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Kicked Off Ship


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Why don't the cruise lines hire several "security guards" to patrol (in uniform) all night....When our high school band stays at hotels during marching season or our spring trips our directors (they usually get together w/other bands staying in the same hotel) hire a guard to walk the floors, all night.


Heck, give em' a free or discounted cruise and some good food and they probably wouldn't have to pay out much. :) Just think maybe if the "unruly" kids think they might run into a uniformed guard they might not do some of the things they do??:cool: Just a thought.

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If we were at the mall and he wanted to go on rides he was given appropriate warnings, and if he continued to misbehave we would leave the mall, even though I had not finished the errands I wanted to do. It only took a few of these teaching opportunities for him to learn.





Yep! I did this a few times when mine were young. It works!

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Not all parents may be doing the "noble and right thing" -


Similiarly not all adult pax cruising without kids are doing the "noble and right thing" -

  • Some adult pax talk about calling in sick or feigning a family emergency if their request for vacation at a certain time cannot be honored (I used to manage a group of 15 employees in the tax industry, and some of the "excuses" during tax season were quite transparent!) Never call out sick as I am a stay home care giver
  • Many adult pax post here about ways to smuggle alchol aboard in a blatent disregard for the rules. Don't' smuggle to scared of getting caught
  • Many adult-only pax discuss ways to try to get discounts or OBC to which they are not truely entitled. Never got an OBC credit unless offered with booking.

The list could go on and on but the point is (to paraphrase) . . . "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" I was not casting stones at anyone. I stated it doesn't matter if people take their kids or not and also said perhaps some parents are doing the right thing.


YOU don't know what any of these family's situations are. Don't be all smug about "I don't see any books" and don't generalize about never seeing the parents about. These things are true I have seen these kids, perhaps your's do not fall in this category as I stated I am sure some do the right thing but on your next cruise look around and see what I am talking about. I can tell you on our last cruise, my DD made friends with four other 12YO, and amongst the eight parents responsible for those five 12YO, someone was ALWAYS there. (If for no other reason than to protect their rights from kidless bully of a pax trying to cut in line or kick them out of a seat or venue where they had every right to be!)this line however on your part was totally uncalled for I did not say anything nasty in my statement above. Nor would I bully a child in any way. We have taken our children on many cruises with us and I do not have a problem with children being on a cruise.


You talk about me being snug and not throwing stones....perhaps you should follow your own advise.

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Why don't the cruise lines hire several "security guards" to patrol (in uniform) all night....When our high school band stays at hotels during marching season or our spring trips our directors (they usually get together w/other bands staying in the same hotel) hire a guard to walk the floors, all night.


Heck, give em' a free or discounted cruise and some good food and they probably wouldn't have to pay out much. :) Just think maybe if the "unruly" kids think they might run into a uniformed guard they might not do some of the things they do??:cool: Just a thought.


That is one of the best ideas I have read on this thread so far. Especially for the cruises where several hundred minors are traveling - a little security could go a long way! Just wondering - do they have security cameras throughout the ships?

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Personally I don't care if people take there kids out of school or not that is their business.


I will however say several people on these boards say they take their kids out of school because it is cheaper to cruise in off season.


Second a few have said they lie to the school as to why they take them out of school.


Third on the many cruises we have been on in off season we see dozens of kids and not once have we seen any with books in their hands they are either cutting up in the pool or in the arcade or running around the ship with their friends and Mom and Dad are no where to be seen. And even while in port we see them in places like Carlos and Charlies with Mom and Dad.


Perhaps some do take their kids and make the trip a learning experience and I am sure there are a few that have no other choice but to cruise during this time. And if that is the case then I don't see why they get so upset when a different position is pointed out.


If you have nothing to defend in your position why do you defend it. And lets be honest not all parents are doing the noble and right thing if they were we wouldn't have so many problems with young kids today.


Hey Diane!!:) Nicely said by the way. Here in metro Atlanta some counties are making it very difficult to take kids out of school for vacation. I heard on the local news about a year or two ago about one county making vacations unexcused absence as it should be. More schools should adopt this policy. When I was in school, my family did not take vacations other than the summer breaks when school was out.

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Hey Diane!!:) Nicely said by the way. Here in metro Atlanta some counties are making it very difficult to take kids out of school for vacation. I heard on the local news about a year or two ago about one county making vacations unexcused absence as it should be. More schools should adopt this policy. When I was in school, my family did not take vacations other than the summer breaks when school was out.



Maybe instead of security officers they should put Truant officers on the ship.


So how was the cruise? :D

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You talk about me being snug and not throwing stones....perhaps you should follow your own advise.


Wow, speaking of throwing stones! Weren't many of you posts regarding the fuel charge removed by Cruise Critic because they were mean and nasty towards other posters?

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Once again, a somewhat general thread gets co-oped into a diatrabe slamming kids. As many posters have attempted to point out adults as well as kids cause problems -- and those adults can and HAVE been tossed off cruises.


But, so many posters openly condemn the action of kids, and would like us to believe that they are all truants, all run wild and unsupervised, and live only to make the poster's cruise miserable. These posters would protest "oh no, not me -- I never said ALL kids were horrible!" but they jump onto nearly any thread to post their personal observations all of which seem to involve devil children and their horrible awful parents. Some of these posters even have cc names that at least appear to point out that they are not fond of children.


Try to point out that there are "bad" adult pax; that some of these bad adult pax's actions serve to disrupt the cruise experience of families and other pax; or that not all kids (and parent traveling with their kids) behave badly and their brillant response is that you are "rude".


These folks jump down parent poster's throats when the parent protests that their comments are anti kid. They 'claim' that they are talking about "other kids" not ALL kids and tell the parent to 'back off' -- but when a parent relates general anticdotes about adult pax behaving badly , their first response is "oh well that's not me!" (and then to on to relate another ditty about a bad experience they heard about that involved a kid).


Face it people -- there are a lot of different kinds of people in this world. Some will not behave in a manner in which you approve. Some will be old, some with be young, some may have blue eyes, some may have brown. Just because someone in a Ford truck cut you off in traffic does not mean everyone who drives a truck is evil. And even if you get some sick kick out of believing that everyone who drives a truck is evil (and that it is probably REALLY their parent's fault for letting them buy a pickup truck) -- that does not really make them all evil.

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Once again, a somewhat general thread gets co-oped into a diatrabe slamming kids. As many posters have attempted to point out adults as well as kids cause problems -- and those adults can and HAVE been tossed off cruises.


But, so many posters openly condemn the action of kids, and would like us to believe that they are all truants, all run wild and unsupervised, and live only to make the poster's cruise miserable. These posters would protest "oh no, not me -- I never said ALL kids were horrible!" but they jump onto nearly any thread to post their personal observations all of which seem to involve devil children and their horrible awful parents. Some of these posters even have cc names that at least appear to point out that they are not fond of children.


Try to point out that there are "bad" adult pax; that some of these bad adult pax's actions serve to disrupt the cruise experience of families and other pax; or that not all kids (and parent traveling with their kids) behave badly and their brillant response is that you are "rude".


These folks jump down parent poster's throats when the parent protests that their comments are anti kid. They 'claim' that they are talking about "other kids" not ALL kids and tell the parent to 'back off' -- but when a parent relates general anticdotes about adult pax behaving badly , their first response is "oh well that's not me!" (and then to on to relate another ditty about a bad experience they heard about that involved a kid).


Face it people -- there are a lot of different kinds of people in this world. Some will not behave in a manner in which you approve. Some will be old, some with be young, some may have blue eyes, some may have brown. Just because someone in a Ford truck cut you off in traffic does not mean everyone who drives a truck is evil. And even if you get some sick kick out of believing that everyone who drives a truck is evil (and that it is probably REALLY their parent's fault for letting them buy a pickup truck) -- that does not really make them all evil.


I took away from this that posters were slamming parents...not kids. I love being around well behaved children! You are correct they are not all evil and I am the first to compliment parents with well behaved children.

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I typically cruise during the so called "off season" and avoid major holidays. So when I cruise, the Adult/Kid ratio is like 10:1. And even in the "off season" kids tend to run in packs - 5 to 10 - and when I say run, that is usually what they are doing. Now also on the "off season" cruise, there will be one or two adults that "act-up". So during the summer / holiday cruises, when the Adult/Kid ratio can be as high as 1:1, are there MORE packs or BIGGER packs? And are there more adults that "act-up"? And is this because the kids are from the same mold (if the parents act-up, so do the kids, because of lack of supervision, or the "I don't care what the kids do, this is vacation" and/or "let them run as they please, this ain't our property")? This is how the parents act and so the kids do likewise? Or are there fewer adults "acting-up", since there are fewer adults on board?

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Once again, a somewhat general thread gets co-oped into a diatrabe slamming kids. As many posters have attempted to point out adults as well as kids cause problems -- and those adults can and HAVE been tossed off cruises.


But, so many posters openly condemn the action of kids, and would like us to believe that they are all truants, all run wild and unsupervised, and live only to make the poster's cruise miserable. These posters would protest "oh no, not me -- I never said ALL kids were horrible!" but they jump onto nearly any thread to post their personal observations all of which seem to involve devil children and their horrible awful parents. Some of these posters even have cc names that at least appear to point out that they are not fond of children.


Try to point out that there are "bad" adult pax; that some of these bad adult pax's actions serve to disrupt the cruise experience of families and other pax; or that not all kids (and parent traveling with their kids) behave badly and their brillant response is that you are "rude".


These folks jump down parent poster's throats when the parent protests that their comments are anti kid. They 'claim' that they are talking about "other kids" not ALL kids and tell the parent to 'back off' -- but when a parent relates general anticdotes about adult pax behaving badly , their first response is "oh well that's not me!" (and then to on to relate another ditty about a bad experience they heard about that involved a kid).


Face it people -- there are a lot of different kinds of people in this world. Some will not behave in a manner in which you approve. Some will be old, some with be young, some may have blue eyes, some may have brown. Just because someone in a Ford truck cut you off in traffic does not mean everyone who drives a truck is evil. And even if you get some sick kick out of believing that everyone who drives a truck is evil (and that it is probably REALLY their parent's fault for letting them buy a pickup truck) -- that does not really make them all evil.

And some of us have BLUE HAIR, oh the horror. Totally agree with your post.
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Sounds like another "not my kid" parent. For your sake (and all the other passangers on your future cruises), I hope you are right, but the chances of that are not in your favor.



Parents tend to hope and pray that their kids behave in an acceptable manner while out and about. My boys usually only give us, their parents a hard time. Must be the ages. As for worrying if our kids are going to bother or hinder another passengers vacation....No. My boys do have a little respect for others. We have my mother and my mother-in-law living in our home. My boys love on and help care for them. Are my boys perfect...far from it.


A "not my Kid Parent", not hardly. Pretty rude of you to conclude. As for the chances being in my favor, Only God knows that, and I trust in Him to make it happen. Not all kids are monsters.


I don't know if you have kids, if you do or did, I hope you are not speaking from experience. Your child years must have been horrible. If you do not have children...or haven't had any yet....give them a chance. You were a child once.


Once again, I would expect the cruiselines to ensure the safety of their passengers even if they are kicking them off the ship.

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I don't think there is an end in sight to the arguments on this thread. I have a bit of advice that I always tell my friends who don't have any children when they give me unsolicited "parenting advice" ----


I was a perfect parent BEFORE I had children. :)

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You are correct they are not all evil and I am the first to compliment parents with well behaved children.

Good for you, shawn&angie, and I mean that sincerely. I seem to be a magnet for ill-behaved kids in public places, such as restaurants. So when I see well behaved kids in public, I will go out of my way to compliment the parents on their kids' behavior and manners. It almost always "makes their day"!



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I was on this cruise and I thought Capt. Rob and his staff were great. The kids in our group had a great time in A. O. and they really enjoyed the staff. One adult member of our travelling group,of 30, was debarked in San Juan. He is an alocholic who was harassing other passengers, and stealing their drinks. He was brought back to his cabin twice by security the first night and then again the second night. After these incidents the staff and his family decided to to land him in San Juan where he was escorted off of the ship by security. I heard of the family being landed because of the breakfast menus, and of the young man tossing shuffelboard equipment off of the ship and two other families were debarked because their teen daughters were fighting in the disco. I know these incidents make it seem as the ship was overrun with kids but the only time I saw kids being unruly was late at night when they would gather in groups of 5-10 in the stairwells and they were loud and wouldn't move. Great cruise and good ship with some "minor" disturbances that were handeled by the Captain and crew.

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While we rarely do that, it would probably be very difficult for today's kids to do this unless they had their gadgets with them. Perhaps forcing them to put down the electronics and confront nature head-on would be educational. Teach them what it is to spend some time unplugged. Show them that nonstop music piped into their heads is not The World. The roar of the ocean is a music unto itself.


Don't generalize so much. My 14 year old son is: in honors classes since 4th grade, a runner, very fit (works out with me at the gym), taking ballroom dancing, a French student, has always been a classy dresser, and is a very popular kid in school. He loves cruising/traveling and loves formal dining as well as night runs on the cruise deck. He received numerous compliments on both his appearance and behavior, on both cruises, and I know that only served to reinforce what I have taught him. (Of course now he wants a tux!) We do not own a playstation or xbox, in fact we don't even have cable tv, and don't want it. He does play games on the computer (loves Runescape) but only when time permits. I don't take him out of school for vacationing, so we are restricted to summer cruising. This year I did not have time for a cruise so we flew to St. Thomas for a few days, and his favorite part was snorkeling the underwater park in Trunk Bay. While we do spend some time on the beaches, rarely are we just "sitting".


It has been a very easy road for me, this parenting thing. But I don't tolerate disrepect, either from my son or his friends, and when I say no, I stick to it. So please, "today's kids" is not really a fair term to use in that context.:o

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It amazes me to hear some parents speak of how their kids behave perfectly in public (to complete strangers) but in private they act out and disobey their parents. I can assure you that it is only a matter of time before your child begins to display those behaviors amongst the general population. If it is permitted and accepted at home then the behaviors will become the norm.


Bottom line is- if I had to excuse my childs' behavior as "they are ok amongst others but not with me" then I would NOT allow them the privilege of cruising.


Usually, adults that behave badly didn't just decide to start acting that way at 30+, they started at 14 and it just escalated from there.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!


I have never seen so many "perfect" parents who have no children in my life!:p


How do you know people making negative comments about the behavior on ship do not have children.


I have seen many kids (more the 9-17 age group) run a muck on ships. For all the parents on here saying my kids are well behaved...........how do they know unless they are with them all the time. I have seen to many running around without their parents. Usually only see them with parents at dinner or shore. Some parents feel that cruising is a safe enviroment to let the kids just run about as they please but it isn't always safe for them and some do tend to get in trouble.


For the record I have 4 children.

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