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Cruising AGAIN! Are you RICH?


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The year my Dad was going to retire and Mom and him spend time together traveling, he died of a massive heart attack. He was 62. Since then I decided life was not about tomorrow, but about today. I once read a quote by James Dean " Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today" Who cares what other people think. I say "ya we're going again, don't you wish you were me" and leave it at that.:D


We're not rich either, but like most of you we have worked long and hard, raised our children, and now are enjoying our rewards of that hard work. Still young and healthly enough to do those things that other people say maybe someday or next week, year ect. Tomorrow is not a given, but a gift.


Life is too short and so is vacation---enjoy both.:)



I agree 100%. My husbands aunt died when she was 32 (she was only 5 years older than us), changed my way of thinking about alot of things. Our sons were 3 & 5, I had wanted to go to Disney but everyone kept saying wait until they are older so they remember. Well after DH aunts death, we went that spring, guess what I have pictures and memories that will last a lifetime.

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One of my business partners was killed in an accident last year. Life is short. We just go on our cruises, don't flaunt it, don't bring people back gifts, don't show them our pictures. Nothing is more boring than looking at someone else's vacation photos or hearing their stories.

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Although we have made the decision to not spend a lot on other things. Cars, dinners out, cleaning help, etc. I find the best thing to do is just say.


"Yes, we are lucky aren't we?"


There's not a lot anyone can say to that is there?

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I travel 4 times a year. 3 cruises this year. I'm new to cruising (only one before that).

A lady I work with said to me "I wish I had your life" I told her she can't have my life but she's welcome to my husband. LOL

I usually travel alone.

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Heading on cruise #15 within 5 years. We've stopped telling people we're cruising again, and actually lie. :p They may think we're rich, but what they don't know is that we've gotten some of these cruises for $200pp, with free air from FF miles, and that our credit card companies just LOVE us.

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Heading on cruise #15 within 5 years. We've stopped telling people we're cruising again, and actually lie. :p They may think we're rich, but what they don't know is that we've gotten some of these cruises for $200pp, with free air from FF miles, and that our credit card companies just LOVE us.


I will second that! Credit cards love us too. My friend always says she cant go away because her kid is in college. I said, "so is mine", however, mine has a student loan and im not going to stop living for that. Let him pay back the loan as I did when I went to college. The kids have a better life now then the kids years ago. Its ok when someone else buys something but when I buy something or do something to my house, its "wow, you guys must be doing good". Then the cruise comes up, same story all the time! LOL, "oh, how do you do it"? Alot of good comments on this thread that I have to use in the future instead of telling a lie:D

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I have found that people have the old image of cruising being for the rich only so firmly imbedded in their minds that it is not possible to convince them otherwise. I just laugh at some folks who spend as much as $5,000 for just lodging for a week down at the Jersey Shore and tell me they can't afford to cruise. I even showed a friend all the documentation about my cruise and still couldn't convince him even though he blows about $8 grand for him and his wife for the same week at the shore every year.

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IWe have decided to spend all birthday, Christmas and Anniversary monies on our next cruise. We don't need anything materialistic and we decided not to wait until retirement to cruise together. ;) Life is too short to stay home and listen to other people's comments on our travels. Maybe their just jealous? The cost of a cruise can't be beat and the relaxation of not even having to drive or cook or clean...............:rolleyes:



Good for you!! I have been on 5 cruises in one year, i was divorced nearly 2 years ago, and I decided it was time, for ONCE, to decide what I want to do!! I took my mom, who is not in great health, on 2 of those cruises, and we both had a wonderful time!! While my next cruise isn't until October 2008, I am definitely hooked, and when I get remarried, my new hubbie will need to be a cruiser too!! I wonder if a marriage of a cruiser and a NON cruiser can work??:confused: :D ;) :D

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Every time I say I'm going on a cruise again or (Vegas:D) I get a smart answer. People always say, "Did you inherit money"? Are you rich? Did you win lotto? So I started telling people I was visiting friends out of state. But it always comes out. Either by pic's, my sons mouth, a slip of the mouth,etc. My neighbor knows because they watch my dog,take in mail, and I have to leave an emergency tel#. My own brother comments and says, "well I guess you don't need money)! Does anyone else go through this? I'm tired of the questions and sarcasm. I think maybe they are jealous.


Here's one of my answers to those questions:

"Well, lets see. I eat a lot of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I don't go to the movies or out to eat with my friends. I shop for clothes only when they go on sale. I stay away from the snack machines at work and I save a certain amount of money every month so I can go cruising. Now, is there anything else you would like to know about my personal finances before we talk about yours?"


Another answer I use from time to time is this: "The cruise lines have such bargain prices out there today that I was wondering how come you are not going on a cruise. Do you realize that a land-base vacation today costs more than a cruise?"


I can promise you that after one of these answers that person will never ask you again about why, where, or how can you afford a cruise.

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Well, we do put our tax refund in it too. But isn't that savings?


A lot of people think so, and they are wrong. What it is, is allowing the IRS to have too much of your money during the year, and allowing THEM to make money on it instead of you.


Some people say they have to get a refund or else they would spend all the money during the year; they need to examine their relationship with money if that is the case.


But no, never think of a tax refund as "savings".

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When people dare to ask ignorant or impertinent questions, they deserve to be treated in kind. Something like: "We made our fortune before we entered the Federal Witness Protection Program ... fortunately they let us keep all our money and transfer it to offshore accounts."


VERY good. :D

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Wow...I can really identify with this thread. I have problems at work where no one is happy for you, just jealous, and think we're rich, which we're not, just hard working people. I can identify with Dee as I was 38 when my twins graduated from high school. I try to keep cruise plans secret from co-workers and family, until it's about time to go. It seems no one is happy for you and all I hear is "going on another cruise, you guys must really have the money". My husband and I have worked hard all our life, just like the rest of you guys, and we've never even had any inheritance from any relatives to fall back on. All of our trips have been saved for and earned from all of our hard work.


I have a new problem that I wanted to tell you guys about. Where I work there wasn't a problem with taking leave without pay and that is one reason I work where I do; and I just came back from a cruise a couple of weeks ago where I got it approved before I left, but now all of a sudden it's a problem...(leave without pay). I think someone is just jealous where I work. My boss didn't have a problem with it but someone brought it to the attention of her boss and you know what rolls downhill....now I have big problems. So big in fact, that I may have to choose between my job and my next cruise. We have a NY Eve cruise paid for and can't get our money back on it. Now I find out about the leave without pay problem (which was never a problem before) and since I'm short one day (8 hrs) I'm being told I can't go. Now I have to decide whether I take my cruise and find another job when I get back, or just lose all of our money on our cruise and not go and keep my "crummy" job. In the future I was going to make sure I had enough time before I even put in a leave request; but it doesn't look like they're going to give me a 2nd chance. By the way, we always buy insurance...my father is not in good health; but the insurance doesn't cover not being able to get away from work. I remember a thread awhile back where someone was wondering if they should go on their paid cruise as they had just lost their job. I don't remember what they decided; I wish I knew.


Happy Cruising....Sparkle 10

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I don't have any great answer for you, I am sure others here will have good advice and share their own experiences. My only suggestion would be to sit down and talk one on one with your boss. You stated that they had no problem previously so why now? Find out what the real issue is. Do others have to cover for you and do your job when you are away? Does that create a hassle for everyone else? Could it be possible to switch shifts or work OT to make up for the 8 hrs? Is it worth it to walk away from the job? You state that the flexibility was 1 reason you work there, if that is taken away then 1 less reason to stay. However only you can decide what is best for you. Good luck.

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Hi...Sparkle... it is very difficult to give advice when I don't know all the facts, but you sound like you just need us to bounce ideas about. Is it possible to try to get a new job. before your cruise. ? You do not seem to like it there as you described it as a "crummy " job. A new, better job and a cruise , may keep you " sparkling " Good luck to you...and your dad.

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I work with people who never take even half of their vacation time, cash out some and live check to check. I would probably be living like that too if God hadn't blessed me with a husband who really knows how to handle money. All of our needs are met, and so many wants as well. But I didn't have a cell phone until February of this year, and just got cable this summer. We don't eat out much (DH says I'm too good of a cook to spend lots of $$ on food that isn't half as good as mine), and we are both bargain hunters.


Our cruises are about once a year, and we usually do a driving vacation each year as well. It boils down to where your priorities are. Any vacation is great family time for us, and a great investment in ourselves. We don't feel the need to keep up with the Joneses, and I like it this way. We are much better off financially than my parents. They are still making not-so-great choices when it comes to spending, but it's their money and their choices.

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I solved the family and friends part. My DD and DS still cruise with us even though they are married with kids. My next cruise will be 3 brothers and wives, their kids, my mom, aunt & uncle and some friends. My whole familiy loves to cruise so no issues there, except how to afford it of course. My co-workers are to the point they just say to me, "so where on are you going on your next cruise". Sometimes they think they are being funny/sarcastic but I usually give them the destination and the conversation turns to cruising and how they would love to be able to do it too. It doesn't hurt I have a poster of the Grand Princess up in my cubicle.

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Here's one of my answers to those questions:

"Well, lets see. I eat a lot of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I don't go to the movies or out to eat with my friends. I shop for clothes only when they go on sale. I stay away from the snack machines at work and I save a certain amount of money every month so I can go cruising. Now, is there anything else you would like to know about my personal finances before we talk about yours?"


Another answer I use from time to time is this: "The cruise lines have such bargain prices out there today that I was wondering how come you are not going on a cruise. Do you realize that a land-base vacation today costs more than a cruise?"


I can promise you that after one of these answers that person will never ask you again about why, where, or how can you afford a cruise.

LOVE IT! Especially the first one saying before we talk about your. GREAT!

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Wow...I can really identify with this thread. I have problems at work where no one is happy for you, just jealous, and think we're rich, which we're not, just hard working people. I can identify with Dee as I was 38 when my twins graduated from high school. I try to keep cruise plans secret from co-workers and family, until it's about time to go. It seems no one is happy for you and all I hear is "going on another cruise, you guys must really have the money". My husband and I have worked hard all our life, just like the rest of you guys, and we've never even had any inheritance from any relatives to fall back on. All of our trips have been saved for and earned from all of our hard work.


I have a new problem that I wanted to tell you guys about. Where I work there wasn't a problem with taking leave without pay and that is one reason I work where I do; and I just came back from a cruise a couple of weeks ago where I got it approved before I left, but now all of a sudden it's a problem...(leave without pay). I think someone is just jealous where I work. My boss didn't have a problem with it but someone brought it to the attention of her boss and you know what rolls downhill....now I have big problems. So big in fact, that I may have to choose between my job and my next cruise. We have a NY Eve cruise paid for and can't get our money back on it. Now I find out about the leave without pay problem (which was never a problem before) and since I'm short one day (8 hrs) I'm being told I can't go. Now I have to decide whether I take my cruise and find another job when I get back, or just lose all of our money on our cruise and not go and keep my "crummy" job. In the future I was going to make sure I had enough time before I even put in a leave request; but it doesn't look like they're going to give me a 2nd chance. By the way, we always buy insurance...my father is not in good health; but the insurance doesn't cover not being able to get away from work. I remember a thread awhile back where someone was wondering if they should go on their paid cruise as they had just lost their job. I don't remember what they decided; I wish I knew.


Happy Cruising....Sparkle 10

Thats sounds like a rat jealous co-worker to me! I would say ok for the future now that you know but this one you cannot change because it was already pre-reproved. Can you make up the 8 hrs in advance? In the future tell them its a family reunion or something else. I tell my boss my brother is paying for the family, etc. Besides, I don't want my boss to think I have money so he don't give me a decent raise (because he will think I don't need it)! Do you have a personal day or another day that you can use? I would sit down with my boss in PRIVATE and discuss it. People are a pain in the a$$. Show your boss your edoc's that you cannot get your money back. Do whatever you have to but I don't think I would quit before the holidays (x-mas bonus, etc). Good Luck!

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Hi Again:


Thanks for all the kind thoughts....I need them. I'll let you know when I know; they're keeping me guessing. No ones gotten back to me yet.:confused:


Happy Cruising.....Sparkle 10


I wish you luck my friend. Im thinking about you. Hope it works out for you.

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