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Carnival Liberty 09/23/07 review (LONG)


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I nominate this for silliest complaint of the week:rolleyes:


Be very careful Kurbanfan or you'll be ostrisized and shunned from the community. You need to understand that we must embrace others opinions even if they seem silly to us. You'll be branded as mean spirited and I don't think you want that.

Nonsense!!! I second the nomination.

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Jenny you carry on, do you realise without posts like yours, this board would die, and then there would be social issues, what would these sad people do that attacked you, on a friday night, they would have no reason to order pizza that should arrive within 45mins like a piece of cardboard, drink beer, and pontificate about who has the team in world series sports that only includes American teamson there own, they would have to spend more time in a tavern like Mo s on the Simpson. or maybe **** their page with stupid logos or pictures and pink glitter.


You should also take into account that this board is owned by a Travel agent Expedia, and a lot of the people who post here hide the fact that they are TA s or shareholders.


Keep Posting Kind Regards


wow. perhaps you shldn't cruise from the US anymore. sounds like that choice might be a "win/win" for all if you treat your fellow pax w/ even the slightest disdain that is dripping from this post.


and, what do you base the TA/shareholders comment on? that comment has no basis in fact, but is merely supposition on your part.


I think it is more likely to be stale pizza and cold beer in large amounts that you seem to like that causes that unfortunate emesis...


...I met a number of very pleasant Americans onboard the Triumph who shared my dismay in the lack of manners of alot of Americans onboard...


Do I judge all Americans by this, no I have a greater regard for my interlect than that, the same does not seem to apply to you.


My wife and I can communicate in 8 languages, it was of interest to her to discuss with hotel staff in their own languages what they thought about passengers in the Carrib today compared to her time in the 90s, she said nothing has changed, you have to :) and take the tips.


May I call you "Kurbs" old chaps, and join with the other sycophants.


Kurbs it sometimes helps if you place your head between your legs when you feel sick.


Social intercourse is great, my very kind regards


standby, thank you for letting us know that you communicate in 8 languages, possess the utmost of social graces, and are are so refined in character that even pizza and beer seem trashy.:rolleyes:


your attacks on kurbanfan and the other posters who merely mentioned watching the basesball game and ordering pizza were completely unwarranted.


no. you do not represent the epitome of social grace. and, since you obviously believe that you do, let me be the first to tell you you're wrong.:) just scroll up and read your own posts. that shld be enough to turn the lightbulb on in your "interlect," which, i am assuming you meant as "intellect." but, what wld i know, right?:rolleyes:

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I think it is more likely to be stale pizza and cold beer in large amounts that you seem to like that causes that unfortunate emesis.


Yes I would agree with the computer thing, but I for one only eat at the table were I can do justice to the food infront of me, that to ME is civilisation.


I unlike you cannot claim to speak for all Europeans, and from a personal standpoint as we have quite a large amount of ignorant people in Europe, so may I repeat from another thread I met a number of very pleasant Americans onboard the Triumph who shared my dismay in the lack of manners of alot of Americans onboard.


Do I judge all Americans by this, no I have a greater regard for my interlect than that, the same does not seem to apply to you.


My wife and I can communicate in 8 languages, it was of interest to her to discuss with hotel staff in their own languages what they thought about passengers in the Carrib today compared to her time in the 90s, she said nothing has changed, you have to :) and take the tips.


May I call you "Kurbs" old chaps, and join with the other sycophants.


Kurbs it sometimes helps if you place your head between your legs when you feel sick.


Social intercourse is great, my very kind regards



It's a wonderful thing being able to communicate in 8 languages. But I do think you need to work on comprehension darlin. Now where did I say all Europeans:confused: You see the difference between me and you is I treat everyone as a person. Not an American, European, asian.....you see where I'm going. And as Truecruiser said you probably should not be sailing from a cruise that departs from the US;)

This is a board for info on cruising not a board for degrading other nationalities so if you want to talk cruising great otherwise take it somewhere else.


A proud American..........

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I actually appreciate that people who had experiences other than "oh, it was a cruise and i'm not picky so it was wonderful and anyone who says anything is just being a grouch."


I want someone's honest opinion, regardless of what that opinion might be.


Just because someone had a nice cruise on the same ship last month doesn't mean that someone might have not-as-nice a cruise this month.


Every cruise is different. People have different expectations. To say that "hey, it's Carnival and you get what you pay for" is oversimplifying things, too.


It is still expensive. I want to have a relaxing vacation with the option to stay busy IF that's what I want. I want the ship to be clean. I want the common areas to not be so smoky that I can't breathe. I want the crew to be friendly without being subservient. I want parents to keep control over their kids. I want the buffet lines to move smoothly (although I realize there WILL be lines).


Just because we cruise Carnival doesn't mean we should lower our standards to the point that NOTHING matters!


If nothing matters to you, good for you. Then you shouldn't care that it DOES matter to someone else!


Standing and applauding. Yes a vacation is a vacation but there are still some standards. The good thing about reviews that point out the things that bother the writer is that if someone else would also be bothered then now they know. The Carnival rah rah makes me shake my head and wonder if they all drank the same "kool-aid".

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Standing and applauding. Yes a vacation is a vacation but there are still some standards. The good thing about reviews that point out the things that bother the writer is that if someone else would also be bothered then now they know. The Carnival rah rah makes me shake my head and wonder if they all drank the same "kool-aid".


Exactly what I am talking about as well. I have been shaking my head for sometime now!

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My husband and I just got off the Carnival Liberty , 6 day cruise that left on 09/23/07 and we have to say that this was the worst cruise of our life. We have taken several cruises with several different lines and have never met the problems that we met with this cruise line. We took the Carnival Miracle as our first cruise and it was wonderful but the cruise line has gone down in quality severely since that cruise 1 ½ years ago. There was so many problems with this cruise that I am including them in numerical order. This was a test to see if we would like to cruise with Carnival in the future and the answer is a huge NO. We absolutely had a horrible time and will never cruise with Carnival again as it stands right now. We have also never been on a cruise where upon leaving the ship so many other people were expressing the same problems that we had.




Here is the list:



1) When we first got on the ship we asked 3 different people where you would go to check on your dinner table reservation, ever one of them gave us a different answer and none of them were right. We asked the front desk finally and they were still wrong (on the times at least)


2) We had to wait in a horrible line because Carnival is the only cruise line that we have ever been on that does not let you pre assign the size table you would like.


3) The buffet lines were always extremely long because the ship would only open ¼ of the huge buffet area therefore long lines were constant.


4) Food both in the buffet and in the dining room were very poor. Food had very little taste and all the steaks were extremely tough and of poor quality, the fruit for the most part was not ripe and the soups were extremely thin.


5) Food was very hard to find on this ship, buffet was only open certain hours and all the grills on the deck only had certain hours. And the hours were very few.


6) We never encountered one staff member who knew the correct answer to anything. It was as if the ship was new to the staff members or they just did not bother to learn correct information about the ship they are living and working on. For an example, we had an over charge on our bill for the spa, we went to the front desk to correct the problem and we were told the spa was not open yet, that they would have to call them when they opened. My husband said, they opened at 8 AM and it is 9 AM now. The woman at the front desk said "oh, did they ?" then proceeded to call.


7) We had a extra internet charge on our bill when we used the internet café because when we got up to print what we needed the printer was out of paper and we had to disconnect because no one was in there to help us, then walk all the way down to the front desk where they said sorry you have to make a appointment with the internet manager to get that fixed, We have never had that problem in the past with an incorrect charge.


8) The restaurant never opened on time, always 2-6 minutes late. May not sound like much but it is when the lines are backed up for miles and you can not get out of the elevator because there is so many people.


9) Cruise director made way to many lengthy announcements during the cruise, could never rest because they were so constant.


10) Ship was very hard to get around, only 2 decks that went all the way through the ship in the common areas and they went right through heavily smoky areas and I am very allergic to smoke. Also, you could never go outside on deck 3 to enjoy the view because on this ship the smoke on both sides.


We have never been so disappointed in a ship. I am not usually one to complain but this so called vacation was a nightmare. You can definitely see where Carnival has cut corners on this ship and where there are several areas that need improvement within the staff that works on these boats.


The only strong points I can even say about this cruise was the spa was wonderful (although through no surprise we found out that it was not owned by carnival) and Harry's supper club was very good although higher in price then any cruise line we have ever been on.


Ya' know Carnival has a primo policy where if you are dissatisfied with your cruise you can notify them and leave the ship at the first port and go home at thier expense and get a refund. Maybe you should have availed yourselves of this primo policy. Cause by the above post the cruise was bad from day one. You chose to stay aboard and not avail yourself of this widely known policy. I'd like to know why?

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Standing and applauding. Yes a vacation is a vacation but there are still some standards. The good thing about reviews that point out the things that bother the writer is that if someone else would also be bothered then now they know. The Carnival rah rah makes me shake my head and wonder if they all drank the same "kool-aid".



Who is rah rahing for Carnival:confused: Please tell us.......

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Thanks for your opinion on you cruise. I am sorry it did not meet your expectations. We will not cruise Liberty until 5-10-08,so I am reading every review that is posted. Some of the things you had a problem with would not be a concern for me,but maybe for others in our group they too would be upset.

I will not go over your list,but I do have questions;

1.Were those announcements heard inside the cabins? I always hated that when inside our cabin you could never hear what was being said.

2. Was the Dining room open for open dining,instead of the buffet?

3. Did you go to any of the dance clubs on the ship? Did you have a favorite?

4. What about the big screen outdoor theater. what type of shows on that. Is there a better area to go to that is not too crowded?

I heard free popcorn during the movies, is that true?

5. How were the drinks? Was there a favorite one to try?


I want to have fun on my cruise. Did you have any fun?


I hope you will post again,but when you say it's a review and you post here you will get replys,maybe on what ever future line you go to maybe post a review on the review only area and no one can respond to you.


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Wow!!! This has gone way wide of crazy!!!


I agree that it would have been nice if the OP had mentioned anything good at all......makes for a real review instead of a one sided one. Was there anything at all that the OP liked, enjoyed, thought was good?


As for the Euro/American thing!!! What are we 12?:p I live in America and love it!!!! Would not trade living here for anything.........and I am not an American. I love Europe too, but I really like my pizza, beer, and sports......although I dig Hockey more than baseball!!!:D

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Hey there I was on the same ship at the same time and can answer some of your questions:




Thanks for your opinion on you cruise. I am sorry it did not meet your expectations. We will not cruise Liberty until 5-10-08,so I am reading every review that is posted. Some of the things you had a problem with would not be a concern for me,but maybe for others in our group they too would be upset.

I will not go over your list,but I do have questions;

1.Were those announcements heard inside the cabins? I always hated that when inside our cabin you could never hear what was being said.


Yes, the cruise director's announcements were inside the cabin.


2. Was the Dining room open for open dining,instead of the buffet?


I believe the buffet was open for dinner at the same time--we prefer the dinning room so that is where we ate dinner.

3. Did you go to any of the dance clubs on the ship? Did you have a favorite?


No, we didn't, we like the shows.

4. What about the big screen outdoor theater. what type of shows on that. Is there a better area to go to that is not too crowded?


I heard free popcorn during the movies, is that true?


During the day it was mostly just weird underwater shots--not very exicting. I saw that there were movies in the capers but I never actually sat down to watch one--as they were usually on during hours I wouldn't want to sit out there. (Check the capers and you can see what time stuff was on and what kind of shows). We did try to watch football on Sunday night but we were rained out. I did not see any popcorn.

5. How were the drinks? Was there a favorite one to try?


I want to have fun on my cruise. Did you have any fun?


I know I am not the OP but I was on at the same time and we had a great time!


I hope you will post again,but when you say it's a review and you post here you will get replys,maybe on what ever future line you go to maybe post a review on the review only area and no one can respond to you.


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Ya' know Carnival has a primo policy where if you are dissatisfied with your cruise you can notify them and leave the ship at the first port and go home at thier expense and get a refund. Maybe you should have availed yourselves of this primo policy. Cause by the above post the cruise was bad from day one. You chose to stay aboard and not avail yourself of this widely known policy. I'd like to know why?
It only applies to US and Canadian residents, that did not bother us, it was a problem to get flights from the two ports we tried,regards
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wow. perhaps you shldn't cruise from the US anymore. sounds like that choice might be a "win/win" for all if you treat your fellow pax w/ even the slightest disdain that is dripping from this post.


and, what do you base the TA/shareholders comment on? that comment has no basis in fact, but is merely supposition on your part.




standby, thank you for letting us know that you communicate in 8 languages, possess the utmost of social graces, and are are so refined in character that even pizza and beer seem trashy.:rolleyes:


your attacks on kurbanfan and the other posters who merely mentioned watching the basesball game and ordering pizza were completely unwarranted.


no. you do not represent the epitome of social grace. and, since you obviously believe that you do, let me be the first to tell you you're wrong.:) just scroll up and read your own posts. that shld be enough to turn the lightbulb on in your "interlect," which, i am assuming you meant as "intellect." but, what wld i know, right?:rolleyes:

Thank you for your responce, I do suffer from slight dyslexia so it can get a bit difficult.


Do I think that I represent the epitomy of social grace, no more than you think you are the cruising "font of all wisdom".


Thank you for your advice, re cruising from US ports, we were 90% certain that when we return in Jan for the third time we would resist the temptation, but you will be pleased to hear it is now 100%, with a few American friends we are going to cruise about on one of their boats.


As to the way we treated our fellow passengers as I mentioned in three other posts, we met some very pleasant Americans who were rather upset by the antic of some of thier fellow Americans, and in one case I had to use my abilities to intervene to stop a rather rude man getting a slapping from a very pleasant young man who did not like four letter words being used infront of his wife and child by a drunk.


Dripping with disdain, I think I also mentioned that in Europe we have our share of idiots, we have a saying over hear "if the cap fits wear it"


Ta/ Shareholders three threads where they were exposed not by me.


Check out the thread about booking US cruises from the UK and the costs,


A TA poster agreed with me that you can book Celebrity through them over the phone and save money, no reference on his page about him being a TA.

As to attacks, oh "grow up",


My very best wishes

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Sounded like you created your own problem regarding the dining room and then it all went downhill after that. Usually when someone starts off in a bad mood from the get go that's generally what happens from the reviews I read anyways.

They put the dining room name, table number and time on your card. All you had to do was find that dining room and look for the table number. You would have found out what size it was right there all on your own. No standing in lines.

Also what cruise line gives you a table size when you book? I know Carnival and RCCL don't. Not sure how they can do that.

Well good luck on your next ship whichever that one might be.

Oh I wanted to add....if the first night they opened the dining room doors late a couple minutes and jammed up the elevators. Why didn't you just leave your cabin a little later the following nights? Or earlier and sit out in the lounge and you can see when they open.

A bit more
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And your expectations sound normal.


Did ya read the complaints?

Most were about the lines. (duh 3,000 people)

The dining room was always 2 - 6 minutes late opening?:cool:

The cruise director had sooo many announcements we could not relax?:cool:

Could not find anywhere outside on deck 3 where it was not smoky?:cool:

Oh and here's a good one...food was very hard to find on this ship:cool:


Now if that does not sound like nitpicking I don't know what does;)

Still Dripping
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Nice! Slam the Americans:rolleyes: While some of us Americans enjoy socializing by sharing a beer, ordering pizza and rooting for our home team, I now see some of the Europeans like to use thier time socializing by hiding behind thier computer and slamming Americans:rolleyes: Makes me want to vomit..........but I will digress for now.

Tootle loo

I was not slamming Americans per se, but I suppose "if the cap fits wear it" with pride
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It's a wonderful thing being able to communicate in 8 languages. But I do think you need to work on comprehension darlin. Now where did I say all Europeans:confused: You see the difference between me and you is I treat everyone as a person. Not an American, European, asian.....you see where I'm going. And as Truecruiser said you probably should not be sailing from a cruise that departs from the US;)

This is a board for info on cruising not a board for degrading other nationalities so if you want to talk cruising great otherwise take it somewhere else.


A proud American..........

I regard people first and foremost as "Human beings" Who are you to tell me to take it somewhere else? read my posts, it is a certain type of op or cruiser that I find sad, not who, what, or where, they come from.I for one,would like you and the other disigenuos

sycophants to keep posting because "social intercourse is great" as is civilised cruising.


By the way to become a Blue Ribbon cruiser, is it the number of cruises, or the number of posts that you write, to gain this title.

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I was in no way being "picky", I was just giving my opinion on the cruise ship. I forgot that in this "community" there are quiet a few bullies who think Carnival is the best ship line in the world, because they only do Carnival.


I thought I could make a opinion known because it was in fact a poor ship IM MY EYES, and apparently there are too many sarcastic people on this board reading this to understand it.


For the people that actually understood what I was trying to say, I appreciate that. I was just stating my thoughts.



Did you ever think that your crappy tablemates may have been influenced by "your" crappy attitude about everything?

If you couldn't find anything to eat you obviously were't looking too hard. We have always found there to be an abundance of oppertunities to find something at all hours of the day or night.

Go ahead and flame me!

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