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Review Emerald Princess 6 Nov - 16 Nov


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Part 1 - as typing this in word and pasting in when I can.



I am 42 and have cruised previously on P&O Aurora, Oriana and Ocean Village. My partner 37 has not cruised before. We chose the Emerald Princess for the Caribbean itinerary (although for a first cruise I was worried that the ship may be a little too big) We decided to book a suite for pure indulgence and chose our cabin Suite E732 VS category (AFT) which was the only suite available when we booked at the end of March 2007. I am going to try and write this thread from my experience and also that of a first timer. So apologise now if this starts to get confusing.

Pre Cruise

We arranged our own flights through Virgin Atlantic (this cruise offered a small reduction for a ‘cruise only’ holiday) and flew from Gatwick to Orlando. We had pre booked our hire car (full tank of petrol included) and 1 nights accommodation in the Quality Inn on International Drive (basic hotel room but a good location).

The flight left Gatwick in the afternoon 2 hours late. After arriving at Orlando International Airport, picking up the rental car and driving to hotel we got into our room at about 8.30pm. Had a snack in a bar and went to sleep. Woke up early 5am (a mixture of excitement and time differences) and grabbed breakfast and headed off to Fort Lauderdale.


Arrived FLL at 10 and had a look round we weren’t sure when to head off to the ship so eventually dropped the car off at FLL airport at 12 noon and took the free shuttle to the port. We were staggered at the sight of the queue, found out later from a passenger that we should have come earlier as they we were on board by 11.30.

There were hundreds of people trying to check in. We went to the front of the line and found a rep and explained to him that we had booked a suite where we were shown to a platinum/elite line and checked in. The boarding process seemed a bit chaotic to me and I would not have been happy if it was my first cruise having to queue for what must have been ages - Never the less on the ship within 20 mins after being given our cruise cards.

First steps on

At the gang way had our photo ID taken and logged onto our cruise cards we then stepped onboard. We were then encouraged to make our way to the right off the ship (i.e past the soda card sales person, the coffee card sales person and up to the Lido deck) My partner, this being his first cruise, was not sure what to do then and I must say if I had not cruised before and knew that we could either get lunch or go to our cabin I would probably have sat around and wondered why we were shown up there.

First impressions

WOW – there is no getting away from it this ship is huge. It is also very clean well looked after and very impressive. For a first timer to be shown to the Lido deck where it was very hot, there was music playing, lots and lots of people milling around eating and drinking, being extremely high up, could be a scary sight but took it all in his stride. After a burger and fries (delicious) and a cold drink headed off to our suite.

Will have to add this as part 2.

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Have gone into detail as could not find out much about this cabin before I went so someone may find it useful.

E732 – The cabin is located at the very back of the ship portside. The décor in blue and beige is very tasteful. The cabin is very spacious. Opening the door to a small hall way decorated with a plant in a tub on the right is a doorway to the toilet and wash basin straight ahead leads to a three seater sofa and small coffee table, flat screen tv, sink and refrigerator. Off to the right is the bedroom (a double is two beds pushed together) and vanity unit further to the right. The bathroom can be accessed via the bedroom or the entrance hall. The bathroom and toilet are separated by a door. The bath is a Jacuzzi bath. The shower is a stand alone walk in shower. Lots of toiletries provided from the lotus spa placed on the shelf in the bathroom, the shower room and also next to the wash basin. There were also emery boards, facial mist, shoe shine, lip balms, cotton buds and gel eye masks.

The refrigerator was also our one time mini bar with various sodas and beers and in the cupboard above were small miniatures of Vodka, Whisky and Brandy.

Our cabin steward greeted us about 10 mins after we arrived he was called Ionel I think pronounced ‘yonnel’. He was very nice and cheery. He explained the facilities that we had and asked if we would both like a glass of champagne, of course we said yes.

The bed had a luggage protector on it and also a princess tote bag. There was also a laundry bag and we made full use of this. Put the laundry out before 9am ticked the box to have it ‘express’ and at 5pm it was all back ironed, brought to us by Ionel. My advice – pack light and take advantage.

We also had room service menus and as a suite passenger we had the lunch and dinner menu’s for the dining room as well. We used this a few time to order dinner in our room which we ate on the balcony.

The balcony was lovely with teak furniture covered with dark blue padding and a plastic blue coated floor. There was a beam but not a problem for us as could easily fit two lougers and table and chairs on the balcony to the side of. In no way did it obstruct our view. The views are amazing in this location. The noise from the sea as the ship sails is very noisy but did not bother me.

This cabin is located directly above club fusion and while we did hear some noise, sometimes it was never enough to stop us falling asleep and it never woke us up.

We would definitely book this again, and feel very privileged to have been there. My partner said if he booked again he would get one higher up as it might be a bit quieter. He though the whooooosh of the sea was quite noisy not club fusion. I loved it.

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We were on this cruise as well, and I agree with Mhugcat on just about everything. I don't know who said they were on board by 11:30, but I was near the front of the Platinum/Elite line and the doors did not open until 12:10. Unless they have special boarding for certain guests, I don't think anyone got on as early as reported. We checked in, dropped some carry on luggage in the cabin and headed to the Horizon. We were just about the first cruisers there at about 12:45. In any case, the Emerald is another great Princess ship. I was amazed during the cruise at the amount of painting, varnishing and cleaning that went on. She is only a few months old, but I guess preventive maintenance is high on the priority list.:) :) :)

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Hello fellow Emerald Cruisers! We are really missing the ship right about now and love reading the reviews. We also had a very positive experience on this beautiful ship and as you can tell, we met some really nice people while onboard.


Doug, We arrived at the port around 11:00 and waited about 30 minutes before we were allowed to embark. They let groups into a holding area and moved them out before they filled the room again. (we were the 2nd group)We were in our room and had lunch before 12:00 and our luggage had already arrived. You must have been in the group following ours.

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Part 3 - hope you are not bored.

I took a diary with me so I would be able to refer to my notes and I am glad that I did as it’s the little things that you forget. This may seem like a long winded post but after day 3 most things will be repeated and I won’t bore you with any duplicated details so post should get shorter.

Day 1 – Sail away

Before we sailed I joined the Roll Call for this trip and we had all arranged to meet at the back of Café Caribe Lido Deck. We had all agreed to wear ‘beads’ so that we could identify ourselves and another poster had offered to bring name tags (which I thought was a lovely gesture as they had taken the time to print these with the CC logo onto labels for everyone to wear) Mark and I were very nervous. We had never done anything like this before but when we turned up everyone was so friendly we needn’t have worried.

We watched the ship sail away, had a few drinks and a chat and then Partner and I headed off for dinner.


Traditional first sitting 6pm table for 4 Botticelli Dining Room. When we went down for dinner there was an all mighty line forming as the Dining room as the wait staff had not yet opened the doors for dinner. I know my partner was thinking oh no not more long lines but I have to say this only happened on the first night.

Our table waiters were very nice and attentive. I ordered Salmon Terrine, Crockpot of seafood with a pastry crust followed by hazelnut ice-cream which was divine. Partner had always available prawn cocktail (not too keen on this) so did not order it again then slow roasted rib of beef and melon sorbet to follow both of which he said were great.

Nothing else to report on the ships evening events as we were so tired that after dinner returned to our room.


Because I felt so tired, decided to have a long soak in the Jacuzzi, unfortunately put quite a lot of bath foam in while the water was running and, with the Jacuzzi whooshing all over the place, we had a monster of a foam top. Anyway after scooping this out and shoving the foam in the shower I finally got in and relaxed. Then afterwards put on the enormously large and very thick princess robe that you are given in a suite and the princess slippers and sat on the balcony for about an hour reading. The balcony has two lights so it’s easy to read etc. This to me was heaven. The air temperature was so warm. I was truly blessed.


We were awake early and were seated in the DaVinci dining room for breakfast by 7am. We were offered tea or coffee and juice. Then a server came round with Croissants, pastries, muffins and donuts and finally a server took our order we had a choice of cereals, oatmeal/porridge, cooked breakfast and fruit. There is always a daily special too.

As a suite passenger you can have anything from the menu delivered to your room. The cabin steward leaves out the menu and also the breakfast order form when he turns the bed down. He/she will also leave an order form for the daily delivery of canapés – up to six per room, you choose a time between 4pm and 6pm.

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Hello Mhugcat, So you think what you are reporting could be boring????? It is absolutely WONDERFUL!!! I'm right there with you. Although I've never had a room such as what you and your partner had, it sounds delightful. I hope we hear more, and in advance I thank you for your time and writings.

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Part 4 – Ports of call and tours (1 of 2)

Princess Cays – turned out to be Nassau

We were quite disappointed that due to bad weather the ship was not going to be stopping at Princess Cays as originally planned as we had booked a bungalow as a treat, but understood that due to damage to the island the ship was making a detour and instead we stopped at Nassau. We were not in Nassau for that long so we did not book any of the tours that were offered instead just got off and had a look around and after about an hour returned to the ship. I did however purchase a very small bottle of Gin which I put in my rucksack and no one stopped me when I returned to the ship.

St. Thomas – Princess tour ‘Views of St. Thomas

Had to line up for onboard immigration checks at 7am then later went ashore for our trip. St. Thomas is beautiful and looking back probably my favourite island. Not fave tour this was COSOL in St. Lucia but will come to that later.

St. Thomas looked so idyllic. Blue sky , lush green trees and plants, golden sands and turquoise sea. Absolutely lovely. We had a cable car ride which took us up 700ft so that we had some beautiful views. Then drove round the island with lots of photo stops.

St. Kitts – Princess tour ‘City drive and TurtleBeach

Our tour guide met us and we had a lovely scenic drive through the island. The island itself did not endear its self to me like St. Thomas did. We were supposed to go to Turtle beach but the tour guide told us the beach was damaged (he later contradicted himself saying that the hotel near Turtle Beach only wanted a certain clientele and that we would be dropped off at a Cockleshell Bay instead. I was not impressed with the beach but partner went snorkelling and saw lobster, shrimp and eels and various other fish.

Barbados – Princess tour ‘4wd island safari and sail’

We liked this tour a lot. Barbados again stunning and weather again really hot and sunny. We met our tour guide and got into an open top jeep. Saw a lot of this island and the off road driving was bumpy. Don’t sit at the back of the jeep – you bounce higher and also there is flap near the tailgate that swings out and hits your leg.

Through out the trip we saw lots of goat and sheep – yes sheep without wool. Remember sheep ‘tails down’ and goat ‘tails up’. We were taken then to our catamaran the Tiami II for a swim with the turtles. Some people ahd obviously booked this trip without the 4wd part as when we went to the ship a lot of people were already there and were snorkelling. We arrived in time for lunch which was nice and then out to the spot where the sea turtles were. We got ready for a long sail – the catamaran took off and went 100 yards then stopped. This was where the turtles were. No reef just turtles. So be prepared as we felt a bit cheated then. Still saw some lovely turtles and the sail back to the ship was beautiful along the coast line. All in all a good trip.

Sorry again but have to stop typing for now. Not long to go – thanks for reading it brings it all back and I have a great log of my time aboard the Emerald.

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Part 4 – Ports of call and tours (2 of 2)

St. Lucia Private tour with COSOL arranged by Terry and Beth ‘Cruzzers’

This tour was made up of members from our Roll call. There were about 22 of us. We met ashore and were greeted by Cosol and his brother. We were divided into 2 vans and headed off for our tour of the island. We were in the van with Cosol who explained that always behind us was his ‘travelling bar’. Whenever we stopped Cosol had provided en endless supply of Water, soda, beer and rum punch.

As we drove through the villages of St. Lucia Cosol gave a detailed and guided commentary on his country and its heritage, stopping also for photo opportunities. We tried lots of different local produce for example I drank coconut milk from a freshly cut coconut – not the brown hairy type this coconut was smooth and the flesh soft. Another stop we tried a selection of fruits (papaya, mango, orange, golden apple, sugar cane, star fruit, and breadfruit balls with banana ketchup).

Before the cruise we had all agreed on the Roll Call to take pens, books, pencil sharpeners and small gifts for children at a local school. So along the way we stopped at a school in one of the villages and handed over our gifts and were invited to have a look round the school.

After this we were taken to the Botanical Gardens and given Spicy Fish and Johnny Cakes together with beer and rum punch. Finally our trip took us to Jalouise Beach for a swim and if you wanted you could snorkel. I must say in my whole life I have never seen water so clear and the abundance of fish was incredible. What a wonderful place to be. After an hour we returned to the ship and the tour was over.

We paid $45 each for this and spent from 9am till 3pm (ish) out and about. This was definitely worth every penny and I suggest anyone going to St. Lucia books this with Cosol in advance as I am sure he must get booked up very quickly.

Antigua – Princess tour ‘Scenic Antigua and Beach’

We weren’t very impressed with this tour. The guide kept saying here is a photo opportunity but we were not encouraged to get out the van to take photos and with blackened windows in the van to take them from inside the van was not easy. We did not stop at the correct beach (again) and the complimentary sunbeds looked really old. Still Antigua is a lovely country and a different tour probably would have suited us better.

Finally Other Stuff

Cruise Critic Roll Call

My thanks again to all those we met. I have not named anyone in particular for fear of missing anyone out. But thank you to Terry and Beth ‘Cruzzers’ for organising the Cosol Tour. And to Randa ‘Nanafour’ for the name tags.


As a suite passenger you get $100 free internet. You purchase a package from one of the computers and then on the last night Princess credits your account.

Formal nights

Did not want to lug the formal gear around as had shopping to do in Orlando and also partner did not have a suit so never went. But on all accounts from what I saw everyone who attended dressed up and looked lovely. Champagne waterfall was at 11.30 so would never had made this.

Crown Grill

Cover charge $25 dollars per person plus if you want the lobster it’s a further $9 per lobster. My partner had two starters, and two mains which were a kettle steamed 2lb maine lobster and filet steak and dessert all in one sitting. So yes you can eat as much as you like. and no he isn't enormous although he should be from the amount he eats.

Dining room

We had first seating, but this is too early for us. Our two other table mates showed up at 6.25 one night and our waiter actively encouraged them to go to anytime dining if this was going to happen again. We had 4 meals in the dining room. 2 on the balcony. 1 in buffett and 1 in anytime dining and 2 in crown grill. Will book anytime dining in future.


Quite a large casino for a ship and you guessed it did not win.


Cost $20 dollars for 4 games. Prixe money was $100, 200, 300, and $400 unless you claimed a full house within a certain number of balls called. On the last night if the prize money has not been won then they keep calling till someone wins.

MUTS (Movies under the stars)

Absolutely loved this. Brilliant concept. Even at our age. The sun beds are covered in a burgundy cloth with a slight extra padding for your head the MUTS logo printed on them. Blankets are provided but these were a little small and obviously made of wool which I found to be ‘scratchy’. Popcorn is served and then time for the film. Usually at 7pm and 10pm. Really huge 300ft square screen easy to hear. Only saw one star though.

The Sanctuary (probably will get flamed for this)

Sun beds are first come first serve and cost $10 per person per half day or book the whole day $20 per person. A very nice quiet area with extra spongy sunbeds. The servers bring iced water and cold flannels and will bring you food for an extra charge. Personally its not right that Princess should charge for a sunbed and I know that people like me are not helping the situation. But we were on vacation and we did thoroughly enjoy it.

Thermal Spa

This costs $160 - $200 per couple for the week or for suite passengers its free. Personally used it once and thought it was a complete rip off. Why would you want to be in sauna or steam room when the weather outside was so lovely. But each to their own (another flaming)

Oh yes nearly forgot

As a suite passenger you can have anything from the menu delivered to your room. The cabin steward leaves out the menu and also the breakfast order form when he turns the bed down. He/she will also leave an order form for the daily delivery of canapés – up to six per room, you choose a time between 4pm and 6pm.


I loved my holiday and the ship and my partner said he would definately cruise again, so thats a good result. Only problem now is after booking a suite I want another:D

If you have any questions feel free to ask. We have some amazing photos and a video of the suite which I will try to upload over the next few days.


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Many thanks Christine for your wonderful review. We are also from the UK (Bristol) and will be on the Emerald in 5 days time doing the same itinerary :D . Looking forward to some much needed sunshine and good food. This will be our 4th cruise but 1st with Princess so after RCI and Celebrity the Emerald has some way to go to impress us ;).

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