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So Much for Honesty!


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"Now this might vary from county to country in the state but when I say they teach to the test I mean they teach to the test. The test is called the FCAT. So the 3rd grade math book would be called 3rd grade math for FCAT. There has been a lot of problems in schools with low ratings where they would, for example, go to PE but PE isn't on the test and learn FCAT. They would go to History (not on the test until this year or next year I can't remember) and learn FCAT. There entire school day from the first day of school until the test was completed in March was all about FCAT. There was an issue with bribes of gifts and food to do well on the test. Kids were developing psychological disorders because of the stress placed on them because of this test. Teachers felt bad putting so much pressure on their students but they were forced to by their principles. Also, to keep an A rating you have to do a certain percentage better then the year before which puts more pressure on the principle and therefor the teachers. In some schools teachers were not allowed to use the test to outline there agendas the test was their agenda." (Larronry)



Sharon, I have to apologize in that I have been instrumental, in part, in taking this thread way off topic, and although I'll continue to monitor the discussion, I think this will be my final posting. My one last comment is that if the above is truly an accurate assessment of the state of affairs in Florida schools, then I'm glad my kids went to school in NY.



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Since I was born and raised in New Orleans and I understand the entire situation with what happened, I feel I can say this:


Katrina was the best thing that ever happened to the New Orleans public school system.


Now they have to start from scratch, the state has taken over, and there are many new charter schools of all kinds, such as the Priestly School of Architecture.


Still, NCLB is still there to muck everything up.

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"Now this might vary from county to country in the state but when I say they teach to the test I mean they teach to the test. The test is called the FCAT. So the 3rd grade math book would be called 3rd grade math for FCAT. There has been a lot of problems in schools with low ratings where they would, for example, go to PE but PE isn't on the test and learn FCAT. They would go to History (not on the test until this year or next year I can't remember) and learn FCAT. There entire school day from the first day of school until the test was completed in March was all about FCAT. There was an issue with bribes of gifts and food to do well on the test. Kids were developing psychological disorders because of the stress placed on them because of this test. Teachers felt bad putting so much pressure on their students but they were forced to by their principles. Also, to keep an A rating you have to do a certain percentage better then the year before which puts more pressure on the principle and therefor the teachers. In some schools teachers were not allowed to use the test to outline there agendas the test was their agenda." (Larronry)



Sharon, I have to apologize in that I have been instrumental, in part, in taking this thread way off topic, and although I'll continue to monitor the discussion, I think this will be my final posting. My one last comment is that if the above is truly an accurate assessment of the state of affairs in Florida schools, then I'm glad my kids went to school in NY.



All I can say is that our previous governor borrowed from his brother and our current governor has a lot to repair. Right now he's been trying to repair property taxes and although he has the right idea the state congress has mucked that up. If he tries to tackle the educational system I'm afraid what the state congress will do to that.


Since I was born and raised in New Orleans and I understand the entire situation with what happened, I feel I can say this:


Katrina was the best thing that ever happened to the New Orleans public school system.


Now they have to start from scratch, the state has taken over, and there are many new charter schools of all kinds, such as the Priestly School of Architecture.


Still, NCLB is still there to muck everything up.

My question to you would be was New Orleans the only bad school system in the state? The only reason I ask that is because the county that I am most educated about is by far not the worst county in the state. In fact most would think it would be one of the most affluent. That said a lot of counties need to be repaired in FL and it's too long of a state to have one hurricane do what Katrina did to New Orleans.


I'm still not sure if I'm ready to go back to New Orleans myself because I know that personality isn't there. But I am very glad something good came out of it.

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As a public school teacher (by choice, having sacrificed a lot in order to make a career change to do this)... this thread has gone way beyond what it originally was. Those of us who choose to serve the future voting citizens of our republic are for the most part dedicated true public servants who do the best we can within the constraints placed upon us by the officials elected by the population (hence NCLB).


I don't think I, or any of us, deserve some of the bashing of teachers that's gone on here (including lines like "teacher 'work' days -- what are they doing the rest of the time?" Um, taking our UNPAID "vacation" in the summer, winter, and spring breaks? Arriving at school at 6:00 AM and leaving at 5:00 PM as I did today? Attending school/PTA fund-raising or community-building events until 9:00 PM or on Saturdays? Attending 6 hours of "inservice" training on stuff I already knew? Meeting with parents from 7:00 AM until 6:45 PM during conference day, and TRYING to explain why Little Johnny isn't the next Stephen Hawking?). And yes, our "principals" (as opposed to "principles," which are ideas rather than a job title) are under the same pressure we are. Most of them are equally hard-working and dedicated, doing the best they can to thread a minefield.


Folks, if all this really incenses you and you really think it's a result of NCLB, write your representative or senator. There are bills before the Congress right now to repeal this federal law seeking to control local education. But please don't start the smack-down on teachers. We are educated and trained to teach children the curriculum put before us, and to provide opportunities for growth/learning beyond that curriculum. We don't establish the school calendar, the testing criteria, the promotion criteria, or the absentee policy. :(


PS This sounded pretty sour, so before somebody posts going "hey, what about all that 'vacation' time you lazy teachers get?" I want to add -- I LOVE what I do. I'd put up with a LOT more both in terms of bureaucracy and helicopter parents to continue to do it. I guess just from time to time some of the comments I read are so off the mark for anyone who knows what a teacher's life is ACTUALLY like, I try to set the record straight.

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MichellP, you are clearly the type of teacher that we all wish our children had every year. As the daughter and granddaughter of teachers, I know first hand (okay, second hand) what it means to have your hands tied by the rules and allowances of the legislature in education. Some of the absolute crap my mother had to deal with was infuriating to me... and don't even get me started on how I reacted when my fellow students would say things like 'Mr. Jones flunked me'. As if Mr. Jones was the one that didn't pay attention, do his homework, or study for the exam!


Sadly, I cannot say that all of the teachers currently responsible for educating our youth are as responsible and dedicated as you. I am extremely grateful for the staff of my daughter's school, but I am not confident that I will be as pleased when she gets to high school. Tutoring my neice for the last four years (9-12 is hs here) has left me quite disillusioned in that respect, not to mention grading papers at the university level that leave me wondering how the students achieved a passing mark in grade 8.


I agree with you regarding the feelings about the NCLB. I am SO happy that we don't have to deal with it here... but I would be the first one on the bandwagon to eliminate it. Teaching is a time consuming, financially unrewarding (although better here than there from what I understand), and generally thankless job, and I commend you for being dedicated. I hope that you have many of those moments where current or past students do things that remind you of the real reasons you teach. :)

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As a public school teacher (by choice, having sacrificed a lot in order to make a career change to do this)... this thread has gone way beyond what it originally was. Those of us who choose to serve the future voting citizens of our republic are for the most part dedicated true public servants who do the best we can within the constraints placed upon us by the officials elected by the population (hence NCLB).


I don't think I, or any of us, deserve some of the bashing of teachers that's gone on here (including lines like "teacher 'work' days -- what are they doing the rest of the time?" Um, taking our UNPAID "vacation" in the summer, winter, and spring breaks? Arriving at school at 6:00 AM and leaving at 5:00 PM as I did today? Attending school/PTA fund-raising or community-building events until 9:00 PM or on Saturdays? Attending 6 hours of "inservice" training on stuff I already knew? Meeting with parents from 7:00 AM until 6:45 PM during conference day, and TRYING to explain why Little Johnny isn't the next Stephen Hawking?). And yes, our "principals" (as opposed to "principles," which are ideas rather than a job title) are under the same pressure we are. Most of them are equally hard-working and dedicated, doing the best they can to thread a minefield.


Folks, if all this really incenses you and you really think it's a result of NCLB, write your representative or senator. There are bills before the Congress right now to repeal this federal law seeking to control local education. But please don't start the smack-down on teachers. We are educated and trained to teach children the curriculum put before us, and to provide opportunities for growth/learning beyond that curriculum. We don't establish the school calendar, the testing criteria, the promotion criteria, or the absentee policy. :(


PS This sounded pretty sour, so before somebody posts going "hey, what about all that 'vacation' time you lazy teachers get?" I want to add -- I LOVE what I do. I'd put up with a LOT more both in terms of bureaucracy and helicopter parents to continue to do it. I guess just from time to time some of the comments I read are so off the mark for anyone who knows what a teacher's life is ACTUALLY like, I try to set the record straight.

I hope you don't think I'm bashing teaching when I talk about what is going on in Florida because although I do feel that there are some teachers who have most certainly burned out I think that the teachers not being allowed to do what they want to do is not their fault. And I'd say that being a teacher here is one of the most thankless jobs there is. Really sad when I think of many of the teacher I had that I loved and had so much respect for growing up (not all but most).

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Folks, if all this really incenses you and you really think it's a result of NCLB, write your representative or senator. There are bills before the Congress right now to repeal this federal law seeking to control local education. But please don't start the smack-down on teachers. We are educated and trained to teach children the curriculum put before us, and to provide opportunities for growth/learning beyond that curriculum. We don't establish the school calendar, the testing criteria, the promotion criteria, or the absentee policy. :(


Actually I have expressed my views to my congressman. And not everyone here is bashing teachers or saying they're lazy. I know that not every teacher endorses LNKB...a couple of years ago, while helping a teacher in the classroom, she told me that she dreads the first couple weeks of May when the state tests are given. She has even had a couple of kids throw up before a test. So she sends home a note to each parent, assigning a day for each to bring in a snack or box of juice boxes for the students to enjoy after the day's test.

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I just went home for lunch, and there in the mail was the truancy letter. It was a letter from the Principal saying that my DD has been reported to whatever administrative division of the School District monitors such things for having 5 unexcused absences. Among the other serious consequences for this infraction listed are possibly delayed driving priveleges. DD is 6!:rolleyes: It did indicate that the reason for the absence was a vacation to Mexico. I wonder what someone doing a background check on DD as an adult will make of this.


So, do you think I should put the letter in my scrapbook, along with my pictures and other souvenirs from our trip?

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I just went home for lunch, and there in the mail was the truancy letter. It was a letter from the Principal saying that my DD has been reported to whatever administrative division of the School District monitors such things for having 5 unexcused absences. Among the other serious consequences for this infraction listed are possibly delayed driving priveleges. DD is 6!:rolleyes: It did indicate that the reason for the absence was a vacation to Mexico. I wonder what someone doing a background check on DD as an adult will make of this.


So, do you think I should put the letter in my scrapbook, along with my pictures and other souvenirs from our trip?

OK Delayed driving privileges for something that she had no control over. Man the school system is ridiculous. Apparently she should have said "Mommy I want to stay home alone for the week so that I can go to school.":D:rolleyes:

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I just went home for lunch, and there in the mail was the truancy letter. It was a letter from the Principal saying that my DD has been reported to whatever administrative division of the School District monitors such things for having 5 unexcused absences. Among the other serious consequences for this infraction listed are possibly delayed driving priveleges. DD is 6!:rolleyes: It did indicate that the reason for the absence was a vacation to Mexico. I wonder what someone doing a background check on DD as an adult will make of this.


So, do you think I should put the letter in my scrapbook, along with my pictures and other souvenirs from our trip?


Well, the letter's not a huge surprise I think, based on your prior posts here. I guess you'll just have to make sure your daughter doesn't "rack up" any other "bad marks" before it's time for her to drive! :) (We have a similar law here in Georgia, by the way -- but as far as I know it doesn't take the "bad behavior" penalty all the way back to elementary school as a reason to delay a driver's license! Here we focus on kids who get in trouble... in HIGH school. If you're a constant problem/behavior issue/suspended kid/truant/have an arrest record in HIGH SCHOOL, you can't drive as early as those kids who do try to follow the rules).

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I just heard from the Principal. Los Angeles Unified School District will not authorize Independent Study or excuse her absence because we are going out of the country! If we stayed in the country it would be authorized. So because I was honest about what I was doing (taking a family vacation cruise to Mexico), and not lying and saying it was a work-related thing, which they do excuse, or just calling her in sick every day, she will be considered truant!:eek:



I hope this is not too late to help you....My childrens' principal told me that any more than 5 days and I should un-enroll them to keep the absences from counting against them. And I am getting with the teachers and my kids will get the work done by doubling up the week before we leave instead of waiting until we get back to try to catch up.

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I hope this is not too late to help you....My childrens' principal told me that any more than 5 days and I should un-enroll them to keep the absences from counting against them. And I am getting with the teachers and my kids will get the work done by doubling up the week before we leave instead of waiting until we get back to try to catch up.

Un-enroll, what a concept-I wish I thought about that one:cool:

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I just went home for lunch, and there in the mail was the truancy letter. It was a letter from the Principal saying that my DD has been reported to whatever administrative division of the School District monitors such things for having 5 unexcused absences. Among the other serious consequences for this infraction listed are possibly delayed driving priveleges. DD is 6!:rolleyes: It did indicate that the reason for the absence was a vacation to Mexico. I wonder what someone doing a background check on DD as an adult will make of this.


So, do you think I should put the letter in my scrapbook, along with my pictures and other souvenirs from our trip?


Absolutely put it in your scrapbook!! You know how sometimes you just have to say, 'Someday we'll look back at this and laugh...'? Well, this is one of those times. If anything actually came of this in your daughter's future, I would be shocked. Can you imagine anyone even looking that far back in someone's record, let alone thinking, 'Ooooooh, this one is obviously not to be trusted... she was taken to Mexico at the age of six...'? (cue dramatic music). :p

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I just went home for lunch, and there in the mail was the truancy letter. It was a letter from the Principal saying that my DD has been reported to whatever administrative division of the School District monitors such things for having 5 unexcused absences. Among the other serious consequences for this infraction listed are possibly delayed driving priveleges. DD is 6!:rolleyes: It did indicate that the reason for the absence was a vacation to Mexico. I wonder what someone doing a background check on DD as an adult will make of this.


So, do you think I should put the letter in my scrapbook, along with my pictures and other souvenirs from our trip?


Hello OceanDreamin',

As I said in an earlier post, this could come up if and when your DD applies for a federal position. Some in this thread may think this to be trivial, but I've seen dreams go south because of STUPID 1st, 2nd, & 3rd grade policies. Do me and your DD a favor and take that letter to the principal and demand that they, at the very least, attach something to it, ie; P.S. This absence was due to a family vacation. Make sure the district knows as well. Let someone doing a backround check, see that this was what it was, and how much the candidate did to document the effects of a policy which was interpreted by a principal who should, in my opinion, pack it in.



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Un-enroll, what a concept-I wish I thought about that one:cool:


You've got to be kidding! Un-enroll, complaints about truancy letters, bashing school districts, principals and teachers just because you wanted to take your kid on a cruise when they SHOULD have been in school! This is ridiculous!


Hey, I'm not putting down any parents here for the decisions they make, but my point is this-they should have been at school, so why are you complaining if you get called on it?

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Hello OceanDreamin',

As I said in an earlier post, this could come up if and when your DD applies for a federal position. Some in this thread may think this to be trivial, but I've seen dreams go south because of STUPID 1st, 2nd, & 3rd grade policies. Do me and your DD a favor and take that letter to the principal and demand that they, at the very least, attach something to it, ie; P.S. This absence was due to a family vacation. Make sure the district knows as well. Let someone doing a backround check, see that this was what it was, and how much the candidate did to document the effects of a policy which was interpreted by a principal who should, in my opinion, pack it in.




Barry, the documentation that was sent to the School District DOES indicate "Vacation in Mexico, per Mother," as the reason for the absence.


Hey, I'm not putting down any parents here for the decisions they make, but my point is this-they should have been at school, so why are you complaining if you get called on it?


lovesublime, did you READ my early posts in this thread?:rolleyes:


As far as un-enrolling her and re-enrolling her, I think I'd rather have bamboo under my fingernails!:eek: I only JUST enrolled her in the school at the end of August, and the paperwork and the bureaucratic hoop-jumping required to do that is something I hope never to have to repeat! I work in a Law Office. I am used to some pretty stringent filing requirements with the courts and other parties in law suits, and am pretty good at bureaucratic hoop jumping. The LAUSD bureaucrats put the court system bureaucrats and the legislature to shame in terms of red-tape requirements.


The choice was made, the trip is done, and I'm facing the consequences. I also learned a valuable lesson which will prepare me for future dealings with the LAUSD.

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I just went home for lunch, and there in the mail was the truancy letter.

Oceandreaming, that is really too bad. I had really hoped there would be no letter and that they (the principal, the school district, those in charge) would have come to their senses ... It is a very sad ending to your thread ... a sad sample of what we are facing in education today.


I am glad and thankful that parents like you and others on this board are willing to stand up for what's right for your children. I am thankful for those who have made steps to change ridiculous rules such as these.


I am disheartened that there are still so many who feel this way:

My point is this-they SHOULD have been at school, so why are you complaining if you get called on it?


"SHOULD have?" Because of reason? Or because it is the current rule?


ANYONE who does what they do because they believe it is in the best interest for their child is a good parent, whether their choices are what you or I would have chosen.


Anyone who judges you for the way you raise your children is stepping out of bounds.


For those of you who believe that your child should never miss a mere five days of school, even for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, well that is your choice, and I am happy that you put your child's needs first ... just as I put my child's needs first when I take my child on that trip.


Let's respect one another and all enjoy our freedom to raise our children to the best of our ability. Freedom ... Isn't that what America stands for?


NOTE: There was once a time when the current rule in our country was this ... that witches SHOULD be burned at the stake ... but luckily there were enough people to stand up against that one.

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Barry, the documentation that was sent to the School District DOES indicate "Vacation in Mexico, per Mother," as the reason for the absence.




lovesublime, did you READ my early posts in this thread?:rolleyes:


As far as un-enrolling her and re-enrolling her, I think I'd rather have bamboo under my fingernails!:eek: I only JUST enrolled her in the school at the end of August, and the paperwork and the bureaucratic hoop-jumping required to do that is something I hope never to have to repeat! I work in a Law Office. I am used to some pretty stringent filing requirements with the courts and other parties in law suits, and am pretty good at bureaucratic hoop jumping. The LAUSD bureaucrats put the court system bureaucrats and the legislature to shame in terms of red-tape requirements.


The choice was made, the trip is done, and I'm facing the consequences. I also learned a valuable lesson which will prepare me for future dealings with the LAUSD.


Yes, I've read the whole thing. I wasn't actually referring to you, but to other posts. I already know your story.


I don't condone taking kids out of school for a vacation, however if you're gonna do it-it's good to protect your own interests. I would lie about the reason. No need getting those nasty letters in the mail.


Out of curiosity OceanDreamin-do you have to go to court or something for the alleged truancy?

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Oceandreaming, that is really too bad. I had really hoped there would be no letter and that they (the principal, the school district, those in charge) would have come to their senses ... It is a very sad ending to your thread ... a sad sample of what we are facing in education today.


I am glad and thankful that parents like you and others on this board are willing to stand up for what's right for your children. I am thankful for those who have made steps to change ridiculous rules such as these.


I am disheartened that there are still so many who feel this way:


"SHOULD have?" Because of reason? Or because it is the current rule?


ANYONE who does what they do because they believe it is in the best interest for their child is a good parent, whether their choices are what you or I would have chosen.


Anyone who judges you for the way you raise your children is stepping out of bounds.


For those of you who believe that your child should never miss a mere five days of school, even for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, well that is your choice, and I am happy that you put your child's needs first ... just as I put my child's needs first when I take my child on that trip.


Let's respect one another and all enjoy our freedom to raise our children to the best of our ability. Freedom ... Isn't that what America stands for?


NOTE: There was once a time when the current rule in our country was this ... that witches SHOULD be burned at the stake ... but luckily there were enough people to stand up against that one.

I could not have said it any better, the parents not some school board counting numbers make the decisions.

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No, for one truancy episode, I do not have to face any type of hearing or anything. Since DD has otherwise perfect attendance (not even one minute late on any other day), I am not going to have any problem. Just a stupid letter which is going to go in my scrapbook.

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Actually, "gramma" is not going to die in a year from cancer, she died this past Thursday from cancer. (My husband's step-mom, "Grandma Kathy," died at age 55 of laryngeal cancer). The funeral is this Sunday, since we needed time for my sister-in-law to fly out here from England to attend. No I'm NOT being sarcastic or making things up. This is one very sad Thanksgiving for our family.


Treasure every moment you have with your loved ones! You never know when they will be gone from your life. We had no idea her cancer was terminal. She was just starting chemo, and we were all full of hope.


I have no regrets for the decisions my family made. No regrets whatsoever!


Each family has to decide on their priorities for themselves, and I don't think anyone outside of that family is in a position to judge the appropriateness of those priorities.


xcarebear, your priorities are apparently your children being in school pretty much no matter what. Good for you and your family. You will certainly never have the same hassles with your kid's Principal that I experienced. My family's choices just differ from yours, but that doesn't make them wrong.


Sorry for the bummer post here. xcarebear's post just hit REALLY close to home tonight!:(

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im sorry but unless gramma is going die in a year from cancer why would you take your child out of school for a week for a cruise?




Actually, "gramma" is not going to die in a year from cancer, she died this past Thursday from cancer. (My husband's step-mom, "Grandma Kathy," died at age 55 of laryngeal cancer). The funeral is this Sunday, since we needed time for my sister-in-law to fly out here from England to attend. No I'm NOT being sarcastic or making things up. This is one very sad Thanksgiving for our family.


Treasure every moment you have with your loved ones! You never know when they will be gone from your life. We had no idea her cancer was terminal. She was just starting chemo, and we were all full of hope.


I have no regrets for the decisions my family made. No regrets whatsoever!


Each family has to decide on their priorities for themselves, and I don't think anyone outside of that family is in a position to judge the appropriateness of those priorities.


xcarebear, your priorities are apparently your children being in school pretty much no matter what. Good for you and your family. You will certainly never have the same hassles with your kid's Principal that I experienced. My family's choices just differ from yours, but that doesn't make them wrong.


Sorry for the bummer post here. xcarebear's post just hit REALLY close to home tonight!:(


.........totally agree.............make memories with your family............they grow up much too fast...........and then they have their families.


.....and condolences for the loss of Grandma Kathy.......especially at 55..........we lost my father to cancer at 47............and there were so many more memories we could have made.....:)

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OceanDreamin, that was a very nice post. It hit home for me too, as I also found out today that my grandmother passed away just yesterday. As I was breaking the sad news to my children tonight, we shared the wonderful memories we had with Grandma ... and do you know what those best memories were for me? ... the times we were on vacation together ... the way she shared her love of nature and taught me to take a break from life, to stop & listen to the birds ... to smell the flowers.


There are many people who pass by the flowers each day without taking a moment to enjoy them ... I'm sure some of them wouldn't stop to take their kids out of school either.


dear if we take susie and bobby out this week we will save 1,000 dollars.
Xcarebearxoxo, you are very fortunate to be in a position where money is not a consideration.


Treasure every moment you have with your loved ones! ... Each family has to decide on their priorities for themselves, and I don't think anyone outside of that family is in a position to judge the appropriateness of those priorities.

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