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19mo,-toys for dining room


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I will be cruising with 19 mo on Carnival in August. Despite of some of the opinions that I have read I plan on bringing a DVD for dinner. Old and new dvd's. Of course I will have the volume down. :D My DD does not know how to color, (basically she sticks colors in her mouth) I do plan to bring the crayola magic paper and markers. (color only appears on that paper) :) I have read to bring other toys for the dinner table. Can someone give me examples? Once again 19mo. Thanks for any suggestions. Also, suggestions for an inside room would be helpful. I do plan to bring her bubbles to chase in the room.

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I bring travel size magna doodles (the magnetic drawing toys that they draw on, then erases so they can start over - we get Dora ones, but there are all kinds of characters). Also, books that have some kind of play incorporated (where they lift a tab and see what's in the barn type-thing). The biggest thing I've found is to have one or two new little things to bring out for each night, so small and inexpensive. (When the Disney store has a sale, I stock up on their little things, plus Happy Meal type toys, also Target usually has a bunch of little items to choose from). Stickers and lollipops also buy me time at the table or in lines.


In the room, a blow up ball. I also put aside some small toys from our collection a few weeks before we leave so they're "new" to my girls. Then they give them to children we meet on shore (toy cell phones, etc.).




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I will be cruising with 19 mo on Carnival in August. Despite of some of the opinions that I have read I plan on bringing a DVD for dinner. Old and new dvd's. Of course I will have the volume down.


Why not bring earphones? :confused:


Otherwise I would encourage you to ask your travel agent to have them sit you in an out-of-the-way corner. Even with the volume down, other diners will probably be able to hear the sound. You turn the volume down low enough and she wont be able to hear it...that's no fun!

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Stickers and a magna doodle.


I've honestly not had alot of problems with keeping my kids (when they were THAT age) entertained during dinner. There is so much going on in the dining room that it was easy to keep their attention.


And on Carnival the waiters would bring a big plate of different finger foods (like fruit, bread) pretty much AS we sat down. So my kids would dive into that right away.

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Why not bring earphones? :confused:


I guess I could try earphones. I am not sure if she would leave them on. I am hoping for a table for 5. (my family only), and a table out of the way woudl be great. Normally, I like to meet new people at dinner. But since the kids are with us this trip....it would be good for us to dine alone. Hopefully the food will keep her busy. We are planning to have DH to bring her in later, so she won't have to wait the entire time.

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We cruised at 7 months, 12 months and 19 months with my DD. This last cruise we brought stickers, favorite small toys, books and the dvd player for her. We didnt have headphones and none of the other diners could hear the volume on low, we asked. It was very loud in the dining room with clanking plates and glasses and talking so I doubt anyone would notice it at all. Carnival sat us with another family with child about my DD's age, they try to group you together. This last time we sat alone though, as our tablemates never came to dinner.


my dd loved water toys, stacking cups, pail and shovel but really anything could be a toy at that age. We even gave her some cups from the ship to play with. We also saved Mcdonalds toys for the trip.



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FYI this is not a flame just a little information from experiance:

The issue some passangers have with the DVD players is not just volume but the distraction of the flickering light coming from the screen. I know my father has had issues with the light hitting him the eyes before which is definently not a pleasent experiance when you are trying to eat and have a converstaion. ( and it was someone not sitting at his table) I definently think unless you are somewhere that you know no one else around you can see or hear it good manners would state that you try and be moved rather then use it. Or atleast ask the dinners around you if they would mind your child watching it.


If you are planning on using it during dinner regaurdless I would suggest when you get on board go directly to the dinner seating station and find out where you are seated. If you are not seated somewhere that you could use it without distracting the tables around you simply ask if you can be moved. I would hate for you to get seated next to grumpy people like my partents, no one deserves to have their dinner ruined by rude comment and dirty looks.


I have a portable DVD player but I don't dare bring it to dinner for my 18 month old, lol I know my dad and the other people we are sitting would freak out if I did. ( I am going with a group of family and friends who are all sitting together at dinner ) They are okay with me bringing in a book and like a new toy from the dollar store every night as long as it doesn;t make sounds, go figure.


Good luck and I am sure you will all have a great time and a pleasent dinner experiance.

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FYI this is not a flame just a little information from experiance:

The issue some passangers have with the DVD players is not just volume but the distraction of the flickering light coming from the screen. I know my father has had issues with the light hitting him the eyes before which is definently not a pleasent experiance when you are trying to eat and have a converstaion. ( and it was someone not sitting at his table) I definently think unless you are somewhere that you know no one else around you can see or hear it good manners would state that you try and be moved rather then use it. Or atleast ask the dinners around you if they would mind your child watching it.


If you are planning on using it during dinner regaurdless I would suggest when you get on board go directly to the dinner seating station and find out where you are seated. If you are not seated somewhere that you could use it without distracting the tables around you simply ask if you can be moved. I would hate for you to get seated next to grumpy people like my partents, no one deserves to have their dinner ruined by rude comment and dirty looks.


I have a portable DVD player but I don't dare bring it to dinner for my 18 month old, lol I know my dad and the other people we are sitting would freak out if I did. ( I am going with a group of family and friends who are all sitting together at dinner ) They are okay with me bringing in a book and like a new toy from the dollar store every night as long as it doesn;t make sounds, go figure.


Good luck and I am sure you will all have a great time and a pleasent dinner experiance.


You know, I thought about this in my head for a bit. How would I feel if I wee sitting looking at the back of a child whom was watching a DVD on a portable DVD player.


I have to agree that the flickering light would definitely catch my eye and distract me. Would it irritate/annoy me? That I dont know. But it would definitely be distracting.


That said, this particular situation is resolved simply by ensuring that the child in question is always sitting with his back to the window or to a wall.


Yes, just make sure that you scope out your seating arrangements before dinner and make changes as appropriate.


Simple enough.

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You know, I thought about this in my head for a bit. How would I feel if I wee sitting looking at the back of a child whom was watching a DVD on a portable DVD player.


I have to agree that the flickering light would definitely catch my eye and distract me. Would it irritate/annoy me? That I dont know. But it would definitely be distracting.


That said, this particular situation is resolved simply by ensuring that the child in question is always sitting with his back to the window or to a wall.


Yes, just make sure that you scope out your seating arrangements before dinner and make changes as appropriate.


Simple enough.


That would be a good solution. I have vertigo.. and the flickering would "kill me". It takes alot for me to just stay normalized, without a dvd flickering in the corner of my glasses.. yikes.

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children should be seen & not heard. My uncle was that way when I was growing up. I am going on a 14 nighter in less then 3 weeks and bringing my 2 year old. I plan on going to target or walmart and stocking up on little toys that are "new" to him. If he starts to melt down, I will pull one out. I don't plan on giving him one unless I see him start to get antsy.


My other DS (who is 6 now) was an angel when he was 2, so I am not used to these terrible two's. I hope we can get through several dinners and don't have to eat at the buffet every night. :eek:

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children should be seen & not heard. My uncle was that way when I was growing up. I am going on a 14 nighter in less then 3 weeks and bringing my 2 year old. I plan on going to target or walmart and stocking up on little toys that are "new" to him. If he starts to melt down, I will pull one out. I don't plan on giving him one unless I see him start to get antsy.


My other DS (who is 6 now) was an angel when he was 2, so I am not used to these terrible two's. I hope we can get through several dinners and don't have to eat at the buffet every night. :eek:


LOL, Im not sure if your post makes me want to be your kid or not want to be your kid!


I wonder if i can get my husband to subscribe to the "if I act up give me a new bauble" theory...!:D

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You know, I thought about this in my head for a bit. How would I feel if I wee sitting looking at the back of a child whom was watching a DVD on a portable DVD player.


I have to agree that the flickering light would definitely catch my eye and distract me. Would it irritate/annoy me? That I dont know. But it would definitely be distracting.


That said, this particular situation is resolved simply by ensuring that the child in question is always sitting with his back to the window or to a wall.


Yes, just make sure that you scope out your seating arrangements before dinner and make changes as appropriate.


Simple enough.


Good thought. I have heard that the DVD worked for many people, but I have also heard lots of compliants. In order not get dirty looks, I will try to use the DVD as a last option, before heading to the buffet. :)

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LOL, Im not sure if your post makes me want to be your kid or not want to be your kid!


I wonder if i can get my husband to subscribe to the "if I act up give me a new bauble" theory...!:D


I DO see where she is coming from. She is not rewarding bad behavior...at age 2 it's called "redirection" and it's a VERY popular way to get a 2 year old to behave.


You don't have to redirect with new toys, you can redirect the 2 year olds attention to anything. Making paper hats out of the placemats. Turning the straw paper into a heart.


I remember in the grocery store, I used to use my keys and cell phone to redirect my kids when they were about to have a meltdown.

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I remember in the grocery store, I used to use my keys and cell phone to redirect my kids when they were about to have a meltdown.


Yea! Those things hurt when you smack them upside the head and tell 'em to shaddap! :D



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Let me start by saying that my kids are now 9 and 8 and we have only been on 1 cruise (just last month). Keeping that in mind, I travel cross country with my kids at least a couple times a year, at least once a year w/o my DH and I have been doing it since my kids were 1 and 2. Anyway, I had some small toys that were our "traveling" toys. They came out during flights and the kids usually had forgotten about them, so they held their attention as though they were new toys. They had to be things w/o small pieces as I didn't want to lose pieces on the floor of the plane. Something that worked well were hand-held electronic toddler toys such as: an Elmo toy that taught colors and shapes, etc. They talked, but not loud and kept the kids occupied, and they didn't have screens that could be distracting to others.

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Let me start by saying that my kids are now 9 and 8 and we have only been on 1 cruise (just last month). Keeping that in mind, I travel cross country with my kids at least a couple times a year, at least once a year w/o my DH and I have been doing it since my kids were 1 and 2. Anyway, I had some small toys that were our "traveling" toys. They came out during flights and the kids usually had forgotten about them, so they held their attention as though they were new toys. They had to be things w/o small pieces as I didn't want to lose pieces on the floor of the plane. Something that worked well were hand-held electronic toddler toys such as: an Elmo toy that taught colors and shapes, etc. They talked, but not loud and kept the kids occupied, and they didn't have screens that could be distracting to others.


Great. Thanks for the suggestion

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My son went on his first cruise at 18 months old. (He as since been on 2 others and will be going on another in September 07) The first cruise we went on was not very kid friendly.

You will be surprised how much the waiters keep your child entertained and happy! I don't even think you will need the DVD player. We don't ever bring toys or anything to the dining room with us. We always have a table for just us and seem to get our food right away. I think you will be surpised at how well your child does!:D

I do have to say this that our DVD player has been a life savor on planes. However, I do not nor will I put headphones on my child till he is much older. (He is now 3) I keep the volume down very low as not to disturb anyone else on the plane. So far it works.

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My son is currently 21 months old and when we go to restaurants I carry a bag with crayons (washable) and paper, books (he likes flap books), DVD player, and the travel magnadoodle. Occasionally other toys make it in and out of the bag and there is a bag in the car with favorite toys which sometime come in. The DVD player is not my first resort and I've never had anyone complain about it. I guess I can understand it and if it were an issue I am sure that I could put him on the other side of the table. I have to think about wanting to go against the wall would I be away for the entertaining action. I'll go look at the layout and have to figure that out. I already am going to call up the captains club to request being downstairs because should he get away while we are getting ready to leave (figure that's the easiest time for him to get away because mommy is gathering all his toys) I don't want him falling down the stairs so i could ask their opinion.


When we go to Disney next month the DVD player will be in the room and will not be brought to any of our sit down meals so we'll see how that goes. I figure if he has a meltdown there it will be tolerated since if anyplace is kid friendly WDW is.

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My son went on his first cruise at 18 months old. (He as since been on 2 others and will be going on another in September 07) The first cruise we went on was not very kid friendly.

You will be surprised how much the waiters keep your child entertained and happy! I don't even think you will need the DVD player. We don't ever bring toys or anything to the dining room with us. We always have a table for just us and seem to get our food right away. I think you will be surpised at how well your child does!:D

I do have to say this that our DVD player has been a life savor on planes. However, I do not nor will I put headphones on my child till he is much older. (He is now 3) I keep the volume down very low as not to disturb anyone else on the plane. So far it works.


I just have to chime in here.

This post reminds me about all the things that I stress so badly over, in terms of my kid, that always end up seeming like wasted energy in hindsight.... I keep trying to remind myself of this when I start to stress.


It is possible that your dining experience with your child will turn out to be wonderful and that DVD player sill sit, closed, on the table while your child enjoys themselves without incident!


But it never hurts to plan ahead!

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I will be cruising with 19 mo on Carnival in August. Despite of some of the opinions that I have read I plan on bringing a DVD for dinner. Old and new dvd's. Of course I will have the volume down. :D My DD does not know how to color, (basically she sticks colors in her mouth) I do plan to bring the crayola magic paper and markers. (color only appears on that paper) :) I have read to bring other toys for the dinner table. Can someone give me examples? Once again 19mo. Thanks for any suggestions. Also, suggestions for an inside room would be helpful. I do plan to bring her bubbles to chase in the room.



My kid is crawling now. I think I will bring a harness and a really long leash and just let him crawl around during dinner.... I am even thinking of attaching it to he outside of our stateroom door and letting him roam free for an hour or two! :D Gotta tire them out somehow!!!


(j/k) :p

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My kid is crawling now. I think I will bring a harness and a really long leash and just let him crawl around during dinner.... I am even thinking of attaching it to he outside of our stateroom door and letting him roam free for an hour or two! :D Gotta tire them out somehow!!!


(j/k) :p



You are joking right????

The dining room is toooooooo busy for a crawling baby..............

HAPPY CRUISING..................

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You are joking right????

The dining room is toooooooo busy for a crawling baby..............

HAPPY CRUISING..................



He's small....they can step over him....easily!


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