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Tuxedo – Really Necessary?


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I wish I could remember exactly where it is, and haven't lived in Chicago for a while, but... if you're interested in looking at tuxedo purchase, there's a store near Harpo Studios (in the part of town that used to be crummy) where they sell very nice tuxedos at very nice prices. When my husband bought his first tuxedo, about your age (and at that store), he thought he'd never wear it again. Amazingly, there are more opportunities to wear tuxedos than we thought.


It might be a good trip to just go look at them. If your boyfriend likes one, and feels good in it, I think he'll be happy in the long run buying it, and having it on hand. Still, again, it's about what makes him feel good (in my opinion.)

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As Dena's boyfriend (no kidding), I'm the one looking for the tux. Seas, if you could remember the name of the store in Chicago - I live about six blocks from Harpo. I would very much appreciate it.


Also, please don't start a flame war on Dena or my account. It hardly seems worth it on a forum about enjoying a great vacation (or holiday, depending on which side of the pond you're from!)

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Hi Dena's boyfriend! First, don't be concerned about all the postings. We're (I think) just having fun providing our opinions. Second, I will call some of my friends (I lived in Chicago 20 years) and see if I can find someone who remembers that store. I will post here, if I find it. And, have you tried Vermillion? Not in the Harpo area, but I ate there a couple months ago when I was in town visiting, and loved it.

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Moot and Dena.... dont you worry about this so called feud. Unfortunately there are a few on this board that seem to enjoy imposing their views on others, and doing it in a fairly rude manner. Wear a tux if you would be comfortable, or wear a dark suit if you choose. And I would wear a red dress Dena - you two would make a stunning couple!!! Bottom line is do as you feel most comfortable, as long as it is within the guidelines set forth by SS.

And as far as UK goes, dont let him get to you. He totally enjoys riling up the masses here on the SS board to make sure EVERYONE knows his opinion. Unfortunately he believes that only his opinion is correct. Peek back at his other threads and you will understand what I mean.


UK - btw it is very presumptuous of you to assume that just because a person has the word "Lux" in their handle you assume that she is the totally formal type. Ever hear of a "luxury" cruise? Remember there are MANY options for folks to have a casual experience on a luxury cruiseline. Its too bad you can't find those type of cruises UK... there are many options out there.


On a dif note, I too always thought a woman was called a Lass.. first time I had ever seen a woman called a chap....hhmmmmmm

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My boyfriend and I are leaving on the Whisper in November for the Ft Lauderdale to Colon cruise. Recently my boyfriend has been doing some surfing about what to expect from the cruise, and came across the mention of a Tuxedo for the formal nights. He did say that he had read that most wear Tuxedos but you can still wear a dark suit. He really just doesn’t want to feel uncomfortable.


Can he wear one of the MANY dark suits he owns? Or do we need to buy a Tuxedo for the cruise, since SS does not have rental on board?


Any thought are welcome!



Hi both of you!


I've just returned from a few weeks of vacation and thought I'd stroll round and see if there was anything interesting on the boards.


What did I miss!


Interestingly, because I've read the whole thread from scratch as "new", it seems clear to me that you came to the board asking to be reassured that Moot (is he a lawyer ie as in moot point?) could do what he clearly preferred and that is wear one of his dark suits. So I expected to see the outcome as being that you'd receive that very clear and unambiguous feedback and you'd say at the end "Thanks for reassruing me - dark suit it is".


I was somewhat suprised to see that having read the thread through, you didn't receive the reassurance you clearly needed and that you concluded either you would be made to feel uncomfortable or you felt that you might make others feel uncomfortable and decided not to do what you originally intended. Whatever happened and irrespective of who said what - you aren't going to do what you origianlly wanted to do and sought reassurance about.


I also see that UK1 came in for some inappropriate and personal abuse for his forthright and accurate description of the previous debates on this topic which I remember and think I contributed to.


It seems to me that Dena and her boyfriend Moot should have left the board reassured that he could wear his dark suit and need not feel uncomforatable. I cannot see how any other outcome could have been right.


What puzzles me - having read Dena's original post several times and the very clear plea for reassurance expressed - that the dark suit would be ok - that the outcome was a result of the feedback provided that they are now doing what they seemed not to want to do originally ie wear the tux. Has the feedback that we provided here - had the right outcome?


Have I missed something, but doesn't this prove that uk1 was right all along?

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Hi both of you!



What did I miss!



I also see that UK1 came in for some inappropriate and personal abuse for his forthright and accurate description of the previous debates on this topic



Hello DevonGal,


Well yes you did miss something..............the abusive posts that were removed by the cleanup fairy and none of mine were removed so I'll leave who's were removed to your imagination. The objections expressed to UK1 were not about the previous debate but about his attack of another poster and putting words in her mouth that clearly were not there or her intention and of his insisting that his is the only correct answer and only his viewpoint valid...and other's opinions to be disregarded......that's what all the aggro was about. Unless the original poster or her boyfriend answer your question I guess we can only speculate as to why he has chosen to rent a tux. Perhaps he felt that really was the way to go in spite of the many posts on this thread including mine that urged him to wear what he was comfortable in and suggesting that Deena wear her red dress and he, his dark suit. I don't know how much plainer then that one can get.

Pehaps he decided he wanted to try a tux after learning of the rental store close to where he resides. Who knows? Unless he posts why I guess we will never know.

Luxlady I will answer your inquiry by email about "what is a" rather then inflaming the situation.

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Thanks Devon, much appreciated. Stating the obvious - but still apparently not understood!






Hi hope you're well.


Exactly what words did I put into who's mouth? If you could say that then I'd understand because I have no knowledge of this at all.



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The good news about all this rampant speculation is that it sounds as if it will result in an under-thirty young lady wearing a red cocktail dress, thus making at least half of the guests ignore the tux/suit issue for the evening!

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Yes, I am extremely well, thanks for your concern. I don't care to engage in this debate with you any longer as it has gone on long enough as far as I'm concerned. I stated my point and I think it is obvious what I meant so I will not rehash it. Regardless, I still stand by my conviction that you do provide excellent information to the board.........even though sometimes I find your methods of posting tends to be abrasive at times.....and I said at times not always.

And no I don't get it but then again you don't get my point and other points that have been expressed here but that's what's nice about this board we get the advantage of reading all different views and opinions.

I like the previous poster's comment that at least something good has come out of this thread...............Deena in a stunning red dress!

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Hi, no problem.


But nobody forced you to make the last set of comments - you volunteered - and unless you take the trouble to explain you do lay yourself open to the accusation that having read my request that you have read through my earlier post and discovered that you'd assumed I said something I didn't - and that you are mistaken. It would be more courteous and courageous to say so rather than say "I'm not playing any more".


I think you assumed - or should I say presumed - that I was referring to a previous poster in this thread. I can and will be responsible for what I say but cannot be held respnsible for what others assume. As it happens I agree with the posts that were earlier than my own. I had expected another "handle" to appear - but they didn't.


You said in your last post to DevonGal


"The objections expressed to UK1 were not about the previous debate but about his attack of another poster and putting words in her mouth that clearly were not there or her intention and of his insisting that his is the only correct answer and only his viewpoint valid...and other's opinions to be disregarded......that's what all the aggro was about.


I'm saying I did absolutely nothing of the sort - and it's all still here . So why don't you clear this up once and for all and simply cut and paste what I said or do the decent thing and apologise for making unwarranted and unpleasant accusations based on your own assumptions.


With the free speech must surely bring with it some responsibility and maturity - that's fair play isn't it?

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The good news about all this rampant speculation is that it sounds as if it will result in an under-thirty young lady wearing a red cocktail dress, thus making at least half of the guests ignore the tux/suit issue for the evening!



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But I think you misinterpreted Moots' email to me, asking for the name of the tux store in downtown Chicago. That is a store that sells tuxes - not rents. He makes no commitment to buy or rent; why wouldn't he want to just look? He knows he has the option to do whatever he'd like. But, he's heard recommendations from some of us that a tux is a good thing to have - IRREGARDLESS of whether he wears one on Silversea or not.


Gee whiz. If there was ever an example of "kicking a dead horse" needed, I might be able to find one.


To Moot - I'm sorry. My one friend who might remember the name of the store near you, doesn't. And, if you were considering renting a tux for the trip, I wouldn't. It would be more cost-effective in the long run to buy one, and it's not NECESSARY for the cruise.

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But I think you misinterpreted Moots' email to me, It would be more cost-effective in the long run to buy one, and it's not NECESSARY for the cruise.


Not at all! I agree with both of your comments!

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I really don't understand your last post at all. As far as leaving myself open.....well fire away.

Regarding the aggro, you know very well about the post you made that sat on this board for over an hour directed at Lovescruisen and myself. If it was still here and not erased then I guess I could cut and paste it now couldn't I. Those that read it know that it existed.

"Putting words in her mouth" referred to your assumption that Luxlady was trying to push her views of a formal dress code on others instead of just sharing a story about how her husband felt uncomfortable in his manner of dress and you posted that assumption and accused her of doing just that as well as calling her a "Naughty Lady" No where in Luxlady's post did she say that she thought a tux would be the proper way for Deena's boyfriend to dress. She simply put forth a different viewpoint. I hope I answered all of your questions as this constant bantering is becoming a big yawn!

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I really don't understand your last post at all. As far as leaving myself open.....well fire away.

Regarding the aggro, you know very well about the post you made that sat on this board for over an hour directed at Lovescruisen and myself. If it was still here and not erased then I guess I could cut and paste it now couldn't I. Those that read it know that it existed.

"Putting words in her mouth" referred to your assumption that Luxlady was trying to push her views of a formal dress code on others instead of just sharing a story about how her husband felt uncomfortable in his manner of dress and you posted that assumption and accused her of doing just that as well as calling her a "Naughty Lady" No where in Luxlady's post did she say that she thought a tux would be the proper way for Deena's boyfriend to dress. She simply put forth a different viewpoint. I hope I answered all of your questions as this constant bantering is becoming a big yawn!



I'm puzzled by your comments as you seem to feel that you should be allowed the last word even if your posts are rude and may have not fairly reflect what was actually said.


Firstly I must have timed my return well, as if you are referring to the note I think you are, it was posted for a short period and I guess uk1 must have thought twice about it and decided it didn't help the thread and deleted it. Perhaps he felt that it was a bit long-winded! However whilst I cannot recollect the exact words I do clearly recall uk1 saying that Luxlady's posts seemed to largely agree with his own - my recollection is therefore diametrically opposite to yours. I don't recall any comments directed at any individuals - and your description of it doesn't match my own - perhaps paranoia is setting in.


Secondly however, the earlier post you refer to still exists.


I've reread it and may I respectfully suggest you re-read it again as I think you made assumptions about it and misunderstood it. The note used the word "they" not "you" and uk1 is clearly simply remininding Luxlady that some people have clear views on the topic as expressed in earlier threads and may therefore wish to encourage moot and dena to wear the tux rather than do what they wanted. He was talking generally and no reasonable interpretation of the note could say that it referred to Luxlady's posts - a person I think you'll find uk1 gets on quite well with - hence the humour? To me that seems a true summary of the post and I'm puzzled at your venom in responding. However one reasonable conclusion is that he and Luxlady clearly agree that Moot and Dena should do what makes them comfortable. I can't see where you keep saying they were at odds.


There is clearly not a single word or phrase in the posts that I can see that justifies your accusation that UK1 put any words at all into Luxlady's mouth. In the last few notes uk1 seemed to be trying to point this out to you, but instead of copying and pasting the phrase as he suggests you persist in inaccurate generalisations and rudeness.


In an earlier post I can see uk1 pointed out to you that you had described him in you post as:







know it all attitude


toffee nosed



My question to you is - is that neccessary - and how would you respond if someone had directed those comments to you?

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Devongirl, are you really going to try to keep this going? I think we commented sufficiently on the original posters question about whether a tux or suit would do. We all gave our opinions and then some, some illustrating our points with personal experiences (such as myself). Some gave recollections of other SS cruises......in any event, we have done the original post to death, I think...


Now, all of these accusations by one and all have to stop! I feel that uk1 gets a kick out of riling up us yanks, and pulling our chains once in awhile. Thats okay, its a free country.....still.....uk1, you do accuse and chastise at times, and it isn't appreciated by some of those reading these posts. Canadagal was just "calling it like she saw it" with regard to the implications of your words, some of which she felt were unfairly directed toward me and others that disagree with you. Lovescruisin was jumping in for the same reason.


Okay, personally I would like to see all of us get back to posting about our questions and experiences in a friendly, respectful fashion. No high horses. No toffee noses. And especially, no dead horses. Can we give each other the benefit of the doubt? Look, with Iraq, terrorism, the high cost of health care, and the Christian Right attempting to take over the USA, we don't need to be irritating each other! Lets save our dismay for external causes we can REALLY get up in arms (so to speak) about!



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Glenda, what are you doing up at this time? And I happen to be listening to a phone-in on KFL LA on big waves! You can't get more integrated than that can you.


I totally agree with you.


There's a great new comic in the Uk (a welshman!) who always finishes his pithy comments with "it's only a bit of fun"!


A lot does come out of this that is interesting and that is both (a) how important it is to try and write notes that can't be misinterpeted and (b) to make doubly sure before attacking that you haven't misinterpeted.


(Thanks DevonGal - you interpreted correctly)


Faults all around I guess - me included for assuming everyone likes my humour. Definitely no harm intended.

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I came back to the Board and was hoping to delete the part of my post complaining about the Christian Right, when I saw you had already responded! Drat! I thought my remarks could also be inflamatory, and certainly in this type of forum that's not what I want to be - especially after pleading for civility! But its too late now, so my lumping the Christian Right in with all of the other ills we are plagued with in the world today, will just have to stand...........It actually wasn't that late when I wrote that post, less than an hour ago - maybe 11:00 p.m. - watching the Olympics. Now it is midnight, and I really have to get to bed.



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I came back to the Board and was hoping to delete the part of my post complaining about the Christian Right, when I saw you had already responded! Drat! I thought my remarks could also be inflamatory, and certainly in this type of forum that's not what I want to be - especially after pleading for civility! But its too late now, so my lumping the Christian Right in with all of the other ills we are plagued with in the world today, will just have to stand...........It actually wasn't that late when I wrote that post, less than an hour ago - maybe 11:00 p.m. - watching the Olympics. Now it is midnight, and I really have to get to bed.





I knew what you meant! No harm done.


Must pack - we're off.

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A lot does come out of this that is interesting and that is both (a) how important it is to try and write notes that can't be misinterpeted and (b) to make doubly sure before attacking that you haven't misinterpeted.



Faults all around I guess - me included for assuming everyone likes my humour. Definitely no harm intended.


Well yes, UK1, finally something that you and I agree on...........the above statement.........well that and dress code also. Perhaps, I did misinterpret your words but holy smokes this could have all been cleared up a lot sooner if you had of just said you were joking around in the beginning. Just goes to show you how everyone reads different meanings into the posts........thank-you for finally clearing this up.........so in the spirit of fair play.......sorry ol chap and no that was not meant sarcastically. Now someone please place another post after mine so that I won't be accused of having to have the last say and then perhaps we can let this thread drop to the bottom and out of sight.

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My guess is that Devon and UK are one in the same.


Glenda - you went waaaay too far with your "political" comments. Since when was a thread about tuxedos really about a war, healthcare, and the Christian right. I really take offense at that statement. Are you trying to make UK feel better - or alienate others? Either way you did a good job at both.


UK dear.... you know you enjoy riling us up, as I enjoy sparring with those that do. Devon jumps in and defends your position, as other have jumped in defending others. The joys of living in a free world, where one can speak their minds freely without persecution.


Laura, please close this thread. I think everyone is over it.

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My guess is that Devon and UK are one in the same.


Glenda - you went waaaay too far with your "political" comments. Since when was a thread about tuxedos really about a war, healthcare, and the Christian right. I really take offense at that statement. Are you trying to make UK feel better - or alienate others? Either way you did a good job at both.


UK dear.... you know you enjoy riling us up, as I enjoy sparring with those that do. Devon jumps in and defends your position, as other have jumped in defending others. The joys of living in a free world, where one can speak their minds freely without persecution.


Laura, please close this thread. I think everyone is over it.


No Glenda wasn't way over the top - leave her alone.


Odd - someone agrees with me - they must be me!? Great.


What is it about women - all over the world. This thread was closed - but one of them somewhere always wants the final destructive word and then smugly pull out the plug. I think it's genetic.


But , yes I agree - Laura please close the thread so that LovesCrusin can have the last word ...... oh darn I spoiled it for her!

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