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How many of you really pay attention to what others are wearing??

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I love to people watch...I also love beautiful clothes. It is so much more interesting when someone goes to the trouble to look nice. Formal night or not, looking nice(which doesn't necessarily mean dressing to the nines) is always more pleasing to the eyes. There is something sad about being outdressed by your waiter....just my opinion.

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I love to people watch...I also love beautiful clothes. It is so much more interesting when someone goes to the trouble to look nice. Formal night or not, looking nice(which doesn't necessarily mean dressing to the nines) is always more pleasing to the eyes. There is something sad about being outdressed by your waiter....just my opinion.

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I love watching what the people wear. I like looking at what the women put together, and from that I get ideas of what might work on me. I like looking at their accessories and how they pair them with their outfits. And, I like looking at the men when they're dressed up in their tuxes and dinner jackets. Nothing sexier than a man in uniform or a man in a tux/dinner jacket. It has this whole James Bond thing for me. And I know that most men appreciate a woman who takes the time to look her best on a cruise. It's part of the whole romance thing.

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I notice. Like others, I like to sit at one of the bars pre-dinner and people watch; maybe more so because I'm often on my own (teenage DS has other ideas for dinner than the dining room!). On one recent cruise we were seated by the main entrance to the dining room and it was hard NOT to notice everyone as they entered.


I really like the people watching too!


We also sat "near" the front of the dining room on our last cruise. I was surprised to see the ultra formal wear people wearing jeans clothes on other nights.



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Our most recent cruise was on Royal Caribbean. There were many evenings where we sat on the Royal Promenade where you can't help but people watch. They just parade back and forth. The clothing wasn't usually the main attraction, more noticeable were the intoxicated couples engaged in foreplay that should've been saved for their cabin.


While in the dining room, I didn't notice an awful lot- I reminded myself to look at attire on a couple of evenings to report here on CC :D , but generally, we were always too busy enjoying each other's company.

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That's very sweet of you to say those things :)


I'm not crazy for attention, I've often said I'd love to be rich but not famous!


LOL, reminds me of something my Dad used to say, "Wish I'd been born rich instead of so dam* good lookin!"


My wife and I have been taking dance lessons at an Arthur Murray studio for almost two years now. Besides the fact that we love the dancing, we have at least 4 opportunities to get dressed up each year beside our formal nights while cruising. I used to hate freestyle dancing, but since I've learned ballroom, I absolutely love to dance. In addition, I'm hoping next year to be home for the Navy Ball, and maybe even get down to Norfolk for the Submarine Birthday Ball. If you have the clothes, there are so many opportunities to use them if you will just look around.


PS you should see some of the dance dresses my lovely bride and her Mother have made for dancing!

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It's no concern of mine, but I do look and notice. My concern is that my family is appropriately dressed.


I don't care so much if the outfit is this year's or ten years old. If it fits well, is a good color for the wearer, and flattering, I think that is more stunning than always have the "now" fashions.


I like to look - it's like watching the red carpet part before the award ceremonies. I don't watch the ceremonies, but I do enjoy the fashion (or lack there of) show!

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This conversation in itself will always be controversial! I see both sides, if you don't dress up on FORMAL night and you think that's wrong, you're trying to impose your values/view on others, or is it that you just think that if it's FORMAL night and the cruise lines "suggests" formal attire that you should follow the rules? Dave, you must be an "old" guy and I Love you for it:) I really love when men chime into this because we all know that men really like it when women look feminine! I really don't understand why we can't look really nice for 2 simple nights:rolleyes: My 3rd cruise (I won) I was 27 years old and on FORMAL night I looked great (& thin!) I remember seeing a lady that you could just tell she won this cruise too, and she had on a very simple dress, but....she looked great! I think that's all we are asking for:o Most of the time I don't even start to read these threads because people are very passionate about it, but when they get ugly it's time to go!

Happy cruising,



Reading through the posts, I don't really find any controversy, quite the contrary, I think everyone has been very civil. It's not about one style or another, it's not intended as an argument on whether or not people should or shouldn't wear ________.


Merely a thread with people stating whether or not they really pay attention to other peoples clothing choices. I don't think it is one of "those threads" at all! I haven't read any debate yet, which is great and no one has called anyone else a name :)


Perhaps because it was started here and not moved from a line specific board, now those get heated!

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We're booked for our first cruise for October 2008 and yes, we'll definitely be people watching especially on formal nights. I love clothes and so does my DH! I'm lucky in that he likes to shop with me and after 39 years of marriage he still takes an interest in how I look and what I wear and vice versa. I love it when he tells me I look nice and I always remember to compliment him too. Its called making an effort and I love to see other people who have obviously done the same. You don't have to buy expensive clothes and accessories or to be young and thin either - although it helps I guess! I would never be rude about what others are wearing as I don't know their personal circumstances but it's easy to see when people have at least tried to make an effort. My DH (who's Irish) has a saying ' Fine feathers make fine birds'. He may be right.

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We've been on cruises ranging from NCL freestyle to Celebrity, so we're not experts, but we have a bit of experience.


To our mind, there is only one better place to people watch than on a cruise (that's the Statue of Liberty). We love seeing people from various walks of life with different ideas about what is or isn't appropriate manner of dress. But we work very hard at judging based on our personal contact with people.


We've met people dressed to the nines for formal nights on Celebrity who have been incredibly rude and we've met people whose concept of dressing up is a t-shirt without a company logo who have been absolutely charming and courteous.


It's always our cruise and it's always what we choose to make of it. In some respects, it's sad that we (as a society) don't dress up the way we used to. Part of my sadness comes from the fact that I work for a leading men's clothier...LOL. And if the cruise line has a dress code, it's up to the cruise line to enforce it...not me.

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I have to admit I love to see what everyone else is wearing, but it is by no means my entire focus. I mostly like to keep up with what other ladies my own age are wearing so I don't fall too far behind in the fashion world, LOL!!! I also loke to watch the beautiful gowns all over the place on formal nights. On occasion if I see someone who looks incredible, I'll pass out a well deserving compliment. I'm mostly impressed with "happy people", ones who know how to relax and have a great time and allow others to do the same.;)

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Geez...I'm in Oak Park...send me some samples!:D


Jane110: this is to you and others.


When we sit and "judge" as you posted. It is not about the person. It is about how the person is able to READ, COMPREHEND, and UNDERSTAND the concept of a dress code, not to mention if they might just be Disregarding it all together because they feel they for some reason DON'T have to abide.


My comments weren't directed tward the individual, I have plenty of friends that wouldn't wear the appropriate attire on a cruise, and thus I don't sail with them because of that....just as much as the people I know that are pretentious and would wear the correct attire but would be SNOBS, and innaproachable. Both are just as bad IMHO.


I can agree, and I have met both in my journeys. I HOPE to be the middle ground, and look to be with people that are also.


We have ben on cruises with people who can, but simply choose not to dress, and on the appropriate nights they make other arrangements for dinner. To us this is not only respect from them, but a commitment to courtesy. While they do not wish to dress they FOLLOW THE RULES. These kind of people are the ones we want on our side.


We have also met people who think they are better than everyone else because they are wearing a NEW designer fashion, but are totally arrogant about it and its all about where I HAVE BEEN, and WHAT I HAVE done and could care less about anyone else....at this point its MOVE US TO ANOTHER TABLE TIME.


And then we have met nice people who simply DO NOT FOLLOW RULES or CODES. While they are nice, if they can't wear a simplr tie and jacket, or rent a tux...And I'm sorry if this is judgemental, but if they are BLATANTLY, in disregard for the dress codes or anything else because they simply DO NOT CARE...I realyy don't want to associate with them either, not because they are 'BAD' people as they may be the nicest people on the cruise, but simply because they JUST DON'T GET IT.


I have had these kind of people in my life in the past and while they have good intentions and may be the nicest people...I have had my car damaged after it was borrowed by this kind of person, and of course it's MY car and the other guys fault, so my friend is NOT RESPONSIBLE in their mind..why because I have insurance. I have had a dog let out of the house onto the street because of a person who was well intended, didn't close or lock the door, but just walked in. The dog could have been killed but the person responded with "sorry, I didn't mean to, but its only a dog"...this relationship ended REAL quickly and they just didn't understand why. Or the friend that comes over for a party and you have coasters on the table, yet they put their drink down and leave a ring.....the nice couple down the street that you talk to every day and they come over with their kid who ends up drawing in crayon all over your new wall paper and they reply with "Sorry, but kids will be kids"...WE HAVE ALL had these experiences...however I equate them with a certain kind of person...and they are the people that are nice, but don't take responibility for their actions.


So at a table on formal night a couple shows up in jeans and polo shirts...


I question thier ability to comprehend and ackowledge, not the kind of person ther are, but the kind of attitude they practice.



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I think more people watch than are willing to admit, it's human nature, and there's nothing wrong with it. It's a harmless form of entertainment on a cruise. There are so many different types of people, from all over the world it's interesting to see how people dress from those areas. My kid's used to go into the photo gallery when they were young, and look at the "Welcome Aboard" photos, to see what the people were wearing when they came on the ship. If they saw something "unique", they would call me over to see it and we would have a laugh. They got a kick out of seeing who looked like a tourist, first time cruiser etc. We did see a gentleman on a recent cruise who had the face of Homer Simpson! I wonder what people say about us!



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I love to people watch and see what everyone is wearing. However, that is done for fun, not to judge. Who can know why people dress the way they do? I could depend on their economic circumstances, physical conditions, upbringing, where they're from, and on and on and on. What gives us the right? If they are clean and reasonably neat, that's all that really matters to me, other than what's inside the clothes.

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I totally look at what people are wearing. I look at shoes too. I even notice things like the heels being worn down or shoes not polished. I can't help myself. It's just the way I am. I don't judge but I do think how hard can it be to polish your shoes or take them to get the heel fixed. I also notice how clothes fit or how nice the fabric appears. I also notice handbags and jewelry. I notice it all. I'm bad I know but I'm so good at it that I can still talk to someone and notice all at the same time. Again I don't judge I just notice. Sometimes it's actually pretty funny to see what some people will wear.

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I'll be honest... I DO look at what others are wearing. I'm not bold enough to say anything to those who are grossly 'mis-dressed', though. If I see a lady who REALLY looks sharp, I may compliment her outfit though. (DH doesn't approve when I compliment the sharp dressed guys...darn). :p Sometimes someone's attire becomes the topic of lighthearted dinner conversation, but not to the point of condescension or maliciousness.



Thsi pretty much explains how I feel also. I DO notice when people look out of place,dressed terribly or inappropriately and I do compliment people who look great, extra effort deserves that INHO

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i love to people watch and one my one and only cruise i thought that a large majority actually dressed up very formal for formal night. which i was so happy about as i was dressed formally.


there was only one outfit that stood out as really outrageous to me. one lady, about 6 feet tall, and quite heavy set, wearing a neck to ankle, spandex, leopard print unitard.


i would have much rather she wore a pair of sweat pants and tank top. but let me tell you, SHE thought she looked awesome, she strutted down the lido deck like J-lo at the grammy's!

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WE love to people watch and yes I do look at what others are wearing for ideas. I've even stopped women before and asked where they purchased a beautiful top or dress. So i guess i watch for different reasons. Its sort of like my shopping fix, I think "I like that" then ask where I can go to purchase it. HA!

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I totally look at what people are wearing. I look at shoes too. I even notice things like the heels being worn down or shoes not polished. I can't help myself. It's just the way I am. I don't judge but I do think how hard can it be to polish your shoes or take them to get the heel fixed. I also notice how clothes fit or how nice the fabric appears. I also notice handbags and jewelry. I notice it all. I'm bad I know but I'm so good at it that I can still talk to someone and notice all at the same time. Again I don't judge I just notice. Sometimes it's actually pretty funny to see what some people will wear.



M'dear' date=' those are judgements, plain and simple judgements about others. :D

BTW, nothing is bad about judgements, we [b']all [/b]do it, all the time.


I'm not just directing this to you, but also to all the others who think they "look" but don't "judge".


Look at it this way: If you see a woman who is wearing the most beautiful dress you've ever seen and she's glowing with happiness and her husband is smiling at her and you think to yourself "gee, they look like such happy people and she has such great style" You're making a judgement!!! Actually, you're making two - one about her dress and one about their relationship. ;)


Got it? :)


I learned from a wonderful psychologist long ago, "people watching is people judging, and we all do it".

(and i think it's a lot of fun!)

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WE love to people watch and yes I do look at what others are wearing for ideas. I've even stopped women before and asked where they purchased a beautiful top or dress. So i guess i watch for different reasons. Its sort of like my shopping fix, I think "I like that" then ask where I can go to purchase it. HA!


Do people tell you where they bought it?

Have you ever then actually gone to buy the item?


(just curious)

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Oh, yes, I love to check out what other people are wearing! I don't consider myself fashionable or even all that well-dressed, although I do try for something that would satisfy Bububr's idea of how one should be attired. I do judge (I agree with Jane that it goes with the territory), but mostly keep it to myself.


I saw a woman wearing a fabulous gold formal outfit on the RCI Jewel last November. I complimented her on it and was going to ask where she had gotten it or the make, but she seemed offended by the compliment (something along the lines of, "what a fabulous dress!") and stalked off without even a grudging "thank you." Her DH looked quite sheepish as he trailed behind her.


I would much rather sit with somebody personable decked out in a Hawaiian shirt on formal night than somebody who can't deign to acknowledge a friendly word. Just because you're wearing fancy duds doesn't mean you have a shred of class in your body.

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I learned from a wonderful psychologist long ago, "people watching is people judging, and we all do it".

(and i think it's a lot of fun!)


Someone else once said, "Judge not." ;)


Yes, we all look and we all judge. But I think we get into trouble when we starting assigning character traits based on appearance. There are threads on these boards where people are assumed to be "classless," "low-rent," "plebian," "dirty," "rude," and a host of other negative things, based solely on how they're dressed.

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Like many of you, I love to watch what people are wearing as they go in to dinner.

I have been fortunate enough to see two lovely Japanese women in traditonal dress, a Scotsman in kilt and full regalia, a beautiful bronzed Brazilian woman in a white strapless gown with hundreds and hundeds of individual crystals catching the light (with matching shoes no less- I love shoes) and many others. They were as much a part of the entertainment as the musicians and the dancers.

We have also noticed others who cannot or do not dress formally. Would I ever say anything- absolutely not. There are two reasons for this. The first of these is simply that it would be rude. As far as I know, my last cruise contract did not appoint me to be the fashion police.

The second reason is an experience we had on a previous cruise. My DH and I were travellling with my 72 yr old mother. On the first evening, our dinner companions arrived- a very well dressed couple and their college age son. They lost no time letting us know that our table location was unsatisfactory and spent a good part of the meal telling us a long story about cruising with their mother/grandmother and what a burden she was the entire trip. By the end of dinner, we were very uncomfortable particularly on my mothers' behalf.

To our pleasure, the next evening they had moved on "to a better neighbourhood" and we were joined by two older ladies who were travelling together. They were not really compliant with the dress code, but they had travelled and worked all over the world and were interesting and very funny.

I did see the other couple and their son several times after that and each time they were beautifully dressed- but well dressed boors are still boors.

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