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JUST WONDERING: When do your kids start school? Before of after Labor Day???


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I'm also in Missouri. We go to school year round so we started on July 19. Only five more weeks of school until we're on our three week break = cruise time! :D We almost always vacation in October. Only bad thing is now that DD is in middle school they don't go year round so she only gets one week off, that is the week we'll be cruising.


Wow, you kids are on two different school schedules! That would surely be confusing.....I think the modified year round sound very interesting....Sre helps out with cheaper cruising during off-peak times....:rolleyes:

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Well, I'm in a Dallas suburb and my boys attend a Christian private school. They started back this past Tuesday, the 14th. It seems most all the public schools are going back on the 27th. We always get out earlier than everyone else, though -- a week before Memorial Day, while everyone else went through at least the first week of June. That gives US a whole two and half weeks to hit Six Flags and go skiing, etc. while everyone else is still in school. I love that. OTOH (and it's a BIG OH), here in TX it is super hot and I think it's downright dangerous for those boys to be out at 4:00 p.m. doing soccer practice and the other running cross country. Their coaches are very liberal though, and it seems that their health and safety are first priority over the actual practice. There's tons of water available and they just can stop and sit down or get water any time they need it. Even so - I see those kids on the field and it just looks like cruel and unusual punishment!

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...We always get out earlier than everyone else, though -- a week before Memorial Day, while everyone else went through at least the first week of June. That gives US a whole two and half weeks to hit Six Flags and go skiing, etc. while everyone else is still in school. I love that. !

That is always NICE!!!!!!:D Just wish cruising was still a little more cheaper through MAY!!!

...here in TX it is super hot and I think it's downright dangerous for those boys to be out at 4:00 p.m. doing soccer practice and the other running cross country.... I see those kids on the field and it just looks like cruel and unusual punishment!

I know, for sure!!!! :eek: I thought the same thing when I drove past the football field after picking the kids up from school!!!! WHEW! Got to be carefull!!!!

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Yes, the heat can be an issue when starting school earlier in the year. Here in suburban Phoenix, it's been over 110 several days in the last week (which is unusual). At least two school days this week, they had a "heat advisory", and the kids weren't allowed outside for lunch recess or afternoon recess. They have recess inside, which I guess isn't much different than being inside when it's raining or snowing in other places during the year. Besides, if they weren't in school, they'd likely be inside the house during the heat of the day. And very few "snow days,":rolleyes: when school is actually canceled.


Of course the air conditioning bills for the schools this time of year are astronomical. And it just feels wrong to go back the beginning of August!:p Although it is nice to be a little off-track from the California schools so we can visit during off-peak weeks.


I don't even buy long pants or jackets until October! I have to review my kids' shorts and sandals in the middle of July, because if they need new ones (that they will wear for three more months), you have to buy them right away before the national chains put out parkas and boots!



"you can't have everything -- besides, where would you put it all?":D

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I don't even buy long pants or jackets until October! I have to review my kids' shorts and sandals in the middle of July, because if they need new ones (that they will wear for three more months), you have to buy them right away before the national chains put out parkas and boots!

LOL! :D Don't I know it! ;) My daughter & I went shopping on Tuesday to find her something for Wed (1st day of school) and after seeing all of he jeans, long-sleeve hoodies, and sweaters, I said "FORGET IT~your wearing a Sundress! IT'S GONNA BE 106!!!!:eek: " It probably wasn't even following the dress code for 2 inch straps, but I don't care. :confused: IT WAS TOO HOT!!!!

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MN too says public schools (not charter or private) have to start after Labor Day. This is primarily for tourism. The resorts up North and the State Fair ends on Labor Day.


I teach at the public high school. The kids start the day after Labor Day. This year we have a week in Oct. off (they combined some short weeks because of conferences and workships), 2 weeks at Christmas and a week in March. We are out June 12th. I have 1/2 day of workshop on June 13th and we set sail from Seattle for Alaska on June 14th!


My kids are in a private school and their schedule is very similar to ours. They start after Labor Day but get out 1 week before we do.


Even though we are in MN, we very rarely have snow days!! We are in the suburbs and they clear the roads very quickly. (Unfortunately!!) We did have one last year, but we didn't have to make up any days. I don't know how many they have built in, but we would have to miss quite a lot in order to make up any days. I have lived here all my life and I never had to make up any days!


My inlaws are in the SW corner of the state in a rural area and have a lot more snow days because of drifting and ice storms than we ever have. They have had breaks taken away and had to go longer.


I too never worry about jeans and sweatshirts for the kids or myself until after school starts! Although today is pretty cool and rainy!

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Here in central Maryland, our kids will go back before Labor Day on August 27, 2007 and be done June 12, 2008.


In my opinion, the more interesting or relevant piece of information nobody is posting is "how many school days a year does your state or local jurisdiction require?" In Maryland, the minimum required is 180 school days. How about everyone else?

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This year we go 174 days. We do not have any snow days built into the calendar, so if we're off for snow/ice, we will be making it up.


Heat has been an issue for us the past two weeks with this oh-so-hot weather. We have pretty much had indoor recess for the past two weeks, the children can't be outside (traveling to portables) for more than five minutes. When the head index is 105 or above for more than three hours, our school has a heat dismissal. All the kids are given a cold drink as well as a towel soaked in cool water to wear around their neck right before boarding the bus and as soon as everyone boards the bus leaves. However, this is on the elementary level. The middle and high schoolers do not do this.....

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Our district started July 23rd. We follow a modified year round calendar. We have two weeks off in October (one of which this year, we are cruising the Mexican Rivieria), two and a half weeks off in December and two weeks in March. We end school on May 23rd.


At first I liked the traditional calendar, growing up in NY we started Wednesday after Labor Day and ended last week of June. However, I have grown to like the modified year round calendar. I don't think the students lose as much as they do over such a long break over the summer. I also find just when teachers and students are getting sick of each other and frustrated, everyone gets a "time out" :)


I am lucky that my son attends the same school I work for.


In my opinion, the more interesting or relevant piece of information nobody is posting is "how many school days a year does your state or local jurisdiction require?" In Maryland, the minimum required is 180 school days. How about everyone else?

Our district is at 183 days.

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Our Upstate NY district starts the Thursday after Labor Day and goes until June 27. We have a week in February (we'll be cruising!) and a week in April, as well as long weekends for Columbus Day and Memorial Day. We have 180 mandated days.

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Here in VA, we go 180 days as well. My mom teaches in a year-round school, and she says she loves it (her first week off is coming up Labor Day week!), but that it would be hard if she still had kids at home. Her school (elementary) is the only school in the city that does it, so if you have older kids they are on different schedules.


I'm in Richmond now, and the kids come back the day after Labor Day. There's a law in Va. that schools have to start after Labor Day, but if you miss a certain number of snow days you can get an exemption, and many schools here do.


The worst schedule was when I was teaching near Charlottesville. Those kids start mid-August and go until mid-June. The school year goes on FOREVER because they have one or two teacher workdays every month. The teachers hate it, not only because of the way it drags the year on, but b/c #1 - These are not days when we get to work in our rooms. We have completely inane meetings that we have to attend and #2 - It is so disruptive to the schedule to not have a full week and at LEAST one out of every 4 weeks - usually more - were not full weeks.


Whew - big rant - personal pet peeve :)

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for those of you planning to cruise in Europe...


Most schools break up for the Summer around 24th July and go back around 4th September. However private schools break up any time from 1st July.


Our son has a 2 week break in October from 19th. Then ends on Dec 14th until 7 January (state schools break up a little later around 20th) He also has a week off commencing 18 Feb.


Easter break is after actual Easter in 2008 (1st - 20th April)


Then another week out 26 May.


And yes I am a working Mum - it is a nightmare with all these holidays! We always cruise during the Halloween week of his Autumn break as most UK schools only get one week (the second week) and flights are cheaper if we leave a couple of days before the cruise.

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for those of you planning to cruise in Europe...


Most schools break up for the Summer around 24th July and go back around 4th September. However private schools break up any time from 1st July.


Our son has a 2 week break in October from 19th. Then ends on Dec 14th until 7 January (state schools break up a little later around 20th) He also has a week off commencing 18 Feb.


Easter break is after actual Easter in 2008 (1st - 20th April)


Then another week out 26 May.

So how many school days per year does that work out to be typically?
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As stated earlier, Wisconsin law states that school cannot begin prior to Labor Day or September 1 (which ever comes first).


My DD's school district starts on the earliest day that it can (even if it means starting school on Friday and then having a three day weekend!). It is fairly stingy about holidays during the school year - Manditory state in-service (two days in October), three days at Thanksgiving, Dec 24 through Jan 1 only for Christmas (again even if it means a one-day school week). Two days in either Feb or Mar. The Friday before and Monday after western rites Easter.


They budget for two snow days each year. About every five or six years they need to do a third snow day - so the school year is extended a day. Otherwise the last day of school is the Friday following Memorial day (earlier if they can swing it!). Most of the other districts in this area have more school year holidays so they will generally go a week to 10 days later than our schools.


I've found that first week in June is a great week to travel (land or cruise) - most 'summer' attractions are opened, but not nearly as busy as they will be in a few weeks.

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Here in central Maryland, our kids will go back before Labor Day on August 27, 2007 and be done June 12, 2008.


In my opinion, the more interesting or relevant piece of information nobody is posting is "how many school days a year does your state or local jurisdiction require?" In Maryland, the minimum required is 180 school days. How about everyone else?


The OP and I posted about this several days ago -- 180 for us in Georgia, 174 for her.

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I've found that first week in June is a great week to travel (land or cruise) - most 'summer' attractions are opened, but not nearly as busy as they will be in a few weeks.


Humm...that really does look like it is the best time, if your school gets out that early!!!!!:D

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They get vacations at Thanksgiving (a long weekend), Christmas, February, April get a week off.


Yeah, I never knew that alot of East Coast Schools get out for "winter break" or whatever it is called in February! We cruise last Feb 15-25 (Yes, President's day was the 19th!!!:rolleyes: ) and there were SO MANY kids aboard...Our kids only had Monday [President's Day] off....but while onboard and listening to the other passengers, everyone was 'on winter break'. WHEW!!!! That would have been a good thing to know before cruising--:eek:

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Here in Texas it varies by district. Supposedly we were not supposed to start until after Labor Day this year, so I booked our cruise for Aug.30 -Sept. 3. Three days later found out we start school on Aug. 27. We are going to send them for the first day and half of the second day then we are on vacation.

Our district somehow got a "waiver" to start school before Labor Day. We get out on June 5.

Texas has the 90% law that states students must attend minimum of 90% of the scheduled days of learning to be promoted. It does not matter if the absence is excused or unexcused.

We also have the stupid TAKS test....never mind that's a whole other soap box. :eek:

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Here in Texas it varies by district. Supposedly we were not supposed to start until after Labor Day this year, so I booked our cruise for Aug.30 -Sept. 3. Three days later found out we start school on Aug. 27. We are going to send them for the first day and half of the second day then we are on vacation.

Our district somehow got a "waiver" to start school before Labor Day. We get out on June 5.

Texas has the 90% law that states students must attend minimum of 90% of the scheduled days of learning to be promoted. It does not matter if the absence is excused or unexcused.

We also have the stupid TAKS test....never mind that's a whole other soap box. :eek:

Yeah, don't we know it! :) My DS just got back fromDW with his Grandparents. He missed the 1st 4 days of school....:rolleyes: but thats another topic for sure.....:o I don't know the exact % for attendence for our school. :confused: I will definately have to check on that...

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  • 3 weeks later...

We are in South Atlanta and have a balanced calander. We started school Aug 6 and have a week break every 6 weeks. We are coming up on our first "Fall Break" and it is great to get the last summer vacation in when everyone else has started school. Cheaper travel and great time to cruise


We then get Thanksgiving week off, 2 weeks at Christmas, Winter break in February, spring break and we get out the Friday after Memorial Day.


I like the different breaks throughout the year. It is great for trying to travel at "off" times. Although it is really hard to start school when we are having 100 degree days.

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I think that knid of school schedule sounds great. I know for us it would surly be great to be able to cruise in off-peak times without having to the kids out of school. I know the reduced rates are GREAT and are really the only thing that makes us able to cruise as a family!!!!:)

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