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Kicked Off Ship


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Good to see RCI is enforcing. I traveled last week on the Adventure of the Seas. The Captain was very informative about the conduct policy and he made a point of mentioning it on the Muster drill.


I don't think anybody was escorted out of the ship. Some people were left behind because they did not make the ship in time in St. Martin and in St Thomas.


Nobody was kicked out. For the first time I saw pool patrols which was very good. And I also saw a lot of materials regarding curfews for junior cruisers.


All in all there were no major incidents and everything went fine. There were a total of 3649 passengers with over 800 kids, not bad.

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... These "innocent pranks" could easily have very serious consequences, and I agree especially if there was no support from the parents involved, the action taken sounds perfectly appropriate.






Excellent post, Theron!


I would like to add once more consequence to these "innocent pranks"...the damage to RCI's reputation. If you are the one who is getting the incorrect room service, chances are, you are going to be very frustrated with RCI - through NO fault of the cruise line! These folks and their children are damaging RCI's reputation of excellent service and don't seem to care! I'm glad they were put off.


I'd rather have RCI lose the patronage of the unruly/uncaring family than the patronage of the many families who are being affected by the bad behavior the family is foisting upon all the other passengers. I'm glad to see that at least RCI has the kahunas to stand up for the rest of us!


My parents took me on my first cruise when I was 10 years old. If I'd have have thrown a deck chair overboard, they'd have thrown me overboard to retrieve it! The Captain would have been the least of my concerns!! And if a crew member would have approached them to tell them I had been misbehaving, we would have gotten off that ship and flown home ourselves - they'd have been so embarassed!

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As a newcomer to CC, I am always surprised how threads can turn hostile and how many rude comments are made. I try to ignore a lot of it, but this thread has gotten off topic, so here goes- I understand some people do not appreciate children and would rather travel without being around them. However, we do travel extensively with our children, and hopefully, we are raising them to be open minded, respectful, polite and well mannered citizens. Children are our future, like it or not. I do understand that lots of children are not disciplined, which means we need to take a look at the parenting skills, not just blame/categorize all children as brats. I too, do not appreciate traveling when there are unruly children around - and the parents just sit by and do nothing. I have seen it, and do not enjoy having kids take over a situation by running wild. But to make negative comments regarding families taking children out of school for travels, or that families should be kicked off the ship just for simply cruising in the first place are unnecessary. You need to remember that the parents that are reading CC forums are probably the ones that do make sure their kids are polite and disciplined, and the negative, generalized comments regarding children are then only read by us, not by the parents that they need to be directed at. Please do not pass judgment on all families. I promise when we sail my children will be watched at all times, will be well behaved, will be removed from situations if/when necessary, will not use the hot tub, and will follow all of the rules. They are also taught to be respectful and not judge others. For the poster who claims that cruising is not educational, my reply would be this - we live in a very small, non-diverse community in the middle of nowhere. Isn't it educational to see the world outside of our "box" and teach our children that there is a big world out there, with people of all nationalities, cultures, etc. Seeing the ocean for the first time, watching sunsets, counting stars, seeing marine life, etc. isn't educational? All education in life does not come from textbooks. Again, I assume from reading other posts that some parents do not perhaps use cruising/traveling as an opportunity to educate their children, and we may be in the minority in doing so. Can you please just refrain from passing judgment on all of us when you feel the need to make negative children remarks? I hope that if I pass any of you in my travels we can treat each other with more respect than what I read on some of these posts.

As far as the OPs topic - the parents ultimately are at fault for not disciplining their children - who it sounds like are possibly young adults?? But let's not just use this as an excuse to rant about children in general. Thank you.

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Unfortunately, many parents justify it by saying that the cruise is an educational experience since the kids will be exposed to different countries and cultures. . :(


Sitting on a beach, IMHO, is not even remotely an educational experience. . :rolleyes:


Need to start my response by saying that I do not have any kids and prefer to cruise with as few children onboard as possible. But as an adult who started cruising over 23 years ago when I was just 10 years old, I have to respectfully disagree with you. I learned a great deal through cruising. My parents made sure that each voyage was an educational experience - think about it...there is the culture of the islands (history, music, etc), there is the science of the ocean, the night sky, and the flora of the islands, there are the foods of the many nations, and there are the many nationalities aboard (languages, religions, holidays, customs)...all of which are great teaching opportunities. I don't know how many parents actually take those opportunities to teach their children something but let me tell you that my parents certainly did. I learned more than was possible than any 5 days (or 10 as we often did longer voyages) in a classroom.

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Here is a picture of Labadee in the foreground with Cap Hatian in the background on the other side of the mountian.....The Airport is exactly 5 miles as the crow flies.....but through the mountain and town it is about 10 miles!! Click on the picture to enlarge



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I am a mother of 5 children. My oldest daughter is 18 and now a Freshman in college. We then have a 17 yr old daughter who is junior in high school, a 12 year old daughter who is 7th grader and twin 11 year old boys. We have discussed with them this thread and potential tramifications.


This will be my oldest two daughters seventh cruise and the younger ones fourth. They have all been cruising since they were 3 or 4. Every time we have cruised it has been during the school year. We enjoy traveling together as a family and frequently talk about our memories. Obviously, it can get expensive to cruise with a large family, so it is much cheaper to cruise in "off season". I am extremely lucky to have children who do well academically, but this year it will be tough for my Junior as she has a very demanding school schedule. She just brought home a 4.0 for her first semester and many people question why I would want to jeopardize her grade point and have her miss 5 days of school.

It is all about responsibility. She has known about this cruise (Explorer, 9 day, Dec 14th) and has spoke with all her teachers and has been planning accordingly, but it will not be easy. As for the younger kids, we have lived in 3 different school districts and every teacher has always been more than accommodating.

It has been consensus that these experiences, whether we are sitting on the beach, or visiting a museum to be the best experience for us personally!!! I believe that because of the care, forsight and responsibility that we take with our children is why they will sit with us for 2 hours every night at dinner and why they will be well-behaved on this and any other cruise....because we have instilled in them that same sense of responsibility.

I will admit, any child is capable of silly pranks and I am not above anyone to say my kids are not capable of switching 'do not disturb' signs. I do know that it was great to have this show up in such a timely manner for us as we are leaving in 18 days, and those twins are at an age where "boys will be boys".


Thank you everyone for contributing to this thread.

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I was on this ship and heard the Captain discuss the "landing" of family. He mentioned the incident during a Crown and Anchor reception.



A 17 year old male was sent to have a meeting with the captain after being addressed by other staff members. The teenager "cursed out" the Captain and tried to run out of the meeting.



The kid's behavior was beyond the pale. The parents probably did nothing to discipline him. This is part of the world that believes one should not impose punishments like time out as it will hurt the kid's esteem or the parents take the course of least resistance and let the kid rule the roost. Maybe having to find their own way home taught the parents a lesson.


Kudos to the Captain.

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I just want to say that I to have children.They were not with us on this cruise however.It is a shame that the actions of a very limited few cast such a bad light on all children.I'm sure whatever they did warented the actions that were taken.I was hoping to find out the truth so we could all learn from this and to help us with our own children.I do feel that children are getting to much blame for this,where were the parents?The curfew on this ship for 17 and under to be out alone was 1.00am,seems a little late to me,no way would my kids be out that late alone but alot were.Again where were the parents,losing their collage fund in the casino?I hope parents and children learn from this.It was still a great cruise and I would not hesitate to do it again!!:)

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It really bothers me to hear that some (maybe more than not, I haven't seen it yet myself on a high child volume sailing) parents do not manage their children instead letting them run wild.


I'd never let my child run the ship alone, for one she is 7 so a bit young, but also the cruise pax and crew are a micro-sample of the society at large, rapists, drunks, bad people, and good people alike are on the ship. That said I would be concerned that my daughter could fall into the wrong hands and be hurt etc. by crew or other pax. Just go look at all the reports of rapes etc. on cruise ships and understand why one should be somewhat protective of their children.


My child like many others, probably most kisd who have the parents reading and participating on CC, is well behaved and also knows that she would be in a world of trouble if caught being bad on the cruise, or on an airplane, or in the hotel concierge lounge etc... We are fortunate she is considerate of others and strives to make folks happy and does not misbehave. We have been complimented by many folks when flying first class or business class on US to Australia flights about how well DD behaved. Same goes for her behavior in the concierge lounge in nice hotesl around the world. I tend to agree with the poster who sais the CC parents likely manage and have better behaved kids on the cruise than those causing all the problems.


Not knowing for sure what the kids did to get kicked off I assume it had to be something pretty bad. If they were ruining other folks cruises, damaging the reputation of RCCL, or putting any human on the ship at risk of injury or death, that should be dealt with. If dealing with the offensive family includes landing them on dry land in a remote port, so be it, if they read the RCCL policies before crusing they should know that it is a possible consequence of bad bahavior.


If you spot kids damaging the ship's property or causing problems that take away from someone enjoying their cruise report the incident to security or guest relations so it can be dealt with. They have a brig for bad kids and bad parents.

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On the subject of taking kids out of school to cruise. We did it every year of our daughter's (now 18) four years in High school and 3 out of 4 for our son (now 22). Why? Because we chose to cruise out of season when it is really affordable. Cruising was concentrated family time. Not only did they miss school for a cruise once a year but at some point in the school year took a sanity day to lay in bed and do nothing all day! With DS being a leader in his Scout troop, XO of his NJROTC unit, in honors classes and in and out of sports, plus very active in the church youth group and an alter server. DD played 6 yrs of volleyball, active in church both in choir and youth group also in Girl Scouts and took all honors classes. A cruise was much needed for both kids as well as the tired parents who attended all those activites and each worked, DH two jobs most of the time


Want to know the secret to good kids be a nosey parent. Go to their games, sports meets and be involved in their scout troops, youth groups or anything else they are involved in. Anything left out of their room, in laundry pockets or left up on the computer screen in the middle of the house is fair game to read just like the newspaper on the kitchen table. Know their friends parents and "gossip" about the kids. Above all put your spouse first in your life and and let the kids know they are always safe and loved.


My children would agree with the other poster if the Captain had ever asked to talk to me because of them misbehaving they would have begged him to be locked in the brig or landed (alone) rather than have to face us.


To a certain extent the old adage children should be seen and not heard has some merit!

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I'm a teacher and have taken my son out of school for cruises. First, we were on different tracks and there was no way I could vacation when he was off. Second, the whole cruise experience teaches our kids so much. They learn about different countries, languages, and people in general. Also, they have the opportunities to experience places around the world, learn how to eat in the dining room with the right behavior and right silverware, and experience all that the ship has to offer. Sadly, I also know of many stories at my school and others where the kids were out of control, and then the parents out of control defending their 'innocent' kids. I am sure that the parents on cruise critic are making the best choices for their families. Currently, my son is to busy with college to cruise with me anymore. My school is going to one track and instead of having the best months off for traveling (September, January, and May) I'll have July, November and March. :cool: Robin

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I took my 6 year old son out of school to cruise on Disney. He missed a week of 1st grade and has never been the same since. :rolleyes:


That's nothing


My parents had me circumcised when I was 8 days old and I couldn't walk for a year!

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On the subject of taking kids out of school to cruise. We did it every year of our daughter's (now 18) four years in High school and 3 out of 4 for our son (now 22). Why? Because we chose to cruise out of season when it is really affordable. Cruising was concentrated family time. Not only did they miss school for a cruise once a year but at some point in the school year took a sanity day to lay in bed and do nothing all day! With DS being a leader in his Scout troop, XO of his NJROTC unit, in honors classes and in and out of sports, plus very active in the church youth group and an alter server. DD played 6 yrs of volleyball, active in church both in choir and youth group also in Girl Scouts and took all honors classes. A cruise was much needed for both kids as well as the tired parents who attended all those activites and each worked, DH two jobs most of the time


Want to know the secret to good kids be a nosey parent. Go to their games, sports meets and be involved in their scout troops, youth groups or anything else they are involved in. Anything left out of their room, in laundry pockets or left up on the computer screen in the middle of the house is fair game to read just like the newspaper on the kitchen table. Know their friends parents and "gossip" about the kids. Above all put your spouse first in your life and and let the kids know they are always safe and loved.


My children would agree with the other poster if the Captain had ever asked to talk to me because of them misbehaving they would have begged him to be locked in the brig or landed (alone) rather than have to face us. I would hate to go face to face with my parents...I would rather be thrown overboard!!!


To a certain extent the old adage children should be seen and not heard has some merit!


Great...Great...advice. I grew up that way and am raising my children that way. :)

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Originally Posted by eetonaee viewpost.gif

That's nothing


My parents had me circumcised when I was 8 days old and I couldn't walk for a year!

And that was supposed to be funny? why?Dang Right it's Funny....Enjoy cause I have the Feeling your Kids are or will be the little pain in the Arse TYPE....

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This is getting a bit off the original topic, I suppose, but you have to realize that there are so many different school systems across the country with different holiday schedules, there are basically always some children out of school on just about any given week. There are also over a million home-schooled children in the US, and I expect most of those families vacation during off-peak times, because they can. So, sure, there are some parents who take their children out of school to go on vacation off-season, but you can't assume that about all the kids you see on a cruise, when you think they should be in school.


This is true......however I have heard people on this board say they take their kids out of school so they can cruise off season,


I have also talked to families on ship that have told me they took their kids out of school for the cruise. They use the excuse they thought it would be educational...........yet during the sea days the kid was in the pool and while in port we saw the family sitting in Senor Frogs most the afternoon!!! Duh.............


However I am sure it is not true of all............


We have met many wonderful well behaved kids on cruises. And we have seen many unruly ones


For those of you with young children who think they are always well behaved....you'd really be surprised. Wait till they grow up and feel comfortable telling you their stories of youth of things they did that you don't know about.......................LOL

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I Have Read All The Posts On This Thread From Page One.......and Nobody Has Posed The Question Why Children Should Not Run Amuck? Good For You Dave......it Is Not Safe!!! I Guess No One Seen The Investigative Show On W5 About Crimes On The High Seas.....where The 12 Yr Old Girl Was Supposedly Raped On Carnival By A Staff Member.....(so Where Were The Security Tapes Then)


My Point Is There Are All Kinds Of People Who Cruise ........why Should Cruising Be Unlike Any Other Vacation......would You Let Your Children Run Free In Mexico??? Don't Let The Fact That You Are Confined To A Ship Put You Into A False Sense Of Security.


We Cruised With Our Children 12 And 16 A Few Years Back......and Knew Where They Were At All Times...........the Best Feeling As A Parent Was When We Were Complimented Several Times By Staff As To How Well Mannered Our Boys Were.......and Yes I Did Give Myself A Pat On The Back......it's A Hard Job Being A Good Parent..;)


As Far As Education Went My Kids Swam With The Stingrays.....scuba Dived For The First Time..........got A First Hand Visit To A Pineapple Plantation And Seen How Hard The Locals Worked For So Little ..........so As Far As It Not Contributing To Their Education........it All Depends On What You Expose Them Too..........




Ps I Am Not Yelling

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I'm a teacher and have taken my son out of school for cruises. First, we were on different tracks and there was no way I could vacation when he was off. Second, the whole cruise experience teaches our kids so much. They learn about different countries, languages, and people in general. Also, they have the opportunities to experience places around the world, learn how to eat in the dining room with the right behavior and right silverware, and experience all that the ship has to offer. Sadly, I also know of many stories at my school and others where the kids were out of control, and then the parents out of control defending their 'innocent' kids. I am sure that the parents on cruise critic are making the best choices for their families. Currently, my son is to busy with college to cruise with me anymore. My school is going to one track and instead of having the best months off for traveling (September, January, and May) I'll have July, November and March. :cool: Robin


Couldn't they have gotten the same wonderful experience and learning while cruising when they were out of school. So was it not really a matter of the great learning for them but the price tag for you.


What do we teach kids by saying "You can miss school to go on a cruise" is this what hurts the work ethic of younger people today (not all) they call out when ever they feel like it to take trips or for "Down Days".


I was brought up to believe you had a job to do .... You did it. You took vacations and down time when it was given to you.

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