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Daft son concerns!


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Hiya, I have just booked our first ever cruise on the Independence of the seas on 26/7/08 and so excited but have probably a mad concern - My son who is 14 atm but 15 when we sail is a bit of an interesting package!

He is 6ft 1 with huge hands and feet, a bit like an overexcited Labrador puppy. He is very gifted academically but has no common sense whatsoever. He is so laid back he is horizontal and doesnt see danger in anything. He is also a bit of an adrenaline junkie, totally fearless. I dont want to have the apron strings too tight as he is a teenager and wouldnt appreciate it at all but i want him to be safe. Pep talks do get listened to but dont seem to make much difference. He is a really good lad but it can be like having a toddler at times as he has always knocked people and things flying (picks people back up though) I know this sounds daft, but how likely is he to be able to get into bother on a cruise ship and or fall overboard. Even my hubby says this is the only thing that concerns him about Jordan.

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I can totally relate to your description of your son!! My stepson is finally coming out of that "excited puppy" stage.


Steer his energy toward the activities that allow for a release of energy.....rock climbing, basketball, etc. Only you know how your son will respond to warnings (some kids take them as dares)....but if stupidity doesn't take over, he will be perfectly safe on the ship.

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Hiya, I have just booked our first ever cruise on the Independence of the seas on 26/7/08 and so excited but have probably a mad concern - My son who is 14 atm but 15 when we sail is a bit of an interesting package!

He is 6ft 1 with huge hands and feet, a bit like an overexcited Labrador puppy. He is very gifted academically but has no common sense whatsoever. He is so laid back he is horizontal and doesnt see danger in anything. He is also a bit of an adrenaline junkie, totally fearless. I dont want to have the apron strings too tight as he is a teenager and wouldnt appreciate it at all but i want him to be safe. Pep talks do get listened to but dont seem to make much difference. He is a really good lad but it can be like having a toddler at times as he has always knocked people and things flying (picks people back up though) I know this sounds daft, but how likely is he to be able to get into bother on a cruise ship and or fall overboard. Even my hubby says this is the only thing that concerns him about Jordan.

Many complaints on these boards deal with out-of-control children/ teenagers/ drunks, but almost all of these complaints deal with overall attitude - if he "picks people back up though":D most people will be understanding [and perhaps envious] of his energy and enthusiasm. There have been a fairly large number of people who have fallen overboard, but virtually all of these were drunk and/or suicidal. The railings on the ship are intentionally high, and it is not easy to go over. DO try to convince him to not sit atop the railings or slide down the banisters as these are actions that can and have led to significant problems. I wish ALL of you a great cruise!
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Thom and MinMom57 have given you some good advise. Try to steer his energy in the right directions, emphasis safety, and exercise control when his exurberance could frighten or injury someone.


Cruising is a popular pastime for seniors and disabled people who typically lack the speed, strength and mobility to avoid becoming injured by over-excited young folks. Seniors often have brittle bone, so he should make sure their hip is not broken before he picks them up.


Your son should have a great time on the cruise. That is what is all about. But, he does need to be aware that some situations require and extra dose of respect.

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Hiya, I have just booked our first ever cruise on the Independence of the seas on 26/7/08 and so excited but have probably a mad concern - My son who is 14 atm but 15 when we sail is a bit of an interesting package!

He is 6ft 1 with huge hands and feet, a bit like an overexcited Labrador puppy. He is very gifted academically but has no common sense whatsoever. He is so laid back he is horizontal and doesnt see danger in anything. He is also a bit of an adrenaline junkie, totally fearless. I dont want to have the apron strings too tight as he is a teenager and wouldnt appreciate it at all but i want him to be safe. Pep talks do get listened to but dont seem to make much difference. He is a really good lad but it can be like having a toddler at times as he has always knocked people and things flying (picks people back up though) I know this sounds daft, but how likely is he to be able to get into bother on a cruise ship and or fall overboard. Even my hubby says this is the only thing that concerns him about Jordan.


There's quite a difference between over exuberance and kids who are just running wild. Most times people can tell the difference, your son sounds like he could be a real charmer though ;) .



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Thanks for the replies, all good sound advice. I know i will be biased but I thank my lucky stars he is my son, he is gorgeous in everyway including temperament. I chose this ship as the amenities are everything Jordan is about, just concerned he hurts himself or accidently others but he is very respectful of others especially seniors. It is just that if anyone breaks anything (limbs) it is always him (standing joke amongst his friends parents) as he has a 14 year old brain in a huge frame and co-ordination isnt always his strong point. I guess i could always wrap him in bubblewrap for the duration!

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Hiya, I have just booked our first ever cruise on the Independence of the seas on 26/7/08 and so excited but have probably a mad concern - My son who is 14 atm but 15 when we sail is a bit of an interesting package!

He is 6ft 1 with huge hands and feet, a bit like an overexcited Labrador puppy. He is very gifted academically but has no common sense whatsoever. He is so laid back he is horizontal and doesnt see danger in anything. He is also a bit of an adrenaline junkie, totally fearless. I dont want to have the apron strings too tight as he is a teenager and wouldnt appreciate it at all but i want him to be safe. Pep talks do get listened to but dont seem to make much difference. He is a really good lad but it can be like having a toddler at times as he has always knocked people and things flying (picks people back up though) I know this sounds daft, but how likely is he to be able to get into bother on a cruise ship and or fall overboard. Even my hubby says this is the only thing that concerns him about Jordan.

***** Gosh, was he at my house a month ago? :eek: My son had a friend stay the weekend your son sounds exactly like him! I could wait for him to leave, although he was very sweet. He just made me a nervous wreck! :D


I would really set down the rules with him and tell him!

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Hiya, I have just booked our first ever cruise on the Independence of the seas on 26/7/08 and so excited but have probably a mad concern - My son who is 14 atm but 15 when we sail is a bit of an interesting package!

He is 6ft 1 with huge hands and feet, a bit like an overexcited Labrador puppy. He is very gifted academically but has no common sense whatsoever. He is so laid back he is horizontal and doesnt see danger in anything. He is also a bit of an adrenaline junkie, totally fearless. I dont want to have the apron strings too tight as he is a teenager and wouldnt appreciate it at all but i want him to be safe. Pep talks do get listened to but dont seem to make much difference. He is a really good lad but it can be like having a toddler at times as he has always knocked people and things flying (picks people back up though) I know this sounds daft, but how likely is he to be able to get into bother on a cruise ship and or fall overboard. Even my hubby says this is the only thing that concerns him about Jordan.




While I dont want to rain on the parade here and will probably get shot down in flames, I would be very cautious in the circumstances. RCCL are in the process of stepping up behaviour control of teens/children onboard ships and I would suggest your son is monitored carefully while on the ship especially if you feel he may be knocking into people in moments of enthusiasm. Families are going to be removed from ships if there are valid complaints of youngsters causing problems. Explaining his over exuberance may not be an acceptable reason for any damage he could do to himself or others passengers.


That said, there will be a teen area, arcade and plenty activities onboard including the flow rider, H20 etc so there will be plenty to keep him interested and amused.


Hope you have a great cruise.


Chubbas XX

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Although we don't think Jordan will fall into the uncontrolable category and warrant your removal from the ship, Chubbas Nancy does make a good point.


Being a parent is not an easy job as ultimately you are responsible for your children's actions and it would be unfortunate if he injuried himself or anyone else. Labeling it as youth or over exuberance makes light of the situation. It does not excuse poor behavior.

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Kids can change a whole lot in a years time ;) I've got two teens at home right now and sometimes I barely recognize them, they change so frequently.


In a year from now he may just have gotten used to those big feet and hands, he may be a bit more graceful. He may notice there are female persons and aspire to be more of a gentleman, so to garner their attention. I know my son tries to act more sophisticated around girls his age.


Other than that, keep him on the basketball court on the top deck. There is usually a group of people wanting to play a game, he can expend some of this wonderful energy that way.

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The clause that allows RCI to toss kids and their parents off the ship has little or nothing to do with this conversation!!

We are talking about punks. That damage property, violate the alcohol rules, harass or intimidate passengers, etc. NOT high energy teens that are enjoying themselves!!!!

Having lived through two sons that match your description, go, enjoy, smile!

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Unfortunately, he is too young for the gym which is a great place for him to work off excess energy. Have him run the jogging path in the morning. Releasing energy in a positive way will help him stay calm thoughout the day. Although, I am in no way classifing your child as ADD/ADHD, they have found that running helps those children stay focused (Of course, I am a runner and found the article in Runner's World - so it might be a bit biased). My point is if it can help an exceptional child, positive physical output can certainly help a normal, active child.


I also work with gifted kids - and I know what you are talking about. Great analitical skills but no common sense at all. Over excitablity is one of the traits of the gifted child. You know, he may enjoy things like the trivia games, chess, etc.


Tell him that you need him to take the stairs everywhere because the older, less fit, people need the elevators. That will keep him out of confined spaces. Make sure your shore excursions are action packed. Don't have this kid sit on a bench while you go shopping. It will be torture for all involved.


OK - one last old hippie, health nut suggestion. Limit sugary drinks and caffine. Yes, I know the kids love the mocha whipped lattes with extra sprinkles, but they are loaded with both things an active teenager doesn't need. Sugar and caffine. I won't even mention the calories those things have. Limit the sodas and heavy sugared breakfast like sweet rolls. Stick to the protien and carbs he may need. No "Energy Drinks" - he certainly doesn't sound like he needs it.


Give him a responsiblity. Make sure he is in charge of something. That will keep him focused. Maybe he needs to bring a guide book and research something about the port you are visiting or some such thing.


You will have a great time.


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if he's prone to sports injuries, get travel insurance so you don't wind up w/ unbudgeted medical bills. let him know that tragedies have occurred on board (off the rails, off the banisters) and that you expect him to be extra-attentive to safety. and then have a great cruise. :)

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The clause that allows RCI to toss kids and their parents off the ship has little or nothing to do with this conversation!!

We are talking about punks. That damage property, violate the alcohol rules, harass or intimidate passengers, etc. NOT high energy teens that are enjoying themselves!!!!

Having lived through two sons that match your description, go, enjoy, smile!




While I hate to be disagreeable, If an elderly person, small toddler or indeed an able bodied adult was knocked over and hurt by an over excited teen....I personally wouldnt care if it was a "punk" or a exciteable teen, it would still cause harm or distress. I find it extremely hard to believe that most passengers would say never mind, it was only a high energy teen enjoying himself!!!!


Chubbas XX

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While I hate to be disagreeable, If an elderly person, small toddler or indeed an able bodied adult was knocked over and hurt by an over excited teen....I personally wouldnt care if it was a "punk" or a exciteable teen, it would still cause harm or distress. I find it extremely hard to believe that most passengers would say never mind, it was only a high energy teen enjoying himself!!!!


Chubbas XX


We can't argue with that logic. Doesn't matter whether you get knocked over the rail by a nasty punk or a high energy kid just enjoying himself, you are still shark food.

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Put a life jacket on him and he'll be fine:D



Too funny :p . And he's tall...have him stay away from the railing! We parents tend to obsess way too much when it comes to our children, he'll have so much to do with other teens that you probably won't recognize him. Just talk to him about safety rules...he'll be fine!

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Thankyou to everybody for their input.

I dont actually have the slightest concern over Jordan's general behaviour, he absolutely would not run riot, be abusive, get drunk etc so being thrown off the ship for his behaviour just isnt an issue! My real concern stems from his enthusiasm for extreme activities. He cant wait to be old enough to skydive etc. All it comes down to really is that we often have to tell him to be careful (99/100 for his own benefit) He is a mass of long limbs and a lack of understanding of his strength. He is very much of the opinion 'lets do this thing' and has broken an awful lot of bones. However he can be gentle, strangely enough he is brilliant with young children and he remembers not to squeeze his Grandma too hard when giving her a hug so I guess we will just have to keep reminding him to be careful full stop. My inlaws went on a cruise a little while ago and a lady was lost at sea, believed just to have fallen over, so that is why Jordan concerns me. It is actually them who keep saying how much we would enjoy a cruise. They are very dignified and serene people so if they thought Jordy would be a handful for others they would never encourage us. Luckily our daughter (15) is a real girly girl, dont think my nerves could take it if she weren't!

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Thankyou to everybody for their input.

I dont actually have the slightest concern over Jordan's general behaviour, he absolutely would not run riot, be abusive, get drunk etc so being thrown off the ship for his behaviour just isnt an issue! My real concern stems from his enthusiasm for extreme activities. He cant wait to be old enough to skydive etc. All it comes down to really is that we often have to tell him to be careful (99/100 for his own benefit) He is a mass of long limbs and a lack of understanding of his strength. He is very much of the opinion 'lets do this thing' and has broken an awful lot of bones. However he can be gentle, strangely enough he is brilliant with young children and he remembers not to squeeze his Grandma too hard when giving her a hug so I guess we will just have to keep reminding him to be careful full stop. My inlaws went on a cruise a little while ago and a lady was lost at sea, believed just to have fallen over, so that is why Jordan concerns me. It is actually them who keep saying how much we would enjoy a cruise. They are very dignified and serene people so if they thought Jordy would be a handful for others they would never encourage us. Luckily our daughter (15) is a real girly girl, dont think my nerves could take it if she weren't!



A good rule of thumb is this "if you have to worry about him jumping from balcony to balcony to avoid walking up or down the stairs or hallway in order to visit someone new he meets on the ship, then I would leave him home.

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My family has a saying that works a lot of time. Don't borrow trouble. Jordan will probably do just fine. He may run into someone, that happens, just make sure he knows to say I am sorry and is concerned.

Between the pools and the BB courts he will find ways to have fun. Just do the normal parent stuff in regards to checking on him.

The tell me about your day, I want to meet your new friends stuff. Personally I have met more nice kids on cruises than bad kids on cruises.

Believe me even the seniors know the growth stage you are talking about.

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Based on your comments, you sound concerned.:confused: Just reading your posts about your son, I am concerned.:mad: My suggestion would be to not let him out of your sight for a second. You only get one chance to see how far you can hang over the railing.....


He sounds like a wonderful boy! Just play it very safe.

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Thanks for the replies, all good sound advice. I know i will be biased but I thank my lucky stars he is my son, he is gorgeous in everyway including temperament. I chose this ship as the amenities are everything Jordan is about, just concerned he hurts himself or accidently others but he is very respectful of others especially seniors. It is just that if anyone breaks anything (limbs) it is always him (standing joke amongst his friends parents) as he has a 14 year old brain in a huge frame and co-ordination isnt always his strong point. I guess i could always wrap him in bubblewrap for the duration!


I've threatened to wrap my sometimes clumsy 14 yr old nephew in bubble wrap many times - especially right before occasions when we did NOT need him to have sprained ankles, etc!! He doesn't think too much of the bubble wrap idea, but I thought it was genious!

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Based on your comments, you sound concerned.:confused: Just reading your posts about your son, I am concerned.:mad: My suggestion would be to not let him out of your sight for a second. You only get one chance to see how far you can hang over the railing.....


He sounds like a wonderful boy! Just play it very safe.


They aren't going on this cruise to babysit a teenager. He'll be fine. Lay out some ground rules and have times set up for him to regularly check in with you. If you have no trust in him and plan to watch him 24/7 you may as well stay at home (just kidding, i'm sure you won't have a problem).

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I am trying to think of a polite way of asking this, but has he had problems with his size and strength and hurting others? This concerns me, as he is still technically a child, but at 14, he should be aware of his actions as they relate to others. A young man of his size can very seriously hurt someone if he is not aware of what he is doing. I am not suggesting that you tie him to your belt all day long, but I would make sure that he is aware of his actions and how they impact others. By the time of your cruise, he will be 15, which is most definitely old enough to know what he's doing. If he is still causing you doubts and concern, then I would watch him like a hawk.

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