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Stolen Items While On Board?


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My point exactly! Glad to know others think I am not drinking something I have not paid for!!!



And really it does not matter what I or anyone else thinks. Which is just another word for mental image LOL! I will be leaving on Sat. for my cruise and will probabley have my dh purchase a soda card. And I sure won't be losing any sleep over sharing his coke.:rolleyes: No justification needfood-smiley-008.gif


Oh yeah and ya better lock up your valuables cause us soda sharing couples are not to be trusted....

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I had a disposable camera taken...I left in a restroom it by accident, went back 5 minutes later and it was gone. I dug through the trash :eek: and it wasn't there either. :mad: Talk about stupid...almost all of the pictures were used. Somebody out there has some pictures of me swimming with dolphins that I'd like back!!


Same thing happened to us last year. Lost all our great pics too.:(

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As I posted above, its about TAKING ADVANTAGE of the situation. Everyone seems to have their own opinion of what is stealing or not. I never mentioned STEALING. I did mention HONESTY! Most of the people on this board just like any other situation are in the 80%. Their posts here seem to prove it!


When a situation of opportunity presents itself people will set their own limits. Some will go all the way and steal the camera, some will only go as far as using another persons soda card, some would never do either. CASE PROVEN!


Do you dissagree now?


That is the best statement I have heard so far. AND I totally agree with you. I have preached to my children all their lives to be HONEST and have integrity. You only have two things in life and that is.....your name and your word. If you are an honest person with integrity.....you don't steal another person's personal property!!!


I will give you a good example (not cruise related). Last year around November/December my husband and I were walking from the car into a Walmart and found a $5 bill on the ground. As we walked into the store my hubby dropped it into the Salvation Army bucket. I was extremely impressed and realized all over again why I married him.

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And I sure won't be losing any sleep over sharing his coke.:rolleyes: No justification needfood-smiley-008.gif


Oh yeah and ya better lock up your valuables cause us soda sharing couples are not to be trusted....


Just out of curiosity: What's your definition of stealing? (Don't tell me what it's NOT; tell me what it IS.)


I find your moral compass very interesting.

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Are fellow cruisers on board ship usually honest people? What I mean is: Has anyone ever had something "lost" or "misplaced" while on board ship and NEVER returned to them? If so, what did you do about it?


Speaking of this, did anyone see Dateline's Stolen Ipod investigation last week? Jeez Louise.. it's amazing what people will do when they think no one's watching them.

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(My Mom always said that) I had a good experience also. On our last cruise, I left my digital camera in one of the lounges. didn't realize til the next morning, checked with the purser, and someone had returned it. It would have been bad to lose the camera, but also all of our photos from the cruise.

Lesson learned - make sure you collect all your stuff!! Nice to see here that there weren't any staff issues, just fellow passengers.


I am from Buffalo area too. How about them Bills


E-mail billsrobb@cox.net

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Just out of curiosity: What's your definition of stealing? (Don't tell me what it's NOT; tell me what it IS.)


I find your moral compass very interesting.


Might I add I find yours a little silly:p

So you make up the rules as we go along:confused: I won't sit here and debate the definition of stealing. It's about sharing. Certainly most people know if your dh gave you a soda to share it is not stealing. I can't help it if you don't see it that way. I don't know maybe you don't share like we do.:p

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Speaking of this, did anyone see Dateline's Stolen Ipod investigation last week? Jeez Louise.. it's amazing what people will do when they think no one's watching them.



I saw it, and what amazes me even more is how the kids at my school lose their iPod. Every morning they make an announcement on the loud speaker asking kids who have lost their iPod to come down and claim it. I used to help down in the office and there are buckets of iPods, cell phones, wallets, etc and it's pathetic. Last day of school most were still there, which is probably the saddest part of all. It's my biggest pet peeve when people don't take care of their belongings.

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Speaking of this, did anyone see Dateline's Stolen Ipod investigation last week? Jeez Louise.. it's amazing what people will do when they think no one's watching them.


YES I did, and so did my daughter (her IPod was stolen from her purse at school within one month after I bought it for her). AND YES, she values her purse and IPod. It was hanging on the back of her chair and she thinks the person who sits behind her in class reached in and took it, but she can't prove it. She was sooooooo excited about the possibility of being able to locate the IPod through Apple since she registered it.

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Might I add I find yours a little silly:p

So you make up the rules as we go along:confused: I won't sit here and debate the definition of stealing. It's about sharing. Certainly most people know if your dh gave you a soda to share it is not stealing. I can't help it if you don't see it that way. I don't know maybe you don't share like we do.:p


LOL. I had a feeling you wouldn't give me a definition. So here it is: Stealing is taking something that doesn't belong to you, without permission, and without paying for it. It doesn't matter who it belongs to, or how much it's worth. If you take it without permission and without paying, you are stealing.


I have another question, if it's OK. Let's say you didn't purchase a Coke card. You're walking down the promenade and out in front of the cafe is a table filled with glasses of Coke. There's a BIG sign "$2.00 each." The cruise employee who's supposed to be selling the Cokes steps away for a minute; no one is watching. Do you take one and walk away?


(Btw, I like Kurban too; but Kenny's my boy, hence my screen name. I was recently on St Thomas, and it made my heart go pitty-pat to know I was so close to his St Johns home. :p )

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YES I did, and so did my daughter (her IPod was stolen from her purse at school within one month after I bought it for her). AND YES, she values her purse and IPod. It was hanging on the back of her chair and she thinks the person who sits behind her in class reached in and took it, but she can't prove it. She was sooooooo excited about the possibility of being able to locate the IPod through Apple since she registered it.


My high schooler's purse was stolen at school, and inside it was our video camera. :( Her punishment was that she was not allowed to take any of her indispensible electronic toys out of the house for several months. (Oh the agony! :eek: )


But since character is more important to me than cameras, I also told her; "If I had to choose between a daughter who gets stolen from, or a daughter who steals, I'd take YOU every time!" And I always did wonder about the other kid's parents. Did they not notice that their child suddenly had an expensive new camera? Did they not ask where it came from? Weird.

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LOL. I had a feeling you wouldn't give me a definition. So here it is: Stealing is taking something that doesn't belong to you, without permission, and without paying for it. It doesn't matter who it belongs to, or how much it's worth. If you take it without permission and without paying, you are stealing.


I have another question, if it's OK. Let's say you didn't purchase a Coke card. You're walking down the promenade and out in front of the cafe is a table filled with glasses of Coke. There's a BIG sign "$2.00 each." The cruise employee who's supposed to be selling the Cokes steps away for a minute; no one is watching. Do you take one and walk away?


(Btw, I like Kurban too; but Kenny's my boy, hence my screen name. I was recently on St Thomas, and it made my heart go pitty-pat to know I was so close to his St Johns home. :p )



You do realize how silly this is getting right?

I don't take anything that does not belong to me without permission that I did not pay for.



My two favs also. Saw Keith at the House of blues in Vegas right before he hit it big time. I was sooo close I could almost touch him:D

Saw Kenny in Vegas at Mandalay Bay pretty awesome!!!

The whole time we were in St. Johns in Dec. I had my binnoculars looking for his boat :p Didn't see any sign of him:o

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You do realize how silly this is getting right?

I don't take anything that does not belong to me without permission that I did not pay for.



My two favs also. Saw Keith at the House of blues in Vegas right before he hit it big time. I was sooo close I could almost touch him:D

Saw Kenny in Vegas at Mandalay Bay pretty awesome!!!

The whole time we were in St. Johns in Dec. I had my binnoculars looking for his boat :p Didn't see any sign of him:o


(Yes I know it's getting silly; I love silly debates! :p )


On to more important things: YOU SAW KENNY IN CONCERT????????? OMG I'm going cry I'm so jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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This thread has me thinking.....Does Carnival do any kind of check on people before they board? I mean I know you have to have your passport or your birth certificate and ID and they look at it and match it to our reservation but do they do some kind of check to see if you are a criminal or if you are wanted by the law? Just Curious.

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This thread has me thinking.....Does Carnival do any kind of check on people before they board? I mean I know you have to have your passport or your birth certificate and ID and they look at it and match it to our reservation but do they do some kind of check to see if you are a criminal or if you are wanted by the law? Just Curious.


Here we go into a whole new direction with this one.

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I don't take anything that does not belong to me without permission that I did not pay for.


Of course you did. You took the cruise ship's soda, and gave it to someone that hadn't paid for it.


You paid for the right to *drink* soda. Not to give it away.


So, when does "sharing" stop being allowed? You think it's ok to give it to family members. How about friends? No problem in sharing soda with dozens of friends, right? You've paid for it, after all.


Heck, let's call it Random Act of Soda Kindness, and give all 2000 people on the ship a coke. You've paid for it, it's just sharing, after all.

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I know this thread is about those who didn't get their stuff back but I couldn't resist with this story from the Sun Princess. I left my video camera (one of the ones that makes DVDs and it was only a year old at the time) sitting on a shelf in one of the gift shops onboard. :eek: Stupid me, I didn't realize till the next day that it was gone. :confused: When I went to check at the Purser's Desk, much to my surprise, somene had turned it in!! :eek: I was so happy I could've cried!! :D If the person who turned it in is anywhere on these boards (17 Day Panama Canal sailing April/May 2006), I want to say thank you so very much!! :D It's great to know that there are still honest people in this world. And to those who have lost their things, I'm truly sorry.

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It is true there are some very honest people. There have been many times I have seen people get up to leave and noticed something was left behind and quickly got their attention, however; there are very dishonest people in this world that cruise also, and have no consideration for others or their valuables. That is one reason why relaxing on a cruise does have limits. You always have to be aware of your surroundings and what is going on around you when on the ship and in ports.

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<STRONG>Of course you did. You took the cruise ship's soda, and gave it to someone that hadn't paid for it.</STRONG></P>

<P> </P>

<P>You paid for the right to *drink* soda. Not to give it away.</P>

<P> </P>

<P>So, when does "sharing" stop being allowed? You think it's ok to give it to family members. How about friends? No problem in sharing soda with dozens of friends, right? You've paid for it, after all.</P>

<P> </P>

<P>Heck, let's call it Random Act of Soda Kindness, and give all 2000 people on the ship a coke. You've paid for it, it's just sharing, after all.


<P> </P>

<P> </P>

<P>Wow......out of meds<IMG alt=0 src="http://boards.cruisecritic.com/images/smilies/cool.gif" border=0 smilieid="6"> </P>

<P> </P>

<P>I <STRONG>took</STRONG> the cruise ships soda<IMG alt=0 src="http://boards.cruisecritic.com/images/smilies/confused.gif" border=0 smilieid="10"> </P>

<P>Ya might want to go back and read the posts sweetie. My hubby buys the card. He will get a soda and offer to share with me...which we do all the time. Like I said before maybe some couples don't share things. We share most everything. Heck we even have the same bank account imagine that?</P>

<P>You sure are throwing alot of accusations out there<IMG alt=0 src="http://boards.cruisecritic.com/images/smilies/cool.gif" border=0 smilieid="6"> </P>

<P>Where did I say we share with dozens of friends my dear? </P>

<P> </P>

<P>Actually if ya want to get technical.....once he gets his soda no where does it say he can't do anything he wants with it. But I won't go there<IMG alt=0 src="http://boards.cruisecritic.com/images/smilies/rolleyes.gif" border=0 smilieid="7"> </P>

<P> </P>

<P> </P>

<P> </P>

<P> </P>

<P> </P>

<P> </P>

<P> </P>

<P> </P>

<P> </P>

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<P> </P>

<P> </P>

<P>Wow......out of meds<IMG alt=0 src="http://boards.cruisecritic.com/images/smilies/cool.gif" border=0 smilieid="6"> </P>

<P> </P>

<P>I <STRONG>took</STRONG> the cruise ships soda<IMG alt=0 src="http://boards.cruisecritic.com/images/smilies/confused.gif" border=0 smilieid="10"> </P>

<P>Ya might want to go back and read the posts sweetie. My hubby buys the card. He will get a soda and offer to share with me...which we do all the time. Like I said before maybe some couples don't share things. We share most everything. Heck we even have the same bank account imagine that?</P>

<P>You sure are throwing alot of accusations out there<IMG alt=0 src="http://boards.cruisecritic.com/images/smilies/cool.gif" border=0 smilieid="6"> </P>

<P>Where did I say we share with dozens of friends my dear? </P>

<P> </P>

<P>Actually if ya want to get technical.....once he gets his soda no where does it say he can't do anything he wants with it. But I won't go there<IMG alt=0 src="http://boards.cruisecritic.com/images/smilies/rolleyes.gif" border=0 smilieid="7"> </P>

<P> </P>

<P> </P>

<P> </P>

<P> </P>

<P> </P>

<P> </P>

<P> </P>

<P> </P>

<P> </P>


uh...can you repeat this please, LOL!:D :p :D

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Of course you did. You took the cruise ship's soda, and gave it to someone that hadn't paid for it.


You paid for the right to *drink* soda. Not to give it away.


So, when does "sharing" stop being allowed? You think it's ok to give it to family members. How about friends? No problem in sharing soda with dozens of friends, right? You've paid for it, after all.


Heck, let's call it Random Act of Soda Kindness, and give all 2000 people on the ship a coke. You've paid for it, it's just sharing, after all.


Wow......out of meds:confused:


I took the cruise ships soda and gave it to someone that hadn't paid for it?

You might want to go back and read the posts sweetie;)


My hubby will buy the card and get a coke and offer to share it with me, which we do all the time. Like I said before maybe some couples don't share like we do. We share pretty much everything. We even have the same bank accounts imagine that:rolleyes:

You are sure throwing out alot of accusations...which are not true.

If you want to get technical...once he gets his soda he can do whatever he likes with it. No rule there. But I won't go into that.

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