why. Please don't generalize as you don't know me at all. Before cell phones, I may have not chosen to do this type of itinerary if i could not be in touch with someone who needed my support. This forum is for information not to make personal judgements. This is the first time that i even responded to a person like this, but i tell you it irritated me. If your child had an illness would you not go away or would you have a phone that they could reach you on in event of emergency? Your post was tactless. Like you, I will get off my soapbox because noone cares about my response either.

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I have a att/cingular phone, that works world over (although I believe there are parts of asia that it does not). It works in Costa Rica and Panama. I have used it there, as well as in the uk, etc. Maybe your provider does not offer the option, but it is not a true statement to say that us phones will not work in costa rica or panama. No sim card change is needed etc. My number is the same world over. My email access etc. works as well.


As for satellite phones, they are not guaranty work, depending on where you are. There are dead spots, as well as dead times. I have not had to use one in a couple of years, but, it is an expensive proposition, and, not guaranteed connection all the time.


Just for the record GSM (ATT/Cingular) does not work on Ocrakoke Island NC

Just take any cell coverage map with a grain of salt.

My question is if you are on a vacation why worry? isn't the point of going on a cruise to get away?


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I will be on the Coral Princess whose itinerary included Panama, Costa Rica, Aruba. I have Verizon as my cell phone carrier. Do not think my phone will work on the ship at all as i have heard other posters saying Princess is not wired like RCI is. I also don't think i will have service in these ports thru Verizon. What are my options? I have heard people mention they rented a satellite phone but don't really understand what that is. If anyone knows cost, where to buy one and if it works on the ship as well as when in port-please share the info with me. Thanks:)


Vacation Fool,,,,We also are on the same cruise departing Oct 11th and I was inquiring today about our coverage with Verizon. I want the same thing you want and that is to be able to communicate while on the ship and not just certain ports. Verizon wanted to sell me a blackberry but it still did not cover Columbia or Costa Rica. Anyway,,,,,much thanks to YOU for bringing attention to this problem. I have read all the posts and decided to use the Satellite Phone Store and rent the Iridium Satellite phone. Will be calling them tomorrow and hopefully the problem will be solved. Again thank you for bringing attention to this. Susan

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Vacation Fool,,,,We also are on the same cruise departing Oct 11th and I was inquiring today about our coverage with Verizon. I want the same thing you want and that is to be able to communicate while on the ship and not just certain ports. Verizon wanted to sell me a blackberry but it still did not cover Columbia or Costa Rica. Anyway,,,,,much thanks to YOU for bringing attention to this problem. I have read all the posts and decided to use the Satellite Phone Store and rent the Iridium Satellite phone. Will be calling them tomorrow and hopefully the problem will be solved. Again thank you for bringing attention to this. Susan


Susan-please write my screen name down and post a message to me on this board when you return. Would love to hear how the phone worked and of course about the cruise. What cabin do you have? And thanks for the vote of support.:D

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Vacation Fool -- Thank you again for raising this issue. I was about to start my own research with Verizon, but you saved me a great deal of trouble (and potentially incorrect information as customer service frequently lack consistent, authoritative knowledge.)


I'm not a fan of cell phones and carry mine only on trips to keep in touch without having to pay hotel surcharges and for my long distance calling from home. I'm perfectly content with the idea that everyone at work will survive ten days without hearing my dulcet tones and that friends and family really don't need a "just calling to see what you're doing" ring on a daily basis.


I do, however, have a parent in the upper 80s who's in assisted living and I'm her responsible party, so I need a way to be in touch in case of any emergencies (the last one of which occurred when I was on my most recent cruise two years ago and was out of touch for several days while in Mexico). Given this, I'm still trying to figure out whether it would be easier to just give my mother one of those pre-paid calling cards for shore-to-ship communication another poster mentioned or the satellite phone option.


Also, in the September Conde Nast Traveller, a letter to the editor mentioned a free service called "youmail.com." According to the writer--I haven't had a chance to check it out yet--this is a free service that allows you to access and manage voicemail messages via the internet. You can reportedly leave different messages for different incoming phone numbers. Depending on immediacy of contact needed, this might be another option to explore.


Thanks again and I will let you know on final decision and how it worked. Take care,

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Vacation Fool -- Thank you again for raising this issue. I was about to start my own research with Verizon, but you saved me a great deal of trouble (and potentially incorrect information as customer service frequently lack consistent, authoritative knowledge.)


I'm not a fan of cell phones and carry mine only on trips to keep in touch without having to pay hotel surcharges and for my long distance calling from home. I'm perfectly content with the idea that everyone at work will survive ten days without hearing my dulcet tones and that friends and family really don't need a "just calling to see what you're doing" ring on a daily basis.


I do, however, have a parent in the upper 80s who's in assisted living and I'm her responsible party, so I need a way to be in touch in case of any emergencies (the last one of which occurred when I was on my most recent cruise two years ago and was out of touch for several days while in Mexico). Given this, I'm still trying to figure out whether it would be easier to just give my mother one of those pre-paid calling cards for shore-to-ship communication another poster mentioned or the satellite phone option.


Also, in the September Conde Nast Traveller, a letter to the editor mentioned a free service called "youmail.com." According to the writer--I haven't had a chance to check it out yet--this is a free service that allows you to access and manage voicemail messages via the internet. You can reportedly leave different messages for different incoming phone numbers. Depending on immediacy of contact needed, this might be another option to explore.


Thanks again and I will let you know on final decision and how it worked. Take care,


Thanks:) Just a heads up on the internet. Other posters have said that their laptops did not work on the Coral and that the ships internet cafe was spotty at best-so not sure that is a great choice at this point. But as far as the satellite phones go, you can pay a few dollars more and get an Arizona number instead of a UK one, still buy your mom the calling card and she just dials the 800# on the calling card and then your number. I think that is what i will do for my familly. This way if they are using a cell or landline they are not incurring long distance charges. As i said to susan in my last post when u come back please post to let me know how the phone worked and how the cruise was:D

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Susan-please write my screen name down and post a message to me on this board when you return. Would love to hear how the phone worked and of course about the cruise. What cabin do you have? And thanks for the vote of support.:D


Vacation Fool,,,,,,Here's what I've decided to do. Varizon only covers Aruba and Jamaica,, no cost to me other then $1.29 per min charges. With Satellite Phone Store,,I will use it for the rest of the cruise. The cost,,,2 weeks,,,,,60 mins of time and including shipping to and from $266.78. This is certainly worth it to me for peace of mind. I get a strong feeling we are on the same wave length. I also don't use my cell phone to much. But it comes in handy for those certain situations. Anyway,,,again you brought this situation up and I'm glad because I wouldnt have known what to do. And thanks to you for helping so many people. By the way,,,,,we'll be on Dolphin Deck 422. It's the Galapogas Suite (sp). First time in a suite. We always stayed in minis and loved them. This is very exciting for us and I WILL keep your screen name to let you know how everything turned out. Wishing you the best! Susan

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You are right about getting off your soapbox:) You would be surprised to know that i barely use my cell phone, maybe 50 min per month, and i do not care about being in contact with work while i am away. This is not meant to be a flame at you, but assuming what the op situation is not a good thing. You have no idea as to who I want to be in touch with and why. Please don't generalize as you don't know me at all. Before cell phones, I may have not chosen to do this type of itinerary if i could not be in touch with someone who needed my support. This forum is for information not to make personal judgements. This is the first time that i even responded to a person like this, but i tell you it irritated me. If your child had an illness would you not go away or would you have a phone that they could reach you on in event of emergency? Your post was tactless. Like you, I will get off my soapbox because noone cares about my response either.


I just had to say "I CARE" and it was a GREAT RESPONSE!!

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Vacation Fool,,,,,,Here's what I've decided to do. Varizon only covers Aruba and Jamaica,, no cost to me other then $1.29 per min charges. With Satellite Phone Store,,I will use it for the rest of the cruise. The cost,,,2 weeks,,,,,60 mins of time and including shipping to and from $266.78. This is certainly worth it to me for peace of mind. I get a strong feeling we are on the same wave length. I also don't use my cell phone to much. But it comes in handy for those certain situations. Anyway,,,again you brought this situation up and I'm glad because I wouldnt have known what to do. And thanks to you for helping so many people. By the way,,,,,we'll be on Dolphin Deck 422. It's the Galapogas Suite (sp). First time in a suite. We always stayed in minis and loved them. This is very exciting for us and I WILL keep your screen name to let you know how everything turned out. Wishing you the best! Susan


Which place did u decide to rent it from-was it the satellite phone store and did they have the best rate? Enjoy your suite. We have a mini but a friend booked a full suite across from us so we will reap some of their benefits;)

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When I went on a Dude Ranch holiday with no way to contact the world, my DH insisted I take a satellite phone, it worked but it was a PITA. Large & bulky with a thick long antenna, I felt like G.I. Joe trying to make a call :D

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Which place did u decide to rent it from-was it the satellite phone store and did they have the best rate? Enjoy your suite. We have a mini but a friend booked a full suite across from us so we will reap some of their benefits;)


Yes,,,,,I'm renting it from the Satellite Store and comparing prices (including Verizons rental) they seem to be the best.

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Yes,,,,,I'm renting it from the Satellite Store and comparing prices (including Verizons rental) they seem to be the best.



Thanks. Let me know if they are big and bulky with long antennaes like OP said. Sounds like a creature rather than a phone:D

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