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Splendour of the Seas transatlantic 2007-12-04


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Steve here. Sorry we have not been responed, we have both been under the weather. Steve


Scott says "good", as you'll be over "it" by the time the trip starts.

Flu reaction?

Yellow fever?

São Paulo weather? :eek:


Now we are 6 ... and growing?! :cool:

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We'll look forward to meeting you, Robert and David.


We've been hit with some bronchial thing from hell. We never get this sick. Just while we are trying to batten down the hatches for our trip. We're not fun to be around this week, especially for each other. Definitely need some warm sunshine and rest!


We fly Delta through New York and Madrid, where we actually have to get all of our stuff onto a cheap Vueling flight. As we mentioned earlier, we work our miles program and finding one carrier that would take us to Lisbon and home from Rio (has to be the same airline) was challenging, especially for award tickets. We booked in January last year and the Delta flights were the best connections we could secure. We were hoping that Continental might open some award seats on their flight into Lisbon as they fly from Rio, too. No such luck. We've checked with them frequently. So we've got 5 hours at JFK in NY and then 8-9 hours in Madrid. We may get adventurous and head out to see some of Madrid, but it depends on how we feel at that point. Luckily we had enough miles for First Class award seats, so we can use the lounges. Nevertheless, we should be "toast" (burnt) by the time we make it to the hotel in Lisbon late on Friday night. We fly from Seattle early Thursday morning.


Malmö, I've looked at your profile and found an instant messenger address only. So far I don't think it has worked. I'm a total IM novice. Steve is skeptical that my phone will work in Europe unless we purchase a compatible SIM card. We've confirmed it will work on the ship, but we don't know yet about Europe. Americans have to do things differently, you know. On our profile in Additional Information, I've slipped and email address you can use. Send us a note.


Now with Robert and David this is not just our own personal conversation!

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some bronchial thing from hell. We never get this sick. Definitely need some warm sunshine and rest!


Delta through New York and Madrid, where we actually have to get all of our stuff onto a cheap Vueling flight.

booked in January last year and the Delta flights were the best connections we could secure.

So we've got 5 hours at JFK in NY and then 8-9 hours in Madrid. We may get adventurous and head out to see some of Madrid

First Class award seats, so we can use the lounges. Nevertheless, we should be "toast" (burnt) by the time we make it to the hotel in Lisbon late on Friday night. We fly from Seattle early Thursday morning.


Malmö, I've looked at your profile and found an instant messenger address only. I'm a total IM novice. Steve is skeptical that my phone will work in Europe unless we purchase a compatible SIM card. We've confirmed it will work on the ship, but we don't know yet about Europe.


Now with Robert and David this is not just our own personal conversation!


"Personal" conversation: my thoughts exactly. We'll now have to expand our discussions! Our newest members should feel very welcome. Feel free to share tips, tricks and details you've uncovered for this trip. ;)


As to needing sun ... we haven't seen the sun since sometime last week. I've started light therapy again. :eek:


Check with your mobile company as to whether the phone should work. An easy pre-check is if your phone uses a chip. If not, it is unlikely. t-mobile works on GSM. I have heard that nextel & at&t do as well, but never experienced this. It might not be bad to buy a pre-paid chip (maybe with a phone-in-a-box) in Lisbon, if they can help you set it up and you can have the phone use English. :confused:


Last January? Do you mean 2007 or 2006? Quite advanced planning.

JFK: I would stay put and "lounge".

Madrid: research connections between airport & center. You should be able to "check through" your luggage. The best way NOT to get stuck with the minimal luggage amounts. (We have the 20 kilo. limit because our flight is "internal". 20 kilos. is between 20 ounces and 2 lbs.) You would then be unsaddled with your luggage. Otherwise, pre-research checked luggage at the airport.

Buy a mapguide Madrid mini-book, and borrow/buy one of the Top 10 or Wonderful weekend small books on Madrid. Research one or two things you might want to see near each other (museum + church or something different, but NOT 2 museums). Research a good restaurant in the area. Eat, stay awake, keep moving, don't sit down or rest. Allow time at the airport (probably 1-1½ hours), but you should already be checked in, so you should only need go through the x-ray and straight to the gate. :cool:


Get well. My doctor told me I shouldn't get the flu shot AND the yellow fever. We discussed typhoid & malaria. :eek:

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Your note got us to thinking as Europeans instead of fat Americans. We're in big luggage trouble and Vueling is set to make a fortune on us. There was a slim chance that with much stress and a lot of work we might have gotten our things into 2 large bags, but they would have been nowhere close to being under 20Kg. 3 bags would have been somewhat light for us. You should have seen the princesses (us) with their 8 pieces of luggage (carry-ons included) getting onto the standing-room-only train from Milan to Venice on the way to our Mediterranean cruise three years ago. The train strike denied us our 1st class reserved seats. The big luggage was good to sit on for several hours in the doorway in front of the restroom, but the homosexual Americans were quite embarrassed. That taught us a lesson, but two light bags will put us in extreme deprivation!


Steve nearly vomits when he hears some wimpy Rick Steves person talk about living for 8 weeks in Europe with 1 carry-on. We're not excessive. We were definitely the light travelers on the RSVP cruise we went on.


Any suggestions?


I did confirm that my phone will work wherever. AT&T is much more capable than I thought they were. I've set up a discounted international rate. And apparently I can text just fine.

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Your note got us to thinking as Europeans instead of fat Americans. We're in big luggage trouble and Vueling is set to make a fortune on us. There was a slim chance that with much stress and a lot of work we might have gotten our things into 2 large bags, but they would have been nowhere close to being under 20Kg. 3 bags would have been somewhat light for us. You should have seen the princesses (us) with their 8 pieces of luggage (carry-ons included) getting onto the standing-room-only train from Milan to Venice

That taught us a lesson, but two light bags will put us in extreme deprivation!


Steve nearly vomits when he hears some wimpy Rick Steves person talk about living for 8 weeks in Europe with 1 carry-on. We're not excessive. We were definitely the light travelers on the RSVP cruise we went on.


Any suggestions?



Feeling better?


First, contact your airline and find out if you can check your bags through onto the Madrid-Lisbon flight. If so, then you get the international allowance. We are screwed by the "local" flight (local, when convenient; international, when convenient). If you have 2 bags each, you have a chance if you plead (in chorus). Never shout or argue. Beg, whine, plead, grovel. Don't be american :mad: (sorry!).

Not to mention that with each connection your risk of luggage going astray increases drammatically (sp.?).


8 bags? Impressive! You must need no exercising while travelling. You are constantly lifting weights! We had the 20 kg. (20 ounce) limit for the flight to our RSVP cruise. Our door decoration? A piece of Swedish ribbon. Our costume? A mask (that weighed about an ounce). I regret not having walked through the halls the last night and photographed the mountains of luggage outside each door! :D


We have devolped luggage trrr (you figure out what the word is!) routines to get through. By the time I pack the "things", my bag (which weighs even empty) is already too close to the limit for clothes! This is the longest cruise we've been on, plus 3 weeks beyond it. And we can only take the 20-something limit. This makes me vomit! :(


I have developed a tight packing list (on an excell sheet) and I modify it for the trip. Agonize on how many of each item I can take. Laundry on the boat becomes a necessity. Accessorize! Fortunately, this is warm weather, so we will shiver to the airport, then hope for warm enough weater in Lisbon until we go south enough to be warm. :rolleyes:


The Steves things is extreme. Backpacks? I did it once, and never again. Carry on? These days? Scissors, nail clippers, shaving razors, toiletries? What planet do these people live on?! I bet they get spotted as backpacking tourists a Swedish mile away, and are denied access to nice places and marked for theft. And they doubtless are not gay - NONE of them! Tell Steve I vomit ON them!


The hair dryer disappeared years ago. :eek:

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We were in Madrid last September, the airport isn't far from the city - about 20 minutes by taxi. If you like art the Thyssen, Prado and Reine Sofia Galleries are all in the same area. I'd recommend the Thyssen as it's not too large and has everything from Old Masters to Modern Art. Close by is the Westin Palace which has a stunning glass domed lounge where you could relax and get a drink. We're on the 6pm dinner sitting onboard as we're not nightbirds, and I've signed up for the M&M. We're having lots of cold, grey days here - typical for this time of year, and missing the sun, so looking forward to heading south. But this weekend I'm off to Edinburgh for a 70th birthday party - will have to get out the cashmere!;)

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We were in Madrid last September, the airport isn't far from the city - about 20 minutes by taxi.

Westin Palace which has a stunning glass domed lounge where you could relax and get a drink.

We're on the 6pm dinner sitting onboard as we're not nightbirds, and I've signed up for the M&M.

We're having lots of cold, grey days here - typical for this time of year, and missing the sun, so looking forward to heading south. But this weekend I'm off to Edinburgh for a 70th birthday party - will have to get out the cashmere!;)


Ohhh! Cashmere! Too bad it will be too warm to bring it onboard! ;)

70 is impressive. I hope to make it at least that far! Our cat has reached the equivalency of a 104-year-old human.


You registered for the M&M on the cruisecritic site? Did you get a response? They will contact you in your room with the details. :cool:


Maybe you can advise the Seattle boys on packing for intra-European flights. Or do you ship steamer trunks as well! :rolleyes:


As to dining, if you check in on the hetero- site, you will note quite a lot of discussion on this. Here is the latest, "ex cathedra":

Main is at 8:30 and late is at 10:00pm


Best regards

Hanna Ahlstrom

Personal Cruise Consultant

Nordic countries & Baltic

Royal Caribbean Cruise Line AS

P.O Box 114 Lilleaker

NO-0216 Oslo


We had some glimmers of sun today, obscured. But mostly gloom and dim. :(

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Yes, I'll be there but David probably not as he doesn't do M&M's - more interested in the daily crossword or sudoku.


I have been taking a look at the main board - as for dining our cruise documents state: Main 6:00 PM. Which as I'm sure you'll know is even a bit late for many of our American friends who like to have an early bird special at 5.00 or 5.30. I find it hard to believe they would schedule the second sitting as late as 10.00PM. Surely it would be either 8:00 or 8:30.


As for packing, we don't do formal nights so no tuxedo, no suit. Jacket and tie is as formal as we get. I notice there's no self service laundry, so we'll be using the laundry service. I'm more challenged by the instruction that we're not allowed to bring alcohol on board. At least on P&O's World Cruise there were days when you could buy bottles of spirits at less than High Street prices.


Off to pack for Edinburgh now!:)

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Yes, I'll be there but David more interested in the daily crossword or sudoku.


American friends who like to have an early bird special at 5.00 or 5.30. I find it hard to believe they would schedule the second sitting as late as 10.00PM. Surely it would be either 8:00 or 8:30.


As for packing, we don't do formal nights so no tuxedo, no suit. Jacket and tie is as formal as we get. the laundry service. I'm more challenged by the instruction that we're not allowed to bring alcohol on board. At least on P&O's World Cruise there were days when you could buy bottles of spirits at less than High Street prices.


Off to pack for Edinburgh now!:)


Well I hope we get to meet David some time when he has finished all his puzzles! :(


The buzz over dining hours continues to buzz. We have bigger things to worry about ... like we just got yellow fever vaccinations (+ others!)

We learned there is a vaccination against ETES/travellers' diarrhea/ which we got with cholera (vaccine!). We wonder if it is protection against Norwald (Conn., u.s.a.) virus, which is the plague of cruiseships. :eek:


On our last cruise, we packed alcohol in the suitcase (before boarding), and it "sailed" through. This may work for you. Maybe if you take alcohol from the ports discreetly packed in your day-bag, they might not stop you. We noticed the x-ray wasn't always used, anyway. Worth a try. :rolleyes:


So are you taking one suitcase each and only one carry-on? :confused:


Have fun in Edinburgh. That's even further north than we are! (We had late sun enough for a weak sunset today.) :D

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COFFEE: on our last RC cruise, the coffee (by the same company: Seattle's WORST) was so awful, that at the first port (Lisbon), we bought instant coffee to spoon into our coffee at dinner to make it at least taste like coffee. :p It improved the dirty dishwater just a bit! Scott tried the "premium" coffee, and while a tad better, did NOT justify the 4$us cost. :(


Can the Seattle boys comment on whether this allegedly Seattle company really exists in its namesake city? "Seattle's Best" :confused: We doubt it.


Tea, anyone? :rolleyes:

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We got lots of shots this time around as we were pretty out of date on the basics. No Yellow Fever, as we've already spent about $200 each on vaccinations, including flu. We never heard about the travellers' diarrhea one or we would have gone for that, too. We do have several treatments to take just in case.


Steve is still bumming around, sick of being sick. I'm feeling better, thankfully, just fat and full after our American Thanksgiving.


Seattle's Best is indeed a real company with a pretty good reputation. We've been just fine with the coffee on board Celebrity. I put enough "candy" in mine (cream, suger, etc. not whiskey!) that the coffee doesn't really matter as long as it is strong. Steve is a better judge and hasn't complained. Coffee is just a morning thing for us.


With regard to alcohol, we've been able to stick a bottle or two in the luggage before we board in the past. We even have left the ship after boarding the first day and hit liquor store near the dock and carried it back on, but RCL seems pretty strong in its statements about this.


We end up enjoying getting dressed up for the formal nights, but we plan for just two jackets each for the cruise. Accessorizing is a good practice. Malmö, you have an impressive system! The baggage limit thing has really annoyed us for the last couple of days. We're trying not to obsess at this point with all the details. We do a lot up front have things go smoothly once we take off for the airport, so having a scene at the Vueling counter is not our style. Thanks for the reminders to be nice and grovel a bit. Steve has a gift for saying just what makes the other person feel good and it generally gets us a lot further than other folks. So he'll have to do a little charming while I stand quietly and look pretty. :o


The most dramatic change in my packing techniques I've come up with so far is to not keep our suits and shirts on hangers from home. Think that will do it? :cool:

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We got lots of shots this time around as we were pretty out of date on the basics. We never heard about the travellers' diarrhea one or we would have gone for that, too. We do have several treatments to take just in case.


just fat and full after our American Thanksgiving.


We've been just fine with the coffee on board Celebrity. I put enough whiskey!) that the coffee doesn't really matter as long as it is strong.


With regard to alcohol, but RCL seems pretty strong in its statements about this.


just two jackets each for the cruise. Accessorizing is a good practice. Malmö, you have an impressive system! The baggage limit thing has really annoyed us having a scene at the Vueling counter is not our style. Steve has a gift for saying just what makes the other person feel good and it generally gets us a lot further than other folks. So he'll have to do a little charming while I stand quietly and look pretty.

The most dramatic change in my packing techniques I've come up with so far is to not keep our suits and shirts on hangers from home. Think that will do it?


Check into the ETEC. It is a co-vaccine against cholera. It is taken orally, twice over a week. So it wouldn't require a visit to the doctor to get stuck. On the bad side, the second dose would have to be kept cool until you took it. :cool:

Remember to bring your yellow book with the vaccinations listed.


Thanxgiving? Oh! We had Thai duck takee-outee. Yum! :D


It must be a taste thing. All the americanoes on our cruise were happy with the coffee. All the non-americanoes were disgusted, or gave up drinking coffee. Maybe we'll switch to (double) green tea. Or add enough alcohol to it so we don't care. What ratio do you use when you make your coffee, i.e. coffee-scoop of coffee to 6-oz.-cup? :rolleyes:


ONLY 2 jackets? I am lucky to have ONE. We will probably wear our jackets and any windbreaker/warm jackets so they don't count in the weight.

Again, try to "check through" to Lisbon on Vueling. You have Vueling's flight number and Lisbon's airport code. We were able to check through to Provincetown microp-airport several times, once we produced the airport code! Lisbon is perhaps a bit bigger? :rolleyes:


As to beg, whine, grovel, & moan, I once got past the security's "you can't carry-on two bags" orders at Fort Lauderdale airport flying to Orlando. I showed my international tickets, offered to consolidate and continued pleading and asking them to provide alternatives (which didn't exist) until they all walked away from me, and I went through. :p

Hangers? You take hangers? Take medication instead, and you won't worry! :rolleyes: The weight and space savings will allow you to take more clothes.

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You mean to tell us you have just one jacket to wear for 3 formal nights and 2 "smart-casual" nights?


Today we tried out our "As Seen on TV" Space bags that you pack and suck the air out of. Pretty impressive, but we are more concerned about weight than space. "They" say that this can reduce wrinkles as well, but we'll see if we end up paying for our butler to iron/steam all of our good clothing. They're looking quite wrinkled! However, the end product is kind of fascinating.


So the packing has commenced and we are feeling optimistic. Perhaps we are not as borderline obnoxious as we have come to believe. ;)


Delta doesn't even have a clue that Vueling exists, let alone a luggage agreement. So no checking through at this point. We checked yesterday. And shipping it separately to the hotel in Lisbon was $400 for a 40-50lb. bag. That's 3 times what we paid to fly the two of us from Madrid to Lisbon, and just bit more than what Vueling will charge us for being over limit. Hard to not think that is just crazy. We'll see how we do to end up with two medium-weight suitcases and then see what happens in Madrid. No stress, hopefully, but it is hard to travel anywhere these days without feeling like we're at a disadvantage being American travelers. Boo-hoo...poor us!:o


Coffee: I wonder if this is just a matter of expecting espresso or "Americano" when you offer coffee. Espresso is definitely a specialty in the U.S. that we pay for. The cruise lines wouldn't likely find that level of coffee cost-effective given all the American cruisers who think coffee should be free, especially the old ones!

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You mean to tell us you have just one jacket to wear for 3 formal nights and 2 "smart-casual" nights?


Today we tried out our "As Seen on TV" Space bags that you pack and suck the air out of. Pretty impressive, but we are more concerned about weight than space. "They" say that this can reduce wrinkles as well, but we'll see if we end up paying for our butler to iron/steam all of our good clothing. They're looking quite wrinkled! However, the end product is kind of fascinating.


So the packing has commenced and we are feeling optimistic. Perhaps we are not as borderline obnoxious as we have come to believe.


Delta doesn't even have a clue that Vueling exists, let alone a luggage agreement. limit. Hard to not think that is just crazy. We'll see how we do to end up with two medium-weight suitcases and then see what happens in Madrid. disadvantage being American travelers. Boo-hoo...poor us!


Coffee: I wonder if this is just a matter of expecting espresso or "Americano" when you offer coffee. Espresso is definitely a specialty in the U.S. that we pay for. The cruise lines wouldn't likely find that level of coffee cost-effective given all the American cruisers who think coffee should be free, especially the old ones!


I am lucky to own one jacket, which we bought before our first trans-Atlantic cruise last year. Quite a stressful experience to acquire. Haven't owned a suit in years. :D


I believe I used the same packing item once. Yes it works to create more space, and probably reduces some weight (air weighs, doesn't it?!). Ask me on the boat about my experience. Bring the tissue box ... :(


We planned to steam wrinkles out in the shower. Maybe your butler can do us, after you've finished with him? I'm sure we'll have wrinkles to iron out ... :o


I'm sure you're not obnoxious. Just a member of the packing-challenged club. I know a stewardess, and I asked if I could observe him pack, as he went to China with 16 kilos. I'm impressed! ;)


Never taking "no" for an answer, I would still try to get a check-through at the airport. You never know what could happen with a clever staff person in "helpful" mode. Otherwise, I'd weigh my options and take the train. See e-mail.


Coffee is usually available round-the-clock on cruises. Whether it is drinkable or not, is another story. Espresso uses less coffee, and it is only roasted longer and ground finer. Our morning espresso today, with extra shot & flavor, less 20% discount cost 5$us. So we don't expect free, only drinkable. Or we switch to green tea! :rolleyes: In Italy, (including MacDonald's), a caffè americano is half espresso, half boiling water. We are afraid.


Before you leave, print out "cheat sheets" (both ways) for €:s, CVescudoes/BrReais:

http://oanda.com/convert/cheatsheet :cool:

Get €uroes at the bancomat at the airport upon arrival in Madrid.

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Steve has been researching that very question. Apparently air may matter in a suitcase.


Call us and our clothing "thick" but we've never been able to get that shower thing to work on wrinkles. We'd have to leave them in there for a week. What's the trick? (We bring a little travel iron/steamer, which is a ship no-no, and gives you a little glimpse of our packing situation! Did we already mention the blender?:eek:)


I've moved along nicely enough with a couple of preserved sport jackets that get worn maybe once a year outside of the cruises. However, I just purchased my first suit. (paid a whopping $170 for the whole thing, including a vest) We bought Steve a black suit a cruise 2 years ago. Not fun.


We try to avoid the butler after our one previous experience in a suite. He didn't do anything accept make our room steward nervous and exclaim his availability all the time except when we actually needed to find him. And just one more tip. We did book a suite this time as we are celebrating our 10-year anniversary.


Steve will be working his powers of persuasion from minute 1 at the airport. Signs are still positive with the packing. We could be passing for European lightness by Thursday, but we'd still want to check our bags through.

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...after a great party yesterday. Met up with a lot of old friends, including some guys from Rancho Mirage. Though this morning BA cancelled my flight to Gatwick after we'd all checked in, so after much queueing I finally got on a flight to Heathrow and arrived home just four hours late. Fingers crossed our flight to Lisbon on Saturday won't give us any problems.


Yes - as for packing, due to the strict rules we're each taking just one suitcase and one carry on (which is all we're allowed). But I was glad to see that Will (Will & Grace) folded his shirts just like I do. What makes it more challenging these days is having to put all your toiletries in your hold baggage, they take up so much room - and there's no way I could reduce them. Anything that needs to look good I fold, and underwear and socks get rolled up to fit in around the edges.


I wonder if we're going to be neighbours as we're booked in a Suite too!

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Fingers crossed our flight to Lisbon on Saturday won't give us any problems.


due to the strict rules we're each taking just one suitcase and one carry on (which is all we're allowed). But I was glad to see that Will (Will & Grace) folded his shirts just like I do. What makes it more challenging these days is having to put all your toiletries in your hold baggage, they take up so much room - and there's no way I could reduce them. Anything that needs to look good I fold, and underwear and socks get rolled up to fit in around the edges.


I wonder if we're going to be neighbours as we're booked in a Suite too!


We'll have to exchange cabin numbers before the trip if not at the M&M. Scott says the suites are in the same area. We humble plebians will be in a simple cabin with balcony. ;)


Good luck with the flights. Seattle boys take note of the even harsher british rules (which HM's government has so gracefully deemed to relent after the New Year). Which is why we NEVER fly to or through HM's kingdom. :mad:


You could take the barest of essential toiletries, and buy what you need in Lisbon. We may be buying things in Madeira, such as ... coffee! :confused:


Will & Grace? Does this mean you saw it today? Shirt folding in the hotel room that made him happy? Could we be on the same cycle? We get it daily on channel 4, which is perhaps british? :cool: Ours is with Swedish subtitles! :D


Windstorm here. Highest gusts at 85,3 km/hr. or 23,7 m./s. The heavy furniture is blowing across the terrace. :eek: But we had a mostly sunny day, and even a sunset.


Guess you know about this that happened while you were up north? http://www.mailonsunday.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=496268&in_page_id=1770

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Just a few replies - AnnieMarilyn, I don't know about Portugal, but here in the UK we have a laundry water softener called Calgon. So if it's essential I'd bring some with you, don't count on buying it there. Yes Malmo, Channel 4 is a UK channel so it's quite possible you're seeing the same episodes as we are, which are being repeated every day. I did see the news - how terrifying! It was bad enough having to evacuate the hotel in Edinburgh when the fire alarm went off - remembering to take valuables (such as they are) with me, let alone clamber into a survival suit and then a lifeboat. The authorities here are promising to speed up security at the airport, and as you say allow us to take two bags onboard. But it's still a nightmare remembering what you are and are not allowed to take with you.

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a laundry water softener called Calgon. So if it's essential I'd bring some with you, don't count on buying it there. I did see the news - how terrifying! It was bad enough having to evacuate the hotel in Edinburgh when the fire alarm went off - remembering to take valuables (such as they are) with me, let alone clamber into a survival suit and then a lifeboat. The authorities here are promising to speed up security at the airport, and as you say allow us to take two bags onboard. But it's still a nightmare remembering what you are and are not allowed to take with you.


We are having a difference of opinion. Can you find Calgon in Lisbon? ;)


Robert of the SW: Good god! Where were you staying? In a lighthouse? What an experience!

As RuthC of Warwick, usa wrote:

"I'd be putting on jewelry. All of it. Or at least as much of it as I could get on in the time allowed. Would probably stuff the rest in my coat pocket. And I'd start the process long before that "abandon ship" order was given, if at all possible.

Yes, and the drugs, too. Let us never forget our drugs. " :p

We are discussing making a list of what we would take, and locations in the room in the event of "abandon ship". :eek:

I am actually more afraid of airports, that any "occurrences". Especially in britain & canada, where the philosophy is to kill first, then work out the details.


To AnnieMarie, I don't remember what calgon is, but think how much it will cost you IF you get hit with the excess luggage fee. If you have a tub in the hotel or boat, you will have bubble bath foam. Or does your skin need water softener that desperately?!

Bubbles (a.k.a. Scott) advises that shampoo can work just as well. And you can research where the Body Shop in Lisbon is and buy lovely bubbles. In fact, takes only enough toiletries for two nights and buy fresh in Lisbon. It could cost lots less than the excess charges. :rolleyes:

And I am accused of overpacking!

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a laundry water softener called Calgon. So if it's essential I'd bring some with you, don't count on buying it there. I did see the news - how terrifying! It was bad enough having to evacuate the hotel in Edinburgh when the fire alarm went off - remembering to take valuables (such as they are) with me, let alone clamber into a survival suit and then a lifeboat. The authorities here are promising to speed up security at the airport, and as you say allow us to take two bags onboard. But it's still a nightmare remembering what you are and are not allowed to take with you.


We are having a difference of opinion. Can you find Calgon in Lisbon? ;)


Robert of the SW: Good god! Where were you staying? In a lighthouse? What an experience!

As RuthC of Warwick, usa wrote:

"I'd be putting on jewelry. All of it. Or at least as much of it as I could get on in the time allowed. Would probably stuff the rest in my coat pocket. And I'd start the process long before that "abandon ship" order was given, if at all possible.

Yes, and the drugs, too. Let us never forget our drugs. " :p

We are discussing making a list of what we would take, and locations in the room in the event of "abandon ship". :eek:

I am actually more afraid of airports, than any "occurrences". Especially in britain & canada, where the philosophy is to kill first, then work out the details. & the usa, where you are automatically a trrst, regardless how illogical.


To AnnieMarie, I don't remember what calgon is, but think how much it will cost you IF you get hit with the excess luggage fee. If you have a tub in the hotel or boat, you will have bubble bath foam. Or does your skin need water softener that desperately?!

Bubbles (a.k.a. Scott) advises that shampoo can work just as well. And you can research where the Body Shop in Lisbon is and buy lovely bubbles. In fact, take only enough toiletries for two nights and buy fresh in Lisbon. It could cost lots less than the excess charges. :rolleyes:

And I am accused of overpacking!

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HI Malmo,

I hope your connections for Lisbon all work out o.k. and you have a great time there before leaving on Tuesday. See you Wednesday morning........if not before.



Calgon is bubble bath "Calgon, take me away!" See you in Lisbon or on board. Thanks for all the tips.

Colin and Steve


I guess we're the last to leave/arrive Lisbon. See you there, or at the M&M. 20 kilo. weight limit is killing us. We have about that much in copies of travel books! :eek:

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