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NCL ... Choose someone else


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I fell while on Tortola :( (not an excursion) and immediately walked back to the Pearl. Two employees greeted me and cleaned my hands as I was unable to due to the fact that one hand was needed to hold pressure on my bleeding eye lid. The escorted me to medical where I was met by two very friendly and caring nurses. They gave me a fresh towel to hold over my eye and put me in the examination room. The physician (who was indeed handsome and from South Africia) tended to me quickly and apoligized if he caused me any undue pain. I left with two lacerations "glued" shut and a very colorful eye. The medical staff phone me in my room later that evening to see how I was doing and the room steward returned multiple times with fresh ice.


I feel that crew on the NCL Pearl went far beyond any care and concern that I expected with a ship full of passengers. :)This probably doesn't compare to the OP who had to spend time in the hospital and missed the ship, but I felt that my expecience, although painful to my head, was handled painlessly!

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Might be a little of topic but I was on a Disney cruise last year when the Capt. went back to pick up a family of 4 when we were in St. Thomas. We were about 300 yards off the dock when we started heading back to pick them up.


Sometimes.... you just have to be extremely lucky.

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You shouldn't be so clumbsy while on vacation. But do you expect 2000 other people to wait around when they are on their vacation that some have been savoring for years? Do the airlines wait around for someone who got in a car wreck on the way to the airport? We were on a cruise with Princess and we had a women who insisted she was ok to continue on a cruise only to have her become so violently ill that we had to go back to the port to drop her.....4 hours back......and missed our next port. Sorry though....but if I get hurt....I dont expect special treatment.

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You shouldn't be so clumbsy while on vacation. But do you expect 2000 other people to wait around when they are on their vacation that some have been savoring for years? Do the airlines wait around for someone who got in a car wreck on the way to the airport? We were on a cruise with Princess and we had a women who insisted she was ok to continue on a cruise only to have her become so violently ill that we had to go back to the port to drop her.....4 hours back......and missed our next port. Sorry though....but if I get hurt....I dont expect special treatment.


I bet you would. What did you mean by you shouldn't be so clumbsy while on vacation? I sure hope that was a joke. Accidents can happen anytime anywhere. I do believe that everyone who has gone on a cruise and spent that much time and money would expect some kindness and special treatment if hurt. If you say different, then I believe you are out right lying to yourself or everyone else. I believe what the op said, and in this world it happens all the time. Some have complaints, some don't. it is ridiculous to think that she doesn't have a right to feel bad, I would. It takes alot of saving for us to go on a cruise, and I darn well expect to be treated above and beyond how I would be treated at Motel 6. Not like royalty on NCL as a more lux.line, but still nicely.

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Might be a little of topic but I was on a Disney cruise last year when the Capt. went back to pick up a family of 4 when we were in St. Thomas. We were about 300 yards off the dock when we started heading back to pick them up.


Sometimes.... you just have to be extremely lucky.


Other cruise lines (including NCL) have done that as well. In those circumstances the cruise line will not be fined because the ship left the dock "on time" and there isn't any mention of the short visit back. There are also times when passengers will meet the ship on the Pilot boat, but climbing up that ladder - YIKES!

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The ship's services end at the gangway. Guess they did not realize that they are on their own in port!


I thought I had read she was on a NCL excursion, which means that the services should not end at the gangway.


If she didn't know how to contact the ship, someone handling the excursion should have been of more help. After all, it is "recommended" to use the NCL excursions so that, if it is delayed, NCL will wait. The same should hold true if someone is injured -- notify the ship of what is going on.


For everyone else who has talked about not expecting special treatment. Are you actually saying that if you, your parents, your spouse, your kids... or anyone else that is close to you is hurt, you would be fine if everyone just ignored it, never offered any assistance, never asked if you were ok, etc etc etc.


Maybe its me...maybe I just would want to show some concern if I saw someone hurt.

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I thought I had read she was on a NCL excursion, which means that the services should not end at the gangway.


Actually hazeleyes, she said she was on an excursion . . . did not say NCL excursion.


I do agree with the part of your post that talks about "special attention". Most people want to be taken care of when they are injured or ill. I think that is just human nature.


Skighee wrote:


I dont expect special treatment.
and he/she may truly believe that. But I would bet Skighee that you do want to be cared for if you are injured or sick.
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I bet you would. What did you mean by you shouldn't be so clumbsy while on vacation? I sure hope that was a joke. Accidents can happen anytime anywhere. I do believe that everyone who has gone on a cruise and spent that much time and money would expect some kindness and special treatment if hurt. If you say different, then I believe you are out right lying to yourself or everyone else. I believe what the op said, and in this world it happens all the time. Some have complaints, some don't. it is ridiculous to think that she doesn't have a right to feel bad, I would. It takes alot of saving for us to go on a cruise, and I darn well expect to be treated above and beyond how I would be treated at Motel 6. Not like royalty on NCL as a more lux.line, but still nicely.


I hope it was a joke, too, and I'd like to give the poster the benefit of the doubt that it was!!


That being said, I think if someone says they wouldn't expect any special treatment, there is no reason to doubt them. We all make our decisions and base our expectations on our own personal life experience. In my life, I have always felt that if I want something, I should never expect someone to just provide it for me... if they do, then that's a bonus, but otherwise, I have no problem asking. We all know ourselves, and I know from my own past experiences that I, also, would not expect any special treatment. How does my injuring myself on shore become the cruise line's responsibility? Certainly it is their responsibility to respond to any requests I may make to the best of their ability, but I don't believe that is what the original complaint was about. I think if there were actual requests that were not met, then the OP did not explain that clearly. Simply expecting someone to know what I need and provide it is not something I care to depend on, and as I've said, I am my own responsibility.


I had a friend who, every year as her birthday approached, would do everything in her power to NOT give her fiance any hints that it was coming. Then on her birthday, when he invariably forgot, she'd get mad. Now, the first year I knew her, she was explaining this to me and I simply asked, 'Why would you want to ruin your own birthday?' I believe very strongly that we MUST be self responsible, and if we want to enjoy our lives to the fullest, that means ensuring that we do everything in our power to get what we want and what we need. As I said, it's wonderful if someone anticipates our desires and meets them... but if we simply expect it, we'll be disappointed a lot.

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I sort of think it was NOT an excursion booked thru NCL. I would hope that any excursion booked that way would be well aware of how to contact the ship.


Beyond that, I really don't know what to think about this thread

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I think that Salty Dingo is saying that they are leery of negative posts posted by people who are first time posters. A lot of times, they are trolls looking to start up trouble.


That's exactly what I was saying. This is a community. Would you walk up to a real community, and the first words out of you mouth were how bad you were treated by the main interest in the community? I don't appreciate that.


All people are welcome, it's just that some people use this forum as a place to vent, rather than a place to discuss.

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I hope it was a joke, too, and I'd like to give the poster the benefit of the doubt that it was!!


That being said, I think if someone says they wouldn't expect any special treatment, there is no reason to doubt them. We all make our decisions and base our expectations on our own personal life experience. In my life, I have always felt that if I want something, I should never expect someone to just provide it for me... if they do, then that's a bonus, but otherwise, I have no problem asking. We all know ourselves, and I know from my own past experiences that I, also, would not expect any special treatment. How does my injuring myself on shore become the cruise line's responsibility? Certainly it is their responsibility to respond to any requests I may make to the best of their ability, but I don't believe that is what the original complaint was about. I think if there were actual requests that were not met, then the OP did not explain that clearly. Simply expecting someone to know what I need and provide it is not something I care to depend on, and as I've said, I am my own responsibility.


I had a friend who, every year as her birthday approached, would do everything in her power to NOT give her fiance any hints that it was coming. Then on her birthday, when he invariably forgot, she'd get mad. Now, the first year I knew her, she was explaining this to me and I simply asked, 'Why would you want to ruin your own birthday?' I believe very strongly that we MUST be self responsible, and if we want to enjoy our lives to the fullest, that means ensuring that we do everything in our power to get what we want and what we need. As I said, it's wonderful if someone anticipates our desires and meets them... but if we simply expect it, we'll be disappointed a lot.


I guess what I was trying to say, not so special of treatment that they would hold the ship for him, but I do feel like he may have had his feelings hurt if someone didn't even inquire about how he was feeling/doing. Maybe, that wouldn't bother a few people in this world, but I tend to believe that it is more of a human nature type of thing to crave kindness.

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I thought I had read she was on a NCL excursion, which means that the services should not end at the gangway.


If she didn't know how to contact the ship, someone handling the excursion should have been of more help. After all, it is "recommended" to use the NCL excursions so that, if it is delayed, NCL will wait. The same should hold true if someone is injured -- notify the ship of what is going on.


For everyone else who has talked about not expecting special treatment. Are you actually saying that if you, your parents, your spouse, your kids... or anyone else that is close to you is hurt, you would be fine if everyone just ignored it, never offered any assistance, never asked if you were ok, etc etc etc.


Maybe its me...maybe I just would want to show some concern if I saw someone hurt.


I think part of what has surprised some posters (including myself) is that whether it was an NCL excursion or not, there were ways to contact the ship - in an English speaking country with modern facilities. Even without the tour operators being in direct contact with the ship, there were other options that do not appear to have been attempted.


Also, I didn't get the impression that the OP was ignored. From what I read in the first post, the OP expected the ship's staff to 'know' what she needed to continue to enjoy her trip and was disappointed when they didn't just provide it for her. Considering how clear they were about having no communications with the ship, I'm not sure how the staff could have been expected to provide a wheelchair... especially since apparently they weren't expecting them to return.


Please don't get me wrong. As I've said, this was a terrible experience. I just don't think the crew was necessarily as bad as is being suggested. I don't know, I wasn't there. All I do know is what my own personal expectations would be - and for me, that means that if I needed something I would have asked for it. I can only go by what I read, but I have not gotten the impression that the OP was *denied* anything... I like sympathy just as much as the next guy (okay, maybe not quite as much... ha ha ha), but if a complete stranger doesn't give it to me, I really don't care. I expect the crew on my ship to do their jobs. Anything else is just a bonus.

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I guess what I was trying to say, not so special of treatment that they would hold the ship for him, but I do feel like he may have had his feelings hurt if someone didn't even inquire about how he was feeling/doing. Maybe, that wouldn't bother a few people in this world, but I tend to believe that it is more of a human nature type of thing to crave kindness.


I absolutely agree with you. As I said earlier, when we are injured or sick, we all love sympathy. I find it very difficult to believe, though, that NOBODY inquired about the OP's condition. It's human nature to crave kindness, but it's also human nature to ask even healthy people 'how are you' when you see them... so to say that NOBODY showed any concern is just, in my opinion, extremely unlikely. That doesn't mean it wouldn't FEEL that way. As I have also said, I wasn't there. I most definitely agree that the OP's feelings were hurt, which is why I shared the story about my friend. Her feelings were hurt every year because she wanted her fiance to remember her birthday on his own and it just wasn't his thing. People can be amazingly generous of spirit if only given the opportunity to do so... sometimes they need a nudge. I'd rather give nudges - hell, full on shoves! - than just sit back and hope people figure out what I need.

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I absolutely agree with you. As I said earlier, when we are injured or sick, we all love sympathy. .


When I'm sick or injuried I turn into a baby and want my mommie! When my wife is sick or injured, I think it works best for her to get up and just walk it off/tough it out. ;)

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Unfortunate situation! But do u really expect NCL or any other cruise line to hold up the ship and inconvenience 2000plus passangers for the sake of 2 ppl.NOT!

They have a schedule that they must meet.

Accidents happen all the time and if they held the ship up for everyone one of them they would be wweks behind.

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I absolutely agree with you. As I said earlier, when we are injured or sick, we all love sympathy. I find it very difficult to believe, though, that NOBODY inquired about the OP's condition. It's human nature to crave kindness, but it's also human nature to ask even healthy people 'how are you' when you see them... so to say that NOBODY showed any concern is just, in my opinion, extremely unlikely. That doesn't mean it wouldn't FEEL that way. As I have also said, I wasn't there. I most definitely agree that the OP's feelings were hurt, which is why I shared the story about my friend. Her feelings were hurt every year because she wanted her fiance to remember her birthday on his own and it just wasn't his thing. People can be amazingly generous of spirit if only given the opportunity to do so... sometimes they need a nudge. I'd rather give nudges - hell, full on shoves! - than just sit back and hope people figure out what I need.


And I absolutely agree with you also. I guess I may not have put that across like I wanted to, I was kinda angry about the previous post on "you shouldn't be so clumsy on vacation" I would hope that not everyone on that ship was uncaring. This world is getting bad, but boy are we in trouble if not one cared. LOL

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When I'm sick or injuried I turn into a baby and want my mommie! When my wife is sick or injured, I think it works best for her to get up and just walk it off/tough it out. ;)


Not to change the subject, but thats all men:D believe me, I know, I am responsble for 4 boys, one husband, and my father lives in a trailor in by back yard after his heart attack. When I get sick, their world falls apart. LOL

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I, too am a little tough on first time posters that are negative and have become cycnical. Before I took my first cruise, I spent a ton of time researching the why and wherefors of cruising. I've been on a lot of cruises now and still continue to learn from the experience from others (I'm even ashamed to admit that I did not know the ship's contact info was on the S&S card).


I am not belittling the injuries sustained by the OP but unfortunately one is on their own and I guess I would not expect assistance but also feel we would get it if needed. It's really not any different here as you will normally get more assistance in a small town than a metro area as people become galvanized to others plight.


A lot of people travel are oblivious to everyday risks and expect others to be their tour guide. On a cruise we are paying passengers that expect service but cannot expect anything more than that. If they were on a non NCL excursion, I would think they could have contacted the ship but my experience tells me that may be a reach as well.


Hope all is well and hope that you continue to contribute to this site as I have become a more educated cruiser as a result.

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Not to change the subject, but thats all men:D believe me, I know, I am responsble for 4 boys, one husband, and my father lives in a trailor in by back yard after his heart attack. When I get sick, their world falls apart. LOL


Once again, we're in agreement!! ha ha ha I firmly believe that women handle illness and pain better than men... but then from a fairly early age, we have to get used to being 'sick' once a month and learn how to just deal with it and get on with our lives. :eek: (my apologies for bringing up something that nobody every likes to talk about!) It doesn't work better for anyone to get up and 'walk it off' or 'tough it out'... it's just something women get used to!!

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Nice to see that passengers have as much empathy and compassion as their favorite cruiseline. :rolleyes:


Good customer service would suggest the the employees might offer concern' date=' compassion and assistance.


Disneyland? Sheeeesh. Nice replies.[/quote']


I call them the "Stepford Cruisers" who defend the cruise line at any cost. I figure these people must work for the cruise line and pose as cruise critic members. No reasonable intelligent person could possibly defend the cruise line on every issue.


I do not believe that the OP expected the ship to wait for them. Also, I have been on 22 cruises and did not know that the phone number was on the the room card.

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In a perfect world, all those who felt that the OP was a clumsy troll would have a similar (no make that worse) experience so they could tell us all how much they enjoyed being on their own, being treated like outsiders when they returned to the ship, and being treated like whiners when they posted on Cruise Critic. We could then all benefit from their wisdom and fortitude.


If only there was a perfect world!

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Once again, we're in agreement!! ha ha ha I firmly believe that women handle illness and pain better than men... but then from a fairly early age, we have to get used to being 'sick' once a month and learn how to just deal with it and get on with our lives. :eek: (my apologies for bringing up something that nobody every likes to talk about!) It doesn't work better for anyone to get up and 'walk it off' or 'tough it out'... it's just something women get used to!!


HeHeHe, we have to get used to it, Who would take care of the house?:eek: Funny thing, I just watched an episode on "Everyone Loves Raymond" last nite that dealt with the same issue. My DH was watching, I don't think he found it to funny. I did, Thats all that counts, being as I am queen and everything. now I really am laughing.:D

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In a perfect world, all those who felt that the OP was a clumsy troll would have a similar (no make that worse) experience so they could tell us all how much they enjoyed being on their own, being treated like outsiders when they returned to the ship, and being treated like whiners when they posted on Cruise Critic. We could then all benefit from their wisdom and fortitude.


If only there was a perfect world!


Too funny:D

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i seem to injury myself on or before every trip. except for a kindly taxi driver in london...most people are too busy to notice me limping or a bruised, scrapped, bloody knees and hands. (didn't get a chance to clean up or change before flight from athens to london)

i really feel for anyone who got hurt on vacation..you are angry with yourself for having the accident (even when it's not your fault), upset for upsetting spouse or cutting into their vacation..plus you hurt and want to just cry and have someone give you a hug.

heck, if i sent my hubby back to the ship to pack a bag, i couldn't trust him to pack ANYTHING i really needed. i don't think he would even tell anyone what the problem was...he just doesn't think that way.

the only reason i know the ship has wheelchairs, we check for the last cruise with FIL. but the wheelchairs are only for use on the ship.

i know you wanted comfort, but i doubt too many of the crew even knew your discomfort or how recent the injury was. with 2,000 passengers, changing every 7 days...the crew just has too many faces to watch.


i have seen the opposite, on one cruise..during the night a lady had a very serious heart attack. they couldn't airlift her...they had to go extremely fast to the next port. as they removed her from the ship, they had 3 or 4 crewmembers with the husband...handling the luggage, escorting them to the hospital. this was besides the medical crew that was caring for her during the transport from the ship to the ambulance.


but, no, for a broken limb or non-life threatening injury...they are not going to hold up the ship. without being able to arrange things, they had to get away from the dock. IF you could have called them, they may have had time to treat things better. now we all know about the phone number being on the room key, i didn't know that (and should)

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