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My 1st Review - Liberty Sept 15 - 23rd 2007


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Carnival Liberty Sept 15 to 23rd review.



After waiting for 10 months the day has finally arrived. Eric (BF), my son Kyle and my self left our home at 530am for the long ride to FLL. Very eventful. Singing and laughing all the way down. We did get lost once when we got off the highway in FLL. We needed to go straight and made a left. We saw downtown FLL and the beach. Asked for directions. (I was driving hehehe) and bam - while going over a bridge we can see the Liberty. Talk about excitement. We were screaming and hollering. As we were driving through the port pure joy came over us. We thanked God for getting us here safe and parked the car. Forgot all about dropping off the luggage first. Lugged all 7 pieces of luggage and a radio to the terminal. This was around 1045am. Waited about 5 minutes on line to show proof of our cruise than proceeded to check in. Another 10 minute wait. The computers were down. We had to show the agent where our names were on the list. She was having trouble finding the O’s and S’s. We laughed and started singing our ABC’s. We were handed the Tortola and Bahamas forms to be filled out. Yes I had a pen. By the time the paperwork was filled out we were ready to board. Wow this was quick. Once we were on the ship those darn tears welled up in my eyes. The pictures I’ve seen over the months did not do justice to the beauty of the ship.


We went right to the lido deck and had our first foo foo drink. Drinking at 1145am. :eek: We were asked to find a certain server named Savio. Not knowing what he looked like it just happened to be he was the one that gave us our first drink. From there on drinks were flowing for the rest of the week. We did not want for anything. Kyle went swimming while Eric and I sat back and enjoyed watching the people come on to the lido. It was a good feeling to see the smiles on all the people’s faces. I was waiting for my cruise critic friend Nancy. Not knowing what she looked like - Eric was like oh yea there is Nancy. Sure enough it was her. How he knew is beyond me. I jumped up and gave her a BIG hug. Another round of drinks. Be careful they are very strong.


The room was ready right at 130pm. We had cabin 1030 on the panorama deck. Just perfect. A perfect location to boot. The bon voyage decorations were up and really made the room festive. Some one from cruise critic suggested I contact the casino host prior to boarding for some nice surprises. We received 6 chocolate strawberries. Yum Yum. We unpacked what we could and sat on the balcony for a few minutes to relax and to slow the drinking down. hehehe We met our room steward Skinner. Very nice man.


We went to explore some parts of the ship however found our selves back on the lido deck dancing and meeting new people. The muster drill was easy. I waited until the last minute to leave the room. Could not get stuck in the back with no air. I lost Eric and Kyle. Eric, Kyle, and this lovely lady were laughing so loud I found them.. The poor lady was freaking out. The more she freaked out the more we “all” laughed. All I kept hearing from her was “Lord Jesus help me we are sinking” After the drill Eric and Kyle helped her back to her deck and that was the last we saw of her.


Went back to the lido deck for sail away. Very festive. I was told that FLL was the best port to cruise from and it sure was. This is where I realized that our dinner was at 545pm. I thought I changed it to 615pm months prior to boarding but that did not happen. Missed dinner and just ate at Emile’s. The food was very good. Hell at this time anything would have tasted good since the last meal we ate was breakfast. We changed back into our bathing suits and went swimming. By 10pm we all were sound asleep in our room. I am not sure what my problem was but I was up every hour on the hour. It was nice having the balcony. The moon light on the water was just beautiful.


The next day was a sea day. I was not too excited about not being able to see land. But there was so much going on I never felt like I was at sea. Also this was the big day that I would meet the great people from our role call. I was so excited. After months and months of chatting finally putting names and faces together was a thrill in itself. Nancy and I met up and walked to the aft bar around 2pm. We spotted Susan and her husband Ken since they posted pictures. What a lovely couple. We waited and waited for more to show up. No one else did. I was truly disappointed. However it is understandable that people are doing their own thing. We went up on deck to have a smoke. The conversations were flowing. We also met up with Brad from another role call. He and his wife Donna were great. He was sooo funny. Our little group of 4 started to grow. I must have been gone awhile because Eric and Kyle came looking for me. Introductions were made. Oh another person from our role call heard Kyle’s name and came over to introduced herself. Carnivalcruiser was a nice lady. I ordered a run and diet coke in a tall glass. And yes guess who it was Savio. Warning - make sure you do not agree to doubles since I wanted a tall glass. I thought the Savio was asking if Eric wanted a drink. I was like sure. . hehehee About 3 drinks later I was feeling no pain. We said our good-byes for now and decided to take a swim.


We met a great family pool side. Chatted for a awhile. Dang it was 515pm on formal night. No way was I going to be able to make it. I sent Kyle and Eric. Ordered a bucket of beer and sat by the pool. The lido pool kind of clears out around 6 - 630pm. I was not ready to stop partying. Went to my room, changed my clothes, got my radio/cd player and went up to an open deck and listened to music and watched the sun start to set. It was an awesome feeling. Met some more cool people.


Kyle and Eric found me. They said dinner was delicious. They even brought Eric 2 lobster tails without even asking. Kyle wanted to go to camp and Eric was ready to hit the casino. So Eric agreed to take Kyle while I go get dressed. While walking back to the room I poured the bucked of melted ice on my new radio. Crap!!! Met Eric back in the room hung out for awhile and went down to the casino. Played a few slots. $100.00 gone within an hour. OUCH !!!!! We decided to slow down and take a stroll on deck. It was so romantic. We also had many laughs. Time sure does fly by when your having fun.


The next thing we knew it was time for the disco to open. Walking to the disco we noticed all the beautiful dressed people. The gowns were gorgeous. I felt a little under dressed but shook it off once I got to the disco. We met a group of ladies and had a blast. Danced all night long. Laughed all night long. The next thing I knew it was around 2am it was time to go get Kyle and go to bed.


We woke up around 7am and had breakfast. Than back to the lido deck and enjoyed the music and sun. Around 3pm we went to get ready for our first port Puerto Rico. I was truly excited about this port. Eric’s father lives there and I have not seen him in 21 yrs. We got there at 5pm and it was mad house to get off the ship. Rude people all around. Very hot waiting on the stairs. The first steps off the boat I realized the port had a strong stench. We met up with Eric’s dad and that’s when it went down hill. I got sooo dizzy and nauseous. We went over to Senor Frogs but it was too loud to have a conversation so we went over the casino to decide what to do next. I really did try to hang out but no longer could. I explained to Eric and his Dad what was going on. They walked me back to the ship. No sooner did I get back to the room did I hit the bathroom. Yup I was sea sick. I took alka seltzer and went to bed. After awhile I did not think I was sea sick since I got the chills. I finally fell asleep. Around 10pm I hear knocking at the door. When I opened the door there was 2 little girls no older than 8 or 9 asking for Kyle. What????? They told me that Kyle asked them to meet at 10pm to watch a movie on the lido deck. I thought I was dreaming. No no plus Kyle is still in port. Went back to bed and the next thing I remember is waking up at 6am getting ready for St. Thomas.


It was a rough start. Finally got off the ship and waited for Sonny Liston to pick us up at 9am. Shopped for the entire 3 hours. Did not find any cheaper prices than Florida. We met back up with Sonny and started our tour. We really enjoyed this tour. Action packed. We chose Sapphire Beach. It was exactly as I pictured it. We were swimming the entire time. Eric went out about 100 feet and seen some beautiful fish. Met up with a few people that I met earlier on the ship and had a blast. On the way back to the ship we got to see another side of there island. Looked very poor. Felt bad for those people. We were back on board by 430pm. STT is not a port I would visit again if given a choice.


This night I finally decided to go to dinner. The food was really good. Never did we want for anything. While waiting for coffee and desert a Carnival employee came over and asked me my name. I told her and she handed me 2 coupons for the photo shop. I was surprised. I did not understand but was willing to take it. After awhile I remembered where the coupons came from. (casino host) After dinner we went swimming and enjoyed the movies playing on the big screen. I called it an early night since the next day was “my” port. Antigua.


Many months ago we decided to go with Lawrence of Antigua with Nancy and her husband Dave. This tour was far better than Sonny‘s. I have read a lot of complaints about him, but I could not find one. We did not follow any other tour. As a matter of fact we were first at every stop. It was peaceful at the mountain tops with only about 20 people. Nelson‘s Dockyard was just my kind of town. I could understand what Lawrence was saying clearly. This island was just breath taken. I choose to go to Darkwood beach. The pictures of this beach did not do justice to it‘s beauty. No sooner did my feet hit the sand I was in the water. Crystal clear. Not a lot of fish but the scenery was just gorgeous. I just knew I was in heaven. Dave and Kyle went searching for the fish. Nancy and I hung out in the water and Eric got us some rum and cokes. WOW were they strong. Nice drink for $4.00 We really enjoyed ourselves. There were several others from our ship and laughs were had. When it was time to be picked up those darn tears started again. I was pleaded with Eric not to make me get back on this bus. But reality set in and I sat on the bus for a few moments and pouted. Was back on board with in a ½ hour and ordered a bucket of beer. Kyle wanted to go to camp. Eric and I took a swim. Than Eric said he will be right back. OK The next thing I knew I hear my name on the lido speakers. I knew it was me since they used my middle name. I was like what did I do now..:confused: I looked up and there was Eric asking me to marry him in front of all these people. Talk about the tears. Every one was hooting and hollering WTG man… It was such a special moment. The dj played a song and we danced. What a perfect moment for a perfect day. Again missed dinner but the buffet was just as good. Went back to room and hung out for the rest of the night.


Our next port was Tortola. Again Nancy and Dave joined us. We had such a blast. I thought there was nothing that can compare to Antigua but Tortola was such a close 2nd. This island is soooo rich. The Baths were amazing. The water was clearer than Antigua. I never thought this could be. Kyle and Eric seen all kids of fish and even a barracuda. Nancy and I just swan our little hearts out. Poor Dave was sun burned from yesterday and just hung out wandering through the caves. Got back to the ship and had a late lunch and walked back over to the small straw market. It was extremely hot and tons of people. Decided to buy a few things and head back to the ship. We decided to go to dinner which was very good. After dinner we just hung out. Kyle went to camp and Eric was exhausted.


I was not going to spend the night in my room. Changed my clothes and hit the casino again. Those sail and sign cards are way to easy to use there. Played for awhile and found out that tonight was the big 70’s and 80’s party in the disco. Ran back to the room to wake Eric up. He was reluctant but joined me. We danced to some good music which brought back many memories. I offered him $100.00 to play Texas hold em while I tried the crap table again. He ok‘d that but found that the crap table was more exciting. He is just not into computerized poker. I was on a role. I had the whole table going. The man next to me was collecting his $100.00 chips. Yes $100.00 chips. Hey as long as I was hitting for him the drinks were flowing. It turned out to be one of the best nights yet. Around 1am it was time for bed. I was determined to sleep pass 9am since it was going to be a sea day.


We all woke up around 11am. Shocked. Finally a good nights sleep. :D By now Kyle knew a ton of kids and wanted to skip breakfast to go swimming. I made him eat some fruit and made him promise to come back and have a family lunch.. There were certain kids Kyle was not permitted to hang out with. I made sure those kids were well aware of this. About 2 to 4 were pure terror. Just hung out on deck and enjoyed the sun and did some shopping in the gift shop. Had some really cool sales. I am glad I did not shop on the first sea day. Would have paid full price. Kyle wanted to stay at camp and have dinner. I told him I will be there to pick him up at 10pm. We just ate at Emile’s and watched a movie on the lido deck. We were all sound asleep by 11pm.


Woke up the next morning early and was determined to enjoy our last day of the cruise to the fullest. The last port was the Bahamas - been there did that. We all agreed to stay on the ship and just relax. This was a good thing for Kyle since some of his little friends were not going into port either and staying at camp. Kyle went to camp around 11am. Met up with Savio and had a few Miami Vices.


Around 2pm I was getting bored. I talked Eric into getting off the ship and shopping. Went back to the room to change. Now Eric was the one that talked me into not brining the camera. Boy oh boy was I sorry. I was shocked that they let us take our drinks off the boat. We had so much fun. We went an bought some Tortuga (sp?) rum cakes and had a beer in the Hard Rock and purchased some items. And than it dawned on me - Senor Frogs……. We asked for directions and off we went. As soon as we arrived we noticed this place was wild. The music was loud and pumping. We ordered 2 of drinks in those yard glasses and started dancing. We meet some really cool people. The views were real pretty. I went to the restroom and the next thing I knew Eric was up on stage in a dance contest. OMG I was laughing so hard. I never laughed so hard at a bunch of men. The things that people do for a free drink. Well guess what. Eric won. Yes and another yard drink of Bahamas Mamma. Well after all the drinking we had done I figured it would be a good idea to head back to the ship before it left without us. I was not leaving the drink behind, we asked for cups so we can walk back to the ship. We were told that it is ok to drink on the streets. WOW Walking back was just as fun. We laughed so hard. We walked with some locals and had a blast. I did meet up with one more person from our role call. Very nice man. Again missed dinner and just ate at the deli. It was ok. Took 1 last swim and started to pack. One more stroll around the deck and nite nite we went.


Embarkation was the easy. We had #10 and was off the ship by 9am. Home by 2pm.


This was one of the best vacations of my life. We truly enjoyed ourselves. We are so glad that we got to meet Nancy, Dave, and their entire family. They are truly good people. Lifelong friends.


There were a few things we noticed that I was put off by, but had nothing to do with Carnival. There was not one Carnival employee that did not go out of their way for us. Everyone always greeted me with a big hello, good morning, or good evening. The ship was always being cleaned. The food was good. Better than I can cook. Hehehee. We only went to one comedy show. We seen Phat Cat from HBO tv. He started off slow but really turned it around. We participated in the Battle of the Sexes and yes the ladies did win. Played bingo and lost most games by 1 number. Went to the piano bar but it was not us. Stopped in during karaoke and had had a nice time. Never needed the pursers desk but every time I walked by the lines were short. Kyle spent a lot of money in the game room. For a ship they had some really cool games.


Not sure what more I can say except that we are already looking for another cruise. Hell I am addicted. :p





PS - I have some pictures on web shots under kylescoolmom. Just not sure how to posted them here.

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I am so glad I read this review. I am easily moved to tears, and when you read about the proposal, I have to admit I was teary. Congratulations! Your review clearly shows how much fun cruising can be. I wish I had been on that cruise with you, you made it sound so good. Best wishes for a happy future with your fiance and son.

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Linda - Sorry we missed you...went to the aft bar at 2:00 and stayed for about 10 minutes. I guess we should of worn something (beads, bandanas, etc) to distinguish ourselves. It was a great cruise and the seas were very calm...I didn't even have sea legs after getting back home. We had number 6 and were off by 8:45. Dinner for us was at 8:00 which worked fine for us, we were able to relax a little after the ports before having to get ready for dinner. Our case of wine/champagne made it on board with no problems. We were in bed by 10-11 each night, so had good rests.


Puerto Rico - did the Bacardi experience, was great fun (especially the free drinks :rolleyes: ) and our bus driver/guide was very good. when we did the city tour. Dropped us off in OSJ and went to Cafe Puerto Rico - good food and Chilean wine - lots of fun and went back to the ship and hit the sack

St.Thomas - 3 beaches and snorkel - private tour - would recommend. Had a great time, went to Coki Beach and Secret Harbour for snorkeling, last stop was Hull's Bay and had a great BBQ. Was back to the ship with 2 hours for shopping.

Antigua - Did Eli's Eco Tour and enjoyed it very much. A little hiking, a little snorkeling and a little lunch on the deck. Back to the ship with no time to shop, but heard that shopping wasn't one of the fine points here.

Tortola - Did our own thing after spending the last 3 ports snorkeing and touring. Went to Canes Garden Bay and got a couple of chaise lounges. No vendors on the beach, they are up by the entrance, so you can enjoy yourself. Massage canopy on the beach, $30 for 20 minutes, felt so good. The roads are not for the weak of heart; sheer drops and excellent views.

Did no shopping on board. The lobby bar was a great place to meet and people watch. The gym is great and the sauna and steamrooms look out onto the ocean. The whirlpool in the gym has a little waterfall.

Overall one of our best cruises.

Again, sorry we didn't meet up with you, but it sounds like you had an excellent time.

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I LOVE what you did with your truck for the ride! I am sooo going to steal that idea. We are driving from VA to FLA so we want to have as much fun as we can.

Congrats to Eric for getting you! I loved your review and your sense of humor. I would party with you any day.

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Thank you all for the well wishes and enjoying my review. Yes I did say yes (blushing) Already looking at going back on the Liberty for April 26th hehehe



I have some of the capers but having a hard time posting them. Should be done later today on webshots.


Here is the post where I found the info on the casino. I rec'd the strawberries prior to playing in the casino. I did not agree to anyting but a good time... :D Post#21




Thank you all again..........:)


Happy cruisin to you all.

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Thank you for the great review as I am going on the Liberty 11/4. Congratulations on your engagement. That had to be so exciting not to mention romantic! Too bad you got "sea sick" (sounds to me like it was a full blown hang over!:p ). I hope I have as good a time as you did. They better have my Bahamma Mamma waiting for me!

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Do you have your capers?? Would love to see them!!



I scanned the the capers that I did have. Sept 15th - 17th - 18th - 19th - 21st - Web shots will not let me post pfd files.


If any one wants the copies email me at kylescoolmom at yahoo and I will be more than happy to send them.



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