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Weight Watchers At Work Program


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Hey Ginny...you have a reason to boast. Time out.......Time for Ginny to BRAG A LOT!!!! Great Job. I know it felt fantastic to get that 15 lb star and know you are well on your way to the 20 lb star!


We have had some difficulty keeping enough people at our work also. We started originially with about 30. We didn't have a problem until about the 3rd renewal and then they started dropping out pretty quickly. Christmas season was really difficult and we only made it because another company just down the street didn't have enough people either so we combined. In January we still had trouble getting enough (we just barely made it) so when they asked how many weeks we wanted to renew for I spoke up and asked for the longest time possible. We are set until the end of June now and I really hope to be at goal weight by then. I may not be lifetime yet...but hopefully I will be to where I want to be. Some of our problems have been that we have had about 5 people actually make it to lifetime and now we don't get to count them as members because they aren't paying anymore. I did decide to stick with it no matter where I have to go to attend meetings. A lot of weeks I attend a meeting with my girlfriend too, so I go to more than one. I guess the more I go to the better! I will keep my fingers crossed that you get enough people to renew at work again. How soon will you know for sure?


Hey Ginny, have you found out about Bryers FREE Double Churned Ice Cream? 1 point for 1/2 cup. It is WONDERFUL. Very creamy and good. I've tried, Chocolate (my favorite), Carmel Swirl and Cappachino Choc. Chunk. They are all good. I can't belive they can make such good ice cream with no fat!


Guess I should quit talking your leg off. Congrats on the fantastic week. Keep up the good work.



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Hi Ginny:


Well, it has been a very difficult weekend. One of my daughters has been in and out of the hospital trying to have her baby. It just won't quite click in and get going completely. FRUSTRATING! Needless to say my nerves are shot and I'm haven't done the best on eating correctly. My weigh in today (before I raced off to the hospital again) was an even up. No gain, no loss. I had lost some until Friday came and the roller coaster began. Oh well...I guess things will straighten out again when the babies are safely here. Both of my girls are planning to join weight watchers in 10 days! That will help me a lot. The more people on board the easier it is to stay on track.


Hope you had a good weekend. Good luck this week!



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Karla, I hope all goes well today and the baby is delivered safely. Please keep me informed. I will keep them both in my thoughts today.


I've had a really good week. Some times I don't even think about eating....ate lunch on Friday at 2:00 PM. We will discover today if we have enough to make our class. If not, I'll just have to stop on my way home once a week to weigh. I have to get to a healthy weight again. My doctor and I both will be pleased then:)


Remember what you told me during the holidays? No gain at that time was like a loss?? Well, I'm giving the same words back to you:p . If you can maintain during the stress, chaos, and worry of this time, it's as good losing.


Hang in there.....Ginny

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Hi Ginny:


Well my body must have been retaining water bad....maybe due to stress. But yesterday I couldn't stop going to the rest room and today I was over 3 lbs lighter than yesterday!!!! WOW. Today we are waiting in the hospital....luckily they have wireless access and I can mess on the computer while waiting for nature to take its course. Hopefully it won't take too many more hours.


Glad to hear you are having a really good week. Thanks for the encouragement.



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Hi Ginny: How was your weight in? Did you get enough people to continue the at work program? I'm anxious to hear.


We had our babies finally. One labor & Delivery was pretty horrible, 19 hours followed by a c-section because the cord was wrapped around the baby 3 times. But it ended well and both the mom and baby are beautiful and healthy. The second labor and deliver was the total opposite. 4-1/2 hours from start to finish, but the end result was just as wonderful. A healthy happy baby and mommy. So I now have 7 beautiful grandbabies. 4 boys and 3 girls. I couldn't ask for any more! My daughters were in the hospital together and even had rooms next door to each other. They all came home today. I think I gained a couple of pounds after a week in the hospital, but the daughters are joining WW on Wednesday and we are ready to get down to serious business.


Hope you had a fantastic weekend and a great weight loss this week. Let me know how it is going!



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Glad to hear moms and babies are doing so well. There is nothing like a new baby in the family, and now you have two!! I don't have grandbabies yet, and tease my friends that I'll just borrow theirs.


Now that things are somewhat back to "normal" you can once again concentrate on "Karla" and getting back to goal. You are just so close.


We didn't have enough people to get a second session AT FIRST, so the leader gave us a "grace" week. He didn't come last week, but since then, I've had 3 more people to join, so now we have enough. He'll be here Thursday, so I'll let you know.


I'm glad your daughters are joining, so you'll have a built in support system. I guess you will just have to "adopt" me, so we can all help each other!!:)


Be healthy! Ginny

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Good Deal Ginny. I'm glad you will have enough people to keep it going. I'm excited to get my girls going again. They were both on WW last spring until they got PG. They just didn't want to spend 9 months paying for WW and gaining weight (due to the pregnancies) anyway. So they are ready to get back to work now. My sister in law is going to join with my daughters also. It is exciting when people join because you have inspired them by loosing weight and looking much better.....I've had a number of people tell me that my weight loss has motivated them. That is really a great feeling.


Good luck. You should have a fantastic weight loss since it has been 2 weeks! I can't wait for an update. Have a good week!



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Hey, Karla....yes, we have 18 people now, and had the first of our seconds session on Thursday. Things have been so hectic at work, that I tried to forget about EVERYTHING that had ANYTHING to do with work, even WWATWork :) Sorry.....just a bad week, workwise.


I had lost .4 on Thursday, so I was pleased with that. It's beginning to turn a bit warmer here, so maybe I can stand to be outside walking.


How's your exercise coming? Have the daughters joined yet?

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Gosh Ginny...I WISH it would get warmer here. This is the longest coldest winter we have had in a long time. I would be a raving lunatic if I hadn't gotten away to the warm climate in the middle of the winter.


Excercise....hmmmm.....well, since I have a choice of spending my time holding my grandbabies or excercising you can guess which is winning out! I know as soon as the weather is a bit better I will be doing lots of walking the babies in the strollers. My girls are ready for that also. I guess Daylight savings time will start again in 2 weeks and that will also help because it will be good and light when I get home from work so there will be no excuse to not go for a nice brisk walk. My girls did join WW last Wednesday. I think they will have great losses this week since they are dropping the baby weight right now. I am missing my weigh in today because I just HAD to take the day off and stay home with my granddaughter since my daughter had to start back to school (she is in a college vet tech program) today. It will probably be a long day for her and I didn't want to overload my other daughter with 2 babies. She will have both babies tomorrow but it is only for 1/2 day.


Good job on the weight loss even in a week of stress. I HATE those weeks. Our very busy time of year is coming up next month. I'm not looking forward to it at all.


Have a fantastic week!



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Good morning, Karla. Yes, I keep telling myself when DSL begins, I will walk in the afternoon. Since I work so far from my home, it is already dark when I arrive.


Excuses, Excuses.....I have a million of them.


Let me know how the daughters' weight loss goes......maybe it will help inspire me. We can't be outdone by a group of "youngsters", can we????:D

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Congrats to all on working the WW program. I am a Lifetime member, having lost 30 lbs in 1996. I really believe in the program, needless to say. I came across a good article on the Weightwatchers{dot}com web-site today called

"Don't Let an Oceanliner Sink Your Healthy Lifestyle" Below is the link, in case it's okay to post.

(Not advertising anything, just sharing info)



Personally, I prefer to work at losing a few pounds before I cruise and then not worrying too much about it onboard. I just try to make sure I take advantage of the fresh fruits and veggies available onboard.


My favorite thing about the At Work program is that they offer 19 weeks of free etools if the company has enough members signed up. (20 or more members, I think)


Keep up the good work!



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Hi Ginny:


How was your week last week? Was work less stressful? How was the weight loss?


I lost .6 but at least it was a loss. My girls lost 9 lbs and 9.8 lbs. WOW. They are starting to really drop that baby weight. I'm happy for them. THey both have a ways to go, but I'm sure they will do really well. It helps so much to have all of us cooperating and helping each other.


WoW...your cruise is coming up really soon....how exciting! You are going to look great!!! Have you gotten any new clothes yet?


I have until July 31 till we leave for Hawaii and I would really LOVE to loose this last 22 lbs by then. I am afraid it is really going to be a slower process now...it just seems to have slowed down quite a bit right now. I am trying to find new "good for us" foods to prepare and enjoy. I love to cook so finding the new foods and recipes is a passion of mine (next to travel planning).


Hope you have a great week! Keep up the good work.

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Hey, Karla....I lost a pound last week, which puts my total now at 18.6. I'm pleased with it....however, can't help but wish I'd lost more. But, whose fault it that?????:o


Your daughters are doing wonderful!! I'm so proud for them. I'm sure they have some friendly competion going on , too. That always helped me.


Hey, Jane! Thanks for the link. I will check it out. I enjoy the convenience of the WWATWORK program.....just go to lunch on the 3rd floor on Thursdays, and there they are! So much nicer than having to stop after work.


It was beautiful here both Saturday and Sunday. The Saint (DH) and I walked both days. And, when I got to work this morning, I walked up all three flights instead of taking the elevator. I'm hoping that NEXT week when the time changes, I can walk at home in the afternoons.


Yes, Karla....any loss is good. I'm proud that you're still taking it off, and by your Hawaii trip, you will look and feel fantastic. Just keep plugging away.....this is the tortoise race, not the start and stop of the hare!



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Well Ginny....I'm in a slump. I have been following the plan and watching my points, but I didn't loose a thing this week. I didn't gain either which is good, but I really thought I had lost. I had an extremely stressful day at work today and I'm wondering if my body is just reacting to that. This morning it looked like I had lost (on my scales at home) but by weigh in this evening it was just the same as last week. Frustrating! I guess it will be better next week....hopefully.


How is your week going? I hope you have a good weigh in tomorrow. Let me know. You are so close to your trip now...just about a month isn't it?


Have a good weekend!



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I think this is the first time we've ever been on at the same time!!


I lost a pound.....so at this rate, I should hit goal when I'm about 125 years old:D


Anyway, I need to slow my thoughts down, and accept I can't lose 50 pounds in a month......but I CAN lose 50 pounds! THAT'S what I need to focus on.


I hope you have a better week....and a better weigh-in next week.

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Hi Ginnny: You really made me laugh at that one. I keep telling myself that it took more than 1-2 years to gain the weight (more like 20-25) so I'm not going to get it off in a few short months. Right now I am hoping to have it all off in another 6-9 months! UGH. BUT...this is my way of life now and it isn't a race right! Congrats on the 1 lb though. That is a good steady weight loss. Don't you wish we were like Bewitched and we could just twinkle our noses and make both of us thin! HA HA!


My week was hard. One of my daughters starting having problems and I spent the whole week babysitting and helping her out while she went from doctor to doctor, sonogram to sonogram. Finally yesterday they took her to surgery and found that a cyst on her overy had caused the overy to twist and cut off the blood supply to the overy and it was dead! :mad: They had to remove the overy. Luckily she still has one good overy left. She is actually doing much better today and she is still in pain, but less pain than she was in before the surgery. The last month has been very difficult for both of my girls but hopefully they are both on the mend and they both have beautiful babies.


Hope you are enjoying your weekend.

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Morning, Karla.....I am so sorry to hear about your daughter. I hope she is mending now, and well on her way to a complete recovery. I know you enjoyed spending time with the little one, but hated the circumstances that allowed you to do so.


Today is weigh-in......according to my scales at home, I was UP two pounds!!! I don't know where that came from, but I'm definitely moving in the WRONG direction!! I'll get the verdict today, and post it later this afternoon.


I hope things are settling down for you now.....at work and at home. Ginny

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Just as I'd thought......gained! I was up 1.8 pounds, and I'm not really sure where it came from:confused:


I hate weeks like this. I had a relatively good week, felt so good in my clothes yesterday, and get on the scales this morning to find I'd gained.


Anyway, it has finally warmed up here enough to walk. My friend and I have been walking at lunch this week, but she came in early this morning, and we walked before work, since we knew we'd be in our WW meeting at lunch.


Have you ever had one of those weeks, where you think everything is lovely, only to find you've gained?????

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Ginny that is so frustrating for you. But I sure know where you are coming from. It may be that since you are walking your muscles are just keeping a bit extra water. Our leader told us that when you start up excercising your muscles try to protect themselves and they hold the water in. Makes sense to me. She assured us that in a week or two they will let go of the water they are holding on to....but it sure makes for a frustrating weigh in or two. Just keep plugging away! You are doing great and you don't have very long until you will be cruising and enjoying life as a smaller person.


I lost 1 lb this week but then last night my husband and I had a dinner theatre to go to and I know I ate every one of my 35 flex points. I will probably gain back the lb I lost and then some. It seems when I use those extra points I gain any more. GRRRR


My daughter is doing really well now. We have a very busy weekend so hopefully she will continue to feel good. Hope your weekend is successful.



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I'm so glad your daughter is doing well. I know that was a scary time for the both of you. How are both daughers doing on WW?


I haven't been able to weigh myself at home, which may be a good thing. The battery went out on my electronic scales and although the Saint (DH) bought a new battery, they still aren't working. Guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow to see how I've done. I stayed on program all week, except for the pizza my DS brought on Saturday when he visited.....had three pieces:o


I'm taking off tomorrow after the WW meeting, and we are closed on Friday for the holiday....then, I'm taking off Monday, also. Tomorrow afternoon, I'm going to stop by and stock up on make-up, etc that I need. Then, on Friday, going through my closets to see what I can wear. Monday, I'll go clothes shopping, and hopefully pick up what I need for the cruise. Only 17 more days! I don't want to go overboard with the clothes, because they'll be too big by the end of summer.....how's that for positive thinking???!!!:D


I'm also working on my HS class reunion, which will be held in August. However, I don't want this weight loss to be about cruises or reunions.....I'm trying to keep focused on my health. Five years ago, the next sister older than me, was my age when she had her heart attack........so scary. I'm trying to get to a healthy weight for my height just to save my life!! How dramatic, but how true.....


Enjoy your day, and I'll check in tomorrow night to give you the update on the weigh-in.


I hope you are having a very successful week. Ginny

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GREAT JOB Ginny. You have the right attitude about this. I too am doing it for my health and it is really working well. It is sure a nice benefit that you begin to look lots better as well as getting healthy. I know what you mean about the clothes. It is really hard to keep from buying clothes but I don't want a bunch of stuff that I will grow out of (hopefully soon). I am really hoping to buy a few new things before we go to Hawaii on the last day of July. Maybe by then I will be CLOSE to where I hope to stay.


So, how many years for your high school reunion? Our 30th was last year except they didn't end up getting it together. I'm not upset though. I look lots better this year than I did last year!!! :D I probably wouldn't have gone last year because I was so uncomfortable with how I looked.


Now for the cruddy news. I GAINED .4 today. I don't know why either. As of Monday I was 3 lbs less than I was this morning. It just popped back up this morning and there was no real reason for it. I'm wondering if I am eating too much sodium. I eat a lot of the low point soups and smart one meals. They are pretty high in sodium. I don't eat them on the weekends when I'm at home...just during the week when I'm at work. So that is why I wonder if that is contributing since I am at a lower weight right after the weekend! It sure is frustrating though. I hope your week shows up better than mine did. Good luck and keep me posted.



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I lost a pound yesterday.......not the same pound I gained last week, mind you. This was a new and improved pound:D


I really thought I'd lost more......was prepared for a much bigger loss. When I put on my "weigh-in" pants yesterday morning (I try and wear basically the same outfit every Thursday) they were soooo loose. I actually thought about taking them off. And, before the meeting yesterday, two different people commented on how much weight I"d lost.


However, I'm in it for the long haul.......keeping thinking tortoise, Ginny:).


We're celebrating our 35th reunion this year. We have one every 5 years. I've worked on the last 4 committees. We have a ball. We're doing most of planning for this one via internet. We also have an email group of about 20 who regularly share news.


I'm sorry you gained......yes, I'll bet it is the salt. I hope you have a much better week. Hawaii, watch out.......here comes Karla!!!



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Good Job! Every pound counts no matter how long they have been stuck to our fannies! I think it gets slower to loose the closer to goal you get because that fat has been a really good friend of your butt for many years! It doesn't want to leave it's best friend! That's my story and I'm sticking to it!


Just a quick note to tell you to have a Happy Easter! It is sure a busy weekend here. I don't look forward to returning to work tomorrow. There just hasn't been any down time to relax. Oh well....maybe I burned off extra calories by being so busy.


Have a great week Ginny.



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Hi Ginny:


How was your weigh in today? Mine went well this week....2 lbs down. That is great after last week and the gain. I was able to get 3 of my sister-in-laws to join weight watchers now. They started having meetings in our small town a few weeks ago so I am going both at work and here in town. It is exciting to know that my success has encouraged others to give WW a try.


I hope everything is going well for you. I had the joy of staying home today and babysitting for the new granddaughter. We went with my other daughter and my new grandson and 2 year old grandson and went shopping for a while. It was a great day to be able to spend it with my loved ones and not at the old job. Sure wish I could have more days like today! :D The babies are 6 weeks old now and time is sure flying. I enjoy every minute I get to spend with them. It makes me even more determined to loose this weight so that I will have many more years with them.


Did you find some great things for your cruise. You will be off having a wonderful time in just a few days!!!!! How exciting for you. I don't know what the weather is like in Tennessee at this time of year but I could sure enjoy some nice warm weather. Kansas has been exceptionally cold and wet this winter and it has hung on WAY too long. I know you will enjoy the sun....could you send some of the Caribbean weather towards Kansas if you get a chance?


Have a wonderful successful weekend!



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