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Cruise reviews vs expectations


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I would like to say, i love to read reviews both positive and negative. I get something from both types. What I dont understand is where some peoples expectations come from. I read about the rooms and not sure where people are coming from. On the whole I have noticed the people with higher category rooms are usually happier than those with lower cat rooms. Now in my opinion this is probably due to 2 things. First the people with the higher cat rooms figured what type of room they would be happy with and spent the required amount to get it! Second they had more realistic expectations of that room. I have stayed in suites in expensive hotels and I have stayed in cheap rooms in a no name hotel, I would never dream of comparing them, but been happy with both for what they are and what i want or need.


Now for the food, When you go to a banquet you do not expect gourmet food but you can still enjoy it. A ship serves probably upwards of 9,000 meals a day from a limited size kithen with little access to fresh ingredients. How can you expect your food to be as good as the best restaurants in your hometown? Maybe on a luxury line with much less passenger counts this could be the case, but not likely on a mega liner.


As many have said your cruise is what you make of it. On the whole this is true. I realize there are times no matter how good your attitude is things will happen. But these lines dont serve so many people without the vast majority being pleased and repeat travellers. If we were all one and done never repeating the ships would be half empty.


So for those travelling soon, one peice of advise. Make sure you have realistic expectations and go have fun.


I understand I will be critcized for this post, but if someone reads this and then changes their expectation or reevaluates it and realize they are realistic and enjoys thier vacation more I will be happy!

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I couldn't agree more. I sometimes think people want to be unhappy or want to find something about which they can complain. As if it somehow makes them appear more sophisticated than everyone else. And, I think some people tend towards snobbery.


A cruise ship is a moving / floating - hotel/ restaurant / resort / entertainment center. It has to produce it's own water, electricity while dodging weather. It must deal with waste, sewage, garbage and air quality, all while moving at 20 knots on uncertain seas. And, it must be loaded with every conceivable item anyone could possibly need while at sea. It must also be equipped with proper personnel to keep the ship functioning, clean and the guests happy.


Given all that, it is truly amazing that cruises function as well as they do. People should lighten up and lower their expectations. Then, they will always be presently surprised.


My expectation for a cruise - a balcony overlooking the ocean, a bed, and a promise that I won't starve. That's it. Anything above that is just icing on the cake.

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I work in a upscale restaurant and see the same attitude in my restaurant as many people who complain about a cruise.


Certain customers walk in looking for what is wrong. If they can't find anything, then they make things up or magnify small issues.


I am the first to try to make everyone happy, going out of my way to solve problems and fix things even when my guests aren't asking for them to be fixed.


What I have observed is that there are two types of complainers: those who are generally unhappy with their lives and seek to control it by making others unhappy and those who know if they complain, they will get something for free.


We have certain people that we recognize in our restaurant and know they are coming in to try to get a free meal. The people who have a ligitimate complaint, and are nice about it, I will bend over backwards to make happy because I know they aren't expecting it. I have even had people get mad at me because I have taken items off a check or comped the entire bill--those are the people that I know didn't come in expecting anything.


When I go out myself, I hate to complain, but if their is something significant enough, I will so that the establishment will have the opportunity to solve the problem and not lose my business and potentially others as well.


I think when reading reviews, you can read between the lines and tell whether the reviewer has had legitimate problems or was just looking for something to be wrong. It's all about expectations, if you go knowing you are going to have a good time 99% if the time, you will. It's kind of the cup half full/empty theory. It's up to each person to decide which outlook they want to grab hold of.

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I would like to say, i love to read reviews both positive and negative. I get something from both types. What I dont understand is where some peoples expectations come from. I read about the rooms and not sure where people are coming from. On the whole I have noticed the people with higher category rooms are usually happier than those with lower cat rooms. Now in my opinion this is probably due to 2 things. First the people with the higher cat rooms figured what type of room they would be happy with and spent the required amount to get it! Second they had more realistic expectations of that room. I have stayed in suites in expensive hotels and I have stayed in cheap rooms in a no name hotel, I would never dream of comparing them, but been happy with both for what they are and what i want or need.


Now for the food, When you go to a banquet you do not expect gourmet food but you can still enjoy it. A ship serves probably upwards of 9,000 meals a day from a limited size kithen with little access to fresh ingredients. How can you expect your food to be as good as the best restaurants in your hometown? Maybe on a luxury line with much less passenger counts this could be the case, but not likely on a mega liner.


As many have said your cruise is what you make of it. On the whole this is true. I realize there are times no matter how good your attitude is things will happen. But these lines dont serve so many people without the vast majority being pleased and repeat travellers. If we were all one and done never repeating the ships would be half empty.


So for those travelling soon, one peice of advise. Make sure you have realistic expectations and go have fun.


I understand I will be critcized for this post, but if someone reads this and then changes their expectation or reevaluates it and realize they are realistic and enjoys thier vacation more I will be happy!


I agree with your assessment, except for the food. The next time you cruise take the galley tour, it is quite amazing. The kitchen is huge, and they do use fresh ingredients. I think you would be surprised at what your local restaurant uses. I was in food service for over twenty five years (at a four star restaurant) and even though a lot of the things we severed were fresh a lot were frozen too. On all of our cruises I have loved the food. It is fun to try different things that you would never oder. I love the way the food is presented too.


I look forward to my next cruise with as much attestation as I did the first.

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I would like to say, i love to read reviews both positive and negative. I get something from both types. What I dont understand is where some peoples expectations come from. I read about the rooms and not sure where people are coming from. On the whole I have noticed the people with higher category rooms are usually happier than those with lower cat rooms. Now in my opinion this is probably due to 2 things. First the people with the higher cat rooms figured what type of room they would be happy with and spent the required amount to get it! Second they had more realistic expectations of that room. I have stayed in suites in expensive hotels and I have stayed in cheap rooms in a no name hotel, I would never dream of comparing them, but been happy with both for what they are and what i want or need.


Now for the food, When you go to a banquet you do not expect gourmet food but you can still enjoy it. A ship serves probably upwards of 9,000 meals a day from a limited size kithen with little access to fresh ingredients. How can you expect your food to be as good as the best restaurants in your hometown? Maybe on a luxury line with much less passenger counts this could be the case, but not likely on a mega liner.


As many have said your cruise is what you make of it. On the whole this is true. I realize there are times no matter how good your attitude is things will happen. But these lines dont serve so many people without the vast majority being pleased and repeat travellers. If we were all one and done never repeating the ships would be half empty.


So for those travelling soon, one peice of advise. Make sure you have realistic expectations and go have fun.


I understand I will be critcized for this post, but if someone reads this and then changes their expectation or reevaluates it and realize they are realistic and enjoys thier vacation more I will be happy!


And here is what I don't understand..

I wrote one of those Triumph reviews, and I added both positive and negative aspects...the very ones that you say you enjoy reading. And yet, all anyone seems to pick up on is that I'm a negative person who went expecting a bad time...I'm a "curmudgeon" and unhappy, etc. Give me a freaking break!


As I said in my other post, I spent my hard earned cash on my trip. I could've chosen other cruise lines, but went with Carnival because I'd read some nice reviews. No, not everything was postitive, but I figured life is what it is...not perfect. Not every vacation will go off without a hitch.


Everyone on here wants a review of others' cruises, but the second a semi-negative review comes up, people are waiting with their torches.

When Roger Ebert reviews a person's favorite movie, but he gives it a thumbs down, do they really get so upset over it? Man, if they do, they really need to add something else to their lives.


I try to travel often, so I don't spend $1500 on a trip hoping things will go wrong simply so I can come back and write a negative review.


I had realistic expectations going into this cruise, and, I really wanted to come home with a favorable review. In the end, there was some positive, some negative. Regardless, it was my experience.


If by me mentioning the negative aspects of my cruise means I have unrealistic expectations, then, I guess, so be it. But I won't sugar coat my review to appease those who are Carnival loyalists. There are still people out there who want balanced reviews.

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gettinoutofindy, never mentioned or referenced your review, but if the shoe fits........


Maybe since you travel often you should think about fewer trips, bigger budget for the ones you go on!!!


didnt think you were a curmudgeon till your reply to this thread.

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I work in a upscale restaurant and see the same attitude in my restaurant as many people who complain about a cruise.


Certain customers walk in looking for what is wrong. If they can't find anything, then they make things up or magnify small issues.


I am the first to try to make everyone happy, going out of my way to solve problems and fix things even when my guests aren't asking for them to be fixed.


What I have observed is that there are two types of complainers: those who are generally unhappy with their lives and seek to control it by making others unhappy and those who know if they complain, they will get something for free.


We have certain people that we recognize in our restaurant and know they are coming in to try to get a free meal. The people who have a ligitimate complaint, and are nice about it, I will bend over backwards to make happy because I know they aren't expecting it. I have even had people get mad at me because I have taken items off a check or comped the entire bill--those are the people that I know didn't come in expecting anything.


When I go out myself, I hate to complain, but if their is something significant enough, I will so that the establishment will have the opportunity to solve the problem and not lose my business and potentially others as well.


I think when reading reviews, you can read between the lines and tell whether the reviewer has had legitimate problems or was just looking for something to be wrong. It's all about expectations, if you go knowing you are going to have a good time 99% if the time, you will. It's kind of the cup half full/empty theory. It's up to each person to decide which outlook they want to grab hold of.


So, let's see...

It's Friday night, and I'm waiting to spend a romantic evening with my boyfriend.

We decide to go for dinner at a fancy restaurant...the kind that charges $50 a person (but really, it probably costs about $5 to prepare)...

We get there, the service is subpar (the staff checks on us only when we flag them down) and the food is lukewarm.

You're saying that, if we went in there solely with the expectation that we were going to get fed (even though we're spending a pretty penny), we'll walk out happy?


Um, no. I'm sick and tired of companies expecting that we should buy their products and use their services, with little to no customer service and satisfaction.


There is a reason why this board exists...it's so that people can read fair and unbiased opinions and then make their own choices.

If someone writes a negative review, it doesn't mean that that person is a miserable person. I'm tired of people making assumptions about a person's character and overall outlook on life based on one review.

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gettinoutofindy, never mentioned or referenced your review, but if the shoe fits........


Maybe since you travel often you should think about fewer trips, bigger budget for the ones you go on!!!


didnt think you were a curmudgeon till your reply to this thread.


Well, my response to you was a general one about reviews...not directly aimed at you.

I wrote a review on this site Saturday night, and since then, I've had negative accusations slung at me (practically by the minute) by complete strangers based on my one review of their beloved ship. It's ridiculous.

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So, let's see...

It's Friday night, and I'm waiting to spend a romantic evening with my boyfriend.

We decide to go for dinner at a fancy restaurant...the kind that charges $50 a person (but really, it probably costs about $5 to prepare)...

We get there, the service is subpar (the staff checks on us only when we flag them down) and the food is lukewarm.

You're saying that, if we went in there solely with the expectation that we were going to get fed (even though we're spending a pretty penny), we'll walk out happy?


Um, no. I'm sick and tired of companies expecting that we should buy their products and use their services, with little to no customer service and satisfaction.


There is a reason why this board exists...it's so that people can read fair and unbiased opinions and then make their own choices.

If someone writes a negative review, it doesn't mean that that person is a miserable person. I'm tired of people making assumptions about a person's character and overall outlook on life based on one review.



Now, I work in one of those there fancy restaurants you are talkin bout we dont even use paper napkins! Our food cost is actually much higher than a casual or even upscale casual place. Our ribeye( which is $39 on the menu cost $18 just to bring it in the door, forget about the labor to cook it, prep it or serve it. So yes your preconcieved ideas may be way off base!!!!!!!

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Now, I work in one of those there fancy restaurants you are talkin bout we dont even use paper napkins! Our food cost is actually much higher than a casual or even upscale casual place. Our ribeye( which is $39 on the menu cost $18 just to bring it in the door, forget about the labor to cook it, prep it or serve it. So yes your preconcieved ideas may be way off base!!!!!!!


OK. well, that too then. My point is though, if I'm paying a large amount of money for one meal, I'm walking in the door with the expectation that I'm going to be treated well, the atmosphere will be nice, and the food will be good...and no, I don't mean that people are going to kowtow to me simply because I'm eating in this fancy place. I'm not that type of person.

One of the other posters on here mentioned restaurants, so that's why I'm going off of that. But the my thoughts are the same on other services.

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel like I was taking my first post of this thread out on you. I was just responding to the title.

But like I said, I've been getting names slung at me for a few days now, and I'm constantly having to defend my review. I spent a lot of time and energy preparing it. By now, I'm just a little touchy. :(

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I work at a restaurant where you can spend $20 per person or $100--your choice. If you choose to spend $50, and your food, beverage AND service are satisfactory, then you should not be unhappy with anyone at the restaurant when you bill arrives. We run at about 46% cost on our beef items, so if you order a steak we don't make nearly as much money as if you would order a pasta that runs at about 15% food cost. If you order the steak, you will probably pay $50 per, but that is your choice.


I think our drink prices are too high, and I try to find a less expensive alternative for people when possible. For example, I had an older couple and the woman wanted a Manhatten made with out well bourban, when I checked the price, it was more than our specialty Manhatten made with Maker's Mark. I told her when I brought it back to her that I had chosen to change this for her, she was extremely please. When I picked up their cc receipt at the end of the night, they had tipped my 25% and I'm sure what I did with the drink was a big part of that.


So if you are judging before you get to a restaurant that your service is going to be subpar, you are the glass half empty sort. I am sometimes too attentive to people, and have to watch myself on that. Of course there are always times when any server is so busy--usually because we are dealing with a customer who is upset about something or forgets to tell you when they asked the last time for something you just went to get that they needed something else that you could have been getting at the same time.


Funcpl30 did not reference your review in the least. I think that he/she was writing in general about reviews that have been posted. If you feel attacked by this thread then maybe you know you were too negative(?) You could always repost your review if so.


Off topic, why are you getting out of Indy?

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Gettingoutof indy I don't think the OP was about excepting bad service. I think they posted more based on what you'd expect from a Type A place vs a Type B place and that by having expectations more in line with what's possible your just happier for it.


For instance it's a reasonalbe expectation to think that going to a $50 a plate dinner place that the food will be rich in flavor, the service will be very good, you'll have nice plates to each from, and so on.


On the other hand it's a reasonable expectation to go to McDonnalds and eat off a brown tray, to fill your own cup with soda, to have so-so service from a teen worker, and you food might be lukewarm.


My point and I think what the OP was about is that you'll have a happier trip on a cruise if your expectations are more in line with what the cruise line is capable of doing, the room will be smaller than you are used to at home, that kids will be screaming at the pool, your towls might not be from the upper line of Egyption cotten, and so on. If your eating lobster you have to know that it's comming from a kitchen that is trying to serve you and 900 other guest lobster too and so it might be over done a tad or not as warm as it would be at a small mom and pop shop along the coat of Maine.


I think being reasonable and when your expectations are in line with whats there when you arrive your way happier. Now if your being reasonable and the service is not up to par then by all means say something as it'll help any company do better.

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I work at a restaurant where you can spend $20 per person or $100--your choice. If you choose to spend $50, and your food, beverage AND service are satisfactory, then you should not be unhappy with anyone at the restaurant when you bill arrives. We run at about 46% cost on our beef items, so if you order a steak we don't make nearly as much money as if you would order a pasta that runs at about 15% food cost. If you order the steak, you will probably pay $50 per, but that is your choice.


I think our drink prices are too high, and I try to find a less expensive alternative for people when possible. For example, I had an older couple and the woman wanted a Manhatten made with out well bourban, when I checked the price, it was more than our specialty Manhatten made with Maker's Mark. I told her when I brought it back to her that I had chosen to change this for her, she was extremely please. When I picked up their cc receipt at the end of the night, they had tipped my 25% and I'm sure what I did with the drink was a big part of that.


So if you are judging before you get to a restaurant that your service is going to be subpar, you are the glass half empty sort. I am sometimes too attentive to people, and have to watch myself on that. Of course there are always times when any server is so busy--usually because we are dealing with a customer who is upset about something or forgets to tell you when they asked the last time for something you just went to get that they needed something else that you could have been getting at the same time.


Funcpl30 did not reference your review in the least. I think that he/she was writing in general about reviews that have been posted. If you feel attacked by this thread then maybe you know you were too negative(?) You could always repost your review if so.


Off topic, why are you getting out of Indy?


In response to a restaurant, I don't walk into a place thinking, "this is going to suck." Of course not...that's silly. So no...not a half empty sort of mentality. If I'm going to a fancy restaurant...actually, forget the restaurant references...in general, I ALWAYS do research before I put my money out there. Like most people, I want more bang for the buck. I ask around for reviews on places, then make my decision.

When I call a company who promises a certain service, naturally, I expect that they will follow through on their guarantee. When they don't, I'm not usually pleased...they promised then didn't follow through (but expected you'd pay). I don't think there's anything wrong with that line of thinking (unless you don't mind throwing your money away on a product you're not happy with).

Now, on the flip side...when I go to a restaurant, when I order a product and deal with customer service, when I shop in a store, when I take a cruise...if there is someone that did an outstanding job (they were pleasant, treated me with the respect that I also show them, when they follow through with a promise, etc) I ALWAYS let their manager or company know that this person did a great job. I do it all the time. In fact, in my review, I specifically mentioned our wait staff. I did the same thing on the comment card. I'm not the negative person I've been accused of being.


As far as the OP goes, I apologized in an above comment. My post was never directed at them, but rather the title in general. I only commented because that title was the type of response that I was getting on my other thread.


Haha...and my screen name...no big deal. I signed up on this site prior to my trip and had to come up with something. I live in Indianapolis, and I was "getting out of Indy." I tried other names first, but several were already taken. This one happened to work.

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I love reviews - positive, negative, silly, articulate, fragmented . . . I just love to read them.


My DH and I travel quite frequently (usually fly to destinations) but we love to cruise, too. In the past, 20 or so years ago, I would save clippings of articles I had read about "great restaurants in xx city" . . . "must see" places, etc. Now we have net access! YEA!!! Now I don't have to rely on the professional reviews in magazines, newspapers, etc. Anyone can share his/her opinion! (And I no longer have to keep FILES!!!)


I learned something along the way. Even when people have very similar expectations . . . there is this thing called "personal taste" or "personal preference."


My parents have traveled extensively, all over the world, and in many ways, our "lifestyle preferences" (decisions about how we choose to live, spend our money, spend leisure time) are very very similar. But godbless'em, if my parents say a restaurant was GREAT or one was HORRIBLE, I just screen it out . . . cause their preferences in what constitutes a "good meal" are just not gonna be like mine (or DH's) at all!!!


DH and I dine at the upscale restaurants as well as buffet lines - it is not that we can't discriminate b/n what is a "fine dining experience" and what is a so-so one, but basically, we have realistic expectations and usually enjoy our meals out, no matter where we are. If we don't, it is b/c of lousy food or lousy service - or both. We have enjoyed many a meal at truck stops - where the food was terrific and the prices were great! But had we been expecting atmosphere, well . . . I don't go to a truck stop expecting a Morton's experience.


IMHO, the OP had it right - it is about expectations. And you have to take everyone else's opinions w/ a grain of salt, as it were, when it comes to food, especially.


Had I not discovered that most cruise lines do not have standard sized King beds (correct me if I am wrong) - I would have been truly upset when I got onboard and found a queen sized bed (when paying for an expensive cabin). And another poster noted that Karaoke was a big deal . . . so these are things that should be checked out b/f one books that cruise.


We don't use public areas much, so things like crowded pools and jacuzzis are not going to be an issue for us as it would be for someone who had tried to enjoy sitting by the pool and was over run w/ out of control kids. We could be on the same cruise and their review would say "too many unruly kids and pools were a nightmare" and mine would say "relaxing vacation."


Reviews are wonderful . . . sometimes things are mentioned that I would never have thought about or even known to check out (like the fish 'n chips on Glory). It is great to share those ideas. And problems that have occurred - I like hearing about that, too, so I can either be especially vigilant (and avoid said problem) or make other plans (or check it out for myself!!!) These things do shape my expectations . . . but it is my thought that things can change on a ship from season to season . . . depending on staff, itinerary, age of ship, etc. Things are never static on a ship. Any ship, any cruiseline.


Cruising is an adventure. The weather can change . . . look at the hurricanes this season . . . ports of call change change . . . the steward assigned to you may be wonderful or not so great . . . but if you go into it seeing it as an adventure . . . it can be a terrific way to take a vacation.



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Well, my response to you was a general one about reviews...not directly aimed at you.

I wrote a review on this site Saturday night, and since then, I've had negative accusations slung at me (practically by the minute) by complete strangers based on my one review of their beloved ship. It's ridiculous.


I feel your pain, I posted a thread last week and within 18 hrs 50, 000 had read it over 600 had posted and I was called everything from a liar to a racist to whatever the final insult was before it was pulled. You are correct most do not want to hear the negatives .

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And here is what I don't understand..

I wrote one of those Triumph reviews, and I added both positive and negative aspects...the very ones that you say you enjoy reading. And yet, all anyone seems to pick up on is that I'm a negative person who went expecting a bad time...I'm a "curmudgeon" and unhappy, etc. Give me a freaking break!


As I said in my other post, I spent my hard earned cash on my trip. I could've chosen other cruise lines, but went with Carnival because I'd read some nice reviews. No, not everything was postitive, but I figured life is what it is...not perfect. Not every vacation will go off without a hitch.


Everyone on here wants a review of others' cruises, but the second a semi-negative review comes up, people are waiting with their torches.

When Roger Ebert reviews a person's favorite movie, but he gives it a thumbs down, do they really get so upset over it? Man, if they do, they really need to add something else to their lives.


I try to travel often, so I don't spend $1500 on a trip hoping things will go wrong simply so I can come back and write a negative review.


I had realistic expectations going into this cruise, and, I really wanted to come home with a favorable review. In the end, there was some positive, some negative. Regardless, it was my experience.


If by me mentioning the negative aspects of my cruise means I have unrealistic expectations, then, I guess, so be it. But I won't sugar coat my review to appease those who are Carnival loyalists. There are still people out there who want balanced reviews.


Thank-you. And the name of this site is.....?? Right.....CRUISE CRITIC. Not cruise CHEERLEADER..everything is always happy. It would probably be better named Cruise Enthusiast. And while I'm here, I can't get over the stuff on some of the roll calls. I dig the cruise talk like everyone else, but man some of these people are talking back and forth non-stop for days about their kids, their school, their this, their that...some without any reference to what the thread is about. But no problemlo....they don't get tossed to the personals section or whatever it is.

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Thank-you. And the name of this site is.....?? Right.....CRUISE CRITIC. Not cruise CHEERLEADER..everything is always happy. It would probably be better named Cruise Enthusiast. And while I'm here, I can't get over the stuff on some of the roll calls. I dig the cruise talk like everyone else, but man some of these people are talking back and forth non-stop for days about their kids, their school, their this, their that...some without any reference to what the thread is about. But no problemlo....they don't get tossed to the personals section or whatever it is.


I like to hear the good and the bad- it gives me more reasonable expectations- so I like to see the negative reviews, but if it's COMPLETELY negative, I take it with a grain of salt- something had to have been okay.


As for the roll calls- isn't that the point? To chat and get to know the people who will be on the ship with you?

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I like to hear the good and the bad- it gives me more reasonable expectations- so I like to see the negative reviews, but if it's COMPLETELY negative, I take it with a grain of salt- something had to have been okay.


As for the roll calls- isn't that the point? To chat and get to know the people who will be on the ship with you?


:) I guess you're right. I shouldn't have been reading other people's roll calls and this wouldn't have come up. LOL

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