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TWE strikes again!


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I cancelled my wedding through The Wedding Experience because of their nightmare customer service...Cancelling was a nightmare too... they didnt want to refund certain things, I had to fax a cancellation form 3 times because they kept losing it...etc... I finally got the mess straightened out... only to find the $2,045 wedding that I cancelled June 16th, charged to my card on August 1st! I am so fed up with this company. I am sure some people had fine experiences, but if you are thinking of going with them be prepared!

Im so looking forward to spending tomorrow on the phone, faxing paperwork multiple times and waiting for supervisor call backs that never come... ::sigh::::...I though a cruise wedding was easier!

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cut them off at the pass....


Call your credit card company, explain the situation, and have the credit card company reverse the charges!


They are complete idiots. It's going to take them a year to straighten this out.... I wouldnt wait for them to figure out how to do this, just handle it yourself thru your credit card company!


Be sure to use the word "fraud" when you talk to your credit card company!

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Yet another wedding screwed up. If anyone would like information on how to nail TWE please email at diannaallen72@verizon.net. I am more than happy to help anyone that needs it. I have made it my personal goal to make sure TWE answers for their actions. They should not be in business and if they are they need to put procedures in place. They don't care, trust me I know. I have a letter that I can share with you that shows they would rather put the blame on the bride and groom than answer to what they do or don't do. Lucky for me I kept all my concerns and complaints for 6 months in email form. Something they should have researched in there email system before they put in writing their blame.

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I'm sorry that your wedding did not go as you had hoped! I must point out however that not every bride has had bad expriences with TWE--there are many people who have had great weddings through TWE. Some have had bad experiences, some have had good experiences.


I've been working with them to plan my wedding at sea and have had no problems (replies to questions within hours & consistent information--although all the contract information states that they can change pricing, details, etc. at anytime without any notice). One thing that was loud and clear when reading the contract information is that I am giving up any control over the details and that anything can be changed by them at any time without any notice.

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I'm sorry that your wedding did not go as you had hoped! I must point out however that not every bride has had bad expriences with TWE--there are many people who have had great weddings through TWE. Some have had bad experiences, some have had good experiences.


I've been working with them to plan my wedding at sea and have had no problems (replies to questions within hours & consistent information--although all the contract information states that they can change pricing, details, etc. at anytime without any notice). One thing that was loud and clear when reading the contract information is that I am giving up any control over the details and that anything can be changed by them at any time without any notice.


Way to be sympathetic and empatheitc! :rolleyes:

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I do feel bad that her wedding did not go as she hoped. I'm just pointing out that not being happy with what TWE delivered does not necessarily mean that they did anything wrong. Their contract leaves an open door for them to make any changes, not deliver promised items, etc.


I'll make sure to withhold my comments from now own because, apparently,unless you feel that TWE is always terrible you are not welcome on this board.

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What did they do that caused you to cancel, I know you said horrible customer service, but what did they say/do or not do? I have had 0 problems with them, I have always been able to talk to someone and they have answerd my questions right then and there.

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I do feel bad that her wedding did not go as she hoped. I'm just pointing out that not being happy with what TWE delivered does not necessarily mean that they did anything wrong. Their contract leaves an open door for them to make any changes, not deliver promised items, etc.


I'll make sure to withhold my comments from now own because, apparently,unless you feel that TWE is always terrible you are not welcome on this board.


LOL, now you really sound like my mother! If she is nitpicking me, and I ask her to stop, and I cite why I feel like she is nitpicking me, all of a sudden she says "oh, I know, I am just a terrible, horrible, person"


It just seems like none of these girls can come on here and vent about their terrible experiences with TWE/RR without some of you either making inferences to how they must be controlling,abs or have to be bridezillas, or one of you absolutely having to lament about how you just don't understand because your experience has been nothing but positive, positive, positive!


*****! Consider yourself lucky if you got off easy and give the other girls a break! Let them vent without judgment! They deserve it!


If you have to brag about how absolutely wonderful TWE/RR has been to you, at least NAME a contact so that other brides-to-be can contact someone competent at the company!

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Seems like people that have had both experiences should be welcomed here without any recriminations. Each of these brides have had an interaction with TWE that is unique - none are right or wrong, just their own personal experiences.


I hope that the OP gets the issue with TWE resolved to her satisfaction and ends up with her dream wedding.

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Oh, so those of us having a positive experience don't deserve to share it???? I guess this board is only for the venting of those with a negative TWE experience---sorry, but I thought it was to share any and all experiences with cruise weddings and honeymoons.


I'm not judging anyone here. I'm just pointing out that the contract with TWE gives them total control and 0% liability. You seem to think that anyone who shares positive experiences with TWE or points out the lack of control anyone has with them is calling those with negative experiences a Bridezilla which is not the case (honestly the only time I've seen that reference is in your replies to people's positive TWE posts).


As for giving a name... I started off working with Aaron and since he left I've been working with Tia. She has been pleasant and consistently responds to my emails within a matter of hours (as Aaron did before her). I'm sailing on Princess and from what I understand, there are specific people working with specific cruise lines at TWE so I doubt this will help anyone who is not sailing with Princess.

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Oh, so those of us having a positive experience don't deserve to share it???? I guess this board is only for the venting of those with a negative TWE experience---sorry, but I thought it was to share any and all experiences with cruise weddings and honeymoons.


I'm not judging anyone here. I'm just pointing out that the contract with TWE gives them total control and 0% liability. You seem to think that anyone who shares positive experiences with TWE or points out the lack of control anyone has with them is calling those with negative experiences a Bridezilla which is not the case (honestly the only time I've seen that reference is in your replies to people's positive TWE posts).


As for giving a name... I started off working with Aaron and since he left I've been working with Tia. She has been pleasant and consistently responds to my emails within a matter of hours (as Aaron did before her). I'm sailing on Princess and from what I understand, there are specific people working with specific cruise lines at TWE so I doubt this will help anyone who is not sailing with Princess.


Our daughter got married in FLL on the Liberty July 29th. Overall I gave TWE a solid B as our experience was better than both of us imagined it would be. We had limited communications with TWE prior to the wedding day, but the ones we had with them were very cordial. I might add that we are normally control freaks, but you are correct the contract that one must sign and agree to in order to have a Carnival wedding with TWE gives them the control. We were not real happy about that fact, but our daughter and son-in-law were determined that they wanted the wedding on the Carnival Liberty. We are sorry to learn that others have had bad experiences with TWE, but we are satisfied that we got what we paid them for.


John & Shari

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Oh, so those of us having a positive experience don't deserve to share it???? I guess this board is only for the venting of those with a negative TWE experience---sorry, but I thought it was to share any and all experiences with cruise weddings and honeymoons.


I'm not judging anyone here. I'm just pointing out that the contract with TWE gives them total control and 0% liability. You seem to think that anyone who shares positive experiences with TWE or points out the lack of control anyone has with them is calling those with negative experiences a Bridezilla which is not the case (honestly the only time I've seen that reference is in your replies to people's positive TWE posts).


As for giving a name... I started off working with Aaron and since he left I've been working with Tia. She has been pleasant and consistently responds to my emails within a matter of hours (as Aaron did before her). I'm sailing on Princess and from what I understand, there are specific people working with specific cruise lines at TWE so I doubt this will help anyone who is not sailing with Princess.


I can't speak for anyone else, but I can for myself when I say that I'm glad to hear there are some who have had a good experience with TWE. I've seen quite a few couples get screwed pretty badly, and I wouldn't want ANYONE to go through that on their wedding day! :) The end result is what matters; you're married to the man (or woman) you love hopefully during the wedding of your dreams!


I think what sas80 is saying is that many people (not saying you, but there are quite a few) who, in sharing their positive experiences, have said "If you aren't a control freak/Bridezilla who needs to have every single detail perfect and make every single decision then TWE will work for you. If you are that type, then you'll probably have a bad experience". I can probably go find quite a few posts worded just like that (again, not saying yours) if I had the time, but I don't just right now! :) Perhaps a better way to put that sentiment would be "If you are OK with having zero control about your choices like the TWE contract states, then you'll be OK with using them". When you (general you) start name calling, that's when the poo hits the fan.


Who wants to be thought of as a control freak or someone with a predisposition to what is considered neurotic behavior (when they most likely aren't) just because their contact at TWE couldn't get their head out of their butt and do their job correctly? A lot of it is the wording that a lot of people use when describing their experiences. It tends to put people on the defensive when being called names.


For example, I could not for the life of me get a TWE rep to contact me about a question I had on our marriage license application. VERY big deal, because they needed the application returned by a certain date and I wasn't about to send them $300 (almost $200 more than the license cost to begin with, but I digress...) without having my questions answered. I waited two weeks with no reply. Most of the people who have had the negative experiences have had a situation similar to mine. In no way is having those type of questions answered being a control freak. That's just basic customer service and receiving that from TWE seems to be the exception rather than the rule.


When people ask about TWE, I tell them my experience and also include that there have been TWE customers who were happy with their experience. I just wasn't one of them. I don't call anyone names or insult them because of their choice, and I expect the same courtesy in return. **Again, this isn't you personally, but this has happened here quite a bit**


I am very happy that you have had a good experience so far. I hope that continues for you. We're all here for the same reason, to support each other and help each other out while planning our AWESOME cruise weddings! :) Best of luck to you!

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I can't speak for anyone else, but I can for myself when I say that I'm glad to hear there are some who have had a good experience with TWE. I've seen quite a few couples get screwed pretty badly, and I wouldn't want ANYONE to go through that on their wedding day! :) The end result is what matters; you're married to the man (or woman) you love hopefully during the wedding of your dreams!


I think what sas80 is saying is that many people (not saying you, but there are quite a few) who, in sharing their positive experiences, have said "If you aren't a control freak/Bridezilla who needs to have every single detail perfect and make every single decision then TWE will work for you. If you are that type, then you'll probably have a bad experience". I can probably go find quite a few posts worded just like that (again, not saying yours) if I had the time, but I don't just right now! :) Perhaps a better way to put that sentiment would be "If you are OK with having zero control about your choices like the TWE contract states, then you'll be OK with using them". When you (general you) start name calling, that's when the poo hits the fan.


Who wants to be thought of as a control freak or someone with a predisposition to what is considered neurotic behavior (when they most likely aren't) just because their contact at TWE couldn't get their head out of their butt and do their job correctly? A lot of it is the wording that a lot of people use when describing their experiences. It tends to put people on the defensive when being called names.


For example, I could not for the life of me get a TWE rep to contact me about a question I had on our marriage license application. VERY big deal, because they needed the application returned by a certain date and I wasn't about to send them $300 (almost $200 more than the license cost to begin with, but I digress...) without having my questions answered. I waited two weeks with no reply. Most of the people who have had the negative experiences have had a situation similar to mine. In no way is having those type of questions answered being a control freak. That's just basic customer service and receiving that from TWE seems to be the exception rather than the rule.


When people ask about TWE, I tell them my experience and also include that there have been TWE customers who were happy with their experience. I just wasn't one of them. I don't call anyone names or insult them because of their choice, and I expect the same courtesy in return. **Again, this isn't you personally, but this has happened here quite a bit**


I am very happy that you have had a good experience so far. I hope that continues for you. We're all here for the same reason, to support each other and help each other out while planning our AWESOME cruise weddings! :) Best of luck to you!


Not to mention that even remotely insinuating that someone needs to have too much control, during a time of stress in theor lives, is not the kind of supportive comment that is going to make them feel better about anything!


Let's face it, planning a wedding is stressful by nature. When a bride comes on here to vent, and release a little stress, and someone decides to post "you should have known if you read the contract" or "you just have to not want to be in control" it isn't going to make a stressful situation any easier on that person...


In my opinion...


I guess I have just been there, done that, walked a mile in those shoes and would have wanted support.

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Thank you Lora for your message.


I have been on these boards for several months, and I see that the TWE posts are getting more "aggressive" as time goes on.


There is valuable information to be shared by everyone -both good and bad experiences. I am one who did have a bad experience with RR (TWE) and I was able to cancel before it got too bad, but as Lora said, when I post them, I do try to note that others have not had bad experiences.


What I have noticed is that TWE seems to make brides on Princess and Carnival much happier than those on RCCL and other lines. Maybe that's just me, but that seems to be the trend. I would then guess that there are individual depts. or offices for each cruise line. This also makes sense since the staff names noted for Carnival and Princess, didn't match any of the several staff I spoke to at RR even though they are the same company.


There is clearly a problem with TWE. When I called to cancel, it took less than 30 seconds (no joke) for them to email me the cancellation letter. Obviously this is something they do on a regualar basis. Now had I had that kind of response to my questions affecting my payments and other arrangements with timelines, then I doubt I would have cancelled.


So back to the original issue. These boards are for us to share information, not judge or slam each other. Had I not been reading some of the problems that others had, then I would not have been on the lookout for those potential problems in my case. On the other hand, it is so nice to hear about successes by other brides and to share in their joyous day. I thought we were supposed to be helping each other.

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Not to mention that even remotely insinuating that someone needs to have too much control, during a time of stress in theor lives, is not the kind of supportive comment that is going to make them feel better about anything!


Let's face it, planning a wedding is stressful by nature. When a bride comes on here to vent, and release a little stress, and someone decides to post "you should have known if you read the contract" or "you just have to not want to be in control" it isn't going to make a stressful situation any easier on that person...


In my opinion...


I guess I have just been there, done that, walked a mile in those shoes and would have wanted support.


I agree with you. The last thing an already stressed out bride-to-be wants to hear is that. Even when the wedding is done and things didn't go as planned, that is a tough pill to swallow. I was in tears so many times when I saw my dream wedding going down the tubes so soon and I still had months to go. I know how difficult that is to deal with. Even though our plans are going much smoother now, I still 'wig out' every now and again! A little support (which I did get here) went a long way in making me feel better! :)


Thank you Lora for your message.


I have been on these boards for several months, and I see that the TWE posts are getting more "aggressive" as time goes on.


There is valuable information to be shared by everyone -both good and bad experiences. I am one who did have a bad experience with RR (TWE) and I was able to cancel before it got too bad, but as Lora said, when I post them, I do try to note that others have not had bad experiences.


What I have noticed is that TWE seems to make brides on Princess and Carnival much happier than those on RCCL and other lines. Maybe that's just me, but that seems to be the trend. I would then guess that there are individual depts. or offices for each cruise line. This also makes sense since the staff names noted for Carnival and Princess, didn't match any of the several staff I spoke to at RR even though they are the same company.


There is clearly a problem with TWE. When I called to cancel, it took less than 30 seconds (no joke) for them to email me the cancellation letter. Obviously this is something they do on a regualar basis. Now had I had that kind of response to my questions affecting my payments and other arrangements with timelines, then I doubt I would have cancelled.


So back to the original issue. These boards are for us to share information, not judge or slam each other. Had I not been reading some of the problems that others had, then I would not have been on the lookout for those potential problems in my case. On the other hand, it is so nice to hear about successes by other brides and to share in their joyous day. I thought we were supposed to be helping each other.


Very nicely said. I've noticed that trend as well, although I am a Carnival bride! :)

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I am by no means a bridezilla, and in my original post I do say some people must have good experiences, but my experience was terrible.

The first sign of the nightmare was when I sent in my full payment and when I called later they accussed me of not sending in the payment, and they wouldnt talk to me until I paid! They wanted me to re-fax in my creditcard info. I said I wouldnt, that they should look, she puts me on hold, says she cant find it, that I have to fax in my payment or I'd lose my date. I get a supervisor and the phone and magically my payment appears.

They lied about the location, assured me I could get the location I wanted. I wanted instead of Bolongo Bay on St. Thomas ( brown sand, rocks & seaweed, run down facilities) I wanted to be married at Magens Bay (perfection!)...only 5 minutes away! They said that wouldnt be a problem. Of course, silly me!, after I paid said that wasn't possible they "didnt know why she would tell you that"...I was told I would get a supervisor call back in an hour... it was 5 days later. At this point I had enough. After I cancelled I had to fax the cancellation form 3 times bc they keep losing it. They wanted to keep money that was not specified in the contract, I had to call over and over, and when I finally got a manager, the person over the supervisor, the manager told me I was correct and they didnt know why the reps were giving me misinformation. Again, Im not a bridezilla. The attitude I was treated with in with by this company is "you paid us, look at your contract, too bad". I am so surprised Princess uses this company. I love Princess, when I booked I thought I was booking through Princess, I had no idea this was an independent company. Again... I know some people had fine experiences. I am so happy for that. However, I wouldn't trust these people to run a chuck e. cheese birthday party for a 5 yr old! lol...

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One thing that was loud and clear when reading the contract information is that I am giving up any control over the details and that anything can be changed by them at any time without any notice.


Just came upon this thread due to the thread header on the main page......did not even know the subject.........but I would like to ask one question to all who have dealt with this company or who are THINKING about dealing with them ?? Please help me understand why you would plan one of the most significant events of your life with a company whose policy states that YOU ARE GIVING UP ANY CONTROL OVER THE DETAILS OF YOUR OWN WEDDING and THAT ANYTHING CAN BE CHANGED BY THE COMPANY WITHOUT ANY NOTICE. We (esp. women) remember each and every detail of our wedding day..........forever.......the wonderful, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Why give your control of YOUR wedding away to a company that has such a policy ??? Why not just get married before the cruise or during the cruise in a port with a very reputable hotel ASSISTING YOU WITH THE DETAILS YOU ARE REQUESTING. gg

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I am sorry for your bad experience with TWE, it is really hard to plan these cruise weddings because you do have to pretty much leave all of it up to them, assuming that they will figure and work everything out so that your day goes well. There is soo much riding on it that it makes me nervous, I however am using Royal Romance (Same company) and i havent really had any problems, i mean i dont call because i do have to hold for 30 mins, so i email, and they usually get back to me within a few days, but i am nervous that the things that they say arent going to hold true on the day of the wedding based on some of the postings on this site. The fact is, is that when they are in this industry of wedding planning they need to cator to the customer just as in every other business, if not more since weddings are soo special. Anyone that works in customer service understands that the customer comes first, and i think they might need more people that acutally care about your wedding. All of this stuff about bridezillas is just nonsense, these are just brides who want their day to run smooth and to be everything they want, and i think when you are paying for anything then it should be like that, I mean i have never had a problem on the cruises, everyone knows that the people working on the ship are great and really take care of you, if their service was horrible, people wouldnt be cruising, it is just this company that has a problem with customer service i believe. You do whats best for you and your wedding, but people cant only listen to the bad things, they should read all of the stuff good and bad and base their own opinion on what they know that they need or want from their wedding, plain and simple, we are all just different and want different things. Best wishes!!

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I have been reading these boards for months now, although I don't post often, and I just wanted to share my thoughts.


I am glad to be able to hear both positive and negative comments about TWE as it arms me with knowledge and information should I have to confront TWE about a problem.


That said, my cruise was cancelled in May, not TWE's fault, strictly a mechanical problem and we were forced to leave Southampton unmarried.

Because I had read this board and knew of problems in the past with TWE I was ready for anything. I had a nightmare thinking they would say "didn't you read the fine print, sorry your out of luck, its 100% nonrefundable, etc. etc.".


But surprisingly, I actually had a voicemail and email from Aaron waiting when I returned saying that he found out what happened and wanted to assure me that they will transfer everything to a new cruise or simply cancel and refund our money and to just call when we got back. It was great to hear and in fact we rolled everything over to a new cruise in September. But, because of everything I have read, I am still "on my toes" with these people hoping everything still plays out as planned and am glad to hear everyone's experiences good or bad as it helps all of us.

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All this chat about contracts made me want to re read what my contract said.


I dont have the hard copy with me so I went to rccl.com to take a look at it. I know for a fact that there was something on the site, because I have plenty of email correspondence that referrs to a "pdf file".


Interestingly enough...the "pdf file" that both the RR person (Robert) and myself refer to is gone from the rccl.com website....


things that make you go :cool: hmmmmmmm

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Also, in reviewing my emails, I am reminded about what some of my stress was in regards to....


looking back, I am happy that my dialogue happened over a period of months instead of within the last 15 to 30 days....


(this is condensed conversation)


me "we want to do the keyboradist for an hour"

Robert "Sorry, we only do either a DJ or a live duo in Cabo"

me "how come it doesnt say that in the brochure"

Robert "I dont know"


me "can you please schedule a manicure and a pedicure for Monday?"

Robert "no, we cant do that"

me "I thought you offered the scheduling of salon services?"

Robert "we do hair and makeup appts, not manicure and perdicures"

me "how come it doesnt say that in the brochure"

Robert "I dont know"


me "How do I schedule my hair and makeup?"

Robert "We can do hair, but we dont do makeup in Cabo"

me "Why doesnt it say that in the brochure?"

Robert "I dont know"


me "I am not having much luck in contacting anyone at images dot com in regards to pictures and packages. Is this the only company? Can you help me contact them?"

Robert "yes, that is the only company"



me "will there be someone availiable to put programs on each seat and to set out the wedding favors if everything is provided beforehand?"

Robert "yes, you can have someone do that"



me "I would like to do the hot and cold appetizers"

Robert "you cant do the hot and cold appetizers, you have 35 guests. You can only do the hot and cold appetizers if you have 32 or fewer guests"

me "how come it doesnt say that in the brochure"

Robert "I dont know"


This isnt it but, IMAGINE if I had thos dialogue 2 weeks before the wedding! HOW WAY MORE STRESSFULL WOULD THAT HAVE BEEN?

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Just came upon this thread due to the thread header on the main page......did not even know the subject.........but I would like to ask one question to all who have dealt with this company or who are THINKING about dealing with them ?? Please help me understand why you would plan one of the most significant events of your life with a company whose policy states that YOU ARE GIVING UP ANY CONTROL OVER THE DETAILS OF YOUR OWN WEDDING and THAT ANYTHING CAN BE CHANGED BY THE COMPANY WITHOUT ANY NOTICE. We (esp. women) remember each and every detail of our wedding day..........forever.......the wonderful, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Why give your control of YOUR wedding away to a company that has such a policy ??? Why not just get married before the cruise or during the cruise in a port with a very reputable hotel ASSISTING YOU WITH THE DETAILS YOU ARE REQUESTING. gg


I can only answer for myself... but my dream wedding is quite simple... Me and my fiance, getting married at-sea. Since that's my dream, my only choice is Princess and TWE. So I'm crossing my fingers, hoping for the best, and keeping in mind that for me, it's less about the details and more about the romance of the sailing and the sea...that's what I want, so that's why I "chose" TWE.


Here's hoping that we all get our dream days... whether at a port, on an island, or sailing along somewhere in between...

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I can only answer for myself... but my dream wedding is quite simple... Me and my fiance, getting married at-sea. Since that's my dream, my only choice is Princess and TWE. So I'm crossing my fingers, hoping for the best, and keeping in mind that for me, it's less about the details and more about the romance of the sailing and the sea...that's what I want, so that's why I "chose" TWE.


Here's hoping that we all get our dream days... whether at a port, on an island, or sailing along somewhere in between...


Very well spoken MandaBear! To be totally honest, a cruise ship wedding is not truly my "DREAM" wedding, but it has enough ingredients (mainly my wonderful fiance') and is affordable enough for us without being completely cheesy. When you are paying for something pretty much on your own, you become a bit limited in what you can make happen. We love the water, we love boats, and we love cruising. Plus we love the idea of an all-inclusive package deal, where in an ideal situation planning would be minimal on our parts. Unfortunately we cannot afford an extravagant garden wedding with a horse-drawn carriage and designer cake, so getting married on a ship will just have to do!


As far as all of the emotion that TWE conversations stir up, it really is to be expected because regardless of what your dream wedding is, EVERY bride wants to have an enjoyable, special day which is memorable for all the right reasons. Since I have not yet booked our wedding package and dealt with TWE personally, I cannot give my personal opinion. I do know that I would rather have a port-side wedding just because I know it will not be affected by the ship being unable to make port for some reason or another.


Anyways....I think that all of us brides here on the boards are really helpful to each other for the most part. Goodness knows that this board has been a GODSEND to me, and has helped prepare me for what will hopefully be a wonderful Carnival shoreside wedding. I take what I can from each bride's experience. Yes...sometimes people may get carried away with insinuations or assumptions, but it truly is hard to tell people's true manner or tone through words typed on a screen.


Getting married is a very emotional event in a woman's life, so let's all stick together and help each other through it, whether our experiences have been good, bad, or completely ugly! Unless you work for TWE, nothing said on these boards should be taken personally! :D

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