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So my 3yo refused to go to the kids clubs.


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He went in just long enough for us to eat dinner the first night and refused to go after that. We had to hunt down my parents on the second night so that we could make our reservation at Chops (we were about 30 minutes late.) Ate at the Windjammer every other night because NO WAY was I going to take him to the dining room.


Yep, he a was a little peach the entire vacation. Started when we arrived at the airport and he immediately bolted down the escalator (where we were not going down). And it ended with a tantrum in the car on our way home from the airport because he couldn't sit in his brother's booster seat (he used it on the trip). And there were about 100 other things in between.


Vacation was near perfect aside from the demon spawn. I never would have thought he could cause that much trouble. :eek:


My 6yo, on the other hand, loved the clubs and had a great time!

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This is one of those stories you save up, as a parent.... and when he's 16 and bringing home "his soulmate" to meet you, you start dropping BIG hints about telling stories about his behavior on this cruise. You never do it... just at this point, 13 years ahead of time... you SAVOR that thought!


PS... my Sort-of-MIL (I have a SO x 10 years, not a DH, so she's a sort-of MIL :) ) HAS shown me photos of a similar experience with my SO on a trip to the mountains. Every now and then (when the time's right) I mention "oh, and would you like to see a BEAR?"). Works beautifully. ;)


On a serious note, you never know how kids will take a change in routine -- bless you for going with the flow. :)

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I'm sooooo sorry! 3yos can be a major pain in the #$$ sometimes. I'll be glad when mine turns 4 in a few months. For me, it was my 1yo. My dh says she was EEEEEVIL on the cruise.:D I think she was just hot, cranky, and didn't adjust to the time change. She's fine now. Travel with kids is not what it was before kids...staying at home with kids is not what it was before kids either.:rolleyes:



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Ya know I had the same experience with my 3 year old at AO (I posted a "3 strikes and you're out" thread :rolleyes: )


But we didn't have that experience on the ship prior to or after that one cruise. So it *can* just be a fluke. ;)


I have a theory though about AO for the YOUNG 3 year old. There is just so much sitting (for crafts, story time, science experiments) that my young 3 year old HATED to sit still.


She was fine at Camp Carnvial because the majority of thier activities are geared toward getting them moving (having things like bubble dance parties). So we had no problems at Camp Carnival but we had a very unhappy 3 year old at AO.


I am am holding my breath and crossing my fingers for the next cruise for her 4th birthday. I figured that by then she will have been in preschool for a year and is used to sitting down.

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Yikes! We are taking our 2.5 son on his and our first cruise-Celebrity Spirit. Hope he does not morph into the evil child that I have seen on rare occasions at home. I have been talking about how fun "boat school" will be -because he loves going to our little preschool once per week. I am trying to psych him out! He is active as well so I am glad to hear Carnival has lots of moving around in their kids club.

To the parents out there with little ones...here are my concerns and fears...please let me know if you have any info:

1.How high are the balconies and they are covered with plexiglass, right?

2.Did you ever do the nightime babysitting? I think it is basically extened hours of kids club??

3.Swimming-can the kids wear swim diapers? We are not 100% potty trained yet.

Any helpful hints would be appreciated.


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We are cruising first timers on Freedom in a couple of weeks ~ can't wait although I have to say I am hoping my 4 year old doesn't hate the clubs!! My 7 year old is so excited already and can't wait!!


I hope I have the gracious attitude of the OP if my son decides he won't go AO and doesn't behave properly ;) He is young for his age and attends speech therapy so I read the 3 strikes and you are out thread with interest!


He is in pre-school (we are living in Scotland so they start at 3 here...) so hopefully that has improved his confidence! Although he will be happy just to hang out with us if he doesn't like AO and I wouldn't force him to be somewhere he would be unhappy ~ I just REALLY hope he LOVES it :D

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He is in pre-school (we are living in Scotland so they start at 3 here...) so hopefully that has improved his confidence! Although he will be happy just to hang out with us if he doesn't like AO and I wouldn't force him to be somewhere he would be unhappy ~ I just REALLY hope he LOVES it :D


My 3yo is in preschool too. I think it really helped him love Camp Carnival! We told him for months ahead of time that the ship had a school and teachers. He was excited to meet his new teachers and class. Your ds should be great if you start telling him about the school.

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OP here, my son is in preschool too. He's been going for over a year, so that wasn't the issue. He did go in the first night, but asked to go home after maybe an hour--but it was late, like 9:00pm. We didn't take them back until the next night for dinner when my DH dropped them off because I was getting a pedicure. DH said he went in fine, but flipped out when he tried to leave and broke through the "gate" (just a peice of fabric held up between the desk and wall :rolleyes: ) and ran outside. DH tried for an hour to get him to stay and he wouldn't.


He wouldn't even go to pirate night and he was very upset when he saw the parade and wanted to join them. The next day was Coco Cay and he did actually go and play with AO for about 45 minutes in the morning. We took him out because they closed and he wouldn't go back again.


It's funny because we were originally planning on going on the Monarch in August. But I decided not to because I wasn't sure he would be potty trained by then. I told DH I could handle not having him go to the kids clubs, but I couldn't handle telling him he couldn't swim in the pools. He was potty trained by then, btw, and that was before his little demon stage.


And we dealt with him not going to the clubs. It was hard that second night because we had Chops reservations and it took awhile to track down my parents. It would have been nice to eat at the dining room every night and see some shows. But there were so many other problems with him--he was just out of control. He ran away from us, he was loud in the room and on the balcony--early in the morning even. :eek: He broke the lock to the door when he put a quarter in the slot. He was awful in the airport and the planes. Oh and the poor kid broke off half his toenail as we were getting on the tender boat at Coco Cay. :( Fortunately that was the last full day of our cruise and it happened as we were leaving.


I can say that I'm very wary of taking him on another vacation. We're planning on going to Disneyland in June--that's a long flight to LA. I just have to tell myself that he will be a different person in 7 months. He BETTER!!!! ;)

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Yikes! We are taking our 2.5 son on his and our first cruise-Celebrity Spirit. Hope he does not morph into the evil child that I have seen on rare occasions at home. I have been talking about how fun "boat school" will be -because he loves going to our little preschool once per week. I am trying to psych him out! He is active as well so I am glad to hear Carnival has lots of moving around in their kids club.

To the parents out there with little ones...here are my concerns and fears...please let me know if you have any info:

1.How high are the balconies and they are covered with plexiglass, right?

2.Did you ever do the nightime babysitting? I think it is basically extened hours of kids club??

3.Swimming-can the kids wear swim diapers? We are not 100% potty trained yet.

Any helpful hints would be appreciated.



I have not been on the Celebrity Spirit, or Celebrity in general, but all the cruises I've ever been on do not allowed any kids who are not fully potty trained in the swimming pools- and no swim diapers allowed. That's why there are so many discussions on this board about bringing inflatable tubs or pools. In addition, all the kids clubs I've seen don't allow any children who are not 100% toilet trained either- won't allow pull ups even, and reserve the right to ban your child from the club if they have an accident. So, if you don't think your son will be fully toilet trained by your trip, you will probably need to make alternate arrangements. I don't know about the babysitting on Celebrity, but on RCCL, they have in-room babysitting by staff members- and that can be arranged for non-toilet trained children as well.

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Yikes! We are taking our 2.5 son on his and our first cruise-Celebrity Spirit. Hope he does not morph into the evil child that I have seen on rare occasions at home. I have been talking about how fun "boat school" will be -because he loves going to our little preschool once per week. I am trying to psych him out! He is active as well so I am glad to hear Carnival has lots of moving around in their kids club.

To the parents out there with little ones...here are my concerns and fears...please let me know if you have any info:

1.How high are the balconies and they are covered with plexiglass, right?

2.Did you ever do the nightime babysitting? I think it is basically extened hours of kids club??

3.Swimming-can the kids wear swim diapers? We are not 100% potty trained yet.

Any helpful hints would be appreciated.



I have not been on the Celebrity Spirit, or Celebrity in general, but all the cruises I've ever been on do not allowed any kids who are not fully potty trained in the swimming pools- and no swim diapers allowed. That's why there are so many discussions on this board about bringing inflatable tubs or pools. In addition, all the kids clubs I've seen don't allow any children who are not 100% toilet trained either- won't allow pull ups even, and reserve the right to ban your child from the club if they have an accident. So, if you don't think your son will be fully toilet trained by your trip, you will probably need to make alternate arrangements. I don't know about the babysitting on Celebrity, but on RCCL, they have in-room babysitting by staff members- and that can be arranged for non-toilet trained children as well.

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YIKES. I'm taking my 2 year 2 month old demon child next month. Will he turn into an angel since he tends to be a demon or will he be a worse demon. OK so he's been worse then normal because he has had pneumonia and when his asthma gets worse (and pneumonia is the same bad feeling in his chest) his behavior gets worse). This morning was the first time in I don't know how long we went out to eat and I actually finished my entire meal with the exception of what I shared with my son. YEAH!!!



Yikes! We are taking our 2.5 son on his and our first cruise-Celebrity Spirit. Hope he does not morph into the evil child that I have seen on rare occasions at home. I have been talking about how fun "boat school" will be -because he loves going to our little preschool once per week. I am trying to psych him out! He is active as well so I am glad to hear Carnival has lots of moving around in their kids club.

To the parents out there with little ones...here are my concerns and fears...please let me know if you have any info:

1.How high are the balconies and they are covered with plexiglass, right?

2.Did you ever do the nightime babysitting? I think it is basically extened hours of kids club??

3.Swimming-can the kids wear swim diapers? We are not 100% potty trained yet.

Any helpful hints would be appreciated.



OK on Celebrity you can take your son to the kids club and stay in there with him. They also have scheduled times for the under 3 (usually from 12-2) and not every day which if I read correctly on there site it sounded like you can either stay and pay nothing or pay a fee and leave. I'm sure they do not change diapers so I don't know how that is handled.


Night time babysitting is done in your cabin and by ship staf and not kids club staf.


Swimming cannot happen in the ships pools so you need to bring a small blow up pool.


BTW to the poster who said that no ship has a kids program for the non potty trained that is incorrect. Carnival's program begins at 2 years old and they do diaper. You need to bring your child's diaper supplies to them. Part of the reason we booked on Carnival next year is that either he won't be potty trained or he won't be fully independent and I don't want to have to worry about that. Wish I could have booked with them this year so I could have tried the kids program but unfortunately it was not an option this year.

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Truly sorry about your vacation..your post made me laugh though. You are a very brave woman taking two small boys on a cruise. Looking back at my kids at that age, my daughter would have been fine on a cruise (she is now 27). My son, holy cow, I NEVER could have taken him on a cruise at 3 or even 6 years of age (he is now 17). I wish you luck on your next vacation, you deserve it!

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All I can say is bless your soul and I love your honesty. The only time our children ever respect how we oldsters parent is about year two or three with their own kids.

Your son may just be fine on your next cruise. They change very fast in that age group. At least you know now there might be a problem and can prepare.

Oh and when they have problems with their own kids remind them that as teens they knew it all. Gotta love kids and parents.

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cactusgal, there's no such ship as Celebrity Spirit---they have Summit, Galaxy, Millennium, Infinity, Century, Constellation and Mercury . Perhaps you meant Carnival Spirit? If it is Carnival, there's no in cabin sitting on Carnival, only group sitting after 10pm in the kid's club for an hourly fee. And no, they do not allow children who are in diapers or pull ups in any pool. If the ship has one of those very shallow spray pools, where there's no real accumulation of water, but just water sprays, then a diapered child can use those, but no actual swimming pools.

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In addition, all the kids clubs I've seen don't allow any children who are not 100% toilet trained either- won't allow pull ups even, and reserve the right to ban your child from the club if they have an accident.


Just FYI, Princess and Carnival allow children in diapers into the kids clubs - and will change the diapers. I believe NCL allows diapers but will page you to come change a dirty diaper.


I'm dying to try RCCL, but one of my almost 3-year-old twins is delayed and I have no idea when she'll be potty trained, so as I plan our spring trip, much as I'd love to hope for the best and book RCCL, I'm playing it safe and booking Princess.


- Mia

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Just FYI' date=' Princess and Carnival allow children in diapers into the kids clubs - and will change the diapers. I believe NCL allows diapers but will page you to come change a dirty diaper.


I'm dying to try RCCL, but one of my almost 3-year-old twins is delayed and I have no idea when she'll be potty trained, so as I plan our spring trip, much as I'd love to hope for the best and book RCCL, I'm playing it safe and booking Princess.


- Mia[/quote']

I didn't realize Princess changes diapers I thought it was only Carnival. Thanks for letting me know.

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Princess does NOT change diapers. This is directly from Princess's website:


Additional Reminders

Children under 3 are not permitted in the Youth Center unless accompanied by a parent at all times. Youth Center staff cannot administer medication, bottle-feed, change diapers, or provide meal service.* Private in-cabin babysitting is not available on any Princess ship. All children must be potty-trained.


* Lunch is provided outside the Youth and Teen Centers on days when ship is in port or during special events. Parental consent is required.



Children with Special Needs

Princess welcomes all teens and children ages 3-17 to participate in our programs. Let our staff know of all medical and/or special needs for your children. We will make every effort to accommodate them. Please be advised that Princess Youth staff may not offer individual one-on-one supervision.

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Yikes! We are taking our 2.5 son on his and our first cruise-Celebrity Spirit. Hope he does not morph into the evil child that I have seen on rare occasions at home. I have been talking about how fun "boat school" will be -because he loves going to our little preschool once per week.


Yes I knew you meant CARNIVAL Spirit because I read your signature tag. ;)


Nope, non potty trained children are not allowed in any Carnival ship pool right now. I don't know what will happen with the new "water works" changes going on other Carnival ships. I have heard rumors that it could include a infant/toddler area...but that won't help you this month on Spirit.


Carnival is a GREAT program for that age group. She absolutely loved Camp Carnival both times at age 2 AND 3. The schedules are in my signature if you want to see the types of activities that they do at Camp Carnival.


And of course, come back and let us know how he did!

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On next years cruise if my son just gave me an hour or two a day I'd be happy. I guess I'll just have to hope to get that much. He will at least have been in pre-school by then, but he does so poorly with change and new environments and since I know they don't let mom and dad in there it will be hard and I know that. Even going to a playground he needs to hold our hand until he gets comfortable.

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On next years cruise if my son just gave me an hour or two a day I'd be happy. I guess I'll just have to hope to get that much. He will at least have been in pre-school by then, but he does so poorly with change and new environments and since I know they don't let mom and dad in there it will be hard and I know that. Even going to a playground he needs to hold our hand until he gets comfortable.

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Yep, I learned this one the hard way. I was very excited to bring my 3-yr-old son on a cruise. He went to daycare two to three days a week and had been potty-trained for months. I figured he'd be a perfect age for the kids club. But it didn't work out. Fortunately we had lots of fun shore excursions planned and he was more than happy to chill in the room watching a DVD while I relaxed on the balcony (on sea days). He also enjoyed walking around the ship. I didn't get to participate in ship activities but honestly I didn't care. I was happy to relax and have someone else doing the cooking and cleaning. I would definitely take a 3-yr-old on a cruise again in a heartbeat, but I would not assume that they would go to the kids club at all. If they did, great, if not, that would be more than OK, too.

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