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Questions about child under two


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We have an uncoming cruise booked and son told me yesterday he would like to take his girlfriend and her 16 month old child.


I have never had a child under 12 so I know nothing about taking one this young.


I tried a search but I must not be searching for the right things.


Anyway, is it full 3rd person fare for a 16 mo old? I don't think the child has ever slept in a crib so that will not be a problem.


What about the dining room. Do we just get him one of those chairs? Is a child this young too young for the dining room?


Thank you for any help. I know I have seen people with very young children, but it never occured to me I might have one in my group one day and I never paid any attention.

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First if all, how can you have a son and say you have never had a 16 month old?

And second, yes you must pay full price for a baby in the cabin as a third passenger. The tipping is the same for a baby, also.

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You'll have to pay the third person fare... but it's a discounted rate... they don't have special pricing for infants or toddlers...


they have high chairs in the dining room. when you book your cruise, they'll ask what you need... you can specify that you'll need a high chair at that time.


also... they will be too young for Camp Carnival, which starts at age 2.


How old is your son and his girlfriend? If she's under age 21 then you will more than likely need to get a notorized letter from her parents stating that you are allowed to bring her with you. (they might not even look at the letter, but if they do ask and you DON'T have it, then she might not be allowed to board.) Again, that's only if she's under 21...

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First if all, how can you have a son and say you have never had a 16 month old?

And second, yes you must pay full price for a baby in the cabin as a third passenger. The tipping is the same for a baby, also.


Have you ever heard of a thing called "adoption" - that would make it possible for someone to be a parent and never have had an infant.


(I had the same thought as you did when I read the OP - but after some thought, I realized that yes, it IS possible)


And they were probably saying they've never had a child under 12 when they went on a cruise... but I am just guessing... I could be wrong.

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LOL. Well it is possible as my adopted son was 8 when we got him, but I meant I had never had one under 12 on a cruise.


I was hoping I would only have to pay the port charges and taxes on the baby. Oh well.


And thanks for reminding me about the tips. I forgot about those.

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Thanks for taking the time to look up the tipping thing. It may help others, but I have been out to eat with this child a couple of times, and believe me, I will not mind paying the tips.


Last night when he told me I was like, ok no problem, but them I wake up this morning and I realized I knew nothing about taking a child that young on a vacation.


I didn't even start taking vacations until my youngest was 5 and that was a disney trip. So this will be the first trip anywhere with a baby.


I can not tell you how much I appreciate everyone's input on the matter.


I was going to call the TA and book them in, but I guess I need to see if we will have enough time to get all the gf's ducks in a row. I am positive she does not have a passport and this will be a Thanksgiving cruise.

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Sorry I wasn't thinking when I asked the question about having a son but never having a 16 month old. My bad.

The reason I brought up the subject of tipping is because I was reading about it on another board.

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Check under the family cruising posts, some good help there.

I cruised with a 10 mo old. She was very good in the dining room except one night and I just picked her up, left. We played a bit and returned for dessert. (When with a 2 yr old we left several nights and ate buffet.) They will have a Pack n Play crib in the cabin. The Maitre d' will talk with you on the first night about the babies food likes and will make fresh crushed/chopped vegs and fruits and meats as you wish. That was so very nice. Bring lots of diapers as they are very costly in ports. Don't forget the specail blanket, toys, teddy nuks (if they still use on, bring several in case they are lost)bottles or sippy cups, bibs, sunscreen and hats. Water shoes are good for the sand so the lttle feet don't burn. You pay regular cost on Carnival (some lines are free under 2y except port and tax), some lines offer free kids under 12 deals from time to time. Also, tips are just as if another adult was in the cabin. I don't know what kind of cabin you have p;anned, but watch the balcony. It is amazing how fast they think to push a cahir over and climb. Not trying to sound mean, just trying to help. You all will have fun. I love bringing the little ones with us.

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And a good thing you brought it up. I had not thought about the tips, so a very good reminder.


And I was not offended by the question of how I had a son and not have a 16 month old. I should have explained better, but I have so much running through my head right now.


Like I said, this is a Thanksgiving cruise so it is coming up fast.


I have looked at our rooms and with just a little switching around, we can add them without a problem to the rooms we already have.

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We just cruised with our 15 month old earlier this month.

All the PPs comments were accurate.

Toddlers are charged the same as adult, so if 3rd in a room, then 3rd person rate.

Auto tips are not added for kids under 2.

The first night in the dining room, they got us a highchair. Then everynight after that a glass of milk and a highchair was waiting when we got there.

We didn't use a crib either so can't comment on that. DS just slept in the bed with us.

They are too young for camp carnival during the day. Nightly babysitting was available for $6 an hour from 10 pm to 2 or 3 am I think.


You have to pack lots and lots of stuff for babies. Babies aren't good to go with the beach or on excursions or the pool etc.

So maybe the girlfriend's parents could watch the baby while your son/girlfriend went on the cruise. Just a suggestion, I know we wouldn't leave our son behind because we went on a family vacation, but a 20 year old would probably have a better time on a cruise without a baby.

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She will not need a passport this Thanksgiving. But both the child and her will need certified birth certificates. She will also need a gov't issued photo ID (driver lic is OK). Also, you did not say if the baby was your sons child. If not, then she will need a letter signed in fromt of a notary by the Father saying it is OK to take the baby. Home land security wants this letter. State the dates of travel, where (itinerary), how(CCL ship name), also any air line used. I would add a line about ok to seek medical and emerg medical care as needed. It may not even be asked for, but if they do ask and you do not have it, you could be denied entry onto the ship or plane. That family post area is really good. It even has a sample letter posted somewhere over there by cruisinmama06. She cruises alot with her 2 children and is very helpful.

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Check under the family cruising posts, some good help there.

I cruised with a 10 mo old. She was very good in the dining room except one night and I just picked her up, left. We played a bit and returned for dessert. (When with a 2 yr old we left several nights and ate buffet.) They will have a Pack n Play crib in the cabin. The Maitre d' will talk with you on the first night about the babies food likes and will make fresh crushed/chopped vegs and fruits and meats as you wish. That was so very nice. Bring lots of diapers as they are very costly in ports. Don't forget the specail blanket, toys, teddy nuks (if they still use on, bring several in case they are lost)bottles or sippy cups, bibs, sunscreen and hats. Water shoes are good for the sand so the lttle feet don't burn. You pay regular cost on Carnival (some lines are free under 2y except port and tax), some lines offer free kids under 12 deals from time to time. Also, tips are just as if another adult was in the cabin. I don't know what kind of cabin you have p;anned, but watch the balcony. It is amazing how fast they think to push a cahir over and climb. Not trying to sound mean, just trying to help. You all will have fun. I love bringing the little ones with us.



Excellent tips thanks so much.


The baby seems a happy baby and has done very well in social situations I have been around him, so that is not a concern although I know the unexpected can happen.


I am sure this will be completely new to the mother as well as she comes from a very rural background and really doesn't have any experience beyond her sheltered family area, (but if she is going to be part of our family, we will soon change that), so any tips/advice I can get here is going to help everyone all the way around.


And with 4 children I imagine traveling with a baby is going to start coming up more and more.

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She will not need a passport this Thanksgiving. But both the child and her will need certified birth certificates. She will also need a gov't issued photo ID (driver lic is OK). Also, you did not say if the baby was your sons child. If not, then she will need a letter signed in fromt of a notary by the Father saying it is OK to take the baby. Home land security wants this letter. State the dates of travel, where (itinerary), how(CCL ship name), also any air line used. I would add a line about ok to seek medical and emerg medical care as needed. It may not even be asked for, but if they do ask and you do not have it, you could be denied entry onto the ship or plane. That family post area is really good. It even has a sample letter posted somewhere over there by cruisinmama06. She cruises alot with her 2 children and is very helpful.


Good points. My son is not the father, and I am not sure what the dynamics are in that area, but another very important item to add to the list of must get done this week things to do list.

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Another good idea that I have read is that some folks bring a small blow up pool for a baby that age. They give them a bath in it, since most that age don't like a shower. And since the baby can't get in the pool if it is not potty trained (not even with "swimmies"), it can provide a neat little place for the little to play in the water.

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Another good idea that I have read is that some folks bring a small blow up pool for a baby that age. They give them a bath in it, since most that age don't like a shower. And since the baby can't get in the pool if it is not potty trained (not even with "swimmies"), it can provide a neat little place for the little to play in the water.


Oh man! I knew you guys would be tons of help. I hope I can find a blow up pool this late in the year. That has gone on the list as well.


But one question, if we use it by the pool, where do I get the water?

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We have an uncoming cruise booked and son told me yesterday he would like to take his girlfriend and her 16 month old child.


I have never had a child under 12 so I know nothing about taking one this young.


I tried a search but I must not be searching for the right things.


Anyway, is it full 3rd person fare for a 16 mo old? I don't think the child has ever slept in a crib so that will not be a problem.


What about the dining room. Do we just get him one of those chairs? Is a child this young too young for the dining room?


Thank you for any help. I know I have seen people with very young children, but it never occured to me I might have one in my group one day and I never paid any attention.


Taking a vacation with a little one is either a wonderful exciting time since the adults often get a rush out of seeing the little one experience new things, or it is a nightmare. It is usually the adults that are the deciding factor on which one it turns out to be. When traveling with a small child it is important to go at the child's pace instead of insisting they go at yours. First because it is impossible and second because it guarantees meltdowns and disapointment for everyone. The cruise ship will help in anyway it can with children, but the most important thing to remember is you are on a ship and the ship doesn't carry the normal supplies that can be found in town.....and those they do will cost more than imaginable. This is the one time when it is better to overpack then underpack.

I love the way you are embracing this woman and child into your family. I was 6 years old when my Mom remarried and his family never did accept me or embrace me as family. My "Dad" tried to change that but it is obvious to children when they are just tolerated and not loved. It makes a huge difference in a child's life. Kudos to you!

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And second, yes you must pay full price for a baby in the cabin as a third passenger. The tipping is the same for a baby, also.


Tipping is NOT the same for a baby, you will not have tips added to you S&S for an infant if you choose to tip for the baby then you will have to request it be added.


Don't know what the age is....but wanted to add this info. for parents taking infants aboard.

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Oh man! I knew you guys would be tons of help. I hope I can find a blow up pool this late in the year. That has gone on the list as well.


But one question, if we use it by the pool, where do I get the water?


The little pool will be small enough it should only take a few trips with the pitcher from the pool shower to the blow up pool.

Find an out of the way place because you will be asked to remove it is there are any complaints.


If you plan on using it on your balcony please do not dump the water over the side, drag it to the shower and dump it out.

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We have an uncoming cruise booked and son told me yesterday he would like to take his girlfriend and her 16 month old child.


I have never had a child under 12 so I know nothing about taking one this young.


I tried a search but I must not be searching for the right things.


Anyway, is it full 3rd person fare for a 16 mo old? I don't think the child has ever slept in a crib so that will not be a problem.


What about the dining room. Do we just get him one of those chairs? Is a child this young too young for the dining room?


Thank you for any help. I know I have seen people with very young children, but it never occured to me I might have one in my group one day and I never paid any attention.



that is very nice of you. I would never be that nice ;)

Anyway if you have late seating, it might not work out very well in the dining room with the baby.

Make sure the girlfriend brings a stroller. Do NOT forget the stroller. She'll need all the diapers she plans on using during the week, plus more.

She'll need a form from the baby's father stating she's allowed to take him out of the country if there is a fathers name on bc.

Baby suncreen, hats all the stuff you need in the sun,plus a lot of toddlers do not like showers, so tell her for sure to bring a blow up tub/pool to wash the baby in. unless you are in a cat 11 or 12, there is no tub. Make sure she packs whatever kind of medicine in case the baby gets sick that is appropriate for a baby, such as baby tylenol or motrin or whatever it is babies take these days for fevers. And some warm clothes for the baby, such as little sweatshirts. It's cold inside the ship.

Lot's of people travel with babies on cruise ships. And they all seem to have a good time.

have fun!

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She'll need all the diapers she plans on using during the week, plus more.



That reminds me of something, although i understand this baby is 16 mo. old, some people do bring smaller babies, this is for those of you who do...., this month there was a lady who brought her baby on a Carnival ship with plenty of diapers & Formula, she spilled the whole can of powdered formula on the floor of her cabin then blamed Carnival for not carrying formula & causing her baby to go hungry.

There are so many kinds of formula, i can understand why it is not stocked,

Anyway for those who bring formula, bring un exta can just incase you spill.

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I so very much appreciate each and every bit of help I have received today. You have helped relieve the panic I woke up to greatly.


I think most of the major things have been hit on (I am hoping so anyway) and I have been reading on the family board. I have my list made for gf and for myself and I can just add to it if more great ideas come up..


I am actually thinking it may be fun at this point instead of imagining a terible ordeal.


I just got back from walmart and by luck found a blow up pool on the clearance isle.


And I will make it clear to them that if the baby starts acting up, it will be up to them to remove him from the situation.


I think we will just tip the dining staff and room stewart in cash for the baby.


Everyone has been so helpful. Thank you one and all.

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I will see if I can help you out a little. So far you were given some great info.


Yes, 3rd rate

No auto tips for under 2


You CAN take the baby to certain times at Camp Carnival for Under 2's. There is an extra fee for that.


There will be highchairs. Main Seating is the best for babies that young.


Bring an umbrella stroller that reclines...not the full sized stroller (that will be a pain to store and drag all over the ship)


Come to the Family Board to see how to do the inflatable pool and all of the other baby tips oarents have supplied...



If the baby does not belong to your son (sorry for getting so personal) then she will need this consent letter from the father signed/notarized. Carnival recomends it, not requires it.




I ___________________________________________________provide my consent for



my child(ren) ____________________________________________ to travel with



________________________________ to ____________________________ from



________________________________ to ____________________________ .



(List specific travel information in the space below such as airline, flight number, cruise line and ship or tour operator.)
















Signature of Notary:__________________________________________________


Notary's Printed Name: ____________________________________________


Notary Seal:


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