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Ship Security


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So today I have read a couple of articles about cruise ship security. The FBI has started a reporting program so that they may create statistics and investigate major crimes such as murder, sexual assault and disappearance's.

Here are my questions.....

What does ship security do with people that commit petty crimes while in international waters such as shoplifting, petty theft and simple assault?

Do they have a prisoner holding area on the boat?

Do these people get expelled at the next port?

What kind of arrest powers and training does ship security have?

Maybe someone out there can answer this for me, if nothing else its a topic to discuss while working the 8-5 grind.

Happy cruising all!

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There is a brig on board. Or they confine folks to their cabin with someone standing guard outside. And they have the right to drop kick them off at the next port, if necessary.


Thankfully this is a rare. However, there have been times when Security has been seen as lax. I believe this is an issue that will get more press in the future as cruisers demand that they be "protected" a little better.


When you have a legitimate grievance against a cruiser who is "breaking the law" and Security tells you "hey, they paid for this cruise...there is nothing we can do"....it is time to look for another cruise line!!!

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The ships have a brig, i have seen people taken there and i have also seen them detain people in their cabin & the Library with security posted at the door.

It depends on the Security on the ship and the captain who has the last word. I have seen people get booted off the ship at the next port for very petty things and other times i think people should be arrested and they just got talked to and let go.

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They make them walk the plank, yea, that is what they do :eek:


I think someone said they lock them in their cabin, but that was for an assault, so who knows if it was more serious. I am sure they call the authorities and then they pick them up some place along the way, or at the disembarking port.


Do your or someone you know plan on doing "something" ;)

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I think someone said they lock them in their cabin, but that was for an assault,


I have seen security lock the pot smoker/smuggler in the cabin with a guard at the door.

a lady that grabbed a kids arm because she was cussing at her so the parent wanted assalt charges filed, was held in the Library until she was removed in Jamaica and a man who beat up his wife on their honeymoon was put in the brig.

Some kids in the cabin across from us had a wild party (parents at the other end of the ship) distroyed the cabin, going as far as ripping the thermostat off the wall, were evicted from the cabin and all 3 of them had to move in the parents cabin for the remainder of the cruise.

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There was a security issue on our Spirit Alaska trip. A very large And continuously DRUNK man created problems every day! The security staff had confined him to his room and disabled his S&S card. But the next day he had convinced them we would be a good boy and they gave him back his S&S card and that means more BOOZE.


Our group encountered him at the adult comic show. He was Drunk, Loud and abusive to the comic, the staff and to other patrons. He was not happy that the comic had called him and A-hole like 5 times. He was not contented with insulting every one that walked past him. Everyone kept waiting for security to come.


When the idoit started to call the women in my group Bitches and hoes I had had enough! I stood up nad in my loudest voice said, THATS IT....you are so done, Im gonna throw you outta here myself!


He stood up and blotted out the sun! This guy was huge! He started screaming with Im gonna F'n kill you whiteboy!


bout that time the comic started to yell in the mic....we need security here we need security here now! About that time another guy in the crowd grabbed the big guy just as he smashed his fist down and broke the table top off!


Then security showed up. Whew! We were asked to fill out a statement after the show was over. We then found out that security has had difficulty with him all week! they had been watching him and had left he show room for only a minute! B.S. If they had done their job I would not have to.


They said he wanted to meet later to say he was sorry. I said look if you give that guy my room number you won't need a jail...you will need a morgue!


Me, I am 6'5 300lbs a biker and a bouncer, If he would have attacked me I would have opend this guys neck with a corkscrew!~! I don't mess around!


Security...totally dissapointing. One thing I did learn. There are several plain clothes security people roaming the decks. Yuppers plain clothes... that was a bit reassuring!

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I have seen security lock the pot smoker/smuggler in the cabin with a guard at the door.

a lady that grabbed a kids arm because she was cussing at her so the parent wanted assalt charges filed, was held in the Library until she was removed in Jamaica and a man who beat up his wife on their honeymoon was put in the brig.

Some kids in the cabin across from us had a wild party (parents at the other end of the ship) distroyed the cabin, going as far as ripping the thermostat off the wall, were evicted from the cabin and all 3 of them had to move in the parents cabin for the remainder of the cruise.


I never see anything like that, that is really horrible. The man who beat up his wife on their honeymoon, hope she did not go back to him.


The only thing that happened on our last cruise was someone died. They kept that really quiet, did not find out until we were at the airport going back home.

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I also had an experience with a sasquatch of a man on a recent cruise. This guy was lurking around the club/disco area and was forwardly approaching women at random. As the disco/club closed, myself and about 6 other couples were heading back to our room when this guy just tagged along and started making odd comments to the women in our group.


Because of his size no one said anything so finally I pulled him aside (to not publically embarass him) and told him to get lost and that we had all seen his antics that night. He became totally enraged and was threatened to "kill me" and blah blah blah.


The point is that there was absolutely NO security around to control this guy. We, as guests, should not have to take the law into our own hands with ridiculously drunk people.


I think that there should defintely be a formal secutiy presence around and I'm not talking kids from the pursers desk that get pulled to work overtime.

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I'll repost the situation I decided to come forth with on a thread a few days ago.. right off I will say, I think there is A BIG PROBLEM WITH THE LACK OF SECUITY ON CRUISE SHIPS.


Although I can handle myself just fine, and in fact, it’s not the risk of serious crime that worries me as the pain in the ass the really trashed obnoxious drunks are the problems they cause and that the staff/security will not really do anything about it. Furthermore, standing up and taking care of the situation when the Cruise Line security won't, will get you treated like a criminal!


As a rule, I am the last person to want the government to get involved with any part of my life, but the talk in DC of holding the Cruise Lines more responsible for violent criminal actions by both passengers AND crew; I tend to support that idea.


I know I have my fun on CC and when I am on a cruise as well. However the story I relate below in 100% true.


Last year GF and I were on the Paradise. We were waiting for the show to start when this young man (about 18-19) and his GF sat down next to us. Since the show was a “review” and a bit stodgy for us even (early 40’s) we were surprised such a young couple would be attending. To make conversation, I in a humorous way, asked “Why are you guys doing here, shouldn’t be in Ensenada partying? I know when I was in my 20’s I would not be here watching a show!” the young man said, “We were there, found the “Pharmacia” got what we needed and washed it down with a bottle of tequila” and by that point in the conversation it was clear what he was referring to regarding what he got at the “Pharmacia” . He was trashed!


So the show starts…… and this kid starts being a real ASS. Non- stop heckling, rude and crude, crass obnoxious behavior. He was very loud and disturbing everyone around him. His GF kept telling him to behave, quite down. This goes on and on. He is making such a racket I was SURE someone from Carnival would handle it, there were crew personnel with-in sight and earshot of what was going on. Nada, nothing was done. It gets worse and worse and finally he pops off with, “Yea I am being a F##7ing A$$H*!e and what is anybody going to do about it? I bet I get in a fight before the night is out…" For me, that was the last straw.


Now I know in the PC world of wimps we now live in, standing up and being a MAN and taking charge of a situation is frowned upon, but I am lucky, I was raised that there are times to be a MAN you MUST stand up and deal with a situation. So I looked over and said, unless you settle down, you are very correct, you will end up in a fight. He pops off with, “You calling me out”. I said No, but I am tired of your rude disruptive Offensive behavior and it needs to stop. This punk jumps up, and starts yelling waving his arms “Come on old man, you calling me out lets go out side”… so I obliged.

Mind you, the Carnival crew in the area did NOTHING…… not one thing!


So, I followed this punk out into the hallway, and he starts weaving and dodging, faking punchs, and I don’t even flinch. To be frank I KNEW I could take the best he had and if he was that stupid and threw the punch, I was going to beat him silly. He mouthed off, on and on, played his silly bravado, and I blocked the door and would not let him back in. (GF knowing I could handle the situation kept her seat and watched the show) The punks GF comes running out screaming at me to leaver her BF alone, and why was I trying to start a fight!!! Oh, have I mentioned there was a couple of Carnival crew in the area watching this and did nothing?


This goes on for 20 minutes. (FYI, I never raised my voice and for the most part kept my arms slack) A couple of other men came up and tried to talk with the punk, settle him down, he was not interested. So, the one man leaves, comes back and says he contacted security and they are on their way. This seems to get the punks attention and he and the GF take off. I go back inside and sit-down and proceed to watch the show. About 15 minutes later I feel a tap on my shoulder, it was a little guy in a blue Carnival Blazer asking me to step outside he needed to talk with me. Sure ok…….


Once in the hallway he says, “that young couple over there says you were causing trouble and were trying to start a fight”! I almost burst out laughing. But, I did not and explained that his perception of what occurred was not very accurate. The little security guy keeps jacking me up and starts with threats that violence is not tolerated and I would be held and put in jail … yada yada yada. I listen politely and then as he goes on and on I say, “Look, you can either listen to a young kid who is clearly intoxicated, with the baggy pants or a grown man who is well dressed, and in no way intoxicated. Your choice” Then I went on to say this, “It is clear Carnival was not going to handle this situation therefore I was forced to. I have a right not to be subjected to the anti-social behavior of that young man. Just because I am on this ship does not mean I give up my right to defend myself or protect others that may not be able to defend themselves. Once that kid jumped up and started yelling and being aggressive and calling me out, I did what any MAN would, or SHOULD do, I dealt with the situation in the quickest, most effective manner possible” “That is my position, you do what you need to do. However, understand I have witnesses to what occurred. I am now going to leave and go sit down and watch the show. If you choose to continue treating me like I did something wrong and threaten to confine me or “Turn me over to authorities” then understand I have the resources to aggressively pursue all legal action required to defend myself from your accusation and make clear the errors in your point of view and judgment." I then walked away and enjoyed the rest of the show.


So, it is my position there IS a lack of security on cruise ships. What security that is there seems poorly trained and more wonkish then effective.

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I'll repost the situation I decided to come forth with on a thread a few days ago.. right off I will say, I think there is A BIG PROBLEM WITH THE LACK OF SECUITY ON CRUISE SHIPS.


Although I can handle myself just fine, and in fact, it’s not the risk of serious crime that worries me as the pain in the ass the really trashed obnoxious drunks are the problems they cause and that the staff/security will not really do anything about it. Furthermore, standing up and taking care of the situation when the Cruise Line security won't, will get you treated like a criminal!


As a rule, I am the last person to want the government to get involved with any part of my life, but the talk in DC of holding the Cruise Lines more responsible for violent criminal actions by both passengers AND crew; I tend to support that idea.


I know I have my fun on CC and when I am on a cruise as well. However the story I relate below in 100% true.


Last year GF and I were on the Paradise. We were waiting for the show to start when this young man (about 18-19) and his GF sat down next to us. Since the show was a “review” and a bit stodgy for us even (early 40’s) we were surprised such a young couple would be attending. To make conversation, I in a humorous way, asked “Why are you guys doing here, shouldn’t be in Ensenada partying? I know when I was in my 20’s I would not be here watching a show!” the young man said, “We were there, found the “Pharmacia” got what we needed and washed it down with a bottle of tequila” and by that point in the conversation it was clear what he was referring to regarding what he got at the “Pharmacia” . He was trashed!


So the show starts…… and this kid starts being a real ASS. Non- stop heckling, rude and crude, crass obnoxious behavior. He was very loud and disturbing everyone around him. His GF kept telling him to behave, quite down. This goes on and on. He is making such a racket I was SURE someone from Carnival would handle it, there were crew personnel with-in sight and earshot of what was going on. Nada, nothing was done. It gets worse and worse and finally he pops off with, “Yea I am being a F##7ing A$$H*!e and what is anybody going to do about it? I bet I get in a fight before the night is out…" For me, that was the last straw.


Now I know in the PC world of wimps we now live in, standing up and being a MAN and taking charge of a situation is frowned upon, but I am lucky, I was raised that there are times to be a MAN you MUST stand up and deal with a situation. So I looked over and said, unless you settle down, you are very correct, you will end up in a fight. He pops off with, “You calling me out”. I said No, but I am tired of your rude disruptive Offensive behavior and it needs to stop. This punk jumps up, and starts yelling waving his arms “Come on old man, you calling me out lets go out side”… so I obliged.

Mind you, the Carnival crew in the area did NOTHING…… not one thing!


So, I followed this punk out into the hallway, and he starts weaving and dodging, faking punchs, and I don’t even flinch. To be frank I KNEW I could take the best he had and if he was that stupid and threw the punch, I was going to beat him silly. He mouthed off, on and on, played his silly bravado, and I blocked the door and would not let him back in. (GF knowing I could handle the situation kept her seat and watched the show) The punks GF comes running out screaming at me to leaver her BF alone, and why was I trying to start a fight!!! Oh, have I mentioned there was a couple of Carnival crew in the area watching this and did nothing?


This goes on for 20 minutes. (FYI, I never raised my voice and for the most part kept my arms slack) A couple of other men came up and tried to talk with the punk, settle him down, he was not interested. So, the one man leaves, comes back and says he contacted security and they are on their way. This seems to get the punks attention and he and the GF take off. I go back inside and sit-down and proceed to watch the show. About 15 minutes later I feel a tap on my shoulder, it was a little guy in a blue Carnival Blazer asking me to step outside he needed to talk with me. Sure ok…….


Once in the hallway he says, “that young couple over there says you were causing trouble and were trying to start a fight”! I almost burst out laughing. But, I did not and explained that his perception of what occurred was not very accurate. The little security guy keeps jacking me up and starts with threats that violence is not tolerated and I would be held and put in jail … yada yada yada. I listen politely and then as he goes on and on I say, “Look, you can either listen to a young kid who is clearly intoxicated, with the baggy pants or a grown man who is well dressed, and in no way intoxicated. Your choice” Then I went on to say this, “It is clear Carnival was not going to handle this situation therefore I was forced to. I have a right not to be subjected to the anti-social behavior of that young man. Just because I am on this ship does not mean I give up my right to defend myself or protect others that may not be able to defend themselves. Once that kid jumped up and started yelling and being aggressive and calling me out, I did what any MAN would, or SHOULD do, I dealt with the situation in the quickest, most effective manner possible” “That is my position, you do what you need to do. However, understand I have witnesses to what occurred. I am now going to leave and go sit down and watch the show. If you choose to continue treating me like I did something wrong and threaten to confine me or “Turn me over to authorities” then understand I have the resources to aggressively pursue all legal action required to defend myself from your accusation and make clear the errors in your point of view and judgment." I then walked away and enjoyed the rest of the show.


So, it is my position there IS a lack of security on cruise ships. What security that is there seems poorly trained and more wonkish then effective.



You MUST be from the south or Texas! That's the way our men are...and we love them for it! "You've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything!":)

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There was a security issue on our Spirit Alaska trip. A very large And continuously DRUNK man created problems every day! The security staff had confined him to his room and disabled his S&S card. But the next day he had convinced them we would be a good boy and they gave him back his S&S card and that means more BOOZE.


Our group encountered him at the adult comic show. He was Drunk, Loud and abusive to the comic, the staff and to other patrons. He was not happy that the comic had called him and A-hole like 5 times. He was not contented with insulting every one that walked past him. Everyone kept waiting for security to come.


When the idoit started to call the women in my group Bitches and hoes I had had enough! I stood up nad in my loudest voice said, THATS IT....you are so done, Im gonna throw you outta here myself!


He stood up and blotted out the sun! This guy was huge! He started screaming with Im gonna F'n kill you whiteboy!


bout that time the comic started to yell in the mic....we need security here we need security here now! About that time another guy in the crowd grabbed the big guy just as he smashed his fist down and broke the table top off!


Then security showed up. Whew! We were asked to fill out a statement after the show was over. We then found out that security has had difficulty with him all week! they had been watching him and had left he show room for only a minute! B.S. If they had done their job I would not have to.


They said he wanted to meet later to say he was sorry. I said look if you give that guy my room number you won't need a jail...you will need a morgue!


Me, I am 6'5 300lbs a biker and a bouncer, If he would have attacked me I would have opend this guys neck with a corkscrew!~! I don't mess around!


Security...totally dissapointing. One thing I did learn. There are several plain clothes security people roaming the decks. Yuppers plain clothes... that was a bit reassuring!

You should have licked his a__. Sounds like he deserved it X 10. Having seen Carnival's shows, I'm sure that would have been more entertaining :o

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Security...totally dissapointing. One thing I did learn. There are several plain clothes security people roaming the decks. Yuppers plain clothes... that was a bit reassuring!

We learned this, as well, on the Spirit in December 2005, cruise to the Mexican Riviera. A drunk in the karaoke lounge was ready to fight with anyone and everyone because "someone had stolen his jacket".....it happened to be draped over the back of a seat he'd been in earlier, near us. We found it, but AFTER the plain clothes security showed up. Man that guy (the plain clothes security guy, I mean) was big! *L*


We appreciated knowing there are plain clothes security.

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We learned this, as well, on the Spirit in December 2005, cruise to the Mexican Riviera. A drunk in the karaoke lounge was ready to fight with anyone and everyone because "someone had stolen his jacket".....it happened to be draped over the back of a seat he'd been in earlier, near us. We found it, but AFTER the plain clothes security showed up. Man that guy (the plain clothes security guy, I mean) was big! *L*


We appreciated knowing there are plain clothes security.

Guys like that give respectable drunks like me a bad name.

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You asked about the training and experience of the security officers on the ships. All of the ones that we have spoken to were ex-IDF (Israeli Defense Force)

IDF, huh? Thats pretty comical.

At best I'm thinking their training comes from the Punjab Supermarket in Calcutta! Class of Friday 3:30pm

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I'll repost the situation I decided to come forth with on a thread a few days ago.. right off I will say, I think there is A BIG PROBLEM WITH THE LACK OF SECUITY ON CRUISE SHIPS.


Although I can handle myself just fine, and in fact, it’s not the risk of serious crime that worries me as the pain in the ass the really trashed obnoxious drunks are the problems they cause and that the staff/security will not really do anything about it. Furthermore, standing up and taking care of the situation when the Cruise Line security won't, will get you treated like a criminal!


As a rule, I am the last person to want the government to get involved with any part of my life, but the talk in DC of holding the Cruise Lines more responsible for violent criminal actions by both passengers AND crew; I tend to support that idea.


I know I have my fun on CC and when I am on a cruise as well. However the story I relate below in 100% true.


Last year GF and I were on the Paradise. We were waiting for the show to start when this young man (about 18-19) and his GF sat down next to us. Since the show was a “review” and a bit stodgy for us even (early 40’s) we were surprised such a young couple would be attending. To make conversation, I in a humorous way, asked “Why are you guys doing here, shouldn’t be in Ensenada partying? I know when I was in my 20’s I would not be here watching a show!” the young man said, “We were there, found the “Pharmacia” got what we needed and washed it down with a bottle of tequila” and by that point in the conversation it was clear what he was referring to regarding what he got at the “Pharmacia” . He was trashed!


So the show starts…… and this kid starts being a real ASS. Non- stop heckling, rude and crude, crass obnoxious behavior. He was very loud and disturbing everyone around him. His GF kept telling him to behave, quite down. This goes on and on. He is making such a racket I was SURE someone from Carnival would handle it, there were crew personnel with-in sight and earshot of what was going on. Nada, nothing was done. It gets worse and worse and finally he pops off with, “Yea I am being a F##7ing A$$H*!e and what is anybody going to do about it? I bet I get in a fight before the night is out…" For me, that was the last straw.


Now I know in the PC world of wimps we now live in, standing up and being a MAN and taking charge of a situation is frowned upon, but I am lucky, I was raised that there are times to be a MAN you MUST stand up and deal with a situation. So I looked over and said, unless you settle down, you are very correct, you will end up in a fight. He pops off with, “You calling me out”. I said No, but I am tired of your rude disruptive Offensive behavior and it needs to stop. This punk jumps up, and starts yelling waving his arms “Come on old man, you calling me out lets go out side”… so I obliged.

Mind you, the Carnival crew in the area did NOTHING…… not one thing!


So, I followed this punk out into the hallway, and he starts weaving and dodging, faking punchs, and I don’t even flinch. To be frank I KNEW I could take the best he had and if he was that stupid and threw the punch, I was going to beat him silly. He mouthed off, on and on, played his silly bravado, and I blocked the door and would not let him back in. (GF knowing I could handle the situation kept her seat and watched the show) The punks GF comes running out screaming at me to leaver her BF alone, and why was I trying to start a fight!!! Oh, have I mentioned there was a couple of Carnival crew in the area watching this and did nothing?


This goes on for 20 minutes. (FYI, I never raised my voice and for the most part kept my arms slack) A couple of other men came up and tried to talk with the punk, settle him down, he was not interested. So, the one man leaves, comes back and says he contacted security and they are on their way. This seems to get the punks attention and he and the GF take off. I go back inside and sit-down and proceed to watch the show. About 15 minutes later I feel a tap on my shoulder, it was a little guy in a blue Carnival Blazer asking me to step outside he needed to talk with me. Sure ok…….


Once in the hallway he says, “that young couple over there says you were causing trouble and were trying to start a fight”! I almost burst out laughing. But, I did not and explained that his perception of what occurred was not very accurate. The little security guy keeps jacking me up and starts with threats that violence is not tolerated and I would be held and put in jail … yada yada yada. I listen politely and then as he goes on and on I say, “Look, you can either listen to a young kid who is clearly intoxicated, with the baggy pants or a grown man who is well dressed, and in no way intoxicated. Your choice” Then I went on to say this, “It is clear Carnival was not going to handle this situation therefore I was forced to. I have a right not to be subjected to the anti-social behavior of that young man. Just because I am on this ship does not mean I give up my right to defend myself or protect others that may not be able to defend themselves. Once that kid jumped up and started yelling and being aggressive and calling me out, I did what any MAN would, or SHOULD do, I dealt with the situation in the quickest, most effective manner possible” “That is my position, you do what you need to do. However, understand I have witnesses to what occurred. I am now going to leave and go sit down and watch the show. If you choose to continue treating me like I did something wrong and threaten to confine me or “Turn me over to authorities” then understand I have the resources to aggressively pursue all legal action required to defend myself from your accusation and make clear the errors in your point of view and judgment." I then walked away and enjoyed the rest of the show.


So, it is my position there IS a lack of security on cruise ships. What security that is there seems poorly trained and more wonkish then effective.



Sounds like you could've put your hand on his head and let him swing at air, lol.


I think that would have been even funnier and you would have had the employees laughing.

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IDF, huh? Thats pretty comical.

At best I'm thinking their training comes from the Punjab Supermarket in Calcutta! Class of Friday 3:30pm




Yep, since when does Israel get their "defenses" from India????

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You asked about the training and experience of the security officers on the ships. All of the ones that we have spoken to were ex-IDF (Israeli Defense Force)


The security guy that jacked me up for doing the job he would not, was small in build and stature and going by his complexion and accent was from India not Israel. He was NOT what comes to mind when I think ex-IDF.

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Parrothead 240...........If that's what you think about the IDF and their training, you have ALOT to learn. Try reading about the IDF before talking nonsense about them


Parrothead was not diminishing the IDF. He was saying "no way was Carnival Security" that good!!


Security (at least on the dozen or so Carnival ships I have been on) have all been from India...not Israel.


Everyone respects the IDF. We even have a IDF t-shirt from our 2 weeks in Israel in 2000.

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